SQL Server Failover Clustering
SQL Server Failover Clustering
SQL Server Failover Clustering
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Node Configuration
a). Bridged Network (one adapter for public communication)
b). Host Only Network (one private adapter for heart beat).
c). Diable windows firewall on all nodes
d).Change the computer name (instead of junk names put some meaningful names)
e). Install vmware tools
f). Insall domain controler on the domain machine (clusterDC in our case/ dcname
is metamanager.local)
g). configure DNS ---.>
DNS manager --> Reverse Lookup Zone
DNS manager --> forward Lookup Zone -- add host (add the
nodes with their IP addresses.
h). create a user in active driectory users and computers (cluadmin user)
g). add the newly created used (cluadmin) in the domain administrator group.
i). join the nodes (node1 and node2) to the newly created domain.
j). Restart all nodes and login with the domain user.
k). Ping all machines to each other, ping node1 and nod2 with private IP also.
Storage configuration
-----------------------------------------------------a). Download starwind software and install it on the domain controller.
b). Add four targets in Starwind (data, log, msdtc and quorum)
c). run iscsi iniator on both node and run discovery and put the IP of the domain
controller (starwind is installed on domain controller)
and in the targets tab refresh the target, if it is not connected the press on connect
d). in mycomputer-manager-storage you can see the four disks.
e). for each disk, right click --- bring online, --- iniate and then format it on the first
f), on 2nd node use the isci iniator, use discovery and provide the IP of domain
controller. Connect to the target (if not connected)
g). use the manage-storage to bring the disks online. Here make sure that the disks
must have the same dirve letter on both nodes.
Installing failover feature
a). Connect with cluadmin user (domain user) on both nodes.
b). start server manager on node1, go to feature and select failover clustering and
c). on node2 do exactly same step.
1). On node1 launch Failover Cluster Manager and run Validate a Configuration
2) After successful validation, run Create a Cluster , provide name of the cluster
wincluster and provide as cluster IP.
The cluster will create the quorum disk, you can see the quorum disk under storage,
if you need to change the quorum disk you can do it by right click on
wincluster.metamanger.local and choose More Actions and select Configure
Clsuter Quorum Settings and select appropiate option (for us it is option) we can
also use a shared folder for quorum (in win 2003 only disk based quorum is
possible). In win 2008 and onward we can create a shared folder (shared folder on
domain controller) and refer it as a quoram to use the disk for some other purpose.
Installing sql server failover cluster pre-requisits
------------------------------------In add roles manager, add Application Server role on both machines, under
DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTIONS select Incoming Remote Transactions and outgoing
Remote Transactions required for MSDTC.
Installing MSDTC service
-------------------------------------------------------------------Windows- administrator tools failover cluster manager Services and application
--- right click Configure a Service or Application NEXT
Select DTC service and click NEXT
Name the services as WinClusterDtc --- provide IP address NEXT
and select the appropiate drive for MSDTC and click NEXT, it will install the MSDTC
service in the cluster environment.
If we will not configure the MSDTC service then while installing the SQL SERVER
failover cluster it can throw some warnings.
Installing sql server
--------------------------------Run seupinstallationNEW SQL SERVER FAILOVER Cluster installation
In the setup support rules if there are warnings read them and if they are ignorable
them continue NEXT
Provide the product key evaluation