GPON Vs Gigabit Ethernet
GPON Vs Gigabit Ethernet
GPON Vs Gigabit Ethernet
What are we as a technology industry purportedly filled with trusted advisors when a
recognized expert, and a stable long-term brand publish and promote information that is so
filled with inaccuracies and pants-on-fire distortions that it is at once laughable,
Cost Reduced
The Facts as presented in the Lippis White Paper are not based on technical reality. Mr.
Lippis is reportedly working with clients to design their public and private clouds yet misses
the point of GPON as a Point to Multi-Point Aggregation core that is designed from inception
Today and
for Cloud or Data Center technologies. Cisco is a legacy brand and for some a trusted
advisor. Cisco sales representatives are using the Lippis paper to defend against GPON as
All Property
disruptive technology and in turn creating a distorted circus mirror view of the two
The truth is that there are two options and two realities in the maturing world of network
technology. One, a designed for data network in which current distribution switches and edge
Switched networks
routing systems are periodically upgraded along with power hungry air conditioning which
leads to a future path of expensive distributed and virtualized data center technology in each
edge routing to
of your IDFs. The other, a designed for multiservice network in which a point to multi-point
aggregation core offers centralized and secure transport for personal, private, and public
clouds without all of the expensive distribution power consumption and risk. Both of these
architectures are important and both have relevant benefits to provide. The Lippis paper
Telco Closets
ignores that a new and important technology is emerging and prefers to mask the potential
benefits via fictional accounting and a lack of technical competency. Understanding the
technologies and how they apply to your campus network will lead to a decision point that can
have a dramatic impact on competitiveness and operational costs. You do not want to be left behind as
your competition moves forward with cost reductions that your legacy network just cannot provide. This
rebuttal provides a point by point perspective from an experienced GPON practitioner. David Quinn
provides an insiders view of the GPON evolution as a former Motorola employee and as an expert in
the first phases of shop floor to top floor network evolution. The first phase was based on DECnet,
GIGAswitch, THICKnet and THINnet and other technologies that predate Cisco, 3-Com, Cabletron, and
other brands that evolved as distributed computing and switched networking became the norm.
In the abstract Mr. Lippis fails to assert that the evolution of fiber technology specifically PON has
been occurring for a number of years now and based on several factors has eclipsed and/or replaced
copper technologies completely. GPON is the evolution of PON based technology and is now dominant
in FTTH installs. The actual leader in GPON based technologies globally is China based Huawei. In the
US, the market deployment leader is Verizon who has utilized products from Motorola, Tellabs, and
others. It was 2006 when Motorola and Verizon began to migrate the product lines to LAN ready.
As Mr. Lippis states, the current best practice for switched network design is based on a three-tier
network architecture of access, distribution, and core. What Mr. Lippis ignores is that switched networks
were designed for data and evolved with the expansion of fixed compute technology ( the personal
computer) to the office and the shop floor. Switched networks solve the problem of connectivity and
evolved symmetric capabilities to reduce copper cable plant congestion leaving us with costly and
fragmented islands of connectivity. Switched networks solved the problem of connectivity from data
centers to devices but relegated other content services such as cable television, Audio/ Visual, Analog
telephone, and distributed antenna systems to parallel cable plants. Today, xPON based networks are
entering a phase of maturation that we call LANvisn Generation 3. Gen 3 is G-PON based and uses
single mode fiber to provide multi-service transport of Ethernet or IP packets in buildings and across
campus environments. G-PON networks are Gigabit Access networks that expand capability for
Ethernet packets using current best practices and evolve the network architecture model to edge,
distribution, and core. An G-PON based access network provides content services via Ethernet to fixed,
mobile, portable, and vehicular devices consistently and securely at lower cost without fragmentation.
300 Feet
/ Copper
20 KM SM Fiber
1:ANY up
to 64
architect has 20KM of distance from the OLT to the ONT and
29.5 db of loss to plan for. A splitter can range from any single
fiber cable input to up to 64 outputs. As a rule of thumb, a 1:32
ONT; 32X4=128.
to split the light received from a single PON port into multiple
Mr. Lippis states that some OLT vendors are starting to offer VLAN-aware products. This is patently incorrect. OLTs
support multiple VLANs in the case of Motorola up to 4000 VLANS per OLT. The choice of native VLANs or VLAN tagging
is part of the system configuration and operating process. Additionally, the statement regarding 200 Gbps of switching
capacity is incorrect. The dual switch cards in the chassis support up to 6 1Gb connections each or 2 10GB connections.
Each card has a built in 200Gb/s switch that is complemented by a non-blocking backplane. All internal interconnects on the
backplane are 10Gb/s Full Duplex providing throughput capabilities of 25 Tbps. The Motorola AXS1800 offers capacity for
14 GPON cards each having 4 GPON ports or 56 on-board GPON ports. Using the math from the prior section and the 1:32
splits rule of thumb, the AXS1800 has the capability to support up to 7,168 Ethernet Ports.
The drawing on the proceeding page offers more complexity than is necessary as all parts of the PON solutions are
designed for carrier dependability and long term use. It is typical to see Mean Time between Failures (MTBF) data of 120 or
more years, no failures for Splitters as they are entirely passive, and 20 or more MTBF years for the ONTs.
Any network of any type will have this potential. When the
network is properly designed for Peak and Committed
Information Rate (PIR/CIR),segmented by VLAN and service
for QOS,and established according to the input capacity to
include the core switch, performance will be exceptional
largely from the elimination of switch fragmentation.
Core Switch
Cisco 7604
Motorola AXS1800
GPON Total
Core Switch
Cisco 7604
Cisco 4503-E
Cisco 4510R-E
Since the OLT backplane can be split and the chassis can accommodate up to 7,168 ethernet ports or
3,584 per half chassis, there are no claims regarding redundancy or configuration comparison. LAB
based energy studies have shown that an Optical LAN network consumes up to 80% lower power when
compared to Active Ethernet networks. In general, As the table above indicates, Active Ethernet users
command 7.476 Watts per port and are within the range of 8W to 12W industry average per user port
power utilization. A GPON configuration as above consumes 4.032 Watts per channel again within the
industry range of 2.0 W to 5W power consumption. The data from this properly configured network is
within the industry claims and defeats the Lippis assertion of paradoxical .
PON simplifies the network design by eliminating the Ethernet distance restrictions and equipment
hierarchy that plague traditional Enterprise LANs. PON networks reduce space requirements by 90%
through convergence of network service to a single smaller medium that supports higher density of
users. In 2012, the cost of copper cabling is at an all-time high while fiber prices continue to decline. A
major advantage that GPON has over legacy active Ethernet is the ability to easily control bandwidth for
every user port. Provisioning bandwidth provides the ability to establish Service Level Agreements
(SLAs) that guarantee bandwidth as required for each port and user. If desired every user can be
guaranteed a minimum amount of bandwidth and bursting rates up to 1Gps.
Lippis concludes the desktop performance by stating that the ..GbE network offers higher desktop
performance and lower overall network power consumption than GPON. This claim is patently
PoE was not included in the analysis for good reason. A GPON network supports PoE in low power
IEEE 802.3af and high power IEEE 802.3at standard configurations on all ports of the ONTs and the
capability to manage total power draw or on/off. Solutions for a centralized DC power system that
manages the PoE power and UPS/backup power for these devices also exists. ONTs utilize power
bricks to convert available AC to 12, 24 and 48 VDC, as such these devices are capable of operating in
the emerging Microgrid or in-building distributed DC plants.
IP UtiliNET has previously issued a primer document entitled LANvisn Clouds. The primer can be
found at; . The following power comparison and related information
is taken directly from that paper:
The networking industry sells comparative data that is designed to encourage you to spend
incrementally. Demand for network services is increasing exponentially which is driving increasingly
shorter upgrade, replacement, and augmentation lifecycles. While this may be great for companies that
are in the business of providing distribution switches, cables, cooling systems, and energy, it is highly
disruptive to your budget, your staff, and it is detrimental to your profitability. In 2008, Cisco published a
public information paper entitled; Ethernet Power Study of Cisco and Competitive Products. We
extracted the HP and Cisco comparative data and added a current generation column:
HP ProCurve 3500yl
Cisco 3750-E
212 W
143 W
Power in a 3 switch
636 W
429 W
Heat dissipated in
BTU (1 watt = 3.41
2168.76 BTU
1462.89 BTU
Power consumed in
cooling 1 BTU
.105 W
.105 W
227.71 W
153.60 W
Total power
863.71 W
582.60 W
10 cents
10 cents
$ 2.07
$ 1.39
$ 755.98
$ 510.36
IP UtiliNET LANvisn
Is it better to save $245.62 incrementally (diff. in cost per year) or will your stakeholders vote to
eliminate cost altogether? Is a decrease in power consumption better or is net elimination preferred? Is
it better to decrease the carbon emission by close to a ton as in the example above or is it better and
more sustainable to eliminate the cooling needs completely? Current generation GPON based
networks provide significant cost elimination as described herein are simply more sustainable.
Lippis also incorrectly asserts that building automation systems are not afforded to GPON
installations. This is another misleading statement. The truth is that a GPON system is so extensive
and so adaptable that any range of sensors and energy management systems can be connected and
isolated at the bit and port level. In fact, unlike a switched network which wastes ports when delivering
low bit rates a GPON architecture supports QOS in the K range. This means that a 10/100 24 port ONT
can be managed at a port level to 2K or whatever bit rate is required by a sensor or it can be extended
by DIN Rail components further eliminating long runs of two wire cabling. Additionally, due to the
extensive 20KM range of GPONs, the capability to manage indoor and outdoor sensors of any type
consistently throughout a campus exists. Intelligent Power management at the campus or individual
property level is now a matter of defining a desired class of service.
Cabling Cost
Recently, IP UtiliNET provided a competitive cabling cost for a GA based education institution. In
addition to the cabling, the configuration below eliminates 7 racks of equipment from the plant.
144 Strands
Single Mode
Cat 6 = 39 lbs
Per 1K feet
Compare to SM Fiber:
4 lbs Per 1K feet
The Lippis paper again incorrectly judges another critical factor when the claim of The cable
plant is equal, comparing CAT5 and fiber. Lippis also states that installers are more
comfortable with copper just as technicians of the past were more familiar with rotary dial
phones. Learning to connectorize single mode fiber can be completed in less than a day. Unlike
the days of fusion splicing and brittle fiber, current bend insensitive single mode fiber is
connectorized using tools such as the Corning mechanical CAM pictured on the right. The CAM
is handheld and does not require a work surface.
Cable plants cannot scale in the same manner that fiber does. The Lippis paper asserts that
cable plant is a one-time capital cost that is recouped over time. We disagree with this
assertion as cable plants and standards are constantly evolving CAT3,5,6,7 etc. Copper is
physically limited in capacity, and getting larger in diameter unlike fiber which is currently
limited by the lasers that are in use.
Every manufacturer including Cisco makes a range of switches or ONT products that offer different
capacities, thus we can rule out the first claim of ONT performance. The second claim is the optical
fiber power budget. The link loss budget is 29.5db over 20 Kilometers or 12.4 MILES. Lets see
copper cable or multimode fiber do that. The link loss budget is an architecture concern that parallels
Crosstalk, Magnetic interference, and attenuation all common factors in copper cable plants. Third is
the backplane capacity of the OLT. Really? Mr. Lippis has been reading the technical documents but
again proves that there is no real experience in this emerging market. From the Motorola technical
spec; Line rate performance with 200Gbps switching fabric; 10Gbps dedicated to each switch and line
card The 200Gbps switching capacity is based on a single line card which provides input connection
from the core switch. Each line card has 6 ports and can handle up to 6 1Gb connections or 2 10Gb
connections. A switch rate of 200 Gbps is more than sufficient for 6Gbs of incoming internet
connectivity. The Line cards hand off to the chassis which has 10Gb interconnects. Overall, the chassis
supports 25 Terabits of throughput capability and sports a completely balanced non-blocking
backplane. The backplane can be split and additional chassis can be added to a campus configuration
without massive add-on hardware and software costs. Where capacity, scalability, performance, or
geographic challenges demand additional chassis, the Motorola Enterprise Management System (EMS)
runs on a 1u Sun Sparc Server and ships with licenses for at least 5 or alternatively 50 OLT. The
Tellabs EMS runs on your selection of chip and OS and ships with licenses for 10 OLTs - both providing
coverage for 483 square miles. A functional characteristic of OLTs are split backplane, scalability in the
same cabinet, scalability geographically, and use of the same EMS.
Point 4: GPONs Very Dumb Access Devices
ONTs are media converters that terminate the fiber in a GPON system and convert that fiber to RJ11,
RJ45 (IEEE 802.3 standard), and F-Series connection types. These connections support analog phone,
CATx wiring, and Cable Television or Analog cameras and other services as needed. Some ONTs to
include indoor/outdoor support four wavelengths of light; 1310 nm voice/data transmit, 1490 nm
voice/data receive, 1550 nm video receive and 1590 nm for video return path while still others such as
the 1:1 RJ45 only. QOS is available for bit rate, port rate, and power level and can be status monitored
through the addition of statistics collectors. POE is choice based and unlike POE switches in which
some of the ports are actually usable GPON POE port configurations with quad,16, and 24 port are
available today.
Point 5: Lack of Troubleshooting Tools
In 1990 one could have made the same claim for switched networks. The facts today are that GPON is
a rapidly emerging technology just as switched networking was at one time. There were no tools, there
was a limited workforce, and there was and continues to be a lot of vendor finger pointing. The vendor
finger pointing is derived most frequently from the network fragmentation and the difficulty of diagnosing
the mix of intelligent core and rats nest of physical distribution. The best troubleshooting tool is
elimination of the copper and distribution switches and a transformation of the skills to services that
users are demanding. When was the last time a vendor sat down for a voice discussion and talked
about fixed, mobile, portable, and vehicular capability? Have any of your vendors really had a
discussion relative to use of PBX, use of Open Source such as Asterisk, Virtual Voice services, or
integrated push to talk with two way radio interoperability? Have any of them had a rational discussion
about IP Video, Broadband Video, and/or Digital Signage to include Facial and badging biometric
systems that integrate with building automation and other services that are currently limited by the data
only characteristic of switched networks?
Closing Remarks
Budgetary pressure starts with a hard look at personal budgeting. Communications and related
technologies consisting of Cellular, Telephone, Cable TV, and Internet services consume the bulk of an
individual budget today. Each of these technologies has arrived in the last 25 or so years. Your
personal budget is a microcosm of your business, state/local, and federal budget. GPON represents a
transport medium that consolidates these expensive and fragmented services while opening the market
to converged services, new monies for competitive service acquisition, and reduced consumption.
GPON is lower in capital acquisition cost, power consumption, cooling requirements and overall
operational cost. In a business environment with a 3-5 year depreciation schedule a GPON network will
become free while switched networking will continue to erode your budget and limit your ability to shift
monies from consumption to services. Troubleshooting tools and technician skill sets are evolving in the
same manner that skills for switched networking have evolved over the last 20 and more years.
Switched networks limit the user to Ethernet based data while GPON opens new vistas for converged
multiservice network capabilities. Monies that have formerly been spent on consumption and fork lift
upgrades can be freed up for use in core consolidation and high performance cloud and edge solutions
that provide services across the domains of fixed, mobile, portable, and vehicular access.
GPON is an Ethernet transport architecture and happens to support more capability due to the
scalability and capacity of the fiber plant that interconnects the edge user to the core system.
Building Network
or VOIP was added in the very late 90s. Current CAT5,6, and 7 structured
cabling networks provide data, voice, and IP Video for wired and wireless
devices which are demanding more and more bandwidth. Broadband video
services use thicker coax cabling. Switched networks helped to alleviate
LAN traffic congestion but are limited in terms of carrying capacity, physical
switch capability, and distance. Keeping up with increasing bandwidth
requirements requires more money, more hardware, and more staff time
chasing fragmentation, inefficiency and on-going forklift upgrades. Todays
networks are limited by 300 to 1200 foot distance limitations and capability to
support data. Other services are forced to operate on overlapping cable
plants and this increases weight, risk, and cost for customers. GPON is
limited to 20KM today, infinitely scalable and it just makes more sense in the
long run.
Enabled Today
Fiber Optics are the less costly investment for your local area and campus network because of its
nearly limitless bandwidth capacity and ease of upgrade. LANvisn Passive Optical LAN technology is
the next generation of network technology. It delivers significant cost reduction, energy reduction, and
environmental benefit to customers choosing to move forward. For many, we
are helping to address the question of how to move forward, while our
customers make decisions on when.
IP UTiliNET Network
site and campus customers who seek to reduce acquisition, operations, and
maintenance costs while delivering an increased level of performance
services. In an era of budgetary consciousness, our team is focused on
solutions that reduce budgetary consumption or we are not having the right
PO Box 1802
Buford, GA
IP UtiliNET is committed to maintaining leadership in multi-service optical
networks through its LANvisn Clouds solutions program and its
Academy for Industry human capital certification and development program.
Tel: 877-901-6947
Fax: 678-954-6915
We are focused on solutions at the campus and individual building level. With a widening range of
Federal, State & Local, and Enterprise customers we continue to excel through focused services to our
customer base.
With a GO decision, we conduct the work and remove the excess for environmentally beneficial
Simple, Sustainable, Smart .