Marialis Cultus
Marialis Cultus
Marialis Cultus
February 2, 1974
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this mystery brings to the "holy Heb. 10:7; Ps. 39:8-9). They
Mother...through whom we were commemorate it as the
found worthy to receive the beginning of the redemption and
Author of life."(17) It is likewise a of the indissoluble and wedded
fitting occasion for renewing union of the divine nature with
adoration of the newborn Prince human nature in the one Person
of Peace, for listening once more of the Word. With regard to
to the glad tidings of the angels Mary, these liturgies celebrate it
(cf. Lk. 2:14), and for imploring as a feast of the new Eve, the
from God, through the Queen of obedient and faithful virgin, who
Peace, the supreme gift of with her generous "fiat" (cf. Lk.
peace. It is for this reason that, 1:38) became through the
in the happy concurrence of the working of the Spirit the Mother
Octave of Christmas and the first of God, but also the true Mother
day of the year, we have of the living, and, by receiving
instituted the World Day of into her womb the one Mediator
Peace, an occasion that is (cf. 1 Tm. 2:5), became the true
gaining increasing support and Ark of the Covenant and true
already bringing forth fruits of Temple of God. These liturgies
peace in the hearts of many. celebrate it as a culminating
6. To the two solemnities already moment in the salvific dialogue
mentioned (the Immaculate between God and man, and as a
Conception and the Divine commemoration of the Blessed
Motherhood) should be added Virgin's free consent and
the ancient and venerable cooperation in the plan of
celebrations of March 25 and redemption.
August 15. The solemnity of August 15
For the Solemnity of the celebrates the glorious
Incarnation of the Word, in the Assumption of Mary into heaven.
Roman Calendar the ancient It is a feast of her destiny of
title-the Annunciation of the fullness and blessedness, of the
Lord-has been deliberately glorification of her immaculate
restored, but the feast was and soul and of her virginal body, of
is a joint one of Christ and of the her perfect configuration to the
Blessed Virgin: of the Word, who Risen Christ; a feast that sets
becomes Son of Mary (Mk. 6:3), before the eyes of the Church
and of the Virgin, who becomes and of all mankind the image
Mother of God. With regard to and the consoling proof of the
Christ, the East and the West, in fulfillment of their final hope,
the inexhaustible riches of their namely, that this full glorification
liturgies, celebrate this solemnity is the destiny of all those whom
as the commemoration of the Christ has made His brothers,
salvific "fiat" of the Incarnate having "flesh and blood in
Word, who, entering the world, common with them" (Heb. 2:14;
said: "God, here I am! I am cf. Gal. 4:4). The Solemnity of
coming to obey Your will" (cf. the Assumption is prolonged in
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the Church, the spotless Bride of 12. The Lectionary is one of the
Christ.(25) In the Assumption they books of the Roman Rite that has
recognize the beginning that has greatly benefited from the post-
already been made and the conciliar reform, by reason both
image of what, for the whole of its added texts and of the
Church, must still come to pass. intrinsic value of these texts,
In the mystery of Mary's which contain the ever-living and
motherhood they confess that efficacious word of God (cf. Heb.
she is the Mother of the Head 4:12). This rich collection of
and of the members-the holy biblical texts has made it
Mother of God and therefore the possible to arrange the whole
provident Mother of the Church. history of salvation in an orderly
three-year cycle and to set forth
When the liturgy turns its gaze more completely the mystery of
either to the primitive Church or Christ. The logical consequence
to the Church of our own days it has been that the Lectionary
always finds Mary. In the contains a larger number of Old
primitive Church she is seen and New Testament readings
praying with the apostles(28); in concerning the Blessed Virgin.
our own day she is actively This numerical increase has not
present, and the Church desires however been based on random
to live the mystery of Christ with choice: only those readings have
her: "Grant that your Church been accepted which in different
which with Mary shared Christ's ways and degrees can be
passion may be worthy to share considered Marian, either from
also in his resurrection."(29) She is the evidence of their content or
also seen represented as a voice from the results of careful
of praise in unison with which exegesis, supported by the
the Church wishes to give glory teachings of the magisterium or
to God: "...with her [Mary] may by solid Tradition. It is also right
we always praise you."(30) And to observe that these readings
since the liturgy is worship that occur not only on feasts of the
requires as way of living Blessed Virgin but are read on
consistent with it, it asks that many other occasions, for
devotion to the Blessed Virgin example on certain Sundays
should become a concrete and during the liturgical year, in the
deeply-felt love for the Church, celebration of rites that deeply
as is wonderfully expressed in concern the Christian's
the prayer after Communion in sacramental life and the choices
the Mass of September: "...that confronting him,(32) as also in the
as we recall the sufferings joyful or sad experiences of his
shared by the Blessed Virgin life on earth.(33)
Mary, we may with the Church 13. The Liturgy of the Hours, the
fulfill in ourselves what is lacking revised book of the Office, also
in the sufferings of Christ." contains outstanding examples
of devotion to the Mother of the
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which there mingles the joy of 19. Mary is also the Virgin-
the ancient and the new Israel. Mother-she who "believing and
As St. Irenaeus seems to obeying...brought forth on earth
suggest, it is in Mary's canticle the Father's Son. This she did,
that there was heard once more not knowing man but
the rejoicing of Abraham who overshadowed by the Holy
foresaw the Messiah (cf. Jn. 8:56) Spirit."(52) This was a
and there rang out in miraculous motherhood, set up
prophetic anticipation the voice by God as the type and exemplar
of the Church: "In her exultation of the fruitfulness of the Virgin-
Mary prophetically declared in Church, which "becomes herself
the name of the Church: 'My soul a mother.... For by her preaching
proclaims the glory of the and by baptism she brings forth
Lord....'"(49) And in fact Mary's to a new and immortal life
hymn has spread far and wide children who are conceived by
and has become the prayer of the power of the Holy Spirit and
the whole Church in all ages. born of God."(53) The ancient
At Cana, Mary appears once Fathers rightly taught that the
more as the Virgin in prayer: Church prolongs in the
when she tactfully told her Son sacrament of Baptism the
of a temporal need she also virginal motherhood of Mary.
obtained an effect of grace, Among such references we like
namely, that Jesus, in working to recall that of our illustrious
the first of His "signs," confirmed predecessor, Saint Leo the
His disciples' faith in Him (cf. Jn. Great, who in a Christmas homily
2:1-12). says: "The origin which (Christ
took in the womb of the Virgin
Likewise, the last description of He has given to the baptismal
Mary's life presents her as font: He has given to water what
praying. The apostles "joined in He had given to His Mother-the
continuous prayer, together with power of the Most High and the
several women, including Mary overshadowing of the Holy Spirit
the mother of Jesus, and with his (cf Lk. 1:35), which was
brothers" (Acts 1:14). We have responsible for Mary's bringing
here the prayerful presence of forth the Savior, has the same
Mary in the early Church and in effect, so that water may
the Church throughout all ages, regenerate the believer."(54) If we
for, having been assumed into wished to go to liturgical
heaven, she has not abandoned sources, we could quote the
her mission of intercession and beautiful Illatio of the Mozarabic
salvation.(50) The title Virgin in liturgy: "The former [Mary]
prayer also fits the Church, carried Life in her womb; the
which day by day presents to the latter [the Church] bears Life in
Father the needs of her children, the waters of baptism. In Mary's
"praises the Lord unceasingly members Christ was formed; in
and intercedes for the salvation the waters of the Church Christ
of the world."(51) is put on."(55)
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20. Mary is, finally, the Virgin the rite. A witness to this
presenting offerings. In the intuition is found in the loving
episode of the Presentation of prayer of Saint Bernard "Offer
Jesus in the Temple (cf. Lk. 2:22- your Son, holy Virgin, and
35), the Church, guided by the present to the Lord the blessed
Spirit, has detected, over and fruit of your womb. Offer for the
above the fulfillment of the laws reconciliation of us all the holy
regarding the offering of the Victim which is pleasing to
firstborn (cf. Ex. 13:11-16) and God."(56)
the purification of the mother (cf. This union of the Mother and the
Lv. 12:6-8), a mystery of Son in the work of redemption(57)
salvation related to the history of reaches its climax on Calvary,
salvation. That is, she has noted where Christ "offered himself as
the continuity of the the perfect sacrifice to God"
fundamental offering that the (Heb. 9:14) and where Mary
Incarnate Word made to the stood by the cross (cf. Jn 19:25),
Father when He entered the "suffering grievously with her
world (cf. Heb. 15:5-7). The only-begotten Son. There she
Church has seen the universal united herself with a maternal
nature of salvation proclaimed, heart to His sacrifice, and
for Simeon, greeting in the Child lovingly consented to the
the light to enlighten the peoples immolation of this victim which
and the glory of the people Israel she herself had brought forth"(58)
(cf. Lk. 2:32), recognized in Him and also was offering to the
the Messiah, the Savior of all. eternal Father."(59) To perpetuate
The Church has understood the down the centuries the Sacrifice
prophetic reference to the of the Cross, the divine Savior
Passion of Christ: the fact that instituted the Eucharistic
Simeon's words, which linked in sacrifice, the memorial of His
one prophecy the Son as "the death and resurrection, and
sign of contradiction" (Lk. 2:34) entrusted it to His spouse the
and the Mother, whose soul Church,(60) which, especially on
would be pierced by a sword (cf Sundays, calls the faithful
Lk. 2:35), came true on Calvary. together to celebrate the
A mystery of salvation, Passover of the Lord until He
therefore, that in its various comes again.(61) This the Church
aspects orients the episode of does in union with the saints in
the Presentation in the Temple heaven and in particular with the
to the salvific event of the cross. Blessed Virgin,(62) whose burning
But the Church herself, in charity and unshakable faith she
particular from the Middle Ages imitates.
onwards, has detected In the
heart of the Virgin taking her Son 21. Mary is not only an example
to Jerusalem to present Him to for the whole Church in the
the Lord (cf. Lk. 2:22) a desire to exercise of divine worship but is
make an offering, a desire that also, clearly, a teacher of the
exceeds the ordinary meaning of spiritual life for individual
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to highlight the indissoluble link facts of the Faith: the Person and
and essential relationship of the work of the Holy Spirit.
Virgin to the divine Savior.(69) Yet Theological reflection and the
it seems to us particularly in liturgy have in fact noted how
conformity with the spiritual the sanctifying intervention of
orientation of our time. which is the Spirit in the Virgin of
dominated and absorbed by the Nazareth was a culminating
"question of Christ,"(70) that in moment of the Spirit's action in
the expressions of devotion to the history of salvation. Thus, for
the Virgin the Christological example, some Fathers and
aspect should have particular writers of the Church attributed
prominence. It likewise seems to to the work of the Spirit the
us fitting that these expressions original holiness of Mary, who
of devotion should reflect God's was as it were "fashioned by the
plan, which laid down "with one Holy Spirit into a kind of new
single decree the origin of Mary substance and new creature."(74)
and the Incarnation of the divine Reflecting on the Gospel
Wisdom."(71) This will without texts-"The Holy Spirit will come
doubt contribute to making piety upon you and the power of the
towards the Mother of Jesus Most High will cover you with his
more solid, and to making it an shadow" (Lk. 1:35) and "[Mary]
effective instrument for attaining was found to be with child
to full "knowledge of the Son of through the Holy Spirit.... She
God, until we become the perfect has conceived what is in her by
man, fully mature with the the Holy Spirit" (Mt. 1:18, 20)-
fullness of Christ himself" (Eph. they saw in the Spirit's
4:13). It will also contribute to intervention an action that
increasing the worship due to consecrated and made fruitful
Christ Himself, since, according Mary's virginity(75) and
to the perennial mind of the transformed her into the "Abode
Church authoritatively repeated of the King" or "Bridal Chamber
in our own day,(72) "what is given of the Word,"(76) the "Temple" or
to the handmaid is referred to "Tabernacle of the Lord,"(77) the
the Lord; thus what is given to "Ark of the Covenant" or "the Ark
the Mother redounds to the of Holiness,"(78) titles rich in
Son; ...and thus what is given as biblical echoes. Examining more
humble tribute to the Queen deeply still the mystery of the
becomes honor rendered to the Incarnation, they saw in the
King."(73) mysterious relationship between
26. It seems to us useful to add the Spirit and Mary an aspect
to this mention of the redolent of marriage, poetically
Christological orientation of portrayed by Prudentius: "The
devotion to the Blessed Virgin a unwed Virgin espoused the
reminder of the fittingness of Spirit,"(79) and they called her the
giving prominence in this "Temple of the Holy Spirit,"– an
devotion to one of the essential expression that emphasizes the
sacred character of the Virgin,
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the Blessed Virgin more vigorous it!" (Lk. 11:28) While it is true
and more authentic. It will make that this reply is in itself lively
this devotion solidly based, with praise of Mary, as various
the consequence that study of Fathers of the Church
the sources of Revelation and interpreted it and the Second
attention to the documents of Vatican Council has confirmed,
the magisterium will prevail over (108
) it is also an admonition to us
the exaggerated search for to live our lives in accordance
novelties or extraordinary with God's commandments. It is
phenomena. It will ensure that also an echo of other words of
this devotion is objective in its the Savior: "Not everyone who
historical seeing, and for this says to me 'Lord, Lord,' will enter
reason everything that is the kingdom of heaven, but he
obviously legendary or false who does the will of my Father
must be eliminated. It will ensure who is in heaven" (Mt. 7:21); and
that this devotion matches its again: "You are my friends if you
doctrinal content-hence the do what I command you" (Jn.
necessity of avoiding a one-sided 15:14).
presentation of the figure of
Mary, which by overstressing
one element compromises the Observations on Two Exercises
overall picture given by the of Piety:
Gospel. It will make this devotion The Angelus and the Rosary
clear in its motivation; hence 40. We have indicated a number
every unworthy self-interest is to of principles which can help to
be carefully banned from the give fresh vigor to devotion to
area of what is sacred. the Mother of the Lord. It is now
39. Finally, insofar as it may be up to episcopal conferences, to
necessary we would like to those in charge of local
repeat that the ultimate purpose communities and to the various
of devotion to the Blessed Virgin religious congregations
is to glorify God and to lead prudently to revise practices and
Christians to commit themselves exercises of piety in honor of the
to a life which is in absolute Blessed Virgin, and to encourage
conformity with His will. When the creative impulse of those
the children of the Church unite who through genuine religious
their voices with the voice of the inspiration or pastoral sensitivity
unknown woman in the Gospel wish to establish new forms of
and glorify the Mother of Jesus piety. For different reasons we
by saying to Him: "Blessed is the nevertheless feel it is opportune
womb that bore you and the to consider here two practices
breasts that you sucked" (Lk. which are widespread in the
11:27), they will be led to ponder West, and with which this
the Divine Master's serious reply: Apostolic See has concerned
"Blessed rather are those who itself on various occasions: the
hear the word of God and keep Angelus and the Rosary.
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other hand it has been noted reality, have as their object the
that this development occurred same salvific events wrought by
at a time-the last period of the Christ. The former presents new,
Middle Ages-when the liturgical under the veil of signs and
spirit was in decline and the operative in a hidden way, the
faithful were turning from the great mysteries of our
liturgy towards a devotion to Redemption. The latter, by
Christ's humanity and to the means of devout contemplation,
Blessed Virgin Mary, a devotion recalls these same mysteries to
favoring a certain external the mind of the person praying
sentiment of piety. Not many and stimulates the will to draw
years ago some people began to from them the norms of living.
express the desire to see the Once this substantial difference
Rosary included among the rites has been established, it is not
of the liturgy, while other people, difficult to understand that the
anxious to avoid repetition of Rosary is an exercise of piety
former pastoral mistakes, that draws its motivating force
unjustifiably disregarded the from the liturgy and leads
Rosary. Today the problem can naturally back to it, if practiced
easily be solved in the light of in conformity with its original
the principles of the Constitution inspiration.; It does not,
Sacrosanctum concilium. however, become part of the
Liturgical celebrations and the liturgy. In fact, meditation on the
pious practice of the Rosary mysteries of the Rosary, by
must be neither set in opposition familiaring the hearts and minds
to one another nor considered as of the faithful with the mysteries
being identical.(114) The more an of Christ, can be an excellent
expression of prayer preserves preparation for the creation of
its own true nature and those same mysteries in the
individual characteristics the liturgical action and an also
more fruitful it becomes. Once become a continuing echo
the pre-eminent value of thereof. However, it is a mistake
liturgical rites has been to recite the Rosary during the
reaffirmed it will not be difficult celebration of the liturgy, though
to appreciate the fact that the unfortunately this practice still
Rosary is a practice of piety persists here and there.
which easily harmonizes with the 49. The Rosary of the Blessed
liturgy. In fact, like the liturgy, it Virgin Mary, according to the
is of a community nature, draws tradition accepted by our
its inspiration from Sacred predecessor St. Pius V and
Scripture and is oriented towards authoritatively taught by him,
the mystery of Christ. The consists of various elements
commemoration in the liturgy disposed in an organic fashion:
and the contemplative
remembrance proper to the a) Contemplation in communion
Rosary, although existing on with Mary, of a series of
essentially different planes of mysteries of salvation, wisely
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her children to combat sin with lives. And this progress in virtue
energy and resoluteness.(122) This will appear as the consequence
liberation from sin and evil (cf. and the already mature fruit of
Mt. 6:13)-it must be repeated-is that pastoral zeal which springs
the necessary premise for any from devotion to the Blessed
renewal of Christian living. Virgin.
The Blessed Virgin's exemplary Devotion to the Mother of the
holiness encourages the faithful Lord becomes for the faithful an
to "raise their eyes to Mary who opportunity for growing in divine
shines forth before the whole grace, and this is the ultimate
community of the elect as a aim of all pastoral activity. For it
model f the virtues."(123) It is a is impossible to honor her who is
question of solid, evangelical "full of grace" (Lk. 1:28) without
virtues: faith and the docile thereby honoring in oneself the
acceptance of the Word of God state of grace, which is
(cf. Lk. 1:26-38, 1:45, 11:27-28; friendship with God, communion
Jn. 2:5); generous obedience (cf with Him and the indwelling of
Lk. 1:38); genuine humility (cf. the Holy Spirit. It is this divine
Lk. 1:48); solicitous charity (cf. grace which takes possession of
Lk. 1:39-56); profound wisdom the whole man and conforms
(cf. Lk. 1:29, 34; 2:19, 33:51); him to the image of the Son of
worship of God manifested in God (cf. Rom. 8:29; Col. 1:18).
alacrity in the fulfillment of The Catholic Church, endowed
religious duties (cf. Lk. 2:21-41), with centuries of experience,
in gratitude for gifts received (cf recognizes in devotion to the
Lk. 1:46-49), in her offering in Blessed Virgin a powerful aid for
the Temple (cf. Lk. 2:22-24) and man as he strives for fulfillment.
in her prayer in the midst of the Mary, the New Woman, stands at
apostolic community (cf. Acts the side of Christ, the New Man,
1:12-14); her fortitude in exile within whose mystery the
(cf. Mt. 2:13-23) and in suffering mystery of man (124)
alone finds
(cf. Lk. 2:34-35, 49; Jn. 19 25); true light; she is given to its as a
her poverty reflecting dignity pledge and guarantee that God's
and trust in God (cf. Lk. 1:48, plan in Christ for the salvation of
2:24) her attentive care for her the whole man has already
Son, from His humble birth to the achieved realization in a
ignominy of the cross (cf. Lk. 2:1- creature: in her. Contemplated in
7; Jn. 19:25-27); her delicate the episodes of the Gospels and
forethought (cf. Jn. 2:1-11); her in the reality which she already
virginal purity (cf. Mt. 1:18-25; possesses in the City of God, the
Lk. 1:26-38); her strong and Blessed Virgin Mary offers a calm
chaste married love. These vision and a reassuring word to
virtues of the Mother will also modern man, torn as he often is
adorn her children who between anguish and hope,
steadfastly study her example in defeated by the sense of his own
order to reflect it in their own limitations and assailed by
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17) Roman Missal, 1 January, Entry thanksgiving (First Reading 4 Zeph 3:14-
antiphon and Collect. 15).
18) Cf. Roman Missal, 22 August. Collect. 34) Cf. La Divina Commedia, Paradiso
19) Roman Missal, 8 September, Prayer XXXIII, 1-9 cf Liturgy of the Hours,
after Communion. remembrance of Our Lady on Saturdays,
20) Roman Missal, 31 May, Collect. Office of Reading Hymn.
21) Cf. ibid., Collect and Prayer over the 35) Ordo baptismi parvulorum 48: Ordo
gifts. initiationis christiana adultorum, 214.
22) Cf. Roman Missal, 15 September, 36) Cf.. Rituale Romanum, Tit. VII, cap. III,
Collect. De benedictione mulieris post partum.
23) Cf. 1, p. 15. 37) Cf. Ordo professionis religiosae, Pars
24) From among the many anaphoras cf. Prior, 57 and 67.
the following which are held In special 38) Cf. Ordo consecrationis virginum, 16.
honour by the Eastern rites: Anaphora 39) Cf. Ordo professionis religiosae, Pars
Marci Evangelistae: Prex Eucharistica, ed Prior, 62 and 142; Pars Altera, 67 and
A. Hanggi-I, Pahl. Fribourg Editions 158; Ordo consecrationis virginum, 18
Universitaires, 1968, p. 107; Anaphora and 20.
Iacobi fratris Domini graeca ibid. p. 257; 40) Cf. Ordo unctionis infirmorum
Anaphora Ioannis Chrysostomi, ibid., p. eorumque pastoralis curae,143, 146, 147.
229. 150.
25) Cf. Roman Missal, 8 December, 41) Cf. Roman Missal, Masses for the
Preface. Dead, For dead brothers and sisters,
26) Cf. Roman Missal, 15 August, Preface. relations and benefactors. Collect.
27) Cf. Roman Missal, 1 January, Prayer 42) Cf. Ordo exsequarum 226.
after Communion. 43) Cf. II Vatican Council Dogmatic
28) Cf. Roman Missal, Common of the Constitution on the Church, Lumen
Blessed Virgin Mary, 6, Tempore Paschali, Gentium, 63: AAS 57 (1965), p. 64.
Collect. 44) Cf. II Vatican Council, Constitution on
29) Roman Missal, 15 September, Collect. the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum
30) Roman Missal, 31 Mary Collect. On Concilium, 7: AAS 56 (1964), pp. 100-101.
the same lines is the Preface of the 45) Sermo 215, 4: PL 38, 1074.
Blessed Virgin Mar, 1; "We do well... in 46) Ibid.
celebrating the memory of the Virgin 47) Cf. II Vatican Council, Dogmatic
Mary... to glorify your love for us in the Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei
words of her song of thanksgiving." Verbum, 21: AAS 58 (1966), pp. 827-828.
31) Cf. Lectionary, III Sunday of Advent 48) Cf. Adversus Haereses IV. 7, 1: PG 7,
(Year C: Zeph 3:14-18a): IV Sunday of 1, 990-991: S Ch. 100, t. II, pp. 454-458.
Advent (cf. above footnote 12); Sunday 49) Cf. Adversus Haereses III, 10, 2: PG 7,
within the octave of Christmas (Year A; Mt 1, 873: S Ch. 34, p.164.
2:13-15 Year B; Lk 2:22-40; Year C; Lk 50) Cf. II Vatican Council, Dogmatic
2:41-52); II Sunday after Christmas (Jn Constitution on the Church, Lumen
1:1-18); VII Sunday after Easter (Year A: Gentium, 62: AAS 57 (1965), p. 63.
Acts 1:12-14): II Sunday of the Year C: Jn 51) II Vatican Council Constitution on the
1:1-12); X Sunday of the Year (Year B: Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium,
Gen 3:9-15); XIV Sunday of the Year (Year 83: AAS 56 (1964), p.121.
B: Mk 6:16) 52) II Vatican Council, Dogmatic
32) Cf Lectionary, the catechumenate Constitution on the Church, Lumen
and baptism of adults the Lord's Prayer Gentium 63: AAS 57 (1965) P. 64.
(Second Reading 2 Gal. 4:47); Christian 53) Ibid. 64: AAS 57 (1965), p. 64.
initiation outside the Easter Vigil (Gospel, 54) Tractatus XXV (In Nativitate Domini),
7, Jn 1:1-5; 9-16; 16-18); Nuptial Mass 5: CCL 138, p. 123; S. Ch. 22 p. 132; cf.
(Gospel, 7, Jn 2:1-11); consecration of also Tractatus XXIX In Nativitate Domini
Virgins and religious profession (First 1: CCL ibid., p. 147; S. Ch ibid, p. 178;
Reading 7, Is 61:9-11; Gospel, 6 Mk 3:31- Tractatus LXIII (De Passione Domini)
35; Lk 1:26-38 [cf. Ordo Consecrationis 6:CCL ibid p. 386: S. Ch. 74 p. 82.
Virginum 130; ordo professionis 55) M Ferotin, Le Liber Mozarabicus
religiosae, pars alter, 145]). Sacramentorum, col. 56.
33) Cf. Lectionary, For refugees and 56) In Purificatione, B. Mariae, Sermo III,
exiles (Gospel, 1 Mt 2:13-15; 19-23); In 2: PL 183, 370; Sancti Bernardi Opera, ed
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J. Leclercq-H. Rochais , vol IV, Rome 74) Cf. II Vatican Council Dogmatic
1966. p. 342. Constitution on the Church, Lumen
57) Cf. II Vatican Council Dogmatic Gentium 56: AAS 57 (1965), p. 60 and the
Constitution on the Church, Lumen authors mentioned in note 176 of the
Gentium 57: AAS 57 (1965), p. 61. document.
58) Ibid, 58: AAS 57 (1965), p. 61. 75) Cf. St Ambrose, De Spiritu Sancto II,
59) Cf. Pius XII Encyclical Letter Mystici 37-38; CSEL 79 pp. 100-101; Cassian, De
Corporis: AAS 35 (1943), P. 247. incarnatione Domini II chapter II: CSEL 17
60) Cf. II Vatican Council, Constitution on pp. 247-249. St. Bede, Homilia 1,3:CCL
the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum 122, p. 18 and p. 20.
Concilium, 47: AAS 56 (1964), pp. 113. 76) Cf. St Ambrose, De institutione
61) ibid. 102, 106: AAS 56 (1964), pp. virginis, chapter XII, 79: PL 16 (ed 1880),
125, 126. 339; Epistula 30, 3 and Epistula 42, 7:
62) "design to remember all who have ibid 1107 and 1175; Expositio evangelii
been pleasing to you throughout the ages secundum Lucam X 132. S Ch 52, p 200.
the holy Fathers, the Patriarchs, Prophets, S. Proclus of Constantinople, Oratio I, 1
Apostles... and the holy and glorious and Oratio V, 3: PG 65, 681 and 720; St.
Mother of God and all the saints... may Basil of Seleucia, Oratio XXXIX, 3: PG 85,
they remember our misery and poverty, 433; St. Andrew of Crete, Oratio IV: PG
and together with us may they offer you 97, 868: St Germanus of Constantinople,
this great and unbloody sacrifice": Oratio IIII, 15: PG 98, 305.
Anaphora Iacobi fratris Domini syriaca: 77) cf. St. Jerome, Adversus Iovinianum I,
Prex Eucharistica, ed. A. Hànggi-I. Pahl 33: PL 23, 267; St Ambrose, Epistula 63,
Fribourg, Editions Universitaires, 1968, p. 33: PL 16 (ed. 1880), 1249; De
274. institutione virginis, chapter XVII, 105:
63) Expositio Evangelii secundum Lucam ibid., 346; De Spiritu Sancto III, 79-80:
11 26: CSEL 32, IV, p. 55: S. Ch. 45, pp. CSEL 79, pp. 182-183; Sedulius, Hymn "A
83-84. solis ortus cardine", verses 13-14 CSEL
64) Cf. II Vatican Council, Dogmatic 10, p. 164; Hymnus Acathistos, Str 23; ed
Constitution on the Church, Lumen I. B. Pitra, Analecta Sacra, I, p. 261; St
Gentium, 62: AAS 57 (1965), p. 63. Proclue of Constantanople, Oratio I, 3: PG
65) Cf. II Vatican Council, Constitution on 65, 648; Oratio II, 6: Ibid., 700; St Basil of
the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Seleucia, Oratio IV, In Nativitatem B.
Concilium, 103: AAS 56 (1964), pp. 125. Mariae: PG 97, 868; St John Damascene,
66) Cf. II Vatican Council Dogmatic Oratio IV, 10: PG 96 677.
Constitution on the Church, Lumen 78) Cf. Severus of Antioch, Homilia 57: PO
Gentium 67: AAS 57 (1965), p. 65-66. 8, pp. 357-358; Hesychius of Jerusalem,
67) Cf. Ibid. Homilia de sancta Maria Deipara: PG 93,
68) Cf. II Vatican Council, Constitution on 1464; Chrysippus of Jerusalem, Oratio in
the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum sanctam Mariam Deiparam, 2 PO 19, p.
Concilium, 104: AAS 56 (1964), pp. 125- 338: St Andrew of Crete, Oratio V: PG 97,
126. 896: St John Damascene, Oratio VI, 6: PG
70) Cf. Paul VI, Talk of 24 April 1970, in 96, 972.
the church of Our Lady of Bonaria in 79) Liber Apotheosis, verses 571-572:
Cagliari: AAS 62 (1970) p. 300. CCL 126. p. 97.
71) Pius IX, Apostolic Letter Ineffabilis 80) Cf. S Isidore, De ortu et obitu Patrum,
Deus: Pii IX Pontificis Maximi Acta, I, 1, chapter LXVII III: PL 83, 148: St.
Rome 1854, p. 599. Cf. also V. Sardi. La Ildephonsus, De virginitate perpetua
solenne definizione del dogma sanctae Mariae, chapter X: PL 96, 95; St
dell'Immacolato concepimento di Maria Bernard, In Assumptione B. Virginis
Santissima, Atti e documenti..., Rome Mariae: Sermo IV, 4 PL 183, 428: In
1904-1905, vol. II, p. 302. Nativitate B. Virginis Mariae: ibid. 442 St
72) Cf. II Vatican Council, Dogmatic Peter Damien, Carmina sacra et preces II,
Constitution on the Church, Lumen Oratio ad Deum Filium: PL 145, 921;
Gentium 66: AAS 57 (1965), p. 65. Antiphonalium officii, ed. R.J. Hesbert,
73) S. Ildephonsus, De viginitate Rome 1970, vol IV, n. 6314, p. 80.
perpetua sanctae Mariae chapter XII: PL 81) Cf. Paulus Diaconus, Homilia I, In
96, 108. Assumptione B. Mariae Virginis: PL 95,
1567: De Assumptione sanctae Mariae
38 | P a g e
Marialis Cultus
Virginis: Paschasio Radherto trib, 31, 42, 95) Cf II Vatican Council, Dogmatic
57, 83: ed. A. Ripberger. in "Spicilegium Constitution on the Church, Lumen
Friburgense" 9, 1962, pp. 72, 76, 84, 96- Gentium, 69: AAS 57 (1965), pp. 66-67.
97; Eadmer of Canterbury, De excellentia 96) Cf ibid., 66: AAS 57 (1965), p. 65;
Virginis Mariae, chapters IV-V: PL 159 , Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy,
562-567: St Bernard, In laudibus Virginis Sacrosanctum Concilium, 103: AAS 56
Matris. Homilia IV, 3: Sancti Bernardi (1964), p. 125.
Opera, ed. J Leclercq-H. Rochais, IV, Rome 97) II Vatican Council, Dogmatic
1966, pp. 49-50. Constitution on the Church, Lumen
82) Cf. Origen, In Lucam Homilia VII, 3: Gentium, 67: AAS 57 (1965), pp. 65-66.
PG 13 1817: S. Ch. 87, p. 156: St Cyril of 98) Ibid, 66: AAS 57 (1965), p. 65.
Alexandria, Commentarius in Aggacum 99)Cf. Paul VI, Address in the Vatican
prophetam, chapter XIX: PG 71, 1060: St Basilica to the Fathers of the Council, 21
Ambrose, De fide IV 9, 113-114: CSEL 78, November 1964: AAS 56 (1964), p. 1017.
pp. 197-198: Expositio evangelii 100) II Vatican Council Decree on
secundum Lucam I;, 23 and 27-28: CSEL Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio, 20:
32, IV, pp. 53-54 and 55-56; Severianus AAS 57 (1965), p. 105.
Gabalensis, Antipater of Bostra Homilia in 101) Encyclical Letter, Adiutricem Populi:
Sanctissimae Deiparae Annuntiationem, AAS 28 (1895-1896), p. 135.
16; PG 85, 1785. 102) II Vatican Council Dogmatic
83) Cf. Eadmer of Canterbury, De Constitution on the Church, Lumen
excellentia Virginis Mariae chapter VII: P: Gentium, 56: AAS 57 (1965), p. 60.
159, 571: St Amedeus of Lausanne, De 103) Cf. St Peter Chrysologus, Sermo
Maria Virgini Matre, Homilia VII: PL 188, CXLIII: PL 52 583.
1337: S Ch 72, p. 184. 104) II Vatican Council Dogmatic
84) De virginitate perpetua sanctae Constitution on the Church, Lumen
Mariae, chapter XII: PL 96, 106. Gentium, 55: AAS 57 (1965), pp. 59-60.
85) II Vatican Council Dogmatic 105) Cf. Paul VI Apostolic Constitution,
Constitution on the Church, Lumen Signum Magnum I: AAS 59 (1967), pp.
Gentium, 54: AAS 57 (1965), p. 59. Cf. 467-468: Roman Missal, 15 September,
Paulus VI Allocutio ad Patres Conciliares Prayer over the gifts.
habua altera exacta Concilii Oecumenici 106) II Vatican Council Dogmatic
Vaticani Secundi Sessione, 4 December Constitution on the Church, Lumen
1963: AAS 56 (1964), p. 37. Gentium, 67: AAS 57 (1965), pp. 65-66.
86) II Vatican Council Dogmatic 107) St. Augustine, In Iohannis
Constitution on the Church, Lumen Evangelium, Tractatus X, 3; CCL 36, pp.
Gentium, 6, 7-8, 9-11: AAS 57 (1965), pp. 101-102; Epistula 243, Ad Laetum, 9:
8-9, 9-12, 12-21. CSEL 57, pp. 575-576; St Bede, In Lucae
87) Ibid., 63: AAS 57 (1965) p. 64. Evangelium expositio, IV, XI, 28: CCL 120,
88) St Cyprian, De Catholicae Ecclesiae p. 237: Homilia I, 4: CCL 122. pp. 26-27.
unitate, 5: CSEL 3, p. 214. 108) II Vatican Council Dogmatic
89) Isaac de Stella, Sermo LI, In Constitution on the Church, Lumen
Assumptione B. Mariae: PL 194, 1863. Gentium, 58: AAS 57 (1965), p. 61.
90) Sermo XXX, I: S. Ch. 164, p. 134. 109) Roman Missal, IV Sunday of Advent,
91) Cf II Vatican Council, Dogmatic Collect. Similarly the Collect of 25 March,
Constitution on the Church, Lumen which may be used in place of the
Gentium, 66-69: AAS 57 (1965), pp. 65- previous one in the recitation of the
67. Angelus.
92) Cf. II Vatican Council, Dogmatic 110) Pius XII, Letter to the Archbishop of
Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei Manila "Philippinas Insulas": AAS 38
Verbum, 25: AAS 58 (1966), pp. 829-830. (1946), p. 419.
93) Or cit., 13: AAS 56 (1964), p. 103. 111) Discourse to the participants in the
94) Cf. Officium magni canonis III Dominican International Rosary
paracletici, Magnum Orologion Athens Congress: Insegnamenti di Paolo VI 1,
1963 p. 558: passim in liturgical canons (1963) pp. 463-464.
and prayers: cf. Sophronius Eustradiadou, 112) In AAS 58 (1966), pp. 745-749.
Theotokarion, Chennevieres-su Marne 113) In AAS 61 (1969), pp. 649-654.
1931, pp. 9, 19. 114) Cf. 13: AAS 56 (1964) pp. 103.
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Marialis Cultus
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