The Toolmakeeer

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The toolmakers microscope

The toolmakers microscope has a table on which work piece is clamped

The table movements are controlled by micrometer
The light source is contained in the base
The work may be viewed directly as in the case of conventional microscopes or
projected on screen
When looking into the eyepiece of this microscope two thin straight lines intersecting at
the centre of the field may be seen on the glass at the focal plane
The microscope is focused to show a clear image of a magnified portion of work piece
on a focal plane
To take the measurement ,one cross-line of the eyepiece is aligned with one end of the
dimension and location of table is noted
The table is moved so that the same line in the eyepiece next aligned with the opposite
end of the dimension and location of the table is again noted
The difference in the two readings is the desired measurement

Optical system of toolmakers

The optical system with projection screen of toolmakers microscope is shown in fig.
The image of the work profile is focused by the objective lens system and passed
through an inverting prism
To ensure that the projected image is oriented same as the object on the work stage
The projected light then picks up the image of a graticule which can be focused by a
second lens system before passing through a right angled prism
Both images are then projected by the final lens ,of the reflecting mirror and on to the
Applications of toolmakers microscope
To measure the diameter of holes and distances between centres
Position of keyway with reference to centre of bore

Angles and pitch of threads

Gear tooth spacing

Understand what tool maker microscopes are and their specific uses.
Thesemicroscopes are special type of microscopes that are used to
create precision tools and measure small distances between two
points of a specimen.

A tool maker microscope is a type of a multi functional device that is primarily usedfor measuring tools and
apparatus. These microscopes are widely used andcommonly seen inside machine and tools manufacturing
industries and factories. These microscopes are also inside electronics production houses and in aeronautic
parts factories. A tool maker microscope is an indispensable tool in the differentmeasurement tasks performed
throughout the engineering industry.

The main use of a tool maker microscope is to measure the shape, size, angle, and the position of the small
components that falls under the microscopesmeasuring range. More often than not, a tool maker microscope is
outfitted with a CCD camera that has the ability to capture, collect, and store images intospecialized computer
software. Certain computer aided design software is commonly used for such applications. The image produced by
the camera and processed by the software is normally a two dimensional image.

But what makes a tool maker microscope fully functional are its glass grading and optics system. Since what are
being viewed under these microscopes are metals and precision instruments, it is important that the objectives and
the eye piece lenses are made of fine quality glasses only. These essential parts are what makes the device very
durable and gives it the ability to withstand the wear and tear associated with the everyday stress of factory usage.
And much because of this, it is also important that the body, structure, and mechanisms of a tool maker microscope are created
with highly durable materials, most preferably good quality metals. Because the conditions inside an industrial laboratory are not
as good as a home or office laboratory setup, the microscopes body should be capable of low heat production. It should also
be able to resist corrosion, oscillation, and pollution because all of these elements are present inside an industrial laboratories
and production plants. There are tool maker microscopes that are equipped with a cross hair reticule on theeye piece, coupled
with a protractor on the tube. These are good instruments usedto accurately measure the distance or the diameter of the
tool under observation. The microscopes stage is also built with a millimeter measuring system that also allows for the





stage when

moved, produce







microscope effectively measures. Right now, quality tool maker microscopes are using semiconductor laser devices as directors.
Instead of the cross hairs, a red point is virtually marked on themicroscopes working surface in order to locate the parts that
have to bemeasured by the microscope. The CCD imaging system can also be used as ameasurement system as well. This is
another advanced feature of the newer versionsof a tool maker microscope models. A CCD camera that has the ability
to measurediameters and distances is a lot more convenient to use, especially to beginners. But aside from all of these, a tool
maker microscope should also have a goodillumination system. It is the lights that allows for the superior viewing of tools
andspecimens. The higher the luminance value of the light provided by the microscope, the better its performance is. If
necessary, an incandescent lamp should not be used for these applications. The light that is ideal is the one that produces a nice
level of brightness with less heat. Lamps have life spans too. And because most of a tool maker microscope uses a builtin lighting system, the light to be used should last for an extended period of time, if and when possible.

A tool maker microscope is primarily used for measuring the shape of different components like the template, formed cutter,
milling cutter, punching die, and cam. The pitch, external, and internal diameters are specifically measured as well. The thread
gauge, guide worm, and guide screw are conveniently handled as well. As far angles are concerned, the thread and pitch angle are
of chief concern.


The large Tool Makers Microscope (TMM) essentially consists of the cast base, the main lighting unit, the upright with
carrying arm and the sighting microscope. The rigid cast base is resting on three foots screws by means of which the equipment
can be leveled with reference to the build-in box level. The basecarries the co-ordinate measuring table, consists of two
measuring slides; one each for directions X and Y and a rotary circular table provided with the glass plate(Fig.). The slides are
running on precision balls in hardened guide ways warranting reliable travel. Two micrometer screws each of them measuring
range of 0 to 25 mm permit the measuring table to be displaced in the directions X and Y. The rangeof movements of the carriage
can be widened up to 150 mm in the X direction and up to 50mm in the Y direction with the use of gage blocks.
The rotary table has been provided with 360 degrees graduation and with a three minute venire. The rotary motion is initiated by
activation of knurled knob and locked with star handle screw. Slots in the rotary table serve for fastening differentaccessories and
completing elements.
The sighting microscope has been fastened with a carrier arm to column. The carrier arm can be adjusted in height by means of a
rack and locked with star handlescrew. Thread measuring according to the shadow image permits the column to be tilted in X
direction to either side about an axis on centre plane level. Thecorresponding swivel can be adjusted with a knurled knob with
a graduation cellar. The main lighting unit has been arranged in the rear of the cast base and equipped with projection lamp where
rays are directed via stationary mounted mirror through table glass plate into the sighting microscope.

The main use of a tool maker microscope is to measure the shape, size, angle, and the position of
the small components that falls under the microscopes measuring range. More often than not, a
tool maker microscope is outfitted with a CCD camera that has the ability to capture, collect, and
store images into specialized computer software. Certain computer aided design software is
commonly used for such applications. The image produced by the camera and processed by the

software is normally a two dimensional image. A tool maker microscope is primarily used for
measuring the shape of different components like the template, formed cutter, milling cutter, punching
die, and cam. The pitch, external, and internal diameters are specifically measured as well. The thread
gauge, guide worm, and guide screw are conveniently handled as well. As far angles are concerned, the
thread and pitch angle are of chief concern.

The large tool makers microscope is suitable for the following fields of applications;
Length measurement in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates.
Angle measurements of tools; threading tools punches and gauges, templates etc.
Thread measurements i.e., profile major and minor diameters, height of lead, thread
angle, profile position with respect to the thread axis and the shape of thread. (rounding,
flattering, straightness of flanks)
Comparison between centers and drawn patterns and drawing of projected profiles.

Engineering microscopes designed to satisfy various measuring needs of toolmakers are known as
toolmakers microscopes. A plain toolmakers microscope is primarily intended for a particular
application. On the other hand, universal toolmakers microscope is adaptable to an uncommonly wide
range of measuring tasks. A toolmakers microscope is designed for measurements of parts of complex
forms, e.g. profile of external threads, tools, templates and gauges. It can also be used for measuring
center-to-center distance of holes in any planes, as well as the co-ordinate of the outline of a complex
template gauge.
A general view of the toolmakers microscope is shown in Figure 7.3. A heavy, hollow base
accommodates the illuminating unit. On the top surface of the base, the worktable is carried, supported
on the balls and controlled by micrometer screws. Projection from the rear of the base is done through a
column, which carries the microscope unit and various interchangeable eyepieces. A longitudinal section

is given in Figure 7.4, which also shows the projection attachment in position. Inspections are made by
eye in the normal way, or the projection attachment may be fitted which turns the beam by mirrors to
bring up the image on the back of the translucent screen. The magnification given depends on the
microscope objective. However, additional magnifying attachments are commonly supplied which
facilitate the magnification from 10X to 100X on the projection screen.
In order to adapt the apparatus to deal with a variety of works, various additional attachments may be
fitted to the worktable. The worktable can be made to revolve on the mounting and normally has a central
recess hole for accommodating a disc of glass. Flat work may be rested upon the disc of glass. The
attachments are available for clamping the work also. Generally, vee block and credit-centre 93 Projection
and Toolmakers Microscope

adaptations are used for this purpose. Linear movements of the table are controlled by micrometer screws
having a movement range of 25 mm and reading to 0.001 mm. The table slide is held against the ends of
the micrometer spindles by light spring pressure so that movements greater than the micrometer travel
may be controlled by interposing a slip gauge of required dimension between the spindle and the point
where it bears against the slide. This method is preferable, even for movements within the range of the
micrometers, as it is positive and less liable to error.
There are several detachable and interchangeable eyepiece units. The protractor unit is prepared with
radial and cross setting lines and protractor. This may be rotated by a knurled screw for setting any of
means of a scale that divides each degree into 60 parts. The protractor, which is illuminated, is read by
eye through the small hole in the projecting eyepiece. This is shown in Figure 7.5.
Means are provided for setting the worktable axis correctly relative to the protractor for zero reading. The
thread template unit has selected thread forms arranged round the glass disc in the eyepiece, and this may
be rotated to bring any desired thread form into position for comparison with the magnified image of the
work. Means are also provided for lining this up with the table and the work diameter so that any thread
profile brought into position will occupy the same angular position as the thread image it is to check. A
third type of eyepiece is often available. It contains a linear scale and sets of radii, which may be
superimposed on holes, or radii projected from the work.
Light from lamp at the extreme right is collimated in the tube connecting the lamp to the center of
instrument and is reflected as a parallel beam by the prism at the end of the tube. On its way up, this beam
collects the image of the object to be inspected and this enters the microscope. Before the rays reach the
eyepiece, it is turned by another prism. This is shown in Figure 7.4.
For the most effective manipulation, the magnified image of the work is viewed through the eyepiece (or
is projected), superimposed on a prepared background engraved on glass disk in the eyepiece.
In order to view screws along the helix angle of the thread, the whole of the column unit with the
underside illuminating arrangement attached may be swung into the helix angle of the thread. The pivot
upon which the column swings may be seen near its base in Figure 7.4.
Most of the uses of this instruments will be on work where the shape of a profile is projected from below,
but surface shapes occur such as the edge of a recess, where surrounding metal prevents light passing
across the profile. These may be illuminated from above by a special attachment, which then allows the
profile to be received in the normal manner, except that the intensity of light will be reduced from that
received directly.
The application of toolmakers microscopes may be summarized broadly as follows :
Determination of the Relative Positions
It is used for the determination of the relative position of various points on work by measuring the travel
necessary to bring a second point to the position previously occupied by the first, and so on.
Measurement of Angles
Measurement of angles is possible in toolmakers microscopes by using a protractor eyepiece.
Comparison Measurement
A toolmakers microscopes also do comparisons of thread forms, measurement of pitch and effective
diameter. In this case the comparison is done with master profiles engraved in the eyepiece.
Comparison with a Scale
Comparisons of enlarged projected images with a scale tracing fixed projection screen are also done in a
toolmakers microscope.

Aim - Measurement of threads parameters using tool maker's microscope.

Apparatus :- Tool maker's microscope, threading job.
Tool maker's microscope :Tool maker's microscope is versatile instrument that measures by optical means
with no pressure being involved it is thus a very useful instrument for making
measurements on small and delicates parts. The tool maker's microscope is designed for
the following measurements; measurements on parts of complex form for example, the
profile of external thread as well as for the tools, templates and gauges, measuring centre
to centre distance of holes in any plane and other wide variety of linear measurements
and accurate angular measurements.
A tool maker's microscope is as shown in fig. The optical head can be moved up
or down the vertical column and can e clamped at any height by means of a clamping
screws. The table which is mounted n the base of the instrument can be moved in two
mutually perpendicular horizontal directions (longitudinal and lateral) by means of
accurate micromeres screws having thimble scale and venires.
A ray of light from light source (fig - 2) is reflected by mirror through 90. It is
then passes through a transparent glass plate (on which flat parts may be placed). A
shadow image of the outline or contour of the work piece passes through the objective of
the optical head and is projected by a system of three prisms to ground glass screen.
Observations are made through an eyepiece. Measurements are made by means of crosslines
engraved on the ground glass screen. The screen can be rotated trough 360 the angle
of rotation is read through an auxiliary eyepiece.

Procedure:The use of - tool maker's microscope for the taking the various measurements is
explained below1) For taking linear measurements, the work piece is placed over the table. The
microscope is focused and one end of the work piece is made to coincide with cross line
in the microscope (by operating micrometers screws). The table is again moved until the
other end of the work piece coincide with the cross line on the screen and the final

reading taken. From the final reading, the desired measurement can be taken.
2) To measure the screw pitch, the screw is mounted on the table. The microscope
is focused (by adjusting the height of the optical head) until a sharp image of the
projected contour of the screw is seen of the ground glass screen. The contour is set so
that some point on the contour coincides with the cross line on the screen. The reading on
the thimble of the longitudinal micrometer screw is noted. Then the table is moved by the
same screw until a corresponding point on the contour (profile) of the next thread
coincides with the cross line. The reading is again noted and the difference in two reading
gives the screw pitch.
3) To determine pitch diameter the lateral movement to the table is given
4) To determine the thread handle, the screen is rotated until a line on the angle ofscreen rotation
is noted. The screen is further rotated until the same line coincides with
the other flank of the threads. The angle of thread on the screen will be difference in two
angular readings.
Different types of gradated and engraved screens and corresponding eye
piece are used for measuring different elements.
Results:1) External diameter = R2 - R1 = -------------- mm.
2) Internal diameter = R2 - R1 = -------------- mm.
3) Pitch of threads = R2 - R1 = --------------- mm.
4) Threads angle = R2 - R1 = --------------- mm.
Precaution:1) Obtain clean picture of cross line and the cross thread seen through the
2) For angular measurements lines must remain parallel to flank edge to
the tooth.

A gear which is too small to measure conveniently by mechanical contact methods may often be
measured quite successfully on a projector or measuring microscope. On the projector the
distances over the teeth may be measured either between parallel lines drawn on the screen or by
setting each side to a single fiducial line by using the stage micrometer; the latt,er method will be
the more accurate. A toolmaker's microscope may be used in a similar manner. As with the
mechanical method, care must be taken to see that the measuring line touches the flanks of
thegeatr tangentially somewhere on the involute form and not apross the corner of the tooth tip or
too near the root.

1. The coincidence on the component & cross hairs must be carefully matched.
2. Eyepieces are to be handled carefully.
3. Dont expose eyes directly to the light source.

AIM: To measure the pitch &angle of the screw thread.

APPARATUS: Tool makers microscope, screw thread specimen
THEORY: Tool makers microscope is based on the Principle of optics. The
microscope consists of a heavy-duty hallow-duty hallow base, which accommodates
the illuminating unit underneath, and above this on the top surface of the base, the
work table carriage is supported on ball and controlled by micrometer screws.

Projecting up from the rear of the base is a column, which carries the microscope
unit and various interchangeable eyepieces.
The chief applications of the tool room microscope are as follows
1. The determination of relative position of various points on work.
2. Measurement of angle by using a protractor eyepiece.
3. Comparison of thread forms with master profiles engraved in the eyepiece,
measurement of pitch and effective diameter.
The study base rest on three support two of which are adjustable for leveling the
instrument. The base has built in all electrical transformers and their control panel
and transmitted illuminator with green filter.
The arm has a groove guide on which the microscope tube is vertically adjusted by
rack and pinion system.
The course focusing movement provided in the microscope tube separately. The
coarse motion is knurled knob on both side of the tube and ha as the total travel of
200mm. Its also lock any position by lever, this movement is characterized by its
exceptionally smooth and accurate precision. The vertical travel or measurement up
to 10mm, thickness can be read by the depth dial gauge. The thickness is beingmeasured
with the difference of two different focusing of object. The least count of
gauge is 0.01.
This unique protractor head graduated 0 to 360 degree with adjustable vernier
reading to 6 minutes cross line incorporated in the protractor head rotating in the
optical axis of the microscope the cross line graticule is replaceable with many other
measuring graticules.
The stage plate is of 150 X 150 mm having very smooth and precise movements in
both axis with special ball racers arrangements. The travel of the stage is 25mm. in
both direction with precise imported micrometer head, least count 0.01 or 0.005mm.
The stage has two T-slots for mounting accessories like rotary stage, center holding
device attachment and V-block etc.
A rotating stage is fixed in T-slots of square plate having 360 degree graduations on
its periphery with vernier reading to6 minute, and lock screw. All types of horizontal
angular measurements can be done with this stage.
Two possible range of illuminating system are provided with standard equipment to
meet every application, operated through 6 volts solid state variable light control built
in transformer.
1. Sub-stage transmitted light from a bottom source providing collimated
green filter halogen light for viewing contours and transparent objects.
2. Surface incident illuminator for shadow free lighting, for high power
examination of opaque objects.

1. The image of the thread profile is set so that some of the profile coincides with
the cross hair as seen on the ground-glass screen.
2. The reading on thimble of the longitudinal micrometer screw is noted down.
3. Then the part is traversed by the micrometer screw until a corresponding point
on the profile of the next thread coincides with the cross hairs.
4. The reading on thimble is again noted and the difference in two readings
gives the actual pitch of the screw.
1. It is determined by rotating the screen until a line on the screen coincides with
one flank of the thread profile
2. The angle of screen rotation is noted and then the screen is further rotated till
the same line coincides with the other flank of thread. The difference in two
angular readings gives the actual angel of thread on the screw.


TMM (toolmakers microscope) has got a robust and strong base such that it
can bear and withstand sudden loads.
A column with a track is present to carry lens, along with illuminating
source in certain TMMs.
Lens has two perpendicular straight lines marked that act as reference
Object to be measured is placed on glass table.
Glass table is provided with 3 scales on it
Two scales are meant for measuring in X and Y directions and the
movement of table the respective direction.
The other scale is meant for measuring rotation as well as rotation of table.

Object to be measured is placed on glass table, illuminator is turned on.

Let the object be a rectangle.
It may look as shown if seen through lens

Now turning micrometer heads we can get positions as shown above.

After setting 2nd position note down micrometer reading meant for X movement
After setting 3rd position note down micrometer reading meant for Y movement
Difference in micrometer reading of X movement gives us the length of the

Similarly, the difference in micrometer reading of Y movement gives us the

breadth of the rectangle

3 Setting-up
1. Install the micrometer head on the XY stage.
Loosen the hex-socket head screw on the bracket. If using micrometer head with a
fitting hole in the stem, insert the stem so that the hole is aligned with the clamp
screw. If this puts the scale on the micrometer head in a poor position for viewing the
zero graduation adjust the scale position by turning the micrometer head sleeve. Then,
tighten the hex-socket head screw with the stem in place.
2. Connect the reflected illuminator cable to the connector on the power panel which
is at the back side of the microscope.
3. How to set the voltage selector to the right voltage level? Turn the fuse holder to
remove the fuse. Pull out the selector plug, insert the selector plug so that the supply
voltage can be seen through the notch. Put the fuse back into the holder and attach the
holder to the voltage selector plug.
4. Turn off the illuminator switch knob and connect the power cord to the power
2.4 Check and Adjustment
2.4.1 Check the reticle position against XY stage movement direction
1. Place a small work piece on the stage glass and bring it it into focus.
2. Turn the micrometer head to align an edge of the work piece with the center of
the cross-hair.
3. While turning the micrometer head to move the work piece left and right, turn
the angle dial so that the horizontal cross-hair is oriented to coincide with the direction
of the stage movement.

4. Loosen the vernier clamp screw. Align the 0 Degree graduation on the angle
dial with that of the vernier scale. Ensure the margin is sufficient for adjusting the
vernier scale position. If space for adjusting the vernier scale position is limited, readjust the vernier scale position by referring to 2.4.3
2.4.2 Check the centering of the reticle
To perform dimensional measurement by turning the angle dial or after replacing the
reticle align the cross-hair with the center of rotation of the angle dial as follows:
1. Place a small work piece on the stage glass and bring it into focus.
2. Turn the micrometer heads to align an edge of the workpiece with the center of
the cross-hair.
3. Turn the angle dial 180 degree. Make sure the edge of the workpiece remains
within 3 micrometers of the cross hair.
If it is not within 3 micrometers adjust the center of the reticle by referring to
"2.4.3 (2) Centering the Reticle"
2.4.3 Adjusting Reticle
(1) Adjusting the reticle with the XY stage moving direction

1. Remove the clamp knobs from the angle dial and vernier scale.
2. Remove the four screws from the angle dial cover and remove the cover
3. Screw-in the clamp knobs on the angle dial and vernier scale.
4. Approximately center the vernier scale in the adjustable range. Then secure it with
the clamp knob.
5. Align the "0" graduation of the angle dial with that on the vernier scale. Then,
secure the angle dial with the clamp knob.
6. Loosen both the adjustment screws and fixing screws (4 pieces/each) so that the
eyepiece mount can be moved manually.
7. While looking into the eyepiece adjust the position of the eyepiece mount so that
the horizontal cross-hair is oriented to coincide with the direction of the stage
8. Temporarily secure the eyepiece mount by slightly tightening the fixing screws.
9. Remove the clamp knobs from the angle dial and vernier scale.
10. Remove the clamp knobs from the angle dial and vernier scale.
11. Replace the angle dial cover and secure it to the optical tube with the four screws.
12. Screw -in the clamp knobs on the angle dial and vernier scale.
(2) Centering Reticle

1. Place a small workpiece on the stage glass. turn the micrometer heads to align an
edge of the workpiece with the center of the cross-hair.
2. Rotate the angle scale disc 180 degree and read the displacement between the edge
of the workpiece and the center of the cross-hair.
3. Remove the four screws from the angle dial and dismount it. Slightly loosen the
four fixing screws.
4. Adjust the eyepiece mount position with the four adjustment screws to minimize
the displacement between the edge of the workpiece and the center of the cross-hair.
Centering is easily performed by moving the eyepiece mount by half the displacement
in both X and Y directions. Two pairs of adjustment screws are located at the opposite
sides (for adjusting the X and Y displacements). Adjust the screws in pairs. Loosen
one on one side and then tighten its counterpart on the other side to adjust the
5.Turn the micrometer heads to align an edge of the workpiece with the center of the
cross-hair. Rotate the angle dial 180 degree and check the displacement.
6. Repeat steps 1, 2, 4, 5 until the displacement falls within 3 micrometers.
7. Confirm that four adjusting screws are fully tightened.
8. Tighten the four fixing screws and replace the angle dial cover.

3 Measurement
This chapter describes how to prepare for measuring and its procedure
3.1 Preparation for Measuring

3.11 Precautions for measurement

1. Installation site:
When selecting an installation site keep vibration, dust and humidity into
consideration. Vibration can affect measuring accuracy. Dust and humidity can impair
optical parts, such as objective and prism as well as the XY stage and moving parts.
2. Precaution
If focusing, making measurements or mounting workpieces always take the
surrounding conditions into account. Be careful not to bump the objective, stage glass
and etc.
3. Objective and Eyepiece
The supplied objective and eyepiece were finely adjusted before shipment. To
maintain performance and accuracy handle them with care and do not disassemble.
Do not allow the surface of the lens to be scratched or to be exposed to machine oil. If
the lens is oiled clean it as described in "4.1.(3)".
4. Stage Glass
Since workpiece are mounted on it the stage glass is likely to be scratched or even
severely damaged. Clean the dust of the workpiece before placing it on the stage
glass. Exercise care so as not to bump the stage glass with the workpiece. Do not slide
the workpiece on the glass stage
3.12 Illumination modes
This micrometer supports the following illumination modes. Select the appropriate
illumination mode according to your application.
(1) Transmitted Illumination
The transmitted illumination generates a contour image of the workpiece and is
suited for measuring and inspecting workpiece contour. The illuminator is equipped
with a green filter.
(2) Reflected Illumination

Reflected illumination shows the surface of a workpiece and is used in observation

and inspection of workpiece surface. Adjust the angle and orientation of this
illuminator so the workpiece surface can be observed under optimum conditions.
The optional twin-bulb reflected illumination unit can be used if necessary.
(3) Simultaneous Use of Transmitted and Reflected Illumination
Both the contour and surface of the workpiece can be observed simultaneously. To
switch these illumination modes use the illumination select switch
3.1.3 Adjusting the Diopter
While looking into the eyepiece turn the diopter adjustment ring until the rectile can
be seen sharply.
3.1.4 Bringing the Measuring Surface into Focus
Bring the measuring surface into focus by moving the optical tube up and down
with the focusing knob. Look into the eyepiece to make sure the cross-hairs are kept
in ocular focus during focusing. If moving the optical tube be careful not to bump the
workpiece, especially when the workpiece is stepped.
3.1.5 Positioning the Workpiece
Align the measuring direction of the workpiece with that of the stage traverse.
Follow the procedure in "2.3.3 (1) Adjusting the reticle with the XY stage moving
After making the above adjustment, confirm that alignment is corrected by moving
the XY stage as shown below.

3.2 Measurement

3.2.1 Dimensional Measurement

Align a measuring point on the workpiece with one of the cross-hairs and take the
reading from the micrometer head. Then move the XY stage by turning the
micrometer head and align another measuring point with the same cross-hair and take
the reading at this point. The difference between the two readings represents the
dimension between the two measuring points.

3.2.2 Angle Measurement

Angles are measured with the angle dial using either of the following two procedures:

(1) Align an edge of the workpiece with cross-hair reticle and align the end edge
with the center of the cross-hair. Turn the angle dial to align the cross-hair with the
other edge of the workpiece. Take readings from the angle dial.
(2) Align two edges of the workpiece with the same cross-hair one after the other by
turning the angle dial and moving XY stage. Take readings from the angle dial.
1. In both procedures measuring points on the workpiece are aligned with a crosshair one after another. The angle is determined from the difference in reading.
2. The resolution of the angle dial is 1 degree with the main scale and 6" with the
vernier scale.
3. The Zero position of the angle dial can be adjusted by turning the vernier scale.
This allows the angle measurement origin to be set to 0. After turning the vernier scale

check the reticle position. Refer to "2.4.3. (1) Adjusting the reticle against the XY
stage moving direction" if necessary.

4 Maintenance
To maintain the performance of this microscope a daily and periodical inspection and
maintenance is required.
4.1 Cleaning and Lubrication
(1) Main Unit
Periodical apply a thin layer of grease over the slide guide surfaces and rack of the
optical tube using a brush.
(2) XY stage
Apply a thin layer of spindle oil to guide rails. In case the stage glass get dust wipe it
gently with a soft cloth.
(3) Eyepiece and Objective
Always use an air blower or a feather to remove the dust on the lenses. If the lenses
are contaminated by oil or fingerprints slightly wipe the lenses' surface by using a soft
gauze or absorbent cotton soaked with high-grade alcohol in a circular motion.
4.2 Inspection
We recommend you often inspect the parts specified below:
(1) Connecting parts
Turn off the illuminator select switch knob and pull out the power cord from the AC
outlet to prevent electric shock.
Check the power cord, AC inlet, voltage selector, GND terminal, reflected illuminator
connector and other joints for looseness and poor connection.
(2) Illuminator select switch and light control knobs
1. Check that the illuminator select switch knob is correctly set

2. Check that the transmitted and reflected illuminators light by turning the select
switch knob to each position.
3. Check that the light intensity of each illuminator changes by turning the light
control knob.
(3) Focusing knob
Check this knob for any abnormal tightness, play, unevenness and noise.
(4) XY stage
1. Check the stage glass for scratches and contaminants.
2. Move the XY stage over the measuring range by hand to check for any abnormal
tightness, play, unevenness and noise. (Perform the same check on the stage by
turning the micrometer heads.)
(5) Angle Dial
Loosen the angle dial clamp knob and turn the dial to check for any abnormal
tightness, play, evenness and noise.
(6) Field of View
Look into the eyepiece under transmitted illumination and check the entire field of
view for shading and uneven illumination.
(7) XY Stage Feeding Accuracy
This inspection will be affected by the measuring environment, alignment error and
other adverse conditions. Keeping these factors in mind and check the feeding
accuracy by measuring a workpiece of a standard scale with an appropriate dimension
of 5 mm.
1. Position a workpiece, for which accurate dimension is known on the stage glass and
bring it into focus.
2. Align a measuring point on the workpiece with one of the cross-hairs according to
the moving direction of the workpiece.
3. Obtain the dimension from the readings on the micrometer head. (Refer to 3.2.1
Dimensional Measurement)

4. Measure the X and Y-Axis dimensions of the workpiece. If the difference between
the measured and nominal dimensions for any 5mm travel range is less than 5
micrometers the XY stage feeding accuracy is adequate.
(8) Resolution
Position a workpiece on the XY stage and bring it into focus. Check if any region of
the image in the field of view has poor resolution.
4.3 Broken Parts Replacement
(1) Replacing the fuse
1. Turn the illuminator selector switch knob to OFF.
2. Pull our the power cord from the main unit.
3. Turn the fuse holder in the direction indicated by the arrow and remove it from
the voltage selector. Remove the blown fuse from the holder.
4. Insert a new fuse into the holder and place the holder back into the voltage
(2) Replacing the transmitted illumination bulb
The bulb remains hot after it has been turned off. Do not touch the bulb until it has
become cool.
1. Turn the illuminator select switch knob to OFF.
2. Remove the stage glass.
3. Turn the green filter counterclockwise to remove it.


is a versatile instrument that measures

the variation by optical means, with no pressure being involved. It is a very useful
instrument for making measurements on small and delicate parts.
It is designed for following measurements:

1.Measurements of parts ofcomplex form.

2.The profile ofexternal thread as well as tools
3.Measuring center to center distance of holes in any plane
4.Accurate angular measurement
5.Determining the relative position of various points on work.

A block diagram ofthis is shown in Figure. A heavy hollow base A houses the lighting
unit. Above the base is mounted the table B which is supported on balls C to provide
rotation D about verticalaxis.
The table can also be moved in the horizontal plane in two directions perpendicular to
each other as shown by E. These movements are controlled by two micrometer drums.
These movements are controlled by two micrometer drums. Projecting up from the
backside of the base is
column G which can be rotated about axis XX. The column carries the microscope
unit H which can be moved up and down the column on guide ways J; and can be
clamped by knob K. At the top of the microscope the eyepiece unit L carries different
eyepieces, anyone of
which can be used at a time. A projection attachment can be fitted to the unit to obtain
a shadow on a screen. Light from the lamp in the back of the base is taken through a
system of lenses and reflectors, goes up through the central transparent part of table,

into the microscope. Various attachments may be fitted to the work table to adapt the
apparatus for variety of jobs. Work may be supported between centers, or on Vee
blocks or placed simply on the flat glass table. The table micrometers have ranges
of25 mm and reading of up to one micron. Movements greater than 25 mm can be
given by placing slip gauges between the micrometer anvils and the slides.

The applications of tool maker's microscope are as follows:

1. Measuring the distance between two points on work by measuring the table
travel necessary to bring the second point to the position previously occupied by the
2.Comparison of thread forms with master profiles enlarged in the eyepiece
and measurement of pitch and effective diameter.
3.Measurement of angles using the protractor eyepiece.

4.Comparison of an enlarged projected image with a magnified

scaled tracing fixed to the screen.

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