Reefer Vessel Description

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Scheepsbeschrijving door Jakob Pinkster

Lombok & Luzon Strait

Seatrade’s new leap forward in large versatile reefer ships
Probably the answer to any reefer owners dream is a multi-functional conventional reefer ship with both general cargo and
reefer container capabilities. Meet the two sisters of the new Strait Class Reefers from the Dutch company Seatrade that do
just this.

Delivered on 14th August 2002 the M.V.
Lombok Strait sailed from Keelung Taiwan on
her maiden voyage as Seatrade’s latest
reefer merchant ship which was to take her
on to Japan, New Sealand, Columbia, Costa
Rica and Italy. Shortly thereafter, her sister
ship, the Luzon Strait also set sail under the
same company flag. Both vessels have been
built by China Shipbuilding Corporation,
Keelung Shipyard in Taiwan in the Republic of
Originally these two ships were not designed
according to Seatrade specifications etc. but
for another reefer fleet owner. However they M.V. Lombok Strait
failed to take delivery of both vessels (obvi-
ously due to the drop in the reefer market the end quality of the product upon delivery to cargo holds and reefer or dry containers
and the somewhat anxious expectations for the shipper. (40’/20’ x 8’ x 9’-6”) on weather deck.
the then near future) and it was just at that Also for Seatrade the (reefer) market has The vessel, see General Arrangement Plan, is
stage that the vessels were placed for sale on been a tough environment to operate in. furthermore a single screw, diesel direct dri-
the open market. Seatrade seized the oppor- Reefer cargo is a seasonal affair with general- ven Reefer Carrier with machinery space and
tunity and purchased both vessels in a rela- ly only one directional cargo (i.e. fruit from all accommodations including Navigation
tively short time span of about 3 months in- South America to Europe) and return voyages Bridge located aft. Low speed manoeuvring is
cluding preliminary and thereafter detailed in ballast. Besides trying to get a return cargo assisted with a bowthruster unit.
introduction to the vessels, purchasing negoti- in the fruit season, one of the biggest chal- The vessel is of flush deck type with forecas-
ations, financing, paper work, inspections, lenges for specialised reefer operators is to tle and six tiers of deckhouse situated on up-
technical trials, delivery etc. keep the fleet occupied during the off-season. per deck and having a raked stem, bulbous
Another difficult aspect which requires the bow, transom stern and a semi-balanced
The conventional reefer problem necessary attention is that of reefer cargo hanging type rudder.
Conventional reefers in layman’s terms are carried in containers, the so-called reefer con- Water ballast tanks are arranged in double
floating fridges; their cargo spaces are insu- tainers; container ships fitted out with reefer bottom and peak tanks. Fuel oil tanks are
lated to prevent the transfer of heat between plug in facilities (i.e. electrical power sockets arranged in deep tanks and low wing tanks.
hold and environment and they have dedicat- which transport power from the ship’s electri- The hull under the upper deck is divided by
ed refrigeration machinery on board which cal installation to a single refrigeration installa- watertight bulkheads as follows: fore peak
cools the cargo (in the case of fruit etc., e.g. tion which is integrated in the reefer contain- tank and boson’s store, NO.1-4 cargo holds,
bananas in boxes at 13 degrees Celsius) or er) are a prime source of competition to the engine room, steering gear room and aft
freezes the cargo (in the case of frozen meat conventional reefer ships. Many container peak tank.
in boxes e.g. meat -25 degrees Celsius). One ships have developed liner trades and are Three refrigeration chiller units supplied by
big difference between the fridge analogy and therefore potential transporters also of (con- YORK MARINE AB are provided for cooling of
the conventional reefer ship is that the latter is tainerised) reefer cargo. fifteen cargo compartments arranged in eight
also equipped with extensive ventilation sys- independently insulated and gas tight temper-
tem for the cargo holds. This is necessary for ature zones. This system has been adopted
the carriage of live (respiratory) cargoes such The Strait Class on around 15 other reefer vessels in the past
as fruit etc. These cargoes must be ventilated and therefore contains state of the art well
during the trip to dissipate the carbon dioxide Vessel outline description proven cooling and refrigeration techniques.
gases etc. that are produced by such car- The vessel is designed to carry refrigerated All fifteen cargo compartments are provided
goes otherwise the riping process is acceler- and frozen cargoes, such as banana, fruit and with independent air circulation system and
ated and this would undoubtedly jeopardise frozen meat, in break bulk or on pallets in four with fresh air supply.

JUNI 2003 ~ SCHIP en WERF de ZEE 37

One permanent control atmosphere (C.A.) 1995 and 1996 (herein called “SOLAS”) Accommodation on Board Ship, Geneva,
system with micro-computer control unit for • 1988 amendments to the SOLAS 1974 for 1949
nitrogen gas is provided for the cargo holds. the Global Maritime Distress and Safety Sys- • International Labour Organization Conven-
One permanent modified atmosphere (M.A.) tem. (GMDSS, Area A1, A2 and A3) tion No.68 concerning Food and Catering
system is provided for containers. • International Tele-communication Radio Reg- on Board Ship
All decks are of the solid deck types. The sec- ulation, Edition of 1994 • Rules and Regulations of USCG for Foreign
ond deck and fourth deck of Hold No. 2, 3 & • International Convention for the Prevention Vessels Operating in Navigable Waters of
4 and second deck of Hold No. 1 are not pro- of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified the United States (CFR Title 33, Chapter I,
vided with insulation. The clear height of each by Protocol of 1978 relating thereto, includ- Part 155, 159 and 164)
compartment is 2,200 mm. Cargo holds bale ing amendments of 1984, 1985, • US Department of Agriculture Requirements
volume is about 620,000 cuft. 1987,1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1994 for Temperature Recording Installation
For handling refrigerated pallet cargoes, four (herein called.” MARPOL 73/78”), ANNEX I, • Safety and Health Regulations for Long-
loading/discharging sets of new design are IV and V shoring (USA)
fitted to the vessel. • International Regulations for Preventing Col- • IMO Rules for Carriage of Dangerous Cargo
lisions at Sea, 1972 including amendments in Container on Deck
Rules and Regulations 1981, 1987, 1989 and 1993 • ISO Draft Proposal No. 6954, Guidelines for
The vessels are built according to the follow- • International Convention of Tonnage Mea- the Overall Evaluation of Vibration in Mer-
ing Rules and Regulations: surement of Ship, 1969 chant Ships, 1984
• BUREAU. VERITAS BV 1313 E, ✠, REFRIG- • Rules of Navigation of Suez Canal Authority • European Pilot Association Requirements
ERATED CARRIER, CONTAINER SHIP, DEEP including Regulations for the Measurement for Pilot Ladders
SEA, ✠MACH, AUT-MS, RMC/CA, ICE lll, of Tonnage
CNC-1 • Rules of Navigation of Panama Canal Au- Result of Sea Trial
• Maritime Regulations of the Country of Reg- thority including Regulations for the Mea- The M.V. LOMBOK STRAIT, as mentioned pre-
istry surement of Tonnage viously was built under the survey of the BV
• International Load Line Convention, 1966 • Australian and Maritime Safety Authority Ma- (Classification Society) which means that con-
• International Convention for the Safety of rine Order part 32, 1992 (Cargohold Lad- struction, machinery, outfits and equipment of
Life at Sea, 1974 and 1978 protocol includ- der and Cargo Gear) the vessel has been subject to B.V. inspec-
ing amendments of 1981, 1983, 1987, • International Labour Organization Conven- tion. The vessel sea trials and technical tests
1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, tion No.92 and No.133 concerning Crew were carried out by CSBC and witnessed by
BV surveyor on 18th January 2002 off
Keelung harbour, Thailand. The trial speed
was recorded as being 21.7 knots at NOR
(Normal Operation Rating) with a 15% sea
margin and sea trial condition (i.e. displace-
ment of about 11,500 metric tons). The re-
sults of noise and vibration measurement sat-
isfied the comfort rating number (crn) 3 for
cargo ship of DNV recommendation with ves-
sel running ahead steadily at 85% MCR of
main engine on the sea trial.
The specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC) was
thereby 129.26 gr/ at MCR with lower
calorific of 10,200 kcal/kg according to offi-
cial shop test by HHI.

Cargo Loading Capacity

The vessel’s cargo loading capacity can be
summarised as follows:
Cargo holds bale volume: approx. 620,000
cubic feet
Cargo holds floor area: approx. 7,300
square meters
Pallet units (1 m x 1.2 m) approx. 5,500
in cargo hold units

Cargo Holds
Cargo holds are constructed with the aid of
tweendecks and bulkheads into fifteen sepa-
rate cargo spaces. These spaces are, in turn,
divided into eight insulated zones. Lining of
the holds insulation are arranged vertically.
The decks are provided with aluminium grat-

38 SCHIP en WERF de ZEE ~ JUNI 2003

Pallet Trolley
Featured on board each of the two sister
ships are four remote radio controlled pallet
handling systems. These systems ensure
rapid loading and discharging of all kinds of
reefer (and general) cargo. The four pallet trol-
leys are mounted under deck houses for car-
go handling in rainy weather. On the upper
ings, perforated and securely positioned in suitable for carriage of food. deck there are two large deck houses which
accordance with proper air circulation require- YORK & THERMO SERVICE executed the in- each accommodate two of the four pallet trol-
ments. Supporting of the gratings is such that stallation of insulation work in the cargo holds leys. Two pallet trolleys are therefore placed
it is possible to bear a 9 mt axle load of a ver- and a one year quality and performance guar- in one double deck house. All pallet trolley
tical forklift which may be utilised to transport antee was issued for the insulation of cargo handling is done over the starboard side of
the cargo in the hold. holds. the vessel. Pallet trolley data is as follows:
The gratings designed for a vertical forklift of Make: TTS-NORLIFT
9 mt included all load coefficient, distributed Container Capacity Capacity : 12.5 tons (Pay Load)
on 2 tires each having a contact area of 150 Total container number is 220 FEU (Forty foot Service speed: vertical: 45 m/min
mm x 230 mm. Wood support and joints are equivalent units) (with 200 reefer container lo- horizontal: 60 m/min
impregnated and antimould treated. cations) or 440 TEU (Twenty foot equivalent
units) slots on deck. The stacking of contain- Pallet Cage
Insulation of Cargo Holds ers is shown in Figure 1 in the GA plan. Each pallet trolley system makes use of a pal-
Thermal insulation of cargo spaces and hatch- let cage on which pallets are loaded for load-
es are based on an average heat transfer co- Cargo Handling System ing and discharging operations. Pallet cage
efficient of 0.40 kcal/hr.m2 °C (0.47 W/m2 For handling containers and other deck car- data is as follows:
°C). Materials used as insulation are classifica- goes there are two sets of electro-hydraulic Make: TTS-NORLIFT
tion approved types such as glass wool (den- single type deck cranes, each mounted on a Capacity: Eight Pallets per Cage
sity approx. 20-24 kg/m3 ) and polyurethane vertical column. These cranes also have the
(density approx. 20-45 kg/m3). Water absorp- ability of handling the pallet cargoes when pal- Side Door
tion for this insulation material is not more let trolley fails. Each crane has a turning ra- Each vessel is equipped with four side doors
than 2% by volume for polyurethane and 2.5% dius of 33 m. Refrigerated pallet cargoes are with watertight packing material. The side
for glass wool. Furthermore use has been handled by no less than four sets of pallet trol- doors are furthermore situated in pairs on star-
made of Warkaus plywood coated on both leys which are situated within two large dou- board side and above upper deck level. These
sides with approved phenolic resins or equiva- ble deck houses that are installed on the ves- side doors seal off the entrance to each of the
lent and surfaces adjacent to the inner side of sel upper deck. Needless to say any general four pallet trolleys in the two deck houses.
the cargo holds area have been coated with cargoes in the holds can also handled by There are therefore two side doors per trolley
coloured epoxy paint (solvent free) which is these pallet trolleys. deck house. The side doors are inclined about
2° inward to obtain protection and are also
combined with rail for pallet trolley. These rails
provide the reach for the pallet trolleys out-
ward from the ship’s starboard side. The size
of the side doors are about 4.2 m x 8.0 m
clear opening suitable for one pallet trolley
passing through. Each side door can be oper-
ated with a vessel heel angle of approx. 5 de-
grees (maximum), a vessel trim of approx. 2
degrees (maximum) and ambient temperate
ranginging from -20°C up to 45°C maximum.
The side doors are of the hinged up type and
are operated by two direct acting hydraulic
cylinders. Flush lifting eyes are provided in
each of the side doors for emergency opera-
tion by crane in case of malfunctioning. Side
door data is as follows:
Make: TTS-NORLIFT, approx. 4.2
m x 8.0 m.

JUNI 2003 ~ SCHIP en WERF de ZEE 39

tion gas to calibrate and check the operation
of the gas analysers.
Besides the computer control, the system
can also be operated manually.

C.A. system for Cargo hold

System capacity is approx. 1000
Nm3/hr/95% N2.

M.A. system for container

System capacity is approx. 190 Nm3/hr/95%

Fixed Type Container Fitting


Dangerous Cargoes
IMO Rules for Carriage of Dangerous Cargo in
Container on Deck

Reefer Container Monitoring System


Refrigeration System Controlled Atmosphere (C.A.) Deck Crane

Table 4 shows the carriage temperature for System Make: TTS-NORLIFT
some different types of reefer cargoes, how- One permanent C.A. system is provided for
ever this can only be achieved by a suitable supplying nitrogen gas to all cargo holds. One Crew Accommodations/Comple-
refrigeration system. On board the Strait permanent M.A. system is provided for sup- ment
Class, the refrigeration system consists of plying nitrogen gas to all containers. The crew accommodations may be found on
three brine chiller units fitted on a heavy ma- The OXYSTAT control units (running under its the poop deck, A-deck, B-deck and C-deck
rine base frame each equipped with their own own micro-computer control) measures the and are modern, spacious and of a high stan-
screw compressor, electric motor, sea water gas concentration of up to 8 compartments, dard. Each crew member having their own
cooled shell and tube condenser/liquid receiv- once per hour. The gas samples are automat- sanitary spaces etc. Within these spaces, liv-
er. CaCl2 brine cooler shell and tube type, ically collected through sample tubes and pre- ing quarters are available to a maximum num-
piping and control valves are also installed. sented to an Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide ana- ber of 30 persons and 6 persons extra for
The capacity can be controlled from about lyzer in 120 system. The computer then Suez Crewing purposes.
3,5%-5% with one unit running at minimum ca- compares the readings obtained with those
pacity to 100% with all three units running at that are programmed in the system and, in A standardized Accommodation Panel Sys-
full capacity. The system is dimensioned such case of any deviation between measured and tem has been within the accommodations.
that during normal cooling/refrigeration con- programmed data, then operates control so- Such systems are widely adopted on modern
ditions one chiller is a stand-by/reserve set lenoid valves to maintain the correct hold at- commercial vessels of A.P MOLLER, CGM,
which may be utilised in case of maintainance mosphere. DELMAS etc. Such a system features: flexibili-
demands. Refrigeration system data is as fol- The system is furthermore fitted out with ex- ty with regard to bulkhead length, height and
lows: ternal printer that prints out the measured val- thickness; robust, uniform construction and
ues on a regular basis and records alarms if simple maintenance procedures. Further-
Make: YORK MARINE A.B (SWEDEN), and when they occur. more the panel system used on board has su-
Refrigerant: R407C The system automatically introduces calibra- perior fire resistance and sound reduction
properties as well as a pleasing finished ap-

Main Engine, Auxiliary engines

and propulsions systems:
An impressive main engine and propulsion
system gives the M.V. Lombok Strait a speed
of just over the 21 knots in service conditions.

Main Engine
The main engine is of the slow speed type and
has the following main data:
Maximum rating (BHP): 21,490 hp at 105 rpm

40 SCHIP en WERF de ZEE ~ JUNI 2003

Capstan - 2 sets
Make: Kamewa Group
Type: CA 2.5E

Bow Thruster - 1 set

In order to facilitate the manoeuvring of the
vessel at slow speed a bow thruster has been
fitted with the following specifications:
Make: KHI
Type: Electric motor driven with controllable
pitch propeller
Normal thrust: About 12.0 ton (Electric motor
output about 770 kW, 30 minutes rating).
Control: Start/stop and the pitch of propeller
blades to be controlled from a control stand
in the wheelhouse.

Steering Gear - 1 set

Normal output rating (90 % of MCR) : 19,340 rudder. Rudder data is as follows: Type: Rotary Vane Type, RV 850-3
hp at 101.4 rpm Total area: 23.555 m2
Designed to burn HFO of 600 cst at 50 °C Aft’d part Aa : 17.50 m2 Hatch Cover
S.F.O.C. (NOR) : 125 g/BHP/hr plus 5% al- For’d part Af: 60.55 m2 In order to access the cargo holds the vessel
lowance at MCR with lower Height H : 7.0 m has been equipped with a number of hatch
calorific value of 10200 kcal/kg on M/E test B Ratio Af/A: 0.257 covers. A short description of these and their
bed and ISO condition. B (top) : 5.15 m locations are given below:
T (top) : 1.04 m Make: TTS-Technology Japan.
Electric Generating Plant Type: Pontoon for Deck House Top Exposed
Of prime importance for any reefer vessel is Steam Generating Plant Deck
the electrical generator plant. Main generator The vessel is fitted with one auxiliary boiler, Folding for Weather Deck (F’cle & Upper
data as follows: data as follows: Deck)
4 sets Make: AALBORG SUNROD Folding (Insulation) for Tween Deck
Type: TAIYO FEW 55B-10 Type: Aalborg Mission™ OC, Vertical cylindri- Folding (Non-Insulation) for Tween Deck
Output each : 1500 kW, 450V A.C. x 60 Hz cal, composite type marine boiler.
Main Generator Engine Evaporation : 2000 kg/hr x 7 kg /cm2 g, 5 at- The hatch covers clear openings of all steel
Type: YANMAR 6N280L-EV mosphere (oil burning side) 1300 kg/hr x 7 hatchways are 3300 mm x 6000 mm. Fixed
Output : 2200 hp x 720 RPM kg /cm 2 g, sat. (exh. gas side). and moving parts of hatch covers are accord-
ing to the TTS standard in respect of design
Emergency Generator Tank Arrangements and materials.
There is one emergency generator set on The tank arrangements may partly be taken
board and the data is as follows: from the G.A. plan in Figure 1. More detailed Anchor, Chain Cables and Ropes
Type: STAMFORD UCM274E information on tank data is given in Tables 6 Anchor
Output: 99 kW max., 450V A.C. x 60 Hz through to 9 for respectively the following 2-Bower Anchor, AC-14 Type, 4500 kg/set
Emergency Generator Engine tanks: Fuel Oil Tanks, Diesel Oil Tanks, Water (CSBC)
Type: MAN D0226MLE Ballast Tanks and Fresh Water Tanks.
Output: 117 kW x 1800 RPM The vessel has an impressive action radius of Anchor Chain Cable
15,000 nm and a ballast capacity of approx. Grade 3, Flash butt welled steel with stud,
Propeller 3000 mt. 62mm cp x 577.5 m (VICINAY CADENAS,
The vessel is propelled by one propeller di- S.A)
rectly driven by the main engine. Propeller da- Deck Machinery
ta is as follows: Spaceous deck areas allow the placement of Mooring ropes
Make: NAKASHIMA the following deck machinery: 52 mm diameter, 8-strands, 5 sets (YUEN
Type: Six blades (each of the aerofoil section LEN RUBBER CO., Ltd.)
types) and a solid keyless type hub. Windlass/Mooring Winch
Material : Nickel aluminium bronze (on fore deck) - 2 sets Fire Extinguishing system
Diameter : 6200 mm Make: Kamewa Group Make: UNITOR
Pitch : 7059 (mean) Type: MW 100 E/CU 62U3 (1 C/l + 2 m/d + Engine Room: CO2 total flooding system, fire
R.P.M. (NOR) 101.4 1 w/e) hydrant and portable fire extinguisher.
Accommodation: Fire hydrant and portable
Rudder Mooring Winch (on aft deck) - 2 sets fire extinguisher
Steering of the vessel on her long voyages Make: Kamewa Group Cargo Hold: Fixed type CO2 fire extinguishing
around the world is effectively executed with Type: MW 100E (2 m/d + 1 w/e) system
the use of one semi-balanced hanging type Weather Deck: Fire hydrant

JUNI 2003 ~ SCHIP en WERF de ZEE 41

Algemeen Plan

42 SCHIP en WERF de ZEE ~ JUNI 2003

JUNI 2003 ~ SCHIP en WERF de ZEE 43
Life Boat Davit / Winch Navigation Equipment GMDSS Radio Equipment (JRC, J
Type: Free fall davit type, TPF-75-68 (ACEBI) - Extensive navigation equipment on board on SS-800) 1 set
1 set the vessel is shown on the following list: VHF Radio Telephone (JRC, JHS-32A) 2 sets
Winch: Hydraulic motor driven type Magnetic Compass (C.Plath, Navipo II) 1 set Two Way VHF Transceiver (JRC, JHS-7) 1 set
Wire rope: 13 mm diameter (G. SWR. Twist GPS Navigator (JRC, JAN-1397-IBS) 2 sets EPIRB (JRC, JQE-3A) 1 set
free). Radar with Arpa, S-Band (JRC, J Inmarsat-B (JRC, JUE-310B) 1 set
Make: NORSAFE & ACEBI AM-9733-CA with ARPA) 1 set Inmarsat-C (JRC, JUE-75C) 1 set
Radar with Arpa, X-Band (JRC, UHF Transeiver (JRC, JHS-410A) 6 sets
Raft & Rescue Boat Davit - 2 sets JAM-9723-CA with ARPA) 1 set Radar Transponder (JRC, JQX-30A) 2 sets
Type: SCH 14/11 -4L/R (NED-DECK MARINE) Doppler Speed Log (JRC, JLN-520) 1 set
Make: VIKIMGI2 sets Auto Pilot 1 Gyro Compass AKNOWLEDGEMENT
(Litton Marine, ADG3000/MK37VT) 1 set The author wishes to express his gratitude to
Life Saving Equipment Weather Facsimile (JRC, JAX-9A) 1 set Seatrade and the crew of the M.V. Lombok
Life boat: located at after side ECHO Sounder (JRC, JFE-570S) 1 set Strait for the assistance given in the prepara-
NORSAFE, Free Fall Boat GES25 Dry Cargo Anemometer (DEIF, 879) 1 set tion of this article.
Version. Rudder Angle Indicator (ULSTEIN) 1 set
Whistle System (Zollner) Electric, Jakob Pinkster M.Sc. FRINA
Rescue boat : ZET-horn type 131 C 1 set
located at Starboard side air horn type M75 1 set
MOB type, VIKING 470 GRP 1 Navtex Receiver (JRC, NCR-300A) 1 set
Life raft :
VIKING (16 persons) 4 sets Radio Equipment
VIKING (6 persons) 1 set Extensive communication equipment may al-
Life jacket : VOSPER NAVAL so be found on board as may be seen from
SYSTEMS PTE LTD. 40 sets the following list:

44 SCHIP en WERF de ZEE ~ JUNI 2003

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