Asp .Net MVC

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Nemanja Kojic, MScEE

What is MVC?
Model-View-Controller (MVC)
Standard Architectural Pattern
Separation of concerns:
model, view, controller

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ASP .NET MVC Framework

An alternative to ASP .NET Web Forms
Presentation framework
Highly testable
Integrated with the
existing ASP .NET
Master pages
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ASP .NET MVC Framework

Business/domain logic
Model objects, retrieve and store model state in a
persistent storage (database).

Display applications UI
UI created from the model data

Handle user input and interaction
Work with model
Select a view for rendering UI
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When to use MVC approach?

Easier to manage complexity (divide and conquer)
It does not use server forms and view state
Front Controller pattern (rich routing)
Better support for test-driven development
Ideal for distributed and large teams
High degree of control over the application
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ASP .NET MVC Features

Separation of application tasks
Input logic, business logic, UI logic

Support for test-driven development

Unit testing
No need to start app server

Extensible and pluggable framework

Components easily replaceable or customized
(view engine, URL routing, data serialization,)
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ASP .NET MVC Features (cont.)

Support for Dependency Injection (DI)
Injecting objects into a class
Class doesnt need to create objects itself

Support for Inversion of Control (IOC)

If an object requires another object, the first
should get the second from an outside source
(configuration file)

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ASP .NET MVC Features (cont.)

Extensive support for ASP .NET routing
Building apps with comprehensible and
searchable URLs
Customizable URLs
Adapted to work well with search engines
Adapted to REST addressing
Decoupled from resource files

Use of existing ASP .NET features

(backward compatibility)
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ASP .NET MVC App Structure

URLs mapped to controller classes
handles requests,
executes appropriate logic and
calls a View to generate HTML response

URL routing
ASP .NET routing engine (flexible mapping)
Support for defining customized routing rules
Automatic passing/parsing of parameters
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ASP .NET App Structure

No Postback
All user interactions
routed to a controller
No view state and
page lifecycle events

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MVC App Execution

Entry points to MVC:
UrlRoutingModule and MvcRouteHandler

Request handling:
Select appropriate controller
Obtain a specific controller instance
Call the controllers Execute method

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MVC App Execution - stages

Receive first request for the application
Populating RouteTable

Perform routing
Create MVC Request handler
Create controller
Execute controller
Invoke action
Execute result
ViewResult, RedirectToRouteResult, ContentResult,
FileResult, JsonResult, RedirectResult
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MVC App Execution

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Razor Engine
A new view-engine
Optimized around HTML generation
Code-focused templating approach

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Razor Engine Design goals

Compact, Expressive and Fluid

Easy to learn
It is not a new language
Works with any text editor
Great Intellisense
Testing views without server, controllers

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Razor HelloWorld
Uses @ for
Razor blocks

razor file

.aspx file

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Loops and Nested HTML

Razor syntax

.aspx syntax

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If Blocks and Multi-line Statements

IF statement



Variables can span

multiple server
code blocks!

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Integrating Content and Code

Parser examines right-hand
side of @ character.

Identifying nested
content with HTML
block tag

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Layout/Master page

Including specific body content.

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Content page
Explicitly setting LayoutPage property.

Complete HTML page.

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Master page section overrides

This section is optional.

This section is optional.

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Master page section overrides

Named section.

Named section.

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Master page result html

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Re-usable HTML Helpers

Methods that can be invoked
within code-blocks
Encapsulate generating HTML
Implemented using pure code
Work with Razor engine
Built-in HTML helper

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Define own HTML helpers

declarative syntax

Helpers parameters (full

language and ebugging support)
HTML Helper definition
HTML Helper should be placed
to Views\Helper directory.

HTML Helper Invocation

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Visual Studio support

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Razor Summary

A good new view engine

Code-focused templating
Fast and expressive
Compact syntax
Integrated with C# and VB

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New Project


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Select the project template


ASP .NET MVC App Home page


Run the application


Expand the default App menu



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Adding controller


Adding controller (cont.)


Adding a controller (cont.)


Testing the controller


Mapping controller
Controller selection based on URL
Default URL routing logic:
Format for routing in

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URL routing
Webapp URL without URL segments =>
Index() default method of a controller
/HelloWorld => HelloWorldController
/HelloWorld/Index =>
http://webapp:port/HelloWorld/Welcome =>
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Introducing 2 parameters to Welcome method

Parameters passed as query strings!

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URL Parameters

Parameter ID matches URL specification

in RegisterRoutes method.

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Views created using Razor view engine

Controller method returns View object
Controller method return type is ActionResult
Common pattern: all view pages share the
same master layout page

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Create View page

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Create View page

Master page.

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Implementing View page

Selected master page.

Change controllers method signature.

The method retures a view object:
searches a view file that is named the
same as the method (Index.cshtml).

Index, by default.

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Pass data between view template and
layout view file
ViewBag is a dynamic object
(has no defined properties)
View template file.

Layout view file.

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Passing data from Controller to View

View is used for data presentation
Controller must provide a view with the data
One approach: using ViewBag
Controller puts data to ViewBag,
View reads ViewBag and renders the data
No data binding!

Alternative approach: the view model

Strongly typed approach
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Passing data from Controller to View




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Model components
Entity framework - data access technology
Code first development paradigm
(first code classes, then generate DB schema)
Database first development paradigm
define db schema first,
then generate models, controllers and views

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Adding a model class

Enter the class name,

e.g. Movie.cs

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Adding properties to a model class

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Adding a DbContext class

EF namespace

EF database

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DB Connection string

Separate connection string

for each DbContex class

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Accessing Model from a Controller

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Accessing Model from a Controller

Visual Studio Creates:

A controller MoviesController.cs
file in Controllers folder,
Create.cshtml, Delete.cshtml,
Details.cshtml, Index.cshtml in
Views\Movies folder.

Strongly typed

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Run Application
Notice: default routing

Creates a new movie.

Database is still empty.

Notice: generic column

name, derived from the
model class.

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Creating a model object

Automatically generated form,
based on the model info.

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Generated Controller class

DbContext instance.
Index method.

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Strongly typed models

MVC provides strongly typed way of passing
data from Controller to View
Better compile-time checking
Richer IntelliSense in VS code editor

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Strongly typed models

@model: Specifies class of the model

Id parameter generally passed as a part of

the route.

with the master
data access.

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Strongly typed models (cont.)

Model object is strongly typed.
Each item is a Movie object.
Full compile-time

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Edit View


URL generated using Html Helpers!

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Edit View (cont.)

Parameter passed through the URL query.
Works for MVC default URL mapping.

Label defined in the

model class.

Date format defined in

the model class.

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Edit View

Generates hidden anti-forgery


Generates html label.

Generates text box.
Generates validation message.

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Property annotations
Annotations namespace.

Overrides default label name on the view page.

Specifies type of the data: displays only date part.
Workaround for
a bug in Chrome

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ActionLink helper
Html.ActionLink generates a link according to
a given URL mapping policy
Anonymous object
specifies ID of an object
Html.ActionLink(Edit", Edit", new{id=item.ID)}
Controller action name.

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Edit actions
Implemented as Controllers operations
HTTP GET operation

HTTP POST operation

Prevents request forgery

[Bind] attribute a
security mechanism that
prevents over-posting
data to the model.
[HttpGet] annotation by

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Processing the POST request

HTTP POST method.

Validates the forgery token.

Checks if sent data are valid server side validation,

compared to client-side validation (javascript)
Redirects after successful update.

In case of invalid data, the original form is returned

back to the client, displaying error messages

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HTTP methods best practices

HttpGet and HttpPost method overloads
All methods that modify data SHOULD use
HttpPost method overload
Modifying data in HttpGet method
security risk
Violates HTTP best practices
Violates REST architectural pattern

GET method SHOULD NOT have any side effect

and SHOULD NOT modify persistent data
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Search form Index.cshtml

Enter a text filtering value.

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View/Controller changes
View (changes)

Controller changed signature of

the method Index.
LINQ query definition
(NOT execution!)

Default form
method = POST!

Lambda expression
Use overriden BeginForm method
to force HttpGet method.

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Searching movies URL query



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Adding search by Genre

HttpGet method handles
the request.

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Search by Genre View

Preselected value.

DropDown list markup.

Parameter movieGenre is
the key for populating
dropdown list from ViewBag.

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Search by Genre Controller

Populating the
list of genres in

Key movieGenre is the

same as the parameter
of the dropdown list.

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Details method - Controller

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Delete method - Controller

HttpGet method.
Selects an objects and
returns Details page.

Never use a HttpGet method
to modify the model.
Opens security holes,
architecturally bad!

Asp .net maps a segment of URL

to a method.
Attribute ActionName is
necessary to provide valid URL
The same URL maps to different
action methods, based on used
HTTP method.

HttpPost method.
Deletes an object
having the given id.
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Data Validation
Keep Things DRY
(Dont Repeat Yourself)
Declarative validation rules in one place
(Model class)

Regular expressions
Range validation
Length validation
NULL values validation
Data formatting

Validation rules enforced before saving changes

to the database!
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Validation rules Model

Several validation rules failed.

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Data Validation - View

Client-side validation: javascript


Validation rules picked up from the

model class annotations.

Validation messages derived from the

validation constraints in the model
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Data Validation View (cont.)

Validation message derived from the

validation constraints specified for
the given Property (Title)

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Data Validation - Controller

HttpGet method displays initial Create form.

HttpPost method that does create a new object.

Server-side data validation check.

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DataType attributes
Provide only hits for the view engine
to format the data
Date, Time, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress,
Automatic provision of type specific features
e.g. mailto: ... link for EmailAddress
Do NOT provide any Validation
(just presentation hints)

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DisplayFormat annotation
Used to explicitly specify format of the data
Example: redefining the default date format

It is possible to specify validation

properties in one line!

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Expressions that use special syntax
Anonymous functions used as data
(variables, fields, parameters, return values)
The anonymous functions are used to create
delegates and expression trees
Lambda expressions particularly helpful for
writing LINQ queries
Available from .NET 4.5
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Operator =>

Interpreted as goes to
Used for declaring a lambda expression
The same priority as assignment (=)
Right associative operator
Separates the parameters and function body
Left side


Right side

An Empty parameter list

An expression

A formal parameter list

A Statement list inside curly brackects.

An implicit parameter list

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Anonymous functions

Inline statements or expressions

Used wherever a delegate type is expected
It can initialize a named delegete
It can be passed as the parameter where
a named delegate type is expected
Two kinds of anonymous functions
Anonymous methods
Lambda expressions
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Evolution of delegates in C#

Named method
Inline code
(anonymous method)

Lambda expression

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Anonymous method
No name, no overloading
Created using the delegate keyword
It is possible to add multiple statements
inside its body

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Anonymous method (cont.)

Scope of the parameters is the anonymous
method block
No jump from inside an anonymous method
block to the outside, and vice versa.
Cannot access ref and out parameters of an
outer scope
No unsafe code access inside its block
Not allowed on the left side of the operator
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Expression lambdas
Lambda expression with an expression on the
right side of the operator =>
Used dominantly in construction of
expression trees
(input parameters) => expression
Parentheses optional if lambda has one param.
Input parameters separated by comma

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Expression lambdas - examples

(x, y) => x == y
The parameters types inferred by the compiler
(int x, string s) => s.Length > x
Specify types of the parameters when the compiler
cannot inferre them from the code.
() => SomeMethod()
Zero input parameters specified with empty
Note: a method call cannot be evaluated outside
the .NET Framework (e.g. SQL Server)
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Statement lambdas
(input parameters) => {statement;}

Statements enclosed in braces

The body of a statement lambda can contain
multiple statements (in practices, two-three)
Cannot be used to create expression trees

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Generic delegates Func

T argument type,
TResult return type (last type parameter)
Useful for encapsulating user-defined
expressions that are applied to all elements of
a data set
A generic declaration of the delegate Func.
Example of usage.

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Func delegate (cont.)

A lambda expression can be passed where
Expression<Func> type is required

Output: 5, 1, 3, 9, 7

Compiler can infere the

type of the parameter n.

Output: 5, 4, 1, 3
Output: 5, 4
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Type inference in lambdas

Compiler can infer the type of the parameters
based on:
Lambdas body
Parameters delegate type

IEnumerable<Customer> customers=...
Standard query operator.

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Lambda expressions general rules

The lambda must contain the same number of
parameters as the delegate type
Each input parameter in the lambda must be
implicitly convertible to its corresponding
delegate parameter
The return value of the lambda (if any) must
be implicitly convertible to the delegates
return type
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Lambda expressions - examples

Func<int,int> f1 = x => x+1;

Func<int,int> f2 = x => {return x+1;}
Func<int,int> f3 = (int x) => x +1;
Func<int,int> f4 = (int x) => {return x+1;}
Func<int,int> f7 = delegate(int x) {return x+1;}
Invocation example:
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Lambda expressions - examples

Func<int,int,int> f5= (x,y) => x*y
Invocation: Console.Writeln(f5.Invoke(2,2));
Action f6 = () => Console.Writeline();
Function instance that does not receive any
parameter nor returns value.
Invocation: f6.Invoke();
Func<int> f8 = delegate { return 1+1;}
Invocation: Console.Writeln(f8());
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Language Integrated Query


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Undestand what LINQ is?

Learn what problems solves
See what its syntax looks like
Know where LINQ can be used

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What is LINQ?

Language INtegrated Query

It is part of programming language syntax
Supported by: C#, VB, Delphi Prism
Used for querying data
Supported the following types of data sources
Relational data
XML data
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LINQ Architecture

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OO library for relational
data access
Mapping from relational to
OO objects needed!
High Impedance Missmatch
for mapping data from
storage to objects in an

SQL-Like syntax that deals
with pure objects
Reduces the Impedance
Makes data querying more
One still must know the
format of the data


LINQ Adapters

LINQ to Objects
LINQ to Entities
It is possible to create own customized adapter
E.g. LINQ for Querying Twitter API

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ASP .NET MVC 5 Tutorial Official
Lambda expressions
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