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Info-Bulletin No.


Decanters for SBR-Treatment

Description of an Outstanding Technology

Components of the MDSDecanting System


the MDS-decanting system in order to avoid
the well-known disadvantages of most of the
effluent discharge technologies, which are
offered on the market of wastewater treatment
at present. The most sensitive part of moving
decanting systems is the joint between the
outlet pipe and the moveable arm.
GmbH developed a special joint-construction,
which is 100 % watertight, free of wear and
tear and lubricated for an operation period of
more than 10 years. Moreover, the completely
sealed joint construction is manufactured out of
stainless steel with respect to those parts,
which are in contact to the wastewater.
Beside this special joint construction, each
decanting system consists of the following
elements (compare illustration no. 1):
a) One (1) inlet pipe, designed as a
horizontally arranged pipe construction with
specially formed inlet slots. Moreover, this
pipe is equipped with a special baffle, which
prevents that floating sludge or other
swimming material is entering the decanter.
b) One (1) vertical pipe, which connects the
inlet pipe with the joint.
c) One (1) stainless steel joint (twisting
link), which is equipped with a special ballbearing, completely sealed and watertight
and equipped with two connection pipes for
inlet and outlet.
d) One (1) level switch, which is located at a
construction allows the adjustment of the
level switch in a range of 0 - 1.5 m.

Edition: 2012-05-16

Clear water decanter DN 350 of the wastewater treatment

plant Amreya (Egypt).

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Biogest International GmbH

Info-Bulletin No. 065-e

e) One (1) electrical winch, which is located

at the tank wall. This winch is equipped with
a brake-motor as well as with four limit
switches. By use of a stainless steel rope,
the decanting construction can be moved
upwards or downwards according to the
process. Upon request, the winch
construction could be delivered completely
made of stainless steel.


The Operation of the MDSDecanting System

As it is described with the illustrations no. 1 - 3,

INTERNATIONAL GmbH (type MDS) operates
according to the following basic principles:


First Dip-In Action

After the sedimentation phase in the SBR is

over, the decanter-winch is switched on.
Consequently, the MDS-decanter and its inlet
pipe are moving downwards and enter the
clear water zone. This movement will be
stopped, when the level switch is activated
(compare illustration no. 2). The position of the
level switch is adjustable, so that the
immersion depth of the inlet pipe can be preselected (standard immersion depth: 0.5 0.6 m).

Park Position

During the fill-up phase of the SBR the

decanter is positioned at the so-called park
level. The inlet pipe is located above the
maximum water level. This prevents that mixed
liquid is entering the discharge system. It
should be pointed out, that the inlet pipe of the
decanter is at the same time an emergency
overflow for the SBR.

Illustration no. 2: Dip-in movement of the decanter until the

level switch is activated.

b) Stop and Go-Operation During the

Decanting Process (Discharge of Clear
Water Out of the SBR)
The water level inside the tank is continuously
falling. As a matter of fact, the level switch is
activated again, so that the electrical winchdrive is starting again. Consequently, the
decanter is moving downwards until the level
switch has again reached the switch-offposition (compare illustration no. 3).
Illustration no. 1: Main parts of the MDS-decanting system
(decanter in park-position).

Edition: 2012-05-16

c) End of Decanting Process

As soon as the minimum water level is
reached, the decanting process will be
stopped. The level control within the SBR is
carried out by the main

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Biogest International GmbH

Info-Bulletin No. 065-e

level control unit (not delivered with the MDSdecanter). The winch-drive will be started
again, however in the opposite direction, so
that the MDS-decanter is pulled out of the clear
water zone until the already described park
position is reached.
It should be pointed out, that the electrical
winch is equipped with four limit switches,
which control the lowest position and the parkposition. Two limit switches are for duty
operation, two switches are for emergency

Max. Level

out by a higher speed of the winch-motor. This

operation mode helps to shorten the decanting
period, so that more time is available for the
biological process. However, frequency
converters are sensitive and increase the
danger of a malfunction.

Mi n. Level

Sl udge Level

Illustration no. 3: Stop and go action of the decanter.


Variations of the Decanting


The described stop and go-operation of the

MDS-decanter is the most reliable and
experienced way to perform the discharge
process of the clear water out of a SBR.
However, at a special request of our customer,
it is also possible to control the winch-drive by
use of a frequency converter. In this case, the
first downwards movement from the parkposition into the initial decanting position as
well as the final movement from the deepest
decanting position back into the park-position
will be carried

Edition: 2012-05-16

A third alternative operation mode is the

control of the downwards-movement of the
MDS-decanter strictly in relation to the effluent
flow. By use of a flow-meter the immersion
depth of the horizontal inlet pipe is adjusted in
such a way, that the flow rate is nearly equal
during the decanting process.

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Biogest International GmbH

Info-Bulletin No. 065-e

Such a control needs a flow meter (preferably

a magnetic type) in the outlet of the SBR - as
well as a frequency converter for the winchcontrol.
Finally, we would like to recommend the basic
operation mode by use of a float switch.


Important Technical Data

Pipe material:
Steel quality:

Discharge capacity:
Length inlet pipe:
Motor power:
Winch controlled by:

Control of downwards
movement by:
Speed of downwards

Stainless steel
AISI 306 or better
(upon request)
10 - 300 l/s
150 - 500 mm
until 8 m
0.37 - 1.3 kW
4 limit switches
(2 ea. for low and
high position)
float switch
10 cm/m

Biogest International GmbH

Berthold-Haupt-Str. 37
D - 01257 Dresden

Edition: 2012-05-16

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+49 (0) 351 31686-0

+49 (0) 351 31686-86

Biogest International GmbH

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