Components in Real-Time Systems
Components in Real-Time Systems
Components in Real-Time Systems
1 Introduction
Embedded real-time systems contain a computer as a part of a larger system and interact
directly with external devices. They must usually meet stringent specifications for safety,
reliability, limited hardware capacity etc. Examples include highly complex systems such as
medical control equipment, mobile phones, and vehicle control systems. Most of such
embedded systems can also be characterized as real-time systems, i.e., systems in which the
correctness of the system depends on time factors. Real-time systems are usually used to
control or interact with a physical system and the timing constraints are imposed by the
environment. As a consequence, the correct behavior of these systems depends not only on
the logical results of the computation but also at which time the results are produced [1]. If
the system delivers the correct answer, but after a certain deadline, it could be regarded as
having failed.
The increased complexity of embedded real-time systems leads to increasing demands with
respect to requirements engineering, high-level design, early error detection, productivity,
integration, verification and maintenance. This calls for methods, models, and tools which
permit a controlled and structured working procedure during the complete life cycle of the
system [2]. When applying component-based software engineering (CBSE) methodology on
the development of real-time systems, an important factor is reusability of real-time
components. Designing reusable real-time components is more complex than designing
reusable non-real-time components [3]. This complexity arises from several aspects of real-
time systems not relevant in non-real-time systems. In real-time applications, components
must collaborate in meeting timing constraints. Examples of timing requirements can be
deadline, period time, and jitter.
Furthermore, in order to keep production costs down, embedded systems resources must
usually be limited, but they must perform within tight deadlines. They must also often run
continuously for long periods of time without maintenance.
Timing analysis is performed at two levels, the task level and the system level. At the task
level the worst case execution time (WCET) for each task is either analyzed or estimated. If
the execution time is measured, we can never be sure that we have determined the worst case.
On the other hand if we use analysis, we must derive a safe value for the execution time. The
estimated execution time must be greater than or equal to the real worst case and in the theory
provided, the estimate can be excessive. The challenge here is thus to derive a value as close
as possible to the real worst case execution time. Puschner gives a good introduction to this
problem in the seminal paper [7]. At system level we analyze to determine if the system
composed fulfils the timing requirements. Several different mature analysis methods exist, for
example, analysis for priority-based systems and pre-run-time scheduling techniques [8][9].
Both kinds of analysis have been proven to be useful in industrial applications [10][11].
When designing a system, we can assign time budgets to the tasks which are not implemented
by intelligent guesses based on experience. By doing this we gain two positive effects. Firstly,
the system level timing analysis can be performed before implementation, thus providing a
tool for estimating the performance of the system. Secondly, the time budgets can be used as
an implementation requirement. By applying this approach we make the design process less
ad hoc with respect to real-time performance. In traditional system design, timing problems
are first recognized when the complete system or subsystem has been implemented. If a
timing problem is then detected, ad hoc optimization will be begun, this most surely making
the system more difficult to maintain.
Furthermore, in Section 3, we propose a method for composing components and how the
resulting compositions could be handled when designing real-time systems. In Section 4 we
describe how an existing real-time development environment can be extended to support our
design method. Finally, in Section 5, we provide guidelines about what one should be aware
of when reusing and online updating real-time components.
The development process with real-time components is divided into several stages, as
depicted in Figure 2-1. Development starts with the system specification, which is the input to
top-level design. At the top-level design, which includes the decomposition of the system into
components, the designer browses through the component-library and designs the system,
making selections from the possible component candidates.
System specification
Top-level design
Detailed design
System verification
Final product
The detailed design will show which components are suitable for integration. To select
components, both real- and non real-time aspects must be considered. The scheduling and
interface check will show if the selected components are appropriate for the system, if
adaptation of components is required, or if new components must be developed. The process
of component selection and scheduling may need to be repeated several times to refine the
design and determine the most appropriate components. When a new component must be
developed, it should be, (when developed and tested) entered into the component library.
When the system finally meets the specified requirements, the timing behavior of the different
components must be tested on the target platform to verify that they meet the timing
constraints defined in the design phase. A detailed description of these steps is given below.
The first stage of the development process involves de-composition of the system into
manageable components. We need to determine the interfaces between them and to specify
the functionality and safety issues associated with each component. Parallel with the
decomposition, we browse the component library to identify a set of candidate components,
(i.e., components which might be useful in our design).
components that we need according to our design but which are not available in the
component library. Once we have identified all the components to be used, we can start by
assigning attributes to them, such as time-budgets, periods, release times, precedence
constraints, deadlines and mutual exclusion etc.
A standard way of performing the detailed design is to use the WCET specified for every task
which specifies the upper limit of the time needed to execute a task. Instead of relying on
WCET values for components at this stage, a time budget is assigned to each component. A
component is required to complete its execution within its time budget. This approach has
also been adopted in [14], and shown to be useful in practice. Experienced engineers are often
needed to make correct assignments of time budgets.
2.3 Scheduling
At this point we need to check if the system's temporal requirements can be fulfilled,
assuming time budgets assigned in the detailed design stage. In other words, we need to make
a schedulability analysis of the system based on temporal requirements of each component. A
scheduler which can handle the relevant timing attributes has been presented in [14],
however other approaches such as fixed priority schedulability analysis can easily also be
The scheduler in [14] takes a set of components with assigned timing attributes, and creates a
static schedule. If scheduling fails, changes are necessary. It may be sufficient to revise the
detailed design by reengineering the temporal requirements or by simply replacing
components with others from the candidate set. An alternative is to return to top-level design
and either select others from the library or specify new components.
During the scheduling we must check that the system is properly integrated; component
interfaces are to be checked to ensure that input ports are connected and that their types
match. Further, if the specified system passes the test, besides the schedules, the infrastructure
for communication between components will be generated.
Even if the component supplier provides a specification of the WCET, it must be verified on
the target platform. This is absolutely necessary when the system environment is not as in the
component specification. We can verify the WCET by running test cases developed by the
component designer and measuring the execution time. The longest time is accepted as the
component WCET. Obtaining the WCET for a component is a quite complicated process,
especially if the source code is not available for the performance of the analysis. For this
reason, correct information about the WCET from the component supplier is essential.
New components; those not already in the library must be implemented. A standard
development process for the development of software components is used. It may happen that
some of the new components fail to meet their assigned time budgets. The designer can either
add these to the library for possible reuse in other projects or redesign them. In order to
proceed, the target platform must be available at this stage. Once a component is implemented
and verified we must determine its WCET on our target platform and verify the WCET of
library components, if this has not been done before.
2.6 System build and test
Finally, we build the system using old and new components. We must now verify the
functional and temporal properties of the system obtained. If the verification test fails, we
must return to the appropriate stage of the development process and correct the error.
The component library is the most central part of any CBSE system, since it contains binaries
of components and their descriptions. When selecting components we examine the attributes
available in the library. A component library containing real-time components should provide
the following in addition to component identification, functional description, interface,
component binary and test cases:
Since the timing behavior of components depends on both the processor and the memory
organization, it is necessary to re-test the WCET for each target different from that specified.
The process of finding the WCET can be a difficult and tedious process, especially if
complete information or the source code is not available. Giving the WCET as a number does
not provide sufficient information. What is more interesting in the test cases is the execution
time behavior shown as a function of input parameters as shown in Figure 2-2. The execution
time shows different values for the different input sub-domains.
Execution time
domain 1 domain 2 domain 3
Producing such a graph can also be a difficult and time-consuming process. In many cases,
however, the component developer can derive WCET test cases by combining source code
analysis with the test execution. For example, the developer can find that the execution time
is independent of input parameters within an input range (this is possible for many “simple"
processors used in embedded systems but not for others).
The exact values of the execution time are not as important as the maximum value within
input intervals, as depicted in Figure 2-3. When a component is instantiated, the WCET test
cases are chosen from the appropriate input sub-domain. The timing behavior depends on
how the component is instantiated.
Execution time
domain 1 domain 2 domain 3
3 Composition of components
As mentioned earlier a component consists of one or more tasks. Several components can be
composed into a more complex one. This is achieved by defining an interface for the new
component and connecting the input and output ports of its building blocks, as shown in
Figure 3-1.
This new kind of component is also stored in the component library, in much the same way as
the other components. However, two aspects are different: the timing information and the
component binary. The WCET of a composed component cannot be computed since its parts
may be executing with different periods. Instead we propose that end-to-end deadlines should
be specified for the input to and output from the component. End-to-end deadlines are set
such that the system requirements are fulfilled in the same way as the time budgets are set.
These deadlines should be the input to a tool which can derive constraints on periods and
deadlines for the sub-components. This possibility remains the subject of research and cannot
be considered feasible today.
out1_Cn out1_Cnew
in2_Cnew in2_Cn Component n
(C2) out2_Cn out2_Cnew
in3_Cnew in1_C2
Component 2 out_C2 out3_Cnew
in4_Cnew in2_C2 (C3)
Furthermore, we specify virtual timing attributes (period, release time and deadline) of the
composed component, which are used to compute the timing attributes of sub-components.
For example, if the virtual period is set to P, then the period of a sub-component A should be
fA * P and the period of B is fB * P, where fA and fB are constants for the composed component,
which are stored in the component library. This enables the specification of timing attributes
at the proper abstraction level. The binary of the composed component is not stored in the
component library. Instead references to the sub-components are stored, to permit the
retrieval of the correct set of binaries.
4.1 Rubus
Rubus is hybrid operating system, in the sense that it supports both pre-emptive static
scheduling and fixed priority scheduling, also referred to as the red and blue parts of Rubus.
The red part deals only with hard real-time and the blue part only with soft. Here we focus on
the red part only.
Each task in the red part is periodic and has a set of input and output ports, which are used for
unbuffered communication with other tasks. This set also defines a task’s interface. A task
provides the thread of execution for a component and the interface to other components in the
system via the ports. In Figure 4-1 we can see an example of how a task/component interface
could look like.
Figure 4-1: A task and its interface in the red model of Rubus
Each tasks has an entry function that which as arguments have input and output ports. The
value of the input ports are guaranteed not to change during the execution of the current
instance of the task, in order to avoid inconsistency problems. The entry function is re-
invoked by the kernel periodically.
The timing requirements of the component/task are shown in Figure 4-1. The timing
requirements are specified by release-time, deadline, WCET and period. Besides the timing
requirements, it is also possible to specify ordering of tasks using precedence relations, and
mutual exclusion. For example the depicted task in is required to execute before the
outputBrakeValues task, i.e., task BrakeLeftRight precedes task outputBrakeValues. A system
is composed of a set of components/tasks for which the input and output ports have been
connected, as depicted in Figure 4-2.
When the design of a system is finished, a pre run-time scheduler is run to check if the
temporal requirements can be fulfilled. If the scheduler succeeds then it also generates a
schedule for the design, which is later used by the red kernel to execute the system.
Let’s see what is missing in Rubus and its supporting tools to make them more suitable for
component based development. Firstly, there is currently no support for creating composite
components, i.e., components that are built of other components. Secondly, some tool is
needed to manage the available components and their associated source files, so that
components can be fetched from a library and instantiated into new designs. Besides this
there is a lack of real-time tools like: WCET analysis, allocation of tasks to nodes.
Support for composition of components can easily be incorporated into Rubus, since only a
front-end tool is needed that can translate component specifications to task descriptions. The
front-end tool needs to perform the following for composition:
Component: BrakeSystem
5 Reuse of RT Components
Design for reuse means that a component from a current project should require a minimum of
modification for use in a future project. Abstraction is extremely valuable for reuse. When
designing components for reuse, designers should attempt to anticipate as many future
applications as possible. Reuse is more successful if designers concentrate on abstract rather
than existing uses. The objective should be to minimize the difference between the
component's selected and ideal degrees of abstraction. The smaller the variance from the ideal
level of abstraction, the more frequently a component will be reused.
There are other important factors which designers of reusable components must consider, they
must not only anticipate future design contexts and future reuses. They must consider:
• What users need and do not need to know about a reusable design, or how to emphasize
relevant information and conceal that which is irrelevant.
• What is expected from potential users, and what are their expectations about the
reusable design.
• That it is desirable, though difficult, to implement binary components, to allow users to
instantiate only relevant parts of components. For example, if a user wants to use only
some of the available ports of a component, then only the relevant parts should be
No designer can actually anticipate all future design contexts, when and in which
environment the component will be reused. This means that a reusable component should
depend as little as possible on its environment and be able to perform sufficient self-checking.
In other words, it should be as independent as possible. Frequency of reuse and utility
increase with independence. Thus independence should be another main area of concern when
designing reusable components.
Designing reusable components for embedded real-time systems is even more complicated
due to memory and execution time restrictions. Furthermore, real-time components must be
much more carefully tested because of their safety-critical nature.
These examples show that it is not easy to achieve efficient reuse, and that the development of
reusable components requires a systematic approach in design planning, extensive
development and support of a more complex maintenance process.
A method for online upgrades of software in safety-critical real-time systems has been
presented in [17]. It can also be applied to component-based systems when replacing
However, testing in the real system means that it must be shut down, and there is also a
potential risk that the new component could endanger human life or vital systems.
To overcome these problems it is proposed in [17] that the new component should be
monitored to check that its output is within valid ranges. If it is not, then the original
component will resume control of the system. It is assumed that the old component is
reliable, but not as effective as the new component in some respect e.g., the new provides
much improved control performance. This technology has been shown to be useful for control
A similar approach can be found in [18] where a component wrapper invokes a specific
component version depending on the input values. The timing constraints related to the
wrapper execution time must be taken into consideration, and such a system must support
version management of components.
In this development model we assume that a static schedule is used at run-time to dispatch the
tasks, and since the schedule is static the flexibility is restricted. However, in some cases it is
possible to perform online upgrades.
Online upgrade of the system requires that the WCET of the new component is less or equal
to the time-budget of the component it replaces. It is also required that it has the same
interface and temporal properties, e.g., period and deadline. If this is not feasible, a new
schedule must be generated and we must close down the system to upgrade it. Using the
fault-tolerance method above, we can still do this safely with a short downtime.
6 Summary
In this paper we presented certain issues related to the use of component technology in the
development of real-time systems. We pointed out the challenges introduced by using real-
time components, such as guaranteeing the temporal behavior not only of the real-time
components but also the entire composed system.
When designing real-time systems with components, the design process must be changed to
include timing analysis and especially to permit high-level analysis on an architectural design
level. We presented a method for the development of reliable real-time systems using the
component-based approach. The method emphasizes the temporal constraints which are
estimated in the early design phase of the systems and are matched with the characteristics of
existing real-time components. We outlined the information needed when reusing binary
components, saved in a real-time component library.
Furthermore, we proposed a method for composing components and how the resulting
compositions could be handled when designing real-time systems. We also provided
guidelines about what one should be aware of when reusing and online updating real-time
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