Reefer Vessel Description
Reefer Vessel Description
Reefer Vessel Description
Delivered on 14th August 2002 the M.V.
Lombok Strait sailed from Keelung Taiwan on
her maiden voyage as Seatrade’s latest
reefer merchant ship which was to take her
on to Japan, New Sealand, Columbia, Costa
Rica and Italy. Shortly thereafter, her sister
ship, the Luzon Strait also set sail under the
same company flag. Both vessels have been
built by China Shipbuilding Corporation,
Keelung Shipyard in Taiwan in the Republic of
Originally these two ships were not designed
according to Seatrade specifications etc. but
for another reefer fleet owner. However they M.V. Lombok Strait
failed to take delivery of both vessels (obvi-
ously due to the drop in the reefer market the end quality of the product upon delivery to cargo holds and reefer or dry containers
and the somewhat anxious expectations for the shipper. (40’/20’ x 8’ x 9’-6”) on weather deck.
the then near future) and it was just at that Also for Seatrade the (reefer) market has The vessel, see General Arrangement Plan, is
stage that the vessels were placed for sale on been a tough environment to operate in. furthermore a single screw, diesel direct dri-
the open market. Seatrade seized the oppor- Reefer cargo is a seasonal affair with general- ven Reefer Carrier with machinery space and
tunity and purchased both vessels in a rela- ly only one directional cargo (i.e. fruit from all accommodations including Navigation
tively short time span of about 3 months in- South America to Europe) and return voyages Bridge located aft. Low speed manoeuvring is
cluding preliminary and thereafter detailed in ballast. Besides trying to get a return cargo assisted with a bowthruster unit.
introduction to the vessels, purchasing negoti- in the fruit season, one of the biggest chal- The vessel is of flush deck type with forecas-
ations, financing, paper work, inspections, lenges for specialised reefer operators is to tle and six tiers of deckhouse situated on up-
technical trials, delivery etc. keep the fleet occupied during the off-season. per deck and having a raked stem, bulbous
Another difficult aspect which requires the bow, transom stern and a semi-balanced
The conventional reefer problem necessary attention is that of reefer cargo hanging type rudder.
Conventional reefers in layman’s terms are carried in containers, the so-called reefer con- Water ballast tanks are arranged in double
floating fridges; their cargo spaces are insu- tainers; container ships fitted out with reefer bottom and peak tanks. Fuel oil tanks are
lated to prevent the transfer of heat between plug in facilities (i.e. electrical power sockets arranged in deep tanks and low wing tanks.
hold and environment and they have dedicat- which transport power from the ship’s electri- The hull under the upper deck is divided by
ed refrigeration machinery on board which cal installation to a single refrigeration installa- watertight bulkheads as follows: fore peak
cools the cargo (in the case of fruit etc., e.g. tion which is integrated in the reefer contain- tank and boson’s store, NO.1-4 cargo holds,
bananas in boxes at 13 degrees Celsius) or er) are a prime source of competition to the engine room, steering gear room and aft
freezes the cargo (in the case of frozen meat conventional reefer ships. Many container peak tank.
in boxes e.g. meat -25 degrees Celsius). One ships have developed liner trades and are Three refrigeration chiller units supplied by
big difference between the fridge analogy and therefore potential transporters also of (con- YORK MARINE AB are provided for cooling of
the conventional reefer ship is that the latter is tainerised) reefer cargo. fifteen cargo compartments arranged in eight
also equipped with extensive ventilation sys- independently insulated and gas tight temper-
tem for the cargo holds. This is necessary for ature zones. This system has been adopted
the carriage of live (respiratory) cargoes such The Strait Class on around 15 other reefer vessels in the past
as fruit etc. These cargoes must be ventilated and therefore contains state of the art well
during the trip to dissipate the carbon dioxide Vessel outline description proven cooling and refrigeration techniques.
gases etc. that are produced by such car- The vessel is designed to carry refrigerated All fifteen cargo compartments are provided
goes otherwise the riping process is acceler- and frozen cargoes, such as banana, fruit and with independent air circulation system and
ated and this would undoubtedly jeopardise frozen meat, in break bulk or on pallets in four with fresh air supply.
Cargo Holds
Cargo holds are constructed with the aid of
tweendecks and bulkheads into fifteen sepa-
rate cargo spaces. These spaces are, in turn,
divided into eight insulated zones. Lining of
the holds insulation are arranged vertically.
The decks are provided with aluminium grat-
Dangerous Cargoes
IMO Rules for Carriage of Dangerous Cargo in
Container on Deck
Main Engine
The main engine is of the slow speed type and
has the following main data:
Maximum rating (BHP): 21,490 hp at 105 rpm