Have Your Shoes Soled Ponerle Suela A Los Zapatos - Have Your Shoes Heeled Ponerle Taco A Los Zapatos
Have Your Shoes Soled Ponerle Suela A Los Zapatos - Have Your Shoes Heeled Ponerle Taco A Los Zapatos
Have Your Shoes Soled Ponerle Suela A Los Zapatos - Have Your Shoes Heeled Ponerle Taco A Los Zapatos
t-shirt = remera
polo shirt = polo, chomba
blouse = blusa
sweatshirt = sweater = pullover = jersey = slip-over = suter
cardigan = saco liviano de lana
dress = vestido
vest = chaleco
suit = traje
three-piece suit = traje de tres piezas
coat = saco
raincoat = piloto
waistcoat = chaleco
overcoat = sobretodo
mackintosh = abrigo de tela o lana gruesa
anorak = campera, anorak
bomber jacket = campera ajustada en la cintura
duffel coat = abrigo de lana
denim jacket = campera de jean
trousers = pantalones
slacks = pantalones informales
jeans = jeans
shorts = pantalones cortos
overalls (US) - dungarees (GB) = jardinero, peto
trainers (GB) - sneakers (US) = zapatillas
boots = botas
Wellingtons = botas
slippers = pantuflas
clogs = zuecos
shoes = zapatos
sandals = sandalias
high-heeled shoes = zapatos de taco alto
sole = suela
- have your shoes soled = ponerle suela a los zapatos
heel = taco
- have your shoes heeled = ponerle taco a los zapatos
shoelaces = cordones
flip-flops = ojotas
espadrilles = alpargatas
bathrobe = bata
nightdress = nightgown = camisn
pyjamas (GB) = pajamas (US) = pijama
socks = calcetines
knee-length socks = medias 3/4
tights = calzas
underwear = ropa interior
bra = brassiere = corpio
knickers = bombacha
slip = enagua
underpants = calzoncillos
pleated = tableado
- inverted pleats/pleated = tablas/tableado invertido
a set of jewellery = joyas
bracelet = pulsera
brooch = prendedor
necklace = collar
string of pearls = collar de perlas
pendant = colgante
ring = anillo
earrings = aros
charms = dijes
press-stud = broches a presin
hook and eye = cierre de collar
clasp = cierre de collar
tailor = sastre
dressmaker = modista
tailored suit = traje a medida
to wear = usar
to have something on = tener puesto
to put on = ponerse
to dress = vestirse
to be (dressed) in = estar vestido con
to take off = to undress = desvestirse
to button up = abotonar
to unbutton = desabotonar
to zip up = subir el cierre o cremallera
to unzip = bajar el cierre o cremallera
to come into fashion = ponerse de moda
to be in fashion = estar de moda
to be fashionable = estar de moda
to go out of fashion = dejar de estar de moda
to be out of fashion = estar fuera de moda
to try something on = probarse
to fit (it's the right size) = quedarle bien
to suit (looks well) = quedarle agradable
to take in = achicar
to let out = agrandar
to lengthen = alargar
to shorten = acortar
to tighten = ajustar
to loosen = desajustar