The History of Zacatecas
The History of Zacatecas
The History of Zacatecas
The state of Zacatecas, located in the north central portion of the Mexican
Republic, is a land rich in cultural, religious, and historical significance.
With a total of 75,040 square kilometers, Zacatecas is Mexico's eighth
largest state and occupies 3.383% of the total surface of the country.
Politically, the state is divided into fifty-six municipios and has a total of
5,064 localities, 86% of which correspond to the old haciendas.
In the middle of the Sixteenth Century, Zacatecas was merely one part of a
larger area that the Spaniards referred to as La Gran Chichimeca (which
also included Jalisco Aguascalientes, Nayarit and Guanajuato) . The Aztec
Indians of the south had never conquered this area, which was inhabited by
several indigenous tribes. The Aztecs, in fact, had collectively referred to
these nomadic Indians as the Chichimecas (a derogatory term meaning "the
sons of dogs"). The four primary tribes who inherited the area of present-
day Zacatecas were the Zacatecos, Cazcanes, Guachichiles, and the
After the conquest of southern Mexico in 1521, Hernan Cortes sent several
expeditions north to explore La Gran Chichimeca Juan Alvarez Chico and
Alonso de Avalos each led expeditions northward into the land we now call
Zacatecas. By this time, the Aztec and Tiaxcalan nations had aligned
themselves with the Spaniards and most explorations were undertaken
jointly with Spanish soldiers and Indian warriors. These expeditions went
north in the hopes of developing trade relations with the northern tribes and
finding mineral wealth. Each expedition was accompanied by missionaries
who carried Christianity and the Word of Cod to native peoples.
In 1546, a Basque noble, Juan de Tolosa, was the first European to find
silver in Zacatecas when a small group of Indians living near the present-
day city of Zacatecas brought him several pieces of ore as a gift. In the same
year, the small mining settlement of Zacatecas, located 8,148 feet above sea
level, was founded. In the next few years, the dream of quick wealth
brought a multitude of prospectors entrepreneurs, and laborers streaming
into Zacatecas. Rich mineral-bearing deposits would also be discovered
farther north in San Martin (1556), Chalohihuites (1556), Avino (1558),
Sombrerete (1558), Fresnillo (1566), Mazapil (1568), and Nieves (1574).
The Viceroy learned that some Spanish soldiers had begun raiding Indian
settlements for the purpose of enslavement. Infuriated by this practice, he
prohibited further enslavement of all captured Indians and freed or placed
under religious care those who had already been captured. Soon, he
launched a full-scale peace offensive and opened up negotiations with the
principal Chichimeca leaders. In trade for peace, Villamanrique offered
food, clothing, lands, and agricultural implements. This policy of "peace by
purchase" worked and by the end of the Sixteenth Century, the Chichimeca
War had ended.
For the next two centuries, the prosperity of Zacatecas corresponded with
the vagaries of its silver industry. A period of great prosperity from 1690 to
1752 was followed by a period of economic depression in which the value of
silver dropped. However, in 1768, the silver industry rallied and the next
period of expansion lasted until 1810. This period of prosperity led to a
significant increase in the population of the city of Zacatecas from 15,000 in
1777 to 33,000 in 1803. A census tally in the latter year also revealed the
ethnic composition of the city: 42% Spanish and mestizo extraction; 27%
Indian; and 31% Black and mulato. A mestizo is a person of mixed Spanish
and Indian heritage, while a mulato is a person of mixed Spanish and
African ancestry. In September 1810, Father Miguel Hidalgo raised the
standard of revolt in nearby Guanajuato. For several months, Father
Hidalgo's rebel forces occupied Zacatecas and other areas of Mexico.
However, eventually Royalist forces routed the insurgents and captured
Father Hidalgo, who was executed on July 31, 1811 by a firing squad. The
war for independence continued for ten more years before the Spanish
Empire was finally forced to give up its prized colony at the Treaty of
Cordoba on August 24, 1821. Two years later, on July 12, 1823, Zacatecas
declared itself an independent state within the Mexican Republic. In the
years to follow, many of the Mexican states, including Zacatecas, would
seek provincial self-government and political autonomy from Mexico City.
However, the self-determination that Zacatecas sought for itself came into
direct conflict with the Federal government.
Three years later, Zacatecas once again revolted against the national
government. On May 11, 1835, the Zacatecas militia, under the command
of Francisco Garcia, was defeated at the Battle of Guadalupe by the Federal
forces of General Santa Anna. Soon after this victory, Santa Anna's forces
ransacked the city of Zacatecas and the rich silver mines at Fresnillo.
The War of the Reform, lasting from 1858 to 1861, pitted the Conservatives
against the Liberals one more time. Once again, Zacatecas became a
battleground and its capital was occupied alternatively by both sides.
Finally, in 1859, the Liberal leader Jesus Gonzalez Ortega seized control of
the government in Zacatecas. However, the Catholic church, which strongly
endorsed Conservative ideals, found itself in direct opposition with the state
government. When, on June 16, 1859, Governor Gonzalez Ortega decreed a
penal law against the Conservative elements in Zacatecas, causing many
Catholic priests to flee the state.
The French invasion of Mexico in 1861 was just another extension of the
conflict between the Conservatives and Liberals. Invited by the
Conservative faction to invade Mexico, the French forces, against great
resistance, were able to make their way to Mexico City and occupy the
capital. In 1864, the French forces occupied Zacatecas as well. However,
the occupation of Zacatecas lasted only two years and by 1867, the French
were expelled from all of Mexico.