Mba Question Bank Marketing Mm-305 Consumer Behaviour

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1. What is consumer behaviour? Explain about the factors that influence

consumer behaviour ?
2. Explain the relationship between marketing strategy with consumer
behaviour ?
3. Explain consumer involvement and explain its importance on buying
decision of a consumer while
planning for a four wheeler ?
4. Explain various approaches of consumer behaviour and enlighten those
with some examples ?
5. Consumers are exploited by fancy and false chains. Explain.
6. Distinguish between customer and consumer . Explain if you are a
marketing manager who is more
Important for you and why ?
7. What are the types of information search process also explain various
sources of information which
Influence the consumer behaviour ?
8. What is consumer motivation ? Why it is important for a marketer ?
Explain the factor related in
motivation in consumer behaviour ?
9. Explain Maslow's hierarchy of needs in consumer motivation. Explain
how marketers using this
concept in today's

scenario . justify your answer with suitable

10. What is consumer buying process ? explain various evaluation criteria

and decision rules in
Consumer buying process.

11. Discuss the psychographic research in segmenting the market.

12. What is Consumer attitude and attitudinal change and how it affects
the market ? Explain the
Tricomponent model of attitude.
13. Define perception . state how perception and information processing
influence the consumer
14. What is personality ? How it is involved in buying behaviour in relation
to lifestyle.
15. What is information processing and reference group in consumer
behaviour how they affect in the
Consumption process?
16. Evaluate the influence of family decision making with respect to
buying a new bike for yourself.
17. What is consumer adoptation process with the opening of a new
multibrand retail outlet in the
city .
18. State and explain how diffusion of innovation and opinion leadership
influence family decision
making ?
19. What do you understand by FLC ? How Consumer Behaviour is applied
to FLC into marketing
situation ? Give example.
20. Explain how time is most important in diffusion process ?
21. Discuss about the industrial buying behaviour .
22. Discuss the black box model of consumer behaviour in detail ?
23. Discuss the Nicosia Model of Consumer behaviour in detail ?
24. Auditing consumer behaviour is a process for building marketing
stratergy Explain ?

25. Why Consumer Behaviour study in india is required for better decision
making ?



1. What is sales management ? What are different function of Sales

Management ?
2. What do you understand by recruitment discuss critically various
sources of sales personal in india ?
3. What do you understand by salesforce training ? Discuss the
procedure of sales force training progarmme ?
4. What do you understand by personal selling ? Discuss the objective
of personal selling in detail ?
5. What do you understand by salesmenship ? Expalin the qualities that
a good salesmen should possess ?
6. Difine sales. Discuss the nature and scope of sales management ?
7. Explain the process of personal selling in deatil with a appropriate
example ?

8. Bring out a relationship between Sales Potential and Sales Quota ?

What are the various sales quota and reason behaind using it ?
9. Design a compensation plan for a sales person ?
Describe the feature of a good compensation plan means for
sales people which can motivate them.
If you are a Sales Manager in a FMCG market what step should
you taken in order to motivate your sales personel ?
What is Sales Evaluation ? What are the methods of sales
evaluation ?
Why the calculation of sales cost and cost analysis is necessary
in sales managementn ?
Develop a sales evaluation programme and suggest way to
manage it ? Expalin how it will helpful in achiving the desired sales
target ?
What do you mean by marketin intermediries and what are
their function ?
Explain the marketing channel ? Elaborte briefly about its
structure , function and its relation ship
What is Logistics of Distribution ? What are Different ways for
managing marketing channel ?
Define channel distribution ? explain the factors that
determine the channel of distribution
Discuss various Legal issues in Designing And Managing of
sales force?
Write a brief note on information system And channel
Management ?
Why do conflict occurs in a distribution channel ? Discuss v
arious type of channel conflict ?
What are various International Marketing channel policies in
distribution ?
23.Explain the procedure in designing an effective channel of
distribution ?

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