Philippine Environmental Laws
Philippine Environmental Laws
Philippine Environmental Laws
P.D. 1151 Philippine Environmental Policy
- defines the general policies on the pursuit of a better quality of life for the present and future
generations and mandates the undertaking the environmental impact assessments for all
projects, which may significantly affect the environment.
P.D. 1152 Philippine Environmental Policy
- defines the policy objectives and the strategies for the various aspects of environmental
management, such as air and water quality management, natural source development, land
management, and waste management. It launches a comprehensive national program of
environmental protection and management, with reference to policies and standards of
noise, air quality, water quality, classification of water and waste management.
P.D. 389 (P.D. 705) The Forestry Reform Code
- codifies, updates and raises forestry laws in the country. It emphasizes the sustainable utilization of
forest resources.
P.D. 330 & P.D. 953 laws on penalizing illegal cutting of trees
P.D. 1067 Water Code of the Philippines
- adopts adequate measures to conserve and regulate the use of water in commercial, industrial and
residential areas. It also provides other policy guidelines in water quality and management of
water resources.
R.A. 8749 Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
- provides for a comprehensive air pollution control policy
R.A. 6969 Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act
- authorizes the DENR to establish a program to regulate, restrict or prohibit the importation,
manufacture, processing, sale, destruction, use and disposal of chemical substances, and
mixture that present unreasonable risk and/or injury to health or the environment.
R.A. 8550 The Fisheries Code of the Philippines
- defines the policies of the state in the protection, conservation and effective management of fisheries
stock as well as identifying allowable fishing methods in Philippine coastal waters.
R.A. 9003 The Solid Waste Management Act of 2001
- an act providing for an ecological solid waste management program, creating the necessary
institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and providing
penalties, appropriating funds therefor, and for other purposes.
R.A. 9275 the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
An act providing a comprehensive water quality management and for other purposes.
R.A. 9729 the Climate Change Act of 2009
- an act mainstreaming climate change into government policy formulations, establishing the
framework strategy and program on climate change, creating for this purpose the climate
change commission, and for other purposes.