Toolkit Removing Board Members
Toolkit Removing Board Members
Toolkit Removing Board Members
Personal Intervention
One-to-one intervention by the board president or other board leadership
is a less formal solution to managing problem board members. If a board
member has failed to attend two meetings in a row, or has become an
impediment to the board's work, board presidents can meet informally with
the board member in question. Your chapter bylaws outline in what
specific cases a board member can be removed and why. In person or on
the telephone, the board president can request a resignation. From the
MPI chapter minimum bylaws:
Absences. Any elected Officer of Director who shall have been absent from two (2)
consecutive regular meetings of the Board of Directors without just cause as
determined by the Board of Directors shall automatically vacate the seat on the
Board and the vacancy shall be filled as provided by these Bylaws; however, the
Board shall consider each absence of an elected Officer or Director as separate
circumstance and may expressly waive such absence by a two-thirds (2/3) vote
of the members present at that meeting.
Leave of Absence
This solution is NOT contained in the MPI minimum bylaws but may be
added to your chapter bylaws if you desire. Make it possible for
individuals to take a leave of absence from the board if they have health,
work, or other reasons why they cannot participate fully during the current
term. A board member can maintain formal membership (but not, for
example, be included for purposes of determining a quorum) if he or she is
"on disability leave" or "taking a six months leave." Suggesting a leave of
absence to a board member who is, for example, failing to do tasks he or
she agreed to do, offers a gracious exit and allows the board to assign
tasks elsewhere.
Term Limits
There are term limits in your chapters minimum bylaws that limit the
number of terms a person can sit on the chapter board. After a year off the
board, an individual can once again be elected to the board. Proponents
feel that term limits provide a non-confrontational way to ease ineffective
board members off the board. From the MPI minimum bylaws:
Term of Office. Each elected officer shall take office July 1 and shall serve for a term of one (1)
year or until his/her successor is duly elected and installed. Each elected officer shall
serve concurrently as a member of the Board of Directors and as a member of the
Executive Committee.
Organizational by-laws should describe a process by which a board
member can be removed by vote, if necessary. For example, in some
organizations a board member can be removed by a two-thirds vote of the
board at a regularly scheduled board meeting.
From the MPI minimum chapter bylaws:
Vacancies-Removal. Vacancies in offices due to death, resignation, or other causes shall be
filled for the balance of the term by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at any
regular Special Meeting. The Board of Directors, at its discretion, may remove any
officer by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members of the Board.