Design Basis Report
Design Basis Report
Design Basis Report
SAFE MATRIX India Pvt. Ltd.
The proposed project is the construction of new block for Govt. East High school for PWD,
Muvattupuzha to be built at Kizhakkekera. It consists of a class room block (G+1 Floors).
Client has given the safe bearing capacity of soil as 250kN/m2 from their inspections and
The structure will be analysed as per the relevant Indian codes for the following primary loads
and their combinations suitably
1. Dead load
2. Live loads
The whole structure is analyzed as closed column beam frame in ETABS building analysis
software and the design of various structural elements done manually.
The structure will be designed as per IS 456-2000 for R.C.C. elements and detailed using SP34.
Architectural drawings were supplied by the client and the structural design carried out as per the
requirement of the drawing.
The building is proposed to be constructed at Kizhakkekara. Mainly it has a block of 3 class
room and office room with G+1 floor building which is important.
The whole structure is analyzed as closed column beam frame in ETABS building analysis
software and the design of various structural elements done manually.
Load transfer path is from slab-beam-column-footing to soil.
SAFE MATRIX India Pvt. Ltd.
The dead loads are in accordance with IS 875 Part 1 (1987).
The live loads are in accordance with IS 875 Part 2 (1987).
Class rooms
Office room
Stair case
Concrete and Reinforcement
Concrete: M20 for Foundations, Columns, Beams, Slabs, Stairs, and all other components
Steel reinforcement:
Fe415 grade pertaining to IS: 1786 1985
From durability requirement, environmental exposure condition is assumed as severe for
substructure and super structure.
The nominal cover to outermost reinforcement shall be as follows for two hour fire rating.
SAFE MATRIX India Pvt. Ltd.
The building is modelled as 3D structure and is analysed as OMRF (Ordinary Moment Resisting
The FEM based structural software (ETABS Nonlinear v9.7.2) is used for modeling and analysis
of the building.
The basic approach for using the program is very straight forward. The user establishes grid
lines, defines material and structural properties, places structural objects relative to the grid lines
using point, line and area object tool. All the types of loads that the structure is subjected can be
defined and assigned to the appropriate structural components. The analysis can be performed
and the results are generated in graphical or tabular form that can be printed to a printer or to a
file for use in other programs. The following topics describe some of the important areas in the
Defining Material Properties
In the property data area, name of the material, mass per unit volume, weight per unit volume,
modulus of elasticity, Poissons ratio should be specified for each type of material defined. The
mass per unit volume is used in the calculation of self-mass of the structure. The weight per unit
volume is used in calculating the self-weight of the structure.
Defining Frame Sections
Frame sections like beams, columns and are defined under this. The sizes of beams and columns
are fixed here and their reinforcement requirements and concrete covers defined. Hinges were
introduced (i.e. end moments were released) near the connecting where ever required.
Defining Slab Sections
For defining the type of slab section in ETABS, there are three options available based on its
behavior, namely shell type, membrane type and plate type. Shell type behavior means, both inplane membrane stiffness and out-of-plane plate bending stiffness can be provided for the
section. Membrane type behavior mean, only in-plane membrane stiffness is provided for the
section. Plate-type behavior means that only out-of-plane bending stiffness is provided for the
SAFE MATRIX India Pvt. Ltd.
section. In the present analysis, slabs are given membrane type behavior to provide in plane
stiffness and shear walls are defined as shell elements. Shell elements should be divided in to
finer mesh so that proper connectivity is achieved, as our focus is mainly on the global behavior
of the infilled frame structure.
Defining Loads
Dead load, live load, roof live load, are defined under the static load case option of the define
menu. Various load combinations can also be defined in the load combinations option of the
define menu.
Vertical forces are primarily carried by the columns. Self weight of the beam column and slabs
are calculated by the software as dead weight. Live load, Superimposed dead load, floor finishes
are applied on slabs as pressures. Weight of masonry walls are applied as uniformly distributed
load at the appropriate positions.
The following are the load combinations as IS: 456-2000
Limit State of Collapse:
SAFE MATRIX India Pvt. Ltd.
Design Methodology:
All structural concrete elements will be designed according to the Limit State Method as
specified in IS: 456 - 2000 for reinforced concrete elements and detailing will be as per standards.
Design of foundation:
This building is proposed to have individual isolated column footings. Footings are designed by
taking the forces and moments from FEM software. The sizes of footings will be fixed by
making grouping of loads. The Depth of foundation is decided from four factors.The depth is
initially proposed based on Development length required according to the size of bars used.Then
that proposed depth is checked for sufficiency of punching shear(Two way shear) and diagonal
tension (One way shear), Then the depth is checked for moment. On finalizing the satisfying
depth for the above conditions area of steel is worked out for the moment according to the
finalized depth. Excel spread sheets are used for designing of footings as per standards.
Design of columns:
Columns are designed by taking the forces and moments from the FEM software. The sizes of
columns are kept constant at all the stories. The design of column is done considering the axial
compression, biaxial bending moment including slenderness effect. Excel spread sheets are used
for designing of columns as per standards.
Design of beams and slabs:
The RC beams and slabs are designed using Excel spreadsheet using the analysis results from
FEM software. The top as well as bottom reinforcement shall consist of at least two bars
throughout the member length.
All the structural elements were detailed according to IS 456:2000 and SP34. Detailed drawings
were prepared in AutoCAD 2007.
SAFE MATRIX India Pvt. Ltd.
SAFE MATRIX India Pvt. Ltd.
IS: 875-1987 (Part 1) 1987, Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than earthquake)
for buildings and structures
IS: 875-1987 (Part 2) 1987, Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than earthquake)
for buildings and structures - Imposed loads.
SAFE MATRIX India Pvt. Ltd.