Come To Me!: 6 July 2014 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Come To Me!: 6 July 2014 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Come To Me!: 6 July 2014 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
6 July 2014
Year A
ow beautiful to hear, on this first Sunday of July, Jesus invitation, Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened
. . . No one can say that this invitation does not concern
him or her. Bruised and wounded in the battles of life, we all appreciate Jesus invitation to go to him. He is the divine Consoler
who can nurse our wounds, heal our ailments, lighten our burdens, and strengthen us for the future tests of life.
Jesus is ready to do that for us at any time, but he does it with
a special efficacy through the Eucharist. It is in the celebration of
the Sacrament of his love that we experience the healing power
and the consolation of his presence. Let us approach him with
expectant hearts, therefore, as we begin this celebration of the
Eucharist, presenting to him also the needs and burdens of all the
people dear to us.
Entrance Antiphon
P Grace and peace from God
our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the Holy Spirit be with you
All And with your spirit!
Penitential Act
P Gathered together by
the Fathers love to celebrate
Christs victory over sin and
death, let us ask the Holy Spirit
to make us realize what makes
us unworthy to participate in the
All Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people
of good will. We praise you,
we bless you, we adore you, we
glorify you, we give you thanks
for your great glory, Lord God,
1st Reading
Zec 9:9-10
Centuries before the coming
of the Messiah, the prophet Zechariah sketched an essential portrait of him, presenting him as a
king, just savior, meek
and promoter of peace. This
prophetic image will be fulfilled
in Jesus Christ.
R A proclamation from the
Book of the Prophet Zechariah
Thus says the Lord: Rejoice heartily, O daughter
Zion, shout for joy, O daughter
Jerusalem! See, your king shall
come to you; a just savior is he,
meek, and riding on an ass,
on a colt, the foal of an ass. He
shall banish the chariot from
Ephraim, and the horse from
Jerusalem; the warriors bow
shall be banished, and he shall
proclaim peace to the nations.
His dominion shall be from sea
to sea, and from the River to
the ends of the earth.
The Word of the Lord!
All Thanks be to God!
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 145
prayer life of Jesus and his tender love for his disciples, we hear
today his words of praise to the
Father and his special concern
for those who find life burdensome. It is especially his invitation to go to him that arouses our
hope and our gratitude.
P The Lord be with you!
All And with your spirit!
P A proclamation from the
holy Gospel according to
All Glory to you, O Lord!
At that time Jesus exclaimed: I give praise to you,
Father, Lord of heaven and
earth, for although you have
hidden these things from the
wise and the learned you have
revealed them to little ones.
Yes, Father, such has been your
gracious will.
All things have been handed over to me by my Father.
No one knows the Son except
the Father, and no one knows
the Father except the Son and
anyone to whom the Son wishes
to reveal him.
Come to me, all you who
labor and are burdened, and
I will give you rest. Take my
yoke upon you and learn from
me, for I am meek and humble
of heart; and you will find rest
for yourselves. For my yoke is
easy, and my burden light.
The Gospel of the Lord!
All Praise to you, Lord Jesus
Profession of Faith
(Nicene Creed)
All I believe in one God, the
Father almighty, maker of heaven
and earth, of all things visible and
I believe in one Lord Jesus
Christ, the Only Begotten Son of
God, born of the Father before all
ages. God from God, Light from
Light, true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him
all things were made. For us men
and for our salvation he came
down from heaven, and by the
Holy Spirit was incarnate of the
Virgin Mary, and became man.
Memorial Acclamation
P The mystery of faith!
All We proclaim your Death,
O Lord, and profess your
Resurrection until you
come again!
Sign of Peace
Breaking of the Bread
All Lamb of God . . .
P Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins
of the world. Blessed are those
called to the Supper of the Lamb.
All Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under
my roof, but only say the word
and my soul shall be healed.
Communion Antiphon
Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
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Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, R. Molomog, D. Daguio, V. David, M. Navajas
Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe Circulation: F. Edjan