What Are The Core Components of Hadoop
What Are The Core Components of Hadoop
What Are The Core Components of Hadoop
It combines the multiple mapper output data based on specific key in one.
How can you overwrite the default inputformat in Hadoop.
We can overwrite it in the job config file
Is there a map input format in Hadoop
No but we can use sequence file input format
What happens if mapper output does not match reducer input
A real time exception will be thrown.
Can you provide multiple input paths to a map-reduce jobs in Hadoop
Yes we can add any number of input paths
How can you set arbitrary no. of mappers to be created for a job in Hadoop
We cannot set
How can you set arbitrary no. of reducers to be created for a job in Hadoop
We can set it by using setnumreducetasks in the jobconfig class
Where are Hadoops configuration files located
In the conf sub directory
Hadoops three configuration files
Parameters of mapper
Text(intermediate output)
Intwritable(intermediate output)
Parameters of reducer
Four modules in Hadoop framework
Hadoop common
Hadoop yarn
Hadoop hdfs
Hadoop mapreduce
What Is mapreduce
Mapreduce framework is used to process large sets of data.in map reduce we have
mapper process and reducer process we use the mapper process to process large
amounts of data then the framework will process sort and shuffle phase and the
reducer will reduce the mapper output and it will give the final result.
2.compute node:the actual data will get processed in compute node
Storage node:the actual data will be processed in storage node.
3.basic components in Hadoop
Input location
Output location
Map task
Reducer task
Job config
4.input format and output format
The framework takes the input as key value pairs and even it gives output in
key value pairs.
5. restriction to the key and value class
The key and value should be serializable in Hadoop we have writable
interface to do it since key should be comparable key must implement