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r o b e rt g e r wa rt h a n d e r e z m a n e l a

The Great War as a Global War: Imperial Conflict and

the Reconfiguration of World Order, 19111923*

* This essay draws significantly from the work the authors have done on a co-edited volume,
Empires at War, 1911-1923 (Oxford, 2014). The authors would like to express special gratitude to
the contributors to that volume, from whose work they have learnt a great deal. They also want to
thank the participants and organizers of the Conference on the Legacies of the Great War held at
Williams College in Williamstown, MA, in April 2014, where they had an opportunity to present
and refine the ideas presented in this essay.
1. Mussolini as quoted in: R. J. B. Bosworth, Mussolini (London, 2002), 121.
Diplomatic History, Vol. 38, No. 4 (2014). ! The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University
Press on behalf of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com. doi:10.1093/dh/dhu027


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When the First World War formally ended in late 1918 with an Allied victory,
three vast and centuries-old land empiresthe Ottoman, Habsburg, and
Romanov empiresvanished from the map. A fourththe Hohenzollern
empire, which had become a major land empire in the last year of the war when
it occupied enormous territories in East-Central Europewas significantly
reduced in size, stripped of its overseas colonies, and transformed into a parliamentary democracy with what Germans across the political spectrum referred to as
a bleeding frontier toward the East. The victorious Western European empires
were not unaffected by the cataclysm of war either: Ireland gained independence
after a bloody guerilla war against regular and irregular British forces. Further
afield, in Egypt, India, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Burma, Britain responded to unrest
with considerable force. France fought back resistance to its imperial ambitions in
Algeria, Syria, Indo-China, and Morocco and, even further from the main theaters
of the Great War, Japan did the same in Korea. The United States, having been
catapulted into a position of unprecedented prominence and influence in world
affairs, was struggling to define its role in the world and reconcile its republican
traditions with its growing power and expanding imperial domain.
Benito Mussolini famously commented on the disintegration of the great
European land empires and the new challenges confronting the blue-water
empires with a surprisingly nervous reference: neither the fall of ancient Rome
nor the defeat of Napoleon, he insisted in an article for Il Popolo dItalia, could
compare in its impact on history to the current reshuffling of Europes political
map. The whole earth trembles. All continents are riven by the same crisis. There
is not a single part of the planet . . . which is not shaken by the cyclone. In old
Europe, men disappear, systems break, institutions collapse.1 What would come

Imperial Conflict and the Reconfiguration of World Order : 787

2. Despite recent attempts to write transnational histories of the Great War, the global
history of its immediate aftermath is yet to be tackled. The most recent attempts at transnational
histories of the Great War include Alan Kramer, Dynamics of Destruction: Culture and Mass Killing in
the First World War (Oxford, 2008). On the global ramifications of the Paris Peace Treaties, see:
Erez Manela, The Wilsonian Moment: Self-Determination and the International Origins of Anticolonial
Nationalism (Oxford, 2007).
3. Richard Hall, The Balkan Wars, 1912-1913: Prelude to the First World War (London, 2000).
Donald Bloxham and Robert Gerwarth, eds., Political Violence in Twentieth-Century Europe
(Cambridge, 2011), 110.

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to replace the fallen old order, he did not say. But he had a point. For centuries, the
history of the world had been a history of empires, both within the European
continent and beyond it, marked by maritime exploration, expansion, and conquest of overseas territories. Indeed, the decades that preceded the war arguably
saw an unprecedented expansion of the imperial world order, as new entrants such
as the United States, Japan, and Germany sought to carve out their own spheres of
colonial domination. On the eve of the Great War much of the landmass of the
inhabited world was divided into formal empires or economically dependent territories. That world unraveled dramatically in the twentieth century, beginning
with the cataclysm of the First World War.
The First World War is hardly a neglected subject of historical research. Yet
understandably perhaps, given the impact of the fighting on Western Europea
great deal of the literature produced over the past ninety years has focused on the
events on the Western Front and their impact on metropolitan Britain, France,
and Germany. Most of these histories are framed within two classic assumptions:
first, that the war began with the sounding of the guns of August in 1914 and
ended with the Armistice of November 11, 1918 and second, that the war was
primarily one fought in Europe between European nation-states. Meanwhile,
ethnic minorities, imperial troops, and Eastern European or non-European theaters of fighting, conscription, and upheaval have remained at best sideshows in
general history accounts of war and peace on the Western front.2
These assumptions have dominated and defined the Western historiography of
the Great War for decades. And while the literature based on them has produced
many valuable insights into the causes and consequences of that conflict, this essay
argues that the history of the Great War must be drawn on a wider canvas, one
perched on two premises that diverge from the usual assumptions. The first premise is that we must examine the war within a frame that is both longer (temporally)
and wider (spatially) than the usual one. This move will allow us to see more clearly
that the paroxysm of 19141918 was the epicenter of a cycle of armed imperial
conflict that began in 1911 with the Italian invasion of Libya and intensified the
following year with the Balkan wars that reduced Ottoman power to a toe-hold
in Europe.3 Moreover, the massive violence triggered by the conflict continued
unabated until 1923, when the Treaty of Lausanne defined the territory of
the new Turkish Republic and ended Greek territorial ambitions in Asia
Minor with the largest forced population exchange in history until the Second

788 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y

4. Ryan Gingeras, Sorrowful Shores: Violence, Ethnicity and the End of the Ottoman Empire,
1912-1923 (Oxford, 2009).
5. Myron Echenberg, Colonial Conscripts: The Tirailleurs Senegalais in French West Africa,
1857-1960 (London, 1991); David Omissi, The Sepoy and the Raj: The Indian Army, 1860-1940
(London, 1994); Richard Smith, Jamaican Volunteers in the First World War: Race, Masculinity, and
the Development of National Consciousness (Manchester, 2004); Joe Lunn, Memoirs of the Maelstrom: A
Senegalese Oral History of the First World War (Portsmouth, NH, 1999); Christian Koller, Von
Wilden aller Rassen niedergemetzelt. Die Diskussion um die Verwendung von Kolonialtruppen in Europa
zwischen Rassismus, Kolonial- und Militarpolitik (1914-1930) (Stuttgart, 2001); Richard S. Fogarty,
Race and Empire in France: Colonial Subjects in the French Army, 1914-1918 (Baltimore, 2008). Heike
Liebau et al., eds., The World in World Wars: Experiences and Perspectives from Africa and Asia
(Leiden, 2010). For the African American contribution, see, e.g., Arthur E. Barbeau and
Florette Henri, The Unknown Soldiers: African-American Troops in World War I (New York, 1996).
6. Gerhard P. Gross, Die vergessene Front der Osten 1914/15: Ereignis, Wirkung Nachwirkung,
2nd ed. (Paderborn, 2009).

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World War.4 The end of the Irish Civil War in the same year, the restoration of a
measure of equilibrium in Germany after the end of the Franco-Belgian occupation of the Ruhr, the decisive victory of the Bolshevik regime in Russia in a bloody
civil war, and the reconfiguration of power relations in East Asia at the
Washington Conference, were all further signs that the cycle of violence, for the
time being, had run its course.
The second contention of this essay is that we should see the First World War
not simply as a war between European nation-states but also, and perhaps primarily, as a war among global empires. If we take the conflict seriously as a world war,
we must, a century after the fact, do justice more fully to the millions of imperial
subjects called upon to defend their imperial governments interest, to theaters of
war that lay far beyond Europe including in Asia and Africa and, more generally, to
the wartime roles and experiences of innumerable peoples from outside the
European continent. In so doing, this essay builds on a growing literature on
the experiences of the Indian sepoy, Chinese laborers, African askaris, the French
Armee d Afrique, and African American soldiers to offer both a synthetic analysis
of empires during the First World War and an agenda for future research.5 We can
now also draw on scholarship that has explored the effects of the war on regions
outside of Western Europe, including Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and also
Eastern Europe, a region which has long and quite rightly been called the forgotten front and which recent scholarship is now bringing back into focus as the
region in which the Great War originated and played out in a most violent way.6
The mobilization of millions of imperial subjects proved essential for nearly all
of the combatant states, from Germany to the Ottoman, Habsburg, and Romanov
empires and, of course, the Entente powers. Indian, African, Canadian, and
Australian soldiers among others all served on the Western Front, as well as in a
range of ancillary theaters and hundreds of thousands of them died.
Noncombatant laborersnotably from Chinaalso proved vital to the conduct
of the war, as did the involvement of the Japanese Empire, which used the war as an
opportunity not only to try to penetrate further into China but also to stage an
extensive occupation of Siberia that lasted until 1922. Fighting also took place in

Imperial Conflict and the Reconfiguration of World Order : 789

7. John A. Hobson, Imperialism: A Study (London, 1902).

8. See Shane Ryland, Edwin Montagu in India, 19171918: Politics of the
Montagu-Chelmsford Report, South Asia 3 (1973), 7992.
9. See e.g., David Fromkin, A Peace to End All Peace: Creating the Modern Middle East,
19141922 (New York, 1989).

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many locations outside the European theater of warfrom Siberia and East Asia
to the Middle East, from the South Pacific to the protracted campaigns in East
Africa. The impact of the war was profoundly felt by hundreds of millions living
across the imperial world, as the war brought conscription, occupation, inflation,
and economic dislocation, while also in many instances kindling new opportunities, ideas, plans, and hopes.
Mobilization in a colonial context was a delicate and difficult task. After all, a
war fought on both sides with native auxiliaries was likely to undermine the very
principle on which colonialism rested: the notion of white racial superiority. As
early as 1902, influential commentators such as J. A. Hobson cautioned that the use
of nonwhite troops in a European War would lead to the degradation of Western
States and a possible debacle of Western civilization.7 If a colored man was
trained to kill white men, what guarantee was there that he would not one day
attack his own colonial masters?
In many of the colonies, there was a political calculation on the part of those
who chose to enlist or those who encouraged others to do so. Leaders of the Indian
National Congress or many Home Rulers in Ireland supported the war in the
hope of greater political autonomy, perhaps even national independence.
Mahatma Gandhi, who returned to India from his long sojourn in South Africa
in 1915, famously campaigned to recruit his fellow Indians to fight for the empire.
This puzzled observers at the time and since who have wondered how this campaign squared with his already long-professed principles of nonviolence. But
Gandhi, like many other Indian nationalists, hoped that Indian participation in
the imperial war effort would place India within the imperial structure on par with
the white Dominions and qualify them for home rule. London encouraged this line
of thinking, making wartime promises for the greater participation of Indians in
their own government.8 This imperial strategy was applied elsewhere as well, most
famously perhaps in the incompatible wartime promises made to Arabs and Jews
over the disposition of Ottoman Palestine.9 In this respect, the war proved a great
disappointment for a great many who had hoped to parlay support for the Allied
war effort into advances in claims for self-government, setting the tone for decades
of conflict to come.
One of the supreme ironies of the war, of course, was that a war fought for the
protection and expansion of empire in fact led to the dissolution of empires. Its
most immediate victims were the vast, multiethnic empires of Austria-Hungary,
Russia, and the Ottomans and also the newer, aspiring German empire. But the
war also delivered a severe body blow to the empires on the winning side, generating new forms of upheaval, disorder, and resistance which presented

790 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y

10. Susan Pedersen, The Meaning of the Mandates System: An Argument, Geschichte und
Gesellschaft, 32, no. 4 (2006): 56082.
11. The term shatterzone was first used in the interwar years, but it was in the 1960s that the
term became an analytical tool. In its modern sense, it was first used by Gordon East, The
Concept and Political Status of the Shatter Zone, in Geographical Essays on Eastern Europe, ed.
N. J. G. Pounds, (Bloomington, 1961), before being further developed by Donald Bloxham, The
Final Solution: A Genocide (Oxford and New York, 2009), 81. For an overview of the ethnic violence
attendant on the collapse of the multiethnic empires, see: Aviel Roshwald, Ethnic Nationalism and
the Fall of Empires: Central Europe, Russia and the Middle East, 1914-1923 (London, 2001); Omer
Bartov and Eric D. Weitz, eds., Shatterzone of Empire: Coexistence and Violence in the German,
Habsburg, Russian and Ottoman Borderlands (Bloomington, 2013).
12. Harold H. Fisher, The Famine in Soviet Russia, 1919-1923: The Operations of the American
Relief Administration (New York, 1927).

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unprecedented challenges, both practical and ideological, to imperial managers. In

the immediate aftermath of the war, the victorious empires, the British and French
in particular, saw significant territorial expansion in the Middle East, Africa, and
elsewhere. But this expansion came at a heavy price, overextending the resources of
imperial control even as they faced new and more intense forms of resistance as
well as the novel duties and constraints imposed by the League of Nations mandate
system.10 The war thus hastened a process of imperial decline that would eventually lead to the collapse of a global order based on territorial empires and replace it
by one predicated on the nation-state as the only internationally legitimate form of
political organization.
Viewing the war as a war of empires also helps us to see how the violence
that came before August 1914 and after November 1918 was in fact part of
the same process of the realignment of global patterns of power and legitimacy.
Large-scale violent conflict continued for years after 1918 as the Great War destroyed the dynastic empires of Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Turkey
and created a heavily contested border in Germanys East, thereby leaving what
some have called shatter zones, or large tracts of territory where the disappearance of frontiers created spaces without order or clear state authority.11
Revolutionary regimes came to power and then fell in quick succession as massive
waves of violence engulfed the East and Central European shatter zones of the
defunct dynastic land empires. The massive carnage of the Russian civil war only
intensified after the armistice, as did a number of major but hitherto little-studied
relief projects, not least the American Relief Administration led by Herbert
Hoover, which delivered more than 4 million tons of relief supplies between
1919 and 1923.12 And of course, civil war accompanied by large-scale massacres
and population transfer of unprecedented scope raged in Anatolia. The massive
violence did not come to an end until the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923, which
stabilized, at least temporarily, the postimperial conflict in South-Eastern
Europe and Asia Minor.
It was not only the losers who suffered; the conflict dealt a substantial blow even
to those empires that emerged victorious. The period that followed the armistice,
after all, saw a series of major upheavals across the colonial world and there is much

Imperial Conflict and the Reconfiguration of World Order : 791


The announcement of the Armistice on the November 11, 1918 augured a new
world of sharp contradictions. Empires both disintegrated and expanded, and
while violence ended on the Western front and in some other theaters, it continued
unabated and sometimes even intensified elsewhere. In much of the former territories of the Habsburgs, the Romanovs, and the Ottomans, the blood continued to
flow freely for years after. For many others, too, the war did not end with the
Armistice. For two weeks after the guns fell silent on the Western front, German
commander Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck carried on his campaign in East Africa,
and large-scale violence persisted in places, such as Egypt, India, Korea, and
Indochina. In Europe, Chinese laborers started clearing up the battlefields and

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truth in John Gallaghers argument that the British Empire faced its most severe
crisis to date during the period 19191922. As early as the spring of 1919, Britain
was facing major civil unrest in Egypt and the Punjab. By May, British forces were
engaged in the opening stages of the Third Afghan War, and Ireland was beginning its descent into an extended period of insurgency. From January 1919
onward, British regular and irregular troops were engaged in a prolonged and
ultimately unsuccessful guerrilla war with the Irish Republican Army that would
lead to the establishment of the Irish Free State. The British Empire deployed
extreme and widespread violence, including civilian massacres and aerial bombardment to quell revolts in Ireland, India, Iraq, and elsewhere, and they were not alone
in doing so. The French fought viciously to beat back fierce resistance to their
expanding rule in the Levant and Indochina; the Japanese struggled to contain
challenges to their empire on the Korean Peninsula even as they sought to expand
their influence deep into Siberia, a move that in turn helped prompt the Western
allies, including the United States, to send forces to intervene there. Indeed, the
entire edifice of the imperial world order was convulsing violently in the aftermath
of the Armistice even as it reached its greatest territorial extent. The organized
mass violence of the war had not ended; it had only shifted its modes and focal
In short, thinking about the Great War as a conflict of nation-states is a case of
reading history backward. The world before 1914 was at least as much a world of
empires as it was a world of nations even within Europe, not to mention in vast
expanses of Asia and Africa. Clearly, nationalist myths, propaganda, and popular
sentiments were vigorously mobilized to recruit manpower and build support for
the war effort. But the war itself was fought as muchindeed, arguably morefor
the defense and expansion of empire as for the nation. In almost all cases it was, in
fact, empires rather than nations that were mobilized for the war. This essay
therefore sets out to lay out the different trajectories of the major world empires
in the era of the First World War, exploring how different imperial societies
mobilized for total war and how the conflict changed the relationship between
the colonizer and the colonized.

792 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y

13. Michael A. Reynolds, Shattering Empires: The Clash and Collapse of the Ottoman and Russian
Empires (Cambridge, 2011); Alexander V. Prusin, The Lands Between: Conflict in the East European
Borderlands, 1870-1992 (Oxford, 2010), 7297; Piotr Wrobel, The Seeds of Violence:
The Brutalization of an East European Region, 1917-1921, Journal of Modern European History
1 (2003): 12549.
14. Peter Gatrell, Wars after the War: Conflicts, 19191923, in Blackwell Companion to the
First World War, ed. John Horne (Oxford, 2010), 55875.
15. Recent literature on some of these conflicts discussed include: Serhy Yekelchyk, Ukraine:
Birth of a Modern Nation (Oxford, 2007); Reynolds, Shattering Empires; Michael A. Reynolds,
Native Sons: Post-Imperial Politics, Islam, and Identity in the North Caucasus, 1917-1918,
Jahrbucher fur Geschichte Osteuropas 56 (2008): 22147; John Paul Newman, Post-imperial and
Post-war Violence in the South Slav Lands, 1917-1923, Contemporary European History 19 (2010):
24965; Julia Eichenberg, The Dark Side of Independence: Paramilitary Violence in Ireland and
Poland after the First World War, Contemporary European History 19 (2010): 23148; Ryan
Gingeras, Sorrowful Shores: Violence, Ethnicity, and the End of the Ottoman Empire, 1912-1923
(Oxford, 2009); Tim Wilson, Frontiers of Violence: Conflict and Identity in Ulster and Upper Silesia,
1918-1922 (Oxford, 2010).

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French African troops were stationed in the Ruhr region. For those black soldiers
who returned home during 19181919, demobilization proved to be a slow and
difficult process full of disappointments.
In Europe itself, the Armistice of November 11, 1918 brought anything but
peace. In fact, the cessation of hostilities on the Western front was atypical for
interwar Europe as violent upheavals, pogroms, and civil wars remained a characteristic feature of life in postwar Europe. Violence was particularly intense in the
vast territories of the defeated dynastic land empiresthe Habsburg, Romanov,
and Ottoman empireswhose disappearance from the map provided the space for
the emergence of new and often nervously aggressive nation-states.13 Those who
fought in the name of these new nation-states sought to determine or defend their
real or imagined borders through force and strove to create ethnically or religiously
homogenous communities. The birth of these new nation-states in East-Central
Europe and the Baltic region was generally most violent in those regions where
national and social revolutions overlapped. For herein lay one of the peculiarities of
the wars after the war: in the collision in Eastern and Central Europe of two
currents of global revolution, the revolutions of national self-determination and
the social revolutions for the redistribution of power, land, and wealth along class
Despite regional variations in the intensity of violence and its causes, hardly any
territories east of the river Elbe remained unaffected. An extensive arc of postwar
violence stretched from Finland and the Baltic States through Russia and Ukraine,
Poland, Austria, Hungary, Germany, all the way through the Balkans into
Anatolia, the Caucasus, and the Middle East, with newly founded Czechoslovakia
under President Tomas Masaryk remaining an exceptional island of peace.15 In the
absence of functioning states, militias of various political persuasions assumed the
role of the national army for themselves (often against armed opposition from
other groups that harbored similar ambitions) while the lines between friends
and foes, combatants and civilians, were far less clearly demarked than they had

Imperial Conflict and the Reconfiguration of World Order : 793

16. Robert Gerwarth and John Horne, eds., War in Peace: Paramilitary Violence after the Great
War (Oxford and New York, 2012).
17. To what extent the late European empires were indeed peoples prisons remains a controversial question to this dayrecent scholarship has emphasized the Habsburg empire in particular as an evolving civil society rather than as a decrepit polity doomed to dissolution by the
forces of centrifugal nationalism. See: Jonathan Kwan, Nationalism and All That: Reassessing the
Habsburg Monarchy and Its Legacies, European History Quarterly 41 (2011): 88108.
18. Alexander V. Prusin, The Lands Between: Conflict in the East European Borderlands,
1870-1992 (Oxford, 2010), 74f; Aviel Roshwald, Ethnic Nationalism and the Fall of Empires:
Central Europe, Russia and the Middle East, 1914-1923 (London, 2001).
19. On the German occupation of Ober-Ost, see: Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius, War Land on the
Eastern Front: Culture, National Identity and German Occupation in World War I (Cambridge, 2000).

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been during the Great War. Not since the Thirty Years War had a series of
interconnected civil wars been as messy and deadly as now, as civil wars overlapped
with revolutions, counterrevolutions and border conflicts between states without
clearly defined frontiers or internationally recognized governments. German freebooters fought with (and against) Latvian and Estonian nationalists, Russian
whites and reds clashed throughout the region while Polish, Ukrainian, and Lithuanian armed bands fought over ill-defined borders. The death toll of the short
period between the Great Wars official end in 1918 and the Treaty of Lausanne in
1923was extraordinary: including those killed in the Russian Civil War, well
over 4 million people lost their lives as a result of civil wars or interethnic struggles,
not counting the millions of expellees and refugees.16
The abrupt break-up of Europes land empires and the inability of the successor
states to agree on borders with their neighbors certainly played a prominent role in
triggering postwar violence. All national movements in the former land empires
took inspiration from U.S. President Woodrow Wilsons promise, manifested
most famously in the Fourteen Points of January 1918, that the nations of
East-Central Europe should have an opportunity for autonomous development
as well as from the Bolsheviks insistent advocacy of the principle of national selfdetermination.17 But while the slogan of self-determination provided a powerful rallying cry for the mobilization of anti-imperial emotions and personnel both
within and outside Europe, the nascent national movements of Eastern Europe
quickly encountered opposition from various camps. In Estonia and Latvia, where
national movements seized the opportunity of the Bolshevik coup to declare their
independence, the legitimacy of the new national assemblies was swiftly called into
question.18 The situation became more confusing in the spring when a German
offensive led to the occupation of all of Latvia, Estonia, Belorussia, and Ukraine,
only to be reversed when the German war effort collapsed in November that year
and was followed by a Red Army advance toward Minsk and Vilnius.19 In Poland,
too, the attempt to restore a powerful nation-state in the heart of Europe encountered severe problems: by the spring of 1919, Josef Pilsudkis reorganized Polish
armed forces were engaged on four fronts: in Upper Silesia against strong German

794 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y

20. Julia Eichenberg, Soldiers to Civilians, Civilians to Soldiers: Poland and Ireland after the
First World War, in Gerwarth and Horne, War in Peace; Wrobel, Seeds of Violence; Wilson,
Frontiers of Violence.
21. John Keegan, The First World War (New York, 1998), 415; Erik-Jan Zurcher, The
Ottoman Empire and the Armistice of Moudros, in At the Eleventh Hour: Reflections, Hopes, and
Anxieties at the Closing of the Great War, 1918, ed. Hugh Cecil and Peter H. Liddle (London, 1998),
22. Erik-Jan Zurcher, The Unionist Factor: The Role of the Committee of Union and Progress in the
Turkish National Movement 1905-1926 (Leiden, 1984); Paul Dumont, The Origins of Kemalist
Ideology, in Ataturk and the Modernization of Turkey, ed. Jacob M. Landau (Boulder, CO, 1984),
2544; Sabri M. Akural, Ziya Gokalp: The Influence of his Thought on Kemalist Reforms (PhD
thesis, Indiana University, 1979); M. Sukru Hanioglu, Garbcilar: Their Attitudes Toward
Religion and Their Impact on the Official Ideology of the Turkish Republic, Studia Islamica
86 (1997): 13358.
23. There are no reliable statistics on the postwar Kurdish massacres, but the approximate
numbers are: 5,000 deaths in 1921; 15,000 deaths in 1925; 10,000 deaths in 1930; and 40,000
deaths in 1938. See: Robert Gerwarth and Ugur Umit Ungor, Imperial Apocalypse: The
Collapse of the Ottoman and Habsburg Empires and the Brutalization of the Successor States,
Journal of Modern European History (forthcoming).

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volunteer forces, in Teschen/Teshyn against the Czechs, in Galicia against

Ukrainian forces, and against the Soviets threatening to invade from the West.20
The fate of territorial dismemberment also affected another defeated state: the
Ottoman Empire, which lost all of its Arab possessions and was threatened in
Western Anatolia by an initially successful Greek advance into Asia Minor shortly
after the Ottoman defeat in October 1918 as well as an Armenian insurgency and a
Kurdish independence movement in the East.21 What the Young Turks and nationalist historians in Turkey to this day refer to as the War of Liberation (Istiklal
Harbi, 19191923) was in essence a form of violent nation-state formation that
combined mass killing, expulsion, and suppression and represented a continuation
of wartime ethnic un-mixing and exclusion of Ottoman Greeks and Armenians
from Anatoliaa process that began long before the proclamation of a Turkish
nation-state on October 29, 1923.22 Here, as elsewhere, the nation-building process came at a high price, paid in particular by the minorities of the country. When
Smyrna was re-conquered by Turkish troops in 1922, some 30,000 Greek residents were massacred and many more expelled in what became the largest population transfer in European history before the Second World War. All in all, some
70,000 people died violent deaths in Turkey during the decade after the wars end,
while approximately 900,000 Ottoman Christians and 400,000 Greek Muslims
were forcibly resettled in a homeland most of them had never visited before.23
In imperial domains beyond Europe, postwar violence, while not nearly as
massive as it was on the continent, was nevertheless widespread; even where
there was little violence, the imperial edifice was often knocked off balance.
Indeed, by the time of the Paris Peace Conference, the relationship between the
white dominions and the British Empire had fundamentally changed. The dominions claimed a place at the conference in their own right and fought for their own
interests. Australian Prime Minister Billy Hughes was a particularly disruptive

Imperial Conflict and the Reconfiguration of World Order : 795

24. See L. F. Fitzhardinge, William Morris Hughes, in Australian Dictionary of Biography Vol.
9, 1891-1939, ed. Bede Nairn and Geoffrey Serle (Melbourne, 1983), 393400.
25. M. S. Careless, Canada: A Story of Challenge (London, 1953), 33946.
26. See e.g., Stephen Garton, The Cost of War: Australians Return (Melbourne, 1996); Joy
Damousi, The Labour of Loss: Mourning, Memory and Wartime Bereavement in Australia
(Melbourne, 1999); and Marina Larrson, Shattered Anzacs: Living with the Scars of War
(Kensington, 2009).
27. Stephen Garton, The Dominions, Ireland, and India, in Robert Gerwarth and Erez
Manela, eds., Empires at War, 191123 (Oxford, 2014), 15278.

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force, driving U.S. President Woodrow Wilson (who referred to Hughes as a

pestiferous varmint) to exasperation, antagonizing the Japanese delegation
with his fierce opposition to the inclusion of a racial equality clause in the
League of Nations covenant, and irritating everyone with his incessant demands
that Australia be granted mandated territorial control over the former German
New Guinea.24 Nonetheless, the form of postwar nationalism in the settler dominions varied. For Canada and South Africa the pressing problem of appeasing
large, disgruntled non-British ethnic communities, further embittered by the war,
drove the mobilization of nationalist sentiment as the ideological glue to keep
these fragile polities together in the immediate postwar years. In both these dominions, nationalism was articulated around moving away from the Empire
more republican, self-sufficient, and grounded in a sense of cultural difference
from the British.25 In Australia and New Zealand, however, postwar nationalism
was equally strong but in contrast oriented around the twin themes of national
maturity and Empire loyalty. Far from nationalism being the antithesis of Empire,
as in other settler dominions, in Australia and New Zealand, nation and Empire,
were inextricably linked.26 The bloodshed of Anzac troops at Gallipoli, in particular, maintains its central position in Australian and New Zealand collective
memory as the violent passage to nationhood, but also as proof of the bond between Anglo-Saxon settlers and the imperial motherland.27
If the crisis of empire had a rather mixed impact in the white dominions, its
effects across nonwhite territories was far more consistent in its destabilizing effect
on imperial legitimacy and authority. Indeed, the years immediately after the war
saw widespread upheaval across much of the Middle East and Asia. In Egypt, the
1919 Revolution that erupted in the spring following the armistice included
mass street protests in the cities and widespread acts of sabotage in rural areas,
targeting telegraph lines and other symbols of imperial authority. Egyptian nationalists, who saw the peace conference as an opportunity to be rid of British
meddling and established a political partythe Wafd, or delegation, whose
express purpose was to present the case for Egyptian independence in Paris
grew increasingly frustrated as their hopes for a hearing evaporated and mobilized
forcefully against the British presence. Though London managed to stave off the
internationalization of the Egyptian question, the continuing instability eventually
led it to give Egypt its independence unilaterally in 1922 while keeping for itself
the core interests of defence and the Suez Canal. But Egyptian nationalists, who

796 : d i p l o m a t i c h i s t o r y

28. Selma Botman, The Liberal Age, 1923-1952, in The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. II:
Modern Egypt, ed. M. W. Daly (Cambridge, 1998).
29. D. A. Low, ed., Congress and the Raj: Facets of the Indian Struggle, 19171947 (London,
30. Priya Satia, The Defense of Inhumanity: Air Control and the British Idea of Arabia,
American Historical Review 111 (2006): 1651.

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grew increasingly assertive in the postwar years, remained recalcitrant. The tense
relationship persisted for decades until 1956 despite Londons efforts to retain a
decisive influence over Egyptian politics with the time-tested method of divide and
rule, pitting the royal court against the elected, Wafd-controlled government.28
In India, too, the spring of 1919 saw widespread disturbances, as Gandhi and
others mobilized Indians against Westminsters so-called Black Acts, the
Rowlatt Acts that extended wartime emergency measures into peacetime; an imperial effort to stem resistance that begat greater resistance still. The killing of
hundreds of unarmed protesters who broke curfew in the Punjabi city of Amritsar
became a rallying cry and a focal point of nationalist resistance. As in Egypt but
more successfully, the British authorities continued to play on the divisions among
Indians to retain their influence for a while longer, but they struggled in vain to
restore the atmosphere of imperial harmony and legitimacy that had surrounded
the Delhi Durbar of 1911, held to mark the coronation of George V as the sovereign of India. When the mainstream Indian National Congress adopted complete independence (purna swaraj), the complete severance of the imperial
connection, as its goal in 1930, it brought into the heart of the independence
movement a position that, until 1914, had been articulated only on the far margins
of Indian political discourse.29
As Britains imperial managers strained to restore order and contain cascading
crises across their old domains, they also struggled to shape and control the new
territories they acquired as a result of the war, especially those detached from the
defunct Ottoman Empire and awarded to the British Empire under the novel
arrangement of the League of Nations mandate. The question of Palestine
seemedat least for the time beingrelatively manageable. But efforts to reconcile the wartime commitments made to Londons French and Arab allies and the
concurrent need to find an instrument of control for the newly acquired, oil-rich
mandate territory of Iraq, led to the idea of installing an allied Hijazi prince Faisal
bin Hussein as monarch over Mesopotamia. That move, along with the brutal
application of newly developed British airpower to suppress restive tribal revolts,
managed to stabilize the situation in the mandate by the early 1920s, at least for a
The French mandates proved even more troublesome in the interwar period, as
did other parts of the French empire: serious uprisings against French colonial rule
in the interwar period included the Rif War (19251926), the Syrian revolt (1925
1930), the Kongo-Wara in French Equatorial Africa (19281931), and the Yen Bay

Imperial Conflict and the Reconfiguration of World Order : 797

31. See Martin Thomas, The French Empire between the Wars: Imperialism, Politics and Society
(Manchester, 2005), 21144.
32. Gregory Mann, Native Sons: West African Veterans and France in the Twentieth Century
(Durham, 2006).
33. Emmanuelle Saada, The Empire of Law: Dignity, Prestige, and Domination in the
Colonial Situation, French Politics, Culture and Society 20 (2002): 98120. See also her Empires
Children: Race, Filiation, and Citizenship in the French Colonies (Chicago, 2012).

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mutiny in Indochina (19301931).31 It is clear that the encounter of colonial

workers and troupes with Europes competing political, social, and economic ideologies (socialism, syndicalism, and communism among them), began to have an
effect in many French colonies. Wilsons call for self-determination famously
inspired Ho Chi Minh to inquire about the concepts applicability to colonial
possessions outside Europe. In Africa, meanwhile, prominent political figures
like Blaise Diagne exploited the rhetoric and ideals of French universalism and
egalitarianism to carve out an enhanced role for nonwhite people within the
French empire while in restive North Africa, Messali Hadjs nationalist North
African Star organization in the later 1920s challenged the legitimacy of the colonial state and cultivated links with international anticolonialism through the
Ligue contre limperialisme et loppression coloniale, formed in 1927.
To be sure, the vast majority of African veterans did not rise against their
colonial masters. As Gregory Mann has shown in the case of ex-tirailleurs in
Mali after both world wars, veterans often suffered frustration when the full promise of their service was not realized (in the form of preferential treatment, employment, pensions, and even citizenship). Yet they often framed their demands to
colonial authorities in a language of reciprocity that did not necessarily call into
question the colonial order. In fact, even if sometimes unruly clients of the
French state, veterans could be rather conservative, since they themselves had
invested so much in that order, and thereby hoped to gain from it.32 If troupes
indige`nes did not provide a constituency for the organization of anticolonial violence, as some contemporary observers might have expected and feared, it was not
because these men were satisfied in the happy enjoyment of increasing rights and
acceptance under a progressive and humanitarian French republican colonialism.
First of all, there were practical obstacles to paramilitary mobilization. Once
demobilized and thrust back into colonial societies, these men resumed their
places in a social and political hierarchy that was profoundly more racist and
rigid than that of the metropole or the army, and where the mechanisms of
social and political control were more or less well developed and deployed by
vigilant and suspicious colonial governments assiduous in the use of racial and
legal controls to uphold white prestige.33
Where rebellions did occur, they invariably met a ruthless response. The
French army and colonial authorities deployed overwhelming force against the
four major rebellions of the interwar period, making use, like the British, of the
latest military technology, such as air power, gas, and tanks, as well as superior
numbers, firepower, communications, and logistics. Even a thoroughly humiliated

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34. Manela, The Wilsonian Moment, 197214.

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and much weaker France made clear at least its short-term advantages in these
areas right after the Second World War, killing tens of thousands putting down
uprisings in eastern Algeria (Setif and Guelma, 1945) and Madagascar (the
MDRM uprising, 1947). In this context, it is perhaps not surprising that veterans
of the Great War in the colonies failed to translate their war experience into
anticolonial unrest.
It is often forgotten that the British and French were not the only ones struggling to consolidate territorial gains and revive the legitimacy of imperial rule in
the immediate postwar years. Japans leaders fought mightily and successfully in
Paris to retain their wartime gains of territory and other concessions in China,
obtaining the recognition of the other Allied powers of their takeover of former
German territories in Shandong Province. At the same time they brutally suppressed the widespread resistance associated with the March First Movement in
their colony of Korea, a movement that erupted in the spring of 1919 inspired in
part by Wilsonian rhetoric of self-determination. Despite the hopes that such
rhetoric raised among Koreans, Washington adopted a studied posture of neutrality on the question of Korea, whose status as a colony it considered a settled
Indeed, though the United States possessed several colonies in this period,
territorial legacies of its victory in the Spanish-American War of 1898, these
colonies played a relatively minor role in the structure of U.S. power in the postwar
period and an ever smaller one in the order that U.S. leaders sought to construct in
the immediate postwar period. Having already moved much further in allowing
native self-government than other colonial powers, Washington experienced little
resistance in its formal colonial possessions, including the Philippines and Puerto
Rico, though U.S. Marines occupied Haiti in 1915 and the Dominican Republic
the following year and carried on sporadic but brutal campaigns to suppress resistance there over the next five years even as Washington consolidated quasiprotectorates in Cuba, Nicaragua, and elsewhere in the circum-Caribbean region.
Still, U.S. leaders, Wilson most conspicuously, but also his Republican successors led by Charles Evans Hughes and Herbert Hoover, were already imagining
and beginning to work toward an imperium of a kind very different from the
vast, multiethnic, hierarchical territorial empires, whether land- or sea-based,
that undergirded and defined global power in the prewar era. Instead, Wilson
and his successor imagined a global imperium of nation-states, interlocked
within a system of international organization and governed by the principles of
free trade, an imperium in which U.S. economic (and later, military) preponderance would sustain Washingtons hegemony globally, patterned to no small degree
on the hegemony it had already achieved, or imagined itself to have achieved, in the
Western hemisphere under the Monroe Doctrine. The pursuit of this vision in the
interwar years was, of course, haphazard, held hostage to domestic resistance of

Imperial Conflict and the Reconfiguration of World Order : 799

various stripes made at least temporarily ascendant by the ravages of the Great
Depression. But it is within this framework that we must view the U.S. pursuit of a
stable and congenial order in East Asia, a goal at least temporarily achieved with
the Washington Conference of 1922 which sought to stabilize the postwar order in
the Far East in much the same way that Lausanne would do in the Near East
the following year.

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One of the great historical ironies of the Great War is that a war of empires, fought
primarily by empires and for the survival or expansion of empire, delivered a
debilitating blow to dynastic empires, which were for centuries the preeminent
type of state organization and to imperial expansion and acquisition as the main
logic of relations between states in world affairs. None of the four dynastic empires
on the side of the Central Powers survived the war in their prewar form, and all of
them (and their constituent parts, at least within Europe) were reorganized after
the war into one republican form or another even while (sometimes) preserving the
territorial forms and (usually) some form of the oppressive practices of their imperial predecessors in new guises. The empires on the Allied sidewith the notable and significant exception of Russiamanaged to survive and even expanded
their imperial territories, but a war fought for the rights of small nations could
not but undermine severely the legitimacy of imperial formations and strained the
relations of imperial centers with even the most enthusiastic of imperial peripheries, namely the British crowns white dominions.
It was not simply that equality in sacrifice implied equality in status and rights
after all, peripheral populations had been fighting for empires for millennia
without expecting, or receiving, such a reward. It was that the logic of popular
rule, which argued that political legitimacy derived not from divine sanction but
from the people, had finally, after a long and arduous process, achieved nearuniversal recognition. The argument from civilizationthe imperial scoundrels
last redoubtlargely drowned in the ocean of blood that flowed in the battlefields
evenespeciallyin the empires most civilized European provinces.
The postwar violence that wracked the territories of most of the participants,
both winners and losers, was in part a struggle over the remnants of fallen empires.
But it also reflected, at least in part, the crisis of imperial legitimacy ignited by the
war and its aftermath. The spectacular appearance of President Wilson on the
international stage, with his talk of self-determination and the rights of small nations, and the yet uncertain but growing specter of revolution in Russia and elsewhere in east and central Europe made together for a volatile mix of ideas,
examples, and potential sources of support for the enemies of empire everywhere.
The global movement of information and ideas, its pace quickened by the war and
recent technological and institutional development, meant that the anti-imperial
contagion spread quickly.

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By 1923, even as the United States retreated off the global stage for the
moment, networks of communist organizers, emboldened by the support of the
now consolidated regime in Moscow, set about establishing the organizational
structure for revolution against empire across the colonial world. Meanwhile,
the former European territories of the Habsburgs, in an often bloody and generally
chaotic process whose general direction was nevertheless quite clear, were established as nation-states. Across the world, the imperial state as a form of territorial
governance was under attack and in retreat, while the nation-state was on the rise.
And while it took another several decades and an even more murderous war between 1939 and 1945 to usher the process of imperial dissolution toward completion, the Greater War of 19111923 remains a global watershed in that process.

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