Aebi Catalase

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The 2nd Kurdistan Conference on Biological Sciences

J. Duhok Univ. Vol.12, No.1 (Special Issue), Pp 138-145, 2009

University of Dohuk 6-8 May, 2008


College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
(Accepted for publication: October 29, 2009)

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of three toxicants: diazinon , carbaryl and lambdacychalothrin, on catalase
and glutathione s-transferase activity in brain, liver and kidney tissues of both weanling and adult rats. Eighty male Wistar rats were
used, 40 of them were weanling with an average ages of 3-4 weeks, and the other 40, were adult with average ages of 13-15 weeks.
Rats from each group were subdivided into 4 subgroups; 10 animals in each. One subgroup was regarded as control, the others three
groups were treated with either 50ppm of diazinon, 50-ppm of carbaryl or 20 ppm of lambdacychalothrin. The toxicants were given
in drinking water for 45 days.
The results indicated that, diazinon carbaryl" and lambdacychalothrin in the applied doses inhibited the activity ofcatalase and
glutathione s-transferase in the weanling as well as in the adult rats.The inhibitory effects of the toxicants on the activity of
glutathione s-transferase was greater in the tissues of weanling rats in comparison with adult one. The inhibition in the activity of the
catalase and glutathione s-transferase (an antioxidant enzymes), may be due to that the applied toxicants induced oxidative stress
and lipid peroxidation. This in turn could cause inhibition in the activity of antioxidants, or oxygen free radical scavangering


umerous environmental factors affect

biochemical processes of organisms and
reduce their ability to grow and reproduce. Free
radicals are considered as the factors involved in the
action of nearly each stressor or noxious stimulus.
The mechanism of free radical generation includes
mostly a partial reduction of molecular oxygen during
mitochondrial or microsomal reactions (Laszczyca,
1999). Free radicals have been implicated in
pathways of metabolism of drugs and environmental
chemicals. Oxygen free radicals-are reportedly
involved in toxicity of numerous chemicals and also
in pathogenesis of many diseases (Kehrer, 1993; Ray
and Banerjee, 1998). An impact of toxic
environmental agents upon animal organism
frequently involves free radical phenomena.
All organisms possess adequate enzymatic and
non enzymatic defensive mechanisms, which mitigate
harmful effects of free radicals. Despite speciesrelated differences in the activities of these anti
oxidative enzymes mechanisms, they may
be considered as a measures for biological response
(Liczmanski, 1988b).
The first line of defence are cytosolic and
mitochondrial superoxide dismutases (Cu, Zn-SOD
and Mn-SOD; EC which catalyse the
dismutation of superoxide anion radical to hydrogen
peroxide (Misra and Fridovich, 1972; Southern and
Powis, 1998; and Niwa etal. 1993). Hydrogen
peroxide is then removed by either several
isoenzymes of glutafhione peroxidase or by catalase
found in the cytosol and mitochondria of most tissue.
Catalase (CAT) activity becomes important at higher
concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, at which the

enzyme decomposes most of this compound

(Grisham and McCord, 1986; Liczmanski, 1988a;
Southern and Powis, 1988; and Gaetani et al. 1996).
Free radicals damage cellular components causing
lipid peroxidation, protein and DNA oxidation
(Blake et al., 1987).
The glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are a
family of enzymes that catalyze the conjugation of
glutathione (GSH) with a variety of both xenobjotic
and endobiotic compounds, which have electrophilic
functional groups (Pickett and Lu, 1989). In
mammalian glutathione S-transferase (GSTs), there
are a multigene family of isoenzymes, which have
been classified as alpha, mu, pi, theta, kappa, sigma
and zeta according to their sequence homologies and
substrate specificities (Armstrong, 1997; and Hayes
and Pulford, 1995).
Diazinon is a wide spectrum organophosphorus
insecticide used to control soil insects, pests of fruits
and flies, fleas, and cockroaches as well as against
animals ecfoparasites (Extoxnet, 1996). Diazinon is
an organophosphorous insecticide, that exert their
main toxicological effects through nonreversible
phosphorylation of acetylcholinesterase in the central
nervous system (Aldridge and Reiner, 1972).
Carbaryl insecticides are neurotoxic carbamate,
which controls insects on citrus, fruit, cotton, forests,
ornamentals, as well as on poultry livestocks.
Generally carbaryl is an inhibitor of cholinesterase
activity and this effect is dose related and quickly
reversible (WHO, 1994). Lambdacyhalothrin
insecticides are synthetic pyrethroid and acaricides
used to control a wide range of pests, (Royal Society
of Chemistry, 1991). The Pyrethoid displays high
affinity to Na4 channels and evokes their toxic effects
through changes in the function of these channels.
The binding of pyrethroids to Na+ channels causes a

Part of thesis submitted to College of Veterinary Medicine for MSc degree.


The 2nd Kurdistan Conference on Biological Sciences

J. Duhok Univ. Vol.12, No.1 (Special Issue), Pp 138-145, 2009

prolonged channel opening (Narahashi, 1996,

Narahashi et al, 1995, Vijverberg and Van den
Bercken, 1990). The present study was undertaken to:
1. Evaluate the influence of long-term intoxication of
rats with sub-toxic doses ofDiazinone, Carbaryl and
Lambdacylothrin on the activity of Catalase,
Glutathion S- transferase in different tissues of rats.
2. Determine the relationship between the age of the
rats and their sensitivity to the toxic effects
ofdiazinon, carbaryl and lambdacylothrin.

Laboratory Animals
The experiments were carried out on 80 male
Wistar albino rats. Fourty of them were weanling.
Their ages ranged from 3 to 4 weeks with an average
weight of about 25 l25g. The others were adults
whose ages ranged from 13 to 15 weeks and with an
average weight of about 3 01 3 Og. The rats were
maintained in cages at room temperature (25-28C)
and subjected to normal daylight variations .The
animals were given free access to food and the treated
groups were given drinking water containing
Experimental Design
Eighty male Wistar rats were divided into two
main equal groups: one as weanling rats and the other
as adult rats. Both groups of rats were treated equally
in all respects and each group was randomly
subdivide in to four subgroups (10 rats / group).
Group 1: received no treatment and served as
Group 2: treated with diazinon in a dose of50ppm,

University of Dohuk 6-8 May, 2008

( Suham company for agriculture protection. Chines).

Group 3: treated with carbaryl in a dose of 50 ppm,
( Macshfan Faresi Company (M.F.C.),Iran).
Group 4: treated with lambdacyhlothrin in a dose of
20 ppm, ( Syngenata company,England).
All toxicants were given with drinking water for 45
consecutive days.
Collection and Preparation of Tissue Samples
The experimental rats were anaesthetized by
diethyl ether and sacrificed a day after the last
treatment. Samples from brain, liver and kidney were
rapidly removed and kept in aluminum foils,
which were immersed in ice. Two hundreds mgs were
taken from each sample (tissue) separately.
The samples were then homogenized in 10 ml of the
ice-cold phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) in a glass
homogenizer. The homogenized tissues were filtered
through double-layered gauze and used to measure
catalase activity.
Determination of Catalase (CAT) Activity
The activity of catalase was determined according to
Aebi (1984) in 3 ml, of reaction media,
which contained: Two mis of homogenizing
medium (phosphate buffer pH7.0) in a test tube
followed by 1 mlofH202 solution (0.34 ml B.^ +100
ml of buffer pH 7.0). The blank was composed from:
one ml buffer pH 7.0 and 2 mis tissue homogenate
(pH 7.0).The extinction was measured at a
wavelength of 240 nm using UV- Vis
spectrophotometer (Model Unicorn He X 105 p). The
activities ofcatalase were calculated as shown in this

(Ab t- Ab b/5)

x vol(2) x dil(2)

Specific activity ofcatalase =

(40mg pr)
mol /min /mg protein
Ah t = absorbance of test tube /min
Ab b = absorbance of blank tube/min
Vol = Volume of the reaction medium (2ml)
Dil = dilution of supernatant (2ml)
40 = value of the extinction coefficient.
mg pr = protein mg /ml

As in catalase, samples from brain, liver and

kidney were rapidly removed and kept in aluminum
foils, immersed in ice. One hundred mgs were taken
from each sample (tissue) separately. The samples
then were homogenized in 5 ml of the ice-cold (trisHCL buffer) medium (pH 9.0) in a glass
homogenizer. The homogenized tissues were filtered
through double-layered gauze and then used for
Glutathionin S-Transferase assays. The activity
ofGlutathionine -S-Transferase is determined

according to Yu ( 1982) in 3.02 ml of reaction

medium, which contains:0.95 ml of buffer pH 9.0, 2
ml ofGSH (reduced glutathione) (23.05 mg of GSH
+50 ml of buffer pH 9.0 ), 0.05 ml homogenate
(Tissues homogenates + buffer pH 9.0). and 0.02 ml
ofCDNB (1-chloro- 2, 4 dinitro benzene) which was
prepared by adding 30.39mg of CDNB to 10 ml of
ethanol 96%. Then the extinction was measured at
340 nm using spectrophotometer (Jenway Model
6400, United kingdom).
The Specific activity ofGSTwas measured in
nmole/min/mg protein and calculatedas as follows:


The 2nd Kurdistan Conference on Biological Sciences

(nmole/min/mgpr) =

J. Duhok Univ. Vol.12, No.1 (Special Issue), Pp 138-145, 2009

University of Dohuk 6-8 May, 2008

(Ab t-Ab b/5) xvol (3.02) x dil (10)

9.6 * mg pr

Abt = absorbanee of test tube Anm

Ab b = absorbance of blank tube /min
Vol = Volume of the reaction medium (3.02) ml
Dil = dilution of supernatant (10) ml
9.6= value of the extinction coefficient. .
mg pr = protein mg /ml
Determination Of Protein In The Tissue.
Protein was measured spectrophotometrically
according to Bradford (1976) method.
Statistical Analysis
The results were evaluated statistically. All the results
were quoted as mean the standard error (S.E.) of the
mean. Statistical comparisons were performed by the
two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by
Duncan multiple range test for comparison of
different means. The results were considered
significant at p<0.01 and p<0.05

significant changes in the activity of the catalase in

the brain of weanling rats. Whereas application of 50
ppm of diazinon significantly inhibited the activity of
the enzyme by 48% ( P< 0.01) in brain of adult rats
(fig. 1). Carbaryl, in turn, did not induce significant
changes in the activity of the enzyme in the brain of
weanling rats, meanwhile in adult the same dose
caused significant inhibition in the activity of enzyme
by 27% ( P< 0.05 ) in comparison with control value.
Lambdacyhalothrin induced significant inhibition in
the activity of enzyme in both weanling as well as in
adult ages by 28% and 27%, respectively.


Effect Of Toxicants On The Activity Of Catalase

In The Brain Of Weanling And Adult Rats
Administration of 50 ppm of bdiazinon with
drinking water to rats for 45 days did not induced

Fig. (1):-The activity ofcatalase in the brain of weanling and adult rats treated with diazinon carbaryl and lambdacyhalothrin
*Significantly different from control group at p< 0.01
* *Significantly different from control group at p< 0.01

Effect Of Toxicants On The Activity Of Catalase

In The Liver Of Weanling And Adult Rats
In weanling rats, only lambdacyhalothrin in applied


dose caused significant decrease in the activity

ofcatalase in the liver by (32%) in comparison with
control values, while the other toxicant did not causes

The 2nd Kurdistan Conference on Biological Sciences

J. Duhok Univ. Vol.12, No.1 (Special Issue), Pp 138-145, 2009

significant changes at (p< 0.05) in the activity of this

enzyme in comparison with control (fig. 2).
In adult rats, all three toxicants caused inhibition in
the activity ofcatalase in the liver. The inhibition was

University of Dohuk 6-8 May, 2008

46% for diazinon, 35% for carbaryl and 71% for

Lambdacyhalothin. These results were significantly
different in comparison with control value (P< 0.01).

Fig. (2):-The activity ofcatalase in the liver of weanling and adult rats treated with diazinon carbaryl and lambdacyhalothrin



Treatment of weanling rats with 50 ppm of

diazinon inhibited the activity of the enzyme by 17%.
lambdacyhalothrin induced significant inhibition in
the activity ofcatalase in the kidney by 59% and 55%,

respectively in comparison with control (P < 0.01 )

(fig. 3). Moreover in adult rats the same dose of
diazinon induced significant change in the activity of
enzyme by 43% ( P< 0.05 ). Also the other toxicant
(carbaryl and lambdacyhalothrin) decreased the
activity of the enzyme but not significantly in
comparison with control (fig 3).

Fig. (3):- The activity of catalase in the kidney of weanling and adult rats treated with diazinon carbaryl and lambdacyhalothrin


The 2nd Kurdistan Conference on Biological Sciences

J. Duhok Univ. Vol.12, No.1 (Special Issue), Pp 138-145, 2009

Effect Of Toxicants On The Activity Of glutathion

S-Transferase In Brain Of Weanling And
Adult Rats
Treatment of weanling rats with diazinon,
carbaryl and lambdacyhalothrin with drinking water
inhibited the activity ofGST significantly in the brain
by (53%), (55%) and (28%) respectively (fig. 4). In

University of Dohuk 6-8 May, 2008

adult rats diazinon, carbaryl and lambdacyhalothrin

also induced significant inhibition the activity of this
enzyme activity in the brain.The activity of this
enzyme inhibited by 42% by diazinon, 22% by
carbaryl and 35% by lambdacyhalothrin in
comparison with control (fig.4).

Fig. (4):- The activity of GST in the brain of weanling and adult rats treated with diazinon carbaryl and lambdacyhalothrin

Effect Of Toxicants On The Activity Of

Giutathion S- Transferase In The Liver Of
Weanling And Adult
Administration of 50 ppm diazinon or 50 ppm of
carbaryl to weanling rats caused significant inhibition
in the activity ofGIutathion S- Transferase in the
liver. The inhibition was 52% for diazinon, 41% for

carbaryl. The same toxicant also induced significant

inhibition in the activity of the enzymes in the liver of
adult rats by 36% and 28% respectively ( P < 0.01 )
(fig. 5).0n the other hand, lambdacyhalothim did not
induced significant changes in the activity of enzyme
neither in weanling nor in adult (fig. 5).

Fig. (5):- The activity of GST in the liver of weanling and adult rats treated with diazinon carbaryl and lambdacyhalothrin

Effect Of Toxicants On The Activity Of

Glutathion S- Transferase In The Kidney Of
Weanling And Adult Rats
In the weanling rats only diazinon and carbaryl


significantly inhibited the activity of this enzyme by

lambdacyhalothrin did not cause significant
changes in the activity of the enzyme (fig. 6). In
adults rats the toxicants did not cause significant

The 2nd Kurdistan Conference on Biological Sciences

J. Duhok Univ. Vol.12, No.1 (Special Issue), Pp 138-145, 2009

University of Dohuk 6-8 May, 2008

changes in the activity of GST

Fig. (6):- The activity of GST in the kidney of weanling and adult rats treated with diazinon carbaryl and lambdacyhalothrin


In general, the result showed that the three

pesticides(Diazinon, Carbaryl and Lambdacyholothrin)
used in this study had inhibitory effects on the
activity of the catalase and glutathione s-transferase,
in the tested tissues. Pesticides and numerous
environmental stressors may induce oxidative stress,
leading to generation of free radicals and alteration in
antioxidants, or oxygen free radical, the scavenging
enzyme system, and lipid peroxidation (Akhgari et
al., 2002). Generation of reactive oxygen species and
the resulting damage may be mediated directly by a
toxic compound and its metabolites, or by alterations
of metabolic links, which indirectly increase the
process of free radical generation (Liczmanski 1988a;
Bartosz 1995; Southern and Powis, 1988).
The most prominent clinical effects of poisoning with
organphosphates, (diazinon), carbamates, (carbaryl),
and perythroids (lambdacyhalothrin), resulting from
their inhibition ofacetylcholinesterase (Abdollahi et
a\., 1999). Several studies have demonstrated
oxidative stress induced by organophosohates in rats
(Gultekin, 2000). According to Banerjee et a I
(2001), carbamate insecticides induce oxidative stress
leading to generation of free radicals and alteration in
antioxidant enzymes or oxygen free radicals
scavenging enzyme. Lipid peroxidation has been
considered as one of the molecular mechanisms
involved in carbamate induced toxicity. Also several
studies have indicated that pyrethroids induce
oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation, ( Gupta 1999,
Gabbianelli et al, 2002; and Sayeed et al, 2003).
The ability of an organism to adapt to an
environment alteration by industrial contamination
depend mainly on the effecting mechanisms of

detoxification of various endo, and exogenous

compounds, (Jakonovic, 2001). Catalase, an enzyme
that occurs in almost all aerobically respiring
organism, serves to protect cells from the toxic
effects of hydrogen piroxides, by catalyzing the
hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen (Moosavi et
al, 1987).
Glutathione S-transferase (GST, EC, is
also one of the cytoplasmic enzymes responsible for
neutralizing xenobiotics (Toung et al, 1999). This
enzyme utilize glutathione (GSH), as a substrate in
reactions that permit the biotransformation disposal
of a wide range of exogenous and endogenous
compounds, (Hayes and Pulford, 1995). These
compounds may be xenobiotics, drugs, or products of
oxidative stress. It is ubiquitous enzyme, which play a
key role in cell detoxification (Krengi, 1998).
On the base of the obtained results it was concluded
that intoxication of rats with Diazinon , Carbaryl and
Lambdacyhalothrin induced oxidative stress in tissues
and organs of rats, that lead to inhibition in the
activity of catlase and glutathione s-transferase.
However the applied pesticides induced greater
inhibition in the activity of GST in the tissues of
weanling rats, no obvious relationships observed
between the age of animals and their susceptibility to
the toxic effects of the pesticides.
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University of Dohuk 6-8 May, 2008

J. Duhok Univ. Vol.12, No.1 (Special Issue), Pp 138-145, 2009

The 2nd Kurdistan Conference on Biological Sciences


Glutathione S-Transferase

Catalae . )



) (Wister


, .


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