Pohnpei - About Nan Madol
Pohnpei - About Nan Madol
Pohnpei - About Nan Madol
Sheer cliffs occur in several locations. Often the cliffs are of prismatic
basalt, the material used in constructing Nan Madol and other ancient
structures around the island. Dozens of streams and rivers flow from the
interior. More than 180 inches of rain annually, a tropical climate, and
fertile soils account for the island's luxuriant growth. Typhoons occur here
less frequently than in western Micronesia, but several struck Pohnpei in
the early twentieth century.
Not until 1828 was Pohnpei rediscovered by the Russian explorer Capt.
Pyedor Petrovich Lutke, who named it "Senyavin" in honour of his ship.
Shortly thereafter British and American trading vessels began to frequent
the island's ports, and a colony of often unruly beachcombers began to
grow. As whaling activities increased dramatically in the 1840s, so did the
numbers of deserters from visiting ships.
The population of Pohnpei at the time of initial European contact is
estimated to have been in the range of 20,000 to 35,000 people
(Reisenberg, 1968). The population declined precipitously, however, with
the introduction of diseases by visiting whalers, traders, and explorers.
The most dramatic and unfortunate event was the smallpox epidemic of
1854, when the contagion killed over 2,000 islanders, more than one-third
of the then surviving population. Venereal diseases also contributed to the
population decline.
Germany purchased Pohnpei from Spain in 1899 but was forced to sell its
South Sea island possessions to Japan at the outbreak of the First World
War. Limited scholarly research was conducted on Pohnpei during the
Japanese administration. In 1945 the United States assumed control of the
island and began its administration under the mandate of a United Nations
trusteeship. Recently, Pohnpei joined Yap, Truk, Kosrae, and other islands
of the Carolines in forming the Federated States of Micronesia, an
autonomous political entity in free association with the United States.
In 1963 the Smithsonian Institution conducted the first modern
archaeological investigations at Nan Madol. Since that time scientific
research has increased significantly including the work of Athens, Ayres,
Bath, Davidson, Haun, Mauricio, Saxe, Streck, and others. Presently,
substantial support is needed for clearing the site of fast-growing tropical
trees, underbrush, and vines that destroy the ancient stoneworks. The
magnificent monuments also are in urgent need of restoration and
preservation if they are to continue to exist as the record of a
distinguished past and thus an inspiration for future generations
Nan Madol was a special place located away from the main island of
Pohnpei, perhaps to symbolize and reinforce the unique character of the
people who lived there and their ritual activities. Built by well-organized
indigenous Micronesians, the complex belongs to relatively recent
prehistory. The site extends along the southeast shore of hilly Temwen
Island for a distance of approximately 4,600 feet and reaches into the
lagoon about 2,450 feet. The area occupied by the islet, their waterways,
and the breakwaters is roughly 200 acres. The remains are accessible by a
one-hour boat ride from Kolonia or by a somewhat longer journey by
vehicle along the coastal road followed by a one-hour hike across Temwen.
Greater Nan Madol extends beyond the immediate vicinity of the islets
proper. For a discussion of the neighbouring islets, structures, and other
architectural features closely associated with the elite center, the reader
may wish to refer to the bibliographic reference for Saxe, Allenson, and
Loughridge, 1980b. One such neighbouring islet is Nahnningi, located in
the lagoon some 2,000 feet south of Nan Madol. A short distance south of
Nahnningi lies Mall. both of these islets appear to have been constructed
by the builders of Nan Madol. They are surrounded by stacked prismatic
basalt walls several feet high and their surfaces are raised well above the
high-tide level on coral fill. Another important islet contemporary with Nan
Madol is Nakapw, a basically natural island with some stonework. It is
located across the bay east of the ancient center.
Loose coral taken from the nearby reefs was used to fill and pave islet
cores, and considerable remodelling by successive occupants has occurred
on many of the islets. Most islets are orthogonal in plan and have flat
platforms that originally supported pole-and-thatch structures. The spaces
between the islets are flooded at high tide. Thus, the ancient center is
interlaced by a network of waterways reminiscent of Venice. Most of Nan
Madol's islets were used for burials or residences. The more spectacular
burial places with four vertical walls of stacked prismatic basalt. These
structure stacked prismatic basalt. These structures usually are
surrounded by an enclosing wall. Other burial places are indicated by only
a simple rect6angular or square basalt cobble paving on the islet surface.
House platforms are rectangular stone foundations elevated several feet
above grade. They often have fire pits received into the centers of their
platforms and range in size from about 60 square feet for commoner's
houses to some 800 square feet for dwellings of the nobility. The residence
of the saudeleur was even larger, containing an area of about 1,470
square feet.
The Pohnpeians call meeting houses nahs. Among the largest traditional
structures on the island, nahs will be described in greater detail later in
this section. Another type of structure found in Nan Madol is an enclosing
wall. Enclosures seem to have been erected for special purposes, such as
providing privacy for dwellings of high-status people or setting apart
sacred areas for tombs or religious activities.
Nan Madol is divided into two main areas separated by a central waterway.
to the southwest lies Madol Pah, the lower town. It was the administrative
sector, where royal dwellings and ceremonial areas were located. To the
northeast lies Madol Powe, the upper town. this was the mortuary sector,
where the priests dwelled and major tombs were located. Recently, more
burials have been found along the lagoon breakwater islets, suggesting
that mortuary activities may have been more important at Nan Madol than
previously realized. The maximum population of the ancient center may
have been between 500 and 1,000 people, although it is very difficult to
arrive at a precise estimate due to the lack of reliable information.
Two lines of rectangular platforms with canoe channels left between them
form the southeast and southwest seawalls, about 3,500 and 1,500 feet
long, respectively. The northern edge of Nan Madol apparently was left
open to the elements. A number of the structures in the complex in fact
seem to have been left unfinished. The seawalls were built stoutly of huge
basalt boulders packed with smaller stones on which prismatic basalt was
stacked in a cribwork of header and stretcher coursing.
Apparently, all of the islets originally were surrounded by water except for
Peinkitel, Peito, and Puilele. built partly on the southeast shore of Temwen
Island, the large mortuary enclosure of Peinkitel contains an impressive
tomb within a secondary enclosure entirely on the shore. The tomb is
believed to contain the remains of Isokelekel. When the German governor
Berg began exploring the tomb in 1905, the natives requested him to
refrain for fear of incurring the wrath of their legendary hero. The governor
persisted but died a short while later of sunstroke. The Pohnpeians were
certain his death had been revenge for the destruction of Isokelekel's
grave. Most of Nan Madol's waterways, particularly those closer to Temwen
Island, today are choked with mangrove swamps and thus are largely
impenetrable. Mangrove trees, coconut palms, breadfruits, and,
particularly, Thespesia populnea, along with dense tropical undergrowth,
cover most of the islets, largely obscuring the original appearance of the
site. Recently, efforts have been undertaken to clear the islets of the
destructive jungle growth, but the task is formidable. The provisional map
presented here shows water in all of the canals and waterways with the
view of reconstructing the original appearance of the ancient center.
The thick black lines shown on the map denote basalt-faced walls
exceeding 7 feet in height. Parallel lines define lower walls. Single lines
around islet perimeters indicate the absence of basalt retaining walls, and
dashed lines show stone alignments that are submerged. Small squares
and rectangles indicate such features as pavings, house platforms, or
excavations. Most of Nan Madol's architectural features are rectangular or
linear; triangles, polygons, circles, and other geometric configurations do
not appear. Exceptions are natural features, such as the reef pools on
Peikap and Dorong and west of Lemenkou.
Most of the islets are oriented with respect to a generally northeast to
south-weast axis. House platforms usually are arranged orthogonally with
respect to their islet foundations or enclosing walls, perhaps suggesting
the orientation of pole-and-thatch houses with gables facing the northeast
to capture prevailing breezes. Pottery remains have been found on islet
surfaces and fill closer to Temwen Island, where the earliest islets were
built. During the saudeleur expansion period, probably between about
1200 to 1500 or 1600k, magnificent megalithic architecture was
constructed at Nan Madol and the islets farther from the shore were built.
Here no pottery remains are found, indicating that pottery making had
been abandoned by that time. More precise information on the sequence
of constructing Nan Madol's islets presently is lacking.
The Islets
The following list of islets is based on the numbering system and names
originally published by Hamruch on the ancient center. The spellings of
many of these names have been revised to correspond with modern
orthography and, in a few cases, with information developed since 1910,
when Hambruch worked at the site.
The crowning architectural achievements of Nan Madol is Nandauwas, the
royal mortuary compound of the saudeleur and, later, of the nahnmarki.
Certainly no more magnificent example of prehistoric architecture exists in
all of Micronesia. The gracefully upswept walls of the extraordinary
monument exceed 25 feet in height at their corners and entryways. The
design is powerfully conceived, sensitively sited, and skillfully executed.
Several steps lead up from the canoe landing to the outer courtyard. The
entry exceeds 14 feet in width and 22 feet in height. The south wall of the
portal is 18 feet in height. The south wall of the portal is 18 feet thick at its
base where the hexagonal prismatic basalt stones exceed 2 feet in
diameter. he surface of the outer courtyard is about 1.5 feet higher than
the podium outside. On both sides of the courtyard are raised ledges or
galleries about 10 feet wide and elevated approximately 5 feet above the
surface paving. The galleries continue all the way around both sides of the
entire outer courtyard. Hamburch was told that the galleries served as the
sites for exposing corpses before burial. The top four courses of the 13-
foot-high interior enclosure wall project noticeably, forming a decorative
cornice. The entry into the inner courtyard directly aligns with the entry
through the outer enclosure. However, the portal of the tomb lies north of
the entry alignment, suggesting that tomb portal may be only a temporary
feature. Perhaps the wall of the tomb traditionally was resealed after each
new interment.
The inner courtyard is elevated about 1.5 feet above the outer courtyard.
The approximately 21-foot-quare central tomb is almost 10 feet high. Its
west face has an unusual double stretcher coursing of carefully matched
and placed prismatic basalt. 'Two stone tiers lift the tomb above the level
of the inner courtyard. The roof of the crypt is spanned by eight prismatic
basalt stones, each measuring up to 18 feet in length and weighing one
ton or more. The north wall of the central tomb is about 1 foot lower than
the south wall, probably due to subsidence. The portal of the crypt is some
4 feet thigh and 4.7 feet wide. The interior of the crypt measures roughly
10 x 13 feet in plan and about 7 feet in height. Here voluminous shell
airtifacts were found by Christian in 1896 and Hambruch in 1910, including
adzes, circular heads, elegant bracelets, needles, breast pendants,
necklaces, pearl-shell shanks of fishhooks, and other valuable objects.
Even a gold crucifix and silver-handled dirk were found by visiting ships'
captains between 1834 and 1840, suggesting possible Spanish contact
before the 1820s.
Between the inner and outer walls of Nandauwas are three additional
crypts built of prismatic basalt. Smaller than the central tomb, they still
are impressive. Those to the north and south are set off by low enclosing
walls. The small crypt to the east is recessed into the gallery paving of the
inner enclosure wall. The surface of the east court, which is about 1.5 feet
lower than the islet's podium, becomes water logged as high tide
approaches. Here, near the outer enclosing wall, was discovered recently
an approximately 2.5-foot-square culvert or channel running
perpendicular to the east wall. The culvert's use is unknown. The east wall
of the outer enclosure is somewhat higher than the west wall, apparently
an intentional feature. The east wall is protected by the two staunch
seawalls of Nanedauwas facing the open Pacific. The stoutest and best
reinforced walls of Nan Madol face the open lagoon, such as those of
Pahnwi and Karian.
The skillfully built mortuary compound of Karian lies some 570 feet east of
Nandauwas. Karian is situated on the edge of the reef abutting the deep
waters of Nahkapw Harbour and the open Pacific. The islet, which forms
the eastern terminus of Nan Madol's southeast seawall, has the feeling of
a bastion set boldly on the edge of the sea. The sound of waves crashing
on two sides of Karian is a constant reminder of the islet's exposed coastal
location. The outer walls of the islet enclose a rectangular area of some
11,200 square feet, only about one quarter the size of Nandauwas. The
northeast and southeast walls, 97 and 128 feet long, respectively, rise
more than 17 feet above sea level. They are constructed of huge basalt
boulders in keeping with their functions as bulwarks against the sea.
Unfortunately, they are much in ruins today. Among the most stoutly built
of Nan Madol's walls, they range in thickness from 11 to 15 feet. The aerial
perspective from the southeast is based on an accurate survey directed by
Stephen Athens and conducted by Joyce Bath, photographs taken in 1984.
The islet base rises some 6.5 feet above sea level. Areas of coral fill
retained by basalt walls extend to the northwest and southwest, protecting
Karian's inshore walls.
The most beautifully proportioned islet in Nan Madol was Peinering.
According to Stephen Athens' accurate survey, the plan measures about
94 x 152 feet, a ratio of 1:1.609. This is very nearly the proportion of
1:1.618, familiar to students of Western architecture as the golden section.
the appearance of this proportion in the plan of Peinering seems to have
been unique among the islets of Nan Madol.
A second reason for enjoying Peinering was that it was relatively well
preserved and totally cleared of trees and tropical undergrowth. In plan
the four sides of the islet curve outward slightly at their corners, a
configuration similar to Karian, Nandauwas, and other important
monuments at Nan Madol. Peinering's 8-foot-high walls also curve upward
at their corners and entry portal and are slightly concave in their vertical
planes. the top courses of the walls consisted of prismatic basalt headers
that tilted markedly upward and projected beyond the exterior faces of the
walls to form a cornice. This feature also was employed at Nandauwas and
elsewhere in Nan Madol. The ancient builders of Peinering seem to have
been consciously aware of the architectural problems of defining the top
and bottom of a wall and of turning the corner of a wall with clear
Peinering's entryway was the most sensitively proportioned example of
stacked prismatic basalt masonry that could be seen in Nan Madol. It
measure about 6 feet in width, 4 feet in height, and a 6 feet in wall
thickness. The sides of the entryway are exactly parallel, and its paving is
precisely square in plan. the wall stones are carefully chosen and fitted
together with exceptional skill. What Peinering lacks in size and
impressiveness it more than offsets with architectural proportions, scale,
and craftsmanship.
The islet's base is raised on coral fill to a level 4 feet above the waters of
the surrounding lagoon. the enclosing walls of stacked prismatic basalt are
some 6 to 7 feet thick at their bases. Near the center of Peinering are two
approximately 20-foot-square mortuary features with holes dug in their
centers by investigators during he Japanese administration. The features
originally were basalt pavings elevated slightly above the surface of the
islet, a type of structure found very frequently at Nan Madol. They typically
contain multiple secondary interments. Near Peinering's east wall along
the islet's longitudinal centreline lies an approximately 130foot-square
central fire pit about 2 feet deep. The vertical surfaces of the foundation
are faced with rubble basalt; its paving, with coral fill. A pole-and-thatch
house originally may have been erected on the foundation, possibly
oriented with its gable end toward the northeast. The structure may have
housed a priest who was responsible for the preparation of coconut oil. In
Nan Madol coconut oil traditionally was used to anoint the bodies of the
dead and for other ceremonial purposes.
The walls around the attendants' annex are substantially lower than those
of the main enclosure. Here the first court attendant of the saudeleur is
said to have lived. No portal interconnects the attendants' area with the
main enclosures, and access was afforded only by two approximately 6.6-
foot-wide entries through the southeast wall. Within the annex are several
house platforms with central fire pits. One measures about 25.6 x 29.5
feet and has a roughly 5 x 6 foot fire pit. Like the main enclosure, the
attendants' area is predominantly coral paved with basalt outlining house
The islet of Peikap, "new grave enclosure," appears in the upper center of
the aerial perspective of Pahnkadira. It is located some 33 feet northwest
of Idehd. A narrow canal separates Peikap from Pahnkadira to the
southwest. Hambrusch recorded dimensions of about 362 x 367 feet for
the islet, suggesting an area almost as large as Pahnkadira. The high walls
of Peikap are built of stacked prismatic basalt on amorphous basalt
boulders packed with smaller stones. Some of the boulders are shaped like
turtle shells. Near the islet's south corner is a natural reef pool much
smaller than Dorong's. The west corner of Dorong appears in the upper-
right-hand corner of the aerial perspective. The roughly 315 x 335-foot
islet, enclosed by high walls of stacked prismatic basalt, was an important
ritual site. Hambruch recorded an approximately 6.6-foot-wide entry facing
the canal to the northwest and a portal about 16.5 feet wide in the
northeast wall. Constructed symmetrically around a large, natural reef
pool, Dorong is said to have been used to raise and keep clams. At
appropriate times the clams reportedly were collected ceremoniously for
the nobility. Numerous clam shells lying on the islet surface confirm the
oral coconut. Hambruch reported that Dorong also provided coconuts,
breadfruit, pandanus, and fruits destined for sacrifice.
The basalt boulders and prisms used in constructing the walls of Nan
Madol came from quarries on the main island. Prismatic basalt columns
are natural stone formations resulting from volcanic activity. Scientists
have identified a number of prismatic basalt outcrops, and oral accounts
also indicate several quarry locations. Each basalt flow tends to have
distinctive proportions of trace elements, making it possible to match
individual stones with particular quarries. David Mattey, an English
geochemist had matched one stone in Nandauwas with a mainland quarry
on the opposite side of Pohnpei from Nan Madol. the study of quarry
sources for the structures of Nan Madol is being pursued by Stephen
In their natural state prismatic basalt columns usually are attached to
larger crystalline formations. Oral traditions said that the prisms were
dislodged by building large fires at their bases and suddenly cooling the
stones with sea water to cause them to fracture. The stones then were
placed on rafts and floated within the fringing coral reefs to the building
site. Apparently not all the stones reached their intended destinations, for
basalt stones can be seen on the bottom of the coastal lagoon between
Nan Madol and Sokehs. The stones lie on coral and sand, clearly the result
of the activities of humans rather than nature. Moving and placing the
basalt stones was a highly labour intensive process. Oral accounts
reported the use of levers, inclined planes of coconut palm trunks, and
strong ropes of hibiscus fiber. These methods for moving megaliths were
within the technical abilities of the ancient Pohnpeians. Similar systems
were reported for erecting huge stone structures in Kosrae and for moving
heavy logs in Yap and Palau. The nearby reef was the source of coral for
islet fill and wall cores at Nan Madol. Many of the coral slabs are light
enough to be passed from hand to hand, a much easier task than erecting
megalithic walls of basalt.