Wildwood Tarot Review - ATA QJ Summer 2011

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The Wildwood Tarot

by Mark Ryan and John Matthews

with illustrations by Will Worthington
Deck Review by Elizabeth Hazel, QJ Editor
Get out the dribble bibs
and drool cupsheres another deck featuring the
scrumptious artwork of Will
Worthington., artist of the
Druidcraft Tarot. Here he creates in a slightly different style
that owes more to graphic
novels and less to portraiture.
Okay, Will, you had me at

creatures of lake and

stream. The tiny wren
representing the Page of
Arrows shows how a tiny
singer can have a great
The pip cards are reoriented to the idiom of the
forest. Each card includes
a descriptor, for example,
the Two of Stones is
Challenge. Sometimes
these are close to the
equivalent tarot card,
while others wander far
afield in a good way.

This deck is an outgrowth

of the Greenwood Tarot (1996),
drawn by Chesca Potter,
which is now out-of-print and
hard to obtain. The Wildwood
Tarot lives up to its name, as the ideas and images presented
in the deck emerge from the primeval woodlands, the great
forests where so many European legends and adventures take
place. Most faerie tales include an eventful walk through a
forest where the hero or heroine encounters any number of
unusual characters and creatures. Many of these are included
in the deck.
While the Wildwood Tarot follows the structural armature of
a tarot deck, the internal organization and divinatory meanings suggest the originality of an oracle deck. Its based on the
pagan Eight-Fold Path or the Wheel of the Year. The suits
relate to the seasons: the Time of the suit of Arrows (Air element) runs from Imbolc to Beltane; the Time of Bows (Fire,
from Beltane to Lammas), the Time of Vessels (Water, from
Lammas to Samhain), and finally the Time of Stones (Earth,
from Samhain to Imbolc). The suits are rough equivalents of
tarot suits, and the imagery and meanings are well-considered
departures from the tradition. The characters of the trump
suit have seasonal relationships on the Wheel of the Year that
integrate them with specific suits.

The entire spectrum of trump characters has been reimagined and renamed. The High Priestess becomes the
Seer, the Hermit is the Hooded Man (with symbolic devices
that suggest the Holly King), and the Hanged Man is transformed into the Mirror, an image of a mermaid holding a
crystal ball.
Lets cut to the chase. Neo-pagans will love this deck.
The book is spot-on with its Sabbat and seasonal associations, making this a superior tool for work in sacred circles.
The artwork is exquisite and there isnt a bad card in the
bunch. Meditating with these cards or including them on an
altar or in spell work will be a pure pleasure. This should be
at the top of the list for Yule gifts this year. This deck gets a
standing ovation as a glorious addition to the body of tarot.

Book by Mark Ryan and

John Mattthews, card
illustrations by Will Worthington. 78-card deck
with 160 pg paperback
book in box. Sterling
Ethos, 2011. $19.95.

The Court Cards are elementally-related animals. The Arrows courts are birds, the Stones are large forest animals, the
Bows feature smaller forest critters, while the Vessels are

ATA Quarterly JournalSummer 2011 page 28

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