Why Decisions Ebook

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Our Guiding Principles

ll software products accomplish something or solve some

problem: The What. What does the product do? What features, limitations does it have? Can I use it to solve my needs
Equally important is this question: What is the underlying thinking that caused this product to be built? Sometimes this question
isnt critical, but with business process tools and logic platforms
for moving functionality to the browser and to the cloud it is of
critical importance.

Why Decisions?

Below you will find the primary reasons why we have built Decisions, Our Guiding Principles. These principles are the reasons that
the product contains the tools and features that it has, and will
also give you an idea of the types of things that you can expect to
come from the platform in future iterations. When setting out to
build our platform and portal, we did not gather feature sets from
competitors and try to improve on them, instead we contemplated
how applications might be constructed in the future.

Tools for Business
Optimization should
be usable by Business

Business Problems
are always changing.
Business Processes are a Moving Target.

pplications must be built in such a way that they anticipate

change wholesale change. Applications and processes should
be flexible and easy to change in order to accommodate this. Business have to change to compete, so business rules have to change.
New processes need to be added. Existing processes need to be
modified. Data needs to be able to be viewed through multiple
lenses. New user roles and functions need to be added. Existing
roles need to be merged or eliminated. Weve been though this just
as you have.
Applications that are unable to respond and change as the business needs change are more likely to hinder rather than help a
business compete.
Given this: Decisions belongs to a new generation of tools for business optimization. Tools that can change at the speed of business
need to be the foundation for business.


etting the people who know your business closer to your software processes
means that your processes will know your business. Decisions believes that developers and business people can work together in a process optimization tool more
effectively. For the business user this means, at very minimum NO CODE. Yes, a lot
of tools claim to be codeless, but often this means that there are scripts, configuration
files, structured English, business domain language, and other facades that merely
redefine what code is. Its code for business people instead of code for software
developers. To be clear: if in order to perform a step in a workflow/execute part of
a rule/get data for a report, there is a window where instructions need to be typed
(SQL/JavaScript/Structured English, etc) that is coding. However, a codeless set of
tools and designers is only the beginning. These tools must be able to be understood
and usable by non software developers. There are many aspects of this, but some of
them are:
 esigners are visual and built with a maximum amount of feedback and assistance.
This includes attributes like: drag and drop components, the visual assembly of
items, immediate visual feedback of what is missing or invalid and more.
- Testing or a preview of the results needs to be fully integrated and a click away. The
ability to see how a rule runs, what steps a flow will take given data and interaction,
how a form will respond to a user, what a report looks like is critical.
- Deployment needs to be automated or automatic. Its not good enough that I can
build something if I then need to involve more technical people to run it.
- Management should be fully integrated. Things like backups, change notes, versions,
and comparison tools are important to provide a level of visibility and safety for
business analysts designing the process.
Our thinking is inspired by more mature industries. The examples are everywhere,
most of us feel very comfortable assembling things that are well designed, even
though the individual components may be black boxes themselves. Consider the following example: Installing a gaming system, dvd player or tv is able to be done by almost anyone that does not have a fear of electronics. Components that are a mystery
as to how they work (how does that silver disk produce those sounds and sights) can
be integrated by normal people. The plugs fit only in the right holes and there is clear
feedback when things are and are not working.

All data should be actionable

raditionally there has been a separation between viewing data

and being able to take action on it. Even environments that
hook the analysis and transactional functions often require opening a complex transaction screen where the only action that can be
taken is from the report context.
We believe that any report/dashboard/chart/data element should
have a baseline set of capabilities that allow a drilling into the data
that comprises the results and allowing the user to take actions
on that data (based on what they are allowed to do, of course).
While large transaction screens are sometimes appropriate (example: open a contact in a CRM system) often they provide a degree
of overkill to what is actually needed (ex. send an email about this
contact or mark contact as inactive).
Beyond dashboards, when data is searched for or viewed in any
context if its identity is known the actions can be present. Workflow and Reporting/Dashboarding are complementary. Workflow
provides ability to initiate actions based on context. Reports provide a workflow process its context data/entities/transactions.


Functionality should be
a la carte use only
what you need


o enable applications to be built with fundamental flexibility

there are a number of potential areas that could be addressed
within a given application and problem domain. Often there is not
flexibility to start building an application from scratch an augmentation of a specific function is all that is desired or within reach.
The tools and designers in the Decisions Platform are architected
in such a way that they can be both a foundation of an application
and a contributor to an application or process. All elements, need
to be able to be used independently of the other elements (forms
outside the portal, rules outside flows, dashboards embedded in
other portal technologies, flows without user interactions) as well
as be able to be combined as appropriate.
While all of the elements are useful in some business applications
and problem domains they might not be useful in your problem
domain or business. The underlying structure of these tools needs
to account for this.

Our UI, Your UI or NO UI

Users should have

a good experience

n some cases especially in workflow process automation allowing the analyst to create user interactions is important. Additionally, some organizations or applications require overall management
of basic elements of a user interface like user authentication, hosting of dashboards, providing a service catalog for user requests,
etc. These elements while useful are supporting elements to the
underlying designers.
The presentation of the user experience is often dictated by a number of factors including: how do the users want to interact with the
application, what other software is involved, the different types of
users and the technology they have available and more.
The decision to use or not use user interface components provided
by the optimization tool should not force a compromise in terms of
the value that the tooling provides.


ser experience is very important. Whether the user experience

is provided by the design tools or written externally, the user
experience elements need to be well thought out. User experience
is no longer confined to things with a screen and/or a keyboard.
Applications are now routinely using alternate paradigms to provide users functionality where they are. These include but are not
limited to: Telephony, Texting (SMS) notifications and response,
email response, monitoring other systems, etc.
While these users interactions might need to be built outside of
the designers, the users interactions produced by the designers
need to provide a full featured and user friendly result and support the different mediums that might be the preferred mechanism for a user to access the system. For instance, a workflow task
might be responded to in a screen or by sending back a response
to an email. A notification might go by text or email or a popup
if a user is logged in.

Integration is critical
and it should not be hard

orkflow is glue. It ties people together by business process. It

also must tie systems together. Integration to systems needs
to be at the heart of business process optimization tooling - and
not require a huge effort to do common integration. To as great
extent as possible, the ability to integrate should be encapsulated
and provided as elements that are prebuilt and pretested with the
tool. When integration needs to be done with services/databases/
specific system APIs tooling should provide the same level of help,
validation and testing that are present in the designer tools.
When there is no out of the box implementation and integration to
a specific system, then software developers are needed. There is
full SDK and API that allow the basic elements (steps, rules, datasources, etc) to be extended in the platform. Developers can build
and package up additional integrations that are native to the tool
and become additional reusable components.


Developers are Welcome

Putting tools in the hands of business analysts is not an anti developer move. It is allowing them to control their own logic and
processes without involving software developers to make changes
that could be done by the business. Developers are needed to both
extend the capability of the platform and often build or integrate
the designer capabilities with other software packages and applications. The SDK/API for the the design tools needs to be central
to the technical architecture. All interesting elements need to be
able to be extended or replaced using this SDK.
In the case of the Decisions Platform, developers can:
Access all services via APIs.
(REST, WCF, Webservices)
- Add 3rd Party Libraries
- Extend Designers
- Flow Steps
- Rule Steps
- Data Sources (reporting)
- Filters (reporting)
- Form elements
- Dashboard Elements

- Data Structures
- Create New Business Services
- Add Actions to Existing Entities
- Leverage Decisions Framework
- Validation Engine
Aspect Oriented Programming
- Configuration Storage

By providing tooling to the business analysts to make appropriate

changes within the application, not only will those rules and process changes happen more quickly, development resources will be
freed up to focus on other issues rather than spending so much
effort making business logic changes.


Many applications/processes
are migrating to the cloud,
but some are not

Business Optimization
is a journey

any applications are moving to the cloud, maybe even most

applications are moving to the cloud however, for a variety
of reasons on premise software is often required or unavoidable.
While the benefits of centralizing the management and administration of applications are clear not all organizations or applications are there. Decisions was built for the cloud and it was built for
on premise environments. The exact same software that runs in the
cloud can be hosted on premise or in your own managed servers
at other public cloud providers. The choice of where you run the
workflow/rule engine is up to you.
Additionally, we recognize that even if you a run in the cloud, a
safe and robust mechanism is needed to allow secured access to
on premises resources. Very few organizations have all systems
running in the cloud and accessible even if this is their strategic


usiness optimization tools are just that tools. Businesses are

complex and an ever changing landscape in which to operate
not to mention evolving systems and the cast of people that are
involved means that workflow processes are ever changing.
These changes come both from the fact that the business is changing but also from the observation and analysis of the results of
prior changes. By observing the effect of rules and workflow adjustments additional adjustments become evident. The need for
strong data analyses tools to facilitate these interactions is critical.


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