History of The Atom 1. J.J Thomson'S Experiment To Detect The Electron

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In 1897, the English scientist J.J. Thomson provided the first hint that an atom
is made of even smaller particles. He proposed a model of the atom that is sometimes
called the Plum Pudding model. Atoms were made from a positively charged
substance with negatively charged electrons scattered about, like raisins in a pudding.
Sir Joseph John Thomson (1856-1940) played a pivotal role in developing our
understanding of the electron. In the 1890's, cathode ray tubes had been developed in
which a luminous beam could be produced in a partially evacuated glass tube,
directed from the negative electrode (cathode) to the positive (anode). A narrow
luminous beam could be produced by using an aperture near the cathode, and this
beam could be deflected by either an electric field or a magnetic field. Thomson
showed that with the application of both electric and magnetic fields, he could balance
the deflections and obtain a straight beam. This same principle is presently used in
velocity selectors for mass spectrometers. Using this apparatus, Thomson determined
the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron

Thomson studied the passage of an electric current through a gas. As the

current passed through the gas, it gave off rays of negatively charged particles. This
surprised Thomson, because the atoms of the gas were uncharged. The evidences of
Thomson are When cathode rays traveled through an electric field they were repelled
from the negative side of the field and attracted to the positive side. From measuring
the deflection of the cathode rays in combinations of electric and magnetic fields,
Thomson was able to determine that cathode rays had charge and mass. The same
results were obtained no matter what the cathode was made from. He claims Cathode
rays were composed of a stream of negatively charged particles. These particles were
fundamental to all atoms.

Thomson concluded that the negative charges came from within the atom. A
particle smaller than an atom had to exist. The atom was divisible. Thomson called
the negatively charged corpuscles, today known as electrons. Since the gas was
known to be neutral, having no charge, he reasoned that there must be positively
charged particles in the atom. But he could never find them.
In 1908, the English physicist Ernest Rutherford was hard at work on an
experiment that seemed to have little to do with unraveling the mysteries of the
atomic structure. Rutherfords experiment Involved firing a stream of tiny positively
charged particles at a thin sheet of gold foil (2000 atoms thick). Rutherfords
experiment Involved firing a stream of tiny positively charged particles at a thin sheet
of gold foil (2000 atoms thick). Most of the positively charged bullets passed right
through the gold atoms in the sheet of gold foil without changing course at all. Some
of the positively charged bullets, however, did bounce away from the gold sheet as
if they had hit something solid. He knew that positive charges repel positive charges.

Most of the alpha particles passed through the gold foil, but some were
deflected at varying angles. Most of the alpha particles were able to pass through the
atoms with little or no deflection, therefore the atom was mainly empty space. There
must be a concentration of positive charge in order to cause the alpha particles to be
deflected by large angles. This concentration of positive charge must be very small or
more alpha particles would have been deflected by large angles.

James Chadwick was working at the Cavendish laboratory in Cambridge at

that time. The lab was directed by Ernest Rutherford, and reportedly when Chadwick
relayed the Joliot-Curie results and interpretation to Rutherford, he exclaimed I do
not believe it! he claim there must be other particles in the atom, and these particles
must have mass but no charge. He gives a reason that the mass of an atom is greater
than the mass of its protons and electrons. Therefore there must be another particle in
the atom that has mass. This additional particle must not have any charge, because if it
had charge then the atom would no longer be electrically neutral.
Chadwick himself was certainly suspicious. He immediately repeated the
experiments, using many different elements as radiation targets besides paraffin. By
comparing the energies of particles ejected from all these various targets, Chadwick
was able to prove that the radiation causing the ejected particles was much more
energetic than could be accounted for by photons.

Instead, the range and power of the radiation could be accounted for quite
easily if it consisted of particles having the same mass as protons. What really
occurred when one bombarded beryllium with alpha particles, Chadwick explained,
was the formation of a carbon-12 nucleus and the emission of a neutron. Formation of
a carbon-13 nucleus with the emission of a photon, as the Joliot-Curies had
postulated, could not provide sufficient energy for the scattering pattern and energies
of ejected particles from Chadwicks various targets.
Neutrons are necessary within an atomic nucleus because they bind with
protons via the strong nuclear force; protons are unable to bind with each other
directly because their mutual electromagnetic repulsion is stronger than the strong
force. Neutrons keep the atomic nucleus from flying apart, one of the features that
allows for atoms heavier than hydrogen, thus making our universe much more
interesting than one would otherwise expect.
Its hard to imagine a more momentous event than Chadwicks discovery of
neutrons. Radiation experiments at that time used helium nuclei, which are
electrically charged and therefore repelled by electrical forces. These electrical forces

become quite considerable close to the nuclei of heavier atoms, which are loaded with
many protons (and neutrons). However, neutrons do not need to overcome any
electrical barrier to penetrate (and split) the nucleus of even the heaviest, most-protoncharged atomic nucleus. After Chadwicks discovery, it was soon postulated that
neutrons could mediate a nuclear chain reaction, which eventually led to the atomic
bomb, and later to nuclear power production.

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