InfoSE44 (11) 010 - BDATG-Intro - Lufthansa Systems

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Direct Air to Ground Data Connectivity for A/C

Use of License Exempt Spectrum

Broadband Connectivity Services Today

Technical Solutions for Broadband Connectivity

Satellite Ku-Band
Satellite based
Provider: Panasonic, ROW 44, ViaSat

Satellite Ka-Band
Satellite based, Solution in Development;
Provider: ViaSat, ROW44, Inmarsat (Today L-Band)

North America:
Terrestrial based solution in Europe not existing today
Europe Future:
Consortium Telekom, Lucent Alcatel, Airbus (licensed spectrum)
Lufthansa Systems (license exempt spectrum);

15 March, 2011
Chart 1

Direct Air to Ground Introduction FM PT48

& IFE Server

ATG Radio

In-seat Display Devices

Wireless Cabin Distribution /

WLAN Access Point

Transmitting Passenger Electronic Devices

Wireless In-flight Infotainment enabling Passenger Devices as well as In-seat

displays with Audio- and Video on demand, Broadband Internet Access

Dual Band Fin


In-flight Infotainment with enhanced functionality and drastically reduced cost

Low system installation cost, no extensive cabin data wiring required, drastic reduced system components
Reduced TCO for internet connectivity in comparison to current satellite based technologies
50-70% reduction in maintenance costs; 30-50% expected savings in operation cost due streamlined content load
15 March, 2011
Chart 2

Direct Air to Ground Introduction FM PT48

Wireless In-flight Infotainment:

Successful In-aircraft tests (Boeing 747/400, Airbus A300/400)

Tests inside A/C proved usability of wireless in-flight entertainment solution under full load
conditions and with other communication channels in use.
15 March, 2011
Chart 3

Direct Air to Ground Introduction FM PT48

Air to Ground terrestrial Internet Connectivity

Terrestrial based Direct Air to Ground

Internet Connectivity:
Use of two license exempt frequencies (ISM

2,4 GHz European legislation mandates

maximum output power <= 100mW EIRP.
Can be used without limitation in Europe.

5,8 GHz European legislation permits a

maximum output power of up to 4W EIRP.
However this requires specific approval of
regulators as its Broadband Fixed Wireless

15 March, 2011
Chart 4

Direct Air to Ground Introduction FM PT48

Phased array antenna technology

Plane 1

Plane 4

Plane 2
Plane 5
Approximately 100 mi @ 20 Mbps

Plane 6

Plane 7

Plane 3
Plane 8

Pencil beam
Achieves great coverage and high data rates (radius approx. 100 mi)

Frequency Reuse, Spatial Division Multiple Access (SDMA)

Yields multiple broadband data rates per A/C

Operation in license exempt spectrum (2,4 GHz & 5,8 GHz) No interference with WLANs in vicinity
15 March, 2011
Chart 5

Direct Air to Ground Introduction FM PT48

Dual Independent Communications Channel

No interconnected pathway

1 Wireless IFE

3 flight sensor data


1- flight data rec.

2- cockpit voice rec.
3- weather update
4- eTec log
5- engine trend mon.

IFE data

Operational data

2 Cockpit data


Data analysis and data mining

Airline appl. cert.

15 March, 2011
Chart 6


Media preparation, PAX info data

PAX appl. cert.

Direct Air to Ground Introduction FM PT48

1- Internet
2- eMail, VPN, etc.
3- credit card check
4- PAX info
5- IFE media

Coverage of Base Station Network

Continuous Coverage throughout Europe:

15 March, 2011
Chart 7

Continuous coverage can be achieved over

landmass of Europe

However, in certain areas (over the sea) a

continuous coverage is not achievable (see
upper left graphic)

Density of flight movements (Eurocontrol)

suggests that certain flights are going to
experience interrupted, not continuous
coverage while over the sea

Direct Air to Ground Introduction FM PT48

Test results (Tests with 2,4 GHZ and 100 mW)

Based on current test results:

Deployment of base stations in order to get
continuous coverage throughout Europe

coverage distance 100 km

500 Basestation,
coverage distance 150 km
245 Basestation

15 March, 2011
Chart 8

Direct Air to Ground Introduction FM PT48

Key Features Summary

Dual Band License exempt

2,4 Ghz
5,8 GHz (5,8 GHz on Base Station 2,4 GHz on Plane)

Phased Array antenna
Tracking Pencil beams
Frequency reuse
No Interference with WLANs
Dual Channel Independent, no interconnected pathway)
First Channel - Internet for Cabin
Second Channel Connectivity for Operational Data

15 March, 2011
Chart 9

Direct Air to Ground Introduction FM PT48

Questions ?


Peter Hommel

Senior Consultant New Business

15 March, 2011
Chart 10

Direct Air to Ground Introduction FM PT48

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