EPA Region 7 Communities Information Digest - June 5, 2015

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EPA Region 7

Communities Information Digest

June 5, 2015

Welcome to the latest EPA Region 7 Digest!

The purpose of the EPA Region 7 Communities Information Digest is to provide
communities in the 4-state region and other interested areas the latest news,
webinars, conferences, funding, and other community-based activities going on
in the region and country related to human health and the environment. (An *
Indicates a new post.)

Has this edition of the digest been forwarded to you by a friend? Would you like
to sign up to receive future digests or unsubscribe? Do you have any news,
funding, webinars or conferences related to environmental protection or human
health youd like to submit for consideration in future digests?
If so, please email R7_POIS_Communities_Mailbox@epa.gov.
Thank you!
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*Kansas City, Mo., and St. Louis. Mo. Receive EPA Brownfields Grants to Help toward Cleanup of
Contaminated Properties
EPA has selected the communities of Kansas City, Mo., and St. Louis to receive a total of $900,000 in grants from
the agencys Brownfields Program to assist with the environmental assessments of contaminated brownfields
properties, a key step in paving the way toward their cleanup, redevelopment and sustainable reuse. Kansas City and
St. Louis were among the 147 communities announced recently by EPA headquarters as recipients of the latest round
of the agencys brownfields assessment grants, a package of 243 awards totaling $54.3 million. The City of Kansas
City, Mo., will receive a $500,000 brownfields assessment grant to use with its coalition partners: Jackson County and
the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of Kansas City. The St. Louis Development Corporation will receive
two brownfields assessment grants totaling $400,000.
*EPA Announces $54.3 Million in FY15 Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup Grants
The U.S. EPA is pleased to announce 147 communities will receive 243 grants totaling $54.3 million in EPA
Brownfields funding. These funds will aid communities and businesses to return economic stability to under -served
and economically disadvantaged neighborhoods through the assessment and cleanup of abandoned industrial and
commercial properties
*EPA Releases Draft Assessment on the Potential Impacts to Drinking Water Resources from Hydraulic
Fracturing Activities
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing a draft assessment on the potential impacts of hydraulic
fracturing activities on drinking water resources in the United States. The assessment, done at the request of
Congress, shows that while hydraulic fracturing activities in the U.S. are carried out in a way that have not led to
widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water resources, there are potential vulnerabilities in the water lifecycle that
could impact drinking water. The assessment follows the water used for hydraulic fracturing from water acquisition,
chemical mixing at the well pad site, well injection of fracking fluids, the collection of hydraulic fracturing wastewater
(including flowback and produced water), and wastewater treatment and disposal
*Clean Water Rule Protects Streams and Wetlands Critical to Public Health, Communities, and Economy
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*Clean Water Rule Protects Streams and Wetlands Critical to Public Health, Communities, and Economy
In an historic step for the protection of clean water, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army
finalized the Clean Water Rule recently to clearly protect from pollution and degradation the streams and wetlands
that form the foundation of the nations water resources.
The rule ensures that waters protected under the Clean Water Act are more precisely defined and predictably
determined, making permitting less costly, easier, and faster for businesses and industry. The rule is grounded in law
and the latest science, and is shaped by public input. The rule does not create any new permitting requirements for
agriculture and maintains all previous exemptions and exclusions. People need clean water for their health: About
117 million Americans one in three people get drinking water from streams that lacked clear protection before the
Clean Water Rule.
*EPA Issues Final Guidance on Considering EJ During Rulemaking
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued final Guidance on Considering Environmental Justice
During the Development of a Regulatory Action. This guidance was created to ensure understanding and foster
consistency with efforts across EPA's programs and regions to consider environmental justice and make a visible
difference in America's communities. Key improvements from the interim guidance include:
Refined discussion of the factors that contribute to potential environmental justice concerns;
Refined direction on when and to what extent environmental justice needs to be considered in the rulemaking
Recommendations added for how to meaningfully engage minority, low-income, and indigenous populations and
The guidance supports EPA implementation of Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations.

*New DOE Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Funding Opportunity Due June 25
The SunShot Initiative announced that their latest concentrating solar power (CSP) funding opportunity announcement is
open and accepting applications. COLLECTS, Concentrating Optics for Lower Levelized Energy Cost, seeks projects that
will lead to the development of disruptive, novel technical innovations in collector optics for CSP.
*New Funding Opportunities: $32 Million to Continue Driving Down Cost of Solar Energy
The SunShot Initiative is pleased to announce the release of $32 million under three funding opportunities, all of which
are aimed at further driving down the cost of solar energy.
The Solar Training and Education for Professionals funding program will tackle soft costs by addressing gaps in
solar training and energy education, both within the solar workforce and in professions that play a crucial role in
solar deployment. Concept papers are due June 26.
The Solar Bankability Data to Advance Transactions and Access funding program will increase data accessibility
and quality, and will facilitate the growth and expansion of the solar industry by creating a standardized data
landscape for distributed solar. Concept papers are due June 22.
The CSP: Concentrating Optics for Lower Levelized Energy Costs funding program seeks to further CSP system
technologies by soliciting disruptive, transformative projects for the concentrating solar collectors in the CSP
plant. These innovative projects will seek to enable CSP to be cost-competitive with conventional forms of
electric power generation. Concept papers are due June 25.
*Funding Opportunity: Advancing Health Disparities Interventions Through Community-Based Participatory
Research Letters of Intent Due July 3
The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) Community-Based Participatory Research
(CBPR) Program announces a new funding opportunity: Advancing Health Disparities Interventions through
Community-Based Participatory Research. The overarching goals of the program are to enhance community capacity
in research for which they will directly benefit; support collaborative intervention projects addressing health disparities;
and accelerate the translation of findings into improved health and health outcomes. The purpose of this funding
opportunity is to support promising community interventions using CBPR principles and approaches aimed at reducing
and eventually eliminating health disparities.
*USDA Seeks Applications for Grants to Help Repair Housing in Rural Communities Due July 6
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced recently that USDA is seeking applications for grants to make housing
repairs for low- and very-low-income rural residents. The grants are being provided through USDA Rural
Development's Housing Preservation Grant program. Eligible applicants for Housing Preservation Grants include
town or county governments, public agencies, federally recognized Indian Tribes, and non -profit and faith-based
organizations. USDA is making up to $3.3 million in grants available in Fiscal Year 2015.

*Economic Development Administration (EDA) and Department of Labor Announced that up to $35.5 Million
in Funding July 10
The funding is available through the Partnership for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization
(POWER) initiative. POWER is an EDA-led effort among multiple federal agencies using existing resources to
provide integrated and coordinated investments in communities and support to workers negatively impacted by
changes in the coal industry and power sector.
*USDA Seeks Applications for Grants to Help Socially-Disadvantaged Producers Due July 14 on grants.gov
and July 20 if Sent Through Postal Service
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is now
accepting applications to provide technical assistance to socially-disadvantaged groups in rural areas. Funding will be
made available through USDA's Socially-Disadvantaged Groups Grant Program (formerly the Small, SociallyDisadvantaged Producer Grant Program), which assists organizations that provide technical assistance to socially disadvantaged groups in rural areas. Examples of technical assistance are conducting feasibility studies, developing
business and strategic plans, and providing leadership training.
*National Park Service Now Accepting Applications for 2016 Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance
Due August 1
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Due August 1
The National Park Services Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program is accepting applications for help
with a wide range of community-led projects. National Park Service staff can help local leaders:
Develop close-to-home parks and greenways
Manage community-led visioning, planning, and design
Facilitate public involvement
Build sustainable partnerships
Engage youth through outdoor recreation skill-building and conservation stewardship
Plan for trails, landscape conservation, water trails, river restoration, green transportation, and tourism

Funding & Technical Assistance Opportunities

Placemaking Micro-Grant from the National Association of Realtors Applications accepted on a rolling
Calendar of 2015 EPA Grant Opportunities
Climate-Related Funding Opportunities Compiled by the Florida Climate Institute
HUD CDBG Disaster Recovery Assistance
USDA Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG) Call Rural Development State Office for Due
USDA Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) Contact Local USDA Service Center
June 5: Urban Land Institute's Resilience Grant Opportunity
June 5: U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Makes $76 Million in Grant Funding Available Through YouthBuild
June 8: EPA Solicits Proposals for the National Farmworker Training Cooperative Agreement
June 15: EPA Seeking Proposals for National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program
June 18: USDA Announces Grants to Enable More Farmers Markets to Serve Low-Income Families
June 22: CDC Community Health Projects Related to Contamination at Brownfield/Land Reuse Sites
*June 25: New DOE Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Funding Opportunity
June 25: Bureau of Reclamations Two Funding Announcements to Promote Drought Contingency Planning
and Resiliency Projects
July 2: The NOAA Fisheries Coastal Ecosystem Resiliency Grants Program
July 2: USDA Announces $30 Million Available for Food Entrepreneurs and Agricultural Producers to
Develop New Products
*July 3: Funding Opportunity: Advancing Health Disparities Interventions Through Community-Based
Participatory Research
July 8: Regional Conservation Partnership Program Grants
*July 10: EDA & DOL Announce Funds through Partnership for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic
Revitalization (POWER) initiative
July 15: EPA Tribal Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program FY 2015
July 16: USDA Agriculture & Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant Program
July 24: National Ocean Service 2015 Regional Coastal Resilience Grant Program Funds
*Aug. 1: National Park Service 2016 Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance
Sep. 30: USDA Announces Funding to Assist with Organic Certification Costs
Sep. 30: U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) $3 Million in Planning Assistance to Coalimpacted Communities under Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization
(POWER) Initiative

Meetings, Conferences, Training, & Events

Calendar of Events Related to Climate Change and Water
This page includes conferences, meetings, webinars, workshops and training opportunities related to climate
change and water.
Let us know if you have information to add by emailing us the details of the event.
June 15-17: American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Specialty Conference New Orleans, LA
June 15-19: Great Urban Stream Workshop Pittsburgh, PA
*June 16-18: 2015 National Health Impact Assessment Meeting Washington D.C.
June 24-26: 2015 Climate Strategies Forum Washington, D.C.
June 28: SunShot CSP Symposium San Diego, CA
July 13: Missouri Brownfields Conference Osage Beach, MO
July 13-17: Earth Educators' Rendezvous Boulder, CO
June 16-18: 2015 National Health Impact Assessment Meeting Washington D.C.
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June 16-18: 2015 National Health Impact Assessment Meeting Washington D.C.
July 19-25: 2015 Hands-On PV Experience (HOPE) Workshop Golden, CO
July 30-31: Green Clean Schools Leadership Summit Seattle, WA
August 4-6: 2015 U.S. EPA Community Involvement Training Conference Atlanta, GA
August 17-20: 2015 Tribal Lands and Environment Forum Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
August 18-20: 2015 Kansas Environmental Conference Topeka, KS
September 2-4: National Brownfields Training Conference Chicago, IL
September 14-16: Old Trails and New Directions 2015 Missouri Recycling Association Conference
Kansas City, MO
September 27-30: ICMA Annual Conference Seattle, WA
September 30: Transit-Oriented Development Training Las Vegas, NV
October 18-21: Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference (BECC) Sacramento, CA
October 27-29: Policy Links Equity 2015: The National Summit Los Angeles, CA

Webinars, Conference Calls, & Twitter Chats

*School Environmental Health Webinar Series 2015
A new series of School Environmental Health webinars was launched April 22, 2015. Future webinars will include:
Mold Hazards in Schools and Healthy Indoor Athletic Facilities June 2015; Radon Hazards in Schools and Radon
Testing in Schools July 2015; and Water Access in Schools August 2015.
*Sensible Steps to Healthier School Environments 10-Part Webinar Series (On-DEMAND)

*Green Strides Newsletter and Webinar Series (Ongoing)

The U.S. Department of Educations Green Strides Webinar Series provides school communities the tools to reduce
their schools' environmental impact and costs; improve health and wellness; and teach effective environmental
*Green Cleaning in Schools Webinar Series Archives Now Available (Ongoing)
These practical online seminars featured national leaders and on-the-ground experts on green cleaning in schools.
Topics included infection control, new technology, making the financial case for green cleaning, and more.
*Facility Masters Webinars (Ongoing)
This monthly Webcast Series focuses on best practices for excellence in educational operations, with emphasis on
facilities maintenance, preventive maintenance, and energy management.
*Portfolio Manager Web Services: August 2015 Schema Changes June 9, 1-2:30 p.m. EST
Learn about upcoming updates to the Portfolio Manager web services application programming interface (API)
and associated schemas.
*The Water-Energy Nexus June 16, 1-2 p.m. EST
The webinar will also detail opportunities for improving water efficiency, and provide an overview of key EPA
ENERGY STAR and WaterSense resources.
*How to Apply for the ENERGY STAR June 18, 1-2:30 p.m. EST
Learn about applying for ENERGY STAR Certification in Portfolio Manager.
*Portfolio Manager 101 June 22, 1-2:30 p.m. EST
Join us as we introduce and demonstrate the core functionality of EPAs new ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
*Portfolio Manager 201 June 24, 1-2:30 p.m. EST
Learn about EPAs new ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool, with a deeper dive into more advanced
*Portfolio Manager 301 June 25, 1-2 p.m. EST
Learn about some advanced features including: using spreadsheet upload templates to update property data
and setting goals and targets to plan energy improvements.
Environmental Law Institute (ELI) Summer School 2015
ELI's Summer School is a series of brown-bag lunch seminars taught by experts in their fields, introducing the
audience to the major environmental statutes (including NEPA, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species
Act, TSCA, RCRA, and CERCLA) and land use law. All are welcome. 2015 Schedule:
June 11, 2015: NEPA, ESA & Fundamentals of Environmental Law
June 18, 2015: Basics of Land Use Law
June 25, 2015: Basics of the Clean Water Act
June 30, 2015: Hazardous Waste and Sites
July 9, 2015: Law & Policy of Products Regulation
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July 9, 2015: Law & Policy of Products Regulation

July 23, 2015: Basics of the Clean Air Act
July 30, 2015: Basics of Energy Law
*Applied Solutions Webcast
The Public Rooftop Revolution: Municipal Opportunities for Solar June 9, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. PST
This webinar will highlight the Local Institute of Self-Reliance report, Public Rooftop Revolution, which explores
the potential of solar rooftop projects on local government and public buildings.

*Why Do Old Places Matter? June 9, 2-3:30 p.m. EST

Inspired by the National Trust for Historic Preservations series of essays exploring the role that historic places
play in everyday life, this webinar examines the fundamental and pragmatic reasons that old places are good for
*U.S. Forest Service teams up with Rockefeller Foundation for webinars on how to strengthen resilience in
urban centers Second Wednesdays starting June 10, 1-2 p.m. EST
The Forest Services Urban Forest Connections webinar series will bring experts together each month to discuss the
latest science, practice, and policy on urban forestry and the environment.
*EPAs Basics of the Electricity System for Communities June 11, 1-2:30 EST
The EPA is offering a webinar with the DOE to provide an overview of the electricity system for communities.

The College And University Recycling Coalition (CURC) Presents Can That Be Composted? Should It Be?
Strategies for Your Campus in the Changing Composting Market Place June 11, 10-11:30 a.m. PST
*What is Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Technologies and Applications June 17, 3-4:30 p.m. EST
This EPA webinar will provide an overview of CHP technologies and applications, and demonstrate the value of CHP
for facilities
*EPAs Sustainable Materials Management Web Academy presents "Advancing Sustainable Materials
Management: Facts and Figures 2013" Assessing Trends in Materials Generation, Recycling and Disposal in
the United States June 18, 10-11:30am PST
Through a discussion of the upcoming Characterization Report, participants in this webinar will hear about the newly
expanded and improved measurement efforts by the EPA to facilitate the move toward more sustainable materials
management (SMM).

*EPA Webinar: Learn About Applying for EPA Grants June 18, 2 p.m. EST
The U.S. EPAs Office of Grants and Debarment is hosting a webinar for EPA grants applicants. The webinar will
cover a variety of grants topics, including: How to find and apply for grant opportunities ; EPA's new Grants.gov
requirement; and Preparing a proper budget detail.
*DOE Webcast: Measuring the Impact of Benchmarking & Transparency Methodologies and the NYC
Example June 18, 2-3:30 p.m. EST
This will cover DOE resources that help stakeholders analyze energy, non-energy, and market transformation impacts
of building energy benchmarking policies and programs.
*Shared Solar Continues to Trend: Market Update and Implementation Questions June 18, 2-3 p.m. EST
In this webinar, Adam Capage, Vice President of Utility Partnerships, 3Degrees will discuss answers to some of the
most frequently asked questions, such as how to mitigate supply risks, how to set pricing, and best practices for
marketing. David Feldman, Senior Financial Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, will present his recent
forecast of community solar market potential through 2020.

*DOE Announces Webinar on Buildings of the Future June 23, 1-2 p.m. EST
The Energy Department will present a live webinar titled "Codes and Regulations for Buildings of the Future" on. This
webinar is the first in a series of panel discussions on the future of the built environment, and attendees are
encouraged to join panelists in discussing the future of energy codes and regulatory reforms.
Tribal Climate Change Webinar About Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change with NOAA June 23,
11-12:30 p.m. PST
The presentation will review known variability in extreme weather such as excessive heat, cold waves, floods,
droughts, hurricanes, severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. Projections and uncertainties of how these hazards might
change due to global warming will be reviewed.

2015 Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers (APR) Plastics Recycling Educational Web Seminar
Series Announced:
Foam Recycling: Facts, Figures, and Market Potential June 23
This webinar will detail the foam recycling process and work to debunk some of the common myths surrounding this
highly marketable material.
What Really Goes in that Bale? An Overview of the 2015 National Mixed Rigid Bale Composition
Study August 11
The 2015 National Mixed Rigid Bale Composition Study was conducted to categorize the composition of the various
types of mixed rigid plastic bales generated in North America. This webinar will provide an executive summary of the
full study and report.
APR Resources to Support Domestic Plastic Recycling Markets September 15
APRs primary goal is to increase the amount of material available for recycling. This webinar will detail a variety of
resources available to the industry, state and local recycling officials, as well as the general public to support the
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resources available to the industry, state and local recycling officials, as well as the general public to support the
expansion of domestic plastic recycling markets and generate more supply.

Keep Your Caps On! A 2015 Update October 27

Due to an ever growing demand for material by plastic reclaimers, APR continues to support the Caps On
message. Historically, the perception has been that the best way to recycle a plastic bottle is with the cap off. This
webinar will give an update on this initiative, address the common concerns surrounding the change, and provide
resources to those communities to support this message.
Greater Kansas City Regional Water Quality Education Committee Presents the 2015 Center for Watershed
Protection Webinars:
Multi-Sector & Industrial Stormwater Permits June 17, 12-1:30 p.m. CST
This webcast will feature insights on the permitting process, tools available for facility inventories and
inspections, and BMPs applicable to these types of site.
What to Do About Trashy Watersheds September 16, 12-1:30 p.m. CST
Learn from places that have been managing trash as part of local or regional TMDLs and some of the
approaches that have been tried. Of course, this webcast will feature a lot of trash-talking.
Checking in on Post-Construction Stormwater Management November 18, 12-1:30 p.m. CST
This webcast will explore innovations and trends in post-construction stormwater management, with MS4 case
studies featuring program components and budgets.
All webinars will be streamed at the Mid-America Regional Council Conference Center at 600 Broadway, Ste.
200, Kansas City, Missouri 64105.
Riverine/Riparian Wetland Restoration June 9, 3 p.m. EST
Presenters: Richard Weber, NRCS Wetland Team, CNTSC and Larry Urban, Montana Department of Transportation

Webinar: Impacts of Climate Change on Tribal Health June 24, 11-12:30 pm PST
This webinar will provide an overview of climate-related health impacts facing tribes and indigenous peoples in the
United States, drawing mainly from the results of the Third National Climate Assessment.
*Department of Energy Management Basic Training: Tools and Resources for Results June 24, 1:30 p.m.
Assess E.O. 13693, Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade and how it affects your site. Learn about proven
strategies for implementing energy and water efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable acquisitions, and project

Climate Change Impacts on Fish and Wildlife Webinar June 30, 11-12:30 p.m. PST
Climate change impacts are expected to increase with continued changes in the planets climate system. Action is
needed now to help safeguard fish, wildlife, and plants and the communities and economies that depend on them.
Community Air Monitoring Training: A Glimpse into EPA's Air Sensor Toolbox July 9, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. EST
The U.S. EPA is hosting a training webinar to share tools used to conduct citizen science projects involving Next
Generation Air Monitoring (NGAM) technology and to educate interested groups and individuals on best practices for
successful air monitoring projects.
CDFA Brownfield Financing Webinar Series
The Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) is excited to announce the CDFA Brownfield Financing
Webinar Series as part of the CDFA Brownfields Technical Assistance Program. The series will include three 90minute webinars over the year and will focus on effective utilization of brownfield and redevelopment financing tools,
while highlighting best practices, case studies, and CDFA's technical assistance program participants.
EPA and Partners Announce Monthly Webinar Series: Climate Information for Managing Risks in Water
The series is co-sponsored by the NOAA Sectoral Applications Research Program, U.S. National Integrated Drought
Information System, Water Research Foundation, Water Environment Federation, Water Environment Research
Foundation, American Water Works Association, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, and EPA's Climate
Ready Water Utility Initiative.
EPA Webinar "Climate Resilience: What to Expect, How to Prepare, and What You Can Learn from Others"
Available Online
EPA's Watershed Academy has archived the "Climate Resilience: What to Expect, How to Prepare, and What You
Can Learn from Others" webinar. The webinar can be viewed anytime The Workbook and other resources can be
found on the Climate Ready Estuaries website: http://www2.epa.gov/cre/risk-based-adaptation.

Other Environmental News

*Secretary Vilsack Announces Additional 800,000 Acres Dedicated to Conservation Reserve Program for
Wildlife Habitat and Wetlands
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently announced that an additional 800,000 acres of highly environmentally

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Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently announced that an additional 800,000 acres of highly environmentally
sensitive land may be enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) under certain wetland and wildlife
initiatives that provide multiple benefits on the same land. The USDA will accept new offers to participate in CRP under
a general signup to be held Dec. 1, 2015, through Feb. 26, 2016. Farmers and ranchers interested in removing
sensitive land from agricultural production and planting grasses or trees to reduce soil erosion, improve water quality
and restore wildlife habitat are encouraged to enroll.

*Local Climate Action Framework: A Step-by-Step Implementation Guide

This online guide provides step-by-step guidance and resources for local governments to plan, implement, and
evaluate climate, energy, and sustainability projects and programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to
climate change impacts. It captures lessons learned and effective strategies used by local governments
*New EPA Report: Attracting Infill Development in Distressed Communities: 30 Strategies
Many communities across the country have been revitalizing their older neighborhoods, traditional downtowns, and
central business districts. However, economically distressed communities have been less able to attract this kind of
infill development and attain the accompanying economic, environmental, health, and quality of life benefits. EPAs new
report, Attracting Infill Development in Distressed Communities: 30 Strategies, can help these communities determine
their readiness to pursue infill development and identify strategies to better position themselves to attract infill

*Effective Practices for Implementing Local Climate and Energy Programs Tip Sheets
This series of 19 tip sheets cover a wide range of topics, such as marketing and communications (effective messaging,
traditional media strategies, community-based social marketing, and testimonial videos) and working with specific types
of stakeholders (institutional partners, contractors, experts, utilities, early adopters, volunteers).
*FHWA Releases Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently released the Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide
after two years of research into the use of protected bike lanes in communities across the U.S. The guide provides a
menu of design options and highlights planning considerations and best practices for installing protected bike lanes.
*EPA's 2015 Extreme Events Workshops and Coastal Resilience Training Series
EPA's Climate Ready Water Utilities (CRWU) Initiative is offering workshops for drinking water, wastewater, and
stormwater utilities that focus on understanding and adapting to challenges from extreme events, featuring training on
the Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool (CREAT).
June 23-24: Portland, Oregon
July 14-15: Des Moines, Iowa

*Coastal Resilience for the Water Sector: Training for Technical Assistance Providers
The Climate Ready Water Utilities Initiative is also offering a series of trainings for water sector technical assistance
providers. The trainings will focus on how to support utilities in understanding and adapting to impacts from coastal
storm events and related threats using two new EPA tools: the Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tools
(CREAT) Version 3.0 and the Storm Surge Inundation and Hurricane Strike Frequency Map.
June 16-17: Boca Raton, Florida
June 22-23: Houston, Texas
June 25-26: Mobile, Alabama
July 21-22: West Babylon, New York
*New USDA Portal Enables Farmers, Ranchers to Request Conservation Assistance Online
Farmers, ranchers and private forest landowners can now do business with U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA)
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) through a new online portal. With the launch of Conservation Client
Gateway, producers will have the ability to work with conservation planners online to access Farm Bill programs,
request assistance and track payments for their conservation activities.
*Energy Department Evaluates Potential for Wind Power in 50 States
The Energy Department recently announced the release of "Enabling Wind Power Nationwide," a report showing how
the United States can unlock the potential for wind energy deployment in all 50 statesmade possible through the
next-generation of larger wind turbines.
EPA Seeks Public Comments on Draft EJ 2020 Action Agenda Framework Due June 15
The U.S. EPA is asking for public comment on the draft EJ 2020 Action Agenda (EJ 2020) framework. EJ 2020 is a
strategy to advance environmental justice through EPA's programs, policies and activities, and will support the crossagency strategy on making a visible difference in environmentally overburdened, underserved, and economicallydistressed communities.
CDC Community Health Projects Related to Contamination at Brownfield/Land Reuse Sites Due June 22
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry announced
recently a funding opportunity to help address community health concerns and issues associated with restoration of
contaminated properties.
Opportunity for Public Review and Comment on EPA Draft Post-Closure Care Guidance Due June 30
EPA is inviting public comment on the draft Guidelines for Evaluating and Adjusting the Post-Closure Care Period for
Hazardous Waste Disposal Facilities under Subtitle C of RCRA." EPA specifically requests comments from permit
writers, trade associations, environmental groups, and operating treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDF).
2016 New Partners Conference Call for Session Proposals Due June 30
The Local Government Commission will be conducting a formal Call for Session Proposals (CFSP) for the 2016 New
Partners for Smart Growth Conference program. An electronic submittal form will be posted on the conference web
site, along with detailed instructions.

Call for Nominations: Nsedu Obot Witherspoon (NOW) Youth Leadership Award Due June 30
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Call for Nominations: Nsedu Obot Witherspoon (NOW) Youth Leadership Award Due June 30
The Children's Environmental Health Network (CEHN) is excited to announce a call for nominations from non-family
members for this award that honors youth for their exceptional environmental leadership, commitment to environmental
health, participation in community action, and other leadership skills..

Apply for a Fruit Tree Planting Foundation Orchard in Your Community Ongoing
The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation (FTPF) strategically donates orchards where the harvest will best serve
communities for generations, including at community gardens, public schools, city and state parks, low-income
neighborhoods, and Native American reservations.
Project Learning Trees GreenWorks Grant Due September 30
Project Learning Tree is accepting applications for a school/community native plant garden, a forest improvement
project, a streamside restoration plan, a recycling program, or energy conservation project targeting students.

This digest is being provided by EPA Region 7 for informational purposes only.
This digest contains links to information, agencies, sites, and organizations outside of the EPA website.
EPA is not responsible for third party links. EPA does not endorse third party organizations or agencies.

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