Writ of Kalikasan and Intergenerational Resp
Writ of Kalikasan and Intergenerational Resp
Writ of Kalikasan and Intergenerational Resp
with the rhythm and harmony of nature (Article 2, Section 16). 5.2
Common Law: This generation, represented by the Government, is
the trustee of the natural resource treasures of the country. As
such, it must properly care for these treasures so that succeeding
generations the beneficiary may still enjoy, use and benefit from
these resources until and up to an horizon of reasonable
perpetuity. The Trustier, of course, is the Creator of Nature. 5.3
Civil Law: Whoever does damage to another in a manner that is
contrary to morals and public policy shall be liable for the damage
done. Public policy is contained in the Constitution and in the
various dormant environment laws of the country. All of them
state, in effect, that we hold these natural resources for the
benefit of future generations. If this public policy is violated by our
act of willful and continued forest depletion, there is actionable
damage. 5.4 Natural law: Plaintiff minors alleged that the act of
allowing the total decimation of the forest resources of the
country violated their right (and instinct) of self-preservation and
self-perpetuation. It is an at tantamount to generational genocide.