Built Lean
Built Lean
Built Lean
Since endomorphs have a slow metabolism, and the main goal of the endomorph
is to gain the maximum amount of muscle mass while losing fat, their formulas
will look like this:
The ratio of nutrients for this group is:
Caloric Requirements
Caloric requirements for the endomorph group can be calculated using the
following equation:
(Lean Body Mass) x 12 =Total Number of Maintenance Calories for the Day
Once you calculate the total amount of calories you need to take in every day,
you need to calculate the amount of nutrients you need to take in by using the
ratios above. This can be done by using the following formulas:
Total amount of carbs for the day = (Total number of calories x 0.45)/4
Total amount of protein for the day = (Total number of calories x 0.35)/4
fats are fish oils, virgin olive oil, canola oil, and flaxseed oil. We like to refer to
these types of fats as good fats.
20% of your calories should come from good fats. Any less than 20% and your
hormonal production will go down. Any more than 20% and you start
accumulating plenty of fat.
Good sources of fat are canola oil, natural peanut butter, olive oil, flaxseed oil,
and fish oils.
D) Water Water is by far the most abundant substance in our body. Without
water, an organism would not survive very long. Most people that come to me for
advice on how to get in better shape underestimate the great value of water.
Caloric Requirements
Caloric requirements for the ectomorph group can be calculated using the
following equation:
(Lean Body Mass) x 18 = Total Number of Maintenance Calories for the Day
Once you calculate the total amount of calories you need to take in every day,
you need to calculate the amount of nutrients you need to take in by using the
ratios above. This can be done by using the following formulas:
Total amount of carbs for the day = (Total number of calories x 0.55)/4
Total amount of protein for the day = (Total number of calories x 0.25)/4
Total amount of fat for the day = (Total number of calories x 0.20)/9
Once you have calculated all totals, if you are a male, then divide all totals by six
and this will give you the totals you should have in one meal. Females should
have five meals a day. The reason for more frequent meals is that, like I said
previously, the ectomorph has to be supplied with nutrients constantly or else
he/she will start to burn
Total amount of fat for the day = (Total number of calories x 0.20)/9 Once you
have calculated all totals, if you are a male, then divide all totals by five and this
will give you the totals you should have in one meal. If you are a female, then
divide all totals by four.
Note: To simplify this, I already did all of the calculations for you. Go to Appendix
F and find the chart for Endomorphs.
Members Discussion Section For Endormorph Diet
b) Mesomorphs
Mesomorphs have a faster metabolism than endomorphs, but it is not as fast as
that of an ectomorph. There- fore, their caloric requirements are a little bit
higher as well as their carbohydrate requirements.
The ratios for the mesomorph should look like the following:
Protein 20% Fats
Caloric Requirements
Caloric requirements for the mesomorph group can be calculated using the
following equation:
(Lean Body Mass) x 15 =Total Number of Maintenance Calories for the Day
Once you calculate the total amount of calories you need to take in every day,
you need to calculate the amount of nutrients you need to take in by using the
ratios above. This can be done by using the following formulas:
Total amount of carbs for the day = (Total number of calories x 0.50)/4
Total amount of protein for the day = (Total number of calories x 0.30)/4
Total amount of fat for the day = (Total number of calories x 0.20)/9
Once you have calculated all totals, if you are a male, then divide all totals by
five and this will give you the totals you should have in one meal. If you are a
female, then divide all totals by four.
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Copyright Hugo A Rivera HR Fitness Inc, www.hugorivera.net, All Rights
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