CommonThief ShopkeepersBeware
CommonThief ShopkeepersBeware
CommonThief ShopkeepersBeware
Before you jumped in I figured I would let those who are interested know a little about me and
the time spent before this book was created. I am Ampix0, a college student/amateur
photographer/programmer/graphic designer. I have been interested in anti-security my entire life, or at
least as long as I can remember. I know when I was in the 7th or 8th grade I had just found how to use
Trojan virus programs to hack into peoples computers and thought I was the coolest badass on the
planet. Ever since then I didnt like Hacking so much as I liked the technology behind it, or the
challenge it was to make your stuff undetectable to antivirus. So now-a-days I do not condone hacking
or stealing, or shoplifting, or anything like that. However I do LOVE solving the puzzle, and owning
devices that most people dont know about. What little kid didnt want to be a master with lock picks
after seeing it done on Scooby Doo! That doesnt mean little kids want to rob a bank, it means its an
interesting topic.
So then I thought to myself one day, wow I really need some money so I wrote a pretty crappy
(to my standards) 18 page book on shoplifting from what I had learned at my job and lots of research
and sold it on a popular forum. Even though it didnt sell too well, I was getting a lot of cool research and
I completely rewrote the book in a much better format, with much better spelling and grammar. Then I
thought to myself, Maybe I should sell this on a dedicated website! and that is what I started to do.
While looking for web scripts to sell a single eBook I didnt find much; but I did find lots of full
store scripts. So I thought about it, and here I am now with a full online store and a few hundred dollars
less. Only luck and time will tell
Dear Pirates
Dear pirates who obtained this book through means that did not involve buying it
from I hope that if you enjoy the book you come back to the website and
consider buying it to gain forum access and coupons for other products, or maybe when available you
would like a hard copy. As you can see, I sell the PDF version of this book and there was really no
protection put into the distribution of the book. I am aware this will be given out and passed around and
I dont think I would stop that if I could. DRM and censorship ruins great work and drives up costs, so I
refuse to protect my work.
I too am a pirate all I ask is if you genuinely enjoy this book, you come back to support the
author (me); who is not some big corporation, not some old guy sitting in his mansion, no, a college
student who is sitting at his computer trying to make ends meet.
One thing I will not tolerate is seeing this book for sale anywhere else. You may not gain profit
from my work. That will be the only time that I will get the law involved and I will. Also, please do not
copy material from this book and post it out of context online in a forum or article, especially without
giving credit, leave the information together in this book.
Read this popular Gizmodo article.
A Pirates Code of Conduct for BitTorrent
Table of Contents
Why Are Criminals Caught? .......................................................................................................................... 5
Require no help ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Lone Wolf .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Profiling and clothing ................................................................................................................................ 6
Speeding.................................................................................................................................................... 6
In short ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
The Law and Your Rights ............................................................................................................................... 7
Have money .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Tools dangerous ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Security has the right to search ................................................................................................................ 8
It isnt stolen until you leave ..................................................................................................................... 8
Your time is valuable ................................................................................................................................. 9
Know the Security Locks ............................................................................................................................... 9
Media Boxes .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Removing media boxes ........................................................................................................................... 12
Clothing Tags ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Removing the clothing tag .................................................................................................................. 13
Sensormatic detacher arm .................................................................................................................. 14
Leaving with the tag on ....................................................................................................................... 16
Milli-Tag (clothing) .................................................................................................................................. 16
Require no help
These people will most likely be waiting around but do not want help. They talk on the phone,
they immediately turn down an offer for help from an associate or even more so, they run away from
associates. Their nerves are their downfall. A real criminal has nerves of steel and act completely
normal. A criminal should be relaxed. Do not be afraid to ask a sales person about a product. When you
walk into a department it is likely a sales person comes right up to you to talk, it is actually a technique
partly used to make shoplifters feel discouraged and feel like the staff is really paying attention (when
really they have to greet you when you enter their department).
If the customer is too busy to ask for help or turns down an offer for help the sales associate
will most likely return to the customer to see if they would like help afterwards or, if they were busy
before (like on the phone) they will give another shot at helping afterwards. If you would like to make
sure the sales associates do not watch or bother you, ask for some help, get questions answered and
then say something like Alright that is all I wanted to know, thank you. Ill text my wife about it. The
associate now knows there will be some time before your wife answers you and you no longer have
questions, they shouldnt bother you again.
Lone Wolf
Most thieves caught are alone; they dont have anyone to help them with the situation, looking
out, helping to conceal items, general purpose help. Most people who are caught are clueless to their
surroundings, they are nervous, alone and their focus is only in one place and one place only. If you (the
criminal) find yourself alone simply take a sweep of the area and see where cameras and people are and
be aware of your surroundings and passively obtain your object.
Mostly in larger crimes but, the number one way criminals are caught, is speeding. All too often
has a criminal gotten away from the crime scene before the cops, quite often criminals pass the cops on
their way to the crime scene to respond. The reason a clean get a way is not made is because the
criminal is pulled over for something else; speeding. Again we are back to the fact that if you are
abnormal, you stand out.
In short
Abnormality is the death of a would-be criminal. All the small things that make you stand out
will cause you to be caught. Dont be nervous, shy, or wear outrageous clothing. Look the part, a fine
upstanding citizen normally doesnt have their face covered in piercings and tattoos, so neither should
Have money
If you are caught stealing and authorities also find out you never had any money when you
entered the store to begin with you can be charged with burglary as well as theft. If you argue it was a
spontaneous decision and you did not go into the building with the intent of stealing, it is merely theft. It
is much harder to argue you didnt intend on stealing if you went all the way to some store with no
money and tried to take something.
Tools dangerous
Later on we will be going over tools and modified shopping bags that can aid in the shoplifting
process and make it easier for you or a thief to leave the store with items you have paid for. However
beware of shoplifting tools; if caught with some special device thought to be used in the aid of
shoplifting you can be charged with Theft and Equipped to steal.
Media Boxes
I am sure you have seen these plastic boxes before, they are used to lock up small but expensive
items such as: video games, headphones, MP3 players, and other small valuables the store operator
does not want unprotected.
These are produced by Alpha Security and are most criminals worst nightmare or are they?
If you have ever worked retail you already know these can easily be unlocked with this:
The Alpha detacher key: useful to have, I would highly recommend having one. These boxes (as
well as most other Alpha products, including Spider wraps) can be opened with a detacher key; you
dont need the official key, but building your own key is a bit of a project. Alpha S3 security has a
training video showing you exactly how these boxes work and how to unlock
To create your own you will need to pick up four of these magnets here
After receiving the magnets you should arrange them in the following arrangement, if you do this right
they will all interlock perfectly.
This is essentially the same thing as the real Alpha Security key however, you do lose the lip on
the real key and you can easily hold it upside down. Real keys are hard to find though and very
expensive so it is an option. You can even enclose his in a casing such as a project box from RadioShack
or metal brackets, anything.
There are a lot of training videos on there and it might not be a bad idea to watch a few just so
you have a total understanding of the security features and know what to expect.
The same processes are true of Spider wraps here is an image to quickly familiarize yourself with
them, Alpha Securitys website above will train you on how to officially unlock them. Spider wraps are
actually a little tricky to secure, you may be able to pull these off without unlocking, use some elbow
Pro tip: Alpha Security boxes and Spider wraps have a built in alarm that goes off when outside the store. Do not
leave the store with these items or tamper with them. Just unlock and remove.
Clothing Tags
There are a lot of clothing tags out there, lets go over a vocabulary definition really fast as it is
important. These types of tags are called EAS tags; Electronic Article Surveillance and most of them work
pretty much the same.
Clothing is actually easier and less nerve racking because, yes it is all done in the changing room.
I am sure you have seen this:
These tags are made of 2 components; a pin and the tag. The pin is punched through the
clothing and locked into the tag in a similar way a zip tie locks. These come in different shapes and sizes
but all fundamentally work the same. If the tag passes through the magnetic detector, the alarm will
Removing the clothing tag
These are actually quite simple to remove, even without buying specialty tools. Simply have two
pairs of pliers ready. Now with the pin facing down away from you, grab both ends of the tag and bend
down away from you; this will for the tag to release the pin and your clothing and the pin should fall to
the ground.
With the bottom end (the side with the two holes for screws) in the palm of your hand, you
insert the hook into the top of the clothing tag. Clothing tags have a hole in the top specifically for this
arm. Slide the arm all the way in and give it some good speed, the pin pops right off.
If you have a similar tag but it is much thicker with a warning message on it, those tags have an
ink in them that can leak out and ruin the clothes.
These tags are a little tricky but it can still be done. A high powered magnet needs to be placed
around the cone of the pin at the bottom. Place something like this around the pin of the tag, if it is
strong enough, you can pop the pin right off without worrying about ink leaking out.
Another option is to purchase a tool that removes these tags however they for anywhere from
$50-$100. Just search for them here is an example of a google search; most tools are too large to bring
on your person.
This tag (as well as a few others) requires a radial magnet like the one above. On the inside of
the tag there are a ring of tiny magnetic ball bearings that come together around the pin and close the
lock. In order to unlock the tag the ball bearings have to be pulled away from the center.
Now those are the two most common types of magnetic tags but the same basic principles
should apply to anything you see.
Milli-Tag (clothing)
Here is an example of a clothing tag that you cannot bend open with pliers, however it also can
be opened with a radial magnet. Get a very powerful radial magnet, the strongest you can get a hold of
and place it opposite of the pin. Once secured simply push the pin in and it will unlatch and pop off. This
tag is often seen on wallets, belts, hats, bracelets, and other small accessory type items. Once again you
can find radial magnets online, search for speaker magnets and you should find something. Make sure
you know the size, some are very small.
For reference, all tags that you see out there with this type of bump are all exploitable under the
same system. So this can be used on Dome tags as well, anything with this iconic bump in it.
Soft AM tags
There are some popular schemes that have been around for quite some time that, believe it or
not, are still not really addressed.
that they place the sticker on so loosely that it could accidently fall off the item. Just walk back in with a
small item such as a DVD and take the sticker from that and place it on the more expensive duped item,
and that takes care of that problem
Take a metal coat hanger and attempt to hit the doors unlock switch, at the same time have the
accomplice be on the phone standing close to you speaking on the phone to another party about the
troubles you are having being stuck at the mall without your keys; very simple, semi risky.
Personally I do not condone this act even more so than shoplifting. Just remember most
people work hard for their money just like you; large corporations are the ones raping your wallet, not
mom and pop stores and other people. Try and have some kind of personal moral.
This video while short will actually explain better how to prepare the coupon, though if it is something
under $10 for some food item, plain old paper cut out should be fine.
These coupons float around a website called 4chan quite often. Also if you can pull this one
over, you are completely safe, no sneaking around, no hiding items nothing is out of the ordinary. NOTE:
Many stores will not accept these, Wal-Mart believe it or not is actually big on not accepting these, but
that doesnt mean dont try.
Read EyeRiss article on these coupons
Barcode Swap
An extremely popular and VERY effective method used by thieves to lower the price of an item.
In this situation there are two different models of the same product, however one is much cheaper than
the other. Obtain the UPC code of the product online (very easy) and from that you could go to a site
such as:
Enter the UPC code in the first box, choose UPC-a in the drop down menu and just like that, you have
the barcode.
From here the barcode can be printed onto some cheap sticker paper and cut out. All that has to
be done is take that barcode and place it on the more expensive item so it rings up for less. The sticker
will not raise suspicion, believe it or not retailers replace barcodes all the time for whatever reason;
(vendors sometimes change UPCs) even if something did happen it is very easy to say you found it like
that and it said it was cheaper on the shelf, now you wouldnt like it.
Locked Stall
Common sense should be able to help you out with this one. Some stores just lock the stalls and
personally unlock it for you. Not a real issue, but to keep anonymity, you may want to just go in the stall
directly after someone has finished to bypass they sales person.
No one can see you in the changing room there are no cameras allowed. Do not let that sticker
on the mirror about shoplifting scare you; that is why they put it there. If it is a belt just pull your shirt
over it and continue your shopping casually. No proof you stole it, you came in with it.
Knock-off switch
In this method you can get yourself expensive designer brand merchandise for only a few bucks.
This is most common with sunglasses, watches, and headphones but could really be applied to anything
where a specialist isnt involved. Search online for a fake knock off version of what you are trying to get.
Obtain the fake and return it in place of the real one at a retail store. You dont make money in this
situation but you do walk away with a real designer product instead of a cheap fake. You can now sell
the real item if you wish, however you could also easily sell the fake. One I have used before is like eBay
but they allow fakes and such (and normally cost as much or less than online wholesalers)
find the rack holding all types of gift cards to restaurants and stores. On that rack you will also find prepaid Visa debit cards. This method used to be popular with game cards such as Xbox Microsoft points;
however they added the scratch off area which made this difficult. Visa debit cards are completely
visible. Go over the rack and grab a $100 Visa gift card. After you have done so walk around the store
with possibly other items in your hand and pull out your smart phone. Begin to record the card
information into your phone along with the expiration date and cvv number on the back, when you are
finished, email the information to yourself. Be careful not to damage the packaging and, place the card
back on the rack.
From home you can check to see if the card has been activated by trying to register it at Visa's
website here:
Once the card shows up as valid online, that means someone has purchased the card and it is
now active. Spending is a little tricky; the smartest thing to do may be to buy virtual items so that there
is no shipping address associated with you just in case. Buy a premium account to some site or game
and sell it from there.
Walkie-Talkie frequencies
Citizen's Band (CB)
26.96500Channel 01
26.97500Channel 02
26.98500Channel 03
27.00500Channel 04
27.01500Channel 05
27.02500Channel 06
27.03500Channel 07
27.05500Channel 08
27.06500Channel 09
27.07500Channel 10
27.08500Channel 11
27.10500Channel 12
27.11500Channel 13
27.12500Channel 14
27.13500Channel 15
27.15500Channel 16
27.16500Channel 17
27.17500Channel 18
27.18500Channel 19
27.20500Channel 20
27.21500Channel 21
27.22500Channel 22
27.25500Channel 23
27.23500Channel 24
27.24500Channel 25
27.26500Channel 26
27.27500Channel 27
27.28500Channel 28
27.29500Channel 29
27.30500Channel 30
27.31500Channel 31
27.32500Channel 32
27.33500Channel 33
27.34500Channel 34
27.35500Channel 35
27.36500Channel 36
27.37500Channel 37
27.38500Channel 38
27.39500Channel 39
27.40500Channel 40
462.5625Channel 01
462.5875Channel 02
462.6125Channel 03
462.6375Channel 04
462.6625Channel 05
462.6875Channel 06
462.7125Channel 07
467.5625Channel 08
467.5875Channel 09
467.6125Channel 10
467.6375Channel 11
467.6625Channel 12
467.6875Channel 13
467.7125Channel 14
49.67000Channel 01
49.77000Channel 02
49.83000Channel 03
49.84500Channel 04
49.86000Channel 05
49.87500Channel 06
49.89000Channel 07
49.93000Channel 08
49.97000Channel 09
49.99000Channel 10
Dialed in
The general plan behind this is fairly obvious but in case it isnt let me spell it out. Dial your radio
device to a frequency and listen in, if you hear nothing do a microphone check. Simply ask something
like Hey is my walkie working? if an employee hears this hopefully they will respond with youre
good or something of that nature assuring you that you are on the right channel. If you get no answer,
move on to a new channel. Once you have dialed in to the correct channel the fun can start.
Be sure to wait a while after getting a response from an employee if you did talk. It also isnt a
bad idea to listen in more just to make sure you are listening to the correct store. This is best done with
a partner and there are again, multiple ways to go. Walk into the store and get near the items you need.
Text the accomplice the location of some teenager in the store. From here the accomplice will say
something like L.P. watch the guy in Department name here, I think he is trying something (L.P. is
store jargon for Loss protection or security). The camera will now be focused on the mark as well as
most of the employees you are now hidden.
Another method of distraction would simply to play music or static over the radio, disrupting
communication and creating confusion. Now not only can the employees not communicate if you are
suspected of something, they are all focused on finding the source of the sound.
Lastly you can use this as surveillance to see if the security is onto you. They will be quite clear
on the radio just listen for a description of someone that fits you and that is your clue to leave.
Blister packs
Blister packs (those annoying plastic packages you need scissors to open) are a BITCH to open,
but not for a shoplifter. Do not try to open the whole package, and get out all the contents. Take a
brand new razor blade (just the blade) and trace around the main item, leave everything else. You can
quickly and silently get the expensive part of the package and sell it online.