Pink Panther - Diabetes Management - Chapter 14

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The document discusses monitoring blood sugar levels, the four factors that influence blood sugar control, and the HbA1c test which measures average blood sugar over the past 3 months.

The four factors that influence blood sugar control are: insulin/oral medication dosage, exercise, dietary habits, and coping with stress.

The HbA1c test measures the percentage of hemoglobin molecules that are glycated (attached to glucose). A higher HbA1c level indicates worse blood sugar control over the past 3 months, with levels above 7% indicating diabetes. The test is done every 3 months to monitor long-term blood sugar control.


Chapter 14

Blood Sugar

(Blood Sugar,
1. Discuss the four factors
associated with good sugar
2. Describe the HbA1c test and its
relationship to blood sugar


H. Peter Chase, MD
Georgeanna Klingensmith, MD

Learner (parents, child, relative or

self) will be able to:
1. List two factors that can affect
blood sugar control.
2. Explain the HbA1c test, current
value and recommended range.

The term sugar control is used in diabetes to describe
how close the blood sugar is kept to normal limits. Good
sugar control refers to blood sugar levels that more closely
approach the normal sugar levels of someone without diabetes.
A person with constant high blood sugar levels is considered
in poor sugar control and may have side effects such as:
frequent thirst
frequent urination
weight loss (generally a good sign if type 2 diabetes)
episodes of acidosis
It is important to have a reliable method to measure
overall blood sugar control. It is obviously not possible to
measure the blood sugar level every second of the day.
Advances were made in the late 1970s to make the
measurement of overall sugar control possible. This is done
using the hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) test. (The
glycohemoglobin, glycated hemoglobin or hemoglobin A1
[HbA1] tests are names for similar tests.) These tests all reflect
how often the blood sugars have been high every second of the
day in the past 90 days. This test will be discussed later in this


Oral Meds

Four of
the major
influences on
blood sugar



All four must be in

balance for the best
sugar control.
Blood sugar control
is measured by daily
blood sugar levels and
by Hemoglobin A1c
(HbA1c) levels done
every three months.



In 1993, the DCCT proved for people with
type 1 diabetes that good sugar control helped
to prevent eye, kidney and nerve complications
of diabetes. People receiving intensive
management (insulin pumps or 3-4 shots of
insulin per day along with at least four blood
sugar levels per day) had better sugar control
(lower HbA1c values) than people receiving
conventional management (1-2 shots of
insulin per day with 0-2 blood sugars per day).
The intensive management group was shown to
have a lower chance for eye, kidney and nerve
complications than did the conventional


Chapter 14 Monitoring Blood Sugar Control

management group. A recent report has also

shown a reduced likelihood of later heart
attacks for people with better sugar control.
Similar studies done in the U.K. and Japan
showed good sugar control in people with type
2 diabetes also resulted in a reduction in eye,
kidney and nerve complications of diabetes.
Some of the studies have also shown a decrease
in the risk for heart attacks and strokes with
good sugar control.

Good blood sugar control for people with
type 1 or type 2 diabetes is the result of
balancing the following four factors:

1. the correct insulin/oral medicine dosage

2. getting regular exercise
3. having good dietary habits
4. positive ways to cope with stress/developing
motivation based on realistic goals
Monitoring blood sugar levels assists in
maintaining the proper balance between all four
factors. (See diagram in this chapter.) Each of
these factors is discussed elsewhere in this book
in more detail. For people with type 1 diabetes,
perhaps the most important of the four is the
correct insulin dosage given at the right times.
Blood sugar control will remain poor if insulin
is lacking, even if the other three factors are in
balance. It will not help to do extra exercise if
the person is not receiving the correct insulin
dosage. However, any one of the four factors
can result in poor sugar control. For example,
if the other three factors are normally in
balance, but the person decides to constantly
drink sugar pop (10 tsp of sugar per can), good
blood sugar control will likely be lost. Similarly,
with a lot of stress, the adrenaline (excitatory
hormone) levels will be high and will raise the
blood sugar levels. Finally, exercise (Chapter
13) is important both for burning extra sugar
and for making people more sensitive to insulin.
Thus, all four of these factors must be in
balance to result in the best sugar control
possible for any person.
For type 2 patients, good sugar control
results from a combination of exercise, diet, oral
medications (or insulin) and motivation. (See
the diagram in this chapter.) Little weight will
be lost if total food and fat intake are not
reduced as an exercise program is initiated.
Similarly, following a diet without also
exercising is often fruitless. If oral medicines
(or insulin) are missed, blood sugars will remain
high. If the person does not have realistic goals
that result in motivation, they will not succeed.
All must be in balance for optimal diabetes
control. The regular monitoring of blood sugar
levels (Chapter 7) is essential to understand the
effects of these four influences.


It is not always easy to decide whether a
person has good or poor blood sugar control.
Some helpful things that reflect sugar control are
the following:

Control of Symptoms of Diabetes

A person who goes to the bathroom very
frequently (particularly if a person is getting up
two or more times per night), or who is often
thirsty has obvious symptoms of high blood and
urine sugar. This person usually needs more
insulin (or oral medicines), less sugar in the diet
or more daily exercise.
Occasionally, blurred vision may occur as a
symptom of poor sugar control. High sugar
levels in the lens of the eye pull water into the
lens. This extra fluid makes it difficult for the
shape of the lens to change in order to focus for
clear vision. The blurred vision usually stops
when blood sugar control improves. People
should not be fitted for glasses unless blood
sugar levels are stable. If the blurred vision
does not improve when blood sugar control
improves, the eye doctor should be contacted.
People with diabetes may have numbness,
tingling or pain in the feet. This is due to
neuropathy (see Chapter 22), which is related
to high sugar levels. The sugar and its byproducts can collect in the nerves over a period
of years.
Vaginal yeast infections are more common
in females with diabetes, particularly if the
blood sugar levels have been high. This may be
because yeast grows well in a high-sugar
environment. When antibiotics are taken for
bacterial infections, yeast also tends to grow as
the bacteria disappear. If vaginal itching or
burning is noticed, the primary care provider
should be contacted.

Normal Physical and Emotional Growth

Children and adolescents who have poor
blood sugar control sometimes have slow gains
Chapter 14 Monitoring Blood Sugar Control


in height or weight. Even the difference

between fair and excellent control can
change the rate of growth in height. One study
showed an average growth rate of two inches
per year during the adolescent growth spurt
when the HbA1c averaged 12.4 percent, but a
gain of 3.3 inches per year when the HbA1c
averaged 8.4 percent. Research reported in
1995 from our Clinic showed final adult height
was more likely to be taller if blood sugar
control was good during adolescence.
Following the height and weight every three
months is an important part of the diabetes
clinic visit.

The blood sugar levels (fasting, two hours after

meals, or anytime food has not been eaten for
two or more hours) we consider representative
of good sugar control vary with the persons
age. Suggested ranges are:

Some people just dont feel well when they

have high blood sugar levels. They may be
constantly tired, have a bad temper or have any
of a variety of symptoms. When better sugar
control is achieved, they often are surprised to
realize how much better they feel. Feeling tired
and poorly over a long time does not allow for
normal emotional growth.

If sugar levels are in the desired range for

age at least 50 percent of the time, the overall
glucose control (HbA1c) is usually good. If
more than 50 percent of values are consistently
above the desired range or if more than 14
percent of values are below these levels, the
sugar control is not good. Blood sugar levels
may also give insight when done two hours
after a meal. Some families use the above
ranges for two hours after a meal. Others aim
for all two hour values to be below 140 mg/dl
(7.8 mmol/L). It is useful to think of half of
the HbA1c value related to the fasting blood
sugar values and the other half related to blood
sugar levels after meals. The values
recommended by the ADA in 2005 (Table 1)
are slightly different than the recommended
values in this book.

Sugar levels that do not produce such severe

symptoms may still be too high and result in
long-term problems (Chapter 22).


1. Blood Glucose (Sugar) Measurements
and are discussed in detail in Chapter 7. As
noted in a previous section, the intensive
treatment group in the DCCT tested at least
four blood sugar levels each day. All families
with someone with diabetes must have a
method in the home for measuring blood
sugars and must know how to do the tests
accurately. Studies have shown that checking
blood sugars and using the test results are as
important for good sugar control as is the
method of giving insulin (two shots per day, an
insulin pump or more than two shots per day).


Chapter 14 Monitoring Blood Sugar Control


Desired Range

under 5 years

80-200 mg/dl or
(4.5-11.1 mmol/L)

5-11 years

70-180 mg/dl or
(3.9-10.0 mmol/L)

12 years and older

70-150 mg/dl or
(3.9-8.3 mmol/L)

It is important not to be unhappy with a

blood test result, but instead to always be
pleased that the test was done. Hopefully, the
results will be used as information to help attain
better sugar control. Blood sugar monitoring
was discussed in detail in Chapter 7.
In contrast to blood sugar testing at home,
blood sugar measurements in a doctors office
may be of little value. There may be stress
associated with the office visit, or the drawing
of blood through an arm vein may lead to
stress. The adrenaline output with stress may
cause the blood sugar level to be high in the

Table 1

Normal and Acceptable HbA1c and Blood Glucose Values

(ADA: 2005*)

(Hemoglobin A1c)
HbA1c Values
Normal (Non-diabetic):

Blood Glucose : mg/dl (mmol/L)

(ADA: 2005*)


Desired ranges for someone with diabetes:

Before Meals


below six years




6-12 years

< 8.0%



13-19 years

< 7.5%



> 19 years

< 7.0%


*ADA Diabetes Care 28 (suppl 1, S4), 2005

S a d re d b l o o d c e l l s ( r b c s ) !
Sugar (glu cose) att ac hes to hemogl obi n
( H b ) i n t h e r b c s a n d f o r m s H b A1c
Blood sugar
above 150 mg /d l
( 8.3 m mol/ L)

Blood sugar
below 150 mg/dl
(8.3 mmol/L)

Blood vessel

H ap py rbcs!
N o rm a l h e m o g l ob i n ( Hb )
in rbcs

He mo globin:
A p ro t e i n i n t h e
red bloo d cel ls

Chapter 14 Monitoring Blood Sugar Control


2. Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)

(Glycohemoglobin [HbA1] or
Glycosylated [or Glycated] Hemoglobin)
These names are used for slightly different
forms of the same test.
Hemoglobin is the protein in the red blood
cells that carries oxygen to the various parts of
the body. It was found, by chance, that the
hemoglobin molecule has a secondary property
that could be used to monitor sugar control. If
the blood sugar is high, sugar attaches to the
hemoglobin and remains there for the life of the
red blood cell (an average of 2-3 months). The
sugar doesnt come off if a low blood sugar
occurs. For the purposes of this book, we will
call hemoglobin with sugar attached
hemoglobin A1c or HbA1c. The HbA1c reflects
how often the blood sugars have been high for
every second of the past three months (for the
past 7,776,000 seconds). No one could do that
many blood sugars. The HbA1c represents the
forest while the daily blood sugars reflect
the trees. The HbA1c and glycated
hemoglobin tests have been used routinely since
the late 1970s and have been called the answer
to a prayer for people with diabetes and their
doctors. Previously there was no good test to
monitor long-term blood sugar control. No
one really knew if they were in good sugar
control. The HbA1c test solved that problem.
The HbA1c test can be done at the time of
the clinic visit and the person does not have to
be fasting. Many clinics now do the test by
finger-poke and may have the result done in 10
tests, such as a blood sugar level, can be
affected if eating, exercise habits or emotions
are changed on the day of the test. The main
disadvantage of this test is that an illness may
make the level go up quickly by as much as one
to two points. After the illness, the HbA1c
value comes down much more slowly. (It is a
very unforgiving test.)


Chapter 14 Monitoring Blood Sugar Control

Table 2

Approximate HbA1c and

Blood Glucose Correlations*
Blood Glucose
(Sugar) Level




















This graph shows the

approximate relation
between average blood
sugar levels and the HbA1c.
(The HbA1c does not truly
reflect average blood
sugar as sugar goes onto the
molecule when the blood
sugar is high but does not
come off when the blood
sugar is low.)

*Taken in part from a

production of Partnership to
Advance Care and Education

In January 2005, for the first time, the ADA

(American Diabetes Association) made
recommendations for the HbA1c levels for
children in the U.S., which are shown in the
Table 1. Most childrens diabetes clinics now
use a micro-method for doing the HbA1c so it
can be done on a finger-stick and not require a
venous blood draw. It is also important to be
able to get the result back in a few minutes so
the health team can discuss the result and future
goals with the family. The DirecNet research
group showed that the DCA 2000 instrument,
which fulfills all of these goals, was also very
Half of the HbA1c value reflects the past 30
days. The other half reflects the previous two
months. When the result is not in a good range
(e.g., after an illness with high blood sugars), it
may be helpful to repeat the value monthly
until it is in the desired range.
We encourage different ranges for different
ages. We want people 13 years old and above,
when complications are more likely to develop,
to be in better sugar control than younger
children. The pre-teens do not have the same
risk for complications, so their values do not
have to be as low. Finally, low blood sugars are
more dangerous for preschoolers, as the brain
continues to grow for the first four years after
birth. Low blood sugars are dangerous to a
growing brain. The blood sugar values of
preschoolers should NOT be kept as low as
those of older children. The lower the HbA1c
value, the greater the chance for low blood
sugars. After age 19 years, growth has
decreased and life (hopefully) starts to become
more consistent so that an even lower HbA1c
can be a goal (see Table 1 in this chapter). The
ADA recommends that the HbA1c goal for
adults be below 7.0 percent. The ADA
Standards of Care (see Chapter 20)
recommend this test be done every three
months for a person with diabetes. IT IS THE
SECOND OF THE DAY. We consider it the
single best test for measuring long-term

diabetes control. It is currently estimated

that for every percentage point reduction in
HbA1c levels, there is a 35 percent reduction
in the likelihood of eye, kidney and nerve
damage (Chapter 22). The test is thus very
important in relation to diabetes complications.
The desired ranges shown in Table 1 are
achievable and families should continue to
strive to reach these goals.

3. Fructosamine (or Glycosylated

Albumin) Test
This test measures the amount of sugar
attached to the main serum protein, albumin.
It reflects the blood sugars every second of the
day for the past 2-3 weeks (whereas the HbA1c
reflects the past two or three months). It is
often helpful to know how someone is doing
more recently (in contrast to the past three
months). The test is also helpful for someone
who is changing treatment (more shots, an
insulin pump, etc.).

4. Blood Cholesterol and Triglyceride

High blood fat (triglyceride or cholesterol)
levels in some people with diabetes are related
to poor sugar control. Others may have high
blood fat levels from eating poorly or it may be
because they inherited a tendency to have high
blood fat levels. High blood fat levels are
sometimes part of the disease process for people
with type 2 diabetes. As high blood fat levels
can lead to earlier blood vessel aging, this may
be a link between high blood sugar levels and
later changes in blood vessel walls. We
generally recommend that a lipid panel
including total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL
and HDL levels be measured at least every third
year in children and annually in adults. The
total cholesterol value should be under 200
mg/dl (5.2 mmol/L). The triglyceride levels
vary by age, but fasting levels should be below
130 mg/dl (1.5 mmol/L) for children and
young adults. Cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL
and HDL levels are also discussed in Chapter
11 (with desired levels given in Table 2;
Chapter 11).
Chapter 14 Monitoring Blood Sugar Control




ADA: American Diabetes Association


Bacteria: Microscopic (only able to be seen

with a microscope) agents that cause infections
such as strep throat.
DCCT: The Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial. A very large research trial
which showed that better sugar control reduced
the likelihood of eye, kidney and nerve problems
in people over age 13 years with type 1 diabetes.

Does the hemoglobin A1c really give

the average blood sugar over the
past three months?

Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c): Hemoglobin

protein in the red blood cells with sugar
attached to it. This is used as a measure of
sugar control over the previous three months.

No. It reflects how often the blood

sugars have been high over the past
three months. When the blood sugar
is high, the sugar attaches to all body proteins
(including the red blood cell hemoglobin) and
then stays attached to the hemoglobin (as
hemoglobin A1c or HbA1c) until the red blood
cell is replaced 2-3 months later. To represent
the average blood sugar, the sugar molecule
would also have to detach from the protein
when the blood sugar is low. This does not
happen. Thus, the test only reflects how often
the blood sugar has been high. The test is still
far superior to any test in the past which reflects
blood sugar control. It should be done on all
people with diabetes every three months. In
our research, reported in the Journal of the
American Medical Association in 1989, higher
longitudinal HbA1c values correlated with a
greater likelihood of developing eye and kidney
complications of diabetes. The DCCT
confirmed this observation.

LDL: Low Density Lipoprotein. This is the

bad cholesterol protein, which is believed to
carry cholesterol into the blood vessel wall. The
aim is to have to have LDL levels below 130
mg/dl (3.35 mmol/L) for the general population
or below 100 mg/dl (2.6 mmol/L) for people
with diabetes (see Table 2 in Chapter 11).

Our daughters HbA1c has not

reached the desired level. With all
the concern from the DCCT on
preventing complications, could you please
make any suggestions on ways to achieve
better control?

Emotions: How one feels psychologically

(e.g., happy, sad).
Fructosamine: A test that measures the sugar
attached to the albumin in the blood. This test
reflects how often the blood sugars have been
high over the past two or three weeks.
HDL: High Density Lipoprotein. This is the
good cholesterol protein which is believed to
carry cholesterol from the blood vessel wall. A
higher value is good. (See desired values in
Table 2, Chapter 11.)

Lens: The structure in the front of the eye that

changes to allow the eye to focus on near or
distant objects (see picture in Chapter 22).
Serum: The clear part of the blood when the
blood cells are removed.
Symptoms: The complaints of a person; how
they are feeling.
Yeast: A fungus that grows more readily when
blood sugar levels are high and can cause an


Chapter 14 Monitoring Blood Sugar Control


I have six suggestions:

1. This question was addressed in relation to

the idea of doing an afternoon blood sugar
after school and judging the afternoon
snack and/or insulin supplement on the
value at that time. This can be helpful in
lowering the HbA1c.
2. The use of rapid-acting insulin, given prior to
food intake, may result in some improvement.

3. One of the biggest keys to better control,

which was reported in the DCCT, was more
frequent blood glucose monitoring, along
with making good use of the results. All
subjects did a minimum of four blood
glucose levels each day. An unfortunate
trend in recent years has been to not record
results as they are all recorded in the meter.
When this is not done, trends for high and
low values are often missed and insulin
adjustments may not be made. We prefer
using the data sheets for either one or two
weeks of values (see Chapter 7). Then fax
the results to your diabetes care provider if
more than half of the values at anytime of
day are above range for the age. Include
any notes which might help to explain any
unusual blood sugar values. In addition,
include your analysis of the values and what
insulin adjustments you think need to be
made. This will help you to learn dose
adjustments. Be sure to include a fax
and/or phone number
where you can be reached.

morning blood sugars are above the

recommended range, the dose of Lantus
insulin likely needs to be increased.
6. Last but not least, a word must be said
about missed insulin shots. One shot
missed per week results in upsetting
balancing hormone equilibrium and
secondarily having very high HbA1c values.
It is essential not to miss insulin injections.

How do the following affect blood


This varies according to the duration
and difficulty of the exercise, as well as
the person. Some people release
epinephrine (adrenaline) during exercise which
initially makes the blood sugar rise. If the insulin
was injected in an exercising extremity, the
insulin levels may also increase as more blood

4. Strangely enough,
preventing low blood sugars
is often important in
achieving better control.
Low blood sugars often
result in excessive eating and
sending the blood sugar up
to 300 or 400 mg/dl (16.7
or 22.2 mmol/L).
Although excessive eating is
probably the major cause of
the subsequent high blood
sugars, output of balancing
hormones (rebounding)
likely plays a secondary role
in some people.
5. I do think that turning off
the livers production of
glucose (sugar) in the early
morning is important in
relation to keeping liver
glucose production turned
off all day long. If the

Chapter 14 Monitoring Blood Sugar Control


flows through the extremity and more insulin is

absorbed from the injection site. The more rapid
absorption of insulin can lower the blood sugar.
Another important variable is the blood
sugar level prior to starting the exercise. If the
level is below 120 mg/dl (6.7 mmol/L) prior
to starting, the person will be more likely to
have a reaction during the exercise.
Keep good records the first time the
exercise is done so that this information can be
used in the future. It should be remembered
that the sugar goes back into the muscle in the
two to 12 hours following the exercise, and low
blood sugars (delayed hypoglycemia) can
occur at any time in this after-exercise period.
Blood sugars most frequently increase with
illnesses. Remember that ketones must also be
checked. Some people who are in excellent
sugar control or who still make some of their
own insulin may have a lower blood sugar with
illness. Also, if vomiting or diarrhea is a
problem, there will be less food in the stomach
to maintain the blood sugar and low sugars may
be a problem. If there is a question regarding
the insulin dose, the diabetes care provider
should be phoned before the next insulin dose.
Alcohol, or liquids consumed with alcohol,
may initially increase the blood sugar.
However, this is temporary and the main effect
of alcohol will be to block the release of sugar
from the liver and to lower the blood sugar
level (up to 12 hours later). It is important,
when alcohol is consumed, to have the
carbohydrate/protein bedtime snack even if the
blood sugar is high. It is also important to get
up at a reasonable time the next morning to
check a blood sugar level and to get food and
insulin into the body.
Stress usually results in epinephrine
(adrenaline) release and an increase in blood


Chapter 14 Monitoring Blood Sugar Control

Young children react by burning more sugar
and lowering the blood sugar. Older children
may increase their blood sugar.
Good Weather?
Children tend to play outside for longer
hours in good weather and the blood sugars are
generally lower. The insulin dose may have to
be reduced. This is especially true of the
evening rapid-acting insulin when children are
active after supper in the summer months.
There has been some evidence that nicotine
(smoking or chewing) can increase the blood
sugar. People report a buzz after either, and
this may resemble the feelings of low blood
sugar. People with (or without) diabetes should
not smoke or chew tobacco.

Changes in our daughters insulin

dose have confused my wife and me.
Initially she was on a low insulin
dose which you increased after reviewing her
blood sugars and seeing that her HbA1c was
high. She got into good sugar control, but
now her dose is coming back down again.
This doesnt make sense to us.

This is quite common, and follows an

old adage that: Good control breeds
good control; poor control breeds
poor control. Thus, for someone in poor
sugar control, when the liver is making sugar at a
very high rate, it takes very little (stress,
infection, etc.) to make even more sugar and it
may take a lot of insulin to get the livers sugar
production machinery turned off. This may also
be the case for a newly-diagnosed person.

However, once the livers pathways for

making sugar are turned off, it may not take as
much insulin to keep them turned off. Also,
stress and infections will not have as great an
effect in a person in good sugar control. This
may be part of the reason for the honeymoon
period in the newly diagnosed person.

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