Patriotism July 2015
Patriotism July 2015
Patriotism July 2015
in Gods Word
Emphasis on
Biblically Correct
July 1
Bible Reading: Psalms 33
Key Verse: Verse 12 Blessed is the nation whose
God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath
chosen for his own inheritance
Key Words: Blessed is the nation whose God is the
and courage. They took the forked stick and made a steel
plow. They took the rude sickle and made a reaper. They
took the wagon and made an engine, an automobile, an
airplane, a tractor. They made an iron thread into an ocean
cable, rough type into great color printing presses, and steel
beams into soaring skyscrapers. They made forest trails into
magnificent highways. They put the little red schoolhouse
and the little white church on a thousand hills. America is
great because individual men have freedom and equality;
because individual men have been given the incentive to
create, to produce, and to save, because individual men have
been rewarded for their labor with a generous share of the
goods they helped to produce. America has taken its place
among the great civilizations of history because the
cornerstone upon which the republic rests is the social,
economic, and spiritual betterment of individual man.
I might add that this all comes by the grace of God.
What to do:
I thank God for America. Lets all pray and strive
for America to be a Godly nation.
July 5
Bible Reading: Psalm 144
Key Verse: Verse 15 Happy is that people, that is in
such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is
the LORD.
Key Words: happy is that people, whose God is the
Think About it
July 6
Bible Reading: Phillipians 4: 1-8
Key Verse: Verse 4 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and
again I say, Rejoice.
Key Words: Rejoice in the Lord
The following article ran in The Birmingham News on
September 10, 2008.
Marie Leech - Birmingham News Staff Writer
MONTGOMERY Although Alabamas education system
is well-funded, its academic results are some of the lowest in
the nation, according to a report released Tuesday by the
Alabama Policy Institute.
The group describes itself as a nonpartisan, nonprofit
research and education organization dedicated to the
preservation of free markets, limited government and strong
The 116-page report Alabamas Public Education
Dilemma: Does Funding Influence Outcomes? states that
Alabamas education investment, or input, is high. Teachers
salary and benefit packages rank 19th highest in the nation
when adjusted for pensions, cost of living and other value
factors, it states.
However, the results, or outputs, dont add up, the report
states. Alabama students consistently score below those in
most states on the National Assessment of Educational
Progress, also known as the Nations Report Card, and on the
ACT college entrance exam, it states. Alabamas graduation
rates are 45th in the nation, and the state spends between
$304 million and $454 million per year on remedial
John R. Hill, author of the report, used a Score-Spending
Index for individual school systems and found that students
test scores were usually higher where the per-pupil spending
was below the state average, and lower in schools that spent
hundreds more dollars per child. Throwing more money at
these problems does not appear to be the solution, Hill said.
Government Programs
July 7
July 9
The American government is trillions of dollars in debt.
General Motors, AIG, Bank of America, and other institutions
now belong to and are being run by the government. The
President and his colleagues have pushed through a national
health care program that will cost the American taxpayer
trillions of dollars more. America is on the verge of no longer
being financially solvent. We borrow almost daily from China
and Middle Eastern countries in order to stay afloat. Gas
prices are going higher; government is growing while
everything else is shrinking. The baby-boomer generation
should he eat
I read the following and thought you should as well.
From the Desk of:
Don Genereaux
Honorable Secretary of Agriculture
Washington, DC
Dear Sir,
My friend, Dan Hansen, over at Honey Creek, Iowa, received a
check for $1,000.00 from the government for not raising
hogs. So I want to go into the NOT RAISING HOGS
business next year.
What I want to know is, in your opinion, what is the best kind
of farm not to raise hogs on? And what is the best breed of
hogs not to raise? I want to be sure that I approach this
endeavor in keeping with all government policies.
As I see it, the hardest part of the NOT RAISING HOGS
program is keeping an accurate inventory of how many hogs I
havent raised.
My friend Hansen is very joyful about the future of the
business. He has been raising hogs for twenty years or so, and
the best he has ever made on them was $422.90 in 1968, until
this year when he got your check for the $1,000.00 for not
raising 50 hogs.
If I get $1,000.00 for not raising 50 hogs, then would I get
$2,000.00 for not raising 100 hogs? I plan to operate on a
small scale at first, holding myself to about 4,000 hogs not
raised the first year, which would bring in about $80,000.00;
then I can afford an airplane.
Now another thing these hogs I will not raise will not eat
100,000 bushels of corn. I understand that the government
also pays people not to raise corn and wheat. Would I qualify
for payments for not raising these crops not to feed my hogs I
will not be raising?
I want to get started as soon as possible as this seems to be a
good time of the year for the NOT RAISING HOGS and
Also I am giving serious consideration to the NOT MILKING
COWS business and any information you would have on the
endeavor would be greatly appreciated.
In view of the fact that I will be totally unemployed, I will be
filing for unemployment and food stamps, and was wondering
how long that process takes.
Be assured, Mr. Secretary, you will have my vote in the
upcoming election.
Patriotically yours,
Don Genereaux
P. S. Would you please notify me when you plan to give out
the free cheese again?
What to do:
Work. It is Gods plan.
I Dare You!
July 11
We The People
July 13
Humanizing America
July 15
What to do:
Make sure your thinking is Biblical, not humanistic.
July 16
to make excuse
place in Paradise if they died for the faith in conflict with the
infidels who rejected his teachings. Patriotism is a virtue of
which any man may well be proud.
But patriotism, praiseworthy as it is from the human
standpoint, will never fit the soul for the presence of God. It
can never wash away the guilt of sin. The testimony of Edith
Cavell, the brave British nurse who was killed by the Germans
during the former world war, is well worth considering in this
This noble woman was born in Swardeston, Norfold, on
December 4, 1865. She entered the London Hospital for
nurses training in 1895. In 1907 she was appointed first
matron of the Berkendael Medical Institute at Brussels,
Belgium. This became the Red Cross Hospital in Belgium at
the outbreak of the conflict in 1914. From August of that year,
until August, 1915, Nurse Cavell helped to care for wounded
French, Belgian, English and German soldiers alike. She
ministered faithfully even to those who had fallen while
fighting against her own nation. Naturally, her sympathies
were with the Allies, and in cooperation with the efforts of
Prince Reginald de Croy, she aided many derelict English and
French soldiers who had fled from the Germans. These
escaped by underground methods to the Dutch frontier,
where, with the aid of guides, they were conveyed across to
Britain. When some of these fugitives were traced to her
house in Brussels, she was immediately arrested and after a
court-martial was sentenced to face a firing squad. All her
kindness to the German wounded was forgotten. Her captors
considered her a spy and treated her accordingly.
Just before the bandage was placed over her eyes, as she
stood fearlessly facing the soldiers who were about to take her
life, she gave a last message to the world. I am glad, she
said, to die for my country. But as I stand here I realize as
never before that patriotism is not enough. Then she went
on to give a clear, definite testimony to her personal faith in
the Lord Jesus Christ and her assurance of salvation, not
through laying down her life for others, but because He laid
down His life for her. In perfect composure, she submitted to
the bandaging of her eyes and, in a few moments fell, pierced
by many German bullets.
What to do:
Understand what the true function of government
is and pray that those in government will do right.
July 20
What to do:
Remember, the wheels of Gods justice grind
slowly but surely. 3,517 days after the tragedy of
September 11, 2001, Osama reaped what he sowed.
I love David, dont you? David was the apple of Gods eye
for a number of reasons. One of those reasons had to be his
honesty. He frankly admits to the Lord, I sinned with
Bathsheba because, quite honestly, Im just not very smart.
Reminds me of a story I read that goes as follows.
Given that Al Gore has no job, he decided to take a
sightseeing vacation to Europe. While visiting Europe, he is
invited to tea with the Queen. He asks her what her
leadership philosophy is. She says that it is to surround
herself with intelligent people. He asks how she knows if
theyre intelligent.
I do so by asking them the right questions, says the
Queen. Allow me to demonstrate.
She phones Tony Blair and says, Mr. Prime Minister,
please answer this question: Your mother has a child, and
your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or
sister. Who is it?
Tony Blair responds, Its me, maam.
Correct. Thank you and goodbye, sir, says the Queen.
She hangs up and says, Did you get that, Mr. Gore? Yes
maam. Thanks a lot. Ill definitely be using that!
Upon returning home, he decides hed better put some of
his old friends to the test.
He calls Bill Clinton and says, Hi, Bill, I wonder if you can
answer a question for me. Why, of course, Al. Whats on
your mind?
Uhh, your mother has a child, and your father has a child,
and this child is not your brother or sister. Who is it?
Clinton hems and haws and finally asks, Can I think
about it and get back to you? Gore agrees and Clinton hangs
July 24
July 25
63 and Tired
July 26
What to do:
Things may not be good spiritually, but we are
to occupy until Jesus comes, or He calls us home by
July 27
What to do:
Set a goal to be single-minded for Christ.
Gods Protection
July 28
Key Verse: Verse 38- Which did eat the fat of their
sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink
offerings? let them rise up and help you, and be your
plate of poisoned peas, and she agreed to play it. But as she
was serving Washington, she warned him, and he flipped the
peas out the window.
The failed plot came to light on June 17, 1776. By then
Hickey, in jail for passing counterfeit money, was hatching
another plot. He was trying to enroll prisoners in a secret
Tory corps within the rebel army; some 700 soldiers, Hickey
boasted, were on the payroll of New Yorks Tory governor,
William Tryon, and New York Citys mayor, David Matthews.
The men planned to support a British invasion by turning
their guns on their comrades. New York City would be set
ablaze while a drummer in Washingtons guard would stab the
An investigation was launched. Mayor Matthews
surrendered and was jailed; he later escaped to England.
Hickey was hanged in New York City on June 28, 1776, before
a crowd of 20,000.
In reporting to Congress, Washington wrote: I am
hopeful this example will produce many salutary
consequences and deter others from entering into like
traitorous practices.
If nations rise and fall by the authority of God, and they
do, then no doubt Gods protection was upon George
Washington. And just as God protected George Washington,
He protects each of us as well.
What to do:
Praise God for His marvelous providence and
God or Government?
July 29
What to do:
Rely on God, not government.
July 30
What to do:
Have we forgotten that God is the answer, or
The Standard
July 31
is a ministry of