Bulletin July 5 2015

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Write your prayer requests here

If you would like your prayer request to

be included on the Caring For One
Another daily e-mail prayer chain,
please check here.

During the month of June, the

Outreach & Missions Team will be
collecting school supplies for
students at Greer Elementary.
Monetary donations are also
welcome; please make your check
payable to Aldersgate United
Methodist Church, note "School
Supplies" on the memo line and
place it in the offering plate.

Ushers Needed for 11am Service

Commitment is one Sunday a
month. Contact Tom Roesch at
tandbroesch@aol.com or
Help Wanted:
Kitchen/Sip n Chat Coordinator
Paid position. Responsibilities
include overseeing Sip n Chat
kitchen supplies, setting up &
taking down Sip n Chat on
occasion, and attending Member
Care meetings. See
www.cvaumc.org for more details.
Contact Robin Oliver at 434-9783553 or robinaoliver@comcast.net.
July 24, 2015, AUMC member Deb
Reynolds will be leaving for her
4th mission trip to Brazil. Her
work will be constructing a second
floor on a community center that
houses the Shade and Fresh Water
Project, a ministry of the Brazilian
UMC. SFW offers programs to
children who are on the streets by
day while their parents work. To
contribute to this trip, make
checks payable to AUMC with
Brazil Mission Trip on the memo
line. Questions? Email

If you have a prayer concern, there are several avenues for sharing with the
Aldersgate family. You may submit your requests to the Caring For One
Another e-mail prayer chain by contacting Jeanne Hamlin at
(jeaham@comcast.net). The detachable portion of this bulletin includes a
space for written prayer concerns that you may place in the offering plate.
Also, please check out the Prayer Wall at www.cvaumc.org.

This Week at Aldersgate

Today, July 5
8:30 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am

Be Kind to One Another

Coffee and Refreshments (RR)

Worship (Blended) (Sanctuary)
Childrens Sunday School
Friendship Class (208); Agape Class (108); Seekers (111)
Sermon Scripture Discussion Group (RR)
Parents Table (RR)
Worship (Traditional) (Sanctuary)

Be Kind to One Another

Bring your craft project and lunch
and join others every
Wednesday this summer from
11-2 in the Hospitality room.
Sponsored by your UMW
(United Methodist Women.)

The Altar flowers today are given to the glory of God and
in honor of their wedding anniversary by Rick and Susan Reed;
in honor of Amanda Olivers 21st birthday
with love from Mom, Dad, Ashley, and Smokey.

Monday, July 6
Church Office Closed
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm

Member Care (HR)

Boy Scouts Troop 119 (FH,K,106,107)
Families Anonymous (108)
Boy Scouts Court of Honor (S,RR)

Tuesday, July 7
10:00 am
1:00 pm
1:30 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm

Quilters Guild (CR)

ALS support group (RR)
Alzheimers support group (208)
Stephen Ministers (FC,111)
Much Ado stage setup-up and potluck (RR)
Worship Band (CR)

Wednesday, July 8
10:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:15 pm
6:45 pm

Fellowship of Friends (208)
UMW Craft Circle (HR)
Staff Meeting
Much Ado stage set-up (RR)
Small Group Prayer mtg. (208)
Covenant Discipleship (Parlor)
Couples Small Group (108)

Thursday, July 9
6:45 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm

Much Ado rehearsal (RR)

Sweet Adelines (FH)
Worship Band Rehearsal(S)

Friday, July 10
Saturday, July 11

District UMW (FH)

Youth leave for mission trip at REACH
8:00 am
Mens Group (208)
4:00 pm
Peters Wedding (S)

CR = Choir Room
FH = Fellowship Hall
HR = Hospitality Room
K = Kitchen
RR = Reed Room (Old Sanctuary)
Unfin. FH = Unfinished Fellowship Hall
WC = Welcome Center
YR - Youth Room

1500 East Rio Road

Charlottesville, VA 22901
July 5, 2015

July 5, 2015 Sixth Sunday After Pentecost 9am Worship

July 5, 2015 Sixth Sunday After Pentecost 11 AM Worship

We Gather for Worship

We Gather To Worship
Faith of Our Fathers


Rev. Scott Davis, Pastor

*Opening Songs

Chelsea Morse, Worship Leader, and Worship Band

America the Beautiful Hymn 696
How Great Is Our God/How Great Thou Art

O God, we are grateful for the kindness and generosity you show us every
day and we ask that you help us to see those around us in the same way
you do - as loved and treasured people. Conform our hearts to be like
yours and activate our hands by your Spirit at work within us so as to
participate with you in showing kindness and generosity to others today.
Jon Van Bruggen


arr. Gordon Young

Rev. Scott Davis, Pastor

*Opening Hymn 698

God of the Ages


Matt Haas, Lay Reader
O God, we are grateful for the kindness and generosity you show us every
day and we ask that you help us to see those around us in the same way
you do - as loved and treasured people. Conform our hearts to be like
yours and activate our hands by your Spirit at work within us so as to
participate with you in showing kindness and generosity to others today.
Jon Van Bruggen
Come Now Children
Childrens Message
Rachel Miller, Director of Ministries with Young People

Childrens Message
Rachel Miller, Director of Ministries with Young People

Hymn 111

How Can We Name a Love


We Hear the Word

We Hear the Word

Scripture Lesson
Ephesians 4:25-32


Ephesians 4:25-32
Be Kind to One Another

Rev. Scott Davis

We Respond to the Word


Be Kind to One Another

Rev. Scott Davis

Prayers of the People

Rachel Miller, Director of Ministries with Young People

Hymn of Prayer 328 Surely the Presence of the Lord

Prayers of the People
Offering Prayer

The Lords Prayer

America, the Beautiful

arr. Eleanor Whitsett

*Doxology 94
We Respond to the Word
Mission Moment


Brazil Mission Trip

Deb Reynolds

Confession and Pardon 8

Offering and Song of Response

Brokenness Aside

The Great Thanksgiving 9


Giving the Bread and Cup

The Lords Prayer

Remembrance (The Communion Song)

Prayer after Communion

We Go Forth to Serve

*Hymn of Commitment 717 The Battle Hymn of the Republic

*Closing Song


(VBS Theme Song)

We Go Forth in Peace to Serve

One Another

Communication Card

A Summer Sermon Series

on Relationships

Please take a moment to fill out this

card, then tear at the perforation and
place it in the offering plate.

Sundays at 9 and 11 AM

Be Kind to One Another
Ephesians 4:32
July 12
Wash One Anothers Feet
John 13:14

*please stand as you are able
Additional information is projected on the screens

*please stand as you are able

Additional information is projected on the screens

Email: ________________________

July 19
Speak the Truth to One Another
Ephesians 4:25


July 26
Love One Another
1 John 4:11-12


Mark your calendars now for

"Much Ado About Nothing!"
Shows will be in the Reed Room on
Thurs. 7/30 & 8/6, Fri. 7/31 & 8/7,
Sat.8/1 & 8/8* and Sun. 8/2 & 8/9
at 7:00 each night.
Much Ado About Nothing is widely
considered to be the funniest love
stories of all times. This totally
clean and easily understandable
adaptation is approx. 90 min long
and features fun music, dance and
lots of laughs! It is rated "G" - so
even the very youngest child can
safely have their first taste of the
comedic genius of Shakespeare!
Show Tickets are FREE and will be
available beginning July 5th.
some free time this summer to
sew costumes for the show? All
talent levels are needed and
appreciated. If you can help please
call 825-9202 or email



Name: ________________________

The 2015 AUMC Directory of

Members and Friends is now
available! Pick yours up today.

Phone: _______________________

I am interested in:
Would like to learn more about
Would like to join Aldersgate
Help with refreshments before
and after 11 am service
Help serve Communion
for 9:00 am service
Serve as Usher
9:00 am service
11:00 am service
Help unload food truck for
Backpack Program at
Greer Elementary,
Wednesdays, 9:30am
Would like to become a part of
the Caring For One
Another daily e-mail
prayer chain
Sending cards to homebound
Interested in Parents Table,
10:00 - 11:00 Sunday AM
Would like to help count offering
once a month

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