Bulletin July 5 2015
Bulletin July 5 2015
Bulletin July 5 2015
If you have a prayer concern, there are several avenues for sharing with the
Aldersgate family. You may submit your requests to the Caring For One
Another e-mail prayer chain by contacting Jeanne Hamlin at
(jeaham@comcast.net). The detachable portion of this bulletin includes a
space for written prayer concerns that you may place in the offering plate.
Also, please check out the Prayer Wall at www.cvaumc.org.
Bring your craft project and lunch
and join others every
Wednesday this summer from
11-2 in the Hospitality room.
Sponsored by your UMW
(United Methodist Women.)
The Altar flowers today are given to the glory of God and
in honor of their wedding anniversary by Rick and Susan Reed;
in honor of Amanda Olivers 21st birthday
with love from Mom, Dad, Ashley, and Smokey.
Monday, July 6
Church Office Closed
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Tuesday, July 7
10:00 am
1:00 pm
1:30 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Wednesday, July 8
10:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:15 pm
6:45 pm
Fellowship of Friends (208)
UMW Craft Circle (HR)
Staff Meeting
Much Ado stage set-up (RR)
Small Group Prayer mtg. (208)
Covenant Discipleship (Parlor)
Couples Small Group (108)
Thursday, July 9
6:45 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Friday, July 10
Saturday, July 11
CR = Choir Room
FH = Fellowship Hall
HR = Hospitality Room
K = Kitchen
RR = Reed Room (Old Sanctuary)
Unfin. FH = Unfinished Fellowship Hall
WC = Welcome Center
YR - Youth Room
We Gather To Worship
Faith of Our Fathers
Rev. Scott Davis, Pastor
*Opening Songs
O God, we are grateful for the kindness and generosity you show us every
day and we ask that you help us to see those around us in the same way
you do - as loved and treasured people. Conform our hearts to be like
yours and activate our hands by your Spirit at work within us so as to
participate with you in showing kindness and generosity to others today.
Jon Van Bruggen
Matt Haas, Lay Reader
O God, we are grateful for the kindness and generosity you show us every
day and we ask that you help us to see those around us in the same way
you do - as loved and treasured people. Conform our hearts to be like
yours and activate our hands by your Spirit at work within us so as to
participate with you in showing kindness and generosity to others today.
Jon Van Bruggen
Come Now Children
Childrens Message
Rachel Miller, Director of Ministries with Young People
Childrens Message
Rachel Miller, Director of Ministries with Young People
Hymn 111
Scripture Lesson
Ephesians 4:25-32
Ephesians 4:25-32
Be Kind to One Another
*Doxology 94
We Respond to the Word
Mission Moment
Deb Reynolds
We Go Forth to Serve
One Another
Communication Card
Sundays at 9 and 11 AM
Be Kind to One Another
Ephesians 4:32
July 12
Wash One Anothers Feet
John 13:14
*please stand as you are able
Additional information is projected on the screens
Email: ________________________
July 19
Speak the Truth to One Another
Ephesians 4:25
July 26
Love One Another
1 John 4:11-12
Name: ________________________
Phone: _______________________
I am interested in:
Would like to learn more about
Would like to join Aldersgate
Help with refreshments before
and after 11 am service
Help serve Communion
for 9:00 am service
Serve as Usher
9:00 am service
11:00 am service
Help unload food truck for
Backpack Program at
Greer Elementary,
Wednesdays, 9:30am
Would like to become a part of
the Caring For One
Another daily e-mail
prayer chain
Sending cards to homebound
Interested in Parents Table,
10:00 - 11:00 Sunday AM
Would like to help count offering
once a month