The Sack of Constantinople by The Crusaders
The Sack of Constantinople by The Crusaders
The Sack of Constantinople by The Crusaders
by the Crusaders
Probably the most telling event which displayed the decline of the crusader
ideal was the capture and pillage of the Christian bastion of Constantinople by
the members of the Fourth Crusade in 1204. The subsequent dismemberment
of the Byzantine Empire weakened Christendom in the Near East and created
an animousity between Catholics and Orthodox which has lasted into the 20th
century. Below are excerpts of sources dealing with the crusaders siezure and
looting of the largest city in Christendom.
Below is a description from Robert of Clari of the sermons given by the Latin
bishops before the final attack on Constantinople, in which they justified
attacking other Christians.[1]
LXXII. When the pilgrims saw this,[2] they were very angry and grieved much;
they went back from the other side of the harbor to their lodgings. When the barons
had returned and had gotten ashore, they assembled and were much amazed, and
said that it was on account of their sins that they did not succeed in anything and
could not capture the city. Meanwhile the bishops and the clergy in the army
debated and decided that the war was a righteous one, and that they certainly ought
to attack the Greeks. For formerly the inhabitants of the city had been obedient to
the law of Rome and now they were disobedient, since they said that the law of
Rome was of no account, and called all who believed in it Ad dogs." And the
bishops said that for this reason one ought certainly to attack them, and that it was
not a sin, but an act of great charity.
LXXIII. Then it was announced to all the host that all the Venetians and every one
else should go and hear the sermons on Sunday morning;[3] and they did so. Then
the bishops preached to the army, the bishop of Soissons, the bishop of Troyes, the
bishop of Havestaist [4] master Jean Faicette [5] and the abbot of Loos, and they
showed to the pilgrims that the war was a righteous one; for the Greeks were
traitors and murderers, and also disloyal, since they had murdered their rightful
lord, and were worse than Jews. Moreover, the bishops said that, by the authority
of God and in the name of the pope, they would absolve all who attacked the
Greeks. Then the bishops commanded the pilgrims to confess their sins and receive
the communion devoutly; and said that they ought not to hesitate to attack the
Greeks, for the latter were enemies of God. They also commanded that all the evil
women should be sought out and sent away from the army to a distant place. This
was done; the evil women were all put on a vessel and were sent very far away
from the army.
bear witness that the attack, as it had been devised, extended over full half a French
On the Friday morning the ships and the galleys and the other vessels drew near to
the city in due order, and then began an assault most fell and fierce. In many places
the pilgrims landed and went up to the walls, and in many places the scaling
ladders on the ships approached so close that those on the towers and on the walls
and those on the ladders crossed lances, hand to hand. Thus lasted the assault, in
more than a hundred places, very fierce, and very dour, and very proud, till near
upon the hour of nones.
But, for our sins, the pilgrims were repulsed in that assault, and those who had
landed from the galleys and transports were driven back into them by main force.
And you must know that on that day those of the host lost more than the Greeks,
and much were the Greeks rejoiced thereat And some there were who drew back
from the assault, with the ships in which they were. And some remained with their
ships at anchor so near to the city that from either side they shot at one another
with petraries and mangonels.
Then, at vespers time, those of the host and the Doge of Venice called together a
parliament, and assembled in a church on the other side of the straits-on the side
where they had been quartered. There were many opinions given and discussed;
and much were those of the host moved for the mischief that had that day befallen
them. And many advised that they should attack the city on another side- the side
where it was not so well fortified. But the Venetians, who had fuller knowledge of
the sea, said that if they went to that other side, the current would carry them down
the straits, and that they would be unable to stop their ships And you must know
that there were those who would have been well pleased if the current had borne
them down the straits, or the wind, they cared not whither, so long as they left that
land behind, and went on their way. Nor is this to be wondered at, for they were in
sore peril.
Enough was there spoken, this way and in that; but the conclusion of their
deliberation was this: that they would repair and refit on the following day, which
was Saturday, and during the whole of Sunday, and that on the Monday they would
return to the assault; and they devised further that the ships that carried the scaling
ladders should be bound together, two and two, so that two ships should be in case
to attack one tower; for they had perceived that day how only one ship had
attacked each tower, and that this had been too heavy a task for the ship, seeing
that those in the tower were more in number than those on the ladder. For this
reason was it well seen that two ships would attack each tower with greater effect
than one. As had been settled, so was it done, and they waited thus during the
Saturday and Sunday.
The Crusaders Take Part of the City. Before the assault the Emperor
Mourzuphles had come to encamp, with all his power, in an open space, and had
there pitched his scarlet tents. Thus matters remained till the Monday morning,
when those on the ships, transports, and galleys were all armed. And those of the
city stood in much less fear of them than they did at the beginning, and were in
such good spirits that on the walls and towers you could see nothing but people.
Then began an assault proud and marvellous, and every ship went straight before it
to the attack. The noise of the battle was so great that it seemed to rend the earth.
Thus did the assault last for a long while, till our Lord raised a wind called Boreas
which drove the ships and vessels further up on to the shore. And two ships that
were bound together, of which the one was called the Pilgrim and the other the
Paradise, approached so near to a tower, the one on the one side and the other on
the other-so as God and the wind drove them-that the ladder of the Pilgrim joined
on to the tower. Immediately a Venetian, and a knight of France, whose name was
Andrew of Urboise, entered into the tower, and other people began to enter after
them, and those in the tower were discomfited and fled.
When the knights see this, who are in the transports, they land, and raise their
ladders against the wall, and scale the top of the wall by main force, and so take
four of the towers. And all begin to leap out of the ships and transports and galleys,
helterskelter, each as best he can; and they break in some three of the gates and
enter in; and they draw the horses out of the transports; and the knights mount and
ride straight to the quarters of the Emperor Mourzuphles. He had his battalions
arrayed before his tents, and when his men see the mounted knights coming, they
lose heart and fly and so goes the emperor flying through the streets to the castle of
Then might you have seen the Greeks beaten down; and horses and palfreys
captured, and mules, and other booty of killed and wounded there was neither end
nor measure A great part of the Greek lords had fled towards the gate of
Blachern. And vespers-time had already past, and those of the host were weary of
the battle and of the slaying. And they began to assemble in a great open space that
was in Constantinople, and decided that they would take up their quarters near the
wall and towers they had captured. Never had they though that in a whole month
they should be able to take the city, with its great church, and great palaces, and the
people that were in It.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * *
During that night, towards the quarters of Boniface, Marquis of Montferrat, certain
people, whose names are unknown to me, being in fear lest the Greeks should
attack them, set fire to the buildings between themselves and the Greeks. And the
city began to take fire, and to burn very direfully; and it burned all that night and
all the next day, till vesperstime. And this was the third fire there had been in
Constantinople since the Franks arrived in the land; and more houses had been
burned in the city than there are houses in any three of the greatest cities in the
kingdom of France.
That night passed and the next day came, which was a Tuesday morning (13th
April 1204); and all armed themselves throughout the host, both knights and
sergeants, and each repaired to his post. Then they issued from their quarters, and
thought to find a sorer battle than the day before, for no word had come to them
that the emperor had fled during the night. But they found none to oppose them.
The Crusaders Occupy the City. The Marquis Boniface of Montferrat rode all
along the shore to the palace of Bucoleon, and when he arrived there it
surrendered, on condition that the lives of all therein should be spared. At
Bucoleon were found the larger number of the great ladies who had fled to the
castle, for there were found the sister[8] of the King of France, who had been
empress, and the sister[9] of the King of Hungary, who had also been empress, and
other ladies very many. Of the treasure that was found in that palace I cannot well
speak, for there was so much that it was beyond end or counting.
At the same time that this palace was surrendered to the Marquis Boniface of
Montferrat, did the palace of Blachern surrender to Henry, the brother of Count
Baldwin of Flanders, on condition that no hurt should be done to the bodies of
those who were therein. There too was found much treasure, not less than in the
palace of Bucoleon. Each garrisoned with his own people the castle that had been
surrendered to him, and set a guard over the treasure. And the other people, spread
abroad throughout the city, also gained much booty. The booty gained was so great
that none could tell you the end of it: gold and silver, and vessels and precious
stones, and samite, and cloth of silk, and robes vair and grey, and ermine, and
every choicest thing found upon the earth. And well does Geoffrey of
Villehardouin, the Marshal of Champagne, bear witness, that never, since the world
was created, had so much booty been won in any city. .
Every one took quarters where he pleased, and of lodgings there was no stint. So
the host of the pilgrims and of the Venetians found quarters, and greatly did they
rejoice and give thanks because of the victory God had vouchsafed to them-for
those who before had been poor were now m wealth and luxury. Thus they
celebrated Palm Sunday and the Easter Day following (25th April I204) in the joy
and honour that God had bestowed upon them. And well might they praise our
Lord, since in all the host there were no more than twenty thousand armed men,
one with another, and with the help of God they had conquered four hundred
thousand men, or more, and in the strongest city in all the world-yea, a great cityand very well fortified.
Division of the Spoils. Then was it proclaimed throughout the host by the Marquis
Boniface of Montferrat, who was lord of the host, and by the barons, and by the
Doge of Venice, that all the booty should be collected and brought together, as had
been covenanted under oath and pain of excommunication. Three churches were
appointed for the receiving of the spoils, and guards were set to have them in
charge, both Franks and Venetians, the most upright that could be found.
Then each began to bring in such booty as he had taken, and to collect it together.
And some brought in loyally, and some in evil sort, because covetousness, which is
the root of all evil, let and hindered them. So from that time forth the covetous
began to keep things back, and our Lord began to love them less. Ah God! how
loyally they had borne themselves up to now! And well had the Lord God shown
them that in all things He was ready to honour and exalt them above all people. But
full oft do the good suffer for the sins of the wicked.
The spoils and booty were collected together, and you must know that all was not
brought into the common stock, for not a few kept things back, maugre the
excommunication of the Pope. That which was brought to the churches was
collected together and divided, in equal parts, between the Franks and the
Venetians, according to the sworn covenant. And you must know further that the
pilgrims, after the division had been made, paid out of their share fifty thousand
marks of silver to the Venetians, and then divided at least one hundred thousand
marks between themselves, among their own people. And shall I tell you in what
wise ? Two sergeants on foot counted as one mounted, and two sergeants mounted
as one knight. And you must know that no man received more, either on account of
his rank or because of his deeds, than that which had been so settled and orderedsave in so far as he may have stolen it.
And as to theft, and those who were convicted thereof, you must know that stern
justice was meted out to such as were found guilty, and not a few were hung. The
Count of St. Paul hung one of his knights, who had kept back certain spoils, with
his shield to his neck; but many there were, both great and small, who kept back
part of the spoils, and it was never known. Well may you be assured that the spoil
was very great, for if it had not been for what was stolen and for the part given to
the Venetians, there would have been at least four hundred thousand marks of
silver, and at least ten thousand horses-one with another. Thus were divided the
spoils of Constantinople, as you have heard.
Below is a Byzantine account of the sack by Nicetas Chroniates.[10]
3. . . How shall I begin to tell of the deeds wrought by these nefarious men ! Alas,
the images, which ought to have been adored, were trodden under foot ! Alas, the
relics of the holy martyrs were thrown into unclean places ! Then was seen what
one shudders to hear, namely, the divine body and blood of Christ was spilled upon
the ground or thrown about. They snatched the precious reliquaries, thrust into
their bosoms the ornaments which these contained, and used the broken remnants
for pans and drinking cups,-precursors of Antichrist, authors and heralds of his
While the victors were rapidly plundering the conquered city, which was theirs by
right of conquest, the abbot Martin began to cogitate about his own share of the
booty, and lest he alone should remain emptyhanded, while all the others became
rich, he resolved to seize upon plunder with his own sacred hands. But, since he
thought it not meet to handle any booty of worldly things with those sacred hands,
he began to plan how he might secure some portion of the relics of the saints, of
which he knew there was a great quantity in the city.
Accordingly, having a presentiment of some great result, he took with him one of
his two chaplains and went to a church[13] which was held in great reverence
because in it the mother[14 ] of the most famous emperor Manuel[15] had a noble
grave, which seemed of importance to the Greeks, but ours held for naught. There
a very great amount of money brought in from all the surrounding country was
stored, and also precious relics which the vain hope of security had caused them to
bring in from the neighboring churches and monasteries. Those whom the Greeks
had driven out, had told us of this before the capture of the city. When many
pilgrims broke into this church and some were eagerly engaged in stealing gold
and silver, others precious stones,
Martin, thinking it unbecoming to commit sacrilege except in a holy cause, sought
a more retired spot where the very sanctity of the place seemed to promise that
what he desired might be found. There he found an aged man of agreeable
countenance, having a long and hoary beard, a priest, but very unlike our priests in
his dress. Thinking him a layman, the abbot, though inwardly calm, threatened him
with a very ferocious voice, saying: a Come, perfidious old man, show me the most
powerful relics you have, or you shall die immediately." The latter, tenified by the
sound rather than the words, since he heard but did not understand what was said,
and knowing that Martin could not speak Greek, began in the Romana Zinpa, of
which he knew a little, to entreat Martin and by soft words to turn away the latter's
wrath, which in truth did not exist. In reply, the abbot succeeded in getting out a
few words of the same language, sufficient to make the old man understand what
he wanted. The latter, observing Martin's face and dress, and thinking it more
tolerable that a religious man should handle the sacred relics w,th fear and
reverence, than that worldly men should, perchance, pollute them with their
worldly hands, opened a chest bound with iron and showed the desired treasure,
which was more grateful and pleasing to Martin than all the royal wealth of
Greece. The abbot hastily and eagerly thrust in both hands and working quickly,
filled with the fruits of the sacrilege both his own and his chaplain's bosom. He
wisely concealed what seemed the most valuable and departed without opposition.
Moreover what and how worthy of veneration those relics which the holy robber
appropriated were, is told more fully at the end of this work.l When he was
hastening to his vessel, so stuffed full, if I may use the expression, those who knew
and loved him, saw him from their ships as they were themselves hastening to the
booty, and inquired joyfully whether he had stolen anything, or with what he was
[9] Margaret, sister of Emeric, King of Hungary, married to the Emperor Isaac, and
afterwards to the Marquis of Monferrat.
[10] "The Fourth Crusade" Translations, pp. 15-16. Orginally found in
Nicetas: Atexii Ducae Imperium, ch. iiiiv, in Recueil des historiens des Crusades,
hist. grec., I, 397. Greek. [11] Hagia Sophia.
[12] "The Fourth Crusade" Translations, pp. 16-18. Originally found in
Gunther: Historia Constantinopolitana, ch. xix, in Riant: Exmviae, Vol 1, 104 ff.
[13] The church of Pantokrator.
[14] Irene, died 1124.
[15] Manuel I Comnenos
[16] "The Fourth Crusade" Translations, p. 20 Originally in Epistolae, Bk. viii, No.
63, in Tessier: Diversion, etc., pp. 2356. Latin.
[17] Potthast: Regesta went. Rern., No. 2507, gives date as possibly May 20, 1205.