Paper - 2: Auditing and Assurance
Paper - 2: Auditing and Assurance
Paper - 2: Auditing and Assurance
(iii) True : The two terms, procedure and technique are often used interchangeably. In fact,
however, a distinction does exist. Procedure represents the broad frame of the manner of
handling audit work and the technique stands for the methods employed for carrying out
the procedure.
(iv) False : First auditor of a newly formed company is to be appointed by the BOD within
one month from the date of incorporation. An auditor cannot be appointed as first auditor
simply because his name has been stated in the articles of association.
(v) False : AAS-24 is related to responsibility of the auditor of the client using the services of
the service organization.
(vi) False : As per Part-I, Schedule VI to the Companies Act,1956 interest accured but not due
on secured loans is required to be shown under “current liabilities”.
(vii) False : For the purpose of AAS-10, principal auditor means the auditor with responsibility
for reporting on the financial information of an entity, when that financial information
includes the financial information of one or more components audited by another auditor.
(viii) False : The term ‘fund’ in relation to any reserve should be used only where such reserve
is specifically represented by earmarked investments.
(ix) False : An expert for the purpose of AAS-9 is a person, firm or association of persons
possessing skill, knowledge and experience in a particular field other than accounting
and auditing.
(x) True : CARO’ 2004 is also applicable to the audit of branch of a company since sub-
section 3(a) of the section 228 of the Companies Act clearly specifies that a branch
auditor has the same duties as the company’s auditor.
(xi) True : As per AAS-12 on “responsibility of joint auditors” all the joint auditors are jointly
and severally responsible for the audit work which is not divided and carried on jointly by
all the joint auditors.
(xii) False : Compliance procedures are tests designed to obtain reasonable assurance that
those internal controls on which audit reliance is to be placed are in effect. Here auditor
is concerned with assertions that the control exists and is operating effectively.
Question 2
As an auditor how would you react to the following situations/comments?
(a) Director (Finance) of KK Ltd. informed their newly appointed statutory auditor that they
have sound Internal control system implemented by a renowned professional firm and he
is satisfied with its effectiveness and functioning and therefor, the statutory auditor
should concentrate on verifying only the routine books and financial statements.(8 Marks)
(b) TT Ltd. has suffered recurring losses due to steep fall in production and has negative net
worth. It's production head, an expert, have also left the company. Reply of the
management is inadequate to these developments and there is no sound action plan to
mitigate these situations. (6 Marks)
(c) PP Ltd., a garment exporter, asked their Internal auditor, a practicing chartered
accountant, to conduct physical verification of the year end inventory and the report of
such verification was handed over to the statutory auditor for their view and use. Can
Statutory auditor rely on such report? (6 Marks)
(a) The objective of an audit of financial statement is to enable an auditor to determine true
and fair view of the financial position and operating results and to express an opinion
there on.
As per AAS-2 on ‘objective and scope of the audit of financial statements’ scope will be
determined having regard to the terms of engagement, requirement of relevant statute
and pronouncement of the Institute. The terms of engagement cannot, however restrict
the scope of an audit in relation to matters that are prescribed by the legislation or by the
pronouncement of the institute.
The report of the auditor is based on his examination of financial statements and the
underlying documents and evidences. It is for the auditor to decide based on his
evaluation of the internal control as to its existence and effectiveness. The nature, timing
and extent of audit procedure are based on such evaluation.
In the instant case, management has no right to guide and place any restriction on the
work of the auditor as it would amount to restriction on the scope of the audit. The auditor
should ask the management not to impose such restriction on his scope of the audit, that
impairs his ability to examine and express an opinion and if the management does not
agrees, he should issue a qualified opinion or disclaimer, as appropriate.
(b) As per AAS-16 on “going concern”, when planning and performing audit procedures and
in evaluating the results thereof, the auditor should consider the appropriateness of the
going concern assumption. The auditor should evaluate the risk that the going concern
assumption may no longer be appropriate. If in the auditor’s judgement, the going
concern is not satisfactory resolved, he should consider various appropriate options.
To judge and evaluate the continuance as a going concern, he should evaluate and
gather indications from financial, operating and other resources.
In the instant case, TT ltd. has suffered continuous losses and having negative net worth
also. Besides, its production head have also left the company resulting in steep fall in
production. Thus there are clear indications that there is danger to entity’s ability to
continue in future. Considering the fact that there is no sound plan of action from the
management to mitigate these factors and to put the company back on the recovery, the
going concern assumption does not hold appropriate.
Therefore, the auditor should ask the management for its adequate disclosure in the
financial statement and include the same in his report. However, if the management fails
to make adequate disclosure, the auditor should express a qualified or adverse opinion.
If the result of the inappropriate assumption used in the preparation of financial
statements is so material and pervasive as to make the financial statements misleading,
the auditor should express an adverse opinion.
(c) As per AAS-7 on “relying upon the work of an internal auditor” the external auditor’s
general evaluation of the internal audit function will assist him in determining the extent
to which he can place reliance upon the work of the internal auditor. In this respect, the
statuary auditor should take into consideration the organizational status, scope of
function, technical competence and due professional care taken to assist him in
determining the level of reliance that can be placed on the internal auditor’s work.
In the instant case, the statutory auditor should ascertain the internal auditor’s scope of
verification, area of coverage and method of verification. He should review the report on
physical verification taking into consideration these factors. If possible he should also test
check few items.
If the statutory auditor is satisfied about the appropriateness of the verification, he can
rely on the report but if he finds that the verification is not in order he has to decide
otherwise. The ultimate responsibility to express opinion on the financial statement is that
of the statutory auditor.
Question 3
(a) What are the various assertions an auditor is concerned with while obtaining audit
evidence from substantive procedure? (6 Marks)
(b) What does AAS-3 say about utility, ownership, custody and retention of working papers?
(4 Marks)
(a) In obtaining audit evidence from substantive procedures, the auditor concerned with the
following assertions:
(i) Existence - that an assets or liability exists at a given date.
(ii) Rights and obligations - that an asset is a right of the entity and a liability is an
obligation at a given date.
(iii) Occurrence - that a transaction or event took place which pertains to the entity.
(iv) Completeness - that there are no unrecorded assets, liabilities or transaction.
(b) Mention, any four, areas where surprise check can significantly improve the effectiveness
of an audit. (4 Marks)
(a) For verifying the balances lying with bank in collection account, the auditor should adopt
following procedure:
(i) Examine and compare the pay-in-slips with the entries in the ledger account of the
educational institute.
(ii) Check the casting, carry forwards and balancing of ledger account.
(iii) Compare the entries in the ledger account with the bank statement.
(iv) Review the bank reconciliation statement for its correctness.
(v) Scrutiny the subsequent period bank statement to ensure that items of reconciliation
are subsequently cleared.
(vi) Verify the balance confirmation certificate.
(b) Surprise checks constitute an important part of normal audit procedure. An element of
surprise both with regard to the time of checking and selection of items, significantly
improves the effectiveness of an audit. Normally, areas over which surprise check can be
employed are:
(i) Verification of cash and investments.
(ii) Inventory
(iii) Internal control and internal checks
(iv) Books of prime entries and statutory registers.
Question 7
How would you vouch/verify the following? (Answer any two)
(a) Advertisement Expenses.
(b) Sale of Scrap.
Borrowings from Bank.
(c) Work in progress. (5 + 5 = 10 Marks)
(a) Advertisement Expenses: It should be vouched on the following basis :
(i) Verify the bill/invoice from advertising agency to ensure that rates charged for
different types of advertisement are as per contract.
(i) They are not inconsistent with any provisions of the constitution or any law made
(ii) They are consistent with the essential requirements of audit and accounts as
determined by C&AG.
(iii) They do not come in conflict with the orders of, or rule made by, any higher
(iv) In case they have not been separately approved by competent authority, the issuing
authority possesses the necessary rule-making power.
Advantages of statistical sampling in Auditing: The advantages of using statistical
sampling technique in auditing are:
(i) Sample size does not increase in proportion to the increase in the size of
(ii) Sample selection is more objective and based on law of probability.
(iii) This provides a means of estimating the minimum sample size associated with a
specified risk and precision level.
(iv) It also provides a means for deriving a calculated risk and corresponding precision.
(v) It may provide a better description of a large mass of data than a complete
examination of all the data, since non-sampling errors such as processing and
clerical mistake are not large.
(c) Contents of Audit Note book: Audit note book contains large variety of matters
observed during the course of audit. Significant matters observed during audit which
should be recorded in audit note book are normally the following:
(i) Audit queries not cleared immediately.
(ii) Mistakes or irregularities observed during the course of audit.
(iii) Unsatisfactory book-keeping arrangements, costing method.
(iv) Important information about the company which is not apparent from the accounts.
(v) Special points requiring consideration at the time of verification of annual accounts.
(vi) Important matters for future reference.