EOL Manufacturing Study Guide
EOL Manufacturing Study Guide
EOL Manufacturing Study Guide
Training manual
Exact products are being innovated and developed on a continuous basis. Be aware that these training materials are therefore
subject to change and that any versions printed or saved as a local copy may be outdated.
1 Introduction
1.1 Welcome
1.1 Certification
1.2 Objectives
2 Unique Lamps
3.2 Settings
5.12 Backflush
6.1 Quotation
7.1 Transactions
8 Assignment keys
1 Introduction
1.1 Welcome
Welcome to the functional training Exact Online Manufacturing. In this training the Manufacturing solution
of Exact Online is explained. This training takes two days and can be done as self-study.
1.1 Certification
This (functional) training course is part of the Specialised Certification Exact Online Manufacturing. In order
to follow this training you must have passed the Cloud Accountant Certification and the Specialised
Certification Exact Online Wholesale. This two day training course can be done as self-study.
1.2 Objectives
After completing this training course, you will be able to:
Explain the settings for Manufacturing in Exact Online.
Explain how the master data is set up for Manufacturing in Exact Online.
Explain the roles & rights relevant for Manufacturing in Exact Online.
Explain the processes in Manufacturing: stock controlled and order controlled.
Explain the (possible) steps in the stock controlled process within Manufacturing in Exact Online.
Explain how to set up a Bill of materials (BOM) in Exact Online.
Explain how to enter, issue, plan, receive, enter time-entry and complete a shop order.
Explain what back-flush is and how it works in Exact Online.
Explain how to outsource an operation in Exact Online.
Explain the (possible) steps in the order controlled process within Manufacturing in Exact Online.
Explain how to enter a quotation including volume discounts in Exact Online.
Explain how to calculate prices for produced items in Exact Online.
Explain how to accept the quotation, create the sales order and shop order in Exact Online.
Explain the different overviews used for Manufacturing in Exact Online.
Explain how to work with the Manufacturing Dashboard in Exact Online.
Explain the journal entries created in the different steps in the Manufacturing process in Exact
Explain the functionality of purchase prices lists, stock ageing and cluster picking list.
Explain how to work with assembly orders.
Explain the use of multiple warehouses, item locations and storage locations.
Explain how to set up and work with serial/batch.
Explain how to use the MRP overview.
Explain how to set up and work with multi-level bills of materials.
Explain how to use the cost price calculations.
1.5 Preparation
In the assignments you will set up and work with a Manufacturing company. You can already create this
Manufacturing company in Exact Online, follow the next steps:
Fill in the form and make sure to use the following data:
First name & Name: Your first name and last name
In the confirmation screen, you can see the login information. Write this down and click L O G I N .
This will bring you to the Exact Online login screen. You can always reach this login page to access
your company by navigating to https://start.exactonline.co.uk.
Please be aware that you always use the UK Exact Online environment to access this training
Because you used the link above to create your company, your company is automatically linked to
the accountant Your Accountancy Firm (Training), which is confirmed in this screen. Click
Click I W A N T T O SE T U P T H I S C O M P A NY V I A A T E M P L AT E .
Your company is now ready and you can start working on the assignments. The Exact Online subscription
that is created via this link, is an Exact environment that can be used for this training. Please do not change
the subscription. It will expire after one month.
2 Unique Lamps
One of BoHos largest suppliers is Unique
Lamps. The company is located in Delft and is owned by Nick Young. He started creating lamps as a hobby,
which eventually resulted into a successful small business. In 2005 he started his own company, which
quickly grew and now has 10 employees.
Unique Lamps manufactures different types of lamps: floor, wall, ceiling and table lamps. Most of the
lamps consist of a base, a stem and a lamp shade. The base and stem are usually made of metal, the lamp
shade is made of different fabrics.
The design of the lamps is quite quirky and unique, thus the name. Even though Unique Lamps creates
several of its assortments in bulk, each lamp has the look and feel of a one-off creation. Unique Lamps has
also created commissioned pieces customized to suit specific settings upon request. Unique Lamps have
been featured in several online and print magazines including Style Magnet and inspirebohemia.com.
To produce a lamp first the base and stem have to be melted into the right shape. Next the base, stem and
lamp shade are assembled. Sometimes the base and stem are painted, but this process is outsourced.
Used in:
Debit / credit
Work in progress
Other assets
Manufacturing variance
Other costs
Item groups
Other costs
Cost of goods
(raw materials)
Stock of finished goods
Item groups
(finished goods)
Purchase variance
Item groups
(raw materials)
Cost of subcontracting
Item groups
Labour applied
Production areas
Production areas
Production areas
Production areas
3.2 Settings
For Manufacturing the following settings are important:
SH O P O R D E R N U M B E R : this indicates the next shop order number that will be used when a new
shop order is created. You can change this number. When a number is specified that is already in
use, the system will automatically use the next consecutive available number.
SH I F T D U R A T I O N : this settings allows you to specify the default total time of a shift. This value is
used to:
Calculate the shop order end date in the shop floor planning.
Estimates: provides data based on the total estimated time minus the time that was
actually consumed.
Calculated estimates: provides data based on the quantity of items reported in time
entry (for example, you have completed 5 of 15 items) and uses the estimated run
times supplied in the shop order routings to calculate the remaining hours for the
parts to be completed.
M A R K U P T Y P E : this option is used to define the default markup method that is used for
manufacturing quotations. You can choose from the following options:
M A R K U P A L L : this option will allow you to mark up both the labour hours and the
for a fixed rate that can be specified in the applied work centre.
E M P L O Y E E : the employee used for the time entries of the backflush operations. It is advisable to
create a separate employee for this.
D E F A U L T B A C K F L U SH : O P E R A T I O N S : If this check box is selected, when you add a routing line to
a shop order, manufacturing bill of material, or quotation, the time will automatically be entered for
the operation step.
D E F A U L T B A C K F L U SH : M A T E R I A L : When this box is checked it will automatically issue raw
materials as you put finished goods in stock.
3.3.1 Units
Units can be used when you create an item. A unit shows per which quantity you purchase or sell the item;
per box, gram, meter, dozen, liter or pallet. The purchase unit can differ from the sales unit, for example
when an item is purchased in a box and sold per piece. Also different sales prices can be created per unit,
for example an item is sold per bottle or per crate. When a transaction has been made with the item, the
unit cannot be changed anymore.
standard cost prices. The purchase variances are recorded. However, production costing reports are based
on the actual purchase prices of the purchase orders linked to shop orders. When you link the purchase
variance ledger to the item group this will also be involved.
When you want to make use of subcontracted (outsourced) work, it is best to also create a separate item
group for subcontracted work. In this item group, one general ledger Cost of subcontracting is created
(P/L, type general), which is linked to both the S T O C K / C O ST S and the P R I C E D I F FE R E NC E S field. The
item group is linked to the item used for the subcontracted work.
When you create a production area a code and description have to be entered. If you would like this
production area to be assigned by default to all newly created work centres, select the D E FA U L T check
box. Only one production area can be designed as the default.
In the F I N A N C I A L section general ledgers have to be linked, these ledgers are used when you create
manufacturing time entries. If you do not specify a general ledger account for one of the burden types and
a manufacturing time entry is created, no journal entry is created. The following types are included:
Labour applied
General burden applied
Machine burden applied
Labour burden applied
When you create a work centre, a P R O D U C T I O N A R E A can be linked. In the T Y P E field the type of work
centre can be selected, you can choose from Machine, Person or Cell.
If in the Manufacturing settings the Q U O T A T I O N M A R K U P M E T H O D is set to M AR K U P P U R C H A SE S ,
you can define a SE L L R A T E that will be used in quotations.
You can also define labour and burden rates for the work centre.
In the L A B O U R R A T E S section the following rates can be defined:
SE T U P L A B O U R : the estimated hourly rate required to setup the work centre to run parts.
R U N L A B O U R : the estimated hourly rate required to run parts through the work centre.
In the B U R D E N R A T E S section the following rates can be defined:
M A C H I N E B U R D E N : the hourly rate that represents the estimated work centre related costs to run
the day to day operations that are attributed to the work centre.
G E N E R A L B U R D E N : the hourly rate that represents the estimated administrative costs to run daily
operations that are attributed to the work centre.
L A B O U R B U R D E N : the hourly rate that represents the estimated labour costs to run this work
L A B O U R B U R D E N A S % O F L A B O U R : when this option is enabled, the labour burden field above
represents a percentage. You can enter a percentage of the labour costs that represent the
estimated employee related costs that are attributed to the work centre.
3.3.5 Operations
Operations are tasks or performance of work. These tasks may include assembly, preparation for the next
task and inspections. Operations are used in shop order routings.
When you create an operation a R E SO U R C E T Y P E can be selected, this can be a work centre or a supplier.
When the option W O R K C E N T R E is selected then in the next field the work centre can be selected to
which this operation belongs.
In the D E F A U L T R E SO U R C E : E S T I M A T E S section setup and run estimates can be defined related to the
resource you have specified in the D E F A U L T R E SO U R C E section. The values entered here will be used
when the operation is selected for routings.
The option SU P P L I E R can be used to indicate that this operation is outsourced and in the next field a
supplier can be selected. When the option S U P P L I E R is selected the screen changes and at the bottom of
the screen information about this operation at the supplier can be entered, such as purchase unit and lead
When an outsourced operation is created, an item for this operation is also created. The default
item group is linked to this item; this has to be changed to the item group that is created for
subcontracted work.
In the item maintenance of the finished good select the B I L L O F M A T E R I AL S T A B and click the link AD D
N E W to create a new bill of materials.
The V E R S I O N N U M B E R is an automatically generated field. Each time you modify the bill of materials, the
V E R SI O N N U M B E R will be adjusted sequentially to the next number. The V E R SI O N D A T E is used to track
changes that are made to the bill of materials. If you modify the bill of materials, the V E R S I O N D AT E will
be updated.
There are several S T A T U S options:
A C T I V E : only a bill of materials that is active can be used in a shop order. There can be multiple
active versions of a bill of materials. When a shop order is created, the D E FA U L T bill of materials
will be used, but this can be adjusted
E N G I N E E R I N G C H A N G E P E N D I N G : this status is used to indicate that a change was made to the
bill of materials. All bills of material with a status of E NG I N E E R I N G C H A NG E P E N D I NG will be
shown as an alert on the Manufacturing dashboard to alert you that a bill of materials needs to be
H I ST O R I C : when a new version of a bill of material is created, approve and set to AC T I V E , the
When the bill of materials is saved the operations and materials that are used in the bill of materials can be
defined via the R O U T I N G and M A T E R I A L S tab.
In the R O U T I N G tab select the E D I T link to add the operations that are required and the sequential order
in which they have to be performed.
Each routing step includes information about work centres or suppliers that are used to complete the
operation and provides you with total costs and planned hours for each routing step based on the setup
and run times, or unit costs given.
In the lines the operations can be selected and on the right side the P L AN N I NG panel displays the default
properties from the maintenance of the operation. The options are dynamic. If the operation is an inside
operation the options are setup amount per time unit, run amount per time unit, efficiency percentage,
attended percentage, setup time and run time.
If the operation is outsourced and performed by a supplier, the options are unit costs/per piece, lead days,
minimum charge, total cost and total quantity.
For both types of operations it is important that the price (setup, or run or unit cost) is filled,
otherwise no journal entry will be created when the time entries are approved.
The A R R O W U P and A R R O W D O W N buttons can be used to rearrange the sequence of routing steps.
In the materials tab select the E D I T link to add materials to a bill of materials.
In the lines the items can be selected, the Q U A N T I T Y R E QU I R E D can be entered and the C AL C U L AT O R
The C A L C U L A T O R T Y P E represents the quantity of material units needed per planned quantity. This can
be a fixed quantity per shop order, for each time the finished good is created. It can also be materials per
piece, which means a quantity depending on the quantity of finished goods that is planned.
The other options can be selected when dealing with dimensional items.
When the option B A C K F L U S H is enabled, this item does not need to be issued: the issues are
automatically realized when the finished goods are entered.
When all materials and operations are linked to the bill of materials, select the update button, so the cost
price of the item is updated with the calculated cost price.
It is important the cost price field is updated, because if the cost price of the item is
0,00, no journal entry is created when the shop order is finished, see also chapter 5.10. Report
In the maintenance of the bill of materials the R E P O R T button can be used to view, export and print all
materials or routing steps of a bill of materials. Select the R E P O R T button and then M AT E R I AL S to view
the list of materials. Select the R E P O R T button and then R O U T I NG to view the list of routing steps.
In both cases select the T O O L S option to export or print this overview. Where-used
In the item maintenance of the raw material in the W H E R E - U SE D tab you can see in which bill(s) of
materials this item is used.
This tab displays the first five parent items in which this item is used. Click the SH O W AL L link to view all
parent items that use this item.
The employee roles determine access to time entry activities.
A P P R O V E T I M E E N T R I E S : this role allows a user to approve and manage manufacturing entries.
M A I N T A I N E M P L O Y E E S : this role allows a user to create employees, edit employees and view
employee salary information.
T I M E E N T R Y : this role allows a user to create daily time entries.
Shop order
The shop order roles determine how a user can interact with the creation and maintenance of shop orders.
C O M P L E T E SH O P O R D E R S : this role allows a user to complete shop orders.
E N T E R SH O P O R D E R S : this role allows a user to create new shop orders and edit existing shop
M A N U F A C T U R I N G M A ST E R D A T A : this allows a user to modify the manufacturing settings,
specify new job titles when creating employees and modify XML imports regarding manufacturing.
Work centre
The work centre roles determine how users can interact with features related to the manufacturing work
M A I N T A I N O P E R A T I O N S: this role allows a user to create new operations and edit existing
M A I N T A I N P R O D U C T I O N A R E A S: this role allows a user to create new production areas and edit
existing production areas.
M A I N T A I N W O R K C E N T R E S : this role allows a user to create new work centres and edit existing
work centres.
In the I N V E N T O R Y tab the role V I E W B I L L O F M AT E R I A L S is important. This determines if a person can
view and maintain the bill of materials for an item.
Set up database
Make sure you have a database with an Exact Online Manufacturing subscription and the
F I R M ( T R A I N I N G ) template (see paragraph 1.5). Some master data and settings still have
to be created.
Create the production areas MELT and ASSEMBLE and link the general ledgers 64010,
64020, 64030 and 64040 in the F I N A NC I AL section.
Create supplier Best Paintings, fill in the address data as you like.
Run method
Create items BASE and STEM. Link supplier Dagi Metals B.V. and item group 2. Cost price
and purchase price of the BASE is 2,- and of the STEM is 1,-. Link VAT code 01 and
enable the options P U R C H A S E and ST O C K . For both set the R E O R D E R P O I N T to 40 and
the M A X I M U M ST O C K to 200.
Create item LAMPSHADE, link item group 2 and supplier Fantastic Fabrics, the cost price
and purchase price is 5,-. Link VAT code 01 and enable the options P U R C H A SE and
ST O C K . Set the R E O R D E R P O I N T to 40 and M AX I M U M ST O C K to 200.
Create item FLOORLAMP1 and link it to item group 1. Enable the options S T O C K , SA L E S
and M A K E . Link VAT code 01. Set the R E O R D E R P O I N T to 20 and the M AX I M U M
ST O C K to 60. The sales price is 75,-.
Create a stock count to replenish the STEM, BASE and LAMPSHADE to the maximum stock
position of 200 pieces.
One FLOORLAMP1 is manufactured consisting of one base, one stem and one lampshade.
The time to melt the base and stem is 2 minutes per piece and it has a setup time of 5
minutes. After this it takes 3 minutes per lamp to assemble the base, stem and lampshade.
Create the bill of materials of item FLOORLAMP1. The lead time is 1 day.
Select the U P D A T E button to update the cost price of the item with the C AL C U L A T E D
C O ST P R I C E of the bill of materials.
Make sure the cost price of the item is updated with the cost price of the bill of materials.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now that the bills of material are created, in the next chapters the process will be explained. The
manufacturing process can be stock driven or order driven.
Exact Online Manufacturing offers production functions for both stock driven as well as order driven
Stock driven manufacturing
Stock driven manufacturing means that production is done based on stock. The company purchases
materials and produces the end product purely on the basis of the stock levels. In the picture above the
quotation process is skipped and the process starts with the planning process, the creation of a shop order,
in which the quantity is based on the stock level.
Order driven manufacturing
Order driven manufacturing means that the production will not start until an order is received from the
customer. In the picture above the process starts with the quotation process, a quotation is created in
which a price is calculated based on the customers requirements. When the terms are accepted the
quotation results in a sales order. The sales order is the base for the production.
In chapter 5 the process for stock driven manufacturing is described. Next in chapter 6 the process for
order driven manufacturing is described.
In the filters section you can select an item group or item or if nothing is selected all items with the
property M A K E enabled are considered. In the stock level field you can filter the demand planning results
based on the current stock levels of different items. Click the D R O P - D O W N AR R O W to narrow the item
results to a stock level that falls within the selected category.
The screens allows you to generate shop orders to bring the projected stock levels up to predefined
required levels. In the O P T I O N S section you can define the behaviour of the S H O P O R D E R creation.
With the P L A N N E D Q U A N T I T Y option you can influence the quantity of the created shop order. If B R I NG
P R O J E C T E D ST O C K U P T O 0 is selected, the resulting new shop order will calculate the planned to a
bring the selected item stock up to the maximum stock value as defined in the item card. This calculation is
achieved by subtracting the items maximum stock value from the current projected stock.
The P L A N N E D D A T E option allows you to specify how the planned date is calculated for the new shop
orders. It SE T T O D A T E O F F I R S T P L A N NE D O U T D AT E is selected, the planned date on the new shop
order will be set to the earliest date that occurs between these two options:
Earliest delivery date of the item
Shop order requirement date
If SE T T O C U R R E N T D A T E is selected the planned date on the new shop order will be set to the current
calendar date.
Select the item(s) for which production is needed and choose the C R E AT E S H O P O R D E R button.
In the I T E M field select the item that needs to be manufactured and in the P L A N NE D QU A NT I T Y field
enter the quantity that needs to be manufactured.
When you want to gain insight into the costs and profit per cost unit and cost center, you can link a cost
center and cost unit in the C O ST A N A L Y SI S section.
By default, the current date is displayed in the E NT R Y D A T E the P L A NNE D D A T E field will be calculated
based on the lead time of the bill of materials. With the C A L E ND A R icon the E NT R Y D A T E and P L AN NE D
D A T E can be changed for the shop order.
The R E M A R K S section can be used to enter additional remarks for this specific shop order. The remarks
will be visible on the shop order page.
You can define start and end dates for each operation and track the progress of the shop orders. The chart
allows you to drill into the details of every shop order; if you see that an order is behind schedule, you can
navigate directly to that shop order to view details on time entry and routings. By hovering your mouse on
the routing lines you can view detailed planning and time entry information, such as the dates it is planned,
the percentage completed and the quantity completed.
The S T A T U S SE C T I O N provides you with insight in the current state of the shop order. There are three
status options that are maintained by the system, they include:
O P E N : when a shop order is created, the system automatically sets the status to open. The open
status indicates that no activity has taken place regarding the shop order. This means that no shop
order stock receipts have been issued, no materials have been issued, no purchase orders have
been created for shop order materials and no time entries have been entered for routing lines.
I N P R O C E S S : this status indicates that activity has taken place and work is underway.
Activities that will place a shop order in the I N P R O G R E S S status include:
F I N I S H E D : this status indicates that the planned quantity amount in the shop order has been
accounted for. There are no remaining hours left on the shop order.
In addition to system maintained status options, there are several status options that the user can define,
these include:
I N P L A N N I N G : a user defined state that you can use to indicate a planning status of your assigned
category and definition.
R E L E A SE D : a user defined state that you can use to indicate a release status of your assigned
category and definition.
O N H O L D : this status locks a shop order. When a shop order is on hold, no transactions or changes
are allowed to the shop order.
In the O V E R V I E W section shows a list of linked orders, materials or tasks. Select one to open the section.
The R O U T I N G SE C T I O N provides a graphical display of both scheduled and unscheduled routing lines for
the shop order. On top of the section you see a number displayed as long as the routing lines are not
planned. When the routing lines are planned, you can see the date(s) displayed on top of the section.
You can view detailed planning and time entry information of any line in the chart by hovering your mouse
on the desired line.
The M A T E R I A L S section displays all of the materials that are required for the shop order. When you click
the M A T E R I A L S link the M A I N T E N A N C E : M AT E R I A L S screen opens where you can place additional
materials on the shop order.
The P U R C H A SE SE C T I O N displays purchase orders that are linked to the shop order and their status. Also
purchase orders can be created from here using the AD D link.
The I SS U E S SE C T I O N displays all material issue records and transactions that have been made for the
shop order and materials can be issued using the A D D link.
The F I N I S H E D I T E M S section provides you with a real time total of the number of items that are finished,
ready to ship and delivered.
The T I M E section displays all of the time entries that have been made for the shop order. The S H O P
O R D E R : T I M E R E P O R T can be opened from here using the T I M E link and the D A I L Y T I M E E N T R Y
SC R E E N where you can create a new time entry for the shop order using the AD D link.
When the purchase orders are created, the status of the shop order changes to I N P R O G R E S S . When the
items are received, the status of the materials in the M AT E R I AL S SE C T I O N changes to FI NI S H E D ,
meaning the materials are received.
Enter the employee, the operation and in the activity column choose setup time or run time. The planned
hours are prefilled and you can enter the actual time.
On the right site of the screen you can choose whether you want to enter the time entries per day of per
When the time entries are saved, they will get the draft status and can still be edited. When they are
submitted, it indicates they are completed and ready for review and approval.
In the manufacturing settings you can indicate if the time entries need to be approved, if so, the status of
the routing line is only updated after they are approved. Also the transactions are created when the time
entries are approved. When time entries do not need to be approved, the status is updated and
transactions are created when the time entries are submitted.
In the R O U T I N G SE C T I O N of the shop order card you can now not only see the blue planned routing line,
but also a green realized routing line. By hovering your mouse on the green line you can see the finished
status, the percentage, the quantity and the last employee for who time entries have been made.
Labour applied
The description of the operation used in the time entry is also displayed in the journal entry.
When the supplier has performed the task the purchase order can be received.
The following journal entry is created when the operation of a subcontract is received:
Subcontracted costs
Invoices/goods to be received
Work in progress
Subcontracted costs
Also a purchase invoice has to be created. The following journal entry will be created for the purchase
Invoices/goods to be received
VAT to claim
In the F I N I SH D A T E field the date can be entered on which the items are finished.
The quantity finished items can be entered in the Q U A NT I T Y T O R E C E I V E column and in the
D I SP O SI T I O N column you can indicate what you want to do with the quantity that is received, the options
D E L I V E R : launches the goods delivery screen. This option can only be selected when there is an
open sales order for this item, otherwise a message will appear: Not all selected shop orders to ship
have a related sales order.
ST A G E F O R D E L I V E R Y : updates the R E A D Y T O SH I P quantity on the shop order in the FI NI S H E D
I T E M S tab.
Stock finished goods
Work in progress
It can occur that after finishing the shop order the stock quantity is updated, but no journal
entry is created. This happens because the cost price of the finished item is 0,00. So when the
bill of materials is linked to the item, select the U P D AT E button in the bill of material to make
sure the cost price is filled.
Manufacturing variance
Work in progress
5.12 Backflush
Backflushing is a manufacturing method through which you can issue materials and generate time entries
automatically when production has been posted against a shop order. Backflushing uses the completed
quantity to automatically calculate quantities that were used and will reduce inventory by that amount.
This is best used in shop order with a short turn around (from raw material to finished product), because
the stock position of the raw material is only up to date when the product is finished. It is also used for bulk
items, such as screws, that are used in large amounts and for which it is not desirable to count them piece
by piece.
The backflush option can be defined in the bill of materials, both for materials and operations. When in a
bill of materials the backflush option is enabled for a raw material, it is not possible to generate a purchase
order for this item from the shop order.
Check the shop order card. What is the status of the shop order?
Create a Sales Order for customer Cuppa Coffee for 45 pieces FLOORLAMP1.
Make sure the delivery date of the Sales Order is two weeks from todays date.
What is the planned date for the Shop Order that was just created?
Plan both shop orders on the promised date: plan the individual operations one day after
each other. (if there is a weekend in between then exclude Saturday and Sunday in your
Check the R O U T I N G section in the shop order card for shop order 20000001.
Go to the layout maintenance and select SH O P P AP E R . Make sure you choose to create a
N E W L A Y O U T and select the option to ST A R T F R O M A N E X AC T O NL I NE T E M P L AT E .
Go to the menu to print the shop order and select the layout you just linked.
Issue the materials from the shop order card of shop order 20000001.
Which journal entry is created for the issue of the raw materials?
What is the status of the shop order?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
Enter the time entries for John Smith for shop order 20000001.
Check the R O U T I N G section of the shop order card of shop order 20000001.
Which journal entries are created for the time entries? Check the T R AN S AC T I O N S
overview [ M A N U F A C T U R I N G , R E P O R T S, T R A N S AC T I O N S] to see all journal entries
created for a shop order.
Plan the shop order, there should be at least 4 days in between MELT and ASSEMBLE,
because the lead time of the painting is 4 days.
Issue the materials for the shop order. Enter the time entries for the MELT operation, the
time planned is the actual time spent.
Select the Purchase Order link and click NE W to create a new layout.
Select S T A R T F R O M A N E X A C T O NL I NE T E M P L A T E .
Now go the purchase order for the subcontracted work and send the delivery note to the
supplier with the layout you just created.
Which entry is created for the receipt of the PAINT operation? (Check the
T R A N S A C T I O N S overview as well as the general ledger Subcontracted costs.)
Check the R O U T I N G section on the shop order card. Is the operation on time?
Enter the time entry for ASSEMBLE, the actual run time was 1,8 hours.
What do you need to do before you can complete the shop order?
In the bill of materials enable the option B AC K FL U SH for all the raw materials and
The 20 lamps are manufactured, finish the shop order and in the D I S P O S I T I O N column
select the option P U T I N S T O C K .
Check the transaction list of item BASE, is the stock updated (reduced with 20 bases)?
6.1 Quotation
The order driven manufacturing process starts with a quotation. In the quotation the raw materials can be
linked and a price can be calculated for the items. The bill of materials does not need to be created first.
A quotation can be entered via [ C R M , Q U O T A T I O N S, C R E A T E ] . The quotation process is described in
the training for Exact Online Wholesale Distribution; with an Exact Online Manufacturing subscription there
are five extra columns in the quotation lines: D E T AI L S , AL E R T S , B O M , R O U T I N G , M A T E R I AL S .
In these columns the materials and operations can be linked manually, so the price of the finished item can
be calculated and quantity discounts or net prices can be defined, which can be offered to the customer.
It is also possible to copy the materials and routing from an existing BOM to an item on a
quotation by clicking in the B O M column. This option makes it easier to create a quotation and
to provide the most accurate price quotation to the customer.
In the quotation line you can enter the requested item, this may have to be created first.
The D O C U M E N T S column displays the quantity of documents that are linked to the quotation. When the
hyperlink is selected the documents can be viewed, this can be for example a detailed description of the
design of the finished item. When a shop order is generated from this quotation, later on in the process,
the documents are also linked to the shop order.
It is also possible to enter extra notes in the quotation lines: important comments about the item. To be
able to use this, the R E M A R K and C O P Y R E M AR K fields have to be enabled in the item maintenance. This
can be done using the C U S T O M I Z E button in the G E NE R AL tab.
In the R E M A R K S field the extra comments about the item can be entered. When the C O P Y R E M AR K S
option is enabled, the text is also copied to the quotation.
In the quotation enable the N O T E S field (via the C U S T O M I Z E button), so the field is displayed in the
quotation lines.
When you select the N O T E S button in the quotation line, a screen with the text appears. When necessary
this can be adjusted.
In the M A T E R I A L S column select the link and the QU O T A T I O N : M A T E R I AL S screen appears.
In this screen you can select the raw materials needed to manufacture the item.
When an item is selected, the U N I T C O S T is filled and you can enter the QU AN T I T Y R E Q U I R E D . In the
next column you can indicate if the quantity of this item is a fixed quantity for each time this end product is
manufactured (F I X E D ) or if this quantity counts for each piece that is manufactured ( M AT E R I AL S P E R
P I E C E ).
The other options can be used when working with dimensional items. This is beyond the scope of this
training course.
If you want the item to be backflushed, you can enable the B AC K FL U S H option. When all materials are
linked, you can SA V E and C L O SE the screen.
With the button C O P Y F R O M it is also possible to copy the materials from a BOM version of the item or an
item that might be quite similar from a material perspective.
When you add materials to a quotation, the item price is automatically populated in the materials line
item. Clicking the U P D A T E W I T H I T E M S T AN D AR D C O ST button, launches a check against the current
cost price associated to each material item as it is defined in each item's page.
If you manually update the price of an item on the QU O T A T I O N | M A T E R I AL S P AG E and click
the U P D A T E W I T H I T E M S T A N D A R D C O S T button, no change in cost price will be made to
the manually updated line item (s). Manually modified material line items will retain the cost
price you entered regardless of what is specified on the item page.
In the quotation line in the RO U T I N G column select the link to open the QU O T AT I O N: R O U T I N G screen,
in which the operations can be selected.
This screen looks similar to the R O U T I N G SC R E E N of the bill of materials in item maintenance. In the lines
select the operations, enable B A C K F L U S H if needed and on the right site of the screen enter the SE T U P
and R U N T I M E . The A R R O W U P and A R R O W D O W N buttons on the left site of the operations can be
used to rearrange the sequence of the routing steps. When all routing steps are defined S AV E and C L O SE
the screen.
Once again the button C O P Y F R O M allows you to copy routing steps from another items BOM.
When both the materials are linked and the routing steps are defined, select the link in the D E T AI L S
column, which will open the Q U O T A T I O N : QU A NT I T I E S screen.
In this screen the price(s) can be determined. First select the C AL C U L A T E P R I C E S button to calculate the
price based on the raw materials and routing steps, this will be displayed in the C AL C U L A T E D P R I C E field:
When this is not done, you will see a warning sign in the AL E R T S column:
When the prices are calculated this sign will disappear again.
The calculated price is based on the cost price of the materials, the rates defined in the work centres linked
to the operations and the markup percentages. You can enter both a P U R C H A SE M AR K U P % for the
materials and subcontracts and a L A B O U R M A R K U P % for the operations. Depending on the
C A L C U L A T I O N M E T H O D , which is defined in the manufacturing settings (see 3.2.2), the system will
determine the C A L C U L A T E D P R I C E .
When the option U SE C A L C U L A T E D is enabled the calculated prices is also taken over in the U NI T P R I C E
column. When the column U S E C A L C U L A T E D is disabled, you can manually enter a unit price.
You can also use volume prices, for different quantities. You can add extra lines and change the markup
percentage(s) and the system will calculate the price. The lines with the highest quantity will be displayed
in the quotation screen, but all the lines can be displayed on the quotation layout. When all data is entered
the quotation can be (final) printed and sent to the customer.
When the customer accepts the quotation, the quotations can be processed into a sales order.
Instead of entering all materials and routing manually in the quotation it is also possible to copy the
material and/or routing steps from the BOM directly in the quotation. Especially when a lot of materials
and routing steps are necessary this offers a fast and accurate way of creating the quotation.
This functionality is similar to clicking on the button C O P Y FR O M in the routing or materials screen.
When clicking in the BOM column, the C U ST O M C O P Y | B I L L O F M AT E R I AL S screen is shown.
For the items that needs to be quoted the correct BOM version can be selected and you can indicate if the
routing and/or materials from this BOM version should be included. In the section C O P Y you can indicate if
the routing and material from this BOM should be added to the materials and routing steps that are
already entered in the BOM or if the existing routing steps and material should be replaced.
When the button C O P Y is used, then automatically the routing and materials columns in the quotation line
are filled. It is then possible to make adjustments to the material or routing steps.
When all data is entered correctly, the quotation can de final printed.
A separate shop order is created for each quotation line in the quotation for which there are materials
and/or a routing linked.
The system will suggest the quantities that are needed to produce this shop order and will not consider
available stock. You can see the available stock in I N ST O C K column and adjust the quantity when there is
already enough stock. Select the C R E A T E P U R C H ASE O R D E R S button to create the purchase order(s).
Work in progress
the order driven process where the shop order is created based on a quotation and sales order, it is
advisable to select the D E L I V E R option.
This will launch the goods delivery screen and the sales order can be delivered right away.
A journal entry for the finished item is now created as well as an entry for the goods delivery.
When the item of a shop order is finished, the following journal entry is created:
Stock finished goods
Work in progress
Cost of goods sold
Manufacturing variance
Work in progress
In the issue reversal screen in the return column you can indicate the quantity to be returned.
The following transaction will be created for the reversal:
Stock raw materials
Work in progress
The report I SS U E R E V E R S A L H I ST O R Y [ M A NU F AC T U R I NG , R E AL I Z A T I O N , SH O W AL L , I S SU E
R E V E R S A L H I S T O R Y ] acts as a report for all issue reversals.
In the finish reversal screen in the reversal quantity column you can indicate the quantity to be returned.
The following transaction will be created for the reversal:
Work in progress
The report F I N I S H R E V E R S A L H I S T O R Y [ M A NU F AC T U R I NG , R E AL I Z AT I O N, SH O W AL L , FI NI S H
R E V E R S A L H I S T O R Y ] acts as a report for all finish reversals.
Customer The Museum Cafe calls, they are interested in a custom made table lamp and want
to know what the price is. If they can get a nice price, they will order 50 lamps at once.
The table lamp consists of 1 base, a short stem and 1 special lampshade which is made of a
special lace fabric. The item base already exists in the database, the other items have to be
Create item STEMSHORT, link supplier Dagi Metals B.V. and item group 2. Cost price and
purchase price are 1,-. Enable the option P U R C H A SE .
Create item LAMPSHADESPECIAL, link supplier Fantastic Fabrics and item group 2. Cost
price and purchase price are 5,-. Enable the option P U R C H A SE .
In the first line select F2 and new and create item TABLELAMP1. Link item group 1 and VAT
code 01 and enable the option M AK E . Save the item.
In the M A T E R I A L S column, in the quote, add the raw materials. Select the button
U P D A T E W I T H S T A N D A R D C O ST P R I C E and C AL C U L AT E P R I C E S.
We will quote The Museum Cafe for a quantity of 1, 5 and 50 pieces. Select the D E T AI L S
link. First enter a quantity of 1, set the purchase and labour markup to 30% and calculate
the price. The quantity of 5 will go for a purchase markup of 10% and labour markup of
15%. The quoted quantity of 50 will have a purchase markup of 0% and a labour markup of
Round off the prices to the nearest whole or half GBP above the calculated price and enter
Accept the quotation for 50 lamps, enable both the option C R E A T E S AL E S O R D E R and
C R E A T E SH O P O R D E R .
In the item maintenance of TABLELAMP1 make sure the cost price has the correct value
Now that the shop order is created, the materials can be ordered.
Time entry
Enter the time realized for this shop order for employee John Smith:
MELT: setup 0.08 hours and run time 4.17 hours.
ASSEMBLE: no setup time and run time 4.30 hours.
Create a copy of the quotation in assignment 13, final print it and accept it (create the
sales order and the shop order for 50 lamps).
What is the P L A N N E D D A T E ?
The sales order has to be delivered in two weeks, adjust the delivery date in the sales
order line.
Create a stock count to make sure you have at least 100 BASES, STEMS and LAMPSHADES
on stock.
Go to [ M A N U F A C T U R I N G , R E A L I Z AT I O N , I S SU E R E V E R S AL ]
Select the line for the Base and return 1 BASE then click P R O C E S S .
7 Overviews
In the Manufacturing subscription there are several overviews you can use to gain insight in the status of
production or insight in the costs or revenue. In this chapter some overviews are described. The reports
can be found in [ M A N U F A C T U R I N G , R E P O R T S, . . ] .
The dashboard components and links give you direct access to shop orders and entry items.
Quick links
The Q U I C K L I N K S section gives you direct access to common manufacturing processes.
Shop capacity
The SH O P C A P A C I T Y charts represent the current capacity of the entire shop grouped by production area.
Capacity is calculated by the shift duration you specify multiplied by a 5 day work week, multiplied by the
number of work centres in the production area. You can hover your mouse over each bar in the graph to
get detailed information. Not planned indicates that routing lines have not been assigned start and end
dates. Clicking on the bar in the graph will launch a detailed capacity chart of the production area, showing
the capacity of each work centre in the production area.
In the cost overview columns are displayed with planned amounts and actual amounts. The planned
amounts are based on the quantities and prices from the shop order. The actual amounts are based on the
actual quantities and prices that are really used; for materials the prices from the purchase orders are used
and for time entries the actual time that is entered.
7.1 Transactions
The T R A N S A C T I O N s overview [ M A N U F AC T U R I N G , R E P O R T S , T R A N SAC T I O N S ] shows all financial
transactions created for a shop order where the general ledger Work in progress is involved.
In the E N T R I E S field you can select which type of general ledgers you want to view: the work in progress
ledgers, the offset ledgers or both type of ledgers. Click the E NT R Y N O . links to view details of the journal
entries that are created.
When the project is already linked to the quotation, this will be copied to the shop order.
Transactions overview
Cost overview
8.2 Features
In the advanced solution of Exact Online Manufacturing the following (extra) features are included:
Purchase price list
Stock ageing analysis
Cluster picking list
Multiple warehouses
Storage locations
Assembly order
Multiple level of BOM
Cost price calculation
The features purchase price list, stock ageing analysis and cluster picking list have already been explained
in the training Exact Online Wholesale Advanced and will there for not be explained in this training
anymore. Although multiple warehouses, serial/batch and assembly order have been explained in Exact
Online Wholesale Advanced, they will also be covered in this training as well, to see how it works in Exact
Online Manufacturing.
8.3 Preparation
For the assignments you can continue with the Exact Online environment you created earlier in this
training. When you have already done the Exact Online Manufacturing training a while ago and you do not
have the environment anymore (or you created the environment using an Exact Online Basic subscription),
then you have to create a new environment for the assignments. In order to do this use the link which can
be found in paragraph Error! Reference source not found.. Also do assignment 1 3, so you have the right
master data to use for the assignments in this advanced part.
9 Warehouse Management
In order to get grip on the inventory, manufacturers can use multiple warehouses and/or storage locations
to better manage their warehouse(s).
By default, one warehouse is already present in the company. The details of this warehouse can be
updated as per your requirements. There is no limit of the number of warehouses that you can create. One
warehouse can be selected as the main warehouse.
Once you have set up the warehouses in your company, you can link items that are stored in that
warehouse. Items can be linked to the warehouse from the warehouse maintenance or the item
maintenance. When a shop order is created for an item, Exact Online will select the main warehouse of this
item by default, this can be changed.
When the option U SE ST O R A G E L O C A T I O N S is enabled, the warehouse card will have an extra tab
ST O R A G E L O C A T I O N S , from where the storage locations can be created and maintained.
When a storage locations is created it is mandatory to link a warehouse and enter a code.
Storage locations should be created and described clearly so that warehouse employees know exactly
where they are. The code can be an actual location; in the code the warehouse, zone, aisle, section, shelf
etc. can be included, for example:
1 02 01 - A
1 Warehouse 1
02 Second aisle in the warehouse
01 Rack 1
A Shelf A (bottom) in rack 1
When storage locations are set up, you can link a (fixed) storage location to an item. This can be done via
the I T E M tab in the warehouse card or via the S T O C K tab in item card.
It is also possible to link multiple items to a storage location at once via item maintenance. You can select
multiple items and select the link edit: all simultaneously.
The assortment of Unique Lamps is extending, it includes more different types of lamps.
Some lamps, such as chandeliers, are large in size and use quite some space in the
warehouse. In the current warehouse there was not enough space, so Unique Lamps has
rented extra storage space in the building next door. This extra space is mainly used for the
finished lamps that have a large size or raw materials that need special care because they are
To have a better overview of the stock in the different buildings, Nick Young wants to work
with multiple warehouses in Exact Online. In the existing warehouse they also want to make
use of different locations, in the extra rented warehouse this is not necessary.
2 Warehouse 2: address: Mainroad 5-7, 1234 , York, do not enable the option U SE
ST O R A G E L O C A T I O N S .
Create the warehouse locations in warehouse 1 from the table below. So for example the
code will be: 1-01-01-A
Make sure (enter a count) the stock of all these parts is 100 on the locations they are
linked to.
Item LAMPSHADE is also stored in warehouse 2, link the item to warehouse 2 and enter a
count for 50 lampshades in warehouse 2.
In Exact Online an item can be linked to multiple warehouses. However per warehouse the item
can only be linked to one storage location.
Shop order
Which warehouse is now used for the issued materials? (Check T R A N SAC T I O N L I S T
overview of one of the raw materials). Is this the main warehouse or the warehouse linked
to the shop order?
In Exact Online when materials are issued, the materials are issued from the warehouse linked
to the shop order, regardless whether there is (enough) stock or in that warehouse.
10 Serial/Batch
10.1 Introduction
Another way to get grip on inventory is to work with serial/batch numbers. Using serial/batch numbers
makes it easier to track and trace items; with serial/batch numbers you can identify individual products or
a group of products (batches).
In some type of industries legislation or customer demand requires traceability, like in the pharmacy-,
food- and beverages-, automotive- and electronics industries. Seral and batch numbers are very useful
especially for quality tracking purposes. If a complaint is received with regard to the item, the serial or
batch number can be used to identify its origin so that investigative measures can be taken. In case of a
recall, knowing the batch involved makes the difference between recalling the batch and recalling all
products, harming all parties involved in the supply chain of this product.
Next you can specify per item if it is a serial or a batch item (or none of this).
This will indicate if serial or batch numbers are relevant for the item used in the different transactions. An
item can be a serial or a batch item, it cannot be both.
You can also select the L I N K behind the serial or batch number to see the SE R I AL / B AT C H screen.
Here you can enter more information about this serial or batch number, such as a S T A R T D AT E or E ND D A T E . It is also possible to block this serial or batch number, for example in case a quality test needs to be
10.3.3 Reporting
Tracking serial and batch number can be done via the serial and batch overviews. These overviews show
you what has happened to one or more serial and batch numbers from receipt to delivery. The overviews
can be found via I N V E N T O R Y / SE R I A L N U M B E R S/ and I NV E N T O R Y / B A T C H N U M B E R S
The O V E R V I E W report shows a list of all serial or batch numbers, which can be filtered by item,
warehouse or date.
You can view and edit the serial/batch number here. Via the D E T AI L S link in the T R A NS AC T I O N S column
you can zoom into the T R A N S A C T I O N S overview.
The T R A N S A C T I O N S overview shows all transactions of a serial/batch number. For example when a
serial/batch item is returned from a customer, you can see in which sales order the serial/batch number
was used and also in which shop order it was manufactured. This way the right measurements can be
Unique lamps has designed a chandelier.
When a chandelier is manufactured, first the arms and chain are welded to the base. Next
two ornaments are welded to the base and one ornament is welded to each arm. Finally the
lamps are assembled to the arms. Since welding is a new production operation for Unique
Lamps, Nick Young wants to keep track on the chandeliers, is case of any malfunctioning.
Therefor the chandelier will be a serial item.
The lamps that are used for the chandeliers must all be of the same batch, as there may be
small deviations in color.
Create the production area WELD and link general ledgers 64010, 64020, 64030 and 64040
in the F I N A N C I A L section.
Create items ARM, ORNAMENT and CHAIN, link supplier Dagi Metals B.V. and item group
2. Cost price and purchase price of the ARM is 1.00, of the ORNAMENT and CHAIN
0.50. Enable the options P U R C H A SE and S T O C K . Link both items to warehouse 1, ARM
to location 1-02-01-A, ORNAMENT to location 1-02-01-A and CHAIN to 1-02-01-B.
Create item LAMP1, link supplier Fantastic Fabrics and item group 2. Cost price and
purchase price of the LAMP1 is 1.25, the sales price is 2.00. Enable the options
P U R C H A SE , S T O C K and B A T C H . Link the LAMP1 to warehouse 1 and location 1-01-01-B.
Enter a stock count for these items, make sure for ARM and LAMP1 you have 120 pieces,
for the ORNAMENT 80 pieces and for CHAIN 10 pieces in warehouse 1. For LAMP1 assign
batch numbers 2015GREY01 (60 lamps) and 2015GREY02 (60 lamps), you do not have to
enter an expiry date.
Create item CHANDELIER1, item group 1, sales price is 50,-, link to warehouse 1, location
1-03-01-B, enable the option ST O C K , M A K E and SE R I AL and create the bill of materials:
One CHANDELIER1 is manufactured consisting of one base, one chain, 8 ornaments, 6 arms
and 6 lamp1s.
First the arms and chains are welded to the base, then the ornaments are welded to the base
and the arms. The time to weld the arms, chain, base and ornaments is 10 minutes per piece
and it has no setup time. After this it takes 4 minutes to assemble the lamps to the arms.
Create the bill of materials for CHANDELIER1, the lead time is 1 day.
Make sure you update the cost price with the calculated cost price.
Finish the shop order, assign serial number: CH201501 --- CH201510.
Sales order
Customer Cuppa Coffee is interested in the new chandelier and they want to buy 2
chandeliers. Customer ABC Hardware Ltd wants to buy 1 chandelier.
Enter a sales order for Cuppa Coffee for 2 chandeliers. Use warehouse 2..
Deliver the sales order and assign serial numbers CH201501 and CH201502..
Enter another sales order for 1 chandelier for ABC Hardware Ltd, deliver the sales order
and assign serial number CH201503.
Where can Nick see which other serial numbers were manufactured in this shop order?
Check the D E T A I L S link in the T R AN S AC T I O NS column behind the serial numbers that
were also manufactured in the same shop order and that are not available anymore.
In which sales order for which customer are these serial numbers used?
11 Assembly orders
11.1 Introduction
Instead of using a shop order to manufacture items that consist of other items, manufacturers can also
make use of assembly orders. Assembly orders allow you to create assembled items and keep them in
stock. Assembled items have a bill of materials which states all the parts that make up the assembled item.
There is a difference between the assembly order number and the assembly number. When you create an
assembly order it is given a number, this is the assembly order number. Once the order has been fully or
partially completed it is then added to your stock. The completed order has a separate number, this is het
assembly number.
For example if we create an assembly order for 100 gift boxes but only 50 are completed, those 50
completed items are given an assembly number. It is possible that one assembly order number has
multiple assembly numbers. This is similar to when we create a purchase order, the purchase order is given
a purchase order number. Once we have received the goods we have a receipt number. One purchase
order can have multiple receipts.
This ledger is used for the assembly result; when there is a price difference between the cost price of an
assembled item and the cost prices of the items that make up that assembled item.
In this tab you can create the bill of materials for an assembled item (used in an assembly order) as well as
the bill of material for manufacturing (used in a shop order). The difference is explained in section 11.1.2.
You can create the bill of materials for an assembled item by selecting the A D D NE W button in het
A SSE M B L E D I T E M section.
In the B I L L O F M A T E R I A L S screen you can add the various items that make up the assembled item. In a
bill of material for an assembled item you only add parts, no routing is added. When creating a bill of
material for an assembled item you have the option to select whether an assembled item is assembled at
delivery (in a sales order) by checking the AS SE M B L E A T D E L I V E R Y box. When this field is checked, the
A SSE M B L E field in the sales order is checked by default. This means the item is assembled during delivery
We can produce parts with Exact Online Manufacturing Basic shop orders and with Exact Online
Wholesale Distribution Advanced assembly orders. Exact Online Manufacturing Advanced
contains both shop orders and assembly orders. In Appendix A. you can find an extended
description of the differences between these.
The assembling of components as well as the repacking of goods is a way for wholesale distributors and
manufacturers to create unique products within an assortment and to save purchasing costs.
The process flow above shows the process for assembly orders and repacking (upper flow) and the process
for assembly at delivery (bottom flow). In both cases the process starts with the creation of a bill of
materials. You can use the assembled item for planning of assembly orders. Assembly orders
Assembly orders can be used to replenish assembled or re-packaged items. The assembly process in Exact
Online is simple and basically consists of two steps:
Create the assembly order
(Partially) finish the assembly order Create the assembly order
The assembly order can be created from the menu [ I N V E N T O R Y , AS SE M B L Y O R D E R S , C R E A T E ] or
from the stock report [ I N V E N T O R Y , R E P O R T S , ST O C K P O SI T I O N S] :
In this screen you can select the assembly item and the planned quantity. In the parts section you will
automatically see all the items from the bill of materials from the item maintenance.
After the entry of assembly orders, the required components for the assembly may be picked from the
warehouse or may have to be ordered first (with assistance of the purchase order advice). Once all parts
are moved to the assembly department, the actual assembly can take place.
To give the people in the warehouse the actual assignment for the assembly, you can print an assembly list.
The assembly list will show all parts and quantities and storage location information to facilitate this
process. Finish the assembly order (partially)
When the item is assembled, the assembly order can be finished and the assembled item will be moved to
its storage location. You can finish the assembly order in [ I N V E N T O R Y , A S SE M B L Y O R D E R S , C H AN G E
O R F I N I S H ] . When you open the assembly order you can (partially) receive it with the FI NI S H button.
You can fill in the received quantity in the quantity field. You cannot change the quantities of the parts
when you finish an assembly order. It is also not possible to change a part in the assembly order for
another part. For these kind of functionality a shop order can be used.
When you receive it partially and you no longer intend to assemble the remaining quantity, then you can
C O M P L E T E the assembly order.
When an assembly order is finished the stock of the assembled item will go up and the stock for the parts it
is build up off will go down.
The following journal entry is created when an assembly order is finished:
General ledger
Stock Part 1
Stock Part 2
Assembly result
When there is a difference between the cost price of the assembled item and the sum of the cost prices of
the parts, there is an assembly result (debit or credit). This amount is entered on the Assembly order
difference ledger, which can be linked in the F I N ANC I AL tab of the company settings. Assembly at delivery
Next to using the assembly orders to increase the stock of as assembled item, it is also possible to
assemble at the latest possible time. Especially when multiple variants of standard sets of components are
possible, keeping them all in stock may be too expensive. It could also be that due to the expiry of
products, the option of picking and combining the components at the latest possible time is a requirement.
Assembly at delivery is also referred to as kitting.
After setting up the bill of materials, you can create a sales order for the assembled item. In the bill of
material of this assembled item the option A S SE M B L Y AT D E L I V E R Y is enabled, see section 5. When
using an assembled item in a sales order you still have the choice in the sales order to take the items from
stock (normal item behavior) or to assemble at delivery. This is all determined by the field A S SE M B L E in
the sales order line. When the A SSE M B L E field is checked, this means the assembled item will be
assembled during delivery.
When the picking list is printed, there is an option to print the assembled item and/or the bill of materials.
Depending on whether the warehouse staff is already aware of what to assemble, you can choose to only
print the assembled item or also include the parts on the layout.
When the goods are delivered, the stock movement is created for the parts of the assembled items and not
for the assembled item itself. The difference between assembled items and items taken from stock is that
the stock levels of the parts will decrease. Also the financial entries are made for the parts and not for the
assembled item and on the sales margin report you will see the costs per parts and not per assembled
Customers like to have an assortment of lamps in their living room that are all of the same
style. Unique Lamps offers a BOX that includes 1 floorlamp and 2 tablelamps. This box is sold
a lot, so it is assembled on stock.
Create item BOX, link item group 2 and supplier Fantastic Fabrics, the cost price and
purchase price of the box is 0.10. Enable the options P U R C H A SE and ST O C K . Link the
BOX to warehouse 1 and location 1-02-02-B.
Create item LAMPBOX, link item group 1. The sales price is 60,-. Enable the options
ST O C K , S A L E S and M A K E . Link the LAMPBOX to location 1-02-02-A.
Create the assembly BOM for the LAMPBOX, which consist of 1 BOX, 1 * FLOORLAMP1 and
2 * TABLELAMP1. Do not enable the option ASSEMBLY AT DELIVERY. Make sure the cost
price of the LAMPBOX is updated with the calculated cost price.
Assembly order
Since the LAMPBOX is sold a lot, Nick Young wants to make sure there is some stock.
The assembly is not completely finished, so you only have to finish 6 pieces.
Can you see that the remaining 4 lampboxes that need to be finished?
Check the A S SE M B L Y H I ST O R Y .
How many assemble numbers and assemble orders number are there for this order?
Create a sales order for 1 LAMPBOX for customer IT Subcontracting Services and deliver
the sales order.
Assembly at delivery
For the chandelier it is possible to order a chandelier with 6 extra lamps. This way, when the
lamps need to be replaced, the customer has some extra lamps. The chandelier and 6 lamps
are placed together in a box at delivery.
Make a copy of LAMP1, use code LAMP2, same cost price, disable the option BATCH.
Create this box for the chandelier, item CHANDELIERBOX, link item group. The sales price
is 65.00. Enable the options ST O C K , S AL E S , M A K E , SE R I AL and O R D E R
C O N T R O L L E D . Link the CHANDELIERBOX to location 1-02-02-A.
Create the assembly BOM for the CHANDELIERBOX, which consist of 1 CHANDELIER1, 1
BOX and 6 * LAMP2. Make sure the cost price of the CHANDELIERBOX is updated with the
calculated cost price.
Deliver the sales order, make sure you can see the SE R I AL NU M B E R column in the
delivery screen. Click the 0 link in the order line, enter a serial number for the
CHANDELIERBOX and select the magnifying glass under parts. Select a serial number for
the CHANDELIER and deliver the sales order.
When a bill of materials for an assembly item contains a part that is a serial or batch item, the
finished item has to be a serial or batch item too.
Select the details link at the sales order for IT Subcontracting Services.
Now go back to the overview and select the details link at the sales order for Senser Ltd.
12 MRP
For Manufacturers it is important to have good insight in the stock levels. Not only at this moment and per
warehouse or storage location, but the manufacturer also wants to know the stock levels in the future. This
way he can act and take measurements on time.
The MRP detail overview and the MRP overview give insight in the development of the stock levels in time.
This enables the manufacturer to better plan for future inventory needs.
You can enter filter values to select a warehouse of determine the number of periods you want to see for
this item.
The first column (before the date columns) displays the stock before the first date column.
In the project balance line you can see how the stock level for this item will develop in time and in the lines
above this you can see the reason for a decrease or increase in stock. For example in the picture above you
can see that the projected stock will decrease from 85 to 35 on 26/02/2015 and this is due to an assembly
order in which this item is needed.
The projected balance line can have different colors, based on the projected stock and reorder point. The
colors mean the following:
Green: indicates that the projected stock quantity is at or above the reorder point.
Yellow: indicates that the projected stock quantity is below the reorder point.
Red: indicates that the projected stock quantity is less than 0.
In this overview you can quickly see how supply and demand effect your inventory. Based on the criteria
entered in the filters you can see for which item(s) there will be a stock problem. The colors indicate the
stock level on a particular date, an explanation of the colors can be found in section 12.1.
In this overview you can hover over a field to see how the projected stock is composed (sales order,
assembly order or purchase order). You can click on a colored cell to go to the MRP detail overview and see
the MRP details for an individual item.
Only stock items are displayed in the MRP overview.
Enter a sales order for 100 CHANDELIERBOX for delivery in two weeks from today, do not
deliver it.
In the projected balance line do you see the quantity change in time?
Click on the Q U A N T I T Y link in the column within 2 weeks for item BOX.
13 Multi-level BOM
13.1 Introduction
Products like machines, electronic devices and many consumer products including food are produced from
semi-finished products or subassemblies. If the (finished) product is an agricultural machine, subassemblies
may be the hydraulic system and the gear box. Even the hydraulic system may itself be composed out of
subassemblies, like a hydraulic pump. In the food industry, we produce tanks full of ketchup as a semifinished product used to produce (cartons with) ketchup bottles.
The above products are constructed from multi-level bills-of-material. On the highest level we have the
finished product with a BOM, but for the hydraulic system we have an underlying BOM.
A multi-level bill of materials shows parent-child relationship and the structure of manufactured items and
their related parts and components.
The indented bill of materials shows you all items used to produce the manufactured item. The quantities
are shown required to produce its immediate parent, and quantities are shown to produce the batch
quantity of the main parent. Indented bill of materials report
Via the R E P O R T link in the screen above, you go to the I ND E NT E D B I L L O F M AT E R I AL S report, which
can also be found via M A N U F A C T U R I N G / R E P O R T S / I N D E NT E D B I L L O F M AT E R I AL S .
This report displays the quantities in stock and allows to enter an order quantity of choice. This way, the
report serves as a manufacturing capability report that gives insight in whether sufficient material is
available (or expected) to produce the required quantity of product. The report can act as a planning tool
to manage your manufacturing production per item. The report can be viewed on screen, printed or
exported to Excel.
13.2.2 Where-used
Instead of having an overview on how a finished item is composed, manufacturers also want to see in
which item a certain part is used. For example when parts become obsolete and need to be replaced in the
bills of materials where they are used. On the item card in the W H E R E - U SE D tab you can find an overview
of this.
This overview is available for the basic and advanced solution of Exact Online Manufacturing. When the
item is used in a bill of materials, the first five parent items are shown and the properties of the applicable
bill of materials version.
When the SH O W A L L link is selected, you will be navigated to the W H E R E - U SE D report. This can also be
found via M A N U F A C T U R I N G / R E P O R T S / W H E R E - U SE D . This report shows the parent items in which an
item is used, it can be filtered on BOM version date and BOM version status and it can be printed or
exported to excel.
When the option C R E A T E S U B O R D E R S is not enabled in the shop order of the parent item, you can also
select the C R E A T E S U B O R D E R S button in the shop order card.
To use the option C R E A T E S U B O R D E R S in the shop order, the property O R D E R C O N T R O L L E D
has to be enabled in the subassembly item.
The components of the shop order are displayed in a nested list. This enables you to see the main shop
order and any suborders associates with it.
When items are issued to the parent shop order the following journal entry is created:
General ledger
Shop order
Work in progress
Subassembly item
Work in progress
Subassembly item
When the quantity of the suborder exceeds the quantity needed in the parent shop order, you can put the
additional items in stock.
When your manufacturing needs to change you can unlink a suborder from a parent shop order. You can
do this if, for example, when your customer cancels an order and you no longer need to complete the
parent shop order, but you want to manufacture the items on the suborder for future use.
The suborder can be unlinked from the shop order card using the U NL I NK S U B O R D E R button.
The suborder is unlinked from the parent shop order and is a main shop order now. It is now possible to
adjust fields, such as the P L A N N E D D A T E .
The suborder cannot be unlinked after items are issued to the parent shop order.
This can be resolved by removing the item from this bill of materials.
To see if circular bills of materials exist in the company, you can perform a consistency check bill of
materials, this can be found via C O M P AN Y N AM E / M AS T E R D AT A / D A T A M A NA G E M E NT /
C O N SI ST E N C Y C H E C K / M A N U F A C T U R I NG T AB . This will check if an item appears as a component of a
Multi-level BOM
The chandeliers sell very good, so Unique lamps has designed another one.
This chandeliers consists of 1 chain, 1 base, 6 arms and 6 lamps. The lamps of this chandelier
consist of a lamp and a lampshade.
LAMPB consists of 1 LAMP1 and 1 LAMPSHADE. The LAMP1 and LAMPSHADE are assembled,
this takes 2 minute per LAMPB.
Create the bill of materials of LAMPB, enter the routing and materials as described above.
Create item CHANDELIER2, link item group 1, enable the options S AL E S, S T O C K and
M A K E . Link the CHANDELIER2 to warehouse 1 and location 1-03-01-B.
Enter a shop order for the CHANDELIER2 for 10 pieces. Enable the option C R E AT E
Open the shop order for the LAMPB and edit it.
Issue the materials for this shop order, assign a batch to item LAMP1.
Open the shop order for the CHANDELIER2 and finish it. Put all chandeliers in stock.
Circular BOM
Open item LAMPB and edit the bill of materials. Add item CHANDELIER2 to the bill of
14 Cost roll up
14.1 Introduction
When a bill of materials is created for a finished good, you can update the cost price of the finished good
with the calculated cost price of the bill of materials. The cost prices of the raw materials may change in
time; the cost price of the finished good is then not up to date anymore. Therefor it is advisable to do a
cost roll up from time to time. Another reason to do this, is to see the effect of upcoming price changes of
the raw materials or the operations (for example labour).
When purchase prices of materials change, or when labour or machine rates get adjusted to new values,
this should become reflected in the cost prices of manufactured products. Currently we will have to
navigate to the BOM materials or BOM routing where those materials or rates are used and save the new
values. This is of course a lot of work and not efficient. When we are working with subassemblies, it is
required to recalculate cost prices of components before we recalculate the cost prices of parts that
require those components. To make the process easier and more efficient, you can use the cost price roll
up functionality in Exact Online Manufacturing Advanced.
14.2.1 Roles
In order to create and run a cost roll up scenario, you must have the M A I N T AI N C O ST R O L L U P
SC E N A R I O S role enabled. To update inventory prices, you must also have the M AN AG E I N V E NT O R Y
M E T H O D role enabled.
A cost roll up scenario can be created in Exact Online via the menu path [ M A NU F AC T U R I N G / C O S T
R O L L U P / C R E A T E ] . Here you can enter the set of rules that will be applied to the cost roll up.
In the scenario you can define to which items to apply the calculation (item, item group, assortments), and
which rules you will apply to calculate the price. You can also choose to limit the roll up to items that are
order controlled. When the option E X P L O D E O R D E R - C O NT R O L L E D I T E M S O N L Y is selected, the cost
roll up scenario ignores items defined as stock controlled. This will benefit assemble-to-order
manufacturers that do want to calculate the cost price of a customized product, but do not want to change
the cost prices of standard subassemblies.
In the L A B O R R A T E O P T I O N S section you can enter an amount or percentage based on which the labor
rate will change. This can be a positive (increase) or negative (decrease) change.
In the M A T E R I A L R A T E O P T I O N S section you can enter a percentage based on which the material rate
will change. This percentage will be applied on the cost specified in the SO U R C E field. In the SO U R C E field
you can select standard, last purchased, shortest lead time, primary supplier or lowest purchase price:
In the M A K E / B U Y field you can indicate which cost the scenario has to use if the item is both a make and
purchase item.
Lets have a look at the FLOORLAMP that Unique Lamps manufacturers. This lamps has a multi-level bill of
There is also labour involved, but for this example only the cost price of the materials will be considered.
When the cost prices of METALFRAME and LACE both increase with 0.10, this will only affect the cost
price of the FLOORLAMP when the cost price of the LAMPSHADEX and the cost price of the FLOORLAMP
are recalculated manually. It is easier and more efficient to create a cost roll up scenario for this.
When the cost roll up is finished, you can select V I E W R E S U L T to view the results.
The result of the scenario run is presented in an overview where you can view for each item the current
cost price and the new cost price. For make items, this cost price is immediately applied to the calculated
cost price of the (active) BOM version, for buy items the new cost price is presented merely as the basis
where the cost rollup has been based on.
Here you see the result of the increase of the cost prices of the raw materials: the cost price of the
FLOORLAMP will increase with 0.20.
Cost roll up
The purchase price of the lampshade and the arm have increased and therefor also the cost prices need to
be adjusted. The purchase price of the LAMPSHADE has increased with 0.40 and costs now 5.40. The
purchase price of the ARM has increased with 0.60 and costs now 6.60. Nick Young wants to know what
the effect is on the cost price of the CHANDELIER2.
Update the purchase price and cost price of the LAMPSHADE to 5.40. Also do the stock
revaluation. (In the G E N E R A L tab of the item, select the S T O C K R E V AL U AT I O N link and
perform the revaluation).
Update the purchase price and cost price of the ARM to 1.60. Also do the stock
And the calculated cost price of the CHANDELIER2, has this changed?
revaluation. (In the G E N E R A L tab of the item, select the S T O C K R E V AL U AT I O N link and
perform the revaluation)
To update the cost price of the LAMPB and CHANDELIER2 you can manually update the cost price
with the calculated cost price manually, but it is easier and more efficient to use the cost roll up
functionality for this.
Check out the item card of the CHANDELIER2, have the calculated cost price and the cost
price changed?
Create a cost roll up scenario for item group 1. The cost price needs to be adjusted
according to the cost price of the raw materials.
Save the cost roll up scenario and select the R U N button and view the results.
What is now the calculated cost price of the CHANDELIER2? And the cost price?
And what are the calculated cost price and the cost price for LAMPB?
Cost roll up
Nick Young has heard that the purchase prices of the raw materials may increase in a few
months. He wants to know what the effect will be on the FLOORLAMP1.
Create a cost roll up scenario to calculate the effect of an increase of the materials of 10%.
Since Nick only wanted to know what the effect will be, you do not have to update the
15 Assignment keys
Assignment 1 Setup database
Item group 3: if general ledger 51006 is not displayed in the screen to select the
stock / cost ledger, then empty the T Y P E field and refresh the screen.
Question: Routing:
For melt the defaults can be saved (see picture above), for assemble the run time has to be
set to 3:
Melt and Assemble are the same as for the FLOORLAMP1, PAINT is extra.
Question: Can you explain the cost price of the FLOORLAMP2?
The cost price is calculated based on materials and the operations. Since the
PAINT has a minimum charge of 10.00, the cost price is 8.72 (same as
FLOORLAMP1) plus 10.00 for 1 piece and for 2 pieces. When the quantity is
higher (from 3 pieces on, the costs for PAINT will be 4.00 per unit)
Question: Check the shop order card. What is the status of the shop order?
The planned date is 1 day from now (or more if there is a weekend in between).
This is triggered by the lead time in the BOM.
Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress
Question: Which journal entries are created for the time entries?
The following entries are created for the time entries:
Work in progress
Labour applied
Work in progress
Labour applied
Labour applied
Work in progress
Labour applied
Work in progress
Work in progress
Question: Which entry is created for the receipt of the PAINT operation?
The following entry is created when you receive the subcontracted work back
from the supplier:
Cost of subcontracting
Work in progress
Question: Check the R O U T I N G section on the shop order card. Is the operation on time?
The operation is O N SC H E D U L E .
Question: What do you need to do before you can complete the shop order?
You should first receive the purchase invoice for the subcontracted work, before
you can complete the shop order.
Assignment 12 Backflush
Question: Check the transaction list [ P U R C H A SE , I N V E NT O R Y , T R A N S AC T I O N L I ST ] of
item FLOORLAMP1BF, is the stock updated?
After finishing the shop order for the FLOORLAMP1BF the transaction list shows a
stock receipt of 20 lamps.
Question: Check the transaction list of item BASE, is the stock updated (reduced with 20
After finishing the shop order for the FLOORLAMP1BF the transaction list shows
that the stock of the raw material BASE is reduced with 20 pieces.
Question: Are there also entries created for the performed operations?
The time entries are automatically registered for the operations that are linked to
the BOM. If you do not see any entries in the overview make sure the option
E N T R I E S is set to B O T H in the overview
Assignment 13 Quotation
Question: What are the cost prices for the different quantities?
The cost prices for the different quantities are: (this can be calculated by dividing
the amount in the T O T AL C O ST column by the quantites)
Qty 1: 11.40
Qty 2: 9.53
Qty 3: 8.60
Assignment 15 Materials
Question: Can you see if the raw materials are issued?
The raw materials that you have purchased and received from your suppliers
where automatically issued for this shop order and not put on stock.
Work in progress
Labour applied
Labour applied
Work in progress
Labour applied
Labour applied
Work in progress
Labour applied
Labour applied
Assignment 17 Finish
Question: Which entry is created for finishing the item?
The following entry is created when the shop order is finished:
Work in progress
Question: Which entry is created for the delivery of the Sales Order?
The following entry is created when the sales order fulfilled:
You can find this journal entry among others via [ S AL E S, G O O D S D E L I V E R I E S , H I ST O R Y ] : select the link
in the E N T R Y N O . column to view the journal entry.
Question: Is a financial entry created for the return of the raw material?
There is also an entry created for the return to stock:
Work in progress
of the item and the quantities from the shop order (the quantities that are
planned). The A C T U A L : T O T AL C O ST column is based on the actual prices
(from the purchase order) and actual quantities (from the receipt and time
entries) that are used.
Assignment 22 Warehouses
Which warehouse is used for the issued materials? (Check the inventory list of
one of the items to see the warehouse used.
Warehouse 1
Which location is used for the FLOORLAMP1? (Check the stock positions
Location 1-03-01-A, the location of warehouse 1 that is linked to the item.
Which warehouse is now used for the issued materials? (Check the inventory list
of one of the raw materials. Is this the main warehouse or the warehouse linked
to the shop order?
Warehouse 2 is used when the materials are issued. This is the warehouse linked
to the shop order.
Where can Nick see which other serial numbers were manufactured in this shop
In the [ I N V E N T O R Y , SE R I A L N U M B E R S, T R A N SAC T I O N S ] overview when
Nick clicks on the SH O P O R D E R R E C E I P T link he can see the details of the shop
order receipt. When he clicks on the SE R I AL NU M B E R link he can see the serial
numbers from that shop order.
In which sales order for which customer are these serial numbers used?
The sales order for Cuppa Coffee.
Question: How many assemble numbers and assemble orders number are there for this
There are 2 assembly numbers and there is 1 assembly order number.
For the LAMP, BOX and CHANDELIER1, for the parts of the finished item.
On the shop order card in the shop order structure tab you can see all related
shop orders and their levels.
Question: Can you adjust the planned date?
You cannot adjust the date since the shop order is linked to a parent shop order.
Question: Which journal entry is created?
The following entry is created:
General ledger
Shop order
Assignment 37
Question: Create a cost roll up scenario to calculate the effect of an increase of the materials
of 10%.
The cost roll up scenario should look like this:
Question: What will the new cost price of the FLOORLAMP1 be?
The new cost price will be 9.96
Shop orders
Assembly orders
known as kitting.
consists of materials.
consists of materials.
bill of materials).
assembled part.
of materials.
Shop orders
Assembly orders
shop order.
assembly orders.
delivery items.
to an assembly order.
We have the choice to manually
assembled part.
At the receipt of the manufactured
received or delivered.
and costing.
and costing.
as serial or batch.
batch number.
where applicable.
not supported.