40 Day Shepherd Challenge

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The key takeaways are that the workbook aims to provide spiritual formation and growth for participants based on the ideals and methods of Scouting. It encourages sharing the workbook to strengthen others' faith.

The purpose of the workbook is to provide spiritual formation and growth for participants while raising support for Scouting ministries through a 40 day challenge exploring the ideals and methods of Scouting.

Some of the ideals discussed include trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, and courteous. Some of the methods discussed include the patrol method, outdoors, advancement, adult association, and leadership.

Spiritual Formation Workbook based on the Aims

and Methods of Scouting

A Messengers of Peace Service Project

By Ty LaValley

Scouting Ministry Specialist in the United Methodist Church

District Executive, Georgia-Carolina Council, BSA
United Methodist Silver Torch Recipient

Foreword by the Most Reverend Gregory A. Francisco, Ph.D., D.D., PH

Archbishop for the United States Armed Forces
Bishop Emissary for the Diocese of Katakwa Anglican Church of Kenya (Anglican Communion)

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

The Scripture quotations contained herein are from the Contemporary English Version 1995,
American Bible Society, used by permission. All rights reserved

You are encouraged to reproduce this workbook and distribute it in any form or medium in an effort
to strengthen others faith. That means share on facebook, save on your computer and send by email to
your friends. Start a small group study over the Lenten period. Remember: the intent is to deepen the
spiritual health of the participant while raising support for Scouting ministries. 2014 Ty LaValley. All
rights reserved.
Cover Design: Ty LaValley
Lay-out: Ty LaValley
Editing: The Most Reverend Gregory A. Francisco

This is the Author at the end of the program day, during Summer Camp. This
photo was taken at Robert E. Knox Scout Reservation, near Lincolnton, GA,
on Clarks Hill Lake (Strom Thurmond Lake). As Christians and Scouters we
need to give ourselves away completely for the benefit of Gods Kingdom.
Photo taken by LaMarr Walker

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

All participants who complete the 40 Day Shepherd Challenge may

mail in the form in the back of this workbook to receive this fully
embroidered three colored patch. The cost is FREE. This Workbook
is FREE. You are FREE to share this with your friends and

If you are interested in becoming a Scouting Ministry Specialist in the United

Methodist Church, then go to:
http://www.gcumm.org/ministries/scouting/specialist.html for more

This Book is Dedicated to the Glory of God and in Honor of Frank and Michele Patterson. Two
Christian Scouters that Impacted My Life in So Many Positive Ways

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Scope and Sequence
Methods of Scouting:

Day 25

Adult Association

Day 26

Personal Growth

Day 27


Day 28

The Uniform

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19

Ideals: Trustworthy
Ideals: Loyal
Ideals: Helpful
Ideals: Friendly
Ideals: Courteous
Ideals: Kind
Ideals: Obedient
Ideals: Cheerful
Ideals: Thrifty
Ideals: Brave
Ideals: Clean
Ideals: Reverent
Ideals: Honor
Ideals: Do My Best
Ideals: Duty to God and Country
Ideals: Duty to Others
Ideals: Duty to Self
Ideals: A Good Turn Daily
Ideals: Be Prepared

Day 20

The Patrol Method

Where to Go from Here:

Day 21
Day 22

Outdoors: The Outdoor Code

Outdoors: The Classroom

Day 40

Day 23
Day 24

Advancement: Merit Badges

Advancement: Board of Review

Group Dynamics and the E.D.G.E. Method


Day 29
Day 30
Day 31
Day 32
Day 33
Day 34
Day 35
Day 36


The Aims of Scouting

Day 37
Day 38
Day 39


S.M.A.R.T. Goals

About the Author

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Someone once said that the greatest sin is the unlived life! Perhaps it might be better stated that the
greatest sin would be to have a life lived without experiencing it with one another, without relationships
designed to help us grow and mature along lifes path. Fostering relationships with oneself, one another,
and most importantly with God is such a fundamental facet of a persons journey in life. As people of
Faith we are called by God to enter into community learning from one another, teaching one another,
experiencing from one another, walking a journey of trust. Hand in hand and in devotion to God we are
constantly seeking what is true and right, striving to live our lives making ethical and moral choices not
simply as individuals but as a people, a people called to serve one another and Almighty God. While we
may stumble from time to time, if we focus on God and rely on the support of those who we are in
positive Godly relationships with, then we cannot fail.
To grow in maturity of Faith and to learn to live life more abundantly one must continue to cultivate
their relationship with God on a daily basis. This relationship is a result of the particular practices that
an individual puts into effect that will deepen their Faith and their individual experience. Therefore,
Spiritual Formation is probably one of the most important aspects of an individuals life. It is a unique
journey full of wondering as well as wandering but it is also ultimately fulfilling and a profound
opportunity for guidance and direction if our hearts and minds are open to the occasions set before us.
Spiritual Formation is not a means to an end but is an ongoing process and is and chance for maturation
as a spiritual being sharing in the graces and glories of our creator. Through this development we allow
ourselves to be transformed by entering into a deeper relationship with God, His creation, and with one
another. In essence, God is constantly forming us into the person He wishes us to be sharing in the
bounties of His blessings and treasured creation. We are never stagnate we are forever changing,
developing, and moving forward.
The idea of bringing together Faith and Scouting may seem foreign to some people however; it is the
synthesis of these two concepts that truly make up the Scouting experience. When one considers that a
Scout must have respect for self, others, and creation (nature) it would seem that there is a logical
parallel to Faith, especially considering that Reverence and Duty to God is the capstone of the Twelve
Points of the Scout Law and Oath itself. Scouting similar to Faith instills in an individual a sense of
Servant Leadership with a commitment to personal as well a communal growth, empowering them to
become a willing learner, serving from a keen and enthusiastic heart rather than coercion, and humbly
offering self-sacrifice. Scouting, much like Faith helps one to become a steward of creation rather than
an owner of it and it inspires one do what is right not for his or her own credit, but for the betterment of
others and for their surroundings. As with a Christian, Scouts should be exemplary of human behavior
and a model edifying what is best about humanity especially of our youth. Also, they should be sincerely
living out daily what they believe and stand for, taking to heart the Oath, Promise, Codes, Slogans, and
Motto. Equally, the Christian must be living out their Creeds, prayers, and beliefs not simply using them
as recitation exercises for Sunday mornings.

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

This Spiritual Formation Book is wonderful compilation sharing both the Christian Faith and the
Principles of Scouting. It allows one to see how easily Faith and Scouting go hand in hand and rather
than being diametrically opposed to another, they complement one another. The most superb part of
this workbook is that it does not water down the Christian perspective or the Scouting perspective but
gives each one a comparative complimentary observation. It is a workbook for all ages Scouting or not
and is one that is worth repeating over and over again. As an Anglican Bishop, an Eagle Scout, the father
of two Eagle Scouts, and the husband of a very active Scouter I highly recommend this workbook from
both the Faith family as well as the Scouting family.
May the blessing of COMPASSION and FORGIVENESS be upon you so that like Jesus you will feel and
relate with others, console and comfort them in their need!

Gregory A. Francisco

The Most Reverend Gregory A. Francisco, Ph.D., D.D., PH

Archbishop for the United States Armed Forces
Bishop Emissary for the Diocese of Katakwa
Anglican Church of Kenya (Anglican Communion)

Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly and Leave the rest to God.

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make moral and ethical
choices over the course of a lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
The mission of the Church is to make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
The area where these two missions intersect is the subject of this spiritual formation workbook. Inside
these covers is a buffet of spiritual formation practices for you to try. If it works then keep the practice.
If one practice doesnt work for you, then try some others. The ultimate goal is to introduce you to
practices that put you in a posture to hear from God.
Since many of the practices may appear new to you, I attempted to begin with familiar territory: The
Aims and Methods of Scouting. The aims are character, citizenship, and fitness. The methods are Ideals
(Scout Oath, Scout Law, ), the patrol method, outdoors, advancement, adult association, personal
growth, leadership, and the uniform. I added a section on group dynamics and the part that the E.D.G.E.
method plays in assisting the group dynamics process. This special session uses the Beatitudes and
Lords Prayer as individual parallels to the group dynamics and E.D.G.E. method. The 40 day study ends
with a session on setting S.M.A.R.T goals.
For the participant that is beginning from the perspective of a Christian with little or no Scouting
experience, I began in familiar territory: Scripture. All Scripture selections have been taken from the
New Testament. I did this because the small group interaction in the Gospels and connectional dynamic
in the Epistles closely resemble our own setup in Scouting units. The majority of the sessions have a
devotional reading feel, yet new challenges are included to stretch your comfort zone. Allow yourself to
enter into the Scouters hiking boots as we walk this trail together.
At the conclusion of this 40 Day Shepherd Challenge you will look to your left and right and notice, as the
disciples on their way to Emmaus, that it was Jesus walking with you the whole time instructing you. It
is my hope that Scouters who complete this challenge will view their Scouting activities as an expression
of their ministry in the world. Likewise, I hope that non-Scouting Christians will see Scouting as an
opportunity to extend the mission of the Church into the world.
The end of this workbook has a special section about my own call to become a Christian and the call of
full time professional Christian vocation after a career in the military. I talk about the joys and pains
within the church. By reading this you will know that I am like everyone else that is trying to make
meaning in a life that is somewhat confusing at times.
Yours in Christ and Yours in Scouting,

Ty LaValley

Ty LaValley
Scouting Ministry Specialist in the United Methodist Church

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day One

Ideals: Trustworthy
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading John 16: 12-15

I have much more to say to you, but right now it would be more than you could understand. The Spirit shows what
is true and will come and guide you into the full truth. The Spirit doesnt speak on his own. He will tell you only
what he has heard from me, and he will let you know what is going to happen. The Spirit will bring glory to me by
taking my message and telling it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine. That is why I have said that the
Spirit takes my message and tells it to you.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

Even when we dont understand the truth of
who God is. We still acknowledge God as
ultimate Truth. To deny God as the Trustworthy
One leaves us on uncertain ground in every
area. Our mere existence is relegated to chance
and our purpose based on our own appetites.
Jesus was speaking to his disciples at the last
supper with the pain of knowing that his work
was incomplete at the time.
Judas was
betraying him, Peter would deny him, and
Thomas would misunderstand him, and the
people would yell Crucify Him. They did not
yet have the Spirit of Truth living in them. They

were in very close proximity to the Truth (Jesus)

as they shared in his ministry, yet it had not yet
taken up residence in them.
We have the benefit today of having the Spirit
of Truth, from the one who is Truth, living in us
today. When we accept Jesus Christ as Lord
and Savior then we receive the Spirit of Truth to
live that belief as we are ready to receive it. We
have a Spirit perspective. With this knowledge
we then order our lives in such a way that we
manifest that Truth in everything we see and
do. We become trustworthy because God is

Spiritual Formation Practice: The Examen (Vespers)

This ancient practice is a way to gather your day. God often speaks to us through the events of our
day. When we write them down, a pattern develops. A close examination of our day helps God make
his plans clear to us. The technique is similar to Roses and Thorns in our after action reviews.
This is done at the end of the day much like Vespers is done at the end of the evenings campfire. As
we stare into the embers we reflect on our day and ask God to open our hearts. It is Truth time.
Roses in my day
Thorns in my day
What is God saying to me?

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Two

Ideals: Loyal
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Mark 14:17-26

While Jesus and the twelve disciples were eating together that evening, he said, the one who will betray me is
now eating with me. This made the disciples sad and one by one they said to Jesus, You surely dont mean me!
He answered, It is one of you twelve men who is eating from this dish with me.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

When people of Jesus time shared a meal, it
was a very intimate event. Regardless of their
religion, race, social status, gender, education
level., they had to acknowledge that they had
the same biological need for the food that was
prepared for them and served from a common
The only thing that mattered was they shared a
fellowship at this meal. Do we sit down at a
common table and acknowledge each other as
brothers and sisters in Christ? Have we sat
down at a common table with contempt in our
hearts? Have we sat down at the common
table with the sole purpose of persuading the
other people to achieve our goals? Have we
come to the Lords Table with plans to do our
own will?

We ask ourselves, Is it I? We can justify our

actions in our own minds. We are all tempted
to be disloyal because The other persons
intentions did not line up perfectly with our
idea of some predetermined outcome. In little
ways we set out to make sure our interests are
being taken care of.
Jesus calls us to be loyal regardless of the
outcome. Even in the face of betrayal Jesus
continued to be loyal to the purpose of God by
choosing the Cross. He chose to be loyal to his
friends by continuing to teach one more Truth:
Take this, it is my body.
Gods love is not conditional! When we reject
Gods purpose in our life, God continues to
pursue us. That is loyalty.

Roses in my day

Thorns in my day

What is God saying to me?

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Three

Ideals: Helpful
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Acts 9:10-18

A follower named Ananias lived in Damascus, and the Lord spoke to him in a vision. Ananias answered, Lord, here
I am.
The Lord said to him, Get up and go to the house of Judas on Straight Street. When you get there you will find a
man named Saul from the city of Tarsus. Saul is praying, and he has seen a vision. He saw a man named Ananias
coming to him and putting his hands on him, so that he could see again.
Ananias replied, Lord, a lot of people have told me about the terrible things this man has done to your followers
in Jerusalem. Now the chief priests have given him the power to come here and arrest anyone who worships in
your name.
The Lord said to Ananias, Go! I have chosen him to tell foreigners, kings, and the people of Israel about me. I will
show him how much he must suffer for worshipping in my name.
Ananias left and went into the house where Saul was staying.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

God is like a radio beacon for an approaching
aircraft. The avionics on the aircraft take the
signal and display it on a screen to indicate
where the aircraft is in relation to the desired
glide slope and direction needed to land on the
airfield at the correct spot. To ignore it would
be a disaster. God is always transmitting to us.
We are on a course that God has called us to be
on. When we let go of the noise and tune into
Gods frequency, we hear Gods call on our
lives. The only response is: Lord, here I am.
Notice in our Scripture reading that God had
gone in front of Ananias and began to soften
the heart of Saul. Ananias was not making a
cold call to an enemy, rather to a person chosen
by God. God was not interested in the reasons

Ananias shouldnt go.

God emphatically
commanded, Go!
God places youth and other adults in our path
along the Scouting trail. Many have issues. God
has placed us in a position to help. Before I
knew God, I saw God in others.
Scoutmaster took time for me when others saw
a kid with a chip on his shoulder. I took his help
and it began a lifelong journey to help other
people around the world and at home. In Gods
timing, I have saved lives, preached Gods love
to tens of thousands of people. I have served as
a clown, puppeteer, administrator, teacher, and
writer. This is why Scouting is not just a
program to me. It is a ministry.

Spiritual Formation Practice: The Breath Prayer

This prayer can be said in a single breath. It is a reminder that you have God with you at all times. A
common form is to say a name used for God and follow it up with a prayer request
Lord, Here I am


All knowing Father, hear my prayer

Abba, thank you

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Four

Ideals: Friendly
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Luke 19: 1-10

Jesus was going through Jericho where, a man named Zacchaeus lived. He was in charge of collecting taxes and
was very rich. Jesus was heading his way and Zacchaeus wanted to see what he was like. But Zacchaeus was a
short man and could not see over the crowd. So he ran up ahead and climbed up in a sycamore tree.
When Jesus got there, he looked up and said, Zacchaeus, hurry down! I want to stay with you today. Zacchaeus
hurried down and gladly welcomed Jesus.
Everyone who saw this started grumbling, This man Zacchaeus is a sinner! And Jesus is going home to eat with
Later that day Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, I will give half of my property to the poor. And I will now
pay back four times as much to everyone I have ever cheated.
Jesus said to Zacchaeus, Today you and your family have been saved, because you are a true son of Abraham.
The Son of Man came to look for and to save people who are lost.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Bible Study Notes

Context: Jesus turned his face towards
Jerusalem (Luke 9:51), yet stopped to be
friendly to Zacchaeus when others shunned
him. Jesus called him by name and ate with
him. Validation of the person not the sin.
Zacchaeus situation: He was very wealthy yet
not given a place in the front of the crowd. He
lowered himself by acting below his station in
life by running (elders didnt run, others ran for
them) and by climbing a tree (a childish thing to
Divine Imperative: I want to stay with you
today. The Greek translation is: It is Necessary.
Jesus said that he came to look for and save
people who are lost. Jesus recognized the


Zacchaeus response: He made restitution to

those he wronged as a response to the act of
Grace by Jesus. His response showed his faith
(a true son of Abraham the father of faith).
He was not saved by his response. We are
saved by Grace through faith. Grace requires a
Thoughts: When we put together groups of
people in Scouting units, we are bound to have
some people that get on our nerves or act in
ways that we dont agree with. It is easy to
shun them and surround ourselves with people
we like. Dont be like the crowd that shunned
Zacchaeus. Be like Jesus who called Zacchaeus
by name, validated him as a child of God, and
loved him to the point that he made a choice to
change his ways and help those he wronged.
More importantly, he made an eternal
difference. Look for the overlooked one today!

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Five

Ideals: Courteous
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Romans 12: 9-16

Be sincere in your love for others. Hate everything that is evil and hold tight to everything that is good. Love
others as brothers and sisters and honor others more than you do yourself. Never give up. Eagerly follow the Holy
Spirit and serve the Lord. Make your hope make you glad. Be patient in times of trouble and never stop praying.
Take care of Gods needy people and welcome strangers into your home.
Ask God to bless everyone who mistreats you. Ask them to bless them and not to curse them. When others are
happy, be happy with them, and when they are sad, be sad. Be friendly with everyone. Dont be proud and feel
that you are smarter than others. Make friends with ordinary people.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Personal Reflection

Some of the most discourteous people I know
are the ones that will smile to my face and talk
about me behind my back. Other forms of a
lack of courtesy are those that only talk to me
when they want something. I also get annoyed
when I am going through something Good or
bad and want to share with someone only to
realize that they are mentally somewhere else
or trying to one-up me.
Guess what?
Sometimes that person is me! We must always
be on guard to serve as Christ serves. We must
put aside our own issues and be in the moment
with the youth we serve. It is difficult. Our

cultures are different. After 20 years of youth

and childrens ministry I can say that it is
sometimes like serving in a foreign mission
field. We have to dive into this mission field
and understand it from their perspective. Good
manners dictate that we take Pauls words and
make them our own. Gods Holy Spirit will
guide us. When it gets tough remember that
you are called to this and Gods mission is
awesome. Hold on to the hope that you are
doing Gods will in the lives of these youth and
children. Most of all: Pray! It keeps us all

A.C.T.S. as a posture for Prayer

A=Adoration: Say something awesome about God.

C=Confession: What do you need to confess today?

T=Thanksgiving: What are you thankful for?

S=Supplication: What do you need to ask God to do for you?


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Six

Ideals: Kind
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading 2 Timothy 2: 22-26

Run from temptations that capture young people. Always worship with people whose hearts are pure. Stay away
from stupid and senseless arguments. These only lead to trouble, and Gods servants must not be troublemakers.
They must be kind to everyone, and they must be good teachers and very patient.
Be humble when you correct people who oppose you. Maybe God will lead them to turn to him and learn the
truth. They have been trapped by the devil, and he makes them obey him, but God may help them escape.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Depth Bible Study

A depth Bible study begins with Scripture and
digs deeper into the disciples heart. It is
sometimes referred to as an onion Bible study
due to its ability to draw tears as you draw
closer to the core.
What does the Scripture Say?
Avoid temptation
Worship with other believers
Dont get drawn in to trouble
Be humble
Your example will set the stage for God
What did the Scripture mean to the people of
the first century?
The church was beginning to get people
that were teaching false ideas. Timothy

was being urged to show restraint in

dealing with these folks so as to not
divide the church.
What does the Scripture mean for the people
of today?
Our world is hyper-connected. We
make judgments and comments that
are instantly beamed into hundreds of
phones and inboxes with the push of a
touch screen. In an instant, we have
involved ourselves and others in an
argument that we have had little time
to think through. What does this do to
What does the Scripture mean for me?

Intercessory Prayer
It is impossible to pray to God for a person and still have the same amount of contempt in your heart
that you had when you started. Abe Lincoln said the best way to destroy your enemy is to make him
your friend. It is not easy to pray for someone who is wronging you, but you do have to start
somewhere. Choose a starting point:

Pray for the desire to want to pray for them.

Pray for them to know you.
Pray for God to open their heart and yours to the hurt.
Pray to know them as God knows them and then pray for their needs.


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Seven

Ideals: Obedient
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Ephesians 4: 23-24

Let the Spirit change your way of thinking and make you into a new person. You were created to be like God, and
so you must please him and be truly holy.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Contemplation

We are human beings not human doings. At
the core of our existence we are Gods creation
and are created in Gods image. This means
that we are able to relate to God through the
Spirit. When we fill our days with doing, we are
crowding out the Spirit with physical
preoccupations. The ultimate goal is to do good
as an outward expression of the inward
relationship with God. Contemplation is a
spiritual formation exercise designed to stop
doing and start being. This being starts by the
renewing of our minds by the Spirit which leads
to the making of a new person. This new

person is able to be obedient to God as directed

by the Spirit. This goes beyond the modern
psychological understanding of moving towards
that which we think about, which is merely an
expression of willpower. We will move towards
what we think about, but the directive is from
God. Contemplation puts us in a posture to
hear from God and be renewed. Renewed is
not redirected. It is a complete renewal of our
minds. It is a new way of thinking and a new

An Exercise in Contemplation
As a child I was into martial arts and still enjoy the discipline that goes with it. For my
contemplation exercise I put on a blindfold and play some non-lyrical music (pipes work) while
stretching. I am in an area that I cant hit anything. I breathe in and out to cleanse my thoughts
then go through a series of katas (forms) that are progressively more difficult than the last one. I
created them to where I start and stop in the same location (if done right). I end with more
cleansing breaths and tell God about my worries and my desire to be with him. I then place my
palms up when I am ready to receive from God. When I am prompted to end, I simply thank God
for the gift of time with him.
A Boy Scout Approach to Contemplation
Take a walk in the woods and have a talk with God. When you get to a spot that feels right, sit down
and be receptive to Gods presence. This time with God will be renewing to your mind. It is possible to
do this with the buddy system, however, both must agree to respect the others time with God.
Sunrises, sunsets, starry nights, dying embers, and isolated ponds are great places for contemplation.


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Eight

Ideals: Cheerful
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Matthew 6: 16-18

When you go without eating, dont try to look gloomy as those show-offs do when they go without eating. I can
assure you that they already have their reward. Instead, comb your hair and wash your face. Then others wont
know that you are going without eating. But your Father sees what is done in private, and he will reward you.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Fasting

The Order of the Arrow (OA) is the National
Honor Society of Campers. The intention is to
promote service to the Scouts Troop and to
promote Camping. The members of the OA
strive to be a brotherhood of cheerful service.
It is not a secret organization as some people
would suggest (scouting has no secret
organizations). The methodology is closely
guarded so that participants wont anticipate
what is going to happen. They are freed up to
contemplate the lessons and let go of things
that keep them from experiencing the activity.
So many things keep us from experiencing
Gods life for us. We are bombarded by phone
and email messages, calendar reminders, and
deadlines. The list goes on. What if you took

one thing and chose to go without it for a short

period of time. You may have given up
something for Lent as an act of self-denial. This
daily act becomes an opportunity to let God fill
in the blank space that used to be filled by you.
It becomes an opportunity to experience Gods
Grace and Providence.
When you are taken out of your comfort zone
through the fasting of food, phone, calendar
then it is easy to show a bit of unease. Being
cheerful must not be sacrificed for this activity.
Our cheerfulness comes from the Hope that we
have in Jesus, not from our present
Take time to journal the
experience of fasting from something today.

Spiritual Formation Practice of Journaling



Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Nine

Ideals: Thrifty
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Matthew 6: 19-21

Dont store up treasures on earth! Moths and rust can destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them.
Instead, store up your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy them, and thieves cannot break
in and steal them. Your heart will always be where your treasure is.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Praying through Icons

Thrifty does not mean cheap or miserly. It
means being a good steward. At the root of
stewardship is the desire to focus on the things
that matter to the one who sent us. How do
you spend your time, talents, and treasures?
What does this say about your walk with Christ?
The Scripture reminds us that our hearts will
always be where our treasure is. The Greek
word for heart is Kardia, which is where we get
the word cardiac. The Latin word is Cor, which
is the root word for Core. The heart becomes
the center for our emotions, thoughts and
feelings. It is what drives us to be who we are.
Like many Scout leaders, I collect patches from
the Scouting events I have attended. They are
like threaded photographs of my Scouting

memories. They serve as iconic reminders of

events. Like an icon, I look through them to see
the lives I have impacted and reflect on how
others impacted me. The patch will eventually
disintegrate but the impact will remain forever.
Where do you spend your time, talents, and
treasures? What is your motivation behind the
knots, sashes, and patches that you wear?
Look through your patch collection. Use them
as windows into Gods presence in your life.
Ask God to open your heart and mind to times
when you were aware of Gods activity in your
life and the life of others. Thank God for these
times and listen for Gods prompting for new
ministries. Journal you experience below:

Spiritual Formation Practice of Journaling



Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Ten

Ideals: Brave
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Luke 8: 43-48

In the crowd was a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. She had spent everything she had on doctors,
but none of them could make her well.
As soon as she came up behind Jesus and barely touched his clothes, her bleeding stopped.
Who touched me? Jesus asked.
While everyone was denying it, Peter said, Master, people are crowding all around and pushing you from every
But Jesus answered, Someone touched me, because I felt power going out from me. The woman knew that she
could not hide, so she came trembling and knelt down in front of Jesus. She told everyone why she had touched
him and that she had been healed right away.
Jesus said to the woman, You are now well because of your faith. May God give you peace!

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

Sometimes the bravest thing we can do is to
never give up. The woman in this story was a
social outcast (her flow of blood made her
ritually unclean. She was unable to touch other
people without rendering them ritually unclean.
She was unable to attend synagogue or Temple
services. She was unable to make sacrifices for
a sin offering. The Greek translation says she
spent all her property on therapy. She was
destitute and desperate, yet she persisted. She
resolved to wake up each day and keep trying.
One day she took a huge risk. She entered into
a crowd of people and touched a Holy man on

his way to save someone. The crowd could

have killed her for this. I do not believe she was
putting others at risk because her faith revealed
to her that Jesus could heal her. On that hope
she entered the crowd. Jesus healed her
physically but also made it clear that she was
also restored to God because of her faith.
Jesus told her to go in peace, which in this case
means: to join peace or to be set as one again.
If you are struggling with something dont give
up. Be brave in the Lord when your own
abilities want to give up.

Spiritual Formation Practice: The Campfire

Write down, on a separate piece of paper, what you are struggling with. Give it to the Lord in prayer
then burn it in the campfire. Reflect on Gods mercy in the embers of the fading fire.


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Eleven

Ideals: Clean
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Mark 10: 46-52

Jesus and his disciples went to Jericho. And as they were leaving, they were followed by a large crowd. A blind
beggar by the name of Bartimaeus son of Timaeus was sitting beside the road. When he heard that it was Jesus
from Nazareth, he shouted, Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me! Many people told the man to stop, but he
shouted even louder, Son of David, have pity on me!
Jesus stopped and said, Call him over!
They called out to the blind man and said, Dont be afraid! Come on! He is calling for you. The man threw off his
coat as he jumped up and ran to Jesus.
Jesus asked, What do you want me to do for you?
The blind man answered, Master, I want to see!
Jesus told him, You may go. Your eyes are healed because of your faith.
Right away the man could see, and he went down the road with Jesus.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

Acting in an unclean way is sometimes a matter
of meeting the expectations set by others who
never took the time to know the person they
declared unclean. A person who is told that he
or she is no good may sabotage success as a
form of control over the situation. Even though
the behavior is counterproductive, they succeed
in their mission to push others away before
they are rejected. In Scouting, these are the
kids that need us the most.

Bartimaeus means Son of the Unclean One.

Take the time to feel the pain for this stigma
placed on him by the crowd. The belief was
that he was blind because his father sinned! He
wanted to see. He made a scene and refused to
stop until acknowledged by Jesus. Think about
the kids in our programs that cry out for
attention. Do we hear them? How can you
help one child?
Pray for that one child. Follow the directions in
the box below:

Spiritual Formation Practice: Intercessory Prayer

God placed this person on your heart. Now that you know this truth, it is an invitation for you to join
Gods work in this childs life. God is already at work in this childs life. God brought this child to you.
Listen to Gods prompting on your heart and mind. Your prayer for this child is the most important
thing you can be doing right now. Again, listen to what God would have you do. Resolve to do it.


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Twelve

Ideals: Reverent
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading John 17: 1-8

After Jesus had finished speaking to his disciples, he looked up toward heaven and prayed:
Father, the time has come for you to bring glory to your Son, in order that he may bring glory to you. And you gave
him power over all people, so that he would give eternal life to everyone you give him. Eternal life is to know you,
the only true God, and to know Jesus Christ, the one you sent. I have brought glory to you here on earth by doing
everything you gave me to do. Now, Father, give me back the glory that I had with you before the world was
You have given me some followers from this world, and I have shown them what you are like. They were yours, but
you gave them to me, and they have obeyed you. They know that you gave me everything I have. I told my
followers what you told me, and they accepted it. They know that I came from you, and they believe that you are
the one who sent me. I am praying for them, but not for those who belong to this world. My followers belong to
you, and I am praying for them. All that I have is yours, and all that you have is mine, and they will bring glory to

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

To be reverent is to be aware of God as the One
True God.
The Greek word is ginosko: to know absolutely;
to be certain. This is not to be confused with
gnosis, which is mere knowledge. This level of
certainty is revealed by God. God is always
revealing himself to us but we so often fall for
cheap substitutions. Reverence should never
settle for superstition. We know that ancient
religions have been built around the belief that
the Sun was a god. People did not understand

it. They feared it. They built entire cultures

around superstitious practices that appeased
this god. Centuries after Christ was resurrected
people gained knowledge (gnosis) of the Suns
place in the universe. The Sun god became a
Our true act of reverence is to seek Gods
revelation to us that he is the loving creator
who desires a relationship with each one of us,
his creation. We are reverent when we build a
relationship with God in our daily walk.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Prayer Walk

With a prayer partner (buddy system) take a silent walk in the woods. Be aware of Gods presence in
the midst of you walk. Gods power and grace is revealed in the little things all around us. Everywhere
you look, life thrives. Even in winter the trees trust in Gods provision. Find a quiet spot and reflect on
Gods love for you and your love for God. Let the warmth of the Sun warm your heart. God is present.
Gaze into the vastness of the universe and be assured that you are not alone.


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Thirteen

Ideals: On My Honor
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Luke 14: 7-11

Jesus saw how the guests had tried to take the best seats. So he told them:
When you are invited to a wedding feast, dont sit in the best place. Someone more important may have been
invited. Then the one who invited you will come and say, Give your place to this other guest! You will be
embarrassed and will have to sit in the worst place.
When you are invited to be a guest, go and sit in the worst place. Then the one who invited you may come and say,
My friend, take a better seat! You will then be honored in front of all the other guests. If you put yourself above
others, you will be put down. But if you humble yourself, you will be honored.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

Honor is not something we reach out for and
grab. Honor is bestowed on us as a result of our
efforts to honor God. The key to honor is to
serve in genuine humility. This is not a false
humility that gets upset when a deed is not
recognized. Genuine humility results when we
realize the limits of our deeds in light of the
greatness of God. When we see ourselves as
instruments of Gods will and humble ourselves
to serve then we bring honor to God who in
turn honors us.
Some kids in our program come from a culture
of respect rather than honor. They jockey for

position within their social circles to get the

respect that they believe they deserve. For
some, this is peer pressure driven. Respect in
this context is based on what can be taken or
demanded. The key to reaching these kids is to
incarnate honor at all times. Substitute the
phrase: On my Honor I will do my best, with
the phrase: As a servant of the God Most High I
will do my best
Every task, every interaction, and every decision
becomes an opportunity to honor God who in
turn honors us.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Mentoring

Who can you identify as a mentor in your life?
Who can you mentor?


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Fourteen

Ideals: Do my Best
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Mark 12: 41-44

Jesus was sitting in the temple near the offering box and watching people put in their gifts. He noticed that many
rich people were giving a lot of money. Finally, a poor widow came up and put in two coins that were worth only a
few pennies. Jesus told his disciples to gather around him. Then he said:
I tell you that this poor widow has put in more than all the others. Everyone else gave what they didnt need. But
she is very poor and gave everything she had. Now she doesnt have a cent to live on

Spiritual Formation Practice: Sensory Bible Study

In a sensory Bible study, the reader places
himself or herself in the story from the
perspective of the people in the story.
The reader then uses all five senses to imagine
what it may have been like at the time. For this
story, I Chose the widow.
Smells: The smell of the burnt offerings are
everywhere in the city. The perspiration of the
pilgrims making the arduous trek from their

everywhere in the city for the Passover

celebration. I approach one of the thirteen
Trumpet shaped funnels where I will deposit my

Tastes: The dust is everywhere in the air from

the thousands of feet shuffling about. The dust
is all I have to eat. There is no one to care for

Feel: I reach into my pouch and pull out my last

two Leptas which is 1/64th of a days wages. I
feel how thin they are and take note of my own
thin frame. These two thin coins represent all I
own. I know God doesnt need my two thin
coins, but I need to give them. I feel the coins
leave my hand and disappear into the Trumpet.
I offer myself to God!

Sights: My clothes are common compared to

some of the fine people around me. The crowd
is large in the Court of the Women where the
Treasury is located.
There are people


Sounds: I can hear people speaking in Greek,

Latin, Hebrew, and other languages. I can hear
the metallic sound of so many coins being
poured into the Trumpets around me. So many
of these people have so much to offer God.

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Fifteen

Ideals: Duty to God& Country

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading John 2:18-22

The Jewish leaders asked Jesus, What miracle will you work to show us why you have done this?
Destroy this temple, Jesus answered, and in three days I will build it again! The leaders replied, It took fortysix years to build this temple. What makes you think you can rebuild it in three days? But Jesus was talking about
his body as a temple. And when he was raised from death, his disciples remembered what he had told them. Then
they believed the Scriptures and the words of Jesus.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Theological Bible Study

A theological Bible study seeks to answer the
questions: What does this passage say about
God? What does it say about people? What
does it say about the relationship between God
and people?
The religious leaders were
demanding to know by what authority Jesus
cleansed the Temple. In their minds, he was
disrupting the operations of the Temple. They
confused their duty to God and country with
their duty to the institution that they created.
What does this passage say about God?
God is to be worshiped with pure
God is sovereign
God is capable of more than we can

What does this passage say about people?

We tend to create systems to make the
intangible tangible
We tie up our identities in the systems
that we create
We protect our systems against change
What does this passage say about the
relationship between God and people?
God desires a relationship with us that
is free from materialism and ritualism
Our bodies become the Temple of God
with worship of God from within
The resurrection spoken of by Jesus
provides a way for our eternal life with

Spiritual Formation Practice: Simplicity

Clean out a room, closet, garage Practice letting go.


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Sixteen

Ideals: Duty to Others

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Luke 10:27

The man replied, The Scriptures say, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind. They
also say, Love your neighbors as much as you love yourself..

Spiritual Formation Practice: Bible Study

The Shema found in Deuteronomy 6:5 states:
Hear O Israel: The Lord is our God, The Lord
alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all
your heart, with all your soul, and with all your
might. (NRSV) It was a declaration of faith.
The second part of the statement is found in
Leviticus 19:17-18; paraphrased as: Dont hate
in your heart, talk it out, dont act on your anger
or let it build up inside. It finishes with: but
you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am
the Lord. (NRSV)
Our duty to others is to love our neighbors as
ourselves. By loving our neighbors, we are
loving God with our total being.
The heart (kardia) is the core of who we
are. The center of our emotions,
thoughts and feelings. Does your duty
to others cause you to truly feel for the
other person?

The soul (psuche) is the human spirit

that enables communication with Gods
Spirit. This should not be confused with
Pneuma, which is the rational and
immortal soul. Does your duty to
others cause your prayers for the other
person to be elevated to the point
where your soul is crying out to Gods
The strength (ischus) is the physical
abilities of a person. Does your duty to
others cause you to use your gifts and
other abilities to help them?
The mind (dianoia) is the deep thought
understanding. Does your duty to
others cause you to keep searching for
a solution when roadblocks have been
thrown in the way?

Spiritual Formation Practice: Service

What have I done for:


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Seventeen

Ideals: Duty to Self

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Luke 10:27

The man replied, The Scriptures say, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind. They
also say, Love your neighbors as much as you love yourself..

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

Yes, this is the same Scripture verse as Day 16.
While yesterday we focused on loving your
neighbor as yourself, today we will see how
important it is to love yourself. Each one of us
is a valuable child of God. We are so valuable
that God sent his only begotten Son to die for
our sins. Let that sink in! The Son of God left
his place of glory in Heaven to share in the
human experience in order to make a way to
the Father.
When a person becomes a
Christian, the same creative essence that
formed the universe re-creates us. Gods Spirit

then takes up residence in our bodies. We are

therefore able to approach God as new
creations. This also means others can too.
When dealing with others remember this truth.
Go loves you and God loves the other person
A poor self-image results in negative treatment
of others, negative treatment of self, or both.
Dont forget to take care of yourself or you will
be no good to anyone.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Self-Care

What do you really love to do?
When was the last time you did it?
How will you carve out some time to do it?


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Eighteen

Ideals: A Good Turn Daily

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

I pray that God, who gives peace, will make you completely holy. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept
healthy and faultless until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. The one who chose you can be trusted, and he will do this.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

John Wesley, an Anglican priest and the founder
of Methodism explained the Grace of God in
three movements: Prevenient Grace is the
grace that exists before we are even aware of
Gods provision. Justifying Grace is the grace
that sets us right with God through the sacrifice
of Jesus Christ. Sanctifying Grace is the grace
that forms us into the image of Jesus Christ
through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Sanctification is the process of being made holy.
The Greek word hagion means to separate to
ones self like a sanctuary of a church. We are
set apart for a holy purpose. This holy purpose
is to be in a relationship with God and to
respond to this relationship by doing good
things. Doing a good turn daily contributes to
our sanctification and becomes a means of
Grace to others.

God is interested in our complete sanctification:

Spirit, soul, and body. The listing of these three
together makes it clear that our Spirit (pneuma:
the immortal soul), our souls (psuche: our
human spirit that allows communication with
God), and our bodies (soma: our complete
physical body) are all involved in this
When we do a good turn daily, we are doing the
will of God whose goal is to draw us closer to
him. We become more set apart from the
profane world in which we reside. This being
set apart does not mean cloistered away into a
little world that is out of touch with the world.
The phrase: in the world but not of the world
may sound like a clich, however, it is true.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Rhythm for Life

A Rule for Life or Rhythm for Life (whatever you feel more comfortable with) is a scaffold of disciplines
that set limits to your activities while acknowledging the longings God has place on your heart. It is a
daily rhythm for life.
Examples include:
Give thanks for all I have
Spend each morning with God through a devotional reading and prayer
Put my wants behind the needs of others


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Nineteen

Ideals: Be Prepared
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading 2 Peter 3:14-16

My friends, while you are waiting, you should make certain that the Lord finds you pure, spotless, and living at
peace. Dont forget that the Lord is patient because he wants people to be saved. This is also what our dear friend
Paul said when he wrote you with the wisdom that God had given him. Paul talks about these same things in all his
letters, but part of what he says is hard to understand. Some ignorant and unsteady people even destroy themselves
by twisting what he said. They do the same thing with other Scriptures too.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

The Greek translation says that we are to be
eager to be found at peace without spot of
blemish. He is referring to the return of Christ
in the end times. For the author of Second
Peter, being prepared was a matter of eternal
From this passage we can
understand what is necessary to be prepared.
Being prepared is a matter of attitude. We are
to be eager to be prepared
Being prepared is a matter of intentionality.
We are to be intentional about spiritual

formation practices that lead us towards being

spotless and without blemish.
Being prepared is a matter of correct teaching
and interpretation. If we pick and choose
which Scripture is pertinent in our lives or
misinterpret the Scripture to justify our
position, then we are on shaky ground.
Being prepared is a matter of sensitivity. The
writer of Second Peter believed the Lords
return was going to happen in the near future.
We must act as if Christ will return at any time.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Pack for a Trip

When you prepare for a camping trip you place certain items in specific locations based upon when you
will need them. Prepare for your spiritual journey by placing things in your spiritual backpack. What
practices from this workbook have been helpful so far? Which practices are dead weight and need to
be left in the garage?.


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Twenty

The Patrol Method

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Acts 2:42-47

They spent their time learning from the apostles, and they were like family to each other. They also broke bread and
prayed together. Everyone was amazed by the many miracles and wonders that the apostles worked. All the Lords
followers often met together, and they shared everything they had. They would sell their property and possessions
and give the money to whoever needed it. Day after day they met together in the temple. They broke bread together
in different homes and shared their food happily and freely, while praising God. Everyone liked them, and each day
the Lord added to their group others who were being saved.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

Life in the early church thrived within the small
groups characterized by the apostles teachings,
prayers, and shared meals. I can imagine them
gathering together at the Temple for large
group teaching and worship before retiring to
their small groups in individual homes. In these
homes I see them sharing their food and
discussing what they heard in a more intimate
Our patrols are like these small groups that met
in homes. In a patrol, members share food,

chores, and sleeping arrangements. In a patrol,

members exercise the lessons that they have
learned. In patrols, members stretch their
leadership abilities and nurture new kids that
find themselves in an otherwise foreign
environment. I would like to suggest that each
patrol have its own Chaplains Aid. This
Chaplains Aid can work with the others to
forma Scouts Own Worship Service for the
larger Troop.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Participate in a Small Group

Are you in a small group? Does your small group have a structure that allows for a good balance of
outreach to the stranger and in-reach to care for its members? Does it have a spiritual maturity that
enables a healthy balance of Biblical learning and life application?


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Twenty-one

The Outdoor Code

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Romans 8:18-25

I am sure that what we are suffering now cannot compare with the glory that will be shown to us. In fact, all
creation is eagerly waiting for God to show who his children are. Meanwhile, creation is confused, but not because
it wants to be confused. God made it this way in the hope that creation would be set free from decay and would
share in the glorious freedom of his children. We know that all creation is still groaning and is in pain, like a woman
about to give birth. The Spirit makes us sure about what we will be in the future. But now we groan silently, while
we wait for God to show that we are his children. This means that our bodies will also be set free. And this hope is
what saves us. But if we already have what we hope for, there is no need to keep on hoping. However, we hope for
something we have not yet seen, and we patiently wait for it.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

As an American, I will do my best to be clean in
my outdoor manners, be careful with fire, be
considerate in the outdoors, and be
conservation minded. Built into the Methods
of Scouting is the Outdoor Code. Every Scout
takes on the responsibility to protect the
environment. It is an act of stewardship. What
we do in our lives impacts the environment.
Our Scripture passage today is a reminder that
creation, along with us, is awaiting the time
when it will be made whole by the Creator.
When humanity fell in Genesis 3 all of creation
felt the penalty of Sin. Animals had to die to

cover the shame felt by Adam and Eve. It wont

always be this way. In Isaiah 11:6-9 we get a
glimpse of the Peaceable Kingdom. Perhaps
you have seen the painting by Henri Rousseau
where all of Creation is in harmony. We dont
need to wait for the redemption to be an
instrument of Gods redemption. Every service
project becomes an opportunity to renew our
world and teach young people the importance
of our ministry of stewardship. In this lesson is
the humble expectation that we will also be

Spiritual Formation Practice: Stewardship

With a family member, build a bird feeder or some form of natural habitat for a small animal.
Terracotta pots work great for toad habitats. Use your imagination and involve others.


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Twenty-two

The Outdoor Classroom

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Matthew 6:25-29

I tell you not to worry about your life. Dont worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear. Isnt life more
than food or clothing? Look at the birds in the sky! They dont plant or harvest. They dont even store grain in
barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Arent you worth more than birds? Can worry make you live
longer? Why worry about clothes? Look how the wild flowers grow. They dont work hard to make their clothes.
But I tell you that Solomon with all his wealth wasnt as well clothed as one of them.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Lectio-Divina

The outdoor classroom has a way of reinforcing
the lesson. If it is cold, we are motivated to
dress appropriately and build a fire. If it rains
we are motivated to set up camp quickly and
properly. Jesus used nature as a classroom to
talk about worry. The disciples could relate
because they were near the objects every day.
Today we will try on the practice of LectioDivina, also known as Sacred Reading. The
focus is on listening to Scripture rather than the
quantity of Scripture read. If you have never
done this before, then it will seem redundant. I
ask you to please give it a chance and approach
it with an open mind.

Begin with three minutes of silence

Lectio 1 (reading) Read the passage slowly.
Allow the words or phrases to speak to you.
Sit silently for two minutes
Lectio 2 Reread the passage slowly. Allow
words, phrases, and images to speak to you.
Make a mental note.
Sit silently
Lectio 3 Reread the passage slowly until you
encounter a word, phrase, or image that grabs
your attention. This is an invitation for God to
talk to you.
Ponder the word, phrase, or image
Play with it in your heart and mind
Let it interact with who you are: your
hopes, fears, dreams, and memories
Know that you are encountering God in these


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Twenty-three

Advancement: Merit Badges

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading 1 Corinthians 9:19-23

I am not anyones slave. But I have become a slave to everyone, so that I can win as many people as possible. When
I am with the Jews, I live like a Jew to win Jews. They are ruled by the Law of Moses, and I am not. But I live by
the Law to win them. And when I am with people who are not ruled by the Law, I forget about the Law to win
them. Of course, I never really forget about the law of God. In fact, I am ruled by the law of Christ. When I am with
people whose faith is weak, I live as they do to win them. I do everything I can to win everyone I possibly can. I do
all this for the good news, because I want to share in its blessings..

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

I always considered merit badges to be an
opportunity to try on new ideas and concepts
that I otherwise wouldnt be able to experience.
I never intended to make Eagle (I was a Star
I just wanted to explore the
possibilities. Firemanship merit badge made it
possible to be in a fire station. Canoeing and
Rowing gave me the freedom to leave the
shoreline and explore some more. Wilderness
Survival and First Aid were badges that would
define my life. The list goes on.
The Apostle Paul shares his desire to experience
many different settings as a tool for spreading
the Good News of Christ. He meets people

where they are. He intentionally gives up his

right to self to show others the freedom that is
available in the Christian life. Paul does this for
the Good News because he wants to share in its
blessings. Every encounter promotes Gods
kingdom. Every encounter brings Paul closer to
the kingdom. Paul understands that he and the
Good News are an inseparable partnership.
Adult leaders are beyond the age for merit
badges; however, we may still stretch our
comfort zones and open ourselves up to new
possibilities for the sake of the Gospel, so that
we too can share in its blessings.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Witnessing

Consider how God has been at work in your life recently.
Pray to God that you will be sensitive to a time and place to share Gods activity with someone.
Pray for the courage to tell Gods story in your life. You dont have to be a scholar to share an


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Twenty-four

Advancement: Board of Review

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Luke 10:17-20

When the seventy-two followers returned, they were excited and said, Lord, even the demons obeyed when we
spoke in your name! Jesus told them: I saw Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning. I have given you the
power to trample on snakes and scorpions and to defeat the power of your enemy Satan. Nothing can harm you. But
dont be happy because evil spirits obey you. Be happy that your names are written in heaven!

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

The 72 disciples went out in buddy pairs with
the mission to prepare the towns for Jesus
arrival. In the midst of this mission they
realized they were able to cast out demons in
Jesus name. Jesus warns them about the
dangerous effects of pride and redirects their
attention to the ultimate prize Salvation.
In our own boards of review, we share in the
accomplishments of the youth. We get excited
in the work they have done and we rejoice with
them. In the midst of this celebration, we must

find a way to keep our eyes on the ultimate

For Scouting, that purpose is
developing the morals and ethics of the child.
As Christians, this is done through the salvation
in Jesus Christ and through the sanctification of
each person with the help of the Holy Spirit.
When I participate in a board of review, I like to
ask this question: A Scout is reverent, how has
your work in Scouting drawn you closer in your
relationship with God? I ask you the same

Spiritual Formation Practice: Spiritual Direction

Find a trusted friend that can help you listen to God. God is always present in our lives and working
around us. This trusted friend will help you to pay attention to Gods presence and activity.
This person should be:
Spiritually mature,
Able to listen to you and the Holy Spirit


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Twenty-five

Adult Association
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Luke 18:15-17

Some people brought their little children for Jesus to bless. But when his disciples saw them doing this, they told the
people to stop bothering him. So Jesus called the children over to him and said, Let the children come to me! Dont
try to stop them. People who are like these children belong to Gods kingdom You will never get into Gods
kingdom unless you enter it like a child!.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

How do we receive the Kingdom of God as a
little child? Look at the Scouts in your unit. Put
yourself in their shoes and see the world from
their perspective. I have spoken to thousands
of children in an effort to tell them about
Scouting. These room rallies are conducted in
their classrooms. I can see their brains go from
math and science to a world of infinite
A tent becomes a place of
adventure, a hike in the woods becomes an
expedition, and a campfire becomes a
mysterious event. They shove off from the

shore to a lily pad covered cove and see the

world from a new perspective.
We need to embrace that sense of adventure
that God invites us to when we commit to a
relationship with God through Jesus Christ. I
often get comfortable in my routine, but I
always keep an ear and eye out for the One
who is calling me to even greater adventures.
As adults, we can best associate with children
by entering their innocent world of infinite

Spiritual Formation Practice: Celebration

Celebrate God by doing one of the following:
Write a poem
Draw a picture
Make a collage
Sing a song
Go to a place that brings you joy


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Twenty-six

Personal Growth
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Luke 2:52

Jesus became wise, and he grew strong. God was pleased with him and so were the people.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

Todays Scripture verse follows the only story
we have of Jesus as a youth. He went to
Jerusalem from Nazareth at which time he may
have realized for the first time who he truly
was. After this brief interlude the Bible tells us
that Jesus went home, was obedient, and grew
up. An excellent model of ministry is to have a
healthy balance of mental growth, physical
growth, spiritual growth, and social growth.
Adolescence is about trying on new things until
the child identifies who they are in Christ. Jesus

did not do it in a vacuum. I can imagine the

town of Nazareth working together to help him
develop. The best way for us to help others
grow is to have a growth plan for ourselves.
One of the after action review techniques used
in Scouting is the Stop Start Continue
method. We break down a major activity into
its smaller components and ask what we need
to Stop, Start, or Continue
In the boxes below, identify one thing per box
that you can Start, Stop, or Continue.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Rhythm for Life

Wisdom = Mental Growth
Mentally Awake

Stature = Physical Growth

Physically Strong

I will Start, Stop, or Continue:

I will Start, Stop, or Continue:

In Favor with God = Spiritual Growth

Morally Straight

In Favor with Man = Social Growth

Help Other People

I will Start, Stop, or Continue:

I will Start, Stop, or Continue:


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Twenty-seven


Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Galatians 5:22-23

Gods Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled. There is no
law against behaving in any of these ways..

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

Servant leadership is identified by the fruit that
it produces. This may only be produced as long
as it is connected to the Source (John 15:1-8)
Galatians tells us that the Spirit produces fruit in
us we know we are being servant leaders when
Love others as ourselves
Have a joy that is not dependent on
Are at peace with each other and our

Patiently wait for Gods timing

Do acts of kindness for people who may
not be able to repay us
Seek to do good at all times
Faithfully attend to the means of Grace
stay in love with God
Gently nudge others to see God in you
the Bible is not a hammer
Exercise self-control over yourself
think theologically rather than react

Spiritual Formation Practice: My Journal

There have been times in the ministry and in Scouting that I was ready to quit. The backbiting, politics,
and little kingdom building that goes on when humans are grouped together can be too much to bear
alone. Each time I get to that point, I redirect my attention away from the physical to the spiritual. I
focus on Gods purpose for me. God reveals the truth to me that I am not alone. My love for the kids
and fellow leaders reveals a joy and peace that allows me to be patient. I am able to be kind to
someone who is being less than kind to me. I can then focus on the good to be done rather than
watching my back for retribution. This strengthens my faith for the next time. With my stress level
down, I can be gentler on folks thus more self-controlled when some issue arises.__________


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Twenty-eight

The Uniform

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Ephesians 6:13-17

So put on all the armor that God gives. Then when that evil day comes, you will be able to defend yourself. And
when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm. Be ready! Let the truth be like a belt around your waist, and
let Gods justice protect you like armor. Your desire to tell the good news about peace should be like shoes on your
feet. Let your faith be like a shield, and you will be able to stop all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Let Gods
saving power be like a helmet, and for a sword use Gods message that comes from the Spirit.

Spiritual Formation Practice:

The Scouting Uniform is like a threaded resume.
One good look at it and you can tell that the
Scout is part of a worldwide movement that is
active in a specific unit in a specific council. You
can see the patrol or den that they belong to
within the unit.
You can see their
accomplishments and patches from adventures
shared with friends. You can see the position
they currently hold. The uniform is very
functional for field use and it looks nice.
A Paul wrote the letter to the Ephesians he was
probably under house arrest. I can imagine him
looking at the uniform of the Roman soldier
who guarded him. Each piece was functional
for the task of a soldier in that time.
Belt of Truth The belt I wear in the
field when running Summer Camp has a
place for a water bottle, radio, phone,
flashlight, knife, and a first-aid kit. It
has things in it that I need to do my job
in the field. The Belt of Truth Paul talks


about has years worth of lessons that

stand the test of time.
Breastplate of Righteousness (Justice)
If you are striving to do the right thing
then it is hard for people to find fault
with what you say and do. They may
not agree with you, but your ethics are
Shoes Readiness to go and proclaim
the Good News (Be Prepared)
Shield of Faith soldiers would soak
their shields in water to extinguish the
flaming arrows of the enemy.
Remember your baptism
Helmet of Salvation when you accept
Jesus Christ as Lord, protect that
thought and dont let the world change
your mind
Sword of the Spirit The only offensive
weapon mentioned. Gods Spirit goes
out before us. Every time Gods Good
News is spoken, evil takes a hit.

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Days Twenty-nine Thirty-six

Group Dynamics and the E.D.G.E. Method

The Beatitudes
Matthew 5: 1-12 (NRSV)

The Lord's Prayer

Matthew 6: 9-13 (NRSV)
Know God as
personal and

Blessed are those who

mourn, for they will be

Recognize the
World as Sinful

Longing for

Blessed are the meek

for they will inherit
the earth.

Blessed are the

merciful, for they will
receive mercy.

Acts of piety

Acts of Mercy

Single Loyalty to

Blessed are the

peacemakers, for they
will be called children
of God

Acts of

Blessed are those who

are persecuted for
righteousness sake, for
theirs is the kingdom
of heaven


God's Will

Your will be
done, on Earth
as in Heaven

Begin with us

Give us this day

our daily bread

Forgive and
be forgiven

and forgive us
our debts as we
have also
forgiven our

Strength in

and do not
bring us to the
time of trial, but
rescue us from
the Evil one


Blessed are the pure in

heart, for they will see

Your Kingdom



Blessed are those that

hunger and thirst for
righteousness, for they
will be filled

Renounce the

Our Father in
Hollowed be
your name



Recognize our



Blessed are the poor in

spirit, for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven

The Beatitudes are our guideposts along our spiritual journey towards Christ likeness
Small groups go through a growth process: Forming, storming, norming, and performing. Christian small
groups should not focus on performing, rather we are transformational in our mission
The Lords Prayer is a means of Grace in which we move from guidepost to guidepost

The E.D.G.E. method is the way a leader motivates us to move to the next guidepost


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Twenty-nine

Group Dynamic: Forming

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Matthew 5:3

God blesses those people who depend only on him. They belong to the kingdom of heaven!

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

As individuals the first thing we must realize is
that we are sinners. Until we realize that we
are in need of a Savior, we will continue to
attempt salvation through our works, our
pilgrimages, our therapies, and even our vices.
We will join others in a futile attempt to satisfy
a longing that cannot be satisfied apart from
the One whose image we are made in.
When we join others in groups we find
ourselves forming bonds through shared values
and common experiences. We look to others to

find an extension of ourselves. This initial step

in group dynamics is actually pretty narcissistic.
It is a feel good time and social in nature. What
would our spiritual walk look like if we chose to
form a group that had a goal of forming Christ
in each of the participants? What would our
spiritual walk look like if we chose to look for
Christ in others instead of ourselves in others? I
believe we would be overcome with Gods Spirit
and say: Oh the blessed joy to be free from
myself and in the presence of God!

Spiritual Formation Practice: Inventory Your Group

Do the members reflect you or God?
Do the group goals reflect you or God?
Are others welcome?
How do others join your group?


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Thirty

E.D.G.E.: Explain
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Matthew 6:9

You should pray like this: Our Father in heaven, help us to honor your name.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

The way in which we recognize that we are
sinners is to know God as communal, personal,
and holy. When Jesus taught his disciples to
pray, he was explaining a better way to live.
Words have power. Prayer changes the person
doing the praying. Notice the main point of the
Forming devotional reading (our need for a
Savior) and the main point of the Explain
devotional reading (God as communal,
personal, and holy). When groups are in the
forming stage the leader explains what is
required. The same is true for individual
formation. When God begins forming us we
must recognize our sinfulness, Jesus then
explains our need for a communal, personal,
and holy God.
When we say: Our Father, we are
acknowledging that our Christian life has a
community aspect that binds us all together.

We are acknowledging God as personal. Our

Father is translated Daddy.
God is
approachable and near.
When we say: in Heaven, Holy is your name,
we acknowledge God as being in a place of
power to answer our prayers yet holy and just.
There is an old school contemporary Christian
song that says: More love, more power, more
of you in my life. Love must be the motivator
that causes us to seek God. God will use his
power to share his love. When we recognize
that Gods power is motivated by Gods love for
us, then we realize that despite our sinful
condition God can rescue us from this sin and
re-create us new. We no longer have to do as
we always have done. We will find ourselves in
a storm as we unlearn the bad things and
embrace Gods way.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Breath Prayer

Breath In
Daddy in Heaven


Breath Out
You are Holy

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Thirty-one

Group Dynamic: Storming

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Matthew 5:4-5

God blesses those people who grieve. They will find comfort!
God blesses those people who are humble. The earth will belong to them!

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

Once we recognize our sins and realize Gods
power and love to change us, we get a new
perspective on life. If we choose to become
Christian as a means to a relationship with God
then we recognize the world as sinful and we
renounce the worlds methods. Individually and
corporately we go into a storming phase. The
status quo and our lifes lessons are no longer
sufficient. We face a crisis of belief and a crisis
in our relationships. We fight each other and
we fight God. We form the Back to Egypt
Committee that would rather return to familiar
bondage then to step into the unknown.

What would our spiritual walk look like if, in the

midst of our storms, we embraced Gods love
for the world and trusted in his power to
transform the world?
What would our spiritual walk look like if, in the
midst of our storms, we trusted God to show us
a better way that we have yet to imagine?
I believe we would be overcome by Gods Spirit
and say: Oh the blessed joy to be free from the
limits of this world and directed by your power
and love!

Spiritual Formation Practice: Inventory Your Group

How does your group handle injustice?
How does your group handle disagreement?


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Thirty-two

E.D.G.E.: Demonstrate
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Matthew 6:10

Come and set up your kingdom, so that everyone on earth will obey you, as you are obeyed in heaven.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

We participate in the Kingdom of God when we
do the perfect will of God in an attitude of trust
and love. The Kingdom of God is a direct
contrast to the sinfulness of the world for which
the Christian mourns in the previous beatitude.
Our hearts break because Gods heart breaks.
We find ourselves in a storm of unrealized
expectations and look to God to help us move
to the next guidepost on our journey. When
individuals and groups are in a storming phase,
they dont hear logic or dream for a way to
achieve self-actualization. They are stuck and
need a way out. The leaders task is to
demonstrate the intended behavior.
Imagine what it was like at the Last Supper.
Close friends gathered and Jesus said one of

them would betray him and Jesus would die.

Jesus then goes to the Mount of Olives and
prays Not my will but your will be done. Jesus
then does the will of God, which the disciples
didnt understand at that time.
Using Jesus demonstrated example the
disciples were able to move forward into the
next phase, which was norming. Jesus is the
Messiah and Savior, but he is also the example
of what we are here to do. If you are in the
storming phase, then look to the many
examples of Jesus in the New Testament. What
will emerge are many examples of how Jesus
set the acceptable norms for ministry. The
Methods of Scouting are the acceptable norms
for Scouting. .

Spiritual Formation Practice: Journaling

Some of the best ways to see Gods love demonstrated is to review past journals. If you are honest
with yourself in your writing, you can see the full range of human emotions in varying circumstances.
You can see what worked and what didnt work. You can see your own weaknesses and see how God
used these weaknesses to bring about positive change in your life..


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Thirty-three

Group Dynamic: Norming

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Matthew 5:6-7

God blesses those people who want to obey him more than to eat or drink. They will be given what they want!
God blesses those people who are merciful. They will be treated with mercy!

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

We are all in the process of becoming. Our acts
of piety and our acts of mercy become the
norming activities that define who we are and
who we will become. The biggest danger we
face is to hunger or thirst for a form of
righteousness and achieve this form. It leaves
us self-satisfied and not motivated to grow. We
end up going through the motions and playing
We must hunger and thirst for
righteousness to such a point that we would
leave our comfort zone.
Mercy means to step into someone elses shoes
and walk their walk with them, seeing what
they see and feeling what they feel. This is only
possible when we hunger and thirst for
righteousness and upon finding that

righteousness, abandon self and show mercy to

others as an act of obedience to Gods loving
purpose. Jesus left Heaven to enter into space
and time as a human. He did this to experience
what it means to be fully human and show us
what it means to be truly human as God
intended. Ultimately he gave us what we really
needed Union with God.
What would our spiritual walk look like if we
approached every spiritual practice as an
opportunity to abandon self and embrace
What would our spiritual walk look like if we
approached every relationship as an
opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ?

Spiritual Formation Practice: Practicing the Presence of God

Look for times during your day where you can be aware of Gods presence
Perhaps it is during an interruption. Consider it an opportunity to be in Gods presence.
Set specific times of the day to pray: shower, breakfast, drive, lunch, bedtime....


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Thirty-four

E.D.G.E.: Guide
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Matthew 6:11-12

Give us our food for today. Forgive us for doing wrong, as we forgive others.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

During the norming phase of group dynamics
the role of the leader is to guide the group to
what is acceptable. Our hunger and thirst for
righteousness is satisfied by the daily bread we
receive from God. Our acts of mercy are
directly related to the forgiveness we grant and
receive. This guiding is done as a continuous
process. We cannot go out and get all the
bread we need for a lifetime. We cannot
resolve to forgive someone and call it done.
Hurts have a way of creeping back into our lives
and we find ourselves needing to forgive again
as reminders of the pain show up.
In the Scout Oath we promise to do our duty.
When we fail to do our duty we commit

opheilema the Greek word for debt. Jesus

words guide us to forgive debts and ask for the
forgiveness of ours too. We are able to see the
other persons need for forgiveness because we
have seen our own need.
The beautiful thing about this part of the prayer
is that it is a partnership between us and God.
It is also a partnership with others as we work in
community to grow in Grace.
We are able to trust our daily growth, our daily
hurts, and our daily hope to the one true God
who guides us to step out of ourselves and see
the world from his perspective. We are ready
to transform the world.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Count Your Blessings

Did you wake up this morning? Obviously or you wouldnt be reading this. If you have no other reason
to rejoice, start with the fact that you are alive.
Take inventory of all you have in life. It can be family, a career that is meaningful, or friends that you
share your walk with..


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Thirty-five

Group Dynamic: Transforming

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Matthew 5:8-12

God blesses those people whose hearts are pure. They will see him!
God blesses those people who make peace. They will be called his children!
God blesses those people who are treated badly for doing right. They belong to the kingdom of heaven.
God will bless you when people insult you, mistreat you, and tell all kinds of evil lies about you because of me. Be
happy and excited! You will have a great reward in heaven. People did these same things to the prophets who lived
long ago.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

In order to be a transforming agent of God in a
broken and sinful world we must have a single
loyalty to God, perform acts of reconciliation,
and be different than the world we serve in.
Once we approach our Christian life with a
purity of heart then our existence becomes a
threat to the sinful world around us. We see sin
for what it is: a threat to the peace that God
desires for each of us. We are called to speak
out and act in love
A Peacemaker is not a peacekeeper.
peacemaker does not avoid the conflict; rather

he addresses the issue and deals with it in with

an attitude of love and humility. A peacemaker
is a transforming agent; however he is not the
catalyst for change. Gods Holy Spirit is the
catalyst that works in the souls of all of us to
bring about conviction. The agent is only
responsible for communicating the message of
the one who sent him. With a pure heart, this
communication will reflect Gods love in our
words and actions.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Detachment

I have heard it said that a good way to live your life is to start at your Eulogy and work backwards.
Sometimes I feel like I am attached to my reputation, both good and bad. Sometimes I am attached to
my memories, both good and bad. Seldom am I attached to material things, unless they are connected
to my memories or reputation.
Identify something you are attached to and turn it over to God. This will help you keep a pure heart.


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Thirty-Six

E.D.G.E: Empower
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Matthew 6:13

Keep us from being tempted and protect us from evil.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

During the transforming phase of a group the
role of the leader is to empower. Our leader is
the Holy Spirit. Our petition for empowerment
is to give us strength in the testing. The word
for testing is often translated to mean
temptation, which has negative implications.
The Greek word is Peirasmon which implies a
test to prove to the ones being tested that they
can be good. By passing this test we grow in
strength for the next time we face a test. God is
not trying to set a trap for us. God knows our

limits and wants us to overcome these limits in

his strength, which builds trust. Our times of
trials do come. We will face some degree of
persecution. The beatitude says that we are
blessed in this persecution: Oh the blessed joy
that comes from persecution for theirs is the
Kingdom of Heaven. If we believe this then why
pray to avoid it? We pray to God to give us only
that which we can endure and this makes us

Spiritual Formation Practice: A Mission Journal

We were on day five of a seven day mission trip to the Gulf Coast to help people that survived
Hurricane Katrina. The youth were trying to come to grips with the realization that we were working
on an elderly ladys house hit three years prior. It offended their sense of justice that this lady had not
received help yet. The mold was bad and the kids were exhausted. They were faced with massive
devastation and its impact on someone they were getting to know on a personal level. At one point
they all panicked over the mold and stopped working. The leadership rallied them and the kids went
back to work until a wall came down revealing black mold in one room. The kids went into a panic
mode and once settled down, they drifted into individual pockets of fear with a thousand yard stare on
each face. I sealed off the room and gathered the kids and other leaders. We sang some worship
songs then I explained to them the following truth: They were being given a rare opportunity where
they come to the end of themselves and anything beyond this point would be God working through
them. They were free to drink water and cool off under the sycamore tree and nobody would judge
them. That is exactly what they did for more than a half hour. Eventually, I looked left and right and
found the room full of kids trying to help this lady get at least one more room cleaned out, before we
left the next day._________________________________________________________________
When have you come to the end of yourself to find God empowering you to continue?


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Thirty-seven

Aims of Scouting: Character

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Matthew 5:13-16

You are like salt for everyone on earth. But if salt no longer tastes like salt, how can it make food salty? All it is
good for is to be thrown out and walked on.
You are like light for the whole world. A city built on top of a hill cannot be hidden, and no one would light a lamp
and put it under a clay pot. A lamp is placed on a lamp stand, where it can give light to everyone in the house. Make
your light shine, so that others will see the good that you do and will praise your Father in heaven.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

Up to this point we have explored the Methods
of Scouting from a New Testament perspective.
We looked at the group dynamics and E.D.G.E.
method employed in our training programs
from the perspective of the beatitudes and the
Lords prayer. These are all methods. They are
a means to an end. The end result is character,
citizenship, and physical fitness. Let us look at
Immediately following the beatitudes, Jesus
draws a word picture of what the disciples
character should look like. Disciples should
resemble salt and light. Salt has a preserving
effect on meat and adds flavor. Light provides

direction to the pilgrim and stands out as an

example. We must remain close to those we
serve in order to be a preserving agent. We
must be clear in our message of love and hope
in order to be a useful light. Our witness must
be pure in order to be believable.
As Scout leaders we put on a uniform and with
it certain expectations of ourselves and those
who watch us. We are judged based on our
ethics of who we say we are. The Christian walk
is the same. When we say that we are
Christians we are using the name of our Lord to
identify who we are. If we fail to act like Christ
then we have used his name in vain..

Spiritual Formation Practice: Vespers

Roses in my day:
Thorns in my day:
What is God saying to me?


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Thirty-eight

Aims of Scouting: Citizenship

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading John 18:33-38

Pilate then went back inside. He called Jesus over and asked, Are you the king of the Jews? Jesus answered, Are
you asking this on your own or did someone tell you about me? You know Im not a Jew! Pilate said. Your own
people and the chief priests brought you to me. What have you done? Jesus answered, My kingdom doesnt
belong to this world. If it did, my followers would have fought to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish
leaders. No, my kingdom doesnt belong to this world. So you are a king, Pilate replied. You are saying that I
am a king, Jesus told him. I was born into this world to tell about the truth. And everyone who belongs to the truth
knows my voice. Pilate asked Jesus, What is truth?

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

Here we have the ultimate example of Jesus on
trial before mankind, yet Jesus, in all his
majesty, remains in control. Jesus asks mankind
the piercing questions that redirect our
energies to the Kingdom of Heaven. We are all
called to a citizenship that transcends space and
time and owes allegiance to the One True God.
Jesus simply states that his kingdom is not of
this world. He then reinforces the mission
statement found in Johns Prologue (John 1)
that he came to testify to the Truth. Whoever
accepts this Truth listens to his voice.
As citizens of Heaven, our task is to recognize
the Truth that God revealed about Gods self in

the person of Jesus Christ. We are then

compelled to listen to the Truth and manifest
this Truth in our lives. Citizenship in Heaven is
therefore a matter of the heart. Laws, morals,
and other extrinsic factors regulate our external
behavior; however the heart is the primary
motivator for all actions.
The way to involve the heart is to seek the
Truth. The heart does not ask the question
What is Truth? The heart merely opens itself
up to the truth of Gods love. What keeps you
from seeking the Truth with your whole heart?
What external pressures cause your allegiance
to focus on a citizenship of this world?

Spiritual Formation Practice: Fasting

Fasting is not always about food. Sometimes it is about an activity. The activity that you are fasting
from must be replaced with an activity that draws you closer to God, otherwise it will get filled with
something else. Years ago, I realized how much time I was taking reading the newspaper every
morning. I cancelled the subscription and did the 34 week intensive Disciple Bible Study. The results
were life changing.


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Thirty-nine

Aims of Scouting: Fitness

Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading Romans 8:9-17

You are no longer ruled by your desires, but by Gods Spirit, who lives in you. People who dont have the Spirit of
Christ in them dont belong to him. But Christ lives in you. So you are alive because God has accepted you, even
though your bodies must die because of your sins. Yet God raised Jesus to life! Gods Spirit now lives in you, and
he will raise you to life by his Spirit. My dear friends, we must not live to satisfy our desires. If you do, you will
die. But you will live, if by the help of Gods Spirit you say No to your desires. Only those people who are led by
Gods Spirit are his children. Gods Spirit doesnt make us slaves who are afraid of him. Instead, we become his
children and call him our Father. Gods Spirit makes us sure that we are his children. His Spirit lets us know that
together with Christ we will be given what God has promised. We will also share in the glory of Christ, because we
have suffered with him.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

Before you knew that you needed a Savior from
Sin, God had a plan and began working around
you. At some point you answered his call and
accepted his sacrifice, claiming him as Lord and
Savior of your life. At that point you were
justified in Gods eyes and became part of the
family of God. The Spirit of God came to reside
in you to help you follow the lead of Gods Spirit
rather than the fleshly desires and impulses.
Spiritual fitness therefore becomes a matter of
developing the habits of listening to God. The
last 39 days have been an intentional regimen
of spiritual formation practices designed to
place yourself in a posture for listening to God.

The starting point of good fitness is the art of

listening to the right advice. Anyone who has
trained his body knows the importance of
proper technique and workout rotations. They
practice proper nutrition to fuel the workout
and promote recovery. Poor advise could set
the athlete back weeks or longer if injury
occurs. The flesh has many years of learned
behavior that must be unlearned through the
guidance of the Holy Spirit living within the
believer. Each time this behavior and thinking is
replaced by Gods way of thinking and behaving
the believer grows in Grace. This is called
sanctification and is a lifelong process.. .

Spiritual Formation Practice: Stewardship of the Body

Since the physical body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit we must remember to care for it. The way we
feel physically affects the way we are able to focus spiritually. Identify ways to take better care of your
body and mind:


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

Day Forty

S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Spiritual Formation Practice: Scripture Reading John 1:43-51

The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. There he met Philip, who was from Bethsaida, the hometown of
Andrew and Peter. Jesus said to Philip, Come with me. Philip then found Nathanael and said, We have found the
one that Moses and the Prophets wrote about. He is Jesus, the son of Joseph from Nazareth. Nathanael asked, Can
anything good come from Nazareth? Philip answered, Come and see.
When Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him, he said, Here is a true descendant of our ancestor Israel. And he
isnt deceitful. How do you know me? Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, Before Philip called you, I saw you
under the fig tree. Nathanael said, Rabbi, you are the Son of God and the King of Israel! Jesus answered, Did
you believe me just because I said that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see something even greater. I tell you
for certain that you will see heaven open and Gods angels going up and coming down on the Son of Man.

Spiritual Formation Practice: Devotional Reading

Nathanael was a man who was searching for
meaning. His friend Philip knew it and directed
him towards Jesus. Jesus knew Nathanaels
quest for meaning was pure and promised him
that he would be in a place where Heaven and
earth meet:
What were Philips S.M.A.R.T. goals as he left
Bethsaida to tell Nathanael about Jesus?:
Today I will go to Nathanael, who is meditating
under his fig tree, and tell him about Jesus and
invite him to came and meet him in Bethsaida.
Philip knew it would be pointless to argue so he
stated the evidence: Jesus is the one the Law
wrote about. Jesus was the one the Prophets
spoke about. Jesus is real and near.

What were Nathanaels S.M.A.R.T. goals as he

left his fig tree to meet Jesus?: I will go with
Philip to Bethsaida to see if he has any insight
into who the Savior of Israel will be.
For 40 days you have meditated under your fig
tree. You are looking for a place to serve God
in a place where Heaven and earth meet. If it
were not so, then you would have quit this
workbook much sooner. Take some time to go
through this workbook and highlight key words
and phrases that spoke to you or key words and
phrases that you wrote down. Look for
patterns and pray for a way to write them
down. This is Gods invitation to you to join
God in the mission to make disciples for Jesus
Christ for the transformation of this world.

Spiritual Formation Practice: S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Action Oriented
Time Sensitive


Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

About the Author Ty LaValley
What is it about my life that qualifies me to
write a workbook on spiritual formation? I am
not exactly a Biblical scholar, although I am very
fluent in Scripture thanks to fourteen years in
full time Christian vocational ministry and a
graduate certificate in Christian Education from
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. Even
so, this merely equips me to not be careless
with the words I use. I believe the qualification
comes from the fact that I am like so many
other people: seeking God in a workaday world.
My life story strikes a chord in the life story of
others who may share this walk with me. I grew
up in a military family that moved around a lot.
The home was broken in many aspects and
nurturing in others. My parents divorced when
I was 8 and I helped raise my little brothers with
our father until he remarried. I still can see my
mother and grandmother outside the house in
Columbus, Georgia saying: I just want to kiss
my babies one last time and hearing my dad
say: They arent your babies anymore. It
would be ten years before I would see them
The Vietnam War was tough on my dad. He
found solace for the war in a bottle and was
violent during those times. For the most part
he would give anyone the shirt off his back if
they needed it. He was a very loving man most
of the time. He was active in our lives when we
did karate, Boy Scouts, and Jr. ROTC. He took us
to work with him and we learned how to lead
by watching him.
When I turned 17, I graduated high school a
half year early and joined the Army. In the
Army I found a home that I could love. When I
was 18 I deployed to Honduras in Central
America to support the Government of El


Salvador and the Rebels in Nicaragua. The unit I

served with in Germany contributed to the end
of the Cold War when we upgraded all the
nuclear warheads with Pershing II missiles. I
was able to graduate Airborne School and serve
as a paratrooper in the elite 82nd Airborne
Division. I was able to take part in the upgrade
of the US Army Signal Corps capabilities in three
different units. I even chipped away pieces of
the Berlin Wall. By the time I was 26 years old,
I was already a Sergeant First Class, the same
rank my dad and grandfather retired with. My
career sent me around the world multiple times
and exposed me to cultures and ways of
thinking that would inform my theological
perspective. I was able to serve God in every
setting. Duty in Bosnia opened up doors for me
to assist with a Catholic orphanage and with
Samaritans Purse. This set the groundwork for
hearing Gods call into the ministry.
Shortly after the Cold War ended I was offered
a fifteen year retirement which included
retirement pay for life and all benefits. At the
age of 32, this seemed prudent. I left the Army
to answer the call to full time Christian
vocational ministry. This experience would set
the tone for years of servant ministry. When
we left Hawaii on an airplane back to the
mainland, we had no idea where we would
serve. Within two weeks, Gods provision
allowed for us to serve Ashland Place United
Methodist Church in Mobile, Alabama as the
Director of Christian Education and Youth
Ministries. It came with a parsonage, a corner
office, a decent salary and tuition for me to
finish my Bachelor of Science Degree. If I had to
do all over again, I would have stayed there.
Unfortunately, I was still caught in the
performance trap that says I have to seek the
next higher level professionally. I moved,

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

seeking the level of glory I had found in the
For the most part, I enjoyed helping people
grow in their faith within the context of the
local church. I grew in my knowledge and faith
as we worked together to accomplish the
mission to make disciples for Jesus Christ for
the transformation of the world. Working with
volunteers to help them realize a goal was the
most rewarding. The most memorable time in
ministry was when we responded to the
terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 with a
worship and prayer service that gave our
community a place to belong, find hope, and
give expression to their pain.
My least favorite thing about the local church is
the way people tend to build up little kingdoms
around themselves and guard their ministries
against all change. I now know that to be a way
to defend their Temples of Meaning. This
happens when we find meaning in a particular
ministry or theological perspective and form a
understanding. Eventually we add structure to
the comfort zone to give it a more permanent
feel. When someone or some idea comes along
and challenges the structure then we are forced
to either rethink our ideas and all the
implications that go along with the ideas or
repel the person challenging our ideas.
I am of the practice of challenging Temples of
Meaning because they allow the builders to
settle for less than what God had intended.
They become a form of righteousness. This got
me into trouble with two local churches. I
invited kids, from the surrounding community,
to be part of a sports ministry. Youth parents
at both churches complained that there was not
enough ministry for our kids. It seemed the
community kids were not happy just playing


basketball. They actually wanted to be part of a

church youth group and learn about Jesus.
Some parents did not like the idea that we
would expose our kids to those kids. I held
the line and the kids grew through the
experience. It did not end well for me. One
church eliminated my position when I received
recall orders for duty in Iraq and the other one
moved me to a new position, not involving
youth before eliminated the new position due
to budget cuts.
I have spent time on this area of church ministry
because I want to be transparent in my attitude
towards settling for something less than what
God has for you. The devotionals and spiritual
formation practices are difficult to do if you
dont want to change. In some cases you may
find yourself deconstructing Temples of
Meaning. The pain that you are feeling is the
spiritual baggage leaving your body. Trust
Gods plan and you will emerge stronger.
I became a Christian the day that I decided to
turn everything over to God. I can remember
the walk in the Odenwald behind our Kaserne in
Darmstadt, Germany. My life goal was to reach
the rank that my dad and grandfather reached.
At 25 years old, I was on the list for the
promotion but had a gaping hole in my heart. I
was trying to earn Gods love. I went for a walk
in the woods to have a talk with God and said:
God, there has to be more in life than
achieving glory. I know you are real.
Help me accept the things I hear in
chapel and help me change my life to
show that I believe them. I gladly turn it
all over to you to do with me as you
I never got promoted again! I did, however,
become very useful to God. Anything I did in

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

ministry appeared to be fruitful. I was a sponge
on all things Christian. I wanted to know who I
was in Christ and what Gods plan for my life
was. Opportunities fell in place for me to do
clowning and puppetry. I found myself teaching
4th-6th grade classes. I became a Certified Lay
Speaker in the United Methodist Church. All
this led to people recognizing a call in my life
that I would have to answer. Discerning a call
into ministry is a communal activity. Answering
the call is very personal.

at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in the

Jamaica Plains neighborhood, after she got off
her midnight shift as a nurses aid. When we
moved to the adjacent Parrish in Roslindale, I
would walk with my brothers one mile to the
Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

I answered the call while on a field maneuver in

Hawaii. I had just finished checking on the
guards for my Platoon and set out on a walk to
talk to God about all I had discerned. I said:

We each have 50 cents that we could

put in the coin holder. If we do that, we
wont have any money to put in the
offering and we will still have to walk
back. If you let us ride for free to
church, we promise to give the money
to the church.

God, I know you are calling me into the

ministry. I turned my life over to you
and you have put me in places where I
have been able to do wonderful things
in your name. What I cant figure out is
how you would have me throw away
fifteen years in the Army. When I retire,
I will go into full time ministry.
I thought I had five years left to prepare in
which time I would finish my degree and get
some more experience. God had other plans.
Two weeks later the Career Counselor for our
unit sat down next to me and told me about a
fifteen year retirement plan. It was for SFC (my
rank), 31W4 (my job), 15-17 years in the Army
(my window). The percentage of retirement
pay would be less, however all benefits would
be the same. I told God YES.
My childhood impacted my Christian walk. The
church bus from Grace Baptist Church in
Columbus, Georgia would stop by our
apartment in the Baker Place Housing Projects
and take us to church. When we moved to
Boston, my grandmother would walk us to Mass


I remember one time when it was snowing

really hard, we decided to take the bus. I got on
the bus with my brothers and told the bus

The bus driver put his hand over the coin

receptacle, and tore off three passes for the
return trip. Every time we went to ride the bus,
the drivers all did the same thing. Did I mention
that I was ten years old? The ushers at the
church had the offering bags on sticks to pass
down the aisle. Every time someone put coins
in the bag, they would jingle them. When they
came upon the three of us (10, 8, and 6 years
old) alone on the pew, they received our
collective $1.50 in coins and never jingled.
Christianity has always informed my Scouting
experience. Our apartment in Boston was
mile from the Greater Boston Council Service
Center and mile from St. Thomas Aquinas
where our Pack met in 1973. I felt at home in
the church when participating in Scouts.
Because of my extensive assignments with the
military and the ministry, I have had the
pleasure of being a part of the eleven BSA
councils around the world. Nearly all my
Scouting units as an adult have been affiliated

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

with the United Methodist Church. For many I
served as the Chartered Organization
Representative to the units. This allowed me to
be the liaison for the units and the church. It
became part of my outreach to the community
in an arena that had structure and training. This
is what led me to become a professional
When the last congregation was eliminating my
position, due to budget cuts, I had six months to
create ministry descriptions, recruit fourteen
volunteers, and train them to take my place. In
the process of doing this I realized how much
care I was taking to make sure the Scouting
units were taken care of. At the lowest point of
the process, I was given a gift from God to boost
my self-esteem and give me a sign as to what I
should do. I received the BSA Heroism Award
for saving a womans life the previous summer
and the United Methodist Silver Torch Award
for excellence in youth and childrens ministry
through Scouting. At that point I decided to
explore a career as a Scouting Professional and
was commissioned as a District Executive.
I found the volunteer base to be really
motivated to help the youth succeed. The
members of the core group of volunteers are
very dedicated. Some of them have been
around Scouting for a longer period than I.
Some volunteer are very new and trying to find
their identity in this ministry. I hope to serve
the needs of both groups as we move forward
to serve the nearly 1,800 youth and 700 adults
in the eight counties of the Kiokee River District.
Amidst all of the work that goes into
accomplishing the mission of such a large
group, I hope this Spiritual Formation
Workbook gives them the tools to remain
connected to the One True Source of ministry.


Family plays a major part in my Christian walk

and Scouting ministry. My wife Cheryl is an
educator and an inspiration to me. Her
dedication to the children is amazing. Our son
Joey is a contract anthropologist and his wife
Chrissie is a professor. He spends a lot of time
in the field and utilizes skills learned in Scouting
on a regular basis. It was because of him that I
reengaged in Scouting in 1995 when he was a
Cub Scout. Our daughter Dana is a college
student and was a breath of fresh air during
Summer Camp at Robert E. Knox Scout
Reservation this past summer. She ran the
Trading Post and kept our spirits up as we dealt
with all the challenges of running a camp and
receiving national accreditation.
Family plays an important part in most peoples
Christian walk and Scouting ministry. Most of
the leaders we recruit are recruited when their
child joins Scouting. Many people come back to
church after a long break when their child
enters the picture. I hope this workbook has
helped you draw closer to God and closer to
your Christian family as we work to make a
better Scouting ministry. I leave you with the
Campfire Vespers and Benediction:
Tune = O Christmas Tree
Softly falls the light of day, as our
campfire fades away. Silently each
Scout should ask, have I done my daily
task? Have I kept my honor bright? Can
I guiltless sleep tonight? Have I done
and have I dared, everything to Be
And now, may the Great Scoutmaster of
all Scouts be with us until we meet
Good night Scouts!

Spiritual Formation Workbook Based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting

The Georgia-Carolina Council, BSA
1450 Greene Street
Suite 150
Augusta, GA 30901

Thank you for your consideration to support the Georgia-Carolina Councils mission to prepare young
people to make moral and ethical choices over the course of a lifetime by instilling in them the values of
the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Your thoughtful donation will provide support to the youth and children of the Central Savannah River
Area (CSRA). It cost $212 to support one Scout for one year in our Council. I would go into all the
details, but seriously, you just completed a 40 Day Shepherd Challenge, a Spiritual Formation Workbook
based on the Aims and Methods of Scouting. I think you get it! Any help will be appreciated.


I will support a Scout for one year



I will support a Scout for a year



I will support a Scout for one quarter



I will support a Scout for one month


____ I am unable to donate at this time, but please send me the FREE Patch
Seriously, it is OK to get a free patch. When I was a child, friends went door to door to pay for my
brothers funeral. I dont mind paying it forward.
Name ______________________________________ Phone number ____________________________
Address ____________________________________ City __________________, State ___, Zip _______
Payment option:
Check # ____________________

Credit Card # __________________________________

Card type: ___________Expiration date _____________


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