Curriculum Vitae - Yoichi - Mukai

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Yoichi Mukai

Department of Linguistics
University of Alberta, 3-26 Assiniboia Hall
Edmonton, AB, CANADA, T6G 2E7
H 1-780-710-7516

2014Present Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics.
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

20122014 Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies.

Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
Thesis: "The processability hierarchy in second language acquisition: Advanced learners of Japanese as a second
language", supervised by Dr. David Wood

2009 Teachers of English as a Second/Foreign Language program (TESOL).

Algonquin College, Ottawa, ON

19992003 Bachelor of Social Science Honours in Community Policy.

Aichi Gakusen University, Toyota, Japan

Summer Programs
2015 Linguistic Society of America Institute.
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

2015 Spring Training in Experimental Psycholinguistics.

University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

Research Experiences
2014Present Graduate Research Assistant, under the supervision of Dr. Benjamin V. Tucker.
Department of Linguistics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
Worked on the project "Pupillary responses to the comprehension of speech variability and spontaneous speech"
- Designed an pupillometry experiment using Experiment Builder and EyeLink II
Work on helping in developing an online undergraduate Phonetics course
- Record and edit online lectures using the editing software, Camtasia
- Help developing a question bank for assignments and exams

2013, 2014 Graduate Research Assistant, under the supervision of Dr. David Wood.
School of Linguistics and Language Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
Worked on the project "Idiodynamic analysis of speech fluency and willingness to communicate in a second
- Collected speech and interviews, and translated the interview for qualitative analysis (Japanese into English)
- Transcribed the speech to conduct fluency analysis using Praat (e.g., speech rate and phonation time ratio)
- Organized the links of theoretical constructs to strengthen the conceptual framework of the research


Teaching Experiences
2014 Japanese Language Instructor.
Summer Institute for Language and Culture, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
- Employed a cognitive approach within the task-based framework, and facilitated students fluency
- Provided tasks that students can internalize formulaic sequences, enhancing students fluency
- Developed customized lesson plans with integrated activities for student-centred learning environment

2014 Japanese Language Instructor.

Interlangues Language School, The Canadian Foreign Service Institute, Gatineau, QC
- Delivered high quality language training to diplomats, with student-centered learning experience
- Reinforced students understanding of the importance of cultural awareness
- Offered a language-rich classroom to develop greater language skills and content comprehension

2012 Japanese Language Instructor.

Universit du Qubec en Outaouais, Gatineau, QC
- Gave comprehensible grammar instructions when needed to help "form and meaning mapping"
- Conveyed lessons with activities providing output practice to interact with each other
- Maintained students interest through creative and engaging classroom instruction

20112014 Teaching Assistant (Japanese courses).

School of Linguistics and Language Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
- Assisted the professor in managing a class and ensure each student gets personal attention
- Corrected and evaluate students homework assignments, tests and oral presentations
- Helped students in the preparation of class presentations, exams and assignments

Grants, Scholarships and Awards

20142015 Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship, University of Alberta
2015 Green and Gold Student Leadership and Professional Development Grant, University of Alberta
20142018 Graduate Assistantship, University of Alberta
20122013 EDC Outstanding Teaching Assistant Excellence Awards Nominee, Carleton University
20122014 Teaching Assistantship, Carleton University

Invited talk
2014 "The processability hierarchy in second language acquisition: Advanced learners of Japanese as a
second language", April 25 2014, Second Language Research Group, Carleton University

Current Research Projects

Rhythm metrics and impressionistic judgements of accentedness in spontaneous speech: The case
between English and Japanese (with Dr. Benjamin V. Tucker)
Relationship between perceived fluency and accentedness from a rhythm metric perspective in spontaneous English and Japanese speech (with Dr. David Wood)
Pupillometry (with Drs. Benjamin V. Tucker and Juhani Jrvikivi)

Laboratory Affiliations
Centre for Comparative Psycholinguistics, University of Alberta
AlbertaPhonetics Lab, University of Alberta


Language: Japanese (Native), and English (Advanced)
Software: Microsoft Office, Praat, RStudio, Experiment Builder, and Camtasia
Methods: Behavioral, Eye-tracking

Extracurricular Activities
2013 Graduate Volunteer in ALDS Thesis Proposal Workshop.
Applied Linguistics and Discourse studies program (ALDS), Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
- Coordinated a workshop for thesis/research paper proposal writing with other graduate students
- Conducted analyses of rhetorical moves of previous, successful, thesis proposals
- Discussed with the other graduate students in developing guidelines based on findings of the analyses


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