Coal Blending: Business Value, Analysis, and Optimization

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Coal Blending: Business Value, Analysis, and Optimization
Dr James Whitacre, Director, Paradyn
Dr Antony Iorio, Director, Paradyn
Sven Schellenberg, Director, Paradyn

withW numerousW blendingW possibilities,W multipleW constraintsW andW competingW objectives.W AtW manyW mineW sites,W blendingW
past,W theyW oftenW resultW inW aW sub-optimalW utilizationW ofW highW qualityW coal.W ThisW sub-optimalityW hasW aW considerableW negativeW
reviewsW theW coalW blendingW problemW andW discussesW someW ofW theW difficultW trade-offsW andW challengesW thatW ariseW inW tryingW toW
softwareW optimizationW systems.W W WeW concludeW byW explainingW howW theW miningW industryW wouldW significantlyW benefitW fromW
researchW andW developmentW intoW optimizationW algorithmsW andW technologiesW thatW areW betterW ableW toW combineW computerW


Coal blending is a common practice for achieving quality attributes needed in a specific application, e.g.
steam generation, coking. The quality attributes of greatest concern will vary from one mine to another
and depend on Run Of Mine (ROM; i.e. raw, unprocessed coal) quality variation between plies or seams
and the products application. For thermal coal, properties such as ash, volatile matter, total sulfur,
moisture, Hargrove Grindability Index, and specific energy are significant to the product. For coking
coals, additional attributes can include crucible swelling number, fluidity, and RoMax.

Blending Methodology
Blending can take place in several locations across a supply chain with the location of blending
sometimes being important. For instance, blending before the Coal Handling and Preparation Plant
(CHPP, i.e. wash plant) is sometimes needed to improve washability and increase CHPP production rates.
The act of blending typically occurs through stockpile stacking however it may also take place within a
vessels hatch during ship loading. Stacking methodology (e.g. Chevron, Windrow, Cone Shell, Strata)
influences homogeneity of the final blended material and subsequently influences sampling consistency
and the risk of failing quality validation tests.

Business Impact
Without having tested alternative blending software technologies, many coal mines are unaware of the
impact of these decisions on mine productivity. This is particularly true for coal mines that sell multiple
products. Each product has its own unique set of quality ranges that must be satisfied based on customer
contracts. Within each quality range, there can also be a desirable quality target that reflects ideal product
conditions for a customer. Customers and mine sites will therefore sometimes negotiate a penalty or
bonus that modifies the final sale value of a product based on a quality attributes relative position within
the contractually required quality range, e.g. its degree of deviation from a desired quality target. Each
product thus may have a different base sale price, different financial penalties and bonuses, and
considerably different quality requirements.
Changes to a products blend can impact the sale value of the product, the total amount of in spec tonnes
of a product, and the amount of ROM available for creating other products. Consequently, blending
decisions directly influence the number of product tonnes and the total revenue of a mine site.

Blend optimization.
Blending is a nonlinear combinatorial optimization problem where the objective is typically to maximize
revenue, Net Present Value (NPV), or monthly product tonnage targets. Important and closely related Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) include total mine site productivity (e.g. total sold tonnes per month),
product quality consistency, and product reliability (e.g. consistent availability of a product from month to

Interdependencies within the Coal Blending Problem












Products are generally created by blending together several different ROM types (many to 1 mapping)
while each ROM type can contribute to multiple products (1 to many mapping). These mathematical
mapping features can result in a very large number of unique blend possibilities. For example, consider a
mine site with five different ROM types that each can be blended in 1000 tonne allotments to create one
of two products that each have a desired tonnage target of 100KT. For this simplified blending problem
there exists approximately 18 trillion blending possibilities.
Quality versus Tonnage
A ROM type can often be added to several different products however the ROMs influence on each
products sale value will depend on the qualities of other available ROMS and the required quality ranges
of the product. Once contractual tonnage obligations have been satisfied, it is common for blending
heuristics1 to be used that focus attention on one particular product more than others. For instance, it is
sometimes assumed that blending that maximizes tonnage of the most profitable product will correspond
with the best business decisions for the mine. This is similar to the assumption that the best business
decision will be that corresponding with the best average revenue per product tonne. Alternatively, it is
sometimes assumed that blending changes that maximize total productive tonnes up to supply chain
capacity constraints will correspond with the best business decisions. A variety of other heuristics have
been developed that are tailored to a specific mine site and aim to strike a balance between maximizing
total productive tonnes and maximizing the average sale value per tonne.

A heuristic is a method - developed through experience, judgment, and training - that is likely to yield a good
solution to a problem but that is not guaranteed, or even likely, to produce an optimal outcome.

In practice however, the best business outcome cannot be reliably characterized by any single set of
heuristics and instead depends on a number of factors that can change at a mine site over time. For
example, consider a situation where it is necessary to include 20% of ROM type A to sweeten poor
quality ROMs within a high volatile coking coal product, while 45% of ROM type A is needed to sweeten
poor quality ROMs in order to create a low volatile coking coal product. The optimal decision in this case
will depend on the difference in price between the high volatile and low volatile products, the abundance
of poorer quality ROMs, the distribution of ROM quality attributes, the availability of sufficient
production capacity, processing costs, and contractual commitments.
Similar difficulties arise when considering whether a product should be blended to achieve a customers
ideal quality targets. On the one hand, a customer may agree to pay a higher price for products that are
closer to a particular quality target. On the other hand, the higher quality ROM needed to achieve this
target might instead be used to create more tonnage of other products. There are no generic rules of thumb
that will be best in addressing these trade-offs due to price fluctuations and the dynamic availability of
ROM types.
Dynamic Markets
Spot and negotiated sale prices for products change over time in response to changing market conditions.
When specific products have strong sale price growth forecasts, situations can arise where it is more
profitable for the business to reserve tonnage of selected ROMs for future blends. Ideally, decisions to
delay profits should evaluate the impact on NPV or Economic Rate of Return (ERR) in order to be
justifiable to shareholders. In addition, the quality attributes of coal can degrade as it sits on a stockpile
and is exposed to rain and oxidizing conditions. Consequently, the ROM excavation birthday must also
be considered when making blending decisions.
Although revenue and NPV are obviously important to blending decisions, it is also strategically
important that contractual commitments are satisfied. Some customers may have long standing large
contracts for specific products and the continuation of these commitments mitigate real uncertainty in
business valuation, e.g. in discounted cash flow analysis, which is important to shareholders. As a result,
it is often (incorrectly) assumed that blending decisions should firstly prioritize contractually binding
tonnage targets regardless of whether these decisions correspond with the most profitable outcome.
CHPP Ash versus Yield
ROM is sometimes washed to remove ash, e.g. by gravity separation. The density cut-point setting of a
wash plants heavy medium circuits can be adjusted to remove additional ash from the feed ROM,
however this lowers production yield and results in fewer saleable product tonnes. Each ROM will have
its own unique relationship between initial (feed) ash, product ash, and product yield (i.e. the ash-yield
curve) and the optimal wash plant operating conditions will depend on product requirements as well as
the quality attributes of available ROM.

A wash plant manager will often aim to achieve a high and consistent operating rate in order to maximize
wash plant utilization. This decision is partly justified by the fact that major wash plant operating costs
(e.g. human resources, electricity, reagents) are only marginally influenced by production rates, and thus
lower flow rates significantly increase the per tonne cost of washing coal. However, because of the
complex relationships between tonnage, quality, and sale value of different products, maximum wash
plant utilization rarely corresponds with maximum NPV.
Similarly, there are other sunk costs within the supply chain related to haulage, rail, and shipping
contracts in which underutilization also results in higher costs per product tonne and it is often incorrectly
assumed that the maximum utilization of these resources will correlate with maximum NPV.
Logistical Constraints
There are a number of operational constraints and resource constraints that should be taken into account
when making blending decisions. ROM is sometimes sourced from different pits with significantly
different distances to the wash plant. Haulage fleet availability can therefore limit the amount of ROM
that can be sourced from geographically distant pits. These haulage constraints can be partially mitigated,
but not eliminated, by moving ROM to staging stockyards that are closer to the CHPP during time of
excess haulage availability, however this also comes at a rehandling cost and can sometimes result in
small material losses.
There are additional logistical constraints that can restrict the number of ROM types within a blend such
as the location of truck loaders. Loader location and truck size also introduce practical limits on the
minimum tonnage of a single ROM type that can be added to a blend.

Blend Optimization Software

Challenges in Manual Blending
The variety of blending possibilities is too large and complex for any engineer to construct an optimal
solution. Instead blending decisions are made in the same way that complex scheduling decisions are
handled within manufacturing and other industries, namely through satisficing and heuristics [1].
Satisficing - a term coined by Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon- refers to decision making that aims to
achieve a feasible outcome with satisfactory performance and operates under the assumption that
uncertainties and problem complexity will prevent optimality [2] [3] [4]. In blending problems, heuristics
or rules of thumb are often developed through experimentation and experience that guide the creation of

good enough blends. Unfortunately these heuristics can turn into very poor decisions when there are
changes to the relative prices of different products.

Software-Assisted Blending
The variety of variables, constraints, trade-offs, and uncertainties are too complex for any person to solve.
Optimization software can be used to support these decisions and some mining software vendors provide
blending capabilities. The optimization algorithms that have been designed in these systems often make
simplifying assumptions in order to eliminate problem complexities (e.g. nonlinearities in objectives and
constraints) so that the problem can be solved using linear programming or a similarly simplified
optimization algorithm. Unfortunately, software simplifications can generate solutions that are sometimes
not practically feasible and the solutions themselves are sometimes of lower quality than those generated
by a skilled engineer. Case studies within other industries have similarly discovered that skilled
schedulers and planners can often generate better schedules than optimization software, even for complex
scheduling problems [5] [6].
If blending problems are purportedly too difficult for humans to optimize, then why can skilled engineers
sometimes generate blends that are more desirable to the business? Resolving this paradox requires an
appreciation for the importance of mine-site specific domain knowledge that is known by engineers but
absent from the optimization model.

Current Limitations of Blend Optimization Software

In practice, each mine site has unique characteristics in their blending problem that are understood by
engineers but cannot be accounted for by reconfiguring the blending optimization algorithms. This may
include any number of the topics already discussed in this article such as logistical constraints, wash plant
considerations, contractual commitments, but also other issues not covered here such as the knowledge of
losses/dilutions (e.g. from blast design, selective loading, transport), delay risks when implementing the
current schedule, sociopolitical factors within the organization, and underlying tacit knowledge. In other
words, blending requirements at different mine sites would appear to be too diverse for a single
optimization technology to be able to effectively solve them all.
Importantly, there are proven theories in optimization research (cf No Free Lunch Theorems, NFL, for
Optimization, [7] [8]) which actually guarantee that no general purpose blending optimizer can exist that
will be perfectly designed to address every coal mine sites blending requirements!2 This well-tested
theory is known throughout the optimization research community but it is not readily shared between
software vendors and prospective customers.

The implications of NFL to blend optimization software are considerable. First, if blend optimization
software is to be broadly effective, it must facilitate user driven adjustments to blends. In some cases a
planner will want to change specific attributes of a production plan but may not want to go through the
dozens of tedious adjustments in order to explore and discover the necessary blending adjustments. For
example, a planner might want to lower ash by an additional 2%, increase product tonnage by 10KT for a

Another important implication of NFL is that the more general purpose an optimizer claims to be, the less relevant
its results are likely to be to your specific problem.

given month, or replace one ROM type with others in order to reserve that ROM for other products. If
optimization engines were redesigned to support user-guided optimization, the expertise of the planner
could be reflected in blending outcomes without requiring large numbers of tedious manual adjustments.
Blend Analytics
Domain expertise is most effective when supported by the information needed to make sound judgments.
Blend analysis is the process of evaluating the consequences of blending options within a schedule. For
example, analysis can take place to determine a blends impact on product quality, projected revenue, or
the time criticality of scheduled mining activities for achieving production targets. An analytics platform
that provided transparency across the myriad factors impacting blending decisions would help to better
inform a planner of the business outcomes associated with different blending options. Combined with the
user-guided optimization technologies just discussed, blending analytics could enable a faster and more
thorough assessment of different blend possibilities and ultimately a more intelligent utilization of a mine
sites most valuable ROM.

Coal blending is a complex problem with a significant impact on mine site revenue and productivity.
Blend optimization has thus far been achieved using algorithms that make simplifying mathematical
assumptions, with results that are sometimes worse than manual blending decisions. This article has
reviewed and discussed some of the limitations of optimization technologies currently available to the
mining industry. Based on our experience in real-world optimization and coal blending in particular, this
article proposes guidelines for improving the business value of blending optimization software by
combining the computational power of optimization algorithms with the unique insights, experience, and
knowledge of the engineer. User-guided optimization is not a new concept and there are numerous case
studies demonstrating its significant positive effect on planning outcomes (e.g. see [9] [10] [11]), however
the benefits of user-guided search have yet to be recognized by software vendors in the mining industry.


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