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Plants with green and tender stems are called herbs.

Some plants have the stem branching out near the base. The stem is hard but not very thick. Such
plants are called shrubs.
Some plants are very tall and have hard and thick brown stem. The stems have branches in the
upper part, much above the ground. Such plants are called trees.
Plants with weak stems that cannot stand upright and spread on the ground are called creepers.
Those plants that take support on neighbouring structures and climb up are called climbers.


Shoot system is an aerial and erect part of plant body which grows upwards. It is usually above the
soil and develops from plumule of the embryo. It consists of stem, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits and

Stem:- The stem is the ascending part of the axis bearing branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. It
develops from the plumule of the embryo of a germinating seed. The stem bears nodes and internodes.
The region of the stem where leaves are born are called nodes while internodes are the portions
between two nodes. The stem bears buds, which may be terminal or axillary. Stem is generally green
when young and later often become woody and dark brown.

Characteristics of Stem
Arises as a prolongation of plumule (one end of an embryo).
Grows and bends towards light (positively phototropic) and away from gravity (negatively
Divided into nodes (point of attachment of leaf) and internodes (regions between two nodes).
Bears leaves, branches and flowers on nodes.
Bears vegetative buds which could be terminal (apical bud) for plant to grow upwards or axillary
(bud in the axil of leaf) which give rise to lateral branches.
Bears floral buds (terminal or axillary) that grow into flowers.

Types of stem
The stem may be :(i)
aerial (erect, rigid, strong and upright as in herbs, shrubs and trees)
sub aerial (weak, unable to stay upright and trail on ground as creepers or climb up as climbers)
underground (buried in soil and produce aerial branches under favourable conditions only).

Modifications of Stem
They are modified to perform different functions . Stems are variously modified into underground,
sub aerial and aerial stems for performing functions like manufacturing and storing food, perennation

(overcoming unfavourable climatic conditions), providing mechanical support and protection and for
propagating vegetatively.

UNDERGROUND MODIFIED STEMS Since underground, they may seem like roots but you can
recognise them as stem due to the presence of :
(i) Nodes and internodes, (ii) scaly non green leaves, (iii) buds.
They serve two functions
Act as perennating structures by remaining leafless and dormant in winter but giving off aerial
shoots under favourable conditions (next season).
Store food and become thick and fleshy.

Rhizome:- Thick, fleshy, flattened horizontally growing stem near the soil surface. Bears scale
leaves on nodes, terminal and axillary buds, adventitious roots. Eg. Ginger (Adrak), Turmeric (haldi),
lotus, saccharum.

Corm:- Fleshy, spherical stem with flattened base, grows vertically; bears many scale leaves,
distinct nodes and internodes, buds and .adventitious roots. Eg. Saffron (kesar),Yam (zimikand),
Gladiolus, amorphophallus (elephant foot), alocasia.

Bulb:- Reduced, flattened discoid stem with crowded nodes bearing overlapping fleshy (inner)
and dry (outer) scale leaves. Terminal bud (in centre) forms foliage (green) leaves. Adventitious roots
grow from discoid base. Eg. Onion, tulip, garlic, nargis.

Tuber:- Swollen tips of underground lateral branches of stem, store food as starch, bear eyes.
Each eye is a node which bears bud and scar of scale leaves. Eg. Potato.
SUB AERIAL MODIFICATIONS OF STEMStems are weak, therefore lie prostrate on the ground or may get partially buried in the top soil. The
plants bearing such stems are called creepers. Their stems serve the function of vegetative
Types of Sub aerial stem modifications:- Runner:- Long, weak, slender branch with long
internodes. Runs horizontally on soil surface giving off adventitious roots at nodes. when older parts
die new plants are formed. Eg. Grass, Oxalis, strawberry.
Stolon:- Weak lateral branch which grows upwards then arches down to meet the soil, strike roots
and produce daughter plants. Eg. Mint (Pudina), Jasmine
Offset:- Like runner but thicker and shorter, grow for a short distance then produce cluster (rosette)
of leaves above and adventitious roots below; generally in aquatic plants. Eg. Water hyacinth, Water
lettuce, Pistia and Eichhornia.
Sucker:- Underground runner which grows horizontally for a distance under soil then emerges
obliquely upwards, strikes roots and forms daughter plant. Eg. Chrysanthemum, banana, pineapple.
Aerial stem modifications
Whole stem or its part (axillary or terminal bud) gets modified to perform definite functions. You can
recognise them as stems by following features : (i) Arise in the axil of leaf (ii) Bear nodes and
internodes (iii) may bear leaves, buds, flowers.

1. Stem tendrils:- Thread like, spirally coiled, leafless structures (tendrils) which twine around
neighbouring objects and help weak plants to climb. Eg. Grape vine, cucumber, pumpkins,
watermelon, cucurbita (kaddu), lagenaria (loki).
2. Thorns: -Straight, pointed, hard structures; modifications of axillary (Citrus) or terminal (Carissa)
bud; act as defence organs or as climbing organs. Eg. Citrus, Duranta, Carissa (Karonda),
Bougainvillea, pomegranate.
3. Phylloclade:- Green, flattened or cylindrical fleshy stem, with nodes and internodes; bears spines
(modified leaves to check evaporation); carries out photosynthesis, stores water. Found in plants
growing in dry regions. Eg. Opuntia (prickly pear), Euphorbia.
4. Cladode:- It is a phylloclade with limited growth i.e. with only one or two internodes; help in
photosynthesis. Eg. Asparagus.

Functions of stem
A. Primary functions:1. Support and orient the leaves in a manner that they are exposed to maximum sunlight and for
efficient gaseous exchange during photosynthesis and respiration.
2. Conduct water and minerals from roots to leaves and manufactured food from leaves to different
parts of the plant.
3. Bear flowers and fruits
B. Secondary Functions:1. Storage - Stems store food and water in plants e.g. potato
2. Perennation - The underground stems help tide over the unfavourable growing periods e.g.
3. Vegetative propagation - Stem can be a means of vegetative propagation e.g. rose, sugar cane.

4. Photosynthesis- in certain plants like xerophytes (desert plants) where leaves are reduced, the
stem takes up the function of photosynthesis. These stems posses chlorophyll e.g. Opuntia
5. Protection- In some plants the axillary bud modifies into thorn and protects the plants from
animals e.g. citrus, Darranta.
6. Climbing - Tendrils or hooks are modified branches or buds. They coil around the support and
help the plant to climb e.g. grape vine.
The internal structure can be studied if you cut the stem transversely and observe it under a
compound microscope.
A. Internal structure of dicot stem ( e.g., Sunflower)
In a transverse section of a young dicot stem



Epidermis - Outermost single layered, covered with cuticle, bears multicellular hairs, protective
Cortex - Inner to epidermis, there are three regions:Hypodermis - 4-6 layers of collenchyma for mechanical support.
Middle layers - Few layers of parenchyma.
Endodermis - Innermost layer of cortex, has barrel shaped cells. As cells contain starch grains, it
is also called starch sheath.
Stele - All the tissues lying internal to endodermis constitute the stele.
Pericycle - Inner to endodermis, multilayered, parenchymatous with patches of sclerenchyma.
Vascular bundles - Arranged in a ring ; each vascular bundle is:(a) conjoint (xylem and phloem together in one bundle),
(b) collateral (xylem and phloem on the same radius with phloem towards the periphery)
(c) open (cambium present in between xylem and phloem). Xylem is endarch (protoxylem towards
centre and metaxylem towards periphery).
Medullary rays - Narrow regions of parenchymatous cells in between
the vascular bundles.
Pith - The central parenchymatous zone with intercellular spaces.
A transverse section of monocot stem reveals the following structure
1. Epidermis - Single layered, covered with cuticle, stem hairs absent.
2. Ground tissue- A mass of parenchymatous tissue. Only a few peripheral layers
below epidermis are sclerenchymatous called hypodermis.
Vascular bundle- Numerous, scattered in the ground tissue each enclosed by sclerenchymatous
bundle sheath. Each bundle is (a) cotlateral and (b) closed (no cambium strip between xylem and
phloem) with (c) endarch xylem. Xylem occurs in the form of letter Y and innermost protoxylem
disintegrates to form a water cavity.


Secondary growth in stem

It occurs only in dicot stem a little away from the shoot apex and helps the plant to
(a) grow in girth (thickness) and
(b) makes it very strong to stand upright for many years. That is why you see that very tall
trees can withstand strong winds, lashing rains etc without falling down but monocot plants like
wheat, rice, maize, grasses etc., bend due to absence of secondary growth in their stems. Growth in
thickness in dicot stem becomes possible due to the formation of new tissues entirely by the activity of
two lateral meristems
(i) Vascular cambium
(ii) Cork cambium.
These tissues thus formed are known as secondary tissues and growth in girth is referred as secondary
Activity of vascular cambium -Forms secondary vascular tissue as follows.
The strip of cambium present in the vascular bundle is called Fascicular Cambium.
The cells of medullary rays adjoining the strip of vascular (Fascicular) cambium become
meristematic and form interfascicular cambium.
Both fascicular and inter-fascicular cambium join to form a continuous cambium ring.
Cambium divides and adds cells on internal side (towards pith) which mature into secondary xylem
and cells added towards external side(periphery ) mature into secondary phloem.
Amount of secondary xylem produced is more than secondary phloem.
(ii) Activity of cork cambium- Forms periderm as follows :
Cork cambium or phellogen develops in the cortex.
Phellogen divides and adds cells on both the inner and the outer side.
The inner cells differentiate into phelloderm or secondary cortex while outer cells into phellem or
Cork cells are compactly arranged and become dead and suberized (deposition of suberin) except
in regions of lenticels where cells are loosely arranged (complimentary cells) and non-suberized. It is
through the lenticels that woody branches and tree trunks can undergo gaseous exchange.
Phellogen, phelloderm and phellem together constitute the periderm. Due to internal increase in
thickness, periderm replaces the epidermis, becomes protective in function.
All the dead cells lying outside the active phellogen constitute the bark.

In Betula bhojpatra bark peels off like sheets of paper. Ancient manuscripts are still preserved on
them. Cork tissue becomes very thick in Cork tree (Quercus suber) and is used commercially as,
bottle-stoppers, insulators, shoe soles etc.
a bud is an undeveloped or embryonic shoot and normally occurs in the axil of a leaf or at the tip of
the stem. Once formed, a bud may remain for some time in a dormant condition, or it may form a
shoot immediately. Buds may be specialized to develop flowers or short shoots, or may have the
potential for general shoot development.
Types of buds:Buds are often useful in the identification of plants, especially for woody plants in winter when leaves
have fallen. Buds may be classified and described according to different criteria: location, status,
morphology, and function.


Apical:- when located at the tip of a stem ( in cabbage which is large apical bud) is
equivalent but rather reserved for the one at the top of the plant.

lateral is the equivalent but some adventitious buds may be lateral too).


Axillary,(rose, sun flower) when located in the axil of a leaf Eg. Rose, cabbage.


Accessory:- additional buds occurring in the axil of single leaf either on the side or above
the axillary bud. Eg. Cucurbita, brinjal, chilly, bougainvillea.


Extra axillary:- these develop on the node but outside the leaf base. Eg. Solanum nigrum.

ADVENTITIOUS, when occurring elsewhere, for example on trunk or on roots (some

adventitious buds may be former axillary ones reduced and hidden under the bark, other
adventitious buds are completely new formed ones). Eg. Rose, duranta, sweet potato, coffee.

BULBILS (SPECIALIZED BUDS):- modifications of whole buds into swollen structures

due to storage of food material is called bulbils. When these bulbils drop on ground, they
germinate into new plants and serve as means of vegetative propagation. Eg. Agave, oxalis,
orange lily, air potato.


ACCESSORY, for secondary buds formed besides a principal bud (axillary or terminal).

RESTING, for buds that form at the end of a growth season, which will lie dormant until onset of
the next growth season.

DORMANT or latent, for buds whose growth has been delayed for a rather long time. The term is
usable as a synonym of resting, but is rather employed for buds waiting undeveloped for years, for
example epicormic buds.

PSEUDOTERMINAL, for an axillary bud taking over the function of a terminal bud
(characteristic of species whose growth is sympodial: terminal bud dies and is replaced by the closer
axillary bud, for examples beech, persimmon, Platanus have sympodial growth).


SCALY or covered, when scales (which are in fact transformed and reduced leaves) cover and
protect the embryonic parts.

NAKED, when not covered by scales.

HAIRY, when also protected by hairs (it may apply either to scaly or to naked buds).

VEGETATIVE, if only containing vegetative pieces: embryonic shoot with leaves (a leaf bud is the

REPRODUCTIVE, if containing embryonic flower(s) (a flower bud is the same).

MIXED, if containing both embryonic leaves and flowers.

The pattern of development of branches on the stem is known as branching. There are two types of
branching namely,





I. LATERAL BRANCHING:- When the branches arise from the sides of the stem the branching is
called Lateral. It is divisible into two types:
e.g. Casurina, Polyalthia etc.
Here the stem indefinitely grows by the terminal bud. The lateral branches of the main stem are
arranged in an acropetal succession (produced successively towards the apex with older
branches towards the base and younger ones towards the apex). As a result of this branching the
plant appears conical or pyramidal in shape.

Here the growth of the main stem is definite. The main stem produces lateral branches which
grow more vigorously than the main axis. As a result of this branching, the plant spreads out
above and becomes more or less dome shaped. The cymose branching is of the following kinds.

UNIPAROUS CYME:- A cymose type of branching with only one lateral branch produced at a
time. It is also known as monochasial or sympodial. It shows two distinct types namely helicoid
and scorpioid In Saraca the branching is described helicoid. Here, the lateral branches develop
on the same side forming a helix. In Vitis vinifera the branching is described as scorpioid. Here
the lateral branches develop on alternate sides forming a zigzag.

BIPAROUS CYME:- When two lateral branches, develop at a time the branching is said to be
biparous or dichasial. Eg. Datura carissa.

MULTIPAROUS CYME:- When more than two branches develop at a time the branching is
said to be multiparous or polychasial. Eg. Euphorbia, Croton bonplandianum.

Patterns of Branching in Stem

Cymose or Definite Type

II. DICHOTOMOUS BRANCHING:- two branches are produced in forked manner. Eg.
Dictyota, marchantia, angiosperms.


ANNUAL:- completes lifecycle in on growing season. Eg. Rice, ground nut, sun flower, wheat

BIENNIAL:- life cycle of two year. Eg. Carrot, raddish, cabbage. They grow vegetatively in
first growing season and produce flower, fruits, seeds in the second growing season.

PERENNIAL:- they survive more than two years and produce flowers and fruits during
specific season. When they bear fruit every year, they called POLYCARPIC, eg. Mango, lemon,
apple, coconut. Some plants produce flowers and fruits only once after a vegetative growth of
several years. They are called MONOCARPIC. Eg. Bamboo, agave, centuary plant( after 40

Wood is the secondary xylem produced by the activity of vascular cambium in dicot stem.
Annual Rings (A secret to know the age of tree)
In temperate regions, the climatic conditions show pronounced seasonal variations. The activity of
vascular cambium also becomes periodical as a result distinct growth layers are formed in xylem. In
spring season cambium is very active and produces a greater number of vessels with wider cavities.
The wood formed during spring is called early wood (or spring wood). In summer, cambium is less
active and forms narrow vessels, this wood is called late wood (or summer wood). The spring wood is
lighter in colour and has a lower density whereas the autumn wood is darker and has a higher density.
These two kinds of woods in a transverse view appear as alternate concentric rings
together forming an annual ring. By counting the number of these rings we can know the age of a tree.
Science dealing with predicting the age of a treeby counting the annual rings is called as
Sap Wood and Heart Wood
Outer part of wood which is functional and consists of recently formed secondary xylem having some
living cells is called sap wood. As the plant ages in the central part of stem, the inner cells of sap wood
becomes non-functional and dark in colour it is called heart wood.
Mechanical tissues in stem -The stem of a tall tree needs to i) resist against pulling forces of wind
0and ii) to stand erect against gravity. Stem gets this strength from - Sclerenchyma in hypodermis and
its patches in the pericycle and secondary phloem, abundant lignified vessels, tracheids and fibres in
secondary xylem i.e. wood and sclereids in phloem.

ROOTS:The root system is the descending(growing downwards) portion of the plant axis. When a seed
germinates, radicleis the first organ to come out. It elongates to form primary or the tap root. It gives
off lateral branches (secondary and tertiary roots) and thus forms the root system.
Main features of roots by which you can recognize them are :

Non green due to absence of chlorophyll;

Not divided into nodes and internodes;
Absence of leaves and buds;
Positively geotropic(grow towards gravity);
Positively hydrotropic(grow towards water);
Negatively phototropic(grow away from light).

Root systems are mainly of two types:

(i) T ap root system It is the root system that develops from the radicle and continues as the
primary root (tap root) which gives off lateral roots. They provide very strong anchorage as they are
able to reach very deep into the soil. It is the main root system of dicots e.g. gram, china rose, neem.
(ii) Fibrous root system In this root system, the primary root is short lived. Acluster of slender,
fiber -like roots arises from the base of the radicle and plumule which constitute the fibrous root
system. They do not branch profusely , are shallow and spread horizontally , hence cannot provide
strong anchorage. Fibrous root system is the main root system of monocots, e.g. maize, grasses, wheat.
(i) T ap root It is the primary and the main root that develops from the radicle, bears many
branches and remains underground. It is usually found in dicots e.g. sunflower, mustard, carrot,
(ii) Adventitious root These are roots that develop from any part of the plant except the radicle.
They may be aerial or underground. They may grow from node (money plant, bamboo), stem cutting
(rose), tree branch ( banyan)or stem base (fibrous roots in monocots).

Apical region of roots of any root system shows the same zones or regions. A longitudinal section of
root apex shows the following structure:
1. Root cap region It is a thimble- like structure produced by meristematic (rapidly dividing) zone
and protects the tender apex (apical meristem) from harsh soil particles. As the root grows further
down in soil, root cap wears out but it is constantly renewed . In aquatic plants (Pistiaand water
hyacinth) root cap is like a loose thimble called root pocket.
2. Region of meristematic cells is a small region of actively dividing cells called the apical
meristem. It consists of :
(i) Dermatogen (outermost layer whose cells mature into epiblema and root cap);
(ii) Periblem (inner to dermatogen whose cells mature into cortex) and
(iii) Plerome (central region whose cells mature into stele). In monocots, cap is formed by
independent group of cells known as Calyptrogen.
3. Region of elongation Lies next to the meristematic region, the cells elongate and enlarge to
make the root grow in length.

4. Region of maturation Lies next to the region of elongation. The cells mature and differentiate
into various tissues constituting
(i) Root hair or piliferous Region having unicellular hairs which absorb water and mineral salts from
(ii) Permanent region which lies behind the root hair zone and is without hairs. It produces lateral
roots, anchors the plant in soil and conducts water and minerals upwards.

FUNCTIONS OF ROOTS:Primary function


Anchorage Roots anchor the plant firmly to the soil (mechanical function).
Absorption Roots absorb water and mineral salts and conduct them upwards (physiological
Conduction of water and minerals;- upward movement of of absorbed water and minerals is
done by roots by root pressure.
Translocation of organic nutrients:- roots are non green due to lack of chlorophyll. They are
incapable of photosynthesis. Sugar, produced in the leaves by photosynthesis is transported
downward to the tissues of the roots where it is metabolised.


Secondary function:

Food storage:- in fleshy roots ( carrot, radish, beet, sweet potato, turnip, asparagus, dahlia,
Mechanical support:- prop roots, stilt roots, buttress roots.

Haustorial roots;- roots of some parasitic plants acts as haustoria (cascuta). They penetrate upto
phloem of host and absorb nourishment.
Assimilation:- roots of some plants are photosynthetic. ( trapa, taeniophyllum, tinospora,
Aeration;- help in gaseous exchange ( rhizospora, sonneratia, heritiera.
Nitrogen fixation( symbiosis):- leguminous plants
Floating and balancing:- roots of some aquatic plants store air and help in floating and
balancing ( jussiaea, pistia, eichornia).
Hygroscopic roots:- aerial roots absorb moisture from air ( epiphytic plants, orchids, young prop
roots of banyan tree).
Reproduction:- sweet potato, dalbergia)
Climbing:- betal, money plant, tecoma.


DICOT ROOT(e.g. gram)

A thin transverse section of dicot root shows the following structures
(i) Epiblema: Single, outermost layer of thin-walled cells. Some cells are prolonged to form
unicellular root hairs. It protects and absorbs water .
(ii) Cortex : Large zone, many layered, cells thin-walled parenchymatous with intercellular spaces,
stores food and water .
(iii) Endodermis : Innermost layer of cortex, cells barrel-shaped, closely packed, show band like
thickenings on their radial walls called casparian strips. Some cells (opposite the protoxylem) which
lack these strips are called passage cells.They help in the movement of water and dissolved salts from
cortex directly into xylem.
Stele : All tissues inner to endodermis comprise stele.
(iv) Pericycle : Inner to endodermis lies a single layer of pericycle. It is the seat of origin of lateral
roots and vascular cambium and cork cambium during secondary growth.
(v) VascularBundle : It consists of xylem and phloem patches lying on alternate radii i.e., it is
radial. Xylem is exarchwhere protoxylem (first formed , having narrow vessels and tracheids) lies
towards the periphery and metaxylem (differentiates later , has wider vessels and tracheids) lies
towards the center . Depending upon the number of xylem patches a root may be diarch(di-2 patches)
to hexarch (hexa- 6 patches).
(vi) Pith : Sometimes the metaxylem of all xylem patches meet in the centre, in that case pith is
absent or is small and parenchymatous.
(vii) Conjunctive parenchyma: Parenchyma which separates xylem and phloem.
B. MONOCOT ROOT (e.g. maize root)
A thin transverse section of monocot root shows the following structures:(i) Epiblema : Outermost, single layer of thin-walled, closely packed cells. Some cells are prolonged
into unicellular root hairs.
(ii) Cortex : Large zone, multilayered, of parenchymatous cells with intercellular spaces, stores water
and food material.
(iii) Endodermis : Innermost layer of cortex with characteristic casparian strips
and passage cells.
Stele : All the tissue inner to endodermis is called stele
(iv) Pericycle : Single layered, of thin walled cells. The lateral roots originate from this layer .

(v) V ascularBundle : it consists of many patches of xylem and phloem arranged radially . The
xylem is exarch and polyarch (poly-many).
(vi) Pith : Lies in the center, large, well developed, parenchymatous or sclerenchyamatous , stores

Conjunctive Parenchyma : Lies in between strands of xylem and phloem.


The origin of lateral roots is Endogenous i.e. from deeper layer .

The seat of its origin is pericycle where cells opposite protoxylem divide and form a hump in the
The hump penetrates into the cortex.
Later, the hump differentiates into 3 regions of the root apex i.e. dermatogen, periblem and
Finally the lateral root comes out.
The number of lateral roots correspond to the number of xylem bundles.
The roots grow in length with the help of apical meristem. It is called primary growth. Apart from
primary growth, roots grow in width i.e., they increase in girth. This increase is called secondary
growth. It is found only in dicot roots. The tissues involved in secondary growth are lateral meristem
i.e., vascular cambium and cork cambium. It is important to remember that the vascular cambium
and cork cambium are secondary in origin and arise from pericycle. Secondary growth is as follows
Pericycle cells outside the protoxylem divide to form a strip of cambium.
Another strip of vascular cambium appears in the conjunctive tissue on the inner side of phloem
These two vascular cambium strips join laterally to form a ring which may initially be wavy but
later becomes circular due to over production of secondary xylem tissue inner to primary phloem.
Cambium cells consist of brick shaped cells which divide and add cells on its either side i.e. towards
periphery and towards center . Those added towards the periphery differentiate into secondary
phloem and the ones formed towards the center differentiate into secondary xylem.
Secondary tissue formed outer to the protoxylem bundle differentiates into prominent primary
medullary raythus, protoxylem does not get crushed.
Later, cork cambium (Phellogen) also differentiates in the pericycle.
The cork cambium divides and gives rise to cork (Phellem) towards outside and secondary cortex
(Phelloderm) towards inside.
All the three i.e. Phellogen, Phellem and Phelloderm together form the Periderm of the root and
has protective function.
Finally all the primary tissue outside the developing cork (i.e. endodermis, cortex and epiblema)
are sloughed off.

Leaf is a flattened and expanded lateral appendage of stem or branch developing from its
node. It originates from leaf primordium formed by the shoot meristem and bears a bud in its axil
called axillary bud. It is the seat of very important physiological processes like photosynthesis,
transpiration and respiration. Besides protecting axillary buds ,leaf can get modified into structures
for storing food and water, climbing, vegetative propagation etc.
Structure of Leaf
A typical leaf has three parts
(i) Leaf base - Lower most part of leaf by which it is attached to the stem node. It may be expanded
as sheath (in monocots) or bear lateral outgrowths (stipules) as in dicots.
(ii) Petiole - Is the stalk of leaf. Leaf can be petiolate ( with petiole) as in many dicots or sessile
( without petiole) as in most monocots. Petiole may get modified and swell (e.g. water hyacinth) or
develop wings (e.g. orange) or become flat like a leaf (e.g. Australian Acacia)
(iii) Lamina or leaf blade- It is a green, thin, flattened and expanded part of leaf with veins and
veinlets traversing through its surface. The most prominent vein running from base to apex and
present in the middle of leaf blade is called mid rib. Veins provide support and conduct water,
minerals and prepared food.
Leaf shows a lot of variation in
(i) Shapes of lamina
(ii) Leaf apices
iii) Leaf margins

It is the arrangement of leaves on stem or branch. The arrangement of leaves is such that they get
appropriate amount of sunlight for photosynthesis. It is of three types
(i) Alternate (Fig. 7.16d) - a single leaf arising at each node e.g. china rose, mango.
(ii) Opposite (Fig. 7.16a-b) - Leaves occur in pairs at each node. This arrangement may be
(a) Decussate (Fig. 7.16a) - When the pairs of leaves at upper and lower nodes are at right angles e.
g. ,Tulsi, Galotropis
(b) Superposed (Fig. 7.16b) - when the leaf pairs at upper and lower nodes are exactly in the same
plane e.g. guava
(iii) Whorled (Fig. 7.16c) - There are more than two leaves at each node arranged in a circle or whorl
e.g. Nerium.

Although the function of leaves is to synthesize food, in some cases they get modified into distinct
structures to perform special functions like support and protection to plant, storage of food and water
or to catch insects as in case of insectivorous plants.

Heterophylly (heteros = different)- Some plants show more than one type of leaves in the same
plant, this phenomenon is called heterophylly. It is found in some plants which remain partly
submerged in water e.g. Water chestnut, Limnophila
Leaf performs following functions :
(i) Photosynthesis -Leaves manufacture food in the presence of sunlight.
(ii) Exchange of gases - Stomata help in exchange of gases which are important for respiration and
(iii) Transpiration -Evaporation of excess of water in vapour form takes place through stomata
which helps in ascent of sap and cooling of leaf surface.
(iv) Guttation - Exudation of excess of water containing salts takes place in liquid form from leaf
margins in plants growing in humid climate.
(v) Modifications for special functions - In certain plants leaves perform functions like
manufacturing and storing food, providing support and protection, vegetative propagation and
trapping insects.


A. General features:Leaves of most dicot plants are dorsiventral (oriented horizontally, with differentiated mesophyll)
where as those of monocots are isobilateral (oriented vertically, mesophyll undifferentiated).
V.S. of leaf shows three main parts (i) Epidermis (ii) Mesophyll (iii) Vascular system.
(i) Epidermis - Present on both upper and lower surface of leaf. Some epidermal cells form stomata
which help in exchange of gases for photosynthesis, respiration and evaporation of water vapour
during transpiration.
(ii) Mesophyll - Consists of chloroplast - containing parenchyma (chlorenchyma) and is responsible
for carrying out photosynthesis. It is differentiated into palisade and spongy cells.
Palisade cells - occur below upper epidermis.
Cells are radially elongated, compactly arranged.
Possess abundant chloroplasts
Spongy cells - Occur below the palisade cells
Cells irregular and loosely arranged - Contain fewer chloroplasts
Store gases in the inter cellular spaces
(iii) Vascular Bundles - They are collateral and closed
In each bundle, xylem is located on upper side (dorsal) and phloem on lower side (ventral)

Most vascular bundles are surrounded by colourless parenchyma called bundle sheath or border
Structure of stomata
Single stoma is made up of two semi circular guard cells surrounding a pore. The guard cells contain
chloroplasts and regulate the opening and closing of stomata. Stomatal pore opens into the inter
cellular spaces (substomatal cavity) of mesophyll. The number, shape and distribution of stomata

(i) Bulliform Cells:- These are special type of cells (motor cells) found on upper surface of leaf (e.g.
maize, bajra, jowar). They help the leaf to roll and unroll due to change in turgidity. Leaf rolls when
these cells lose water due to high evaporation. Thus, under dry conditions they help in reducing the
loss of water vapour through stomata.
(ii) Hairs:- Hairs are present especially on leaves of plants growing in dry conditions. They check the
rate of transpiration. They protect the leaf from bright sunlight, high temperature and air pollution.
iii) Hydathodes (water stomata):- These are specialised structures present in leaves of
angiosperms (garden nasturtium) occurring in humid climate.Through these excretion of water in
liquid form (guttation) takes place.

Flowers are a thing of beauty for us but for the plants they are vital as they are the seat of sexual
reproduction. They produce fruits and seeds. A flower is a modified shoot because it has (i) nodes very
close to one another and (ii) floral leaves arranged in successive whorls.
Parts of a typical flower
Take a flower of any colour or size growing in your area, youll find its basic plan to be the same i.e.
the flower is a borne on a stalk called pedicel. The pedicel has a swollen tip known as thalamus or
receptacle on which are borne four whorls successively in definite order as given below :
Accessory whorls

1. Calyx(collection of sepals) - The outer most whorl of green sepals whose main function is
2. Corolla (collection of petals) - The next whorl of variously coloured petals. They help in
attracting insects for pollination.
Reproductive whorls
3. Androecium (male reproductive part) consists of collection of stamens. Each stamen has a
long slender filament with a bilobed anther at its tip with a connective. Anthers produce pollen grains
for pollination.
4. Gynoecium (female reproductive part) - centrally located. It consists of a collection of carpels
or pistils. Each carpel has three parts:

Ovary - It is the swollen basal part, one to many chambered (called locules) containing ovules
which get fertilized to form seeds and the ovary forms the fruit.

Style - It is the elongated tube connecting ovary and stigma.

Stigma -It is the receptive surface for pollen.
Common variations in flower and its floral parts :-Flowers show a lot of variations
(i) Polysepalous and Polypetalous (poly - free)- sepals or petals are free respectively.
(ii) Gamosepalous and Gamopetalous (gamo - united)- all sepals or petals are fused.
iii) Perianth - Sepals and petals not distinguishable e.g. onion
The stamens show variation in their cohesion (fusion).
(i) Monadelphous - filaments fused into one bundle but anthers are free e.g. china rose
(ii) Diadelphous filaments fused to form two bundles e.g. pea
(iii) Polyadelphousfilaments fused to form many bundles e.g., lemon
(iv) Syngenesious filaments are free but anthers are fused e.g. sunflower
(v) Synandrous stamens are fused throughout the length e.g., cocks-comb.


Other variations in stamens are as follows:(vi) Epipetalous stamens are attached to petals but anthers are free e.g., brinjal
(vii) Didynamous four stamens, two short and two long e.g. tulsi
Tetradynamous six stamens, inner four are long and outer two are short e.g., mustard.

On the basis of number of carpels, flowers may be
(i) Monocarpellary hynoecium having one carpel e.g. pea.
(ii) Polycarpellary many carpels (e.g. china rose). It may be
(a) syncarpous- carpels are fused e.g. tomato, mustard
(b) apocarpous carpels are free e.g. Ranunculus, lotus.
Flower could be of three kinds:(i) Hypogynous- ovary occupies the highest position on thalamus, other three whorls are sucessively
below it. Ovary is said to be superior e.g. china rose, mustard.
(ii) Perigynous- The thalamus is disc-like on which the carpels are borne in the centre and rest of
floral whorls are located on rim of thalamus. Ovary is said to be half inferior e.g. peach, plum, pea.
(iii) Epigynous- thalamus forms a cup- shaped structure; and encloses the ovary completely and
fuses with it. The other whorls are positioned above the ovary. The position of ovary is now inferior
e.g. sunflower, cucumber.

The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in floral bud with respect to the other members of the
same whorl is known as aestivation. The main types of aestivation are valvate, twisted, imbricate and
vexillary. When sepals or petals in a whorl just touch one another at the margin, without overlapping,
as in Calotropis, it is said to be valvate.If one margin of the appendage overlaps that of the next one
and so on as in china rose, ladys finger and cotton, it is called twisted. If the margins of sepals or
petals overlap one another but not in any particular direction as in Cassiaand gulmohur, the
aestivation is called imbricate. In pea and bean flowers, there are five petals, the largest (standard)
overlaps the two lateral petals (wings) which in turn overlap the two smallest anterior petals (keel);
this type of aestivation is known as vexillary or papilionaceous.

It is the manner in which placentae are distributed in the ovary. Placenta is the point of attachment of
ovules (or future seed) to the ovary.

Types of placentation :Marginal- The ovary is one chambered and ovules are arranged along the margin of the ovary. e.g.
pea, gram.
Axile- Ovary is many chambered and ovules present on the placenta develop from the central axis
of ovary e.g. China rose, tomato, bhindi,
Parietal- Ovary is one chambered and ovules are attached in its inner wall where margin of
adjoining carpels meet e.g, mustard, cucumber.


Basal Ovary is one chambered and placenta develops at the base of ovary and bears a single ovule
e.g. sunflower.
Free central gynoecuum is syncarpous and polycarpellary but unilocular as septae are absent.
In the central part the placenta bears many ovules e.g. Dianthus, Primula.
Superficial- Ovary is polycarpellary syncarpous and multilocular in which entire inner walls of
chambers are lined with placental tissue so that ovules develop all around e.g.,water lily (Nymphaea).

Inflorescence is the arrangement of flowers on the floral axis called peduncle. Inflorescence could be
terminal or axillary.
Types of inflorescence
The various types depend upon the type of branching of peduncle and arrangement of flowers. There
are two major types of inflorescence
(i) Racemose:- The main axis does not end in a -flower but continues to grow.
(ii) Cymose:- The main axis ends in a flower and the growth is limited.
The major differences between the two are:-


1. Hypanthodium- The fleshy receptacle forms a cup like cavity and has an apical opening. The male
and female flowers are borne on the inner wall of the cavity e.g. Fig, Peepal
2. Cyathium- A type of inflorescence characteristic of Euphorbia, in which a cup shaped involucre
encloses a single flower surrounded by a number of male flowers. A nectary is present at the rim of
3. Verticillaster- It is a series of condensed dichasial cyme at each node with a cluster of sessile
flowers in the axil of leaves e.g. Ocimum(Tulsa), Salvia.

A true fruit is a ripened ovary that develops after fertilization. Ovules develop into seeds and the ovary
wall matures into fruit wall which is now called pericarp. The pericarp may be thick or thin. In fleshy
fruits like mango, pericarp is thick and differentiated into three regions(a) epicarpforms the skin of the fruit
(b) mesocarp, middle pulpy and
(c) endocarpinner hard and stony (coconut, mango) or often thin membranes (orange).
In dry fruits pericarp, is thin, dry, papery or thick and woody and but not divided into three regions.
Sometimes along with ovary other floral parts like thalamus, receptacle or calyx may develop as part of
fruit, such fruits are-called false fruits. e.g. apple, pear (thalamus), fig (receptacle).
Parthenocarpic fruit- It is a fruit that develops without fertilization. It is seedless or has non-viable
seeds e.g, banana, grapes, orange, papaya, pine apple. Horticulturists are producing such fruits
1. Simple fruit - Develops from single mono-to polycarpellary, syncarpous (fused) ovary e.g, pea,
tomato, banana, guava
2. Aggregate fruit- Collection (etaerio) of simple fruits or fruitlets on same thalamus developing
from polycarpellary, apocarpous (free carpels) ovary e.g. Calotropis, strawberry, custard apple
3. Composite or multiple fruit- Fruit develops from a number of flowers juxtaposed together or
from inflorescence e.g. mulberry, pineapple.
False fruits:- in the development of some fruits, calyx, corolla and thalamus takes part. These types
of fruits are called false fruits. Eg. Apple, jack fruit, pear.

Grapes :- pericarp and placenta

Pear :- fleshy thalamus
Papaya :- mesocarp
Gram:- cotyledons and embryo
Mulberry:- entire fruit
Jack fruit:- bract, perianth, seeds
MODES OF REPRODUCTION:The various modes by which plants reproduce are of three types
(a) Asexual (b) Vegetative (c) Sexual
In Asexual mode of reproduction, offspring are reproduced from a vegetative unit produced by a
parent without any fusion of gametes or sex cells.
A single parent is involved
Offsprings are genetically identical to the parent.
(a) Asexual reproduction may be of the following types
(i) Fission : As in unicellular organisms like bacteria and yeast where the content of the parent cell
divides into 2, 4 or 8 daughter cells and accordingly the fission is known as binary or multiple fission.
Each newly formed daughter cell grows into a new organism.
(ii) Budding : A bud like outgrowth is formed on one side of the parent cell and soon it separates and
grows into a new individual e.g. in yeast.
(iii) Fragmentation : In filamentous algae, an accidental breaking of the filament into many
fragments, each fragment may give rise to a new filament of the algae by cell division e.g. Spirogyra.
(iv) Spore formation : In lower plants including bryophytes and pteridophytes, special
reproductive units develop asexually on the parent body. These are called spores. They are
microscopic and covered by protective wall. When they reach the suitable environment they develop
into a new plant body e.g. in bread moulds, moss, fern.
(b) Vegetative reproduction : involves formation of new plantlets from vegetative (somatic) cell,
buds or organs of the plant. Here, a vegetative part of the plant (Root, stem, leaf or bud) gets detached
from the parent body and grows into an independent daughter plant. It is similar to a sexual
reproduciton in that it also requires only mitotic division, no gametic fusion and daughter plants are
genetic clones of the parent plant.
(c) Sexual reproduction:- involves fusion of male and female reproductive cells (gametes) which
are haploid produced by male and female reproductive organs. This fusion is known as fertilizationand
results in the production of a zygote (diploid). Further development of zygote gives rise to a new
individual which is diploid. Here, at some stage of the life history meiosis is involved and the
offsprings are not genetic clones of their parents.
Chlamydomonas (A Unicellular Alga):(i) It is a haploid unicellular alga found in fresh water ponds:
(ii) The plant body is pear-shaped with two flagella attached at the narrow end.
(iii) On one side of the cell an eye spot is present.
(iv) A large cup-shaped chloroplast is present.
(v) Towards the centre, a definite nucleus is present.
(vi) Chloroplast contains a single pyrenoid.

Reproduction:A. Asexual-with the help of zoospores

Chlamydomonas loses flagella and becomes non-motile.
Its protoplasm (cytoplasm and nucleus) divides mitotically and forms 4-8 zoospores.
The parent cell wall is ruptured and zoospores are released.
Each zoospore develops a cell wall and grows into an adult cell.

The parent cell does not exist, any more.

B. Sexual Reproduction
The cell becomes non-motile by losing its flagella.
The protoplasm divides mitotically into 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 daughter cells.
Each daughter cell develops flagella and is released in water by the rupture of mother cell wall. It
acts as a gamete.
The gamete is morphologically identical in structure but all identical (Isogamous).
Gametes released from two different mother cells fuse together.
The contents of the gametes fuse and form a zygote (diploid). This is the only diploid stage in the
life cycle of Chlamydomonas.
The zygote develops a thick wall around itself to tide over unfavourable conditions (zygospores).
On the return of favourable conditions (temperature, food and water) the diploid nucleus divides by
meiosis and forms four haploid zoospores.
Each zoospore grows into a new adult Chlamydomonas.


Structure:(i) It is a free floating alga found in fresh water ponds.
(ii) The body has a row of rectangular cells joined end to end (filamentous alga).
(iii) Each cell has a spiral ribbon shaped chloroplast with many pyrenoids.
(iv) Central region has a large vacuole.
(v) The nucleus is present in the centre of vacuole supported by cytoplasmic strands.
Reproduction:A. Vegetative reproduction by fragmentation :
(i) The filament breaks into small fragments.
(ii) Each fragment grows into a new filament by cell division.

B. Sexual reproduction:Scalariform Conjugation(conjugating filaments give a ladder-like appearance).

Two filaments come to lie very close to each other.
Cells of the two filaments form a contact with the help of a tube called the conjugation tube.
Cytoplasmic contents of each cell round off to act as a gamete.
Gamete from one cell (male) passes to the other cell (female) through the conjugation tube.
Each filament acts either as male or female.

The contents of two gametes fuse in the female cell and form a diploid zygote.
he zygote develops a thick wall around itself and tides over the unfavourable period.
On the return of favourable conditions the diploid nucleus divides by meiosis into four haploid
nuclei. Three of these nuclei degenerate.
On germination, wall of the zygote ruptures and a small tube like structure, containing one haploid
nucleus comes out.
The small tube develops into 1 filament by repeated mitotic divisions.


Angiosperms reproduce both by vegetative as well as by sexual methods. In this section we will study
the sexual reproduciton in angiosperms. As you know sexual reproduction occurs by fusion of male
and female gametes present in the flower. Thus flower represents the reproductive unit of a plant.
Angiosperms can be classified as annuals, biennials and perennials depending upon the time they take
to complete the life cycle and flowering.
(a) Annuals:- Plants live for one year. The plants which produce flowers and seeds within one
seasonare called annuals eg. pea
(b) Biennials : Plants which complete their life cycle in two seasonsare called biennials. In the first
year, the plants remain in the vegetative state. In the second year, they produce flowers, fruits, and
seeds and then die e.g. radish.
(c) Perennials : Plants which live for several yearsare termed perennials. Their vegetative stage may
last from one to a few years after which they produce flowers, fruits, and seeds every year e.g. mango,
peepal, neem etc.
(d) Monocarpic : However, some perennial plants reproduce only once in their lifetime and then die.
Such plants are called Monocarpic e.g. bamboo.
Initiation of flowering As the seed germinates a new plantlet emerges from it. The young plant grows
vigorously and continue to grow till it attains a definite shape and size with its vegetative parts (roots,
stem, leaves) well developed. This phase of the life cycle represents the young or the Juvenile phase.
Then, at a certain point of time on completion of vegetative growth the plant switches over to its
reproductive phase or adult phase and vegetative shoot apex transforms into a reproductive or floral
apex and starts bearing flowers. As listed above this transition from vegetative, the flowering stage
may take several years in trees but only a few weeks or days in annuals.

Factors Affecting Flowering:Flowering in a plant is affected by temperature(vernalisation) and light (photoperiodism).

Vernalisation: Low temperature treatment which stimulates early flower formation

is called vernalisation.
Photoperiodism : It is the response in growth and flowering of a plant to the duration of light
and dark period per day.

Sex in flowers : flowers may be bisexual (having both stamens and carpels) or unisexual
(staminate or pistillate). In some dioecious species there may be a
chromosomal basis of sex determination, for example xx and xy chromosomes.
The male and female plants may also exhibit differences in the levels of their growth substances.
For example plants of Cucumis which bear male flowers have a high gibberellins content as
compared to those which bear only female flowers. The application of gibberellin from outside can
induce the formation of male flowers even in genetically female plants and treating male plants with
auxin or ethylene may develop functional female flowers. The above response has also been seen in
Parts of a flower
A typical flower consist of four whorls borne on a thalamus or stalk. These whorls are from outside
(a) Calyx - consisting of sepals.
(b) Corolla - consisting of petals
(c) Androecium - consisting of stamens
(d) Gynoecium or pistil - consisting of carpels.
The two outermost whorls are known as non essential or accessory whorls as they aid in reproduction
but do not directly take part in the process. The other two whorls i.e. Androecium (male reproductive
organ) and Gynoecium (female reproductive organ) are known as the essential whorls as their absence
from flowers will lead to failure of reproduction.


Stamen consists of an anther containing four pollen sacs or microsporangia, supported by a slender
filament. Each sporangium contains mass of large cells showing prominent nucleus and abundant
cytoplasm. These are the sporangenous cell or the microspore mother cells. Each microsporangium
when mature, has a wall made up of distinct layers of cells.
(i) Outer most layer (epidermis)
(ii) Middle layer of thin walled cells.
(iii) Innermost layer, the tapetum consisting of large cells, which nourish the Microspore mother cells
undergo meiosis and each of them forms four haploid microspores (Pollen grains which are diploid)
arranged in a tetrad.
Development of male gametophyte (pollen grains):(i) The wall of the microspore (pollen grain) consists of two principal layers:1. Outer exine, (design may help in identifying species) with some thin spaces (germ pores).
Exine is made up of extremely durable substance called sporopollenin. The pollen tube grows out of
the pollen grain through the germ pores.
2. Inner, thin cellulosic wall, the intine.
(ii) The microspore nucleus moves towards periphery and the cell divides into a large vegetative cell
and a small generative cell.
At this stage pollen grains are releases by the rupture of the stomium dehiscencenof the anther.
The Pollen grain itself is not, the male gamete. It is a structure which produces male gametes,
therefore pollen grain is the male gametophyte.
A typical angiosperm anther is bilobed with each lobe having two theca, i.e., they are dithecous
Pollen grains of many species cause severe allergies and bronchial afflictions in some people often
leading to chronic respiratory disorders asthma, bronchitis, etc. It may be mentioned that
Parthenium or carrot grass that came into India as a contaminant with imported wheat,
has become ubiquitous in occurrence and causes pollen allergy. Pollen grains are rich in nutrients. It
has become a fashion in recent years to use pollen tablets as food supplements. In western countries, a
large number of pollen products in the form of tablets and syrups are
available in the market. Pollen consumption has been claimed to increase the performance of athletes
and race horses. When once they are shed, pollen grains have to land on the stigma

before they lose viability if they have to bring about fertilisation. The period for which pollen
grains remain viable is highly variable and to some extent depends on the prevailing temperature and
humidity. In some cereals such as rice and wheat, pollen grains lose viability within 30 minutes of
their release, and in some members of Rosaceae, Leguminoseae and Solanaceae, they maintain
viability for months. You may have heard of storing semen/ sperms of many animals including
humans for artificial insemination. It is possible to store pollen grains of a large number of species for
years in liquid nitrogen (-1960C). Such stored pollen can be used as pollen banks, similar to seed
banks, in crop breeding programmes.
The pistil, megasporangium and embryo sac:The main part of the ovule is enclosed by two integument (covering) leaving an aperture (micropyle).
The ovule is attached to ovary wall by a stalk (funiculus). Chalaza is the basal part.
Female gamete:
The gynoecium or pistil represents the female reproductive part in the flower. Each pistil consists of a
stigma, style and ovary. The ovary contain one or more ovules (megasporangia) which are the future
seeds. An ovule develops as a projection on the placenta in the ovary. It consists of a parenchymatous
tissue called the nucleus and is covered by one or two coverings called integuments, the integuments
surround the nucellus all around but leave a narrow passage, the micropyle, through which a pollen
tube may enter at a later stage. As the ovule grows it is raised on a stalk like structure called funiculus
which is attached to the placenta on the other end.
Development of female gametophyte
Within the nucellus, a single hypodermal cell (below the epidermis) enlarges and becomes the
megaspore mother cell, the mother cell undergoes meiotic division and gives rise to four haploid
megaspore cells, usually three of them degenerate and the remaining one becomes the functional
megaspore. It enlarges and its nucleus undergoes three successive mitotic divisions. As a result 8
haploid nuclei are formed. This enlarged oval shaped structure with eight haploid nuclei is referred as
embryo sac. These nuclei then migrate and get arranged into three groups. Three nuclei reach the
micropylar end of the embryo sac and other three move in the opposite direction (i.e. the chalazal end)
and the remaining two is the centre. Cell membranes and cell walls develop around all the nuclei
excepting the two at the centre of the embryo sac which now is called the central cell. The Nucellus
contains embryo sac (female gametophyte). Thus, in a mature ovule the embryo sac contains eight
haploid nuclei but only seven cell. Three cells at the micropylar end, form the egg apparatus and the
three cells at the chalazal end, are the antipodal cells. The remaining two nuclei called the polar nuclei
may use to form the diploid secondary nucleus. In the egg apparatus one is the egg cell (female
gamete) and remaining two cells are the synergids. A fully developed embryo sac with the nucellus,
integuments and funiculus, together
constitute the mature ovule. In this condition the ovule awaits fertilization which must be preceded by

Function of cells and nuclei of embryo sac

Secondary Nucleus :During fertilization, the secondary nucleus fuses with one sperm to form a
triple fusion nucleus (2n+n = 3n). This is called primary endosperm nucleus. It gives rise to the food
storing endosperm of the seed in many plants.
Egg Cell :Fuses, with the second male gamete (sperm) to give rise to the zygote, which develops into
the embryo. This is called double fertilization
Synergid Cells :Considered to help in fertilization by directing the pollen tube to the egg cell.
Antipodal Cells :No function.
When mature pollen grains released from anther are carried to stigma of a flower
of the same or different species, it is called pollination.
Pollination : Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of flower.

Importance of Pollination :
1. It results in fertilization and ovule is converted into seed.
2. New varieties of plants are formed through new combination of genes in case of cross pollination.
3. During pollination pollen tube produces growth hormones which convert ovary into fruit.
Cross pollination is brought about by various external agencies such as, wind, insects, water, birds and
other animals. Now let us study the various agencies of cross pollination which carry pollen grains
from one flower to stigma of another flower.
Kinds of Pollination : Depending on the source of pollen, pollination can be divided into three
(i) Autogamy: In this type, pollination is achieved within the same flower. Transfer of pollen grains
from the anther to the stigma of the same flower. In a normal flower which opens and
exposes the anthers and the stigma, complete autogamy is rather rare. Autogamy in such flowers
requires synchrony in pollen release and stigma receptivity and also, the anthers and the stigma
should ie close to each other so that self-pollination can occur. Some plants such as Viola
(common pansy), Oxalis, andCommelina produce two types of flowers chasmogamous flowers which
are similar to flowers of other species with exposed anthers and stigma, and cleistogamous flowers
which do not open at all. In such flowers, the anthers and stigma lie close to each other. When anthers
dehisce in the flower buds, pollen grains come in contact with the stigma to effect pollination. Thus,
cleistogamous flowers are invariably autogamous as there is no chance of cross-pollen landing on the
stigma. Cleistogamous flowers produce assured seed-set even in the absence of pollinators.
(ii) GeitonogamyTransfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of another flower of
the same plant. Although geitonogamy is functionally cross-pollination involving a pollinating agent,
genetically it is similar to autogamy since the pollen grains come from the same plant.
(iii) Xenogamy Transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of a different plant. This is the
only type of pollination which during pollination brings genetically different
types of pollen grains to the stigma.

Characteristics in Flowers which favour Cross Pollination:1. Pollination by wind (Anemophily) : (Anemos : wind, Phile: to love)
(i) Flowers are small, without colour, nectar and scent.
(ii) Flowers produce a large number of pollen grains to allow for wastage when carried with wind to
another flower.
(iii) The pollen grains are small, light and sometimes provided with Wings.
(iv) The stigmas are comparatively large, protruding and some times hairy, to trap pollen grains for
example, grasses and some cacti.
2. Pollination by insects (Entomophily) :(entomo : insect, phile : to love)
(i) Flowers are usually large, coloured and showy to attract insects.
(ii) Some of these flowers secrete nectar to attract insects. Salvia flowers show special adaptations for
pollination by bees.
3. Pollination by Water (Hydrophily)(Hydros : water)
Pollination by water is quite rare in flowering plants and is limited to about 30 genera, mostly
monocotyledons. As against this, you would recall that water is a regular mode of transport for the
male gametes among the lower plant groups such as algae, bryophytes and pteridophytes. It is
believed, particularly for some bryophytes and pteridophytes, that their distribution is limited
because of the need for water for the transport of male gametes and fertilisation. Some examples of
water pollinated plants are Vallisneriaand Hydrilla which grow in fresh water and several marine seagrasses such as Zostera. Not all aquatic plants use water for pollination. In a majority of aquatic plants
such as water hyacinth and water lily, the flowers emerge above the level of water and are pollinated
by insects or wind as in most of the land plants. In Vallisneria, the female flower reach the surface of
water by the long stalk and the male flowers or pollen grains are released on to the surface of water.
They are carried passively by water currents some of them eventually reach the female flowers and the
stigma. In another group of water pollinated plants such as seagrasses, female flowers remain
submerged in water and the pollen grains are released inside the water. Pollen grains in many such
species are long, ribbon like and they are carried passively inside the water; some of them reach the
stigma and achieve pollination.
4. Pollination by Animals (Zoophily)(Zoon : animal)
Flowers of such plants attract animals by their bright colour, size, scent etc. For example sun bird,
pollinates flowers of Canna, gladioli etc., Squirrels pollinate flowers of silk cotton tree.
Humans carry out artificial pollination in a number of plants for producing hybrids.
Some Adaptations to Promote Cross Pollination :
1. Unisexuality: Flowers may be only male or female, borne on different plants e.g. papaya, palm.
2. Dichogamy: Male and female sex organs mature at different times. In sweet pea, and salvia,
Anther matures earlier than the stigma and in custard apple (sharifa) carpel matures earlier than the
3. Self Sterility: Pollen grains are incapable of affecting fertilization even after being placed on the
stigma of the same flower e.g. petunia, apple.
Devices to ensure self pollination :
(i) Cleistogamy: Flowers do not open completely on maturity.
(ii) Male and female sex organs mature at the same time e.g. ground-nut.

Pollen grains reach the right stigma and begin to germinate.
Pollen grain form a small tube like structure called pollen tube which emerges through the germ
pore. The contents of the pollen grain move into the tube.
Pollen tube grows through the tissues of the stigma and style and finally the ovule through the
Vegetative cell degenerates and the generative cell divides to form two sperms (or male gametes).
Tip of pollen tube bursts and the two sperms enter the embryo sac.
One sperm fuses with the egg (syngamy) and forms a diploid zygote. The other sperm fuses with the
secondary nucleus to form the primary endosperm nucleus which is triploid in nature. Since two types

of fusion syngamy and triple fusion take palace in an embryo sac the process is termed as double
After triple fusion, primary endosperm nucleus develops into an endosperm.
Endosperm provides food to the developing embryo.
Later the synergids and antipodal cells degenerate.
Significance of Fertilisation:(i) Gives stimulus for the growth of ovary, leading to fruit formation.
(ii) Helps in recombination of characters as genes from two different individuals combine and form
the zygote.
Post fertilisation change:Events that follow double fertilisation are development of endosperm and embryo and maturation of
the ovule into seed and ovary into fruit.
(a) Endosperm: The endosperm development begins before embryo development. The primary
endosperm cell divides repeatedly and forms an endosperm tissue. There are three ways in which the
endosperm may develop.
(i) Nuclear type : The nucleus undergoes repeated division to give rise to free nuclei which arrange
themselves at the periphery leaving a large central space. Cell wall formation starts subsequently and
endosperm becomes cellular at maturity. This is the most common type of endosperm development
and is seen in maize, wheat, rice etc.
(ii) In Cellular, each nuclear division is followed by cytokinesis, making it cellular from the
(iii) In Helobial type,the first mitosis gives rise to two unequal cells, subsequently division are free
nuclear but becomes cellular after cytokinesis. Endosperm may be completely consumed by the
developing embryo before seed maturation as in many dicot seeds like pea, beans etc. or it may persist
in the mature seeds or may even enlarge considerably as in cereals, coconut etc.
Development of embryo
(i) The zygote divides into two cells, the upper cell (embryonal cell) and; lower cell (Suspensor cell).
(ii) The lower cell divides and forms the suspensor.
(iii) The suspensor pushes the developing embryo into the endosperm to get food.
(iv) The embryonal cell divides several times and finally gets differentiated into radicle, plumule and
(v) The integuments become hardened and thus form the seed coat, seed coat protects the seed.
(vi) Thus a seed may be dicotyledonous with two cotyledons. (pea, gram) or monocotyledonous with
one cotyledon (wheat, rice).
The seed is defined as a ripened ovule.

Importance of Seed
1. It contains embryo which develops into a new plant.
2. The seed coat protects the embryo against dehydration and mechanical damage.
3. Seeds can be stored and transported from one place to another thus help in dispersal.
A. Structure of Gram (dicot) Seed :
(i) The seed is enclosed in the pod.
(ii) It is somewhat conical in shape.
(iii) The seed is attached to a small stalk.
(iv) The point of attachment of seed to the stalk is called hilum.
(v) Testa is the brown seed coat, fused with the inner coat the tegmen
(vi) Below it is a small pore, the micropyle.


The embryo is enclosed by the two fleshy cotyledons.

B. Structure of Maize grain : (Monocot)
(i) The maize grain is broader in shape.
(ii) Testa and tegmen are fused together.
(iii) The embryo is towards the narrower side of endosperm.
(iv) The endosperm stores starch and protein. The outermost layer which contains only protein is
called aleurone layer.
(v) The embryo consists of one large cotyledon, called scutellum.
(vi) The embryo is found inside scutellum.


Seed is the final product of sexual reproduction and seed becomes relatively dry. The metabolic
activity of the embryo slows down and in majority of cases the embryo enter into a phase of inactivity
called dormancy or in some case if favourable conditions are available they germinate. Dormancy help
the plants to survive under unfavourable conditions and ensures its germination only under
favourable conditions.
Germination :- Embryo lies dormant in the seeds, but when the seed receives the favourable signals
and the inputs from the environment (moisture, suitable temperature and oxygen) they germinate.
Germination is the process by which the embryo grow and establishes itself as a seedling.
Step of germination:Imbibition of water (through the micropyle) and by the seed coat.
Seed swells up as it gets hydrated.
Enzyme activity converts the reserved seed food into soluble forms (glucose, amino acid, fatty
The seed coat bursts and radicle emerges (grows into root) and then the plumule grows and
develops into shoots.
Germination can be of two types:(a) Epigeal:- where cotyledons come above the ground and form the first leaves of the new plant e.g.
in castor, neem, bean, plumule emerges from the cotyledon
(b) Hypogeal:- where cotyledons remain underground and plumule emerges from
the soil and develops into the shoot system. e.g. maize, rice etc.
A fruit is defined as a ripened ovary. Different parts are edible in different fruits.
Significance of Fruit :
1. It protects seeds.
2. On decay, fruits which contain chemical substances enrich the soil.
3. It helps in dispersal of seeds.
The unripe fruit has a different taste but no smell. But the same fruit when it ripens has a good taste
and smell. e.g. mango, banana. The following changes take place during the ripening of fruit :
(i) Starch is converted into sugar.
(ii) The production of various organic substances (esters) gives a different texture, taste and flavour.
The breakdown of chlorophyll leads to changes in colour of the skin of the fruit.
Parthenocarpy : When fertilisation fails, seeds are not formed. But in certain plants
the ovary develops into a fruit e.g. grapes, banana etc. The phenomenon of development of fruit from
unfertilised ovary is called parthenocarpy and such fruits are called parthenocarpic fruits.
Commercial value of parthenocarpic fruits :
(i) The fruits are seedless and are hence valued more, for eating purposes and contain seeds which can
not develop into a new plant.
(ii) The fruits contain sufficient growth hormones.
Reproduciton of new plants from the portion of the vegetative parts of a plant is very common and is
called vegetative reproduction. Stems, roots, leaves and even buds are variously modified to suit this
requirement. This is called naturalvegetative reproduciton. The new plants formed by vegetative
propagation are genetically similar to the parents.

Natural Method : In natural methods, a portion of the plant gets detached from the body of the
mother plant and grows into an independent plant. The parts may be stem, root, leaf or even flower.
1. The underground modification of stem, like rhizome, (in ginger), tuber (potato), bulb (onion) and
corm (zamikand) are provided with buds which develop into a new plant and are therefore used to
carry out vegetative propagation of the plant in the field. Plants with subaerial modification such as
Pistia(offset) and Chrysanthemum (sucker) are also used for vegetative propagation.
2. Similarly, tuberous roots (Asparagusand sweet potato) can also be used for propagation as these
roots have adventitious buds which ground into a new plant.
3. Sometimes even leaves contribute to propagation of plants leaves of Bryophyllum and
Kalancloehave buds on the margin and these buds grow into small plantlets. When detached from the
mother plant they grow into independent plants.
4. In plants like Agave and Oxalis multicellular bodies called bulbils develop near the flower. These are
called bulbils which when fall on the ground grow into new plant.

Humans have taken advantage of this natural phenomenon and have artificially propagated plants
vegetatively by using the specialized parts as described earlier or by cutting, grafting and layering.
When, we use the vegetative parts for propagating crops or ornamental plants it is termed as artificial
vegetative propagation.
(a) Cuttings: Many plants like rose, Bougainvillea, Croton, Coleus, money plants, sugarcane etc. are
grown through their stem cuttings. Cuttings of these plants can be grown even in water where they
strike roots and develop adventitious buds.
(b) Layering: In this method, a lower branch of a plant is bent down and covered with moist soil
leaving the growing tip above the soil. A ring of bark is removed from the stem before it is bent down.
In a few weeks time whenenough roots have developed on the underground portion above the ringed
part. it is cut off from the parent plant and grown separately as an independent plant. Example:
Jasmine, straw berry, grapevine, Bougainvillea etc.
(c) Aerial layering or Goatee is a similar practice where bending of branches isnt possible because
of the height of plant or due to woody nature of stem. In this method a ring of bark is removed from a
selected branch, and it is covered with moist moss and enclosed in a polythene sheet when roots
appear, the stem is cut below the roots and planted to form a new plant.
(d) Grafting: It is especially important for propagation of seedless varieties of plants. It consists of
inserting a small branch into a rooted plant. The rooted plant taken as a stock is resistant to disease
and is physically sturdy. In this stock a branch is inserted which is known as scion or graft. This scion
or graft is the stem cutting from the desired plant. Usually the grafted end of stock and scion fit well
with each other and are bound firmly with tape or rubber-band until their tissues unite and vascular
continuity is established. Grafting is mostly. practised in dicot plants. Grafting has been found
extremely useful in propagating improved varieties of various flowers and fruits like rose,
Bougainvillea, Citrus, mango, apple etc.
(a) Rapid means of reproduction and spread.
(b) Offsprings identical to parent. The desired varieties can thus be preserved genetically for use.
(c) Food storage organs allow perennation or survival in adverse conditions.
(d) Improved varieties of ornamental plants and fruit trees can be multiplied easily.
(e) Vegetative propagation is a quicker, easier and a less expensive method of multiplying plants.
(a) Overcrowding and competition for space unless separated artificially.
(b) New varieties cannot be produced by this method except by mutation.
(c) Diseases typical of the species are rapidly transmitted and can decimatr a crop.

The technique of plant tissues culture is utilised for propagation of plants. The process as explained
below with the help of diagrams. A small piece of tissue, organ or even a single cell is taken from a
plant and is transferred to a sterilized container with nutrient medium in aseptic conditions. The
tissue grows very-very fast into an unorganised mass, called callus. The callus can be maintained and
multiplied for an indefinite period. When small portions of the tissue are transferred to another
specialised medium with hormones, it induces differentiation and plantlets (little plants) are formed.
The plantlets can be transplanted into pots and or soil by a gradual process and are grown to mature
Advantages of micropropagation
By this method an indefinite number of identical plants can be obtained vegetatively starting from a
small amount of parent tissue. In orchids, carnations, Chrysanthemum and Asparagus,
micropropagation is being successfully tried in some parts of our country.

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