China in The View of A Foreighner

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the other side of the world

Very far away, with a very strange and difficult language, a remotehistory,alegendarytradition,
communist views, many, many people, poorness, and a current growing economy. Thats the
way Chinaisseeninmycountry,atleastbymostpeopleIknow.Thereisalsoabeliefaboutthat
in China people eat everything which moves, although some people say thats a myth. Actually
we don't know verywell theChineseculture. What IhadknowaboutistheKungfu,JackieChan
I became interested in the chinese culture because of the people traitement and the legendary
traditions. We could know a little more about China due to the last Olympics in 2008. So we
noticed that timeshaveawidedifferenceforthelivegameswerepresentedwhenweslepthere.
I also could knowabout China due to the architecture forthats my field. Then I learntaboutthe
Olympic Park and many buildings which have beenbuiltinmoderntimesastheCCTVTowerin
At least by the pictures and videos I have seen about china I can say that the landscapes are
fantastic. The ancient architecture is really great and the art is unique. Recently I could hear a
Erhu melody and a chinese opera and Imustsay thisisaspecialartIwouldliketodiscoverina
real scenery. I also foundartistslikeYujaWangandYundiLi,whoplaythepianoreallywell.Iam
a littleworryabouttheairpollutioninChinaand somepestswhichhavebeennewstotheworld .
Concerning to the economy, I found interesting that china is growing up in business. Ive heard
When they go to anothercountry, they work and work untill achievesuccess.Ithinkthatsreally
extraordinary, although Ive seen there are also many poor people and that rules are straight. I
have knew there werewarsandrevolutionsinChinaandthatinthiscountryonesinglepersonis
important in the way of its cooperation to the whole country. But anyway Ifoundveryinteresting
the fact that China is connecting with the world and establishing relationship with many
The chinese Mandarin language is one of the moreinterestinglanguagesintheworldinthe way
that it is spoken by many people. We see it as a very complicated language because of the
ideograms or characters and because of the tonals and phonetics. We are in the occidental
world customized to the latinalphabet, and many languages use this alphabet so deal with the
chinese characters seems not to be really easy. Chinese people are very innovative persons. I
like organization and the sustainability chinese people have to their country, the advantage they
take to their resources andtheopportunitiestheygive mostofalltotheyoungpeopleforthemto

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