GreenRoofs and UHI
GreenRoofs and UHI
GreenRoofs and UHI
Surekha Tetali
temperature. The model was calibrated with the measured temperatures. To study the affect of green
roof on UHI, the green roof coverage was increased to 50% of the entire city. This resulted in a reduction
of the peak near surface air temperature by 0.8 0F at 3pm in NYC. The daily average temperature of the
New York city and 6 neighboring regions studied decreased as well (range of decrease=0.4-1.1 0F).
In a study conducted by Chen et al. (Chen et al. 2009), CSCRC (coupled simulations of
convection, radiation, and conduction) was performed on two urban areas in Tokyo. Surface
temperatures, heat flux, mean air temperatures, and mean impact index (an index developed by the
authors to show the temperature rise at various points considered in the study) were studied for both
the locations. The study considered heat gain from building envelope, air conditioning, and traffic. The
ambient air temperature was measured at 1.5m from the road level to study the thermal environment
around the pedestrians. The results shows that, in Otemanchi, which is high rise business district, the
thermal conditions in the urban canyon weren't much affected by the roof material. However, the mean
air temperature (MRT) was 0.2 0C lower than the MRT when the heat from traffic is considered. In case
of Kayobashi, which is a medium rise business district, the MRT in the urban canyon is slightly lower
(0.01 0C) when the roofs were green, and 0.37 0C lower when the heat from traffic is considered. Thus,
according to this study, green roof on a low rise building might have a better impact on temperatures in
urban canyon.
Smith and Roebber (Smith and Roebber 2011) used Weather Research and Forecasting model
coupled with a urban canopy model to simulate the local atmosphere of Chicago. The model was
calibrated to the observed temperatures on a heat wave day. To study the affect of green roof, all roof
tops in the urban domain were changed to green roofs. This resulted in a decrease of about 30C in
temperature compared to the base run. However, the study simulated green roof indirectly by just
changing the roof albedo to 0.8, thus effectively simulating a white roof. The affect of moisture,
roughness, thermal inertia etc. are ignored. Including these affects can lower the temperature decrease.
Green roofs add moisture to the atmosphere through transpiration. This could increase the apparent
temperature as well.
Sailor and Dietsch (Sailor and Dietsch 2007) use regional climate model MM5 for 20 cities across
US to study the affect of green roof in mitigating the UHI using similar method as (Rosenzweig, Solecki,
and Slosberg 2006). However, green roofs are simulated indirectly by increasing roof albedo, moisture
availability, roughness, and thermal inertia of a regular roof. It is observed that increasing green roof
cover to 10% of the city can lower the temperature by 0.22 - 0.58 0C in different cities.
The extent to which a green roof in lowers the ambient temperature at a building level depends
upon several factors, for example, the Leaf Area Index (LAI) (Kumar and Kaushik 2005, Takebayashi and
Moriyama 2007), climatic conditions (temperature, wind, humidity) (Jim and He 2010, Tsang and Jim
2011). As the performance of green roof changes at local level, it can change the extent to which green
roof can mitigate UHI at city level as well. The different computational models in different cities with
their own unique urban landscape and weather reviewed in this summary show that green roofs can
mitigate UHI. Moreover, the cited references show that green roof on a low rise building might have a
better impact on temperatures in urban canyon.
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