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African-Asian Youth Dialogue 2015

Section 1 Participant Information
Name: Pandu Dwi Luhur
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Country: Indonesia
City: Jombang
Religion*: Islam
Email Address:
Representative Country Option: Indonesia
Occupation: Student
Educational: Undergraduate student of Information System
Skype: pandu_luhur

For Official Use
Waiting List
Not Selected
Registration No.

Form for African-Asian Youth Dialogue 2015

Deadline Jan 30, 2015
* Statistical purposes only.
Section 2 Additional Information
1. Give a short bio of yourself:
I am Pandu Dwi Luhur Pambudi, I am student of Information System, University of Jember,
Indonesia. I am interested to join the online dialogue with all of young leaders in Asia and Africa,
since this themes are very influenced with the future condition of both nations of Asia and Africa,
as well as i will be representing my country in the future. The issues are very valuable to discuss
today. Indonesia believes the world peace and equal human rights are very important to always
maintain and concern.
Indonesia was hosted Asian-African Conference which The first large-scale AsianAfrican or
AfroAsian Conference, also known as the Bandung Conference was a meeting of Asian and
African states, most of which were newly independent, which took place on April 1824, 1955 in
Bandung, Indonesia. The twenty-five countries that participated at the Bandung Conference
represented nearly one-quarter of the Earth's land surface and a total population of 1.5 billion
people. The conference was organised by Indonesia, Burma, Pakistan, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and
India and was coordinated by Ruslan Abdulgani, secretary general of the Indonesian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.
The conference's stated aims were to promote Afro-Asian economic and cultural cooperation and
to oppose colonialism or neocolonialism by any nation. The conference was an important step
toward the Non - Aligned Movement.
2. Write a Short/Brief Policy Statement for The Country you wish to represent in all of the
following areas:
1. Good Governance, Equal Rights and Political Stability
2. Aid, Trade and Investment
3. Education and Human Development
4. Conflict within the Asian/African Countries

As a country that adheres to democratic forms of power. Then the sovereignty vested in
the people and implemented in accordance with the Constitution as stated in the
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 Article 1 (2). States should facilitate the
involvement of citizens in the public policy process. Being one of the forms of
supervision of the people in the country in order to realize good governance. It will
weaken the government's position. However, it is better than treatment authoritarian and
repressive governments. Indonesia concerns to this issue since. Indonesia is one of
country in the world who are struggling and craving for clean and good governance. To
achieve good governance in Indonesia, the principles of good governance should be
enforced in various government institutions, The principles include: community
participation, upholding the rule of law, transparency, caring and stakeholders, berorientas
on consensus, equality, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability, and strategic vision.
So what makes Indonesia desirable to become a country with clean and good governance
can be realized and the loss factors of political interests, corruption, unfair trials, work
outside the authority, and the lack of integrity and transparency are some problems that
make good government still has not been able to is reached. Society and government are
still contradictory in which it is to resolve the issue should establish harmonization and
cooperation to overcome the problems that exist. Good governance is an attempt to
achieve good government which is reflected in the various fields that have an important
role in motion the wheels of government in Indonesia, which include: the political,
economic, social, and legal system.
Indonesia is supporting the equal rights as well as declared in the 1994 Constitution of
Indonesia, concerning about rights and obligations associated with the equality and rights
are also contained in its articles clearly. there are 4 chapters which contain provisions
concerning the rights of Article 27, 28, 29 and 31. The four basic rights in four articles of
the Constitution of 1945 is as follows:
Article 27, paragraph 1 states: "all citizens are equal before the law and government and
uphold the rule of law and without any exception. Then set out in article 27, paragraph 2,
namely the right of every citizen to work and a decent living for humanity.
Then set out in Article 28 stipulated, that "freedom of association and assembly, of
expression with the spoken and written, and so on are set by law."
The third principal, in article 29, paragraph 2 is formulated for fundamental freedoms for
the people of religion guaranteed by the State, which reads as follows: "The State
guarantees the independence of each resident to embrace their religion and to worship
according to the religion and belief."
The fourth principal, is Article 31 which regulate rights of teaching, which reads: (1)
"Every citizen is entitled to teaching" and (2) "the government shall manage and organize
a national education system, which is regulated by law".
Aligning Political and Economic Development
Politics and economics are two things that can not be separated and are interconnected. In
general, political activities are always associated with governance. However, the core of
the real political activity not only governance, but rather encompass a broader direction,
namely to enforce equal justice to all levels of society.
In a review of political economy, there was indeed a crochet hooks between political and
economic security. Both mutual influence and be influenced. There are several views to
create a solid economic conditions needed political stability and security. Investors will
not want to invest their capital in a country if the country's political and security
Investors will be looking for a stable country with good economic performance in which
they will invest their money. A country with a positive attribute as it will attract
investment from other countries that have high levels of political and economic risks are
higher. Political turmoil, for example, can cause a loss of confidence in the currency and

capital movements of the currency of the country towards a more stable.

The era of globalization, political stability and security factor in the flow of information
and technology play an important role in all aspects of life including information about
the political and security has brought so great influence to the economic development of a
country. This then led to the view that these two factors have played an important role in
the economic development of a country. Therefore deserves to be explored later on how
the ways or economic order is influenced by both factors.
There are three main policies related to trade in Indonesia, namely foreign trade policy
(PLN), domestic trade policy (PDN), and real investment policy (fixed capital formation).
Those three policies are very essential for economic growth of Indonesia, as conventional
economic theory teaches that the PLN (exports plus imports), fixed capital formation
(investment), and household consumption are three driving force of economic growth,
and growth in household consumption positively correlated with growth PDN. In each of
these policies, a lot of issues. For example, in the policy of PLN, the magnitude of issues,
among others, the Indonesian government's commitment to the World Trade Organisation
(WTO), the various free trade areas (FTAs) that has been agreed between the Indonesian
government with the governments of other countries. Likewise, in the NOP policy, issues
ranging from logistics problems or infrastructure through a variety of market distortions,
including inter-regional trade. In the investment policy, issues ranging from the
effectiveness of the Investment Act applicable to the investment climate.
Education policy in Indonesia based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of
2003 on the National Education System, geared to achieve the following:
1. Promote the expansion and equal opportunity to obtain a high quality education for all
Indonesian people towards the creation of high-quality human Indonesia with an increase
in the education budget means;
2. Improving academic and professional capabilities and increase welfare educators so
that educators are able to function optimally, especially in improving the character and
moral education in order to restore the prestige of the institution and staff;
3. reform the education system, including curriculum renewal, in the form of a diversified
curriculum to serve the diversity of learners, curriculum development at the national and
local in accordance with local interests, and professional educational diversification;
4. Empowering education institutions both school and outside of school as a center of
civilizing values, attitudes, and abilities, as well as increasing the participation of families
and communities supported by adequate infrastructure;
5. Perform the renewal and strengthening of the national education system based on the
principle of decentralization, autonomy of science and management;
6. Improving the quality of educational institutions organized both by society and the
government to establish an effective education system and efficient in dealing with the
development of science, technology, and art;
7. Develop human resources as early as possible in a focused, comprehensive and
integrated through proactive and reactive efforts by all components so that the younger
generation to develop optimally accompanied with the right support and patronage in
accordance with its potential;
8. Increasing mastery, development and utilization of science and technology, including
national technology in the world of business, especially small and medium enterprises
and cooperatives.
United Nations Development Programme noted the human development index (HDI) of
Indonesia in 2012 increased by 0,629. Data released by UNDP on Monday, March 18,
2013, shows the numbers continue to rise dibandingkankan HDI Indonesia in 2011 was
0,624 and in 2010 amounted to 0.620.
"Indonesia has shown strong progress in each of the HDI indicators in recent years," said
Director of UNDP Indonesia, Beate Trankman, at his office this afternoon. In fact,

according Trankman, when compared to the data 40 years ago, HDI Indonesia showed
significant growth, which rose by 49 percent or grow 1.3 percent per year. In 1980,
Indonesia's HDI value was recorded at 0.422.
Based on the UNDP report, the increase in the value of the HDI is driven by various
factors. For one thing, Indonesia, in the report, is one of the countries trying to find a new
balance between state and market. Indonesia is said to have moved the focus of
agriculture and rural development becomes a more open economy with a focus on trade.
There are two main things that become the subject matter as a basis for the development
of the most ideal policy:
1. The concept of development is always based on quality improvement of man and his
2. The concept of development is always based on the overall consideration of the
importance of community participation in economic activities.
Validator development success can be measured from the second it is, how much to
improve the quality of human and humanity and how much community participation in
development or economic activities.
Indonesia's foreign policy has the underlying foundation, the real basis which is based on
the basis of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, then that is the constitutional basis of
the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, 1945. Formulation of basic and Indonesian
foreign policy goals in the opening of the Indonesian constitution reads , 'participate in
the establishment of a world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice
"(Abdul Gani, 1981, 311). The state of the world after World War II, made a stronghold of
Western and Eastern arguing. Political-ideological differences, which liberal ideology
Western bloc, while the Eastern bloc communism, making them want to control and
dominate the world by trying to plug its influence to the nations of Asia and Africa. In an
effort to stem the influence of the wave of the Cold War between the giant blocks, they
held conferences, one of the Bandung Conference in April 1955, which is better known as
the Asian-African Conference (KAA). Asian-African Conference pioneered the birth of
the "Third World" and the Non-Aligned Movement, which broke the dominance of the
second superpower, both in the United Nations, as well as in other international forums.
Bandung Conference in April 1955, and which was preceded by the Colombo Conference
in April-May 1954 and Bogor Conference at the end of December 1954, is not only an
attempt to stem the wave of the Cold War blow it to other parts of Asia and Africa, but
also an alternative offer of a non-military against military recipes both antagonists of the
Cold War, both organized by the American cs, in the form of NATO, CENTO, and
SEATO, and led by the Soviet Union in the form of the Warsaw Pact (Abdul Gani, 1981,
The Bandung Conference or Asian-African Conference was based also on the
mind of Sukarno, the conference is based on tolerance towards one another worldview. As
emphasized President Sukarno, who was quoted by Abdul Gani (1981), "This conference
is not going to oppose each other. This is the Fraternity Conference. This conference is an
entity which holds broad and tolerant, which seeks to give the impression, and prove to
the world, that all the people and the country semnua beerhak have sendiridi place under
the sun. Gives the impression and proof to the world that it is possible people live
together, make friends, talk with each other, without losing sight of his personality! ". It is
clear on the firmness of President Sukarno's speech that Asian-African Conference is a
conference of non-intervention.
During the conference, followed by developing countries, there are debates, one
of which concerns the interpretation of policy formulation 'free and active', which in the
end the political formula approved by all participants KAA. Not all participants KAA has
the same interpretation in addressing foreign policy that is free and active. For
participants military pacts such as the Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and

Turkey, the sense of free and active military are free to choose the block in accordance
with its national interests, especially geography and security. Where in the conference,
Indonesia dispose freely, which as said Hatta, that free means not favoring any block. And
active which means that participate in creating a lasting peace. Due to the conference
implanted tolerant spirit which includes the principle of peaceful coexistence, mutual
respect for the integrity and sovereignty of other countries, not intervened on the
domestic problems faced by other countries, as well as working together are reciprocal.
Then KAA has a strategic significance for the Indonesian foreign policy, because KAA is
free and active form of political manifestation promoted by Indonesia, the world peace.
Also in this conference, Indonesia can establish good relations with countries in Asia and
There is an agreement, what is referred to as the 'Ten Principles of Bandung' that
sparked during the Bandung Conference (Asia-Africa Conference), where this deal
essentially contains the principles in conducting international relations. These principles
are a live-and-let-live (peaceful coexistence), peaceful co-existence (the principle of
mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty), the principle of non-aggression
and non-interference (the principle of non-interference in domestic affairs each country),
the principle of respecting basic human rights, the principle resolve all international
disputes by peaceful means (negotiations, agreements, arbitration), the principle of
respecting the law and international obligations, the principle of respecting the right of
self-defense individually and collectively, recognizes the equality of all peoples and,
promote common interests and cooperation (Abdul Gani, 1981, 313-314). The presence
of the Asia-Africa Conference that took place in the middle of the competition two big
blocks in the Cold War, the principle resolve all international disputes by peaceful means
listed in the 'Ten Principles of Bandung ", became a principle that it tries to resolve the
Cold War.
Donations principle and given solution of the Asia-Africa Conference in
resolving the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union is quite
comprehensive. So it has a considerable influence on the international situation at that
time. Moreover, the conference is a conference that sparked the non-aligned movement
and gave birth to their so-called 'third world countries', in which the attention of the
whole world.

Section 3-Declaration:
I declare that I will stand to all the agreements as made follows and if made hereafter and have
been subsequently notified to me:
1. I will receive electronic certificates only.
2. I will not engage in activities that are not related to the theme of the project;
3. I will not use any language that degrades any person, entity, organization and state;
4. I am liable to be excluded from the group, if I use the project in any manner to promote
anger, fear and extremism against any state.
5. I have been member has been notified this;
6. I will contribute fully and engage with the project administrator, if requested, after the
project has been closed.
7. The project administrator is not responsible for the actions of the members.
8. In the event that I am selected and my name is saved in the participant list and the file
uploaded, I shall not demand that my name be removed from any records online.
9. The project administrator reserves the right to reject my application.
10. The project administrator reserves the right to remove me from the project without
giving any reason.
11. The project administrator reserves the right to close the project while it is in progress
and/or delete it altogether due to organizational reasons.
12. The project administrator may change the name of the project and on the certificates in
future, where the previous certificates would be held void.
13. I confirm that I would respond to the emails sent by the project administrator in future if
14. My name will be used as a signature to confirm my understanding of the terms.
City: Jombang
Dated: 18 Jan. 15

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