Piracy in The Philippines
Piracy in The Philippines
Piracy in The Philippines
This paper addresses the issue of media piracy in the Philippines from a
piracy market works. It also examines the effects that access to quality
movies has on the local film culture and media literacy in general and on the
media piracy in the last few years as one of the most prominent issues of the
last ten years, the paper finally considers piracy vis-à-vis a number of other
they can find any safe and easy opportunity of doing so. To pretend to have
The Hong Kong film producer Manfred Wong, on discovering that his film
“Young and Dangerous IV” was available on the black market while on his
films on VHS tapes, 100 VCDs 1 and a handful of DVDs. The videos were a
sound collection of the international and local film canon, although the
quality of many of the tapes was admittedly poor and there was a lack of
Asian films. Yet, it was entirely possible to use the collection to teach
Video CDs, a digital storage format that is extremely popular in some Asian countries, such as China,
Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
classes on film history, film theory, experimental film, documentary,etc.
Only one year later, the situation had drastically changed. On the shelves of
and many professors have started to use top-notch DVD versions of rare and
off-beat movies from their own collection in class. This not only provides a
more rewarding viewing experience for the students, but also enables
Needless to say, most of these films are pirated DVDs found in stores which
have sprung up all over Manila. They are therefore obtained under
circumstances that are deemed illegal in the Philippines and everywhere else
in the region. The growing piracy business has made the Philippines one of
thirty-one countries that supposedly have a larger market for illegal software
2005). Similar numbers are not available for the film industry, yet it is safe
to assume that media piracy has changed the way movies in the Philippines
involved with piracy networks - on how the piracy market works. Secondly,
I will formulate some preliminary ideas on the nature of media piracy in the
years is one of the most prominent issues of the digital millennium. The
"Pirates of the New World Image Order" (Zimmermann 2005) are not only
piggybacking on the new globalized economy that has arisen due to the
Philippines seem to make little use of the means of digital distribution that
are available to them, but instead o rely on more “traditional” methods, that
include messengers and personal delivery, and using long distance transport
China, Indonesia and Malaysia, the Philippines was on the "priority watch
industry lobby group from the US, until very recently (International
from this list in early 2006, news reports indicate that the movie pirates have
keep them from selling the entries to the Metro Manila Film Festival during
the festival (San Diego 2006). The report noted that he Optical Media Board
instrumental in brokering the deal between the producers and the pirates.
The head of the OMB, former action-star Edu Manzano, told the newspaper:
“I think we were just a bit more creative this time. We went back to the old
dialogue. We really went deep inside [the pirates’ lair]”. That the head of the
cutting deals with them says much about the situation in the Philippines.
seem to look the other way. The piracy market for DVDs, software and
Philippines. One estimate is that more than 100.000 people in the Philippines
earn a living by being part of the supply chain for pirated media (Joel
2006).page number?
Many film buffs are happy to get their films from illicit sources, because it
films that one can find in the pirate markets were never officially released
predominantly carry mainstream movie fare. For a very long time, being a
film fan in the Philippines meant either having to limit oneself to the
swap and copy the latest movies on VHS tapes with friends. Those days are
available in the Philippines, and people had to go to great lengths to see the
movie. . Now it is easy to find in pirate markets. While the majority of films
for sale on the pirate markets are the same predictable Hollywood-
"independent" films, classic movies going back to the silent area, cult films,
2002). Examples of rare films that people have discovered on the pirate
silent movies from the late 1920s and early 1930s, and one of the
Crewmaster films by American video artist Matthew Barney, that was never
When I came to the Philippines over two years ago, the pirated movie
Coming from a country where this type of piracy is virtually unknown, I was
very interested in how the economy and distribution of this illegal market
researchers. Even though pirated DVDs and CDs are sold all over Metro-
on the trade. Most of the traders were unwilling to talk about their trade, and
those who were prepared to talk knew surprisingly little about where these
disks came from, where they were manufactured, where the original films
Eventually, and only with the help of friends, I was able to meet people who
knew more details, and were willing to share them. This paper is mostly
based on three interviews with people who have significant insights in the
whenever possible. I present in this paper only the matters that at least two
informers confirmed.
Due to the illegal nature of the trade, most investigators encounter similar
problems when pursuing the many questions that piracy raises. Most of the
statistics quoted in the press come from a number of mostly American lobby
say, these groups have self-serving interests, and try to paint the situation in
the darkest colours possible. Therefore their figures have to be taken with
great caution.
losses due to software piracy were estimated at more than $32 million in that
year. The BSA puts piracy rates in China at 90 percent and Russia at 87
financed by the media and software industry, and therefore have a vested
interest in making the losses caused by piracy seem as big as possible. From
numbers. It is safe to assume that their numbers are not only estimates, but
lower than the numbers quoted, it is still quite impressive and suggests that
in the Philippines and other countries in Asia. The type of piracy that we see
political globalization within the last two decades. It could not have existed
The deregulation of many national markets in the wake of the demise of the
Soviet Union and their Eastern European satellite countries was one of the
prerequisites that paved the way for the kind of globalized media piracy,
Beijing and even in remote corners in Asia before they are premiered in the
allowed for private enterprise in the people’s republic of China, and the
The free movement of capital and data are not only hallmarks of
the name of a neo-liberal curbing of the power of the state - many countries
have cut back on law enforcement and reduced border patrols, which
provided the means for distributing and paying for illicit goods, these new
include: the Internet, which is used to send movies as files around the globe;
the inexpensive and fast disk burners that allow for the mass production of
DVDs and VCDs; scanners; graphics software that allows for the design of
the covers; and cheap printers that enable for their output on paper. The
many educators and computer evangelists, also allow for the mass
the goods need never be in the same place at the same time. This
placed a major part too: more efficient ships…, new loading and
19 - 21)
Other new technologies used by smugglers and pirates include the use of
obscure venues such as Tuvalu, Nauru or the Cook Islands, or the benefits of
the Internet – from the anonymity and convenience of free web mail
hauled in one billion pesos (more than 20 million American dollars) worth
of counterfeit products; half of them bootlegged videos and music, in the last
nine months. These numbers are from a report by the Intellectual Property
Office (IPO), which was published in October 2005 and assessed the results
of various raids in the first nine months of the year 2005. According to IPO
Director General Adrian Cristobal Jr., included in this year’s haul were
Playstation games, MP3 CDs, VCD, and DVD movies, computer equipment,
Again, these numbers should not be taken at face value. If you divide the
assumed worth of the confiscated goods by their number, each item would
be worth 174 Peso or around three dollars. Since most pirated DVDs are
sold for 70 peso or 1 dollar 30 cents, one wonders on what “value” these
numbers are based – on the “street price” for these goods, or on the prices
charged for legitimate DVDs, software packages and CDs. Free Software
activists have argued for a long time that the prices of, for example,
Microsoft programs are inflated and arbitrary. And in fact the company
charges very different prices for the same programs in different countries.
In Marxist terms, the price that Microsoft charges for its Office Suite is the
“exchange value”, defined here for the sake of brevity as the price that
Microsoft can ask for its product and get away with it. The real value of
In this sense, digital information is very different from physical goods such
as crude oil or rice, because with digital material – unlike with foodstuffs or
The particular “nature” of digital data has given rise to the Free Software
and the Open Source movement that aims to make computer programs
Free Software, such as Richard Stallman, have stressed time and again (Gay
2002, Williams 2002). Concepts such as Free Software or Open Source are
not about giving software away for free, but about finding new ways of
approach that companies such as Microsoft take, which use their monopoly
for their products that is different from the cost of its material, the physical
market is to eventually bring the prize down to the lowest level, where one
essentially pays for the disk, not for its content. Pirated DVDs were on sale
for 100 pesos 2002 (Cang et al 2002); since then the price has dropped to
One good example of the mechanisms of the pirate market is the “DVD
sampler”, which many Chinese vendors have started to offer recently. This
sampler contains not one single film, but rather sets of up to eight movies on
one DVD. These samplers are often compiled around a specific theme, for
recent horror films etc. (The films on these compilations are usually of lower
technical quality then those that require one whole disk. Without having
looked at the technical details, upon ocular inspection the quality of the
sampler film approximates the quality of VCDs (that are in the MPEG-2
format), while the DVDs with only one film on them is typically in MPEG-
These sampler disks were originally offered for 150 peso and more. But in a
matter of months, their prizes dropped to 50 to 70 peso – the same prize that
is charged for DVDs with single films. At the same time, the DVDs with
only one film on them now seem to be on the way out. Interestingly, the
DVDs and VCDs in the Philippines in the recent years. While, two years
ago, new movies on DVD were sold for 700 pesos (14 US dollar), more
recently the prices have dropped to around 500 pesos (10 US dollar). (Of
course, with prices like this, the purchase of legal DVDs is still out of reach
for the majority of the Filipinos.) This can serve as an example of how the
existence of a widespread piracy market can influence the rest of the (legal)
So far, the entertainment industry has shied away from looking into more
The rise of file-sharing and peer-to-peer services, that has made music,
movies and other files easily available over the Internet have been greeted
with law suits by the music and film industry. Instead of looking at services
distribute the material they offer, the media industry has tried to criminalize
the use of these technologies. Thousands of users of these services have been
That was the situation I was familiar with before I arrived in the Philippines.
The debate around piracy in Germany centred mainly on file sharing in the
only was the data that was being distributed contained in physical objects
such as CDs, VCDs and DVDs but the pirate distributors made a profit
which was not passed on to the creators of this material. While I obviously
and, moreover, provided access to software, music and movies for a great
Recently a number of books and academic essays have started to address the
issue of media piracy. While some of the publications are popular and often
sensationalistic accounts from the United States (Lascia 2005, Naim 2005,
Phillips 2005), other studies have addressed the different “national cultures
Commons/Trespassing Publics, that took place at the Sarai Centre for the
Property and Piracy from a distinctive South Asian perspective (Sarai Media
Centre 2006).
“Asian piracy”
Before I look into the mechanics of this trade in greater detail, let me flesh
out some of the differences in the piracy that I observed in the Philippines as
opposed to the Internet piracy that I was familiar with. Lawrence Lessig, an
American lawyer and law professor who has made major contributions to the
“All across the world, but especially in Asia and Eastern Europe, there
content, copy it, and sell it—all without the permission of a copyright
owner. The recording industry estimates that it loses about $4.6 billion
every year to physical piracy (that works out to one in three CDs sold
argument of this book, nor in the argument that most people make when
talking about the subject of this book, should draw into doubt this
and educational purposes. In legal terms, this kind of use is called “fair use”.
Lessig is trying to ensure that the concept of fair use will not be taken away
in the digital age. At the same time, his Creative Commons rights
have put forward in the last couple of years. These claims have made the
cleared and paid for, which can be too costly for independent filmmakers
(for some examples how copyright was used to prevent documentaries films
and CD-Roms from being made, see Lessig 95 – 107; Lascia 67 - 85).
Lessig is trying to maintain some flexibility for filmmakers and other artists
Lessig and other lawyers usually draw the line, when media material is used
just what the media pirates of the Philippines do. They simply make copies
of movies, CDs, software and sell them for profit. Lessig sets this apart from
what many users of file sharing services do. Because these users provide
playing lists, additional information or they mix the music they share, they
are adding content to the public domain. The “Asian piracy”, on the other
throughout its history, Alford argues that the very concept of intellectual
if their works were copied. Art and general education incessantly stressed
than creating their own. Alford writes: “Such copying (e.g. paintings and
literature), in effect, bore witness to the quality of the work copied and to its
that it is the general lack of a legal tradition in China that is the main reason
for its high level of piracy. According to them, China’s huge territory and its
against piracy that does exist (Ganae 2005). This claim in turn raises
However, in any case these observations about China would not account for
a general “Asian piracy”, and most certainly do not apply in the Philippines
For the purposes of this paper however, the question of legality and morals
pirates are and do, but how they do it and how this constitutes a particular
countries. I note that piracy has greatly affected the availability of movies in
the Philippines that were previously impossible to obtain and hence has had
that piracy provides many people with income that they otherwise would not
have. But that is not the point of this paper. I am more interested in the
mechanics of the trade, and what they say about the Philippines as a social
According to one of my sources (Joel 2006), the trade with illegal goods is
is characterized by its Muslim population and the close connections that the
island has with Malaysia and Indonesia. According to this source, the
movies that come from this region into the rest of Philippines are
This source says that the movies from this region are brought into the
fishermen that travel the Mindanao Sea, the Sulu Sea and the Moro Gulf, the
area between the Philippines and Borneo. It seems that most of the
Malaysian pirate movies come from the city of Kota Kinabalu on Borneo
(Joel 2006). This area is very difficult to patrol because it has hundreds of
small islands, many of which are under the effective control of the Moro
When these fishermen smuggle illicit movies into the country, it is usually
on single disks. Often these disks are hidden in the belly of tuna fish or in
two copies are made, generally in the city of Davao. One stays in Mindanao
as master disk for other copies distributed there. Another copy goes to Cebu
From these three “master disks” thousands of copies that are eventually sold
Joel says that the distributors of these disks use public transport to deliver
their goods, most commonly the long-distance busses that cross the
Philippines. They make use of the “RoRo” scheme (“RoRo” stands for “Roll
on roll off”), where long-distance buses leave Mindanao via ferries that take
them to other islands, in this case typically the main island of Luzon, where
the capital Manila is located. These trips take around 24 hours from Davao
to Manila. That means that disks that have been delivered to Mindanao in
the early morning will be in Manila the following day. The disks are usually
the duplication of these disks starts as soon as they arrive. Hot spots for
reproduction are the districts of Quiapo, Pasig, Caloocan City and other parts
Therefore the first DVDs are typically available on the streets the day after
they arrive in Mindanao. Errand boys deliver the disks complete with covers
owners of the little stalls that sell the pirated disks are free to buy from all
agreement that whoever has a film first, has the exclusive right to distribute
this film. According to Joel, they even maintain periodic contact to make
sure that no two suppliers deliver the same movie. This system is based on a
code of honour that is recognized by all the main players in the market.
The existence of such an unwritten “code of honour” was stressed time and
again by this informant. According to Joel the whole piracy market relies
and merchants, between the suppliers and the sellers. The number of disks
delivered to a seller is only documented in the notes that the delivery boys
police in the Philippines are required to furnish the traders with a list of the
disks they confiscate, and the sellers take this list to their suppliers, who in
turn provide them with new movies (Alexander 2006). Those who do not
honour the rules of this trade face punishment, which can range from
including physical violence. I will return to this point later (Richie 2006).
(Richie 2006). Their goods usually come from Hong Kong, sometimes from
coming into the country as tourists by plane. They typically hide the disks in
their luggage, often in bags with other, legal DVDs and CDs. Another
method is to hide the disks in big boxes of second hand clothes, which are
imported into the Philippines. Once these disks reach Manila, they are
up to one million HK dollars. Once the disk has been smuggled into the
Philippines, the distributors will sell the copied disks for 20 or 25 pesos,
while the blank DVD usually costs 5 pesos. The vendors in turn offer the
disks for a prize from 50 pesos (for a standard movie) up to 70 pesos (for a
new or not-yet released movie). Since the most successful films are
margins - both for the distributors and the vendors of DVDs and CDs -
In some cases, the suppliers do not just deliver the disks but also blueprints
for the cover design. In other cases, local graphic artists - using pictures they
obtained from the Internet - design these covers. Sometimes this practise can
lead to amusing results. On the covers of some disks one can find pictures,
which are not from the movie in the box, or credits of completely different
Wenders lists Van Diesel as one of the actors!). They might also include lists
Internet Movie Data Base, and are often reproduced in versions full of
typographical errors or poor English. The practice of using pictures from the
a cover from Lars Van Trier´s independent digital movie The idiots (1998).
The English subtitles of pirated DVDs that come from China usually include
Accounts of DVD covers can read like the following: “The global film is
copyright notice (!) on the same box reads: “The copyright owner of the
video disc in this DVD only permits Your Excellency to run the family to
show, owner keeps the copyright all one’s life relevantly in the right, not
theatre etc, for instance without permission, forbid hiring out, export or
distributing, copy issue, alter right, will bear civil and criminal
Apart from these language difficulties, the quality of the films that stem
from the “Chinese Connection” are often of better quality than from the
Japanese movies also come from China rather then from the “Muslim
flawless transfers and with original bonus material. Yet a visit to the website
were not answered. Yet it is safe to assume that Bo Ying did not obtain the
rights to these films, since the Criterion Collection points out on their
website, that they only distribute their films in the United States.
pirated movies exchange tips on where to find rare films and how to
distinguish quality DVDs from inferior ones. This type of advice also
includes information where rare, sought-after films were sold. One forum is
called TheQ. (Q stands for Quiapo, the neighbourhood in Manila with the
Jean-Luc Godard in Quiapo in the Muslim Barter Center at Stall No. 16. Ask
for Benjie!”
Other forums provide more general advice on how to distinguish bad DVD
copies from good ones. These expert customers go so far as to identify well-
made copies based on the design of the cover and the occasional
manufacturer name. One poster in the “Pinoy DVD” blog explained crucial
releases from a company that identifies itself with the label “Superbit” on
the cover. (PinoyDVD forum in June 2002). Other participants of the forums
film, and compared them in terms of picture and sound quality. These tests
not even premiered in the cinemas of the Philippines are already available in
the pirate market. Unlike a couple of years ago, these versions have not been
that they were made available to the pirate market from sources inside the
US film industry, where people have access to digital, high quality versions
of these movies. That would mean that these films have been taken from the
releasing new films on the net before their official premiere. These groups
typically obtain their films from sources inside the film industry, for
DVD-pressing plants that get new movies before they come out in the
2006, Ronnie 2006). They point to the China Film Office as a source for
Hollywood films, which are available on the pirate market before they are
released in the movie theatres. There might be some truth to this claim. Most
American film companies submit digital copies of their latest releases way
they want to distribute their productions in the huge Chinese market (that so
far only allows in 20 foreign films per year.) If people in this office are the
Nevertheless, it seems unlikely that all the new US films that are available
via the “Chinese Connection” in the Philippines come from one source. I
still assume that many of these films come from Internet sources, either from
that make films accessible to pirates for payments. This leads us to the most
“Chinese Connection” can get access to these new films online, why is it
that the Filipino distributors cannot? Why do they rely on sources outside
the country for products that are both costly and must be smuggled in? The
Philippines might be a relatively poor country in South East Asia, but so are
Malaysia and Indonesia, where many films on the black market in the
activity. All that is needed in the exchange of illegal software, films and
offerings and the many private servers and nets designated for the exchange
of pirated films and music, you had to have access to executives in the film
Yet, the media pirates in the Philippine prefer to get their material from
outside the country rather than directly from the Internet. In addition, the
methods used to smuggle the movies into the country and to the distribution
the belly of a tuna, when you could hide the movie on the laptop of a
businessman or the iPod of a tourist? Why even send these digital goods
physically, when one of the most practical features of digital data is that you
can send them via the Internet? Even the five or more Gigabytes that are
than a day. It is therefore bewildering why the pirate groups rely on the risky
My suggestions to use the Internet for the delivery of pirated material were
the net was either not safe enough or prone to interception by law
enforcement authorities. Given the fact that the majority of the media pirates
in the West get their movies via P2P offerings, that strong encryption is
easily available for this type of transaction and that many of the Chinese and
Malaysian pirates get their material from just these sources, this argument is
Rather, it seems that there is a cultural resistance on the part of the Filipino
globalization available to them. Rather than using the net or other new
technologies, they prefer to use time-honored ways of delivery - such as
fishing boats, ferries and long distance buses - that might seem overtly
systems are as effective and fast as any other system in the Philippines, such
as the postal service or the various private courier companies. Yet, it relies
Therefore, the “culture of piracy” of the Philippines does not rely on the
globalization, while not directly participating in it. That sets them apart from
the piracy of other Southeast Asian countries, that make liberal use for
transactions and even online auctioning houses such as Ebay for the sale of
their products.
None of this is true for the media pirates of the Philippines. They have no
goods are sold for cash, not for money transfers to virtual Internet accounts.
films might enter the country from various neighboring nations, but they do
A code of honor
In the interviews with the traders that I conducted, another interesting point
kept coming up. This was the claim that the various players in the black
basics of this code of honor are that deals and agreements are honored, that
payments are made as agreed upon and in time, and that the various
other. That goes so far, that distributors replace disks that were confiscated
during police raids, and that traders exchange defective disks for their
Joel kept pointing out that the whole pirate market could not work without
these commitments. He stressed that he felt that in many respects the way
the pirates conduct their business was more reliable and sincere than many
When I quoted the line “If you live outside the law, you must be honest”
ignore both the law and business contracts. Compared to the general disorder
and fair.
It is beyond the scope of this paper to analyze the present condition of the
Philippine state. Yet it can be observed that the Philippines is a weak state
and that the rule of law is not universally observed. Powerful people and
especially politicians bend the law to their own advantage. President Gloria
her advantage, allegations that were never properly investigated and that
have never been discounted. The government has also been held responsible
for the increasing numbers of political killings of critical journalists and
activists all over the Philippines, a charge that the government so far has
law enforcement agencies and the courts have shown little success in
In such a context, for many participants in the pirate market, their practices
appear more honest and fair, compared to a broader society that is perceived
as unjust, uncontrolled and in the control of the elite. Joel sums it up like
this: “Most politician and big-time business men are really crooks, while we
That they break Philippine and international law is rationalized by the pirates
as justified, since “we take from those, who have too much to begin with”
(Joel). All of the interviewees agreed that it was morally acceptable to pirate
profit out of these films anyway. This does not account, of course, for the
DVD samplers with films of local super-stars such as Fernando Poe Jr. or
Sharon Cuneta have also appeared on the black market. This latter example
entirely convincing.
piracy has set in motion seems unstoppable at the moment. The government
lacks resources - some might argue even the will - to effectively reduce
piracy. While the Philippines was recently dropped from the "priority watch
which were distributed along the same networks as the pirated Indian
(Larkin 2004). These so-called Nollywood films, cheap feature length video
For the time being, filmmakers and film studios in the Philippines usually
condemn piracy and will not deal directly with the pirates. Yet, another
example suggests that these distribution channels can be used for other
markets in Manila.
So far, the press and the arts in the Philippines are relatively free from
Office, are often the most successful on the black market. In China, piracy is
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