A Comprehensive Look at The Acid Number Test PDF
A Comprehensive Look at The Acid Number Test PDF
A Comprehensive Look at The Acid Number Test PDF
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Once these questions are answered, a better understanding of how to use AN results will be
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5/20/2015 10:10 AM
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Objectives of Measuring AN
AN is the measure of acid concentration in a nonaqueous solution. It is determined by the
amount of potassium hydroxide (KOH) base required to neutralize the acid in one gram of an oil
sample. The standard unit of measure is mg KOH/g. AN does not represent the absolute acid
concentration of the oil sample. The AN measurement detects both weak organic acids and
strong inorganic acids. A change in the acid concentration of an oil can originate from multiple
sources. Acidic contaminants, wrong oil, alkaline-reserve depletion and oxidation by-products
can cause an increase in acid concentration. Table 1 lists common acids that can be detected.
Understanding the extent of additive depletion is key in determining the RUL of an oil. Some
additives are weakly acidic and can elevate the oil's initial AN. As the lubricant ages these
additives deplete, thereby reducing the acidity created by the additives. The common antiwear
additive, zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate (ZDDP), produces certain AN trends during lubricant
aging. Concurrently, the oil is possibly being contaminated with acidic constituents, increasing
the acid content in the oil. The combined effects of additive depletion, acidic contamination and
other acidic-affecting events create a challenge in determining what the AN represents. Figure
1 shows the underlying components that affect the AN during lubricant aging. It can be seen
that during an induction period the antioxidant additives are depleting; once these additives are
depleted, the base oil begins to oxidize if the stressing conditions are sufficiently high. By
trending the AN, this increase can be detected.
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Table 2 lists the current ASTM standard test methods for determining AN. Each test has been
designed for specific purposes, with ASTM D664 and ASTM D974 being the two most commonly
used tests. ASTM D1534 and ASTM D3339 are similar versions of D974, used for special cases.
AN tests can be broken up into two titration categories: potentiometric or colorimetric. The
potentiometric method uses a potentiometer to detect the acidic constituents and coverts it to
an electronic read out. The output is plotted and analyzed to determine the inflection of the test
method. The colorimetric method uses paranaphthol-benzene, which responds to a change in
the pH indicator that has been added to the solution. Once the acidic constituents have been
neutralized by the KOH, the sample will change from orange to blue-green, indicating the end
ASTM D664 measures acidic constituents by using a potentiometer to determine an end point.
This method can be used to measure both AN and SAN. To prepare the sample a mixture of
toluene, isopropyl alcohol and water is dissolved into a sample. Potassium hydroxide is then
titrated into the solution using a burette. The potentiometer output is monitored while the KOH
is titrated into the solution. If the inflection is indistinguishable, the buffer potential will be
considered the AN. The inflection point is commonly used on new oil; however, for used oils the
inflection may become indistinguishable requiring the use of the buffer potential as the end
ASTM D974 is the measure of acidic constituents using a color change to indicate the
inflection. The sample is dissolved into a solution of toluene, p-naphtholbenzne, and isopropyl
alcohol containing water. The solution is titrated with KOH while the color is monitored. This
test is used on new oils and oils that are not excessively dark.
ASTM D1534 is similar to ASTM D974 in that they both use a color change to indicate the end
point. ASTM D1534 is designed for electric insulating oils (transformer oils), where the viscosity
will not exceed 24 cSt at 40C. The standard range of applications is for oils with an AN
between 0.05 mg KOH/g and 0.50 mg KOH/g, which is applicable to the transformer oils.
ASTM D3339 is also similar to ASTM D974, but is designed for use on smaller oil samples.
ASTM D974 and D664 roughly use a 20 g sample; ASTM D3339 uses a 2.0 g sample, as shown
in Table 2.
Modified Tests
AN tests are typically conducted to obtain an accurate indication of additive depletion and
possible contamination of ingressed acids. The standard ASTM methods are time consuming,
have relatively poor reproducibility and utilize hazardous materials. In an effort to control the
source of these issues, many modified versions of the AN test are currently being used. Each
test is specific to its application. For example, a lab may automate the test to reduce labor and
increase throughput.
For Used Oil Analysis Labs
Laboratories modify tests to improve throughput while decreasing the use of hazardous
materials and their cost. Throughput, or speed, is important to larger laboratories because it is
necessary to find the fastest test that does not sacrifice quality. Cost also plays a major role. A
standard test slate provided by a lab may also include particle count, viscosity at 40C, etc. The
cost of this standard test slate needs to be affordable for the end user; therefore, each
individual test performed may need to be streamlined to ensure both quality and economy are
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Field test kits are often used as a first-line AN test. They typically contain premeasured
reagents that allow for convenient field testing. Some of the field kits use a pass/fail test, which
involves adding a preset amount of KOH to the solution. This indicates whether the AN has
reached a specific point. Field tests can also report actual results. For example, one such kit
uses a volume-sampling syringe to ensure that the oil samples are the same size. A disposable
burette is used to titrate the KOH. Because the oil sample is a specific size, the burette has
been scaled to indicate the AN. Once the color has changed, the user only can read the acid
number from the burette.
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Compare results to historical results on the lubricant (trending).
Verify which lab has analyzed the lubricant and the test used.
Consistently use the same lab and test method for a specific lubricant.
Ensure a representative sample is provided to the lab.
Don't switch back and forth between methods.
Don't switch back and forth between labs. Don't delay oil analysis; instead, provide the
sample to the lab as soon as possible.
Don't compare results between different methods.
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