Coginsight Tut en
Coginsight Tut en
Coginsight Tut en
Version 10.2.2
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 25.
Product Information
This document applies to IBM Cognos Insight Version 10.2.2 and may also apply to subsequent releases.
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
Copyright IBM Corporation 2012, 2014.
US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Chapter 1. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Installing Cognos Insight . . . .
Downloading the samples . . . .
The Cognos Insight user interface .
. 1
. 1
. 2
Chapter 2. Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Importing order data from a spreadsheet file . . . . . . . .
Reviewing sales data in an existing workspace . . . . . . . .
Filtering data to view details about specific products and customers .
Grouping months into a quarter . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calculating a salary increase with a dimension calculation. . . .
Identifying high and low revenue with color . . . . . . . .
Calculating revenue by modifying the model . . . . . . . .
. 5
. 8
. 9
. 11
. 12
. 13
. 15
This tutorial consists of interactive tasks that enable you to learn how to use IBM
Cognos Insight. Cognos Insight is a data exploration and planning solution.
For analysts and business users who are looking to more easily access and
understand key business information, Cognos Insight empowers you to
independently discover, explore, and share this information, and then take action.
In contrast to spreadsheets or other point solutions that create information silos,
Cognos Insight can be seamlessly woven into a workgroup or larger corporate
Finding information
To find IBM product documentation on the web, including all translated
documentation, access IBM Knowledge Center (
Accessibility Features
Accessibility features help users who have a physical disability, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products. Cognos Insight
has accessibility features. For information on these features, see the accessibility
section in the IBM Cognos Insight User Guide (
Forward-looking statements
This documentation describes the current functionality of the product. References
to items that are not currently available may be included. No implication of any
future availability should be inferred. Any such references are not a commitment,
promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. The
development, release, and timing of features or functionality remain at the sole
discretion of IBM.
Samples disclaimer
The Sample Outdoors Company, Great Outdoors Company, GO Sales, any
variation of the Sample Outdoors or Great Outdoors names, and Planning Sample
depict fictitious business operations with sample data used to develop sample
applications for IBM and IBM customers. These fictitious records include sample
data for sales transactions, product distribution, finance, and human resources.
Any resemblance to actual names, addresses, contact numbers, or transaction
values is coincidental. Other sample files may contain fictional data manually or
machine generated, factual data compiled from academic or public sources, or data
used with permission of the copyright holder, for use as sample data to develop
sample applications. Product names referenced may be the trademarks of their
respective owners. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.
Chapter 1. Prerequisites
To prepare for this tutorial, you must install IBM Cognos Insight, download the
samples, and learn about the Cognos Insight user interface.
You can also review the supported environments online (
Perform one of the following procedures depending on which Cognos products
you have:
Cognos products
Installation instructions
Each workspace sample includes the following widgets that enable you to
understand and interact with your data:
v Tabs, to make it easy to browse through the workspace.
v Crosstabs, to view dimensions and perform basic analysis on your data.
v Charts, to clarify numbers and communicate comparisons, relationships, and
v Text, to create a title or add an explanation.
v Images, to add visual impact.
Workspaces can be divided into several tabs. From the tabs area, you can
create, delete, and rename tabs.
Chapter 1. Prerequisites
Chapter 2. Lessons
Each lesson of the IBM Cognos Insight Tutorial focusses on different features. The
Cognos Insight samples will show you these features in real-world examples.
This tutorial can be completed in the order in which the lessons appear. However,
each lesson stands alone as well, so if you are interested in a particular feature,
you can skip to that lesson.
1. From the Microsoft Windows Start menu, click IBM Cognos Insight.
2. From the Get Data menu at the top of the Cognos Insight window, click
Import Data. The import wizard appears, displaying the Import Data - Select
Data Source page.
3. To import a file, beside the Name field, click Browse. A new Open window
appears where you can browse the files on your computer.
4. Navigate to where you downloaded the samples, and then open the
Orders_language_code.csv file. For example, if you want to work with the
Spanish sample file, open the Orders_ES.csv file. The data from the file
appears in the import wizard.
Tip: You can expand the File Details section to display details about how
your source data is imported. In this example, the default options are
You decide that you don't want to import all of the data from your file into
Cognos Insight.
5. In the Columns section, in the Import column, clear the check boxes for the
following data items to indicate that these items should not be imported:
a. Order number
b. Month
c. Order size
d. Unit price
e. Ship date
f. Sales representative
6. Click Advanced. The Import Data - Data Mapping page of the import wizard
appears. This page provides details about how your data will be imported.
Note that Cognos Insight automatically nested the City element within the
Country or Region element, because cities are logically child items of
countries or regions.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014
Tip: You can drag items from the Source Items list to the Target Items
hierarchy, and you can drag items to different positions in the Target items
hierarchy. When you drag items, your cursor changes to display information
about where you can drop the item and what the item will become if you
drop it in that position.
Figure 2 shows the Mapping pane as it should appear after step 6.
7. Click Summary. The Import Data - Importing page of the import wizard
appears. The Import Messages pane displays the actions that Cognos Insight
will perform when you import the data. The Property Summary pane
displays the settings that you chose in the Properties pane for each target
item. You can use this summary to review and compare the properties of each
type of data, including the cube you are creating and its dimensions, levels,
attributes, and measures.
8. Click Finish.
Your data appears in a new Cognos Insight workspace. The workspace
includes a crosstab and a column chart, and your data hierarchy appears in
the content pane on the right, under the heading Data.
Figure 3 on page 7 shows the workspace after importing the CSV file.
The crosstab displays the following data from your new cube:
v The Product dimension appears in the rows of the crosstab.
v The three measures in your cube, Order Revenue, Order Quantity, and
Count, appear in the columns of the crosstab.
The chart displays the following data from your new cube:
v Products are plotted as columns in the chart. For example, there is a column
for Infinity in each group of columns.
v The three measures in your cube are plotted as groups of columns in the
chart. For example, there is a group of three columns for Order Revenue.
The overview area above the crosstab identifies the data that appears in your
v The rows section
rows of the crosstab.
crosstab. The dimension names in the context section represent the totals for
the dimensions, such as Total of Customer and Total of City. The Order
date dimension appears as 2007 in the context section, because only 2007
was included in the source file.
Tip: You can click the dimensions in the rows, columns, and context sections
of the overview area to change the data that is displayed in your crosstab and
chart. For example, click Total of City, and then click Austria. Now only the
data for Austria is displayed in your crosstab and chart instead of the data for
all cities. To return to displaying the data for all cities, click Austria in the
context section, and then click Total of City.
You decide that you want to add data about sales representatives to your
workspace so that you can see which sales representatives were responsible
for the most revenue.
, and then click Close.
9. Click the Actions icon
10. When you are prompted to save the changes you made to the sample, click
1. Click the Actions icon
, and then click Open.
2. Navigate to where you downloaded the samples and double-click
Orders_language_code.cdd. For example, if you want to work in the Hungarian
sample, double-click Orders_HU.cdd. An information message appears to tell
you that this workspace includes web widgets. Web widgets, because they
display content from online sources, can contain malicious content, just like
web pages can. Click OK to dismiss this message.
3. Navigate from one tab to another in the following ways:
, click the Products tab.
v From the Workspace section of the content pane
v From the tabs along the bottom of the Cognos Insight window, click the
Orders tab.
v At the top right of the canvas, click the Samples action button. You can add
action buttons like these to any workspace by clicking Action button from
the Insert menu.
4. Click the Actions icon, and then click Close.
5. When you are prompted to save the changes you made to the sample, click No.
1. Click the Actions icon
, and then click Open.
2. Navigate to where you downloaded the samples and double-click
Orders_language_code.cdd. For example, if you want to work in the Hungarian
sample, double-click Orders_HU.cdd. An information message appears to tell
you that this workspace includes web widgets. Web widgets, because they
display content from online sources, can contain malicious content, just like
web pages can. Click OK to dismiss this message.
3. Click the Orders tab.
On the Orders tab, there are three crosstab widgets and two chart widgets.
Along the left of the workspace are three explore point widgets. The Orders
information crosstab shows that sales are much lower for the Kodiak line than
for the other two lines. You want to explore the data to find more information
about the sales.
4. In the Products explore point on the left of the workspace, click Kodiak.
This selection filters out product information for the Infinity and Legend
products, as shown in Figure 4 on page 10.
Chapter 2. Lessons
Figure 4. The Orders tab filtered to show only the Kodiak product line
Tip: You can use the Clear this explore point icon
to display all the
products again. If you clear the explore points, ensure that you select Kodiak
again to continue with this tutorial.
5. In the pie chart, hover over the pie slices to display sales information for the
countries or regions where the Kodiak product line is sold.
6. In the Customers explore point to the left of the Cognos Insight window, click
Kanga Kampers. Figure 5 on page 11 shows the resulting workspace.
Figure 5. The Orders tab filtered to show only the Kodiak product line and the Kanga Kampers customer
1. Click the Actions icon
, and then click Open.
2. Navigate to where you downloaded the samples and double-click
HumanResources_language_code.cdd. For example, if you want to work in the
Norwegian sample, double-click HumanResources_NO.cdd.
3. Click the Employee training tab at the bottom of the Cognos Insight window.
This tab provides at-a-glance course information. It shows the courses by name,
a list of attendees, and course costs, the number of days on course, and the
enrolment by month.
Now, you want to group January, February, and March so that you can
analyze the data by quarter.
4. Ctrl+click January, February, and March.
5. Right-click the selected columns, and then click Insert Parent. The selected
members are summarized in a new member called Member 1.
6. To rename Member 1 to something more meaningful, click Member 1 and type
Quarter 1.
You can now see that the course costs for the quarter are $32000, which is close
to the total for the month of July. You might want to explore further to see why
there is such a difference so that you can decide whether you need to take
Creating hierarchies of parent-child relationships allows you to expand your
data set and gives you enhanced control of your application.
7. Click the Actions icon, and then click Close.
8. When you are prompted to save the changes you made to the sample, click No.
, and then click Open.
1. Click the Actions icon
2. Navigate to where you downloaded the samples and double-click
HumanResources_language_code.cdd. For example, if you want to work in the
Korean sample, double-click HumanResources_KO.cdd.
3. Click the Employee expenses tab at the bottom of the Cognos Insight window.
You decide to use a formula to calculate a 5% increase in salaries. For more
information about formulas, see the IBM Cognos Insight User Guide. Access this
document for your product and version from IBM Knowledge Center
4. In the Employee Expenses crosstab, right-click the Pay column heading, click
Duplicate, and type What-if Pay 5 to rename the column.
5. Click the cell at the intersection of the What-if Pay 5 column and the All
Countries or regions row, type inc5, and then press Enter.
The values in all the cells in the What-if Pay 5 column increase incrementally
by five percent. Figure 6 shows the updated crosstab and chart.
1. Click the Actions icon
Figure 7. The Orders information crosstab showing different colored cells and text for the defined conditional styles
12. In the Customers explore point on the left of the Cognos Insight window,
click each of the customers to see sales by month and country or region to
help you determine when and where to target your sales campaigns.
13. Click the Actions icon, and then click Close.
14. When you are prompted to save the changes you made to the sample, click
From exploring the data in the workspace, you can tell that there might be sales
opportunities with the Sportworld customer, as they did not order the Kodiak nor
the Legend products.
Chapter 2. Lessons
1. Click the Actions icon
, and then click Open.
2. Navigate to where you downloaded the samples and double-click
Orders_language_code.cdd. For example, if you want to work in the Italian
sample, double-click Orders_IT.cdd. An information message appears to tell
you that this workspace includes web widgets. Web widgets, because they
display content from online sources, can contain malicious content, just like
web pages can. Click OK to dismiss this message.
3. At the bottom of the Cognos Insight window, to the right of the tabs, click the
Insert a new tab icon
A new tab appears at the bottom of the Cognos Insight window. The new tab
is called Tab 5.
4. Right-click the new tab, click Rename, and then enter Test.
You now have a blank canvas to use for creating a new view of the data.
to see all the dimensions and measures that have
5. Open the content pane
been imported into this workspace.
6. Drag the Order details cube onto the workspace.
By default, dragging the cube to the workspace creates a crosstab and a chart.
The crosstab and chart display the first dimension in the cube, Order number,
and all the measures that are available in the cube.
The overview area above the crosstab identifies the data that appears in your
shows that the Order number dimension appears in
v The rows section
the rows of the crosstab.
shows that the Order details Measures
v The columns section
dimension appears in the columns of the crosstab. This dimension includes
all of the measures in the Order details cube.
shows the remaining dimensions in the context of
v The context section
the crosstab. The dimension names in the context section represent the data
that is displayed in the crosstab. For example, the context section displays
All Products, so the data in the crosstab represents all of the products. If
you filter the Products dimension to display the Legend item in the context
section of the overview area, then the data in the crosstab represents only
the Legend product.
You decide that you want to see all the data, but nested in a way that is easy
to understand at a glance. To do this, you need to change the dimensions in
the rows, columns, and context sections of the overview area.
, from the Order details cube, drag the Products
7. From the content pane
dimension to the right of the Order number dimension in the rows section
of the overview area. The cursor changes as you hover over the
overview area to show you where you can and cannot drop the dimension.
Tip: You can also drag dimensions from one section of the overview area to
8. From the Order details cube, drag the Customers dimension to the right of
of the overview area.
the Products dimension in the rows section
9. From the Order details cube, drag the Order size dimension to the right of
of the overview area. The
the Customers dimension in the rows section
rows section now includes the following dimensions, nested in this order:
Order number, Products, Customers, and Order size, as shown in Figure 8.
The columns section
Figure 8. Crosstab with Order number, Products, Customers, and Order size in the rows and Order details
Measures in the columns
10. Right-click each of the four totals in the rows of the crosstab (such as All
Order numbers), and then click Show Totals > Don't Show Totals. The
crosstab is still mostly empty, because it is showing a cell for each data
intersection. You decide to remove the empty cells.
11. In the widget toolbar, click the Suppress empty cells icon
The crosstab now displays all the data in the cube, as shown in Figure 9 on
page 18.
Chapter 2. Lessons
You decide that you want to focus on the Kanga Kampers customer.
12. In the overview area, click the Customers dimension, and then click Kanga
Kampers. The crosstab and chart now show only the Kanga Kampers data.
13. Multi-select all of the cells in the Order Revenue column of the crosstab, and
then right-click the selection and click Create Cube Calculation.
14. In the Cube Calculation Name window, enter Order Revenue Calculation,
and press Enter. The calculation that you are creating applies only to the
dimensions and measures as they are filtered in the crosstab. For example, the
Customers dimension is filtered to include only the Kanga Kampers product
in the crosstab, so the calculation applies only to the Kanga Kampers product.
Tip: You can change these filters in the expression editor. Each dimension in
the filter area, under Define a new expression for, displays the members that
appear in the crosstab and the dimension name. For example, the Customers
dimension is filtered to include only the Kanga Kampers product, so the
Customers dimension includes Kanga Kampers, the member that appears in
the crosstab, and Customers, the name of the dimension.
15. In the data hierarchy on the left of the window, in the Terms tab, scroll down
and expand Order details Measures. The Terms tab includes the dimensions
and measures that are available in the current cube. These are called the terms
in your expression.
Tip: You can use expression terms from other cubes in the workspace by
importing a term. Importing a term from another cube enables you to add a
dimension or measure from another cube to your calculation. You do this by
mapping the dimensions in the current cube to the dimensions in the cube
that you want to import from.
16. Drag the Quantity measure to the Expression pane.
17. In the Expression pane, type an asterisk (*), which is the symbol for
Tip: You can add calculation templates to the Expression pane by choosing
them from the Simple tab. For example, on the Simple tab, if you click
Arithmetic in the Operation type list, and * (Multiplication) in the Operation
list, the following template for a multiplication appears in the Expression
pane: ([<operand 1>] * [<operand 2>]). You can then replace [<operand 1>]
and [<operand 2>] with the dimensions and measures you want to use in the
18. Drag the Unit price measure to the Expression pane, placing it after asterisk
19. To save and apply the calculation, click OK. Now the Order Revenue column
in the crosstab is calculated by multiplying the Quantity by the Unit price.
20. Click a cell in the Unit price column, type a new price, and press Enter. The
Order Revenue value in that row changes to reflect the new unit price. You
can also change the values in the Quantity column to see how a change in the
quantity that you sell impacts the Order Revenue.
21. Click the Actions icon, and then click Close.
When you are prompted to save the changes you made to the sample, click
Chapter 2. Lessons
2. User B reviews the workspace and makes some minor changes to how the data
is displayed. Then User B emails the workspace back to User A.
3. User A likes the changes that User B made, and wants to share the workspace
with other employees. User A has permission to add files to his company's
Cognos Business Intelligence server, so User A uses the Share feature in
Cognos Insight to add the workspace to the Sales folder in Cognos Connection.
4. User C finds the workspace on Cognos Connection, and decides that the
International Sales team would also benefit from the information in the
workspace. User C opens the workspace from Cognos Connection and updates
the data from the company's sales database. User C then asks the Cognos TM1
server administrator to publish and distribute the workspace to the Cognos
TM1 server and Cognos BI server so that other users can access the data online.
Figure 13. Workflow of User C sending the workspace to the server administrator
5. The Cognos TM1 server administrator publishes and distributes the workspace
and model to the Cognos TM1 server and the Cognos BI server. Publishing and
distributing adds an application and the data model to the Cognos TM1 server,
and adds a data source connection and reports to the Cognos BI server. The
administrator also schedules a refresh of the data in the model from the
company's database so that users can refresh the report data.
Figure 14. The server administrator publishes and distributes the workspace
6. User C finds one of the published reports on Cognos Connection and schedules
a PDF report to be regularly burst to the International Sales team.
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cube 16
dimension 12
creating 16
filtering 9
creating 12
inserting 12
conditional styles
creating 13
content pane
description 2
creating 16
filtering 9
cube calculations
creating 16
description 2
files 5
spreadsheets 5
Cognos Insight 1
changing in charts 16
changing in crosstabs 16
tabs 8
grouping 12
importing 5
inserting parent members 12
mapping 5
viewing more 9
changing in charts 16
changing in crosstabs 16
overview area
parent members
inserting 12
prerequisites 1
highs and lows 13
empty cells
suppressing 16
explore points
description 2
using 9
creating 16
navigating 8
description 2
changing appearance
charts 9
crosstabs 9
data with explore points
data 12
user interface
description 2
navigating 8
creating 5
workspaces (continued)
samples 1