Tony Richardson
University of Evansville
By default, Scilab accepts complex numbers only in rectangular form. Use %i to represent the complex number i.
ans =
5. + 4.i
Two additional functions to_r() and to_p() make it easy to enter and display numbers in polar form. The code for
these functions is included on the last page of this tutorial. You should also be able to find the code in a file on the same
web site where you found this document. If you add the function definitions into a file named .scilab in your Scilab
start-up directory, they will be automatically available whenever you start Scilab. Alternatively, you can put the function
definitions into a file (named polar.sci for example) and then use the command exec("polar.sci") to load the
definitions and make them available for use.
To enter the complex number (145) using the to_r() function, just enter:
-->x = to_r(1,45)
x =
0.7071068 + 0.7071068i
45. !
Note that the magnitude and phase angle are returned as two elements in a matrix and that the phase angle is in degrees.
You can use the to_r() function to enter a complex number in polar form at any point you might use a number in
rectangular form. Here are some additional examples:
-->z = (7+8*%i + to_r(20, -30))/to_r(5, 45)
z =
3.1565965 - 3.7222819i
-->p = to_p(z)
p =
- 49.701147 !
Fall 2001
7.0710678 + 7.0710678i !
17.320508 -10.i
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The first two results indicate that z is equal to 3.1566 + 3.72228i or (4.8805 49.70). The last example illustrates how
a voltage column array can be defined. to_r() will also accept a matrix of complex numbers in polar form with the
magnitude and phase as adjacent elements in the matrix, the volts array in the previous example could be defined as:
-->volts = to_r([10 45; 20 -30; 100 0])
volts =
7.0710678 + 7.0710678i !
17.320508 -10.i
to_p() will accept an array of complex numbers. It returns an array of magnitude and phase pairs:
-->p = to_p(volts)
p =
45. !
- 30. !
0. !
It should be noted that to_r() and to_p() are inverse functions, the output from one can be used as input to the other
to obtain the original number or array.
There is a built-in Scilab operator that is useful when working with complex arrays. The apostrophe (') can be used to
form the complex-conjugate transpose of a complex array. If you want the transpose of an array be sure to use the dotapostrophe (.') operator. For a real array the apostrophe and dot-apostrophe operators give identical results. When
applied to a single complex number (instead of an array) the apostrophe operator gives the complex-conjugate of the
Here's a final example that illustrates how to use Scilab to solve a sinusoidal steady-state circuit problem. Suppose we
want to find the branch phasor currents in the frequency domain circuit shown in Figure 1.
VA =
100 90
VB =
500 0
Fall 2001
= j12 I A I C 80 I AI B
= 80 I BI A 20 I BI C
= j20 I C 20 I C I B j12 I C I A
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Instead of simplifying these equations, let's go directly to Scilab. We can define a voltage array as:
-->V = to_r([100 -90; -500 0; 0 0]);
The to_r() function is used to allow us to easily enter in the voltage array using magnitude and phase angle pairs.
Now I want to enter in the impedance matrix Z. The elements of Z are formed directly from the mesh equations above (let
Scilab do the work of combining the terms for you):
-->Z = [%i*12+80,
-80, -%i*12; ...
-80, 80+20,
-20; ...
-20, -%i*20+20+%i*12];
Although not necessary here, the to_r() function could have been used to allow us to easily enter in any values that
were in polar form.
Since V = Z I, then I = Z-1 V. Although Scilab can easily do a matrix inverse, the left division operator (\) gives a more
accurate result:
-->I = Z\V;
-->Ip = to_p(I)
Ip =
- 129.47246 !
- 129.25584 !
- 78.690068 !
Combining the results from the magnitude and phase arrays we have, IA = (22.0 129.5), IB = (24.0 129.3), and IC
= (25.5 78.7). The corresponding time functions are:
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