The Lean Content Marketing Handbook
The Lean Content Marketing Handbook
The Lean Content Marketing Handbook
Some people say content marketing is only for companies with deep pockets, and that short of
creating Star Wars, youll struggle to make an impact. We disagree.
Over the past three years, weve seen many SMBs nd success with content marketing, and thats
why this handbook exists: to be a guide to success for those who are looking to nd ROI by
making their content marketing lean.
But the important point is: were not alone in that belief. To write this guide, we asked some of the
worlds top experts on content marketing what would be their #1 piece of advice to SMBs. Wed
like to thank them for their awesome contributions:
A lot of the lean content marketing best practices that we describe in this guide were rst debated
during the #leancontent meetups we hosted rst at our San Francisco ofces and then in New
York City. So wed also like to thank all the attendees and the awesome speakers who enriched the
Finally, because we practice what we preach, the Lean Content Marketing Handbook for SMB is a
mix of original content, curated content and repurposed content from the blog - itself a
collaborative work with dozens of various contributors from our community. Wed like to take this
opportunity to thank them all as well.
The team 2015
Table of Contents
Lean Content: why 2015 will be the year SMBs embrace content marketing. .......................................4
Strategize ..................................................................................................................................................7
Aligning your companys business objectives with your content marketing goals ......................................8
Defining your editorial line and content types ................................................................................................9
Planning your resources ................................................................................................................................12
Distribute .................................................................................................................................................52
Synchronize your channels ............................................................................................................................53
Leverage existing channels ..........................................................................................................................61
Paid Content Distribution ...............................................................................................................................68
Conclusion ...............................................................................................................................................87 2015 2015
The roller coaster of SMB marketers. And why 2015 is the best
time ever.
Before the Internet, the powerful traditional media (TV, newspaper, radio) were beyond the reach of
most small and mid-sized businesses: their marketing had to stay small or niche.
The Internet opened the game: now, the movers & shakers with agility and decent skills can
compete against larger companies in the war for audience and attention.
Once this knowledge became mainstream, though, winning attention once again became
extremely challenging for SMBs: the web 2.0 created an ocean of noise where only the most
powerful could stand out, both by becoming online media and by dominating online advertising,
and subsequently pushing up again the barrier to entry.
A new trend is arising however and 2015 is the time for SMBs to reap its benets. This is Lean
Content, or the practice of developing an online presence with positive ROI by means of clever
This guide presents, in explicit, actionable steps, how SMBs can effectively deploy an affordable
Lean Content marketing strategy that yields measurable benets today.
You need to be searchable (this is SEO, or organic trafc from search engines)
You need to demonstrate thought leadership on values that matter to your audience
You need to feed the conversation with your community and its inuencers (engagement)
You need to nurture your leads throughout each of their many steps through the buying cycle
All of these require you to regularly publish relevant, high quality content. You need to become a
media. Content is the fuel of your online marketing strategy. 2015
How is 2015 the right time for SMB online marketing? Lean
Becoming a media might sound frightening, overwhelming for an SMB. But on the contrary, it has
never been easier. How is that? Three main reasons:
An effective online media is a niche media that addresses very specic personas on very
specic subjects; the audience has never been so fragmented. So if you know exactly who to
target and if you deploy a smart organization and a very specic editorial line, you will not be
overshadowed by more powerful players that are, by essence, more generalist.
Then, technology helps you. A rich spectrum of SaaS based software solutions exists that help
businesses with all steps of online marketing. These solutions are more affordable than ever and
can help you effectively save time and increase your impact (warning: be pragmatic and do not
over arm; complexity can kill you; use SMB dedicated tools).
Finally, you can leverage the abundance of content out there to your benet. You can scale up
your content with curated content: existing Internet content that you select, enrich and add to your
editorial line. When done with care and ethic, content curation is a legitimate and super efcient
element of a content strategy; it measurably contributes to the ROI of your online marketing, as
conrmed by many SMBs.
Smart SMBs are becoming media now; their clever publishing strategies are yielding business
benets: increased brand awareness and leads.
Wanna play? Its time!
Please follow the guide. 2015
Strategize 2015 2015 2015
The following table gives an interesting way to map your buyer personas with the various stages
theyre in and plan the content you need:
list as many personas youd like to target in the columns (but be realistic: dont list too
then think about what content can help them move from one buyer stage to the next.
Buying stage
Persona 1
Persona 2
Persona N
For example, say youve identied your target buyer as a female between the ages of 30 and 50
who lives at home with pets and children, and youre using content marketing to promote your line
of household cleaners. When this female is in the unaware stage of your company or product,
keep your content broad. Write about concepts like The Dirtiest Kid Activities or How to Remove
Red Wine Stains from Carpet; general things that she might be searching for in situations when
your product would be helpful.
In the visitor and contact stage, or the beginning of the awareness phase, its time to get a little
more specic. Theyre aware you exist, but still might not be convinced. This would be the time to
talk about the great things your product can do, like 5 Things You Didnt Know You Could Do with
Finally, in the customer and ambassador stages, the time has come for you to involve your
community in your content creation. On one hand, youve got happy customers who may be willing
to write their experiences or opinions. On the other hand, youve got the responsibility of making 2015
In the following section, well cover how you can actually build solid foundations for your content
strategy that are compatible with all the objectives you will eventually have, including brand
awareness, thought leadership and lead generation. 2015
Content distribution and advertising costs: should you engage in paid content distribution.
Type of content
Cost to produce
Time to produce
1-3 days
3-6 weeks
4-12 weeks
White paper
3-8 weeks
Scripted blog post costs are $99 to $199 depending on length and required expertise.
infographics are quoted $1,995 to $4,995 depending on how much efforts you put in the brief
1 2015
2. Using software and tools to optimize the productivity of your team: its easy to waste a lot
of time when it comes to producing or curating content. If you work as a team, add to that
time spent coordinating your team. Software and tools can help you not just streamline
your process but also save time planning, sourcing, publishing and distributing content. 2015
13 2015
Before you rush to produce all the content youve just planned, its important to think about how
this content will be published for your readers and how it will be articulated with your business
online presence. Content Marketing is more than blogging and sharing links on social media. In
this section, well take a look at the basic content infrastructure every company needs to
maximize results.
Faced with decreasing organic reach on many social networks, some could be tempted to solve
the equation through a high-volume/low-quality solution but what, as this Facebooks post
explains, you cant compromise on its quality otherwise your content will be buried in 1,500 stories
and never make the cut.
In short, publishing more crap will yield no results.
This leaves us with 2 choices (or the combination of both):
1 - increase volume and quality at the same time;
2 - increase engagement. 2015
15 2015
I dont care how much you tweet, if youre just tweeting links, youre missing out.
Why? Because if youre just sharing:
Your content investment is short-lived: the lifetime of a tweet is in minutes; a few hours at
You have no or limited opportunity to provide context.
You drive your audience away from you; not to your own site.
No opportunity to convert.
No opportunity to show related content.
No trafc from search. 2015
Your content is now archived somewhere and can be discovered and re-shared in the
future (I regularly see people tweet my content months after I published it;
this for instance links back to this scoop published 2 months earlier).
Extra perk if youre a business: having individuals re-share your content on Facebook has a
lot of value since the Facebook News Feed algorithm prioritizes people over pages.
Your curated content receives targeted trafc from search (on average 40% on
Even through a simple aggregation, if you add specic commentary to your content, you
will show more and better context making your content more engaging for the audience
you target.
You can add conversion & engagement CTAs (subscribe, contact me, request a demo,
book services, etc). 2015
So while you might have different resources to manage social media, newsletters, blogs... (for
instance if you have a community manager and a content strategist working with you), its time to
break the silos and unify your content strategy around a content hub. 2015
Audience engagement as readers can now discover more interesting content than just
your own stories or product news: loyal visitors will stay longer, hopping between related
curated pieces, and have reasons for coming back or even subscribe to receive your email
SEO as your Website now contains more quality content on your niche topic which can be
indexed by Google. Not only will that content be well targeted and relevant but it will also
be organized and contextualized which is what Google is looking for (more on seo benets
of content curation here).
Social Trafc as your readers can share content they like while directing trafc to your site
(more on why you should use a content hub for your social media publishing here).
Conversions as readers of your curated content are not just clicking on links in your tweets
or Facebook posts to end up on third-party websites, but are instead being directed to your
own website that now acts as a content hub. You can incorporate call-to-actions in your
hub to either contact you, subscribe to your newsletter or request a demo of your product
(more on how to use content curation for inbound marketing and lead generation here).
Here are the pros and cons of key integration options that you should be aware of: 2015
Of course a basic RSS widget is very minimal in terms of design and lacks a visual experience. If
youre using for your content curation, you can make things look much more dynamic by
using the widget.
But regardless of the design and while this type of integration is really quick, it has the following
No content is displayed beyond a title and a visual: your insights are not showing which is
a lost opportunity to engage your audience and this makes your content less attractive
from an SEO standpoint.
No new web pages are created as a result: from an SEO standpoint, this will impact your
existing pages (with the restriction above) but will not help having more pages indexed by
Google. 2015
Readers can not share any of the content from your site.
Enable a CMS integration to turn your curated content into curated blog
posts 2015
One way to do this is by mapping your curated topics within WordPress categories. If you have
only one topic, you can assign all of your curated posts to a category called Curated content for 2015
An example of how this can be seen at where the Blog main menu
shows both curated and created content mixed, but the corresponding submenus are showing
only original posts ( or only curated posts (http://
If youre using your own WordPress template or are able to modify your existing one, you can even
go further and make your home page a lot more dynamic by showing the latest posts by category.
WordPress is a very powerful platform and lets you do pretty much what you want so the
possibilities are limitless.
You may think of your website as primarily your home page and then, further down, some content
pages that visitors can navigate to. Its not. In todays reality where social media and SEO drives
the most trafc, most of your readers will come from content pages rst to THEN discover your
websites home page. 2015
24 2015
As we said social media engagement is not a strategy and how sharing without a content hub
wasnt enough, you might wonder whether you need social media at all. Of course! We are not
saying social media is not essential but simply that its not enough. So lets detail why it is still
important for your company to be on social media.
People expect your business to be there.
We have come to the stage in history where people expect your business to be on social media by
default. It is a little like how twenty years ago people automatically expected your business to be
in the phone book. People are going to search out the things that they like on social media, and if
your target audience likes you then they are going to search you out. If you are not on there, then
they are going to be disappointed, and you risk them becoming disillusioned.
You can gain free trafc for your website, blog or business.
Social media is going to take up your time, and your time is valuable. Even if you are a blogger
your time is valuable, because whilst you are typing things into social media you are not working
on your blog. However, if you think about it, you will see that every other form of marketing is also
going to take up your valuable time. Whether you are working on your SEO, proof-editing or making
adverts for your afliate adverts, you are going to be using your time.
The big difference between working on your marketing and working on your social media
marketing is that it is free to host your adverts and promotional material. If you were to create an
advert and host it on a website, then it is going to cost you money. But, if you were to create an
advert and then post it on social mediait is free! In that sense, you are far more likely to see a
bigger return on your investment when you consider how little you had to invest in the rst place.
Social media has a few good SEO benets too. 2015
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The minimum you should put in place for email content marketing:
An email platform to manage your mailing list and distribute your email content
newsletters: if you dont have any, MailChimp is your best bet (we like Constant Contact
too but MailChimp is free up to 2,000 subscribers which is hard to beat).
Subscription forms: make it easy for people to sign up for content updates from your
company. On your blog, landing pages, gated content, etc (again, MailChimps got you
covered with embeddable code thats easy to congure)
A CMS-Newsletter integration: thats the important part that will save you time and
which is critical to understand. Creating newsletters from scratch every week is too
much a pain: use software like to automatically generate templated
newsletters from your created or curated content. Cut down the process to a simple
review, minor edits and send!
Beyond this simple set-up, you should consider Marketing Automation to provide a personalized
nurturing experience for your contacts aiming at converting them from simple readers to leads.
As you dene workow to trigger emails based on events and subscriber data as part of your
Marketing Automation strategy, youll realize something quickly: you need content to make it
better and more impacting.
Sure, you can send an email offering a sales call or a demo to that contact who became a hot lead
as he downloaded a white paper and made 3 visits to your site in the last 10 days. But if offering
sales call or demos is all you have, he might be not as responding than if you can send him a great
piece of content, a survey results or a guide that will help him move through the buyers journey.
Marketing Automation, like Inbound Marketing, requires some fuel: content. 2015
30 2015
Now that youve built the foundations of your content strategy, lets look at running your content
operation. The key to getting any results with your content strategy is to publish regularly and
consistently quality content. The time where you could rely on an occasional epic piece of content
such as a quarterly white paper or a yearly survey report are gone.
Here are several data points on this:
Numerous studies on social media - including the one below by Beevolve - have found a
strong correlation between social audience size and the volume of posts. Of course,
having many followers is not enough to have a successful content marketing strategy, but
building your audience is a necessary prerequisite to reaching your business goals.
By analyzing data from the user base (1.5M+ users), we were able to quantify the
impact of content quality and publishing frequency on trafc. The details of our
methodology are on our blog but the bottom line is that users who publish the
best and the most content generate ~10x the trafc than the average users as shown in
the graph below: 2015
So a clear question to all content marketers is: how do I scale my published content while
maintaining or increasing its quality? And how do I do that with limited resources?
Well explore the various options to do that in the following sections. 2015
Theres one catch to the Internet allowing everyone to become a publisher, though: some of us
werent born writers, or just arent sure how to become them.
Expert blogger Jayson DeMers has a few tips that can help you get on the track to writing the
perfect business blogpost, including one of the most important practices of blogging for
marketing purposes: dening a clear strategy for each piece of content you create. Being
intentional about planning out each piece of content you create, along with the goals of that
piece of content and its distribution strategy, will take a lot of the pain out of creating original
content for marketing purposes.
Heres a table summarizing some of his key advice: 2015
34 2015
There are many ways to outsource original content creation by leveraging existing services and
marketplaces to help speed along the process.
As PR and digital marketing evolve, so did many agencies which more and more offer content
services in addition to strategic recommendations and other digital practices.
You can of course recruit freelancers or writers directly but content marketplaces such as
Scripted, Odesk, ExpressWriters or help reduce the recruitment time of independent
content talents by standardizing the process and performing the matchmaking process. One such
example of this is a tool like Scripted, where you can post a brief of the piece of content youd like
written or created, and someone from their network of writers and designers will claim the task
and create the content for you within a specied period of time.
One thing to keep in mind when outsourcing content though is that you will still have some work
to do: for a freelancer or an agency to reect your brand, your tone or even simply your expertise, it
takes some effort which Rebecca Lieb gives a great check-list for in this blog post. Having a great
writer or designer for your blog or your infographic is just the beginning of the process and
outsourcing still takes work: creating a brief, editing, sending feedback and iterating content is not
to be neglected.
So even if your favorite agency can deliver content services or even if you leverage the
matchmaking capabilities and services of the new content marketplaces, outsourcing will always
require some budget and some time. 2015
Content Curation
Content curation is a key lean content strategy that will bring you many benets. Here is how in
detail. 2015
Clever publishing consists in streamlining your content consumption into content curation.
When engaged in a content strategy, curators invest time to hunt for content when they need to
publish. You can complement this attitude with an opportunistic approach: capture relevant
content when you nd it! Dont wait until you need it! Add this simple process to your reader
How can you do this efciently? This can be achieved with the proper tool (the purpose of which
being simply to save you time) such as the bookmarklet:
Then, whenever you meet content relevant to your editorial line, capture it by a simple click on this
By adding this curation reex to your reading routine, youve cleverly and substantially
increased your publishing repower. You can go one step further: leverage your team. You are a 2015
One such example of these tools is our Smart Suggestion Engine that we built with
precisely that need in mind: it browses the web for you, listens and watches for what is published 2015
First, you learn and nd inspiration (more on this also in the following subsection).
Second, and most importantly, it helps you defeat the white page syndrome: at any given
point in time, it offers you unlimited content for you to feed your editorial line, as and when
you need it. 2015
On top of using curation as a way to publish content, Content Marketer Tommy Landry argues that
content curation is also a way to generate content ideas that will ll the gaps and be more original
and impactful: by constantly monitoring what is published on your topics of interest to nd
content to curate, you will also understand with precision what content hasnt been produced yet
and needs to be. In short, content curation informs content creation as others also noted. 2015
42 2015
Content Marketing needs to grow beyond the marketing team as I once wrote about in that post
and as other authors such as John Jantsch also noted. But while everybody seems to agree, lets
be real: its not easy. I regularly talk to hundreds of business owners, entrepreneurs and even VP
Marketing at larger companies which all tell me how incredibly hard it is to get non-marketers to
create content.
But dont fool yourself: you wont get everybody to create content.
So yes, as Jantsch writes, this is also about creating a content culture favorable to content
marketing. And he recommends a number of useful steps to foster it which dont involve creating
content specically but theres a key one that he overlooks: collaborative content curation.
While its extremely hard to constantly remind people they have a blog post to nish, its much
easier to have them curate the content they read and they feel is valuable to the content strategy.
Your co-workers have expertise; and they read content which is valuable. Empower them to easily
curate it and share it so you can make your content marketing strategy stronger.
From a practical point of view, think about the following concrete ideas: 2015
Whether you are or have a community manager or not, involving the community surrounding your
business in your content strategy is an excellent and highly recommended way to save time and
money on content creation as well as distribution.
Numerous community professionals have worked with their marketing teams to include
community in content marketing strategies. There are a few days to do this and numerous
benets to doing so.
The rst thing to consider is that your community is an excellent sample of your overall audience.
They are the ones that youve already won over; the ones that want to be a part of what youre
building and providing to the world. In order to reach more people like them through content, an 2015
Content Marketing and Inuencer Strategy must work together for either to be successful. 90% of
the worlds data has been generated in the past 2 years; and while content marketing is
approaching mass adoption, getting a message in front of the right people at the right time is as
formidable as it is essential. To rise above the noise, convey a message and mobilize buyers,
content marketers are turning to inuencers.
Investing in a content and inuencer marketing strategy can be one of the most impactful actions
a business can make. Lee Odden, TopRank Marketing 2015
The above framework gives a complete framework by Traackr, the leading inuencer marketing
platform, for designing and executing an inuencer marketing strategy tightly coupled to your
content plan. For more on this, we encourage you to check their Ultimate Guide To Content
Marketing Inuencer Strategy. But as a way to bootstrap this, heres how to bootstrap this and get
started. 2015
Get in their radar: as you share a curated piece from them and clearly mention them as
the author, theyll likely to take notice;
Bring them to your site and have them discover what youre all about, especially if
youre using a content hub to create engagement and conversions from your social
media publishing;
Generate conversations with them that will eventually lead to co-creating content.
As a recent example of the above, I curated a post by inuencer Rachel Miller who took notice and
discovered my page on that topic and tweeted it. The conversation went on and she
invited me to join in her next #SSHour tweet chat that she hosts with Brian Fanzo - another
prominent inuencer in our space. This again amplied our content but also resulted in us cocreating content that generated further trafc, engagement and results.
Its good to remember that content is not created in vacuum. Its rst and foremost a way to
communicate from people to people. Involving inuential people in your content strategy is a
great way to keep it real and connected to your audience while extending its reach. 2015
Repurposing content
Weve all played Lego as kids. Are you thinking of your content as modular lego-type building
Lee Odden explains in this post why you should because youll then be able to turn mico-content
into eBooks and then blog posts, newsletters, etc And vice versa.
A lean content practice that will help you scale your content marketing as shown in the following
graph. 2015
Rebecca Lieb of the Altimeter group is also a big advocate of this technique and she came out
with the turkey leftover analogy for repurposing content: she explains how you could turn epic
content such as an ebook or a white paper into many other pieces of content with only marginal
additional work. Just like the Thanksgiving turkey leftovers can last you many more meals and
should given the hard work youve put into cooking it in the rst place.
Break big content into smaller pieces or do the opposite and plan your micro-content so that it can
t into something bigger like an ebook. Both are equally effective.
As Lee Odden points out, content curation plays an important role if you want to pursue this
strategy: Curation of micro-content is easy, provides useful information to your target audience
and can t within a social content workow designed to roll up to a larger content project.
Here are several interesting ways you can leverage the curation of micro-content:
create roundup posts with a given periods top 5/10 pieces of curated content (heres a
great example:,
create the same as a weekly email newsletter (see this guides section on email marketing
for examples and data on this), 2015
publishing a mini content site with the top resources on a topic (heres our own example on
content curation:
By assembling your Lego content blocks together, you will not only save time but you might soon
realize that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And by breaking down your larger
constructions into content atoms, you will extend their lifetime and their impact. 2015
Distribute 2015
Social media
A natural way to get distribution is of course to promote your content on your own social
channels. While you may initially only have a limited number of followers, dont neglect the impact
they can have: these people have chosen to follow you so theyre likely to be interested in your
content. In addition, think of this in a dynamic way: publishing consistently and regularly will
mechanically ensure your followers grow in number and become a key distribution channel for
your content. 2015
Email newsletters
As mentioned in the previous section, though social media has been all the rage these past few
years, you shouldnt underestimate how important email remains. But even better, you can make
social media and email work hand in hand in a synchronized way:
add sharing options to your newsletters so that your recipients can directly share your
content from their email inbox,
make your newsletters carefully curated with your best content - the one that received the
most trafc and shares since your last email newsletter - to amplify the success of your
most promising content.
So beyond that, what can you do to get optimized results from your email marketing?
Because email is such an important channel, weve done extensive research on it and heres what
weve learned over two years of using email newsletters as a part of our content marketing
strategy: 2015
This might be expected but while promoting our premium products through discount or special
offers certainly helped our revenue grow, they werent as engaging to our audience as inspiring
content created or curated by Ally or the rest of the team.
On average, content beat promotion by a 2.2x on open rate and a 6.0x on click rate. 2015
As on social media where we stopped counting the number of best times to tweet infographics
long ago, there are a lot of studies online about the best time to send an email campaign. While
we saw some slightly higher performance of campaigns sent on Monday afternoons, the
differences dont seem to be very statistically signicant. Note that because we have a user base
which is quite international (65%+ of our users are now outside of the US), this might explain the
lack of impact of this criteria.
3. Having numbers in the subject lines helps the open rate
Is our user base super rational and number-driven? Not sure, but what we are sure of is that 9 out
of our top 10 best performing email newsletters had numbers in their subject lines, the winner
being 5 tips for hacking social media, optimizing for Twitter, and promoting at the right time (and
no, this latter was not one of these best time to tweet studies) with an astounding 45% open
rate. 2015
56 2015
In other words, our best months were not the ones where we had just 1 or 2 exceptional
campaigns but were months where we were able to send newsletters every week. 2015
As explained above, co-creating content with inuencers is a great way to involve them in your
success, particularly get them to help distribute it. But while co-creating content is important, its
unlikely youll be able to co-create massive amount of content on a daily basis.
Another way to get inuencers to help is to place your content in the context of their interests:
adding your own thoughts to it and publish it on your content hub (blog, website)
Heres an example of a blog post I curated from Rachel Miller and shared with a clear mention that
this is adding to the conversation she started:
And she even took the time to share our curated stream on that topic:
While you should denitely have co-creation in mind as mentioned in the previous section,
curating inuencer content with added context and clear mentions to add to the conversation is a
great way to get some amplication on a daily basis. 2015
Your community
All of your followers are not the same. As you develop your community management, you will
likely identify fans in your follower base. To get them to help you distribute your content, you can
use private groups on Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+ to address them specically and ask them
to share your content - particularly content that helps them with regards to their own audience.
Though you dont control SEO distribution per se, there are a number of indirect SEO benets you
can expect from doing the above: the more people will like your content, the more theyre likely to
link back to it. Link building can be a direct consequence of your success at doing all the above.
Of course, there are link building techniques that you can explore but by focusing on publishing
great content and on maximizing distribution, youll get the basic for SEO in place as this post also
details. An interesting data that underlines this point is that, just by publishing good curated
content and integrating this with social distribution, pages receive on average 40% of
their trafc from search engines. 2015
60 2015
61 2015
The rst learning is about amplication: as the above graphs demonstrate by comparing
pageviews and shares with and without it, re-publishing meant our content was seen and reshared by close to 2x more people.
In detail:
- LinkedIn came out close to the blog for Views and Shares and did amazingly better on
- Medium added close to a quarter of the blogs trafc and shares.
Note that we didnt retain likes on LinkedIn and recommendations on Medium as KPIs because
were not too sure what they bring besides augmenting the performance of the content on their
respective platforms but there was a very signicant number of likes on LinkedIn and
recommendations on Medium.
- Business 2 Community was less impacting but given the target audience of the site is very
relevant for us, its still signicant. Its also itself automatically syndicated back to Yahoo. 2015
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Guest blogging
Guest blogging has been at the heart of a controversy last year as Googles Matt Cutts said: Okay,
Im calling it: if youre using guest blogging as a way to gain links in 2014, you should probably
stop. Why? Because over time its become a more and more spammy practice, and if youre doing
a lot of guest blogging then youre hanging out with really bad company.
But his words are important: having people contribute to your blog in an authentic way is by no
means a bad idea. What is targeted here is the spammy proposals that any blog with some trafc
will sooner or later receive: I blog for you if you blog for me and we exchange links. These
proposals of low quality content from people who have no idea what your audience cares about
and what your brand stands for are to be avoided at all costs. But building a carefully selected
community of guest bloggers - as mentioned above - is a great way to scale your content. The
reciprocal approach is also worth considering to bootstrap your audience and the best practices
are the same as in the above section on leveraging existing platforms: after all, contributing to
some other blog is leveraging their audience as a platform.
But in addition to these principles, you can also build relationships with blogs you contribute to
and over time make the exchange more interesting by negotiating to:
- include back links to your site (which in this case are totally white hat SEO),
- include links to your own landing pages,
- include links to your other content. 2015
67 2015
There is denitely an opportunity to pay for play in content marketing. Whether this offers a real
leverage for SMBs remains to be seen as history shows us that whenever it becomes a money
game, companies with deep pockets win. If you have some budget to allocate for paid distribution,
its probably a good idea to get some experience and give it a try. One thing though: make sure to
measure returns by tracking your campaigns as we describe in the Measuring ROI section of this
guide. 2015
Convert through
content 2015
Subscription forms
If people are reading a post on your blog, its likely that theyll be interested in your future posts.
Make it as easy for your audience as possible to read everything you post on your blog by creating
a form to collect contact information and send your new posts out by email. 2015
Staying fresh
You might be a marketer, or an executive, or a community manager, or even a social media intern.
If youre anything other than a full-time blogger, you probably have lots of other things going on
every day that take away from your precious writing time. Every week that goes by without a post,
though, is equal to potential lost readers.
Curate content thats been created by others. In this age of information overload, there is plenty of
content out there thats already been written and is relevant to your messaging. Read a few pieces
at the beginning of your day and share them with your added insight to provide value to your
readers while saving more time for your other work and original posts.
Calls to Action
Theres a reason its called content marketing instead of blogging. When youre creating a blog for
your small business, its important to remember to connect it back to actual sales in order to see
results. If your blog is a separate website with no connection to your website where readers can
make an actual purpose, youre missing out on a huge opportunity.
What action do you want your readers to take that will turn them into customers? Is it to sign up
for a demo? Or to purchase a product online? Whatever it may be, you can easily create a widget
on the sidebar of your blog using HTML and linking to the website you want your readers to visit.
Tools like HelloBar will help in the process of creating CTAs. 2015
72 2015
When youve learned the behaviors of your readers, you can optimize your website to make the
most out of said behaviors. There are also tools like bounceexchange and optinmonster that
monitor where your readers go both within your site and on the pages that they visit and serve a
popup before they leave in order to collect an email address, lead to another page, or encourage a
purchase. 2015
First, you can test (or even better A/B test) the conversion hooks you place on your blog or
on your various content properties. A great tool to do this is HelloBar which not only will
help you create this conversion hooks easily but also has a built it A/B test engine that is
very easy to use and understand.
Second, you should think of how to better align your content and your landing pages. If you
started with one unique landing pages, chances are this one-size-ts-all approach wont
work for all the buyer personas / buyer stage matrix weve described in the Strategize
section. Even though starting with one landing page is ok, to optimize your trafc and
therefore your leads, think about creating a number using this persona / buyer matrix and
pair content with the corresponding landing page accordingly. This infographic will give
you some ideas of the various types of landing pages you can consider. Another idea to
generate landing pages is to turn some of your evergreen content into a landing page. This
Slideshare that we wrote on the benets of content curation for SEO is now also a landing
page that was created in a very short time using Unbounce as we repurposed existing
content and didnt have to create it from scratch.
Over time, youll generate not just more trafc to your content but more trafc from your content
to your landing pages.
In parallel to that comes the work to optimize your landing pages conversions: how many of the
landing page visitors end up as leads. Again, A/B testing is a must here as there are many results
that will prove counter-intuitive: if youre not convinced, make the test on these 12 case studies
explained on their blog by Unbounce. 2015
75 2015
76 2015
Measure ROI 2015
How do we measure ROI and know our content isnt just fueling some vanity metric but is actually
helping our business?
If content marketing is the new advertising, then we should try to assess this question with the
same criteria. Which means rst, we should acknowledge that while advertising is a practice that
has been undisputed for decades, measuring its ROI can greatly vary. After all, a lot of marketers
would still agree with John Wanamaker who said more than a century ago: Half the money I
spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I dont know which half.
When it comes to digital advertising though, this question is easier to solve because we have
metrics: we know how many views a YouTube Ad received, we have impressions of ad banners,
clicks on Adwords ads, CTRs, etc. As a result, while we cant always have a precise answer to the
ROI questions, here are ways to better measure it and more importantly to improve it. 2015
While this is not ROI yet, views and engagement are good proxy for your contents popularity and
quality. Understanding quickly what piece of content worked better and which ones did not well directly from within your content platform - will help you and your team make progress faster. 2015
how much search trafc to your Web site does your brand name generate?
Both of these metrics can be easily obtained from Google Analytics. Whether this trafc is
coming from people visiting your web site directly or through a bit of help from Google, one thing
is for sure: they are all people whove remembered your brand to some extent. If your content
marketing is helping your brand awareness, you should see these metrics go up. 2015
81 2015
Use Googles URL builder to track referral trafc from your content to your conversion
pages using UTM tracking.
Combining both of these will result in Google Analytics showing you not only how many
conversions you had per type of conversion but which content source delivered it. As you
understand which content channel delivers the highest conversions, youll be able to invest more
in it.
If lead generation is a key objective of your content strategy, I would however recommend that you
dene your various opportunities to generate leads as goals in Google Analytics. Goals can be
congured by going to Admin and then selecting a property and a view: 2015
Goals are very powerful in Google Analytics which has many advanced features to better
understand your funnel and optimize your conversions. 2015
Now you can compare that with the impact of that $5,000 infographic you did last year: did it bring
500 leads or more? If it did, then you could say youd been better off than buying AdWords which
is a good benchmark to beat considering AdWords visitors are explicitly searching for something. 2015
85 2015
Conclusion 2015
SMB marketers are at a turning point. The Internet has redened their job and they need to
adapt to keep meeting their business objectives. Their new playing eld is more open, connected,
real-time and therefore more competitive than ever.
On the other hand, this open and connected world is an opportunity! The audience has never been
so fragmented, and therefore accessible to niche and focused SMBs, and marketing can now be
lean: affordable to clever players who adopt the rules, technologies and tactics.
To win the attention war and grow, SMBs need to learn how to accompany their future customers
in a long and convoluted journey throughout the web. From brand awareness, thought leadership,
and SEO to community engagement, lead generation, and lead nurturing (possibly through
marketing automation), every element of the SMB arsenal is fueled by one core resource: content.
SMB marketers therefore need to develop a content strategy; to become a media that feeds their
targeted audience, wherever it is, on a regular basis with relevant content.
Such content strategy should keep both sides of ROI in check:
The Return: what are the key performance indicators and how to measure them? Lead
generation should be the ultimate KPI, although other intermediate metrics matter too.
The Investment: deploying a content strategy costs money and time (often the SMBs
scarcest resource). Adopting lean content strategy is both possible and necessary
The good news, and the number one takeaway of this guide, is that deploying a lean content
marketing strategy that works for SMBs is possible: It requires focus, organization and
Focus: focus on your unique message, your target audience, your overarching KPI.
Organization: dene an editorial line and calendar that leverage existing content; amplify it
on all channels; leverage your community and your internal resources.
Technology: save time and increase your impact by using SMB-dedicated solutions to help
you source, organize, schedule, distribute and monitor your content.
The web is an open playing eld; in 2015, clever SMBs can win the game. Go Lean Content now! 2015