PD Iso-Tr 26122 - 2008

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The document discusses work process analysis for records and how to analyze workflows and processes that create and manage records.

The document scope covers undertaking work process analysis to understand how an organization's business processes interact with its records and information.

The document defines terms related to work process analysis and records management including records, metadata, and workflows.


Information and
documentation Work
process analysis for

ICS 01.140.20



PD ISO/TR 26122:2008

National foreword
This Published Document is the UK implementation of ISO/TR 26122:2008.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee
IDT/2, Information and documentation, to Subcommittee IDT/2/17,
Archives/records management.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.

This Published Document was

published under the authority
of the Standards Policy and
Strategy Committee
on 31 July 2008

BSI 2008

ISBN 978 0 580 56775 9

Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication



PD ISO/TR 26122:2008


First edition

Information and documentation Work

process analysis for records
Information et documentation Analyse du processus des records

Reference number
ISO/TR 26122:2008(E)


PD ISO/TR 26122:2008



Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v

Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1

Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1

Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 2


Undertaking work process analysis ................................................................................................... 2

General................................................................................................................................................... 2
Records dimension of work process analysis .................................................................................. 3
Scope and scale of work process analysis........................................................................................ 3
Participants and validation .................................................................................................................. 4
Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................... 4


Contextual review ................................................................................................................................. 5

General................................................................................................................................................... 5
Outcomes of the contextual review .................................................................................................... 6


Functional analysis............................................................................................................................... 6
General................................................................................................................................................... 6
Analysis of the functions ..................................................................................................................... 7


Sequential analysis............................................................................................................................... 8
General................................................................................................................................................... 8
Identifying the sequence of transactions in a process................................................................... 10
Outcomes of the analysis of the sequence of transactions in a process..................................... 10
Identifying and analysing the variations to the process ................................................................ 10
Outcomes of the analysis of variations to the process .................................................................. 11
Establishing the rules governing the identified constituent transactions ................................... 11
Outcomes of the analysis of the rules base for transactions ........................................................ 12
Identifying the links to other processes........................................................................................... 12
Outcomes of the analysis of the links to other processes............................................................. 13


Validating the analysis of the work process with the participants................................................ 13

General................................................................................................................................................. 13
Validation process .............................................................................................................................. 14
Outcomes of the validation with the participants ........................................................................... 14

Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 15


PD ISO/TR 26122:2008

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
In exceptional circumstances, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that
which is normally published as an International Standard (state of the art, for example), it may decide by a
simple majority vote of its participating members to publish a Technical Report. A Technical Report is entirely
informative in nature and does not have to be reviewed until the data it provides are considered to be no
longer valid or useful.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/TR 26122 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation,
Subcommittee SC 11, Archives/records management.


PD ISO/TR 26122:2008

All organizations, regardless of their size or the nature of their business, exist and act to achieve certain goals
and objectives. To realize its own specific goals and objectives, each organization will determine and apply
appropriate work processes which constitute the organization's business.
Every organization generates records from its work processes. These records constitute evidence of the
organization's goals and objectives, of its decisions and of its transactions. To fully understand these
business records, it is necessary to understand the work processes that generated them. This understanding
can also be used to identify the records that should be generated from work processes and to manage them
through time as assets of the organization.
Work process analysis for records is undertaken to determine the requirements for records creation, capture
and control. It describes and analyses what happens in a function in a specific business context. It cannot take
place in the abstract but is dependent on accurate information gathering and a well-grounded understanding
of the organization's context and mission.
This Technical Report is intended for:

records professionals (or persons assigned within an organization for managing records) responsible for
creating and managing records in either a business system or dedicated records application software;

system/business analysts responsible for designing business processes and/or systems that will create or
manage records.

For the purposes of this Technical Report, work process analysis involves identifying:

the relationship between work processes and their business context;


the relationship between work processes and the rules governing their application (as derived from the
relevant regulatory environment);


the hierarchical decomposition of work processes into their component or constituent parts; and


the sequential interdependence between discrete work processes or single transactions

Analysis of work processes for the purposes of creation and control of records serves to:

provide a clear identification of records creation requirements, facilitating automatic capture and
management of records as the work is performed; and

define business contextual links between records, and thereby lead to their logical arrangement and
grouping, thus ensuring clear documentation of work processes and facilitating retrieval, retention and
disposition of the records based on knowledge of the business.

Work process analysis supports the integration of the capture of records as the work is undertaken.
Processing orders and accounts, payment of wages, managing assets, stock control or quality assurance
systems and contract management are examples of work processes in which the creation of records is
normally integrated with processing the transactions. Integrating records processes into automation protocols
applied to work processes will ensure that organizations' records are created, captured and controlled
systematically in their business systems.


PD ISO/TR 26122:2008

Information and documentation Work process analysis for



This Technical Report provides guidance on work process analysis from the perspective of the creation,
capture and control of records.
It identifies two types of analyses, namely

functional analysis (decomposition of functions into processes), and


sequential analysis (investigation of the flow of transactions).

Each analysis entails a preliminary review of context (i.e. mandate and regulatory environment) appropriate
for the analysis. The components of the analysis can be undertaken in various combinations and in a different
order from that described here, depending on the nature of the task, the scale of the project, and the purpose
of the analysis. Guidance provided in the form of lists of questions/matters to be considered under each
element of the analysis is also included.
This Technical Report describes a practical application of the theory outlined in ISO 15489. As such, it is
independent of technology (i.e. can be applied regardless of the technological environment), although it can
be used to assess the adequacy of technical tools that support an organization's work processes.
This Technical Report focuses on existing work processes rather than on facilitating workflow (i.e. the
automation of a business process in whole or part, during which documents, information or tasks are passed
from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules as outlined in Reference [1] of
the Bibliography).

Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 15489-1:2001, Information and documentation Records management Part 1: General
ISO/TR 15489-2:2001, Information and documentation Records management Part 2: Guidelines
ISO 23081-1:2006, Information and documentation Records management processes Metadata for
records Part 1: Principles
ISO/TS 23081-2:2007, Information and documentation Records management processes Metadata for
records Part 2: Conceptual and implementation issues

PD ISO/TR 26122:2008

Terms and definitions

For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 15489-1 and ISO 15489-2,
ISO 23081-1 and ISO 23081-2, and the following apply.
collection of documents describing operations, instructions, decisions, procedures and business rules related
to a given function, process or transaction
functional analysis
grouping together of all the processes undertaken to achieve a specific, strategic, goal of an organization,
which uncovers relationships between functions, processes and transactions which have implications for
managing records
series of transactions connected by the requirement that undertaking a later transaction is dependent on
completing earlier transactions
sequential analysis
sequential analysis maps a business process in a linear and/or chronological sequence which reveals the
dependent relationships between the constituent transactions
smallest unit of a work process consisting of an exchange between two or more participants or systems
work process
work process is one or more sequences of transactions required to produce an outcome that complies with
governing rules


Undertaking work process analysis


Work process analysis for records is employed to gather information about the transactions, processes and
functions of an organization to identify the requirements of records creation, capture and control.
There are two approaches to undertaking work process analysis:




Before selecting either analysis or a combination, the purpose of the records project, the scope and scale of
the project and the organizational context (contextual review, see Clause 5) of the work to be analysed needs
to be determined.

PD ISO/TR 26122:2008


Records dimension of work process analysis

Work process analysis is the foundation needed for the following processes used for creation, capture and
control of records:

identification of records requirements to document a function or other aggregates of processes;


development of function-based classification schemes for identification, location and linking of related


maintenance of links between records and the context of their creation;


development of naming and indexing rules and conventions to ensure maintenance of identification of
records over time;


identification of ownership of records over time;


determination of appropriate retention periods for records and development of records disposition


analysis of risk management in records system context;


determination of appropriate security protection for records and development of access permissions and
security levels.


Scope and scale of work process analysis

The two analyses may be undertaken in various combinations and scaled depending upon the scope of the
task. The analysis can be scaled to meet various requirements, i.e. from a comprehensive identification and
analysis of all functions of an organization down to the micro-level analysis of a particular process in a single
business unit. The scale and level of detail used will depend on the organization's risk assessment and the
purpose of the records management task.
Functional analysis uses a top-down analytical method which begins with organizational goals and strategies
and may descend to the analysis of transactions. It can be used across more than one organization (within
one or more jurisdictions), within one organization, or one division of an organization responsible for a function.
Sequential analysis can be scaled to analyse processes across a whole organization, across one or more
organizations, (within one or more jurisdictions), or within a division, or a single business unit. It can be used
to analyse an aggregate of processes, the transactions which make up a single process, or a single
transaction down to the keystrokes, depending on the purpose of the analysis.
For the purposes of this Technical Report, the hierarchy of terms defined in Table 1 is used.
Many jurisdictions use different terms to designate the logical levels of analysis of a function. In some cases,
jurisdictions or organizations can choose to identify different or additional levels in the decomposition of function to
transaction. Both the number of levels, and points at which they are identified, depend on jurisdictional practice and on the
scope and scale of the work process analysis project itself. Terms such as sub-function, activity and action can be
used but have not been employed in this Technical Report in part to facilitate implementation.

PD ISO/TR 26122:2008

Table 1 Hierarchy of terms



Example 1
(in a university)

Example 2
(in a medical practice)


ISO/TS 23081-2:2007 Research

Patient services

Aggregate of

This Technical Report Funding of research

Examination, diagnosis and

treatment of patients


ISO/TS 23081-2:2007 Approval of research grant


Examination of a patient


ISO/TS 23081-2:2007 Submitting an application for a

research grant

Providing a prescription for drugs

for a patient

Functional analysis will be emphasized when developing a function-based classification scheme for a whole
organization, particularly to identify the higher levels of the scheme. Sequential analysis will be emphasized
when resolving issues of records creation, capture and control in a single process or a single business unit of
an organization.
When undertaking work process analysis for a specific records project, the following questions should be
Is the records project concerned with

a single transaction in a process?


a single process in a business unit?


a number of related processes (an aggregate of processes) in a division of an organization?


a whole function as it is executed across one or more organizations?


a functional analysis of the whole organization?


Participants and validation

Work process analysis for the purposes of creation, capture and control of records is specific. It describes and
analyses processes taking place in organizations in real time and is dependent on accurate information
gathering. The participants in the work process are a key source of that information and an important
reference for validation of its accuracy.
Reviewing the role of participants in a process (for example, from job descriptions) also facilitates work
process analysis. The nature of their participation (for example, advice and guidance, authorization,
processing, evaluation, audit) can indicate steps in the process as well as the point at which the steps are
Validation is key to the success of work process analysis, to gain acceptance of the findings of the analysis
and collaboration in implementing recommendations. Validation depends upon participants' confirming that
the findings of the analysis are comprehensive, accurate and reliable.



The head of an organization is responsible for the performance of the organization and for how the
organization undertakes its business and conducts its work processes.
Responsibility for records arising from work processes rests primarily with the manager delegated with the
operational responsibility and accountability for the business being undertaken. Adequate records are
essential to enabling the accountability, risk management and monitoring aspects of managers'

PD ISO/TR 26122:2008

Responsibility for records arising from any specific work process includes the documentation of the business
rules, procedures and guidelines which govern that process. Maintenance and updating of documentation of
the business rules and procedures specific to a work process is a managerial responsibility. Establishing
procedures that ensure the work process analysis is updated when there are major changes in a work process
is likewise a managerial responsibility.
Individuals in an organization have different roles and responsibilities over time which should be tracked as
part of the contextual information necessary for ensuring the records arising from the work processes they
undertake remain meaningful.


Contextual review

All work process analysis should start with a review of the context within which the organization conducts its
business, i.e. a review of the regulatory environment, and of the organizational context in which the work
processes take place.
For further guidance when undertaking contextual review, see ISO 15489-1:2001, Clause 5, 8.4 a) to 8.4 c) as
well as ISO/TR 15489-2:2001, 3.2.

The regulatory environment within which an organization operates consists of the international and national
legislation which impacts on the way an organization conducts its business, the business rules, mandatory
standards, voluntary codes, agreements, practices, and community expectations, etc. with which the
organization should comply. The hierarchy of elements involved in reviewing the regulatory environment

statue and case law and regulations governing the sector-specific and general business environment;


mandatory standards of practice;


voluntary codes of best practice;


codes of conduct and ethics;


identifiable expectations of the community;


domain or organization policy directives; and


organization rules and procedures.

For public sector organizations, legislation or policy sets out expectations regarding the functions and
processes to be undertaken by a particular organization. For non-public sector organizations, these
expectations will be articulated in a business prospectus, mission statement or constitution that indicates what
the organization is constituted to do or accomplish.
A review of the organizational context locates work processes within, or across one or more organizations. It
establishes the architecture of the function or process (e.g. whether centralized or decentralized) and the
accountabilities for the performance of the function or processes. It identifies the framework for situating
functions, processes and individual transactions within an organization, and for defining how they relate to one
another, an exercise that achieves precision through functional and sequential analysis (see Clauses 6 and 7).
When undertaking work process analysis, contextual review should accurately reflect, at the highest level, the
regulatory environment and organizational context that authorizes the work process. If the scope of work
process analysis is limited to a specific process, the scope of the contextual review should extend only to the
specific policies, procedures or rules which govern that specific process. Conversely, if the scope of the work
process analysis encompasses an entire function, the scope of the corresponding contextual review should
extend to all elements of the related regulatory environment and organizational context.

PD ISO/TR 26122:2008

Table 2 lists a number of questions to ask when undertaking a contextual review.

Table 2 Contextual review



What legislation or mission statement specifically governs the work process being reviewed?

What other legal requirements have an impact upon or influence the function or process?

Are there mandatory standards or regulations with which the function or process is required to comply?

Are there organizational rules, codes of practice or conduct relevant to the function or process(es)?

What are the specific procedures which govern the process(es)?

What community expectations might impact on or influence a function or process(es)?

Where are the processes located in the organization (i.e. centralized or decentralized, across more than
one organization, across more than one jurisdiction)?

To whom is the manager responsible for the process(es) accountable, and for what key outcomes?

Which participants in the organization(s) are involved in the process(es) and where are they located?

Outcomes of the contextual review

The principal elements of the regulatory environment and organizational context, in relation to the work
process, being analysed, are identified and documented. This provides the foundation for undertaking
functional and sequential analysis.


Functional analysis

Functions are identified in relation to the goals of the organization. They may be defined as processes
grouped together because they are directed to a specific strategic goal. Functions should generally be
exclusive categories and should be represented once only in the analysis even though their constituent
processes may be performed in several parts of the organization.
There can be several hierarchical layers within this grouping, depending on how jurisdictions or organizations
choose to break down functions. These layers can be called sub-functions, activities, actions, etc., but in this Technical
Report they are named collectively aggregates of processes.

Functional analysis is a top-down form of analysis starting with the strategic goals and purpose of an
organization, identifying the programs, projects and processes employed to achieve them and breaking those
programs, projects and processes down to the level appropriate to reveal the relationships between them.
It is recommended that functional analysis be undertaken independently of the organizational structure, as the
function may be exercised in more than one location within, or across one or more organizations.

PD ISO/TR 26122:2008


Analysis of the functions


Basic steps of functional analysis

The basic steps for undertaking functional analysis include the following.
a) Identification of the goals and strategies of the organization.
The identification of the goals and general strategies of an organization typically draws upon the
contextual review and the establishing instruments of the organization, its public reports (annual reports,
strategic planning documents, annual accounts) and internal planning and budget documentation such as
the corporate plan (see Clause 5). Any existing documentation providing an analysis of the organization's
function(s) should also be consulted.
b) Determination of the functions of the organization by which these goals are achieved.
Functions are identified by grouping the processes directed to each specific goal. Determining the
functions of an organization is a two-way task, analysing from the top down the goals of the organization
and researching and analysing the processes to group them in relation to the goals and strategies.
c) Identification of the processes of the organization which constitute these functions.
All processes should be accounted for when undertaking a functional analysis of the whole of an
organization. Processes, unlike functions, may recur in the analysis, because the same processes can be
performed in several parts of the organization, or across more than one organization and/or because the
same types of processes are found in different functions. For example, planning, budget development,
management of project records and information, implementation and post-implementation evaluation of a
project, are generic processes which will appear in analyses of most business projects relating to different
functions. These generic processes are distinguished from one another by their specific business context
or functional association, e.g. personnel managementplanning versus finance managementplanning.
Processes, which are specific to the function, are described with terms which are likewise specific: e.g.
property leasing (in an organization with properties for rental) or employment placement (in an
employment agency). Gathering information and analysing the processes may draw on sequential
analysis to identify the transactions making up the processes.
d) Analysis of all the constituent elements of the processes to identify the transactions which constitute each
A detailed analysis of information, and resources needed for the execution of transactions typically draws
upon the sequential analysis (see Clause 7).
The level down to which the functional analysis goes depends on the task. For example, for records
classification or disposition purposes the analysis should identify all individual processes constituting a single
function. For records control purposes, it should go down to the individual transaction, or to the point at which
records creation takes place.
Table 3 lists a number of questions to ask when identifying functions, processes and transactions.

PD ISO/TR 26122:2008

Table 3 Identifying functions, processes and transactions




What are the operational functions of the organization (i.e. those that meet the unique objectives of the

What are the administrative functions of the organization that support the delivery of the operational

How are the operational and administrative functions related to one another and to the structure of the

Who are the participants involved with the performance of the operational and administrative functions
and where in the structure are they situated?

Is a function or a significant group of processes undertaken by more than one organization in the same
or different jurisdiction?

Has a function or a significant group of processes been outsourced to another organization?

What are the main processes which constitute each operational and administrative function?

How are these processes related to each other?

What are the constituent transactions of each process?

Outcomes of the analysis of the functions

For a functions-based classification scheme or for determining aggregations of records for disposition, a
representational model of the organization's processes which displays both the hierarchical relationships
between processes and functions and the relationships between the processes is developed and documented.
To support the development of a thesaurus, naming conventions or indexing rules, documentation of the
hierarchy of functions, processes and transactions is produced.


Sequential analysis

7.1.1 Sequential analysis identifies and maps the sequence(s) of transactions of a work process and their
linkages/dependencies on other processes. It aims to account for every step in a work process and generally
provides a chronological timeline of those steps. Identifying what is happening in the process is the foundation
of sequential analysis. The aim of mapping a process is to determine the sequence of steps, i.e. what has to
be accomplished at each step before the next transaction can occur.
When a process operates through several simultaneous sequences (parallel processes), the sequential
analysis brings these back into a logical sequence at the point where they converge. Where more than one
sequence occurs in the process, the mapping should identify both the point at which multiple sequences
converge, and the sequences which are required to be completed before others can be undertaken. Each
constituent transaction should be identified as a separate step.
Sequential analysis works on a smaller scale than functional analysis, i.e. at the transactional level. It is
workplace-and time-specific.
Sequential analysis of the work process establishes

the routine performance of the process,


the most frequent variations, and


the identification of other variations (less frequent or exceptions) which require non-standard
(unusual/non-routine) intervention.

PD ISO/TR 26122:2008

For established work processes sequential analysis compares existing chronological sequences against
requirements identified during the contextual review. For the design of new work processes sequential
analysis provides the opportunity to document transactions in relation to their contextual rules.
7.1.2 Sequential analysis can be applied to work processes that produce records that are filed as
correspondence- or case-files, and the analysis may be used for the handling of these records and processes
in design of templates and standard routes for tasks. This has the potential for the development of office
automation systems, for example, using workflows which integrate the management of records with the work
tasks. Hence the sequential analysis should

identify the triggers for creating the records of the transactions,


link transactions with organizational authorities (i.e. authorized officials within the organization and/or
documentary authorities, e.g. legislation, policies),


establish what data about the transactions performed by the work process are created, modified and
maintained, and


determine the content and metadata elements of the record needed for documenting completed


The principal elements in a sequential analysis are as follows:


identify the sequence of transactions which constitute a process,


identify and to analyse the variations to the process,


establish the rules base for the identified constituent transactions, and


identify the links to other processes and systems.

The order in which the elements are undertaken depends on the nature of the task. Any existing
documentation providing an analysis of an organization's sequences of transactions should be consulted.
Most work consists of a number of processes which are interdependent, i.e. they require inputs from one
process and produce outputs for another, they should be completed before the next process can start, or they
draw data, authorization or materials from pre-existing sources. In some cases, there is total interdependence
between steps in a process, insofar as that one step cannot begin before another is finished. For example, a
step that involves delivering an instance of staff training cannot take place before the content of the training
has been developed.
In other cases, the sequential dependency may only be partial. For example, determining staff training
logistics (e.g. fixing the date and location of the training) could begin before development of the training
content is completed. In other words, although a particular step in a process (step B) may depend upon
another step in the process (step A), work on step B could begin before step A is finished.

PD ISO/TR 26122:2008


Identifying the sequence of transactions in a process

The first step is to map the sequence of transactions in each process at the appropriate scale.
Table 4 lists a number of questions that should be asked to identify the sequence of transactions for each
Table 4 Identification of the sequence of transactions



What initiates the sequence and how is it recorded?

What information and other resources are required to start the sequence?

Where do the information and other resources come from?

What triggers the successive transactions?

How do the participants know each transaction has been completed?

Are there parallel sequences at any point of the process?

If so, where do the parallel sequences converge?

What are the key conditions, which should be met to authorize the sequence?

How and where are the decisions and transactions recorded, as the sequence unfolds?


What concludes the sequence and how is it recorded?

Outcomes of the analysis of the sequence of transactions in a process


The initial sequential analysis identifies and documents:


the basic or routine pattern of transactions in the process,


the records creation processes, and


the critical transactions which are required to be completed before the subsequent transaction can occur.

7.3.2 The sequential analysis identifies and documents the dependencies of the work process, which
include the inputs from other processes whether information or other resources, such as

information about the delegations of authority,


formalized procedures which identify points of records creation, capture and completion,


identification of metadata elements, and


auditing or monitoring processes which require recorded evidence.


Identifying and analysing the variations to the process

Many processes consist of a routine pattern and variations, which occur when changes to key elements force
change on the routine. It is necessary to identify the variations, and why they occur, to ensure the system for
managing records also captures them. This element of work process analysis is critical to appraisal of the
work processes to determine records capture requirements.


PD ISO/TR 26122:2008

Table 5 lists a number of questions to be asked to identify and analyse variations to the process.
Table 5 Identification and analysis of variations to the process



What conditions are attached to authorizing and/or completing the sequence of transactions?

What happens if the conditions are not met?

What are the procedures that identify these conditions and any variations to them?

Which participant initiates or triggers the variation to the process?

Who authorizes the transactions?

What happens if the authorizer is not available?

What happens if any of the information and other resources and systems needed to perform the process
are not available?

If the work process needs to be re-routed, where does it go?

Are there other ways of performing the sequence of transactions which are sometimes used, and if so


What events can prevent the process from following its routine pattern?


What is the response?


Are there established contingency procedures covering situations where something goes wrong?


Who is accountable for dealing with breakdowns in the process or complaints about the performance?


What information or records are generated, stored or transferred to other processes if there are
variations in the sequence of transactions?

Outcomes of the analysis of variations to the process

The analysis identifies and documents the common variations of the routine process.
Analysis of the routine process and variations can be used to develop a template for the normal sequence and
the most common variations. The creation and capture of the records of the process can be built into the
template. The records of the individual transactions of the process need to be assessed to ensure they remain
meaningful as they move through the sequence, particularly if the route takes the process and the records
beyond its originating business unit.
Operation in a purely electronic environment depends on systematically recording the identities of the users of
the organization's systems on one hand, and on the other, recording the roles with their delegated powers and
user permissions in the specific system. Control of the records generated by the process needs to take into
account the need to record changes to the users, synchronized with the record of changes to the roles over


Establishing the rules governing the identified constituent transactions

After the sequence of transactions has been mapped, the reasons for each step should be documented.
These can vary from reference to legislation, to organizational procedure manuals, local practices and audit
requirements through to the requirements of the computer application being used.
The reasons for each step should be documented from a number of sources as follows.

The organization's existing procedures should be consulted.


The participants in the process should be interviewed.


PD ISO/TR 26122:2008


The manager or supervisor who is responsible or accountable for the process should be identified and


If forms are employed to structure a process, each element of the form(s) should be analysed to establish
its purpose.


The audit trails should be analysed to identify their contribution to the sequence.


The legal requirements specific to the process should be examined to document the corresponding
elements of the process and identify any gaps.

Table 6 lists a number of questions that may need to be asked to establish the rules base.
Table 6 Establishment of the procedural rules governing the sequence of transactions



Which transactions are included to comply with the regulatory requirements?

Which transactions are determined by the means of the process (technology deployed, physical and
organizational arrangements)?

Which transactions are taken to access the information necessary for the process?

Which transactions are needed to get and record authorization and completion?

What are the transactions for monitoring progress and outcomes?

Outcomes of the analysis of the rules base for transactions

All the rules are documented in the authorized, organizational procedures.

This element of the analysis uncovers the evidentiary requirements of the work process, which are essential to
appraisal. Where records capture has been integrated into the work process, the reason for each transaction
should be identifiable from the record created, e.g. whether it is an authorization, verification, a performance
indicator or sign-off to complete a sequence of transactions.
Where records capture is a separate step in the process, the reason for the constituent transactions needs to
be recorded in the formal procedural documentation of the process. This element of the analysis identifies
gaps in the capture of evidence for the process, which should be addressed in a review of the records capture


Identifying the links to other processes

This element of the analysis identifies the inputs used by the work process, the participants, the information,
or other resources, the technologies and the timeframes. The analysis moves beyond the specific process to
examine its connections to other processes (within the organization or across one or more organizations) by
which the inputs are provided to it, and by which it delivers its output to the organization. To do this, it draws
on elements from the functional analysis as it identifies links to other work processes, and identifies the impact
of this process elsewhere in the organization. This analysis supports accurate costing of the process to the


PD ISO/TR 26122:2008

Table 7 lists a number of questions that may need to be asked to identify links to other processes.
Table 7 Identification of the links to other processes



Does this process require input from other processes?

If input is needed, what is its nature (information or other resources)?

What records or other information sources are accessed to undertake this process and how are they
modified by the process?

Does the process involve more than one business unit, organization or jurisdiction?

If so, how does the process involve other business units, organizations or jurisdictions?

Does this process produce output that is required by other processes? If so, what is the nature of the

Does this process modify records or information/data? If so, what is the nature of the modification?

What information or records are generated, stored or transferred to other processes? Where are they

What other use is made of the records or information generated by this process?

Outcomes of the analysis of the links to other processes

The relationships between the specific work process being analysed and the rest of the organization(s),
specifically the inputs required from other processes/systems, the outputs from and the records of this process
are identified and documented.
This element of sequential analysis is critical to



the identification of aggregations of records for disposition,


the development of business classification schemes,


the identification of redundancies/duplication of records generated as part of the processes, and


the development of metadata schema.

Validating the analysis of the work process with the participants



Validation should confirm that the analysis is complete, that the functional analysis accounts for all the
relevant processes, that the grouping of processes can be verified and that all links between processes have
been documented.
To ensure that the data gathering and recording have been accurate it is important to validate the analysis of
the work process with the participants. As a check on its validity it should be scrutinized first by the
participants who provided the information and then verified by others who also perform these duties or similar
ones elsewhere in the organization. Where appropriate, the process, or elements of it, may be performed in
real time to provide additional verification of the accuracy of the information gathered. Validation is intended to
be a confirmation of the work sequences and transactions, and assumes that the organization has already
accomplished the optimization of its business processes.


PD ISO/TR 26122:2008

Planning work process analysis, should include determinations about how, when and from whom validation
should be obtained.


Validation process

Table 8 lists questions to be asked to validate the analysis.

Table 8 Validation of the analysis of the work process with the participants



Are all necessary transactions in the process included?

Are the documented reasons for each transaction accurate?

Is the sequence of transactions and their relationship described accurately?

Are the variations to sequences identified and documented?

Are all processes that constitute the function(s) identified and documented?

Are the links between processes accurately identified and documented?

Is the context within which the organization conducts its work process accurately identified and

Do the descriptions and terminology used reflect organizational usage so they can be understood

Outcomes of the validation with the participants

At the conclusion of the validation process, the documentation produced during the analysis is signed off at
the appropriate level of management to stand as the basis for whatever records actions the analysis is used to
support. Whatever mix of elements or type of analysis is undertaken, validation of the analysis with the
participants is a vital, concluding step.
On completion of the project, all work process analysis documentation, including diagrams and models, is
A summary report consisting of findings, recommendations, and action plan for implementation is prepared for
the appropriate business managers and records staff of the organization.


PD ISO/TR 26122:2008



WFMC-TC-1011, Workflow Management Coalition, Terminology and Glossary, Issue 3.0, 1999



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