Simons Foundation 2014 Annual Report

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Annual Report

2014 Edition

The navigation tag system below appears throughout this report to assist in identifying
which Simons Foundation division(s) an article is associated with. An article may also
relate to a Simons Collaboration, a new programmatic model that brings investigators
together to address complex scientific questions.






Simons Foundation
Autism Research Initiative

Simons Collaborations

The Global Brain


Algorithms and Geometry

Life Sciences

The Many Electron



Ocean Processes
and Ecology

Simons Center for

Data Analysis
Mathematics and
Physical Sciences
Education & Outreach

Table of Contents


Letter From the President and the Chair


Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems

and Conference on Theory and Biology

Simons Simplex Collection


SFARI Research Roundup

Simons Collaboration
on Ocean Processes and Ecology


Autism BrainNet


Essay: Driven by Data


Math for America


Mathematical Sciences
Research Institute


Quanta Magazine




Simons Investigators and Fellows




Project on Scientific


Simons Collaboration
on the Global Brain


Simons Center for Data Analysis


SCDA: Genomics Group


SCDA: Systems Biology Group


SCDA: Neuroscience Group

Education & Outreach Support

Supported Institutions


Simons Collaboration
on Algorithms and Geometry


Advisory Boards


Board of Directors


Simons Collaboration on the

Many Electron Problem

Board Members


Marilyn Hawrys Simons, Ph.D.

Maria Adler
Leyla Ahari
Alpha Amatya
Kate Augenblick
Agnes Barszcz
Marta Benedetti
Lawrence Bianco
Aaron Biscombe
Alexandra Bolter
Richard Bonneau
Greg Boustead
Alexandra Bowe
Elizabeth Brooks
Martin Butler
Jacob Cappell
Marian Carlson
Nick Carriero
Mani Cavalieri
Ahmad Chatha
Dmitri "Mitya" Chklovskii
Andrew Choi
Salim Chowdhury
Wendy Chung
Justin Creveling
Amy Daniels
Donna DeJesus-Ortiz
Lisa Dicce
Meghan Fazzi
Pamela Feliciano
Gerald Fischbach
Ian Fisk
Chris Fleisch
Neil Flood
Patrick Flood
Steven Ford
Calissia Franklyn
Annaliese Gaeta
Laura Geggel
Daniel Goodwin
Katie Goodwin
Lee Anne Green Snyder
Adrienne Greenberg
Anastasia Greenebaum

President, Simons Foundation

David Eisenbud, Ph.D.

Mathematical Sciences
Research Institute

Gerald D. Fischbach, M.D.

Chief Scientist and Fellow
of the Simons Foundation

Mark Silber, J.D., M.B.A.

Executive Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer,
Renaissance Technologies

James H. Simons, Ph.D.

Chair, Simons Foundation

Leslie Greengard
Marion Greenup
Fang Han
Rebecca Hawkins
Jessica Holthouser
Marian Jakubiak
Rachel Jansen
Lydia Jung
Rachel Jurd
Timothy Kane
Deborah Kenyon
Patricia Kim
Jack Kimura
Timothy Kissane
Boyana Konforti
Abraham Lackman
Alex Lash
Monika Lenard
David Leyden
Thomas Lin
Alice Luo Clayton
Apoorva Mandavilli
Julie Manoharan
Richard Marini
Richard McFarland
Andrew Millis
Emily Miraldi
Katie Moisse
Michael Moyer
Tanja Mrdjen
Elizabeth Mrozinska
Christian L. Mller
Layla Naficy
Jessa Netting
Camille Norrell
Debra Olchick
Joette Orsini
Joanna Pacholarz
Alan Packer
Mary Paliouras
Andras Pataki
Danielle Patch
Cengiz Pehlevan

Simons Foundation 2 Annual Report

Alyssa Picchini Schaffer

Eftychios Pnevmatikakis
Louis Reichardt
P. Douglas Renfrew
Alexander Rives
Mariah Roda
Elizabeth Roy
Kathleen Savarese
Kim Scobie
Krista Selasky
Alexandra Shaheen
Olena Shmahalo
Emily Singer
Kori Smith
Julia Sommer
John Spiro
Marina Spivak
Jennifer Tjernagel
John Tracey
MaryKate Trawinski
Olga Troyanskaya
Yuri Tschinkel
M. Amedeo Tumolillo
Evan Tziazas
Hope Vanderberg
Benjamin VanderSluis
Kathryn VanderWoude
Jan Varghese
Natalia Volfovsky
Karen Walton-Bowen
Patricia Weisenfeld
James Whalley
Casey White Lehman
John Whitfield
Ingrid Wickelgren
Natalie Wolchover
Aaron Wong
Jessica Wright
Shirley Ying
Nicholette Zeliadt
Stephen R. Zukin

Letter From the President

and the Chair
In 2014, The New York Times featured 7,029 articles that included the word data.
One hundred years earlier, in 1914, there were just 467 articles mentioning data,
and 50 years before that, in 1864, a mere 63 articles. Percentagewise, these figures
represent 8.5 percent, 0.63 percent and 0.31 percent of the newspapers stories for
those years, respectively. As these statistics from The New York Times language
usage tool Chronicle illustrate, the role of data is increasingly important in our world.
Why is data the new frontier? Recent technology is facilitating our ability to capture,
store and process massive sets of information. With the potential to accumulate such
troves of numerical observations across fields of expertise, researchers see many
opportunities for querying large resources to ask the big questions in science. What
are the ultimate constituents of the universe? What are the origins of life? Is there
life on other planets? How do neural circuits integrate information to form thoughts
and memories? What can we learn from our genome about disease, evolution and
the diversity of life?
While large-scale data collection holds the promise of advancing our knowledge,
there are also many challenges to surmount in the handling of these vast datasets.
We need improved techniques for analysis, advanced filtering algorithms, larger
storage capacity, better transporting capability and faster processing hardware.
At the Simons Foundation, we see the potential gains to be garnered from the
analysis of datasets, and we see the complexities inherent in processing immense
stores of information. As you will see in the following pages, we are supporting
both theoretical and applied efforts in big data.
The foundation is interested not only in big data, however, but in data generally.
We support the development of datasets and aim to provide them to investigators
as a no-cost, collective resource. Such shared resources facilitate the cross-pollination
of ideas among scientists who share information across disciplines and organizations.
The foundation also fosters collaboration between outside investigators and
in-house working groups.
At the nexus of this interchange is our new internal data research division, the
Simons Center for Data Analysis. SCDA seeks to study datasets of great scientific
interest and, in the process, develop new mathematical tools for their study. With
an initial focus on neuroscience, genomics and systems biology, the modus operandi
of SCDA is to collect, analyze, innovate and share.

Marilyn Hawrys Simons, Ph.D.

President, Simons Foundation

With data taking on an increasingly important role in our society and in decisionmaking, mathematical skills and scientific literacy are becoming ever more essential.
We need these skills not only to process information, but also to weigh the validity of
its purported conclusions. As John Ewing cautions in his opinion piece, intelligence
and insight must always be applied to truly gain insights from a set of numbers.
In this annual report, our goal is to show you some of our efforts around big data,
and around data in general. The word data will appear in 64.7 percent of our stories,
or 76.57 percent if you include the words database and dataset. We hope you enjoy
reading about our work.

Simons Foundation 3 Annual Report

James H. Simons, Ph.D.

Chair, Simons Foundation


Fifteen years ago, autism genetics

research was at something of an impasse.
Twin and family studies suggested that
the disorder had a strong genetic
component. But even though geneticists
believed that there were likely dozens
of different mutations responsible for
autism, when researchers went looking
for the mutated genes that were
presumably passed down from parent
to child, they largely came up dry.

Average number
of data points
yielded by testing
an SSC family

Michael Wigler, a geneticist at Cold

Spring Harbor Laboratory in New
York, suspected that researchers were
going about their search in the wrong
way. Most autism genetics studies were
being done on multiplex families, in
which more than one family member
has the disorder, because those are the
cases with the highest chance of having
been caused by inherited mutations.
But autism, in fact, appears more often
in simplex families, in which only one
individual is affected, suggesting that
the disorder may frequently result not
from an inherited mutation but from a
spontaneous, or de novo, mutation in a
sperm or egg cell. I had the hypothesis
that people were failing [in their search
for autism genes] because they were
using the wrong tool, Wigler says.
Together with Jonathan Sebat, then in
Wiglers lab and now at the University of
California, San Diego, Wigler analyzed
DNA from the Autism Genetic Resource
Exchange, a gene bank consisting mostly
of genetic material from multiplex

Simons Foundation 4 SFARI

autism families: a valuable dataset from

many perspectives, but the opposite
of what is needed to best isolate de
novo mutations. Indeed, as Wigler had
predicted, the simplex families the team
studied from that collection had a higher
proportion of de novo mutations than
the multiplex families did.
In 2003, Wigler broached to Jim Simons
the idea of creating a large collection of
simplex families. The Simons Foundation
was already looking for ways to invigorate
the field of autism research, and earlier
that year it had convened a large meeting
of autism experts who had concluded
that it was imperative to lure more
talented researchers into the field.
A large, carefully curated collection
of data from simplex families, freely
accessible to all researchers, would be
an ideal way to jump-start research,
the foundation decided.
Today, the Simons Simplex Collection
(SSC), which holds genetic, phenotypic
and biological data from more than
2,600 simplex families, has helped
lead the revolution in autism research.
I dont know of another autism collection
that compares to it, says Evan Eichler,
an autism researcher at the University
of Washington in Seattle.
The logic behind the SSC has proved
to be profoundly right, says Matthew
State, a geneticist at the University
of California, San Francisco. It has
made the field.






Simons Foundation Autism

Research Initiative

The Verga family of Queens,

New York, participants in the
Simons Simplex Collection.

Simons Foundation 5 SFARI

The Origins of Life

Projects using
SSC resources

Its hard to imagine where the genomics

of autism would be without the SSC,
says State, who carried out the exome
study together with Wigler, Eichler and
Jay Shendure, Eichlers colleague at
the University of Washington. It has
absolutely transformed autism research.
From the earliest days of the SSC, the
emphasis was on creating a resource that
could be used in many different ways by
many different kinds of scientists. No
other research group has put so much
effort into making sure their dataset
would be widely usable, says Catherine
Lord of Weill Cornell Medical College
in New York City, who oversaw the
formation of the collection together with
Gerald Fischbach, then director of the
Simons Foundation Autism Research
Initiative (SFARI) and now the foundations chief scientist. Normally, people
collect data for themselves, but we were
thinking from the start about what data
outside researchers would want.
Sequencing studies of the collection over
the past five years are bringing the genetic
landscape of autism into sharp focus.
Instead of dozens of autism mutations,
researchers now believe that 300 to 1,000
genes will eventually be implicated in the
disorder. A recent analysis of the exomes
the protein-coding regions of the
genome of most of the SSC families,
published November 13, 2014, in Nature,
has identified 27 autism genes with high
confidence, as well as hundreds more
candidate genes worthy of further study.

The collection has helped to spark a

new era in autism research, and its
accessibility has attracted many
scientists into the field who had not
previously focused on autism.
The fact that the SSC was out there
without any strings attached that it
wasnt wrapped up in someones empire
is a big part of the reason I moved
into autism research, Eichler says. The
collection allows an entirely new dimension of researchers to explore autism.

Simons Foundation 6 SFARI

To be most useful to the autism research

community, Lord and Fischbach decided,
the collection must be not only large but
also deep, with detailed phenotypes and
biospecimens. We wanted people to
be able to use it to test their hypotheses
even if they didnt have access to anyone
with autism, says Lord. The meticulous
data the collection acquired, Lord says,
cut out millions of steps for many
researchers who otherwise wouldnt
have even gotten started.






Simons Foundation Autism

Research Initiative

SSC biospecimens shipped

No one institution would have been able

to collect data on as many simplex families as the collection needed, so Fischbach
and Lord enlisted the aid of 12 clinics
and universities in the U.S. and Canada:
Baylor College of Medicine; the University
of California, Los Angeles; Columbia
University; Emory University; Harvard
University/Boston Childrens Hospital;
the University of Illinois at Chicago; the
University of Michigan; McGill University;
the University of Missouri; Vanderbilt
University; the University of Washington;
and Yale University. The different clinics
brought in simplex families not just
the affected child, but also the parents
and siblings for a full day of diagnostic
tests and blood draws.

With 12 different sites collecting data, it

was imperative that the tests be carried
out consistently from one site to another.
If youre going to produce a number, it
should mean something, Lord says.
We had to make sure the numbers
meant the same thing at different places.
Lord brought the various clinicians to the
University of Michigan (where she was
based at the time) for rigorous training
on the diagnostic tests to be performed,
some of which she herself had pioneered.
The clinicians were later videotaped as
they assessed families, to make sure they
were carrying out the tests uniformly,
and the teams also participated in site
visits, monthly phone calls and biannual
group meetings with the staff at the
Simons Foundation.

Its a significant commitment of time and

energy for the families, says Casey White
Lehman, the collections project manager
This attention to consistency paid off.
at the Simons Foundation. And they did When the scores were tallied at these
it mainly out of a desire to contribute to
sites scattered around the country, they
research, which Ive always found inspiring. all came out very close on a wide range
of measures of social cognition, or
Silvia Verga of New York City, whose
repetitive movements, or the severity
family participated in the Simons
of the disease, Fischbach says. Given
Simplex Collection, says, We wanted to
what a heterogeneous disorder autism
be part of something that could be the
is, that seems like a miracle.
beginning of discoveries in the future.
The family reaped some immediate
Somewhat to her surprise, Lord found
benefit from the detailed assessment
that the area of greatest variability among
process: The evaluation we received
the different clinics was the name the
cleared up a lot of questions I had with
clinicians assigned to each diagnosis
regard to my sons diagnosis, and helped
autistic disorder, Asperger syndrome or
us figure out what kinds of services
pervasive developmental disorder-not
would be best for him, Verga says.
otherwise specified (PDD-NOS).

Simons Foundation 7 SFARI

Each clinic seemed to assign these

names according to its own internal
logic, which varied greatly from site to
site. Lords statistical analysis of this
variation, with Eva Petkova of New York
University, played an influential role in
the decision of the American Psychiatric
Association in 2012 to replace the three
labels with the umbrella term Autism
Spectrum Disorder in the fifth edition
of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders.
By 2011, the collection had completed
its data accumulation phase, with a
total of 2,659 families well beyond
its initial target of 2,000. In the process,
the teams at the 12 sites had become
a community. There has been a lot of
back and forth since then, with people
working together who met through
the SSC, Lord says.
Data from the collection are available to
qualified researchers through a central
database called SFARI Base. The foundation has also recently federated with the
National Database for Autism Research
(NDAR), maintained by the National
Institutes of Mental Health, so that a
researcher who types a query into NDAR
will receive results from both databases.
To date, more than 200 projects have
used data from the SSC, and more than
60 published papers have resulted from
their analyses, appearing in publications
such as Nature, Science, Neuron, Cell
and Nature Genetics.

2,659 120
Total SSC families

The first clear indication of the collections

potential for elucidating autisms genetic
architecture came in 2010, when Wigler
and State completed an analysis of de
novo copy number variants (CNVs)
genetic aberrations in which a chunk of
DNA is duplicated or deleted inmore
than 1,000 SSC families. The study
highlighted six genomic regions that
appeared to be strongly linked to
autism, and about 70 other candidate
autism CNVs.
These findings supported the creation in
2010 of the Simons Variation in Individuals
Project (Simons VIP), which has collected
clinical information and blood samples
from more than 200 carriers of 16p11.2
CNVs, to home in on the shared neurological and behavioral features of this
group. The projects long-term goal is to
identify the features of different genetic
subtypes of autism, which might respond
to different therapeutic approaches.
In 2012, Wigler, State and Eichlers labs
sequenced the whole exomes of nearly
800 SSC families, identifying several
high-confidence autism risk genes.
More recently, the 2014 exome study of

Researchers using
SSC resources

nearly the entire SSC by Wigler, State,

Eichler and Shendure has suggested
hundreds of candidate autism risk
genes. Many of these candidates will
be confirmed in the coming years, by
additional deep sequencing of autism
collections, predicts Alan Packer, a
senior scientist at SFARI.
Seven of the genes identified in the
2014 study had mutations in three or
more children with autism, establishing
them unassailably as autism risk genes.
Another 20 genes had mutations in two
children, which translates into more
than a 90 percent likelihood of their
being genuine autism genes.
Before the SSC was created, I was
waiting for the one rare kid to walk into
my lab that had a de novo mutation in
a gene, and then we would still have
to figure out how to prove that the
mutation was related to the disorder,
State says. It used to take us a decade
to find one autism gene, so to publish
a paper with 27 is amazing.
While the studies so far have illuminated
the incredible genetic diversity of autism,

Simons Foundation 8 SFARI

they also strongly suggest that the

hundreds of autism genes likely converge
on a much smaller set of biological
pathways. Many of the candidate genes
to emerge from the exome study, for
instance, interact with targets of the
gene causing fragile X syndrome, which
causes intellectual disability in boys.
Other candidate genes are involved in
the regulation of chromatin, a DNAprotein complex that helps package DNA
in the cell nucleus and controls gene
expression. Understanding these biological
pathways, researchers hope, will eventually
lead to targeted therapies for the different
genetic types of autism.
The genetic studies have given rise
to a burst of animal studies to try to
decode the biological mechanisms of
the strongest autism candidate genes.
In the long run, the neurobiology is going
to be even more important than the
genetics for understanding mechanisms,
Fischbach says. But without the genes,
we wouldnt even know which animal
models to create and study.
Although genetics has been the primary
thrust of SSC research so far, researchers






Simons Foundation Autism

Research Initiative

15 57 69
New projects with
SSC families

Projects using
SSC biospecimens

SSC projects using

genetic data

are examining its data from a host of

other perspectives as well. For example,
a paper in the November 2013 issue
of Molecular Psychiatry reported that
mothers of children in the SSC were four
times more likely than controls to harbor
anti-brain antibodies, which might be
pathogenic to the developing brain, and
they also had an increased prevalence
of autoimmune disorders such as
rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. The SSC
has also enabled scientists to study,
for example, repetitive behaviors, the
relationship between head circumference
and IQ, and even the stigma of autism.

foundation in partnership with the

Interactive Autism Network of the
Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore
is an online platform that connects
researchers whose projects have been
approved by SFARI with a pool of SSC
families. More than 1,500 of the original
families in the SSC have agreed to take
part. Time and time again the families
have shown us how engaged they are,
White Lehman says.

has launched a pilot study, to be carried

out by the nonprofit New York Genome
Center, to sequence the entire genomes
of 40 families from the collection. If that
goes well, larger studies will follow.

In addition, the collection has offered

researchers a variety of ways to tackle the
puzzling question of why autism in girls
seems to be so different from autism
in boys simultaneously rarer and
more severe. State, Wigler and Eichlers
genetic studies of the SSC indicate that
girls with autism typically have more
damaging mutations than boys do.
The Simons Foundation has created a
way for researchers to engage many
of the SSC families in future studies.
SSC@IAN administered by the

The foundation itself is conducting the

SSC@IAN Family Update Study, a set
of online questionnaires to find out how
the families have fared in the years since
the original data collection.
The project may well become a multi-year
study, White Lehman says. Its important
to get information about peoples lives
over the long term, she says. There
hasnt been a lot of research on what
happens as individuals with autism
transition to the adult world.
Much more remains to be mined from
the SSCs genetic data, as the exome
accounts for only 1.5 percent of the
human genome. The Simons Foundation

Simons Foundation 9 SFARI

The exome studies of the SSC suggest

that ultimately, at least 30 percent
of simplex autism will be traceable to
de novo mutations. I still read in
newspapers that we dont know what
causes autism, or that autism is thought
to involve gene mutations, but thats
not really just a hypothesis anymore,
Packer says. Autism is less mysterious
than it used to be.


Active grants
in 2014


Active investigators
in 2014


The Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) Investigator program

supports nearly 200 researchers who are carrying out bold, innovative autism
research. In 2014, these researchers published dozens of papers, encompassing
genetics research, imaging studies of individuals with autism, behavioral studies
and a host of other approaches to understanding the complex disorder. The following
are some highlights from SFARI Investigators research activities in the past year.

Insufficient Pruning

A Clear Autism Subtype

As children with autism transition into

adolescence, their neurons prune far
fewer dendritic spines the protrusions
that receive messages from other
neurons than in children without
the disorder, according to a study in the
September 3, 2014, issue of Neuron.

Individuals with mutations in the gene

CHD8 the autism candidate gene
with by far the strongest evidence
have a consistent and recognizable
phenotype, a new study shows. The
study is one of the first to examine
people with autism who all have the
same mutation, an approach that may
eventually help researchers zero in
on personalized treatments for the highly
heterogeneous disorder, says SFARI
Investigator Evan Eichler of the University
of Washington, who led the study.

The studys researchers, led by SFARI

Investigator David Sulzer of Columbia
University in New York City, examined
postmortem brain samples from 16
children and teenagers with autism and
12 controls. The control teenagers had 45
percent fewer dendritic spines than their
child counterparts did, whereas the
teenagers with autism had only 15
percent fewer dendritic spines than the
children with autism did. The adolescents
with autism also had unusually high
levels of mTOR, a protein that inhibits
autophagy, the process by which cells
recycle unneeded parts.
The team also examined a mouse model
that has unusually high levels of mTOR
activity and exhibits autism-like social
behavior. As with the humans, the
adolescent mice had a higher density of
dendritic spines than did control mice,
as well as a lower level of LC3-II, a
marker for autophagy. When the mice
were treated with rapamycin, a drug
that inhibits mTOR activity, their spine
density and LC3-II levels became normal,
and their social behavior became similar
to that of controls, suggesting that
drugs that restore autophagy could be a
promising approach for treating autism.

New investigators
in 2014

Simons Foundation 10 SFARI

The researchers collected detailed

observations from 15 individuals with
CHD8 mutations, 13 of whom have
autism diagnoses (the other two have
been diagnosed with intellectual disability
and may well have undiagnosed autism,
the researchers say). Most of these
individuals have wide-set eyes, large ears,
and broad foreheads and noses. Twelve
have enlarged heads, 12 have digestive
problems, especially constipation, and
10 have sleep problems. To gain insight
into the biological mechanism underlying
this phenotype, the researchers blocked
CHD8 expression in zebrafish embryos.
Like the people with CHD8 mutations,
the zebrafish developed wide-set eyes
and a sluggish digestive tract, and had
only half as many neurons in their gut
as controls did.
Attempts to identify subtypes of autism
by looking at people with similar symptoms
have not been very successful, the
researchers wrote in the July 17, 2014 issue
of Cell. The study, which indicates that
CHD8 disruption is a distinct autism subtype, suggests that a gene-first approach
may be more fruitful, Eichler says.






Simons Foundation Autism

Research Initiative


Labjack to

Lock-in amplifier

473 nm


Fiber launch

Social interaction





IoxP sites


Iox2722 sites


Social circuitry: Karl Deisseroth and his colleagues

(A) developed a technique to measure real-time neural
activity in freely moving mice and (B) found that a
specific circuit that projects to the nucleus accumbens
tends to show more activity (activity shown with
blue dashes and colored boxes) when the mice exhibit
social interactions, which are often affected in autism.

Pinpointing Brain Circuits

Two Stanford University studies have
linked autism with a brain region
called the nucleus accumbens, which
is involved in goal-related behavior.
Combined, the studies identify a
particular circuit that seems to be
involved in two core domains of autism,
social and repetitive behaviors, giving
researchers a toehold on the largely
unsolved problem of understanding
the neural circuitry of autism.
One study, led by SFARI Investigators
Thomas Sdhof and Robert Malenka,
suggests that the region plays a role
in repetitive behaviors in mice. The
researchers looked at mice with
mutations that either knock out or
greatly lower the level of neuroligin-3
(NLGN3), a protein involved in
synapse formation that has been
strongly linked to autism. The team
reported in the July 3, 2014, issue of
Cell that both kinds of mutations cause
mice to perform unusually well in

tests of learned repetitive routines akin

to log-rolling contests.
The researchers next removed NLGN3
from specific brain cells, to try to home
in on the part of the brain underlying
this repetitive behavior. Their study
implicated a set of neurons in the
nucleus accumbens that express a
receptor for the chemical messenger
dopamine, which is involved in
reward signals. When the researchers
restored NLGN3 to these neurons,
the behavior of the mice returned to
normal, suggesting that this type of
repetitive behavior might be amenable
to drug therapies.
In the second study, researchers
developed a new technique that provides
scientists with a window into the
dynamics of real-time circuit activity
during social interactions in mice,
and points to a specific circuit whose
activity encodes such interactions.

Simons Foundation 11 SFARI

The technique, created by a team led by

SFARI Investigator Karl Deisseroth and
Robert Malenka, involves inserting a tiny
fiber-optic probe into the brains of mice
that have been engineered to express a
fluorescent molecule during the firing
of neurons that make dopamine.
When the probe was placed in the
nucleus accumbens, it measured that
significantly more dopamine spikes
occurred when the mice interacted with
new mice than when they interacted
with novel objects, the researchers
reported June 19, 2014, in Cell. The
results suggest that a circuit connecting
a region called the ventral tegmental
area, a major source of dopamine
neurons, to the nucleus accumbens
specifically modulates social behavior.


Nucleus Accumbens

Dorsal Striatum










9 10 11 12

Genotype: p=.21
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (minutes)



9 10 11 12


5 7 9


Learning Rate (rpm/trial)

Trial: p<.001
Genotype: p=.002
Interaction: p=.012








+D tro
S l


Ambulatory Episodes


+D tro
S l

Distance Traveled (m)









+N ntr
Ac ol

5 7 9





Pinpointing brain circuits: Thomas Sdhofs lab used a

motor-learning task akin to log-rolling to model a cardinal
feature of autism: acquired repetitive behavior. The researchers
found (A) that absence of the autism-associated gene NL3
(B-G) in the dorsal striatum, a brain region known for its role

Genotype: p=.001
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (minutes)


Ambulatory Episodes


+D tro
S l





+N ntr
Ac ol

Trial: p<.001
Genotype: p=.28
Interaction: p=.38

3 4 5


+D tro
S l


Learning Rate (rpm/trial)



+N ntr
Ac ol

Time to fall off (s)

Time to fall off (s)




Initial Coordination (rpm)

Terminal Speed (rpm)



+NAc Cre


+N ntr
Ac ol




Initial Coordination (rpm)

3 4 5



8 to 80 rpm



Terminal Speed (rpm)


Distance Traveled (m)

Time to fall off (s)

+DS Cre

4 to 40 rpm


Time to fall off (s)



Distance Traveled (m)

8 to 80 rpm


Distance Traveled (m)

4 to 40 rpm





in motor function, surprisingly did not change performance

on the task. (H-M) Rather, deletion of NL3 in the nucleus
accumbens, an area associated with learning and motivation,
seemed to enhance learned repetitive behavior.

Simons Foundation 12 SFARI






Simons Foundation Autism

Research Initiative

Regulating Brain Size

Incorrect Splicing

A chromosomal region called 16p11.2,

which is strongly linked to autism,
may control brain size, researchers
reported August 20, 2014, in
The Journal of Neuroscience.

Depending on which cell type it is in,

the same gene can give rise to many
different proteins, as different portions
of the genes sequence get spliced out
while the gene is being transcribed
to RNA. One of the RNA-binding
proteins that regulates this splicing in
the nervous system, RBFOX, has been
implicated in autism, but until now it
has been difficult to identify just which
genes RBFOX regulates.

Deletions and duplications in 16p11.2,

which contains 29 genes, are among
the genetic variations that have been
most frequently associated with autism.
To understand the implications of these
deletions and duplications, in 2010
the Simons Foundation created
the Simons Variation in Individuals
Project (Simons VIP, see Simons
Simplex Collection, pg. 8), which, like
Eichlers study of individuals with
CHD8 mutations, takes a gene-first
approach by studying the phenotypes
of several hundred individuals with
16p11.2 deletions or duplications and
their families.
In the August study, a research team led
by SFARI Investigator Randy Buckner
of Harvard University used magnetic
resonance imaging to scan the brains of
a cohort of individuals in the Simons VIP
collection, along with a control group.
Deletions in 16p11.2 increased brain
size by about 9 percent, the researchers
found, while duplications reduced brain
size by a similar amount. Changes
in brain size were observed across all
brain regions, and within each region
the deletion and the duplication produced comparable changes in opposite
directions, suggesting that the effect of
16p11.2 on brain size is dose dependent.
Within the cortex, surface area, which is
determined early in development, was
affected more strongly than thickness,
which is determined later on, suggesting
that the mechanisms underlying the
mutations effects may come into play
in early embryonic development.

In a study published March 27, 2014

in Cell Reports, a team led by SFARI
Investigators Robert Darnell of
Rockefeller University and Chaolin
Zhang of Columbia University made
a complete map, at single-nucleotide
resolution, of all RBFOXs RNA
interaction sites in the mouse
brain. Of the 1,059 RBFOX splicing
events the team identified, more than
10 percent involve autism risk genes,
a far greater proportion than chance
would predict. The work suggests that
RBFOX might be a hub that regulates
many autism risk genes.
RBFOX is actually a family of three
proteins, the products of a single gene,
that play similar roles in the regulation
of mRNA splicing: In postmortem
brain tissue of some individuals with
autism, the researchers found that
all three RBFOX proteins were present
at lower-than-normal levels, suggesting
that mRNA splicing critical for
normal brain function was altered
in these individuals.

Simons Foundation 13 SFARI


New papers
published by SFARI
investigators in 2014


New grants
in 2014



Registrants between
project launch in May
and December 31, 2014

Within the last five years, human genetic

sequencing studies, animal models and
other approaches have led to dramatic
advances in our understanding of autism
spectrum disorders. Yet, in contrast
to many other disorders, autism
research is hampered by an almost
total lack of access to the affected organ:
the human brain. Current magnetic
resonance imaging technology does not
allow the level of resolution needed to
study individual circuits and cells, so the
only way to study them is through the
use of postmortem brain tissue, which is
in short supply.
There are big unanswered questions
that we just don't have the material to
answer, says David Amaral, research
director of the University of California,
Davis, MIND Institute, such as when
different autism genes get expressed in
developing and mature brains, and why
some young children with autism have
disproportionately enlarged brains. If we
could answer them, it could start us on a
trajectory to more effective interventions.
You have to know what the pathology
is, first and foremost, before you can
consider how to treat it.
Currently, fewer than 30 high-quality
brains of individuals with autism are
available in brain banks nowhere near
enough, Amaral says, especially given
the heterogeneity of the disorder.
To address this gap, the Simons Foundation
has partnered with the science and advocacy organization Autism Speaks to create

Autism BrainNet, a network of brain

banks launched under Amarals direction
in May 2014. The project, which begins
its collection with brain tissue from
Autism Speaks Autism Tissue Program,
aims to acquire at least 24 new autism
brains and 24 control brains in 2015,
roughly doubling the number of brains
available to researchers. Once the project
is in full swing, Amaral says, it might
be possible to collect as many as 100
new brains each year, creating an
unparalleled resource for autism
researchers. Autism BrainNet is also in
discussion with the National Institutes
of Health about a potential future
partnership that could allow the autism
brain bank to grow even more.
Initially, tissue collection and storage
will be carried out at four sites across the
United States: the MIND Institute, the
University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center in Dallas, Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and
the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
Sinai in New York City. Information
from the sites banks will be consolidated
into a single database, and standardized
collection and storage protocols will
ensure consistency from site to site.
Previous tissue collection efforts
were hamstrung by ineffective outreach
campaigns and typically acquired only
two to four new brains each year. You
can set up the most beautiful bank in
the world, but it will only be as good as
the brains it has, says Alison Singer,
president of the New York-based Autism

Simons Foundation 14 SFARI

Science Foundation. Autism BrainNet has

enlisted the Autism Science Foundation
to get the message out to autism families,
and the resulting It Takes Brains
campaign (see has
already spurred about 100 families per
month to register as potential donors
about 10 times the rate for previous
autism brain banks, Singer says.
The campaign emphasizes the heroism
of autism families who register as donors,
and the potential for their donations to
ultimately lead to new therapies and
treatments. Our hope is that this profound
gift to science that these families make
will increase our understanding of the
underlying causes of autism, and
eventually improve the quality of life
for people on the spectrum, says Marta
Benedetti, senior scientist at the Simons
Foundation Autism Research Initiative
and president of Foundation Associates,
LLC, which sponsors Autism BrainNet.

The brains of individuals with autism

have more abundant synapses than
the brains of controls, as cortical
pyramidal neurons in autism brains
do not undergo normal pruning during
childhood and adolescence. These
images show representative dendrites
seen in unaffected brains (upper) and
in autism brains (lower). Spines on
the dendrites indicate the location
of synapses. Images courtesy of
the Sulzer Lab (Guomei Tang and
Mark Sonders), Columbia University.






Simons Foundation Autism

Research Initiative

Currently, fewer than 30 high-quality brains

of individuals with autism are available in
brain banks nowhere near enough.
David Amaral

Simons Foundation 15 SFARI

Project on

Simons Foundation 16 Life Sciences


SciTran research


Were trying to create a model in which

people are surrounded by the tools of
sharing, reproducing and computation
from the first moment they get data.



Brian Wandell

Like all areas of science, neuroscience has

to emphasize reproducibility. Datasets from
imaging studies are expensive to obtain
and cumbersome to share, and published
papers often provide only the vaguest
details about how the data were analyzed.
Papers often claim, We used custom
in-house software as if thats a
description of anything, says Brian
Wandell, a neuroscientist at Stanford
University in California. Its very hard
to make sure the implementation the
author wrote about is right.
The Project on Scientific Transparency,
directed by Wandell at Stanford, aims to
change all that. The current model is
that you do your work and publish your
paper, and then if youre not too exhausted
at the end, you might put your data into
a centralized repository, Wandell says.
Were trying to create a model in which
people are surrounded by the tools of
sharing, reproducing and computation
from the first moment they get data.

Signals between brain hemispheres are

carried by millions of long-range neural
fibers called axons, which form a visible
and large structure called the corpus
callosum. This magnetic resonance
image (MRI) shows some of the largest
groups of axons in the corpus callosum,
colored according to the cortical
regions that they connect. In the last
decade, researchers found that
individual differences in the yellowcolored tract correlate with a childs
reading ability. This observation is a topic
of study and a source of hypotheses for
how we might help children who have
difficulty learning to read. MRIs are one
type of data shared on SciTran.

The project has created a data-sharing

platform called Scientific Transparency
(SciTran) that instantly archives all data
obtained by the approximately 500 users
of Stanfords shared magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) machines. There are
tools that start from the very first time
you push the button on the MRI scanner, Wandell says. Although researchers
control access to their own data, sharing
with others is easy. Scientists can search
through the data there are already
more than 70,000 scans from 9,000
individuals to identify potential
collaborators, for example, or to find
control data for an experiment. Wandell is
working to install SciTran at other sites,
including Indiana University and the
University of California, Davis, so that

Simons Foundation 17 Life Sciences


Life Sciences

scientists can share data across institutions.

Wandell and his collaborators are now
in the process of integrating validated
computational tools into SciTran
for instance, a Web-based interactive
computational environment called the
Jupyter Notebook (formerly the IPython
Notebook), created by Fernando Perez
of the University of California, Berkeley.
This platform, which allows researchers
to combine code, data and plain English
explanations in a single dynamic website,
is like a living, breathing notebook,
says Alex Lash, the Simons Foundations
chief informatics officer one that can
be shared with collaborators simply by
sending them a link. The ultimate goal,
Lash says, is for researchers to start
including links to notebooks in their
published papers, so that interested
readers can see the detailed protocols
that were used to analyze the data.
As a proof of concept, the Simons
Foundation is working to upload
imaging data to SciTran from about 200
families in the Simons Variation in
Individuals Project, a database of families
in which at least one individual has
a copy number variant in the 16p11.2
chromosomal region, which is strongly
linked to autism and other developmental
disorders. The foundation is in discussion
with SFARI Investigator Randy Buckner
of Harvard University, whose laboratory
performed one of the analyses of
the neuroimaging dataset, about the
possibility of representing the studys
methods in a Jupyter notebook. This
is a difficult-to-acquire dataset about
families with a very specific genetic
deletion or duplication; theres probably
a lot more we can learn from it if other
investigators were to analyze it in
different ways, Wandell says.


on the Global
When British physiologists Alan Lloyd
Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley first
quantitatively described the action
potential from a squid neuron in 1952,
they initiated decades of work by
researchers to uncover the significance
of these action potentials for the function
of the nervous system.
Nearly half a century later, scientists
have mastered the ability to trigger
action potentials in single cells. While
data from single cells are valuable, much
remains unknown about how the brains
neurons are connected into networks,
how those networks are connected
to one another, and how interactions
between neurons and networks lead to
thoughts and behaviors. Between triggering a single neuron and observing a
discrete behavior, neurons and neural
networks produce internal brain states
interacting with each other, performing
computations and generating activity
processes that researchers have just
begun to decipher.
The Simons Collaboration on the Global
Brain (SCGB) aims to achieve a comprehensive and mechanistic understanding of
brain processes. Using new technologies
that allow researchers to record
activity from thousands of neurons
simultaneously in the brains of awake,
behaving animals, 64 investigators and
93 postdoctoral fellows are studying a
variety of brain regions, a range of
animals and a diverse set of questions
in labs around the world.

By collecting data from the activity

of many neurons concurrently, SCGB
investigators are getting closer to
understanding the codes used by relevant
neural circuits and how they produce
behavior. This deeper understanding of
how the brain produces cognition will
shed light not only on observable
behaviors like movement, but eventually,
based on a comprehensive understanding
of how neuronal networks function and
interact, on the brains most elusive
and unobservable activities: planning,
motivation, judgment, memory, emotion
and other aspects of reverie that may
function even in the absence of obvious
external stimuli.
We know a lot about individual neurons
and we know a lot about behavior, but we
dont know what happens in the middle,
says Alyssa Picchini Schaffer, scientific

Simons Foundation 18 Life Sciences

officer for the SCGB. Understanding

how neural circuits take inputs, make
sense of them and then create outputs
primes us for a deeper understanding
of how the brain works.
Once SCGB investigators achieve a more
mechanistic understanding of the brain,
they will begin examining the neuronal
processes that drive externally
unobservable activities, hoping that
general principles will emerge. For example,
neuronal computations for planning
may be similar regardless of what is
being planned.
The ability to study the idea of movement,
the planning of movement, before a
subject actually moves has been elusive
and mysterious, says Gerald D. Fischbach,
chief scientist and fellow of the Simons
Foundation. Because issues of internal






The Global Brain


Experimentalists in
the collaboration


Theorists in the


Brain regions
studied by SCGB

These images represent the firing of a place cell as an animal

explores its environment. Above: A place cell fires more
frequently when the animal reaches a particular location in its
round environment; warmer colors indicate increased firing.
Left: While the animal explores the environment, spikes are
recorded from many different cells, with each circle

states are no longer simply a matter

of philosophy, scientists will be able
to study what is going on in the
brain that is responsible for these
ideas and thoughts.
The collaboration brings together
experimentalists who study various
aspects of brain activity in a range of
brain regions and in a variety of species,
collecting vast amounts of data and
theorists who create and apply statistical analyses to those massive datasets
in an effort to decipher and guide the work

representing the firing of a cell in the brain. Advanced sorting

algorithms identify which spikes came from the place cell,
shown in red. Techniques used to capture these data are at
the cutting edge of neuroscience research and are central to
the work of many SCGB investigators. Images adapted from
Aronov D. and D. W. Tank, Neuron 84, 442-456 (2014).

of experimentalists. By incorporating
biophysical properties of neurons into
the data, theorists can create mathematical
models of how neurons may assemble
into circuits in the brain. Models created
by theorists may drive experimentalists
questions, helping frame the way
researchers approach the data.
Together, the experimentalists and
theorists hope to gain a comprehensive
picture of healthy brain function. And
once researchers have a solid mechanistic
understanding of healthy brain function,

Simons Foundation 19 Life Sciences

members of the SCGB hope to better

understand disordered brain activity
and its potential treatment.
These are big questions and the brain
is a big place, says David Tank, director
of the SCGB. The challenges of understanding the brain are never going to be
solved by individual labs. Theyre just
too hard. Its through cross-fertilization
of different individuals ideas from
different perspectives that well figure
these things out.

Center for

One might think that the biggest challenge of founding a research

laboratory dedicated to examining data whose scale and complexity
have historically resisted analysis would lie in unraveling that
very complexity. Instead, says Leslie Greengard, founding director
of the Simons Center for Data Analysis (SCDA), the challenge lay
in recruiting the initial core of scientists to lead these research
efforts. It was not easy to find them, Greengard says, but the
right people fell into place faster than I thought.
At one year, SCDA now comprises six research groups focusing on
computing, software development, algorithms, systems biology,
neuroscience and genomics. What unifies the application
areas is that theyre all parts of biomedical and biophysical
research, where there are opportunities for discovery that cannot
be achieved by classical techniques, Greengard explains. Its
not just about doing a better experiment. Its about combining
experiment with theory, simulation and data analysis to learn
things that are beyond the capacity of a single measurement.


New team members

in 2014

Research groups
within SCDA



Part of Dmitri Chklovskiis neuroscience group, for example, is

developing techniques for reconstructing the three-dimensional
architecture of neural networks from data generated by highresolution electron microscopy a computational task that is
currently intractable, according to Greengard. Members of Olga
Troyanskayas team conduct meta-analyses of genomic data from
different organs (and even different species) to better predict
gene expressions associated with specific cell types or specific
diseases and developmental disorders, including autism. The
systems biology group, led by Richard Bonneau, aims in part to
understand the regulatory controls of the immune system and the
interaction between the human genome and the microbiome
the microorganisms that live on and in our bodies and outnumber
our own cells by an order of magnitude.
According to Greengard, each of these scientific endeavors
requires new analytic approaches, and the development of
methods that make sense of the data (data science) is becoming
a discipline in its own right. SCDA requires leaders who have
both a deep understanding of the underlying science and the
ability to create the mathematical and computational frameworks
that will permit scientists to ask previously inaccessible research
questions. Going forward, each group at SCDA will typically
work closely with external experimental collaborators to analyze
their results, which will also drive the centers thinking about
new questions to investigate. Greengard intends to be selective
about what problems SCDA takes on, because each one could
easily consume all of the centers scientific and technical resources.
The reason SCDA exists, he says, is to develop new ways of
thinking about big data in biology and to develop tools that will
enhance the productivity of individual researchers.

Simons Foundation 20 SCDA






Simons Center for

Data Analysis

In-House Collaborations



1 Many electron problem
2 Algorithms and geometry
1 Simons Simplex

Collection (pp. 49)


2 Simons VIP (p. 8)

Model of Living
(pp. 3235)


of Fellows

1 Brain networks in autism (pp. 2223)
2 Structural analysis of mutations
3 Data archive
4 Distributing computational

1 SFARI Gene website
2 SFARI Base
3 Distribution of 

imaging data
4 Autism research cohorts
5 Research portfolio

management software

capacity resources
5 Data life cycle management

Simons Collaboration
on the Global Brain:
1 Analysis of calcium 

imaging data
2 Analysis of

electrophysiology data



Data interpretation
and display


Human Genome
Diversity Project

This chart shows collaborative projects between working groups at the

Simons Foundation in 2014. Some of these efforts are formal grants programs
(Programs), but many are ongoing collaborations between scientists on staff
(Projects). SCDA and the Informatics group often assist other foundation
groups in the planning, storage, analysis and dissemination of large datasets.

Simons Foundation 21 SCDA


Relationship confidence

Brain-specific functional gene networks

can illuminate the molecular basis of
neurodevelopmental disorders. Above,
a section of a brain network thought to
be relevant to autism.

Simons Foundation 22 SCDA






Simons Center for

Data Analysis


Our networked approach is

really well suited to unraveling
this puzzle, because autism is
a networked disorder
Olga Troyanskaya

To Olga Troyanskaya, leader of the genomics group at SCDA, figuring out how
to use big data to study complex disorders such as autism or cancer is like trying
to develop a Google for genomics. Before Google and other smart search
engines, the Internet was a collection of directories with no clear assessment
of quality or relevance, and written in different languages, she says. Genomic
data are even more complicated: They represent hundreds of diseases, tissues
and clinical treatments, and are made by more than 50 different technologies.
How can one identify and integrate relevant information across all these datasets?
Troyanskayas team develops algorithms that can spot similar patterns in gene
expression across many different kinds of tissue and disease, regardless of the
technology used to gather the data. For example, the same genetic pathways
that are important in neurons in the brain also exist in kidney cells, so kidney
disease data might actually teach us something about brain disorders such as
autism. Its very counterintuitive, she admits. Its not based on symptoms
or single-gene mutations. Its only algorithmically that you can systematically
identify such signals.
This messy gold mine of gene expression data, as Troyanskaya calls it, could
unlock new understanding of complex disorders by uncovering genetic links that
were previously invisible. Any biological experiment inevitably perturbs many
different aspects of a cells function, and the Troyanskaya groups methods put those
inevitable extra perturbations to good scientific use by first identifying patterns
in these noisy datasets that are useful outside of the original experimental
context in which they occurred, and then aggregating these datasets together.
According to Troyanskaya, autism research lends itself especially well to this
approach precisely because there is no autism gene to pinpoint in isolation.
Instead, autism is a networked disorder whose symptoms are associated with
the coordinated behavior of multiple genes. While damage to a single gene can
have major impact, this impact is most likely modified by small differences
between individuals in expression and function of other genes in the network.
Troyanskayas computational analysis allows every human gene to be ranked
based on how likely it is to be associated with autism based on its functional
role in the brains molecular networks.



genome-wide experiments

As her team uncovers these associations in collaboration with SFARI, they also
build software that lets other researchers apply the same algorithmic methods
to explore other open questions in cell biology and medicine. Were working
across diverse tissues and cell types looking at large collections of biological
data, and figuring out algorithms that are able to isolate the relevant signals in
a very accurate way, she says. The philosophy of my group is that with smart
algorithms, more data is always better.

Simons Foundation 23 SCDA

Systems Biology
We dont just want to tell a story
about a single particular organism
or tissue we want to tell a story
that can generalize to the cell and
to the whole organism.
Richard Bonneau

What differentiates systems biology

the discipline that Richard Bonneaus
research group at SCDA specializes in
from other types of biological study? All
biologists consider the cell to be the basic
unit of life, but every living cell also
contains an immense amount of
molecular machinery of its own, which
biologists were unable to model in detail
before the advent of modern genomic
technology. Genomics is like getting the
parts list and seeing what the parts are
doing at any given moment, Bonneau
explains, and systems biology is like
putting that information together into
a circuit or picture of the machine.
What that view enables is a way to
examine the links between the intricate
machinery inside cells and the larger
dynamics of the human body, such as
the immune system and the microbiome
both of which are objects of Bonneaus

interest at SCDA. His group aggregates

experimental data on the immune system
from multiple human, animal and
bacterial sources, collected by diverse
collaborators such as Dan Littman and
Jane Skok at New York University School
of Medicine. When we go after big
biological systems with thousands of
moving parts, we really need to see what
other data is out there and integrate it
with our own, Bonneau says. We dont
just want to tell a story about a single
particular organism or tissue we want
to tell a story that can generalize to the
cell and to the whole organism.
Bonneau collaborates closely with Olga
Troyanskayas genomics group at SCDA.
Im hoping Olga can teach me how to
take some of our reconstruction algorithms and scale them up to all data for
the immune system or all human data,
period, he says, only half joking.

Simons Foundation 24 SCDA

I think our groups are going to come up

with some algorithms that are going to
be extremely important for the very big
and growing community of people who
are trying to figure out how the immune
system interacts with the microbiome.
Bonneau considers SCDAs interdisciplinary scientific team to be one of the
most exciting and crucial aspects
of his current research. Bringing
biologists together with experts in data
visualization, applied mathematicians
and software engineers allows for a
more integrated and efficient approach
that is not always available in traditional
academic settings. At SCDA we can
approach problems closely as a team
without having to market little pieces
of what were doing one project at a time,
and getting pulled off in many different
directions, he says.






Simons Center for

Data Analysis


Microbiome datasets
compiled and analyzed

This figure depicts interactions between

mRNAs (gray text) and proteins (circles).
A central goal of systems biology is
to integrate computational and
experimental techniques in order to
understand how interactions between
biological molecules contribute to
cellular function. Here, computational
methods were used to predict which
proteins bind RNA molecules, and
those results were validated with
mass spectrometry. Double green lines
on proteins indicate RNA-binding
proteins confirmed through both
methodologies. Previously identified
RNA-binding proteins are also shown
(haloed); their presence increases
confidence in the network.

Simons Foundation 25 SCDA


Ask computational neuroscientist Dmitri Chklovskii what his research

goals are at SCDA, and he doesnt mince words. Our goal is to understand
how the brain computes, he says simply. Of course, its anything but
simple. And for Chklovskiis neuroscience group at SCDA, the question is
doubly complex: Not only do they intend to crack the brains computational
code by reconstructing the three-dimensional (3-D) wiring diagram of
its network of neurons, but they also need to invent novel data-processing
techniques just to make sense of the deluge of experimental data generated
by contemporary brain imaging technology. The current method for
mapping neural connections requires collecting millions of extremely
high-resolution two-dimensional images, and then stacking the slices
together so that the 3-D connections are revealed. Even for a small
animal like a fruit fly, the datasets are humongous, Chklovskii says.

Prior to joining SCDA, Chklovskiis group developed software that

significantly accelerated the creation of these neuronal wiring diagrams,
or connectomes. The neuroscience group intends to assemble a
connectome of the entire nervous system of Megaphragma mymaripenne,
a microscopic wasp. Its only 200 microns long, but it can see, smell,
fly and find food with a small number of neurons, Chklovskii says.
We hope that by reconstructing the complete nervous system of this
insect, we can start to understand how it all works together.

These fully functional mini-insects are

so small that researchers can image
their entire nervous systems with
unprecedented detail. Mini-insects and
single-cell organisms are shown at right
using a 200-micron scale. (A single
human hair is 100 microns in thickness.)
Clockwise from top left: Nanosella sp.,
Amoeba proteus, Paramecium caudatum,
Megaphragma mymaripenne and
Dicopomorpha echmepterygis.
Credit: Alexei Polilov

Of course, as Chklovskii says, human beings actually have powerful

computers between their ears that can accomplish extremely complex,
real-time data analysis. At any given time, we are bombarded by millions
of different signals from the outside world, and we have to react without
waiting for the whole dataset, because by that time we would be dead,
he says. Chklovskii believes that our brains are biologically implementing
some sort of highly efficient algorithm to process the constant stream
of big data from our senses. If the insights gained from constructing
a connectome reveal how biological brains even tiny ones like that of
Megaphragma mymaripenne accomplish this feat, they might also shed
light on how to design more efficient computers that are capable of
analyzing the torrent of real-time streaming data soon expected to come
from networked sensors embedded in everything from home appliances
to civil infrastructure: the so-called Internet of things.
Chklovskii acknowledges that both mysteries may not be solved at once,
but he predicts significant growth and value in the synergy between
neuroscience and computer science a synergy that needs a multidisciplinary research center like SCDA in order to flourish. Its very hard
to teach computers to do what humans seem to do effortlessly, and vice
versa, he says. But we can look for some sort of guidance in the data.

Simons Foundation 26 SCDA






Simons Center for

Data Analysis

Simons Foundation 27 SCDA

The Origins of Life

Simons Collaboration
on Algorithms and

The line between mathematics and

theoretical computer science is blurry,
but for some the distinction doesnt
exist at all. The Simons Collaboration
on Algorithms and Geometry, which
launched in September 2014, brings
together mathematicians and computer
scientists who work on a variety of
questions at the interface of the two
disciplines. Despite the fact that this
collaboration has only been up and
running for a few months, it has
already helped some researchers draw
unexpected connections between
seemingly disparate problems.



Amit Singer, an applied mathematician

at Princeton University, is using
cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM)
to determine the structure of various
biologically important molecules. The
pictures produced by cryo-EM are noisy,
two-dimensional projections taken from
random directions. The computational
challenge is to determine, from these
two-dimensional images, their threedimensional orientations and the
configuration of the molecule pictured.

At first glance, this question would not

seem to have much to do with, for
example, the unique games conjecture,
a problem in theoretical computer
science originally formulated by fellow
collaboration member Subhash Khot,
winner of the 2014 Rolf Nevanlinna Prize.
The unique games conjecture says that a
certain problem in graph theory is difficult
not only to solve but even to approximate
efficiently, and has deep implications
for other questions in theoretical
computer science.
Singer reports that with the help of
collaborator Moses Charikar, he realized
that one of the algorithms that came from
his research in cryo-EM was related to
the unique games conjecture. Its a very
interesting connection between a very
applied problem in structural biology
all the way to a very abstract problem in
theoretical computer science.
The collaboration is focused on problems
and algorithms that transcend specific
applications and even the constraints
of modern computing power. For example,

Simons Foundation 28 Mathematics and Physical Sciences




Algorithms and

This new method for clustering data

points into k clusters produces
values between 0 and 1 for all pairs
of points. These values express the
likelihood that both points in the pair
are in the same cluster. When data
can be partitioned into k clusters
with a value of 1 for all pairs inside
the same cluster, and a value of 0 for
all pairs of points across different
clusters, the solution is optimal.

given a collection of objects, with an inherent

notion of distance between any two of
them, can one store them efficiently so
that one could quickly determine which
objects are the most similar to others? This
question, called the nearest neighbor search,
comes up in many guises and applications,
from storing images and music to studying
how different proteins work. Were
interested in the foundations, collaboration
director Assaf Naor says. We want to come
up with general mathematical theorems
that will apply to certain specific datasets,
but also, when something new comes
up, we want to have an arsenal to attack
it with.
Naor says the collaboration is currently
in the get to know you phase, with
researchers ramping up with in-depth
presentations on their work. After that
phase concludes, meetings will become
increasingly focused on making progress
on specific topics.

Simons Foundation 29 Mathematics and Physical Sciences



on the Many



Students and
postdoctoral fellows
registered for 2015
summer school

Simons Foundation 30 Mathematics and Physical Sciences




The Many
Electron Problem

This drawing depicts a member of a

class of mathematical objects called
tensor networks, which are used to represent many-body wave functions. This
particular tensor network has a dual
interpretation: It describes a thermal
state of a many-body system, but it may
also be interpreted as representing the
space-time geometry of a black hole.

Why are some things hard and others

soft? Why do some materials conduct
electricity? And can we make materials
that conduct even better? The properties
of any material are determined by the
interactions between its electrons, and
understanding the way such properties
arise at the electron level is both a
fundamental scientific problem and key
to creating new materials with desirable
properties. The Simons Collaboration
on the Many Electron Problem, which
launched in March 2014, brings together
physicists and chemists to work to refine
existing approaches to this problem, and
to invent new approaches.
A great deal of the challenge boils down
to big numbers. The number of states
available to a many-particle system
grows exponentially as the number of
electrons grows. The sheer size of the
vector space that represents those states
means that conventional computational
approaches to managing electron-electron
interactions fail. A lot of our work
consists of finding clever ways around
that exponential barrier, says Emanuel
Gull of the University of Michigan, who
is a member of the collaboration.
The collaboration brings together
four main threads of research: cluster
embedding theory, Monte Carlo
methods, real material methods and
tensor networks. The program hosts
several conferences each year in addition
to a summer school for graduate and
postdoctoral students.

A variety of numerical methods have

been developed to attack different
aspects of the many electron problem,
and the early stages of the collaboration
have focused on taking stock of the
strengths and weaknesses of those
methods by using them on simplified
model systems. The fruit fly of this
type of physics is the so-called Hubbard
model. Thats a model that has all of the
physics stripped down, except for one
local interaction term and one nearestneighbor term, says Gull. Its sort of
the minimum model that gives you
the physics of electron correlation.
In comparing various approaches,
researchers try to identify the ways that
the different methods might fail in a
simple system, in order to understand
how to get around the same problems
in a more complicated one.
One promising approach is based on
tensor networks, a reformulation of the
wave function description of quantum
mechanics. A breakthrough in that field
about ten years ago radically changed the
way researchers can attack the many
electron problem; in essence, tensor
networks provide a way to home in on
a small subset of states characterized
by certain quantum entanglement
conditions. Guifre Vidal, a researcher
at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical
Physics and one of the researchers
behind the breakthrough, says, What
we have identified is that in this huge
vector space, there are many vectors
we should not care about, that are not
relevant to the many electron problem,
and a very small subset a subset of
measure zero is actually the one we

care about. This means that in certain

situations, the computational cost has
been vastly reduced it grows as a
power of the number of electrons rather
than exponentially.
The tensor network breakthrough,
when coupled with increases in
computing power, means that an understanding of larger and larger systems
becomes more feasible. We are greedy,
says Vidal. There is never a computer
that is big enough. We used to complain
that we couldnt go beyond 20 electrons.
Now we can go to hundreds. Once we go
to hundreds, we try to go to thousands.
It is not unreasonable to be so greedy.
Wed like to study millions. Thats what
real systems are made of.
The other collaboration research areas
have made similar progress in recent
years. The logical next steps will be to
compare, contrast and combine the
approaches, to determine which work
best in which situations, and to use
insights in one area to improve results
in another. For example, the collaboration is exploring the implications of the
recent discovery that it is possible to use
stochastic (Monte Carlo) methods to
evaluate Feynman diagram series, in the
hope that these methods can be used to
improve the standard techniques used to
provide first order approximations to the
properties of molecules and solids.
A couple of theoretical breakthroughs
allowed us to access a new world of
physics, says Gull. Thats the spirit
of the collaboration.

Simons Foundation 31 Mathematics and Physical Sciences



Mathematical Modeling of
Living Systems and Conference
on Theory and Biology
Simons Foundation 32 Life Sciences






Life Sciences +
Mathematics and
Physical Sciences

Ned Wingreen of Princeton University

delivers Keeping It Together:
Organizing the Bacterial Chromosome
for Division at the MMLS Theory and
Biology meeting in April 2014.

The tremendous advances in technology over the past few decades allow
scientists to collect and analyze much more information than they could in the
past. In biology, this means researchers can do things a little differently. Where
biologists used to look at fairly sparse data and make general descriptive statements,
they can now combine the results of measurements with sophisticated theoretical
analysis, uncovering new hypotheses and quantitatively testing them. Thats
the rationale behind the Simons Foundations Mathematical Modeling of Living
Systems (MMLS) program: to use theoretical and mathematical concepts to develop
a quantitative understanding of all aspects of life. To this end, the foundation
supports individual researchers through its Investigators in MMLS program,
and funds targeted grants to research groups studying particular projects.


Participants in 2014
Conference on
Theory and Biology

Simons Foundation 33 Mathematics and Physical Sciences


Targeted grant proposals

received in 2014

The foundation also organizes an annual Conference on Theory and Biology,

providing a venue for scientists in the greater New York area to meet, exchange
insights and hear talks by leading scientists in the field.
Olga Zhaxybayeva is assistant professor of biological sciences at Dartmouth College,
and a Simons Investigator. She sifts through bacterial genomes in an effort to
understand their evolution and speciation. Modeling and data analysis go hand in
hand in her work. Her group uses sophisticated mathematical models to understand
how different traits and conditions influence bacterial populations, and they analyze
genome databases to inform those models.
One of the focuses of Zhaxybayevas research group is to study the history and
distribution of genes in microbial communities to determine which ones might
effectively differentiate between bacterial species. In the eukaryotic world, Linnaeus
created this beautiful taxonomy where every organism is classified from species to
genera to larger groups, she says. In bacteria, wed like to think that organisms
have some features that allow us to put them into categories that we can call species.
However, unlike plants and animals, bacteria propagate asexually, so the can
produce fertile offspring definition of species doesnt work. The obvious choice is to
consider genetic similarity instead. Back when there were only three Escherichia coli
genomes available for study, researchers compared them to determine which traits
were present in all three. We think of them as the same E. coli, but really they had
only 40 percent of their genes in common, says Zhaxybayeva. When the study was
expanded to about 60 genomes, it turned out that they only shared on the order of
5 percent of their DNA. Now that there are thousands of genomes, its leveled off,
but its a very small fraction of genes. That means its difficult to find genes that
can effectively categorize the organisms.
Zhaxybayevas investigations also include research into the evolution of two bacterial
traits: tolerance of extreme temperatures and what she describes as cooperation in
microbial communities.
The modus operandi of many common viruses is simple: Infect a host, make copies
of virus DNA or RNA, kill the host, repeat. But some bacterial populations contain
entities called gene transfer agents that behave like viruses but contain bacterial
genes instead of their own genome. Like viruses, they kill their hosts, but for some
reason, the population continues to host the gene transfer agents. The hypothesis is
that its some sort of form of cooperation in bacterial populations, says Zhaxybayeva.
The question is how the gene transfer agents persist in the population. Researchers
think that the bacterial DNA they contain could help patch DNA damaged by
ultraviolet radiation or other stressors, or that it could enable the exchange of
beneficial genes within the population. The bacteria population designates a small
fraction of cells to sacrifice themselves to produce gene transfer agents, she says.
She and her colleagues model bacterial populations with gene transfer agents and
determine how they might maintain the trait, given that its quite detrimental to
individual hosts. On the data-analysis side, they find organisms with particular traits
and use sequence comparison techniques to reconstruct the traits evolutionary
histories. While Zhaxybayeva doesnt do experiments herself, she collaborates with

Simons Foundation 34 Life Sciences






Life Sciences +
Mathematics and
Physical Sciences

labs that grow bacteria that produce gene transfer agents, to study them on a
molecular level. Both that information and her analysis of genome databases
then inform later simulations and modeling.
Terry Hwa, professor of physics and biology at the University of California,
San Diego, is the recipient of a targeted grant in the MMLS program. Whereas
Zhaxybayevas doctorate is in molecular biology, Hwas is in theoretical physics. As
a physicist, he was most interested in complexity: nonlinear dynamics, turbulence,
spin glass, and so on. Over the course of his career, he started moving more
toward biology. You cant close your eyes to the amazing complexity of life, he
says. I was intrigued by living systems and started to poke into it. One thing led
to another Today he heads a lab that employs physicists, biologists and applied
mathematicians to study the way interactions between molecules in a cell
determine the cells overall behavior.

appointed in 2014

Earlier in his career, Hwa showed that organisms responses to environmental and
genetic perturbations tend to obey simple mathematical rules, a counterintuitive
finding, given how many components a cell has and how complex intracellular
interactions are known to be. For example, the number of proteins a cell devotes
to nutrient uptake has a negative relationship to the cells growth rate: The poorer
the nutrients, the more uptake proteins are used to retrieve them. We simplify the
description of bacteria to a bag of proteins and other small molecules, Hwa says.
We then see simple patterns in the macroscopic cellular behavior in selective
environments, and can use these patterns to predict behaviors in other environments.
Ultimately, these simple behaviors come from the interaction of molecules.
Something takes us from the complexity at molecular scale to the simplicity at
cellular scale. Hwa is trying to find that something.
Hwa sees a parallel between todays research into the molecular foundations
of cellular behavior and the 19th century development of thermodynamics and
statistical mechanics. At the time, the ideal gas laws and features of phase
transitions were known, but they hadnt been understood in quantitative and
molecular terms. Major breakthroughs came when scientists discovered how
the behavior of a gas can be described by a number of simple mathematical
rules the laws of thermodynamics and subsequently how these laws arise
mathematically from averaging over many complex molecular collisions.
Hwa thinks research such as his that bridges the gap between biology and physics
might lead to a similar breakthrough in our understanding of behaviors of cells
on a molecular level.
As with Zhaxybayeva, real data inform Hwas models. His lab grows cells in different
environments and takes snapshots of their contents at various points in time.
Those snapshots are analyzed to determine how much of different molecules has
been produced by the cells or how the cells have grown. The data give Hwas team
a starting point for creating their models, and later give them a way to see whether
their models are on track.
The ultimate goal is to make our model predictive, says Hwa. Weve had some
success at the cellular level we want to make it predictive at the molecular level.

Simons Foundation 35 Mathematics and Physical Sciences

Collaboration on
Ocean Processes
and Ecology
The ocean is alive, through and through,
and not just with plants and animals that
we can see. Every teaspoon of seawater
contains millions of microorganisms
that we are just beginning to understand.

and ecologically function together in

the ecosystem.

Were trying to extend, with the aid

of these new technologies, the development of the field of ocean systems
Launched in July 2014, the Simons
biology, says Edward F. DeLong, who
Collaboration on Ocean Processes and
co-directs the collaboration with
Ecology (SCOPE) aims to advance our
David M. Karl. And were doing this
understanding of the biology, ecology
by studying the whole ecosystem of
and biogeochemistry of the microbial
complex microbial communities that
processes that dominate the global ocean. drive ocean processes.
The collaboration, now composed of 16
investigators working at Station ALOHA,
Using these new technologies, SCOPE
about 60 miles north of Oahu, Hawaii,
investigators intend to shed light on
in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre,
some fundamental questions of
studies an ecosystem representative of a
microbial oceanography how gases
broad swath of the North Pacific Ocean.
are absorbed into the ocean from the
atmosphere, how matter is transported
The oceans billions of microorganisms,
to the deep sea, and the roles of
which together compose the oceans
microorganisms in fisheries and
microbiome, depend on one another
energy transfer.
and on the ecosystem as a whole for
healthy functioning. Therefore, study
Having the right scientific tools, being
of the oceans microbiome on site is
able to gather the right sort of data, and
essential. And a combination of recent
being able to model how these complex
technological advances is making in situ
systems work is becoming possible for
study of the oceans microbiome possible.
the first time, says DeLong. Often
its at the interfaces of disciplines that
New robotic submarines, controlled
discoveries are made.
remotely by SCOPE investigators, will
enable more in-depth examination of the
To this end, the collaboration brings
open ocean and collection of new types
together experts from diverse disciplines
of data. Novel genomics technologies will from scientists who study specific
allow faster and more accurate genome
microorganisms to researchers
sequencing of microorganisms. And
who create mathematical models of
advances in computer modeling
organisms complex interactions
facilitate management of new and
to shed light on fundamental questions
massive amounts of data, which can
of microbial oceanography.
then be analyzed to create models of
SCOPE held its inaugural annual
how microorganisms may biochemically
meeting in New York City in December

Simons Foundation 36 Life Sciences

2014, allowing investigators to meet

and learn about one anothers areas of
expertise. In shaping the collaboration,
DeLong, Karl and the SCOPE steering
committee selected investigators not only
from a variety of disciplines, but also
at different career stages. We wanted
to have a structure that is conducive of a
long-term approach, says Karl. These
problems are multigenerational, so we
wanted a collaboration that is multigenerational as well.
It is hoped that by working in concert,
SCOPE investigators will create accurate
models of microbial processes. Once
these models are developed, the
collaboration aims to conduct
perturbation experiments of whole
ecosystems using robots, ocean sensors
and remote sampling. These experiments
could enhance researchers understanding
of how human activity affects ocean
nutrient levels and many other ecosystem factors.
Nobody is looking at the microbial
processes of the ocean as closely, as
intensively or as collaboratively as we are,
so we believe the collaboration will be a
model for other programs in the future,
says Karl. After a couple of years, we
might be rewriting the ocean textbooks.
DeLong adds, Once you understand that
the ocean Earths largest biome
is a complex living thing, then it is, from
a fundamental knowledge perspective,
essential to understand how it works.






Ocean Processes
and Ecology

As many as

Image of the marine diatom of the genus Coscinodiscus,

found in coastal waters. Diatoms are microscopic
organisms that carry out photosynthesis and form
the base of most marine food webs.
Credit: Armbrust Laboratory

5 million
microbes per
teaspoon of seawater

Simons Foundation 37 Life

The Sciences
Origins of Life

by Data

Data play an increasingly important role

in our lives these days. Partly the cause is
vastly improved technology: We have new
tools to collect massive amounts of data,
ever-expanding storage capability, and
much faster computers (along with
sophisticated algorithms) for analysis.
But partly the cause is cultural: Our
society has chosen to emphasize data
(and its fruits, usually some derived
statistics) as evidence that is superior to
mere observation or judgment. This bias
is apparent in the language we use to
describe good decision making it
should be data driven, involve metrics,
and focus on measurable outcomes.
This last phrase was even codified into
law by the Government Performance
and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA).
But while society is fascinated by the
power of data mining, some people worry
about its unanticipated consequences. In
a famous 1976 paper, the social scientist

Donald Campbell made the observation

that the very act of collecting data about
human activities may change the data itself:
The more any quantitative social indicator
is used for social decision-making, the
more subject it will be to corruption
pressures and the more apt it will be to
distort and corrupt the social processes
it is intended to monitor. A prominent
recent example comes from data on
college acceptance rates, which U.S.
News & World Report uses in ranking
colleges. While a lower acceptance rate
usually indicates a more prestigious
institution, colleges can game the system
by enticing large numbers of unqualified
students to apply, which then artificially
lowers their acceptance rate. Other
examples of corruption abound, from
crime statistics to bestseller lists and
television sweeps. When we collect
data on human activities, we frequently
change the way humans behave.

Simons Foundation 38 Education & Outreach

Around the same time, the Nobel Prizewinning economist Herbert A. Simon
noted that data and quantitative
measures often do not even remotely
describe the processes that human
beings use for making decisions in
complex situations. Simons initial
examples concerned public policy, where
data and statistics alone cannot answer
basic questions (for example, whether it
is better to invest in new facilities or in
additional staff for public parks). There
are many examples of complex social
policy decisions that cannot be settled
by data, no matter how massive.
These two concerns the corruption of
quantitative measures and the inability
of even massive amounts of data to
capture social complexity are particularly worrisome in our current obsession
with data driven education. We capture
large amounts of data about standardized
test scores for many students over many


Data is not information, information is not

knowledge, knowledge is not understanding,
understanding is not wisdom.



Clifford Stoll and Gary Schubert

years, and we calculate various statistics

based on that data. We use those statistics
to measure the quality of teachers,
the quality of schools, and efficacy of
education policies. But these measures
are easily corrupted when educators
focus only on the tests or even when they
engage in outright cheating. And any
measure based on test scores alone
captures only a small part of the actual
goal of education. Education has suffered
because of this. The lesson is not that
tests are bad or useless, but rather that
education is (and should be) more
complex than test score data.
These concerns predate the recent
explosion of big data, but they are
amplified by that explosion. The
sophisticated mathematics we use to
analyze vast collections of data sometimes
disguises weak data. The elaborate
algorithms we use to derive statistics
are sometimes based on faulty

assumptions or hidden biases. When

policy makers uncritically rely on data,
but do not understand the mathematics
used to analyze it, they can make
decisions that appear to be objective
and scientific without actually being
so. While this is a particular problem
in social science, it affects science
itself when, for example, the practice
of medicine is governed by doctor
report cards or the value of research
is measured by mysterious numbers
derived from citation counts.
Data is indispensable, both in science
and social science, but no matter how
alluring, numbers are not a priori
superior to other forms of evidence.
Knowledge, understanding, and
wisdom are indeed much more.
John Ewing
President, Math for America

Simons Foundation 39 Education & Outreach



Education & Outreach

Donald T. Campbell, 1975. Assessing the

impact of planned social change.
In Social Research and Public Policies
(G. M. Lyons, Ed.). Hanover, NH:
Dartmouth College, Public Affairs Center.
Herbert A. Simon, 1978. Rational
decision-making in business
organizations. Nobel Memorial Lecture,
December 8. Pittsburgh,
PA: Carnegie Mellon University.


High school algebra teacher Zach Korzyk

knew that Math for America (MA)
was enhancing his impact as a mathematics educator when, one afternoon
in Manhattan last December, his students
literally told him so. Kids were coming
up to me after school and saying,
Mr. Korzyk, that lesson was so fun, but
also so interesting, he says. I dont
hear that very much.
MA, a nonprofit organization founded
in 2004 whose mission is to make
teaching a viable, rewarding and respected
career choice for the best minds in science
and mathematics, provides fellowships
and professional workshops for both
early-career and established science,
technology, engineering and math
(STEM) educators in public schools.
Zach Korzyk, who completed MAs

Simons Foundation 40 Education & Outreach

entry-level fellowship four years ago

and is now an MA Master Teacher, had
recently presented at an MA TED-style
event focusing on STEM teaching and
technological innovation. It was another
Master Teachers presentation during
the evening event that inspired Korzyk
to design the lesson that so piqued the
interest of his students.
Thats the great thing about MA
no other organization exists for teachers
to share awesomeness, says Sarah
Prendergast, an MA Master Teacher
who presented at the event on the topic
of paper engineering. We really are a
community of teachers who are not only
working together to deepen our knowledge
and better our own practices, but also to
better the profession in general.






Education & Outreach

Thats the great

thing about
MA no other
exists for teachers
to share
Sarah Prendergast

MA brings expert teachers together into

a professional community. Once admitted
to the fellowship program, teachers
receive a 26-page catalog of evening
professional events that offer wide-ranging
opportunities for them to stay at the cutting
edge, through high-level workshops with
research scientists and mathematicians
as well as workshops led by MA teachers
on best practices in their content area,
emerging technologies and ways to deepen
teachers knowledge of their students.
Having opened its Master Teacher
fellowships to science teachers in 2013,
MA will again expand its reach in 2015
by opening all its fellowships to science
teachers and to elementary school
teachers with demonstrated expertise
in mathematics or science. According
to MA president John Ewing, the

programmatic expansion has already

and more than 1,000 across the country.
greatly increased the intellectual crossIn New York City, Ewing expects that
pollination that MA teachers enjoy.
group to grow to 1,000 teachers in 2015
The science teachers want to investigate
representing about 10 percent of the math
topics in mathematics and the math
and science teachers in New York City.
teachers are joining the Astronomy
Professional Learning Team, Ewing says. Sarah Prendergast, for one, is leading
Not only that, the high-school teachers
the charge. I want to tell everybody about
want to talk to the middle-school teachers, what Im doing and help them bring it
and vice versa. These teachers are very
into their own classrooms, she says.
accomplished, but they almost never get
Where else but MA could we do this?
a chance in their normal workday to talk
to teachers from other fields or grade

levels in a professional way.

MA offers its fellowships and
professional programs which cover
topics ranging from debate techniques
in the STEM classroom to programming
Arduino microcontrollers to approximately 800 teachers in New York City

Simons Foundation 41 Education & Outreach

Co-facilitated by Master Teachers

Eyal Wallenberg and Kate Belin, the
Algebra I Modeling Professional
Learning Team collaborates to develop
methods for exploration and analysis
of algebraic functions using models.
Photo taken October 2014.

Simons Foundation 42 Education & Outreach






Education & Outreach

Sciences Research

When the Mathematical Sciences

Research Institute (MSRI) put on its first
exhibition for the public in 1992, few in
the surrounding San Francisco Bay Area
believed that anyone would pay to come
to a theater to learn about math. But
William Thurston, who spearheaded the
outreach effort as director of MSRI at the
time, proved the naysayers wrong.
The venue sold out completely, recalls
David Eisenbud, professor of mathematics at the University of California,
Berkeley, and current director of MSRI.
They were scalping tickets outside to
meet demand.
MSRIs public educational activities
have only increased in ambition since
that night. As part of an ongoing
commitment to expanding public understanding and appreciation of mathematics,
MSRIs past events in San Francisco
have included appearances by playwright
Tom Stoppard and comedians Robin
Williams and Steve Martin. Now, a threeyear outreach grant from the Simons
Foundation has allowed the organization
to expand its efforts onto the national
and online stages, including the first-ever
National Mathematics Festival, held in

Washington, D.C., in April 2015; a prize

for childrens literature related
to mathematics; support for Numberphile,
the most watched informal math channel
on YouTube; and support for the documentary Counting from Infinity: Yitang
Zhang and the Twin Prime Conjecture.
The three-day National Mathematics
Festival, produced in partnership
with the Institute for Advanced Study,
featured discussions of educational
policy at the state and federal levels,
an event devoted to public and private
support of basic research and a day-long
public festival, involving interactive
math displays, math buskers, and
art installations at many of the
Smithsonian museums.
The Mathical Prize: Books for Kids from
Tots to Teens was created because we
wanted to do for math what Harry Potter
did for reading, Eisenbud says. The
prizes will not be awarded to textbooks
or explicitly pedagogical materials, but
rather to engaging and playful narrative
works. The first winners of the prize
were announced at the festival.

Claire Huskins enjoys Danica McKellars

Kiss My Math in MSRI's library.

Simons Foundation 43 Education & Outreach

MSRI also provides support for the

Numberphile YouTube series, created
and hosted by former BBC reporter
Brady Haran. The series surpassed
1 million subscribers and 100 million
views in 2014; the popular episode
Mile of Pi, in which Haran printed out
the first million digits of pi on a single
sheet of paper, was filmed to celebrate
this accomplishment. With MSRIs
backing, Haran has been able to interview
heavy hitters such as John Conway, Barry
Mazur and Donald Knuth. I am just a
layman exploring mathematics and
MSRI keeps me in tune with what is
happening at the mathematical cutting
edge, Haran says.
Eisenbud views MSRIs expanded
outreach efforts as a necessary part of
improving science, technology, engineering
and math (STEM) education in the
United States. Math is much bigger than
numbers, he asserts. Its about structure
and pattern. We want to counter the
tendency of people to say, I always hated
math in school, and feel instead that its
an interesting and necessary part of the
modern world and its culture.

Quanta illustrators whimsically depict physicists
search for evidence of an ancient collision with
another universe, described in the two-part series
Infinity and Beyond: The Ultimate Test.

Simons Foundation 44 Education & Outreach






Education & Outreach


Quanta Magazine, the editorially

independent online publication the
Simons Foundation launched in 2013 to
illuminate science, continues to expand
in size, readership and ambition, covering advances in fundamental research
in mathematics and the physical and
life sciences. Maintaining its mission to
offset what editor-in-chief Thomas Lin
calls a serious gap in mainstream media
coverage of math and basic science
research, Quanta produces in-depth
feature stories on subjects such as the
mysterious universal statistical law called
the Tracy-Widom distribution, recent
breakthroughs in understanding prime
number gaps and tantalizing new ideas
about the underlying physics that could
drive the origin and evolution of life.
The magazines most ambitious editorial
project of 2014 also turned out to be among
its most popular: a series of long-form
features profiling the years four Fields
medalists and the Rolf Nevanlinna Prize
winner. The Fields Medal is informally
considered to be the Nobel Prize of
mathematics, Lin says, but I was aware
that none of the major publications
would cover it in a substantive way. That
left things wide open for us not only
to portray the mathematicians themselves,
who are some of the top minds in the
field today, but also to describe their

work and bring it to a larger audience.

Quanta spent months planning its
coverage, and it paid off: As the most
in-depth profiles of this Fields Medal
class and their work, the series was
widely shared on social media and
referenced by the popular websites
of NBC News, The New York Times,
Business Insider, Der Spiegel and the
Financial Times. Quanta contributor
and former math professor Erica
Klarreichs profile of topologist
Maryam Mirzakhani the first
woman to ever win the Fields Medal
proved especially popular.
Quanta also built on 2013s five-part
big data series with ongoing reporting
intended to expand mainstream
understanding of the topic. Scientists
know that so-called big data is not based
purely on the size of a dataset, but also
on its complexity or dimensionality,
Lin explains. There are smaller datasets
that are highly complex. Whereas
mainstream media tends to cover the
topic from a technological point of view,
Lin says that an ongoing theme of
Quantas coverage is to show how meeting the challenge of big data requires
collaboration between multiple scientific
disciplines from the experimentalists
gathering field data in unprecedented
quantities, to the mathematicians

Simons Foundation 45 Education & Outreach

modeling novel patterns in them and

the computer scientists building
efficient algorithms to process them.
We tried to explain that just having
more data is not helpful if you cant
make sense of it, Lin says.
Quanta expanded its staff with two new
hires: Deputy editor Michael Moyer,
who previously oversaw award-winning
physics and space coverage at Scientific
American, joined this year, as did Olena
Shmahalo, a former advertising art
director. Moyer now spearheads Quantas
expanding life science coverage. Shmahalo leads Quantas efforts to enhance the
publications photography and illustrations;
she also commissions and designs
custom infographics that provide another
way for readers to understand difficult
theoretical concepts.
Lins plans for the coming year include
video content to enhance engagement
with its written reporting. This is why
Quanta exists, Lin says. We have the
expertise to do this kind of coverage
well, and it does make an impact.

Grant Payment
by Category

& Outreach

For year ended 12/31/14





Mathematics and
Physical Sciences

Proportions of

$s in Millions






Grants Paid
General and



Simons Foundation 46 Financials









For 12 months ended


For 12 months ended




Grants Paid
Change in Grants Payable
In-Kind Donation
General and Administrative
Depreciation and Amortization
Other (Income) / Expense



Net Income



Cash and Cash Equivalents
Investment Portfolio
Property and Equipment, Net
Prepaid Excise Taxes
Accounts Payable
Deferred Rent Liability
Grants Payable
Deferred Excise Tax Liability
Net Assets

Investment Income


$s in Millions






Simons Foundation 47 Financials

Simons Investigators

Life Sciences Investigators

SFARI Investigators

Larry Abbott
Misha Ahrens
David Amaral
David Anderson
Dora Angelaki
E. Virginia Armbrust
William Bialek
Donna Blackmond
Tanja Bosak
David Brainard
Dieter Braun
Carlos Brody
Matteo Carandini
David A. Caron
Irene Chen
E. J. Chichilnisky
Penny Chisholm
Matthew Church
Anne Churchland
Marlene Cohen
John Cunningham
Edward DeLong
James DiCarlo
Brent Doiron
Shaul Druckmann
Jason Dworkin
Sonya Dyhrman
Uri Eden
Michael Follows
Loren Frank
Jeremy Freeman
Stefano Fusi
Surya Ganguli
Lisa Giocomo
Mark Goldman
Wayne Goodman
Kenneth Harris
Fritz Henn
Anitra Ingalls
Rudolf Jaenisch
Mehrdad Jazayeri
Seth John
Gerald Joyce
Lisa Kaltenegger
David Karl
Alla Karpova
Roozbeh Kiani
Brian Lau
Andrew Leifer

Ted Abel
Ralph Adolphs
John Allman
Dora Angelaki
Manuel Ascano
Naama Barnea-Goraly
Peter Barrett
Michiel Basson
Helen Bateup
Mark Bear
Carrie Bearden
Esther Becker
Marlene Behrmann
Yehezkel Ben-Ari
Raphael Bernier
Randy Blakely
Thomas Bourgeron
Randy L. Buckner
Jessica Cardin
William Catterall
Aravinda Chakravarti
Steven Chance
Chinfei Chen
Anjen Chenn
Benjamin Cheyette
Yun-Beom Choi
Wendy Chung
Edwin H. Cook, Jr.
Giovanni Coppola
Joseph Corbo
Rui Costa
Eric Courchesne
Christopher Cowan
Gerald Crabtree
Michael Crair
Jacqueline Crawley
Joseph Cubells
Mark Daly
Robert Darnell
Sandeep Datta
Karl Deisseroth
Orrin Devinsky
Scott Dindot
Catherine Dulac
Robert Edwards
Evan Eichler
Ype Elgersma
Mayada Elsabbagh
Michela Fagiolini
Jin Fan
W. Andrew Faucett

Debbie Lindell
Michael Long
Zachary Mainen
Sheref Mansy
Valerio Mante
Markus Meister
J. Anthony Movshon
Dianne Newman
William Newsome
Karin berg
Svante Pbo
Liam Paninski
Joseph Paton
Nick Patterson
Fernando Prez
Bijan Pesaran
Jonathan Pillow
Xaq Pitkow
Alexandre Pouget
Matthew Powner
John Pringle
Stephen Quake
Didier Queloz
David Reich
Daniel Repeta
Fred Rieke
Gene Robinson
Bernardo Sabatini
Nita Sahai
Maneesh Sahani
Dimitar Sasselov
Spencer Smith
Haim Sompolinsky
Michael Stryker
Lisa Stubbs
Roger Summons
John Sutherland
Karel Svoboda
Jack Szostak
David Tank
Doris Tsao
Benjamin Van Mooy
Brian Wandell
Joshua Weitz
Angelicque White
George Whitesides
Jonathan Zehr
Manuel Zimmer
Steven Zucker

Daniel Feldman
Guoping Feng
Andre Fenton
Gordon Fishell
Loren Frank
William Gaetz
Daniel Geschwind
Charles Gilbert
Cecilia Giulivi
Joseph Gleeson
Robin Goin-Kochel
Mitchell Goldfarb
Matthew Goodwin
Alessandro Gozzi
Ann Graybiel
Christopher Gregg
Adam Guastella
Abha Gupta
James F. Gusella
Joachim Hallmayer
Christian Hansel
Ellen Hanson
Christopher Harvey
David Heeger
Michael Higley
Mady Hornig
Z. Josh Huang
Kimberly Huber
Richard L. Huganir
Rudolf Jaenisch
Daoyun Ji
Peng Jin
Zsuzsanna Kaldy
Joshua Kaplan
Nicholas Katsanis
Raymond Kelleher
Tal Kenet
Jonathan Kipnis
Eric Klann
Abba Krieger
Kenneth Kwan
Anthony Lamantia
Gary Landreth
David Ledbetter
Charles Lee
Christa Lese Martin
Pat Levitt
Ellen Li
Paul Lipkin
W. Ian Lipkin
Dan Littman

Simons Foundation 48 Investigators

Catherine Lord
Liqun Luo
Robert C. Malenka
Dara Manoach
Oscar Marin
Sarkis Mazmanian
A. Kimberley McAllister
Steven McCarroll
Mollie Meffert
Sunil Mehta
Vinod Menon
Carolyn Mervis
Daniel Messinger
Judith Miles
Alea Mills
Partha Mitra
Eric Morrow
Scott Murray
Mor Nahum
James Noonan
Brian O'Roak
Lucy Osborne
Sally Ozonoff
Theo Palmer
Alex Parker
Karen Parker
Elior Peles
Kevin Pelphrey
Bradley Peterson
Deirdre Phillips
Ben Philpot
Joseph Piven
Michael Platt
Carlos Portera-Cailliau
Ning Qian
Indira Raman
Irving Reti
Alexandre Reymond
Timothy Roberts
Kathryn Roeder
J. Amiel Rosenkranz
John Rubenstein
Uwe Rudolph
Shasta Sabo
Mustafa Sahin
Stephan Sanders
Celine Saulnier
Elad Schneidman
Robert Schultz
Ethan Scott

Marco Seandel
Jonathan Sebat
Nenad Sestan
Carla Shatz
Stephen Shea
Elliott Sherr
Songhai Shi
Sagiv Shifman
Lawrence Shriberg
Matthew Siegel
Steven Siegel
James Sikela
Alison Singer
Jeffrey Singer
Pawan Sinha
Jesse Snedeker
Vikaas Sohal
Hongjun Song
Sarah Spence
Matthew State
Beth Stevens
Thomas Sdhof
David Sulzer
Mriganka Sur
James Sutcliffe
Francis Szele
Michael Talkowski
Nien-Pei Tsai
Thomas Tuschl
Nathan Urban
Roger Vaughan
Dennis Vitkup
Dennis Wall
Mark Wallace
Christopher Walsh
Fan Wang
James Waschek
Rachel Wevrick
Michael Wigler
Mark Wu
Ofer Yizhar
Xiaobing Yuan
Konstantinos Zarbalis
Mark Zervas
Chaolin Zhang
Larry Zipursky
Huda Zoghbi
Lonnie Zwaigenbaum

Simons Fellows

Mathematics & Physical Sciences Investigators

Mathematics & Physical Sciences Fellows

Igor Aleiner
Rajeev Alur
Sanjeev Arora
Tim Austin
Franois Baccelli
Manjul Bhargava
Mark Braverman
Michael Brenner
Emmanuel Cands
Garnet Chan
Moses Charikar
Ng Bao Chu
Jeff Cheeger
Alex Eskin
Tony Ezome
Paul Franois
Victor Galitski
Antoine Georges
Sharon Glotzer
Shafi Goldwasser
Daniel Gottschling
Alice Guionnet
Emanuel Gull
Larry Guth
Christopher Derek Hacon
Oskar Hallatschek
Patrick Hayden
Christopher Hirata
Terence Hwa
Russell Impagliazzo
Piotr Indyk
Randall Kamien
Marc Kamionkowski
Charles Kane
Brian Keating
Richard Kenyon
Subhash Khot
Jon Kleinberg
Bruce Kleiner
Gabriel Kotliar
Evgeny Kozik

Theoretical Physics

Adrian Lee
Edward Lungu
Pankaj Mehta
Maryam Mirzakhani
Joel Moore
Elchanan Mossel
Assaf Naor
Andrei Okounkov
Hirosi Ooguri
Frans Pretorius
Nikolai Prokofev
Eliot Quataert
Leo Radzihovsky
Ran Raz
Oded Regev
Michael Saks
Diaraf Seck
Paul Seidel
Boris Shraiman
Amit Singer
Rachel Somerville
Dam Thanh Son
Yun S. Song
Kannan Soundararajan
Dan Spielman
Anatoly Spitkovsky
David Steurer
Iain Stewart
Terence Tao
Daniel Tataru
Shang-Hua Teng
Senthil Todadri
Salil Vadhan
Mark van Schilfgaarde
Guifre Vidal
Steven White
Horng-Tzer Yau
Xi Yin
Shiwei Zhang
Olga Zhaxybayeva

Zvi Bern
Eric G. Blackman
Piers Coleman
Keshav Dasgupta
Benjamin Davidovitch
Andrei Derevianko

Charles Doering
Glennys Farrar
Paul Ginsparg
Michael Hermele
Andrea Liu
Liam McAllister

Sonia Paban
Christopher Reynolds
Anders Sandvik
David Vanderbilt
Thomas Weiler

Shelly Harvey
Lizhen Ji
Svetlana Jitomirskaya
Joel Kamnitzer
Martin Kassabov
Ludmil Katzarkov
Dmitry Kleinbock
Bruce Kleiner
Elena Kosygina
Sndor Kovcs
Slava Krushkal
George Lusztig
Ivan Mirkovic
Kartik Prasanna

Firas Rassoul-Agha
Romyar Sharifi
Eric Shea-Brown
Scott Sheffield
Robert Sims
Pham Huu Tiep
Kari Vilonen
Daqing Wan
Mu-Tao Wang
Lauren Williams
Christopher Woodward
Michael Yampolsky


Denis Auroux
Jason Behrstock
Roman Bezrukavnikov
Francis Bonahon
Samuel R. Buss
Daniela Calvetti
Mark Andrea de Cataldo
Guang Cheng
Tim Cochran
Donatella Danielli
Giovanni Forni
Dan Freed
Alexander Furman
William Goldman

Life Sciences Fellows

Simons Collaboration
on the Origins of Life
Postdoctoral Fellows

Simons Fellows of the

Helen Hay Whitney

Elizabeth Bell
Ziwei Liu
Irena Mamajanov
Kartik Temburnikar
Falk Wachowius
Dmitry Zubarev

Eleanor Clowney
Tania Lupoli
Jeremy Rock

Simons Fellows of
The Jane Coffin Childs
Memorial Fund for
Medical Research

Aakash Basu
Rogier Braakman
Robert Jinkerson
Wei-Ting Liu
James Marshel
Constance Richter
Caroline Runyan
Ophelia Venturelli
Joshua Weinstein
Rayka Yokoo

Joseph Castellano
Tina Han
Duncan Leitch
Joshua Modell

Simons Fellows of the

Life Sciences Research

Simons Foundation 49 Investigators and Fellows

Education & Outreach


Supported Institutions

BioBus & Base Harlem
Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins University
Charlie Rose Brain Series, Thirteen WNET
Joes Big Idea, NPR
Mathematical Association of America
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
MIT Science Museum, Science Festival Alliance
National Academy of Sciences
NautilusThink, Inc.
Posse Foundation, Inc.
Science Friday Inc.
STEM Summit Junior Achievement
STEM Teachers NYC
Stony Brook Simons Summer Research
Stony Brook Undergraduate Research
Strategic Education Research Partnership
Two Turtle Productions, Inc.
WNYC Health Project

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Columbia University
Institut des Hautes tudes Scientifiques
Institute for Advanced Study
Marine Biological Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Math for America
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
Museum of Mathematics
New York Genome Center
New York Structural Biology Center
New York University School of Medicine
Rockefeller University
Science Festival Foundation
Stony Brook University
University of California, Berkeley

Simons Foundation 50 Education & Outreach

Advisory Boards

Mathematics and Physical

Sciences Scientific
Advisory Board

Grard Ben Arous, Ph.D.

New York University
Susan Coppersmith, Ph.D.
University of
Charles L. Epstein, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania

Scientific Advisory Board
Advisory Board

Quanta Magazine
Advisory Board

Cori Bargmann, Ph.D.

Rockefeller University

Monica Coenraads, M.B.A.

Rett Syndrome Research Trust

Sean B. Carroll, Ph.D.

University of

Tobias Bonhoeffer, Ph.D.

Max Planck Institute
for Neurobiology

Michael E. Goldberg, M.D.

Columbia University

David Lewis, M.D.

University of Pittsburgh

Igor Klebanov, Ph.D.

Princeton University

Richard P. Lifton, M.D.

Yale University School
of Medicine

Barry Mazur, Ph.D.

Harvard University

J. Anthony Movshon, Ph.D.

New York University

Dusa McDuff, Ph.D.

Barnard College

Eric Nestler, M.D., Ph.D.

Mount Sinai School
of Medicine

Michael Sipser, Ph.D.

Massachusetts Institute
of Technology

Martin Raff, M.D.

University College London

va Tardos, Ph.D.
Cornell University

Arnon Rosenthal, Ph.D.

Alector LLC

Scott Tremaine, Ph.D.

Institute for Advanced Study

Elizabeth Spelke, Ph.D.

Harvard University

Avi Wigderson, Ph.D.

Institute for Advanced Study

Huntington F. Willard, Ph.D.

Marine Biological Laboratory

Laura Helmuth, Ph.D.

Robin Marantz Henig, M.S.
The New York Times Magazine
Gary Marcus, Ph.D.
New York University
Ivan Oransky, M.D.
MedPage Today
Isabelle Rapin, M.D.
Albert Einstein College
of Medicine
David Sassoon, M.S.
InsideClimate News
Will Talbot, Ph.D.
Stanford University

Simons Foundation 51 Advisory Boards

Laura Chang
The New York Times
Benedict H. Gross, Ph.D.
Harvard University
Hopi E. Hoekstra, Ph.D.
Harvard University
Vincent Racaniello, Ph.D.
Columbia University
Howard Schneider, M.S.
Stony Brook University
School of Journalism
Steven Strogatz, Ph.D.
Cornell University
Michael S. Turner, Ph.D.
University of Chicago
Leslie B. Vosshall, Ph.D.
Rockefeller University

Board of Directors

President, Simons Foundation

Marilyn Hawrys Simons, Ph.D.

Mathematical Sciences
Research Institute

David Eisenbud, Ph.D.

Chief Scientist and

Fellow of the Simons

Gerald D. Fischbach, M.D.

Executive Vice President and

Chief Financial Officer,
Renaissance Technologies

Mark Silber, J.D., M.B.A.

Chair, Simons Foundation

James H. Simons Ph.D.

Marilyn Hawrys Simons is president of the Simons Foundation. Under her leadership
the foundation has grown to become one of the countrys leading private funders of
basic science, and she is an advocate nationally for the increased involvement of
philanthropy in funding basic science. Simons is also vice president of the board
of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a board member of the Turkana Basin Institute,
treasurer of the board of the Learning Spring School and a member of the board of
trustees of the East Harlem Scholars Academy. She received a B.A. and a Ph.D. in
economics from Stony Brook University.
David Eisenbud is director of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley,
California. Previously, Eisenbud was director of the Mathematics and Physical Sciences
division at the Simons Foundation. A former president of the American Mathematical
Society, Eisenbud serves on the board of Math for America and is a member of the
U.S. National Committee of the International Mathematical Union. In 2006, he was
elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Eisenbud holds a
Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Chicago and has been on the faculty at
the University of California, Berkeley, since 1997.
Gerald D. Fischbach joined the foundation in 2006 to oversee SFARI and is now the
foundations chief scientist and fellow. He was formerly dean of the faculty of health
sciences at Columbia University and director of the National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Fischbach began
his research career at the NIH and later served on the faculty of Harvard Medical
School, where he became chair of the neurobiology department, a position he also
held at Massachusetts General Hospital. Fischbach was also head of the department
of anatomy and neurobiology at Washington University School of Medicine. He was a
nonresident fellow of the Salk Institute for more than 20 years. Fischbachs research
has focused on trophic interactions between nerve cells and the targets they innervate.
Mark Silber is executive vice president and chief financial officer of Renaissance
Technologies LLC. Silber joined Renaissance in 1983 and is responsible for the
overall operations of its finance, administration and compliance departments. He
was formerly a certified public accountant with the firm of Seidman & Seidman, now
BDO USA. He holds a B.A. from Brooklyn College, a J.D. and an L.L.M. in tax law
from New York University School of Law and an M.B.A. in finance from New York
University Graduate School of Business Administration.
James Simons is chairman of the Simons Foundation and board chair and founder
of Renaissance Technologies. Prior to his financial career, Simons was chairman of
the mathematics department at Stony Brook University, taught mathematics at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University, and was a
cryptanalyst at the Institute for Defense Analyses. Simons holds a B.S. from MIT and
a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. In 1976, he won the Veblen Prize
of the American Mathematics Society for his work in geometry. He is a trustee of the
Stony Brook Foundation, Rockefeller University, MIT, Brookhaven National Laboratory,
the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, New York Genome Center and the
Institute for Advanced Study, and is a member of the National Academy of Sciences,
the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Philosophical Society.

Simons Foundation 52 Board of Directors

160 Fifth Avenue New York, NY

10010 Tel. 646 654 0066

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