Samus Walks
Samus Walks
Samus Walks
Metroid Prime 2:
Release Date: November 15,
L-trigger - Lock/Scan/Strafe
Z-button - Map
Lock-on/Scanning: You can lock onto enemies and all important objects
by holding down the L-trigger. Meanwhile, the controls allow you to
circle strafe around the enemy or object and position yourself. It's the
same for scanning. You can strafe and move around while you scan
objects, which is imperative to avoiding damage during this process.
Sidestep: When you are locked on to something, you can tap left or
right and the jump button to perform a sideward leap. It's an advanced
technique used to avoid projectiles and more quickly position yourself.
Strafe: When you don't lock on to an object and hold down the L-
trigger, it alters the control scheme slightly. By using it in conjunction
with the control stick, you can strafe left to right, in addition to walking
backwards without turning around. In both cases it's a very important
function to accustom yourself with, but especially the latter can prove
useful if you want to back off an enemy or object without turning your
back to it.
Manual Aiming: Just hold down the R-trigger to activate this free look
mode. Because you cannot perform this while you're in motion, you
should make it a habit to examine every room in detail once it is clear
of enemies. There are many secrets that hide along the walls and the
floors. Look and ye shall receive. Advanced players will be able to use
this to quickly adjust aim and be generally more effective.
Morph Ball: You can use your morph ball at any time. Simply use the
control stick to maneuver yourself around, and be sure to take
advantage of the L-trigger, which will position the camera for you if you
Visor HUD
3.) Caution Level: A height meter used to indicate how close your feet are to
dangerous material such as lava.
6.) Map: This is the basic onscreen map. It's there to give you basic ideas, but
press Z for the more detailed version.
7.) Energy Supply: Your power suit needs energy to function. It's basically your
health. The highest amount of energy you can have is 99. However, the small
squares above are energy tanks. Fill them up for backup reserves. 8.) Dark/Light
Energy Supply: When you get both beams, these gauges show how much supply
of each energy type you have. Use them wisely. TIP: If you need one type of
energy, destroy objects with the opposite type to spawn opposite energy.
Visor Switching
The D-pad is used to swap from visor to visor. You begin with only the Scan Visor,
but it can and must be used frequently. It is key to unraveling the complicated
story, locating secrets, and learning how to defeat enemies. Once activated, you
can easily turn it off by tapping the A-button. Be sure to use the manual aiming to
look around rooms frequently with this.
With the flick of the C-stick, you can switch between your various weapons.
Eventually you'll earn a total of four, but you only begin with one. As soon as you
do earn a weapon, memorize the direction you must flick the C-stick to access it.
Eventually, you will need to manage your arsenal in clutch moments.
Map Interface
Understanding the map is key to exploring Prime 2's
huge worlds. Tap the Z-button to access the map and
everything is at your fingertips. There's a built-in key to
explain what things mean and you can easily zoom,
roate, and navigate each room with little problem. Take
note that each room has a name and location to its
overworld. There is also a dark version of each world,
which although it can look similar on the map, it almost
always houses different things.
Hint System
Metroid Prime defaults with the "Hint" system activated.
Don't freak out and assume that it will ruin the game for
you. It merely highlights the next area you need to go to.
It does not tell you how or what you need to get there.
Essentially, it's a device to overcome the frustration that
could ensue from exploring such a vast 3D world. And it's
even more unassuming in Prime 2 Echoes, so if you find
you can't wait for a hint, that's right where this guide
comes in.
On to Walkthrough..
Walkthrough: Overview
Part Six: Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Boss: Dark Samus , Get Dark
Part Seven: Dark Aether: Agon Wastes, Get Light Beam, Light
Aether: Agon Wastes, Dark Aether: Agon Wastes, Boss: Amorbis , Get
Dark Suit, Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Light Aether: Temple Grounds
Part Eight: Dark Aether: Sky Temple Grounds, Light Aether:
Temple Grounds, Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Dark Aether: Torvus Bog,
Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Get Super Missile
Part Nine: Dark Aether: Torvus Bog, Boss: Boost Guardian , Get
Boost Ball, Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Light Aether: Temple Grounds,
Get Seeker Launcher, Light Aether: Torvus Bog
Part Ten: Dark Aether: Torvus Bog, Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Get
Gravity Boost, Boss: Alpha Blogg, Dark Aether: Torvus Bog, Light Aether:
Torvus Bog, Dark Aether: Torvus Bog, Boss: Grapple Guardian, Get
Grapple Beam
Part Eleven: Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Light Aether: Agon Wastes,
Dark Aether: Agon Wastes, Get Darkburst, Light Aether: Torvus Bog,
Dark Aether: Torvus Bog, Boss: Chykka, Get Dark Visor, Light Aether:
Torvus Bog, Light Aether: Temple Grounds, Light Aether: Great Temple,
Light Aether: Temple Grounds
Continue Walkthrough...
Walkthrough: Part One
After the opening cut scene concludes, move to the crates near the ship
and use them to leap on top of your vessel. Stand in the glowing blue
circle to save your game. Press LEFT on the D-Pad to switch on your
scan visor. Use the L-trigger (we'll refer to it as L from here on out) to
scan the ship, then scan anything else that glows on the screen.
Now turn to the doorways grown over with webbing. Use L to lock on
to the green centerpiece and blast it to remove the obstruction.
Continue forward and blast the rest of the doors and you'll reach a
ledge. Jump up using the B button and continue to a glowing blue hex
door. When you come across one of these in the game, shoot it with
your primary weapon until it goes gray. Approach it and it will open.
Head through a room overgrown with strange cave plants and hop up
on the next ledge. The path splits here. Go down the right leg through
some webbing and into the craggy hole in the floor. You'll land in a
room full of alien machinery. You can switch on your scanner here and
scan the blue stuff to gain some research entries. Approach the grated
door and look to the left, still in scan mode. Scan the red switch next to
the door to disengage the locks at the top corners of the door. Lock on
and shoot them off to open it.
Squish through the next moist hallway and face right just before you
get to the rock slab blocking your path. Scan the pinwheel switch there
to make the slab slide back. In the next room, grab the rotating
hologram to get the Map of this area. Once you have it, blast through
the web door and head through the hex door that follows.
Several dead bodies dangle from the ceiling of the next chamber, and
the room is teeming with alien life. Lock on and destroy the bugs that
scurry over the walls and ceiling of this room. When they all drop, blast
through the web door yet again and continue forward through the next
hex door. Fire greets you in the room that follows. Avoid it and step
forward toward the body slumped against the control panel. Scan the
body to record some Lore to your memory banks.
Exterminate the enemies in this room and turn into a morph ball (press
X) to get under the bars that block your path. Stay in the morph ball
form and roll to the small opening next to the fire. Roll down the tunnel
until you reach a gate that obstructs your path. Use a bomb on it (press
A) and continue down the path.
This will lead you to yet another room with dangling bodies in it. Stay in
morph ball form and roll around the center computer console. Roll near
the circular recepticle on this column and use a bomb to "jump" up into
the circular space. Use another bomb once you're locked into the
column to restore power to the gate control system. As you attempt to
leave the room, some dark matter appears and animates the corpses in
the room. Lock on to them, charge up your weapon, and blast (once a
ball of energy has collected at the end of your cannon). Be sure you
grab the health they drop. Backtrack to the previous room and take on
the newly reanimated enemies here. You can press and hold A to draw
any of the dropped health pickups to you.
Once you've cleared the room, head back under the bars that separate
the sides of area and turn on your scan visor. Scan the console near the
slumped marine open the large door here. More enemies await beyond
the door, so charge up your gun and blast, and make sure you strafe to
avoid enemy fire. To do this, lock on and press LEFT or RIGHT on the left
stick. Go through the newly-opened door, down the next corridor and
through the hex door. Blast the crates in this area to clear a path to the
next hex door.
When you step into the ensuing room, the door will lock behind you,
and a short cut-scene will play. When you regain control, head to the
cloud of black energy that is left behind and step in it. This will whisk
you away to some sort of alternate realm. Watch the cut scene that
follows. At the end of it, you'll find yourself back in the original
chamber, minus a lot of your abilities. It appears the creatures you
encountered in the cut scene have stolen an essential gear from your
power suit. You'll have to make do without some abilities: Morph Ball
Boost, Missile Launcher, Bomb Activator... all of these have been shut
Follow the cords on the floor down the corridor. Blast the large green
spores on the wall to reveal an opening. Roll through it to enter
another area full of reanimated marines. Sort them out and blow up
the crates on the right side off the room (from where you entered) to
expose a hex door. Go through it to find a Save Location. Save your
progress, return to the main room and blast through the next hex door.
This leads to an elevator. Scan the console to the left of the door to
activate it and a hologram will appear at the center of the lift. Step on it
to ride up.
When you reach the area above, you'll see a circular door to the right
that is protected by a violet hologram lock. You don't need to worry
about that for now; head forward through the hex door and scan the
console in the next area, disabling the locks at the corners of the door.
Blast them and move through, stepping outside. Move straight forward
off the ledge and scan the red console on the left side of the area. This
will raise a large crate which you will need to move one more time.
Head between the broken crane and violet hologram door and blast
any flying enemies you see.
Head up to the rocks on the right side of the area and follow them to a
metal bridge that roughly leads toward the sail structure. Continue
along until you reach a scannable console near an up-tilted bridge (you
can scan it to gain some Research). Scan the console to the left to
remove the locks, and blast them when they're unprotected using
manual aim (press and hold R, look with the stick and shoot with A).
Cross the bridge and work to a cave entrance, following it back to a hex
door. Blast through it and continue until you reach a morph ball hole.
Scan the body next to it to get some Lore. Go through the hole in the
wall and roll to the next corridor. Go through the hex door here to head
back outside to the Temple Grounds.
Continue Walkthrough..
Now that the crate has fallen, move to the edge of the ledge and jump
to it, using it as a bridge to cross to the far outcropping. Blast through
the hex door and enter. Follow the webby path back to a grated door.
Scan it for a bit of Research then scan the red-glowing object to the left.
This will open the gate and close one behind you. As the gate opens, be
ready to defend against alien attack. Once you defeat it, head through
the now-open door and the next hex door to get back outside.
Wind through the rocky valley, blasting alien vermin as you go. Scan the
first pinwheel switch you come across (on the left side of the path near
the grated door). This will raise a satellite, but unfortunately there is no
signal for the time being. Move forward past the grate and battle a
throng of animated marines on your way to the hex door at the far end.
Wind through the webby path and take on the creatures at the
opposite mouth of the tunnel. Make sure you take down the auto-
cannon on the ceiling as well.
Next to the grated door ahead is a morph ball hole. Roll through it and
scan the console switch in the next room to restore power to the gate.
Be sure to scan the nearby corpse for some Lore , too. Return to the
previous room and roll under the malfunctioning gate. Head through
the hex door and follow the corridor out to another outside area.
As you move ahead, you'll notice a space vessel parked in the area.
Move toward it to see a cut scene that partially explains what
happened to the marines scattered throughout the base. When you're
finished watching, be sure to scan the marine corpses for more Lore.
Head up the gangplank under the ship to move inside. At the top of the
ramp, scan the pinwheel on the doors to open them, revealing the Map
Leave the ship and find the large yellow crate near it. Blast it to acquire
the Missile Launcher. Immediately upon acquiring it, you will be
attacked by a number of the dark creatures you saw in the previous cut
scene. Stay on the move and charge up your cannons as you blast
them. Even though you got your launcher back, resist the urge to use it
right now. Use your regular arm cannon to end the threat. Return
inside the ship and go out the side near thee fire to jump to a rock
ledge. Continue around until you reach a console. Scan it and a morph
ball hologram will appear at your feet. Change into a morph ball and
roll into the hologram and you'll be fired across the map.
From where you land on the ledge, turn and look across the canyon.
There is a locked hex door there. Blast it with a missile (Y) and drop
down to that rock platform, heading across to the now-accessible hex
door. Move through it and scan the marine body in the next corridor
for some Lore .
Change into a morph ball and go into the hole to the right. Blast the
insect-like aliens in the pit you're dropped in. When they die, switch on
the scan visor and look up. Scan the console up on the ledge to activate
another kinetic orb cannon. Switch to the morph ball and drop into the
hologram to be launched out of the pit.
Go through the nearby hex door. Back outside, use missiles to take
down the hives along the walls, or they will keep spawning bee-
creatures. There is one on the right wall and one on the left. You'll find
more missiles along the right wall as well. Drop down and snag them
then stand in the right corner and look up to see another hive. Blast it.
From this position, do a 180 and look at the cracked, silo-shaped
structure. Shoot a missile into it. Once you blast it, find the circular orb
cannon on the ground in the corner. Search for a niche in the rock and
scan the console hidden back there to activate it.
Change to a morph ball and roll into the hologram and you'll be blasted
across the level and into the damaged silo. Stay in ball shape and roll to
the next opening. This will take you to a track that you'll roll along until
you reach the area above where you just were. Go through the hex
door. Inside the cave, scan the console switch to activate the elevator,
and step on the hologram at its center to rocket up. You've reached the
Great Temple.
Continue Walkthrough..
As you move into the next room, the door will seal behind you and
you'll have to battle through a series of Dark Splinters. Strafe back and
forth and nail them with charged-up cannon blasts. They tend to rear
back and spring at you, so make sure to move out of the way so you
don't catch damage as they leap. When you take them down, one foe
Never turn your back on this beastie, and always strafe! Watch out for
the goo it shoots at you from afar as well. Strafing should also allow you
to avoid this attack. When the boss falls, it will leave a ball of energy
behind. Step into it to acquire an unknown alien item.
Head back to the elevator and take it up then go out the hex doors until
you return outside. Here, you will meet U-Mos, Sentinel of the
Luminoth. Listen to what he has to say... he explains the duality of the
world you're on, and the origin of the enemy you're facing. He asks for
your help in restoring his world to its previous splendour. He repays the
favor by healing you completely. When you regain control, you'll now
have the power to open violet hologram doors with your scan visor.
Turn around and scan the violet hologram behind you to get some Lore,
and head back inside.
Take the elevator back down, returning to the boss fight room. Scan the
violet hologram door and head through it to open the pathway to Agon.
Move through the hex door and take down the energy creatures
beyond. Watch out for electrical blasts from these enemies as you
strafe and drop them. Move down the tunnel, leap up to the ledge and
go to the next hex door. Once through it, move to another elevator,
scan the console and step on the hologram to move down. You'll arrive
back at the Temple Grounds.
Go through the hex door and scan the next violet hologram to return
back outside. You've been here before... it's the area where you moved
the large crate to form a bridge of sorts. Take down the Splinters in the
area. (Midway through the battle they'll be infused with Dark and get
even nastier). Make your way to the blast-protected door and unleash a
missile on it. Step through the hex door to claim an Energy Tank,
boosting your total energy. Go up the ledge nearby and pass by the
door marked with what looks like a purple (not violet) crystal. Move
through the hex door beyond, blast the creatures in this corridor, and
morph ball into the hole in the wall. Follow the path all the way back to
the large canyon area where you dropped the lock ball bridge.
In the lower portion of this area is a violet hologram door. Scan it and
go through, scanning the prone creature here for some Lore. Go
through the next hex door and through a suspended glass tunnel.
Through the next hex door is an elevator, but be sure to blast the web
door to the left and claim your Missile Expansion before moving on.
You know the drill--scan the console and a hologram will appear. Step
on it to be taken down. Once below, go through a pair of hex doors to
reach the Agon Wastes.
Continue Walkthrough..
Head across the next patch of sand, battling the Sandigger here. Your
goal is the low ledge on the far side. Hop up there and follow the ledges
that skirt the canyon. At the top of the ledge, scan the vertical rock to
see that it's structurally unsound. Blast it with a missile to make it drop
across the gap, forming a bridge to the center rock formation. Once on
the other side, continue forward to find a similar rock spire. Scan it to
see its weakness and blast it with a missile.
Cross your newly-made bridge (after clearing the enemies that swirl
around it). The doorway you need to get to is barred, so turn around
and jump back to the platforms at the center. Make your way under the
large solar unit (with the three red discs). Here, you will find a bridge.
Cross the bridge and follow it to a hex door. Go through and follow the
corridor and enter the morph ball hole. Roll through the tunnel and
across a contraption to the other side of the canyon. Head through the
next hex door and wind through a narrow path until you reach an open
area with sandfalls all around. Stepping forward will trigger a tough
fight with some Pirate Troopers. Don't hesitate to use missiles against
them if you're having problems taking them down.
When the Pirates die, head across the area to a low ledge near the
sandfalls. On the lower levels is a hex door. Go inside, change into the
morph ball and roll into the kinetic orb cannon. It will shoot you to
another cannon which will shoot you to the higher ledge. Go into the
nearby hole to be taken to what appears to be a carbon copy of the last
room. Roll into the cannon, and get blasted up to the top level, but this
time, head off the right edge of the upper ledge to get the Missile
Upgrade below. Return to the previous room.
Go back outside and keep climbing ledges. Use a missile and then a
charged shot to take down the crab-like Brizgee then leap across to the
circular platform. Continue leaping, platform too platform until you are
looking across at another Brizgee. Take it down and leap across to the
area in front of the yellow hologram door. Work counter-clockwise
around these upper ledges, leaping across the sand flows. Once you get
across the flow near the statue, use missiles to drop the rock pillar
(scan it if you can't find the weak point) and form a bridge to the next
ledge. This leads to a hex door that can be opened with a missile.
Go through it and head to the next elaborate hex door, blasting the bat-
like foes that swoop at you. Go through the next hex to re-emerge
outside. When you head forward, you'll be locked into an arena and
forced into combat with a Sandigger.
Once you damage the Sandigger a little, the Dark will touch it and
change it into none other than... the Bomb Guardian. This guy is
vulnerable in only two places--its head and its tail. That might seem
unfair to you, simply because the Guardian has so much at its disposal.
It constantly barfs up morph ball bombs and casts them around the
arena, and it's your responsibility to avoid them or perish. The other
thing ol' Guardy likes to do is line up across the arena from you and
charge, trying to snap you in its mandibles. If this is successful, it'll do
quite a bit of damage, so be sure that you have your dodging skills
The way to beat the Guardian is to stay locked onto its tail as you scoot
around it, using the dash (lock on and double tap B while pressing a
direction on the left stick). Circle the creature as you charge up your
cannon then let it fly. If you hurt its tail badly, the head will rear up. Tilt
up manually, lock onto the head, charge a shot and let the worm have a
face-full of cannon. Repeat roughly five times for a takedown.
Once the Bomb Guardian falls head forward and grab your Morph Ball
Bomb. Scan the various doors of the arena to see which has integrity
flaws. Move to that door, turn into the morph ball and drop a bomb to
get through. Make your way up the ledge. The doors here are locked,
so head to the right. Look for the stones that block an opening at the
end of the path. Use the morph ball bomb to blow through it. Roll
underneath and keep going around the perimeter. You'll pass a purple
hex door on the left.
Keep moving until you see a ledge with a blue hex door on it. Go inside
to find a security station. You know what to do... change into the
morph ball, roll near the circular opening on the contraption, and
unleash a bomb to hop up. Once inside the machine, trigger another
bomb. The room will spin, and upon exiting you'll be in a completely
different area... the Agon temple.
Move to the opposite end and scan the yellow device in order to trigger
a holograph projection. The hologram explains more about the world
you're in and tells you that you will now be able to access amber doors.
She also says that once you have taken the energy from the Dark
Temple, to return at once. Go back to the previous room and morph
bomb into the security device to get back to the previous area. Go
through the door you originally entered the arena through and
backtrack to the amber hologram door near the sand falls. Open the
door and search inside to grab a Missile Expansion upgrade.
Keep backtracking until you reach the structure you see in the picture
above. Get right in the center crux and light off a bomb to drop to the
kinetic cannon. This will rocket you up to grab an Energy Tank. Once
you have it, head back down and continue rolling to the left. Continue
until you cross the bridge under the solar apparatus. In the channel
between the two stone bridges you created on your way up is an amber
hologram. Scan it for some Lore and continue down to ground level.
Find the amber hologram door nearby and go through it. Change into a
morph ball and use a bomb on the rock just inside the door to open a
ball-sized tunnel. Roll through to collect the Map.
Return back across the bridge to the room where you first fought the
pirates (full of sand falls) and enter the kinetic cannon room where you
got the Missile Expansion. Use the cannons once, and roll through the
hole to the other room, then change into regular form and find the hex
door up the ledge. You will emerge into a new area. Battle the two Dark
Pirates in this room, using the strafe technique. Don't be skimpy with
the missiles at this point... you have plenty of them. When the battle
concludes, note the device the cut scene indicates and follow the ramp
up to it. Turn into a morph ball, bomb jump up into the device and
plant another bomb to turn the conveyor belt on. Return down the
ramp and look on the left side (when facing the ramp) to find an amber
hologram. Scan it for some Lore.
Return up the ramp and check out the right wall to find the conveyor
belt. It will ratchet you up to a ledge. Roll all the way to the right and
release a bomb to break the barrier and start the flow of sand. Roll
through the sand flow and down to the circular indent in the wall. As
you roll forward, change out of ball morph form. Leap across to the
center platform then again to the semi-circular platform on the far wall.
Change to morph ball and get on the conveyor here.
Roll to the edge and down, roll left and bomb the red barrier. This will
duplicate the process you did on the opposite side of the room. Again,
roll down into the circular portion, change to Samus and leap across to
the center platform. Once over there, position yourself below the
channel, drop some bombs and use them to "jump" up to the channel
that leads left. Repeat this process on the next corner. Time your roll so
that you miss the two other balls rolling around; they'll damage you if
they make contact. Once you get to the right, lay a bomb to blow up
the barrier, and watch the short cinematic. It seems you've restored
power! Head in the direction the energy is moving, switch on your scan
visor and scan the circular red lights in the array. This will bring about a
cut scene, and deliver you into Dark Aether.
Continue Walkthrough...
Move to the Zone on the floor below and face front to see the blinking
light. Shoot that to create a zone and go to it. From here, work your
way to the far left corner of the room, where you'll find a ball
contraption. Hop up in it and place a bomb, which will open a nearby
door. You'll also be told that you've activated a device on regular
Aether. Go through the door you created, quickly shoot the light to
create a Safe Zone and head into it to heal. Move into the next room
and hang in the Safe Zone, dropping the enemies (your first taste of the
Ing) that attack from outside. Remember, you can pull the pickups they
drop to you from the safety of the bubble by pressing and holding A.
Once the threat has been neutralized, go to the far right of the Zone
and target the next blinker in the tunnel ahead. Move to the newly-
created Safe Zone and use a missile on the locked hex door. Dart into
the Zone in the next room and commence with the killing. Move down
the passage in the right corner, activating the Zone as you approach.
Watch for the pesky Inglet on the ceiling nearby. Once it dies, create a
Zone down the corridor, step to it and run to the next one. Here, you
will find a Save Location.
From here, make a dash down the sandy hall to the hex door and go
through, immediately shooting another Zone to life once outside. Move
to the next zone in the sand to trigger a fight with an Ing Warrior. This
badass will Marshall the forces of dark energy to drive a kinetic burst
into you in attempt to knock you out of your safe circle.-Dash out of its
way (and return fire with charged-up cannon blast.) The creature will
morph into a puddle and change locations during the fight, but you can
shoot the goo and still do damage. Handy! When the creature perishes,
look to the ledge ahead and run for the safety of its Zone.
From, here, you will have to get up the steps. See the moving Zone?
Get inside that and follow it carefully as it ascends. At the top, get into
the next safe area and look to the center of the level. There you will see
another moving Zone, but it is moving laterally along a bridge. Wait
until it is almost all the way to the right and jump to the center
platform. As you move forward, shoot the temporary Zone light; hang
in there for a second then make a dash for the moving one crossing the
bridge. Shoot the light on the opposite side, scuttle to the safety you
create, heal and then move through the hex door.
In the next tunnel, change to the morph ball and roll through the
contraption you've seen before in the light world. Come to rest in the
protective bubble in the next tunnel. Once you've healed from your
rolling jaunt, blast the hex door and go through. Trigger the zone in the
next area, step into it then dash to the next one. This will trigger a fight
with the Jump Guardian.
The Jump Guardian fights in much the same way as the Warrior Ing that
you brawled earlier. It will summon spears of energy and cast them at
you, so you need to be prepared to dash (lock on and double tap B) side
to side to avoid the brunt of the attack. If you get hit by these attacks,
they will knock you back into the atmosphere. You must stay in the
protective circle, or you won't last long in the fight.
From time to time, this giant Ing will leap in the air and come down
with crushing force that crackles your display. Don't get rattled. Stay
locked on and be sure to track the Ing everywhere. Patiently charge
your shots and dodge. Fire when you have a full shot built up.
The Jump Guardian is spry for a big guy, and he likes to scamper around
the edge of the Safe Zone. Stay with him and pelt him with cannon fire
and the occasional missile, and the fight should go quickly. Upon
defeating the Jump Guardian, you get Space Jump Boots.
Once you've got them, head to the ledge ahead. From there turn right
and shoot the Safe Zone on the ledge in the distance. Move there and
turn around to activate the Zone on the next platform up. Use your new
Space Boots to make the jump. Hit the next light and the next, making
your way around the rim to the last permanent Safe Zone. You'll have
to double jump to get to that last ledge. Go through the hex door after
opening it with a missile. Activate Zones as you move down the tunnel
to the far hex door (this territory should seem familiar from Light
You'll exit to the arena area where you battled the Bomb Guardian in
regular ol' Aether. Turn left and activate a Zone and head over to it and
do that once more to move further down. Near the second Zone is a
hex door. Shoot it and step inside to acquire the Dark Temple Key. It is
one of three needed. Head back to the Zone and make your way back
to where you entered. Backtrack all the way to the save point and save
your game. Return to the room where you stepped through the portal
and activate it by scanning one of the red discs. Step into the portal to
head back to the realm of light.
Continue Walkthrough...
Once back in the light realm, you'll be in a brawl with three Dark
Pirates. Let 'em have it with your charged cannon, and be sure to dodge
to avoid their beam attacks. Go across the room and look in the left
corner for where you used the bomb slot in the Dark realm. Head
through-the door that you opened. This leads into a curved room with
another bomb slot in it. Bomb jump up to it and activate it (by bombing
again) to drop the gate and reveal a Missile Expansion. Go down the
next hall and ride the sand flow down to the save location.
Now, head back to the sand flow room with circular platforms at its
center. Work your way to the top of the room and approach the statue
in the middle of the sand flow. Jump on the statue's head using the
space jump, then space jump up to the square passage nearby.
Follow the curving path until you reach a scan-able console and an
amber hologram. Scan the hologram for some Lore then scan the
console and the gates behind the statue will open. Return to the top of
the statue's head and space jump up to the now-available ledge and go
through the hex door.
Follow the path to find a pair of Pirates. Charge up a shot and hit the
canister that they are standing near in order to drop them both. Blast
the locked hex and go through it. You'll emerge into a sandy courtyard
that is all ablaze. As you step forward, several waves of Dark Pirates will
attack. Drop them with charge cannon attacks or missiles. There are
three waves, and the third head for a pair of green cannons on a ledge
ahead. Missiles will easily sort the gunners out.
When the fight is over, the laser shield across the hex door will fade,
opening a path. Before going through, blast the crates for regenerating
power-ups. Go through the door, switch to morph ball and lay a bomb
on the cracked floor to get underneath the grating. Drop another bomb
down below to clear the crates and find an opening for the ball.
Roll through the tunnel until you find yourself beneath the floor of a
gathering area of Pirates. This section of tunnels has electrified gates in
it. Time your roll so you don't hit those zaps, and work all the way to
the right, curving around to find a Missile Expansion. Return to the left
and continue until you see a short cut scène. When it concludes, stand
up and go to war with the collected enemies. After they die, be sure to
scan all of the glowing stuff here for tons of Research and Lore.
The final thing to scan is the red console switch. This will activate the
nearby mini-elevator. Take it up to the catwalk, leap to the next
segment and fight the Pirate. Killing him will open the hex door at the
end of the catwalk. Beware of the Pirate that attacks from within the
glass as you make your way over there. Once through the hex, you'll
see a short cut scène... another appearance from Dark Samus! You
won't be able to open the gate ahead, so wrap around the corner and
use a missile to open the locked hex door there. This will allow you
access to the glass lab you saw previously. Scan the computer terminal
ahead to bypass security in the lower room.
Return to the lab below and head through the door behind the
barricade you just lowered. In the ensuing room, drop the auto-turrets
with some locked-on missile attacks. Turn into the morph ball and roll
through the crisscrossing lasers, use a missile on the hex door and go
through. In this lab, several more Pirates await. Wax them and you'll
get a message that a Luminoth weapon has been located. Refer to the
map to see its location.
Scan the console at the back of the room to activate the lift and step
on. Once up top, battle the Pirates that appear. Before leaving this
room, scan one of the Metroids floating in the glass tanks. Scoot around
the right side of the main tank to find the hex to exit.
Take down the turret in the ensuing corridor and move to the next
chamber, which contains a bomb slot. Activate it to open a new path.
Go through to find a large, cavernous room (the Bioenergy Production
room) with many crates stacked in it. As you move forward, two Pirate
Aerotroopers will swoop in. Deal with them swiftly to activate a console
at the back of the room.
Go up the stairs on the indicated structure and scan the console with
the hand icon. This will make a series of the crates in the room rise.
Once they're activated, move to the opposite end of the room. Here,
you'll find three series of controls. Facing the crates, scan the left
console's left hex once, the middle one's left hex twice, and the right
console's left hex three times. This will make a series of stairs out of the
crates. Space-jump-up them to, get to an Energy Tank on a platform
attached to the wall.
When you have that, head back to the consoles and reverse the order
of the crates, so they make stairs right to left. Climb the new
arrangement of crates and go through the hex door to find a morph ball
tunnel. Plant a bomb to hop up to it and roll through. You'll reach a
side-scrolling portion where energy doors block your path. Use the
bombs to jump up a ledge and time it so that you avoid the lasers.
When you get above one of the electric doors, place a bomb to disable
it. Get all the way to the left side and roll out of here.
Dark Samus certainly is athletic! She'll cruise all over the arena and pelt
you with blasts of her own, but those are pretty easy to avoid. Your
main job is keeping up with her. Stay-locked on and keep an, eye on the
radar to see where Dark Samus is hiding. Once locked on, keep pelting
her with missiles until you run out. Then switch to your charged-up arm
Dark Samus will pause frequently to raise a shield, but don't worry too
much about that. Just keep blasting away, hitting when you can. Be
sure to strafe when locked on to avoid her attacks. Midway through the
fight, a short scene will play, and Dark Samus will up the ante. Now she
will start firing huge bursts of powerful missiles. The best way to avoid
these is to hide behind the pillars. She will also rise in the air and launch
herself at you... and you better be protected by a pillar, or you'll take
massive damage. After she lands, wait for the shield to go away and hit
her with a charged cannon blast. A few of these and Dark Samus will be
Upon completing the fight, step on the nearby elevator and ride it up.
Enter the hex door nearby to acquire the Dark Beam. Leave the room
and move to the door with a white crystal on it. Shoot it with the Dark
Beam to open it, go through and head through the next hex door. In the
ensuing chamber, use the Dark Beam on a crystal door. Be sure to scan
one of the computers here for some Lore. Dark Beam the next crystal
door and step through into the Command Center. Now, there are some
new foes afoot... Pirate Grenadiers. Sort them out quickly, or they'll
hurt you bad. When they die, move to the dark portal in the lower
portion of the room and hit it with a Dark Beam to activate it. Step
through to return to the Dark Wastes.
Continue Walkthrough...
You're back in the Dark realm. Remember how to shoot the blinking
lights to form Safe Zones? This time around, you may find that some of
them are covered in dark matter. To get rid of this, hit the dark stuff
with some blasts from your normal cannon, and hit them again when
they are blinking in order to form the needed shield.
Move around the perimeter using Safe Zones until you see the device
indicated in the picture above. Scanning it will reveal that a Luminoth
device is within. Go to the Zone directly behind it and hit the switch
with a missile. This will expose a crystal. Nail it with your Dark Beam
and the entire platform will come down. Space-jump (on top, of It.)
then jump across to the Dark Temple Key. Once you have it, go back to
the center platform and leap over to the other high ledge. Open the
hex door here with your Dark Beam.
Move through the corridor using the Safe Zones and watch out for the
big Ing that cross your path. It will swipe at you inside your cocoon of
safety, so stay back and blast it with (gasp!) charged shots. Move down
the hall and exit through the hex door. In the ensuing hallway, drop the
Inglets and move right down the path to the hex door near the portal
(the left door that you can see from this Safe Zone is unavailable for
now). Once through the door, light up the Zone in the narrow passage
and continue forward to a room with a tower with red trim at its
Go around the backside of the tower and look up to see a crystal at the
top (scan it quick for some Research). Hit it with a Dark Beam shot to
bring it to ground level. Jump on top of it and space jump up to the
ledge above. Move to the locked hex door and shoot it to open it up.
Scoot to the next room to find a Save Location. Go out the other door in
the save room and turn into the morph ball. Roll down the ball tunnel
quickly until you come to an obstruction. Use a bomb on it to gain
access to the ball maze.
This room is called Bitter Well, and it certainly can be if you do it wrong.
On the left edge of the Safe Zone,. Use a bomb jump to get to the
higher ledge. Roll toward the center of the area, but be careful not to
roll down into the danger area below (if you do, you'll need to quickly
bomb your way up and out). Pause at the center crux and plant a bomb.
Roll ever so slightly further right to propel yourself across the center
divider. Once across, roll through the ensuing tunnel and to the next
room. Go out the next hex door and move to the elevator hologram.
As you reach the room below, look to the left and blast the beacon
there to pop up a Safe Zone. From here, you'll see a stack of crates.
Circle behind it and shoot the light to stay in the zone. Scan the console
here. Return back across the room past the elevator and activate the
zone to the right. From here, hop on the ledge that runs along the right
side of the room. Blast the light near the console here and scan the
console. Shoot the beacon on the nearest platform and jump to it, and
repeat the process as you hop up the floating discs, reaching the top of
the room. This will shut off the final security switch needed to access
the next door. Return to ground level and head through the now-
available hex passage.
Make your way through the next corridor until you reach the Watering
Hole. See the beacon covered with darkness across the way? Shoot it
until you form a Safe Zone, space jump to the platform left of it and
make, your way across the room to the locked door. Blast it open and
move to the next area, where you will see a couple of towers like the
one you recently lowered. Move around the perimeter of the room,
hopping zone to zone, and drop into the room below. Scan then kill all
the swarming Night barbs. Space jump to platforms behind the two
towers (popping up Safe Zones as needed) and use the Dark Beam on
the crystals to drop them down.
Use space jumps on the newly-dropped platforms to get to the dark
door at the top of the room. Blast through the door to find the
completely unguarded Light Beam. Sweet! This weapon is very well-
suited to cutting through the denizens of the Dark realm. Return to the
platform you stood on to drop the towers in this room and use the
Light Beam to get through the door. Vanish the Weblings (scan them
first) that stretch across the path and make your way back to the room
marked Doomed Entry on the map. Use the Light Beam on the Safe
Zone crystals (the permanent ones) to create Energized Crystals (scan
them as well for a bit of Research). These Energized Crystals will create
toxic bubbles for any Dark creature.
Get up on the central platform and consult the map to find the
direction you have not been yet. Head-through the dark door. on (the
upper ledge to get to the Double Path.) Your Light Beam should make
short work of the enemies here. Go through the corridor and emerge
through the light hex door to reach the Battleground. There is a Temple
Key in the safe zone below. However, when you drop down into the
Safe Zone and approach it, the key will vanish and you'll have to fight a
throng of Warrior Ing.
Before doing anything, be sure to scan the far door to get the Ing
Webtrap Research. Then get to the business of dropping the Warrior
Ing. Use your Light Beam and Missiles to take them down quickly.
When you do, go through the door that was previously web-trapped.
Blast the tentacles that block your path (charged up shots will knock
them back) and space jump over the goo to get to the far door. Fight
your way back to Doomed Entry and make your way to the top of the
room using the rock platforms. Bust through the dark door and go
follow the path until you reach Dark Oasis. Go through the left door and
use your Light Beam on the portal and step into it to return to the Light
Light Aether: Agon Wastes
Move to the opposite end of the room and open the dark door to
secure another Missile Expansion. Exit the room and make your way to
the hex door in the lower portion of the room. Roll through the lasers in
this hallway, and you'll find yourself in the Command Center. Waste the
Grenadiers here and use the elevator to get to the upper catwalk. Blast
through the Light door here to make your way to the Central Mining
Once you get there, man one of the turrets and take down the three
gray generators in this area. One is ahead and slightly to the right, one
is to the left and below and one is on the far left across the way. The
reticule will turn red when you are lined up to shoot one of them, so let
fly. You'll also have to opportunity to use the turret on some of the
pesky Pirates... so sort them out!
Once you have, double jump up to the parked ship (scan it, too) on the
left wall and use this to leap up to the center supports. Make your way
across the center of the level and to the rock ledge that leads into a
cave-like lab. Scan the computers here for Lore and continue to the left
to take a small ramp up past an energy shield. Go to the morph ball
hole past it and cruise inside for a Beam Ammo Expansion. Scan the
dead creature here for more Lore.
When you have (the expansion.) exit and drop to the area below. Go
through the nearest hex door and make your way to Mining Station-A
then use the map to navigate back to Save Station A. Save your
progress. Go all the way to Portal Terminal. Scan the red nodes on the
portal to activate it and step inside.
Once you arrive in the Dark land, head to the sand fall room (Judgment
Pit) and use Save Station 1--it's through the dark door on the ledges
near the top of the area.
From here, use the map to head to the Dark Agon Temple. Once you
arrive, step into the center Zone and the Temple Keys will find their
places, opening the path to the temple proper. This will bring about a
fight with the Temple's resident badass, Amorbis.
Boss: Amorbis
Every game needs a giant worm boss, and Prime 2 is no exception. This
fight requires careful observation of your surroundings, so stay on your
toes, and keep an eye trained on the radar. You always want to be
looking there to see where the worm is going to attack next. It will
weave in and out of the soil, making huge archs as it leaps from the
ground. Track its movement, and be sure to avoid it as it surfaces and
burrows. Make sure you scan it at the beginning of the fight
When you see it up in the air, lock on and hit it with some missiles or
Light Beam blasts. After a couple of direct hits, the worm will change
tactics. It will attach itself on the center sphere and try to strike you.
Nail it with a charged Light Beam blast. This will knock its face off and
cause the worm to try to suck you inside of it. Change to morph ball
and let it do just that. Once inside, repeatedly drop bombs to waste the
worm from inside. Be sure to consistently pick up the plentiful goodies
that the worm drops when you hit it.
After you beat the first worm, two more will show up. The tactics are
the same, but when the worms join in the center, they will now have an
extra attack... an energy beam that the combined worms direct at you.
Dodge it and continue hitting them in their respective heads. When the
faces come off, go inside and lay some bombs. After the two worms,
you will face three. Same ideas apply.
When you tear through all three worms, head to the center of the area
to see a familiar logo. Grab it and you will be awarded with the very
nifty Dark Suit. The damaging effects of Dark Aether will do less damage
to you in this suit. After you get it, head forward to the platform that
rises up and continue to the hex door to get to Dark Controller Access.
Use the bomb slot to rotate the room and exit through te available
door. Walk to the center of the area to get the energy here.
Now head all the way back-to the Portal Site (save if you want on the
way back). Scan the red discs around the portal to activate it and go
Light Aether: Agon Wastes
Back in the realm of Light, make your way all the way back to the Agon
Energy Controller. Give up the energy you took in to restore power to
the temple and make U-Mos a happy camper, indeed.
Now that this leg of the journey is complete, return to the Agon Temple
and head through the Mine Station A, then Mining Access, Mining
Plaza, Plaza Access and take the elevator in the next room up to the
Temple Grounds.
From here, make your way to the Temple Assembly Site. Go up the
elevator in this area and follow the path to the Temple Sanctuary. Go
up the elevator here to speak with U-Mos again. He senses Ing
movement in the Torvus region, so you'll need to go there. Head back
down, to the Temple Sanctuary.
Scan the amber hologram door to access the Pathway to Torvus. Use
the Light Beam on the purple crystal inside to open the path. Scan the
Harmony Class Drones in the next hall and move to the opposite hex
door. Scan the console at the far end of the next room to activate the
elevator. Drop down to the Temple below.
In the next room, scan the amber hologram door to enter the Meeting
Grounds. Head through the U-shaped portion of this area and go
through the hex door to reach the Hall of Eyes. Hop up on the rock
bridge that bisects the area to find a portal. Use the Dark Beam on it
and step in to get to the Sky Temple Grounds.
Continue Walkthrough...
Stay on the bridge and head for the nearby hex door to get to the
Abandoned Base. Snake-down this path, avoiding lasers as you make
your way to a dead end. Hop up on the ledge here and turn into the
morph ball to get a boost from the piston on the right. Once in the
tunnel above, roll to the bomb slot and activate it. Return to the piston
and roll over to the left side of the path. This time, (roll all the way left
and) bomb each of three slots as you make your way to the right. The
idea is to make all of the calipers that secure the gondola at the center
of this area come down so that it becomes unlocked and mobile. When
you do it correctly, you'll hear the signature Prime victory noise and the
gondola will have a hologram at its center. From between the two
pistons, turn back into Samus and jump over to the gondola.
As you ride the apparatus, use the left stick to aim at the Night barbs
that swoop at you. When the gondola comes to rest, hop to the ledge
that houses the portal. Shoot it with a Light Beam to activate and step
When you get through, you'll find yourself in the Path of Eyes. Drop off
the ledge and battle the Pirates then shoot the purple crystal with a
Light Beam to move the door. Continue forward until you have to leap
over a wall in order to progress. Shoot down the Grenadier in the
distance then flip around and move it forward by shooting the crystal
with the Light Beam. There is another crystal to the right, so hit that
two. Leap up on the now-moved section of wall and use it to space
jump to the next portion of the path.
Head forward and shoot the crystal in the watery room to lower it.
Stand on the partially submerged block and space jump to the one you
just lowered. Space-jump-(again to get to the ledge.) Continue forward
until you reach an amber hologram door. Scan it to gain entry into the
Torvus Bog. Don't go through just yet. Instead, roll into the hole to the
left of the door and scan the hologram you find for some Lore, and then
shoot the crystal to open a shortcut you'll need later. Head back
outside and go through the hex door. Go down the path and blast the
locked door with a missile. Step through and activate the elevator then
ride it down to the Bog.
Light Aether: Torvus Bog
When you get to the Bog, go through the hex door, fight through the
waves of creatures and make your way out to Torvus Lagoon. Scan the
corpse here for some Lore and the blue pods for some Research. Watch
out for the creatures that rise up out of the water--these are Shredders.
Scan them and sort them out with some missiles. Hop up on the jutting
ledge on the left side of the level and blast through the locked door to
find a Save Location.
Once you've saved, plop into the water and look for the dark door (use
the map to find it). Once through, take down the swarm of Shredders
and roll under the contraption blocking your path. Move to the
underwater ledge ahead and leap up to it. Hop over to the next
underwater platform and use this to get to the hex door ahead. Go
through to get to the Great Bridge. Several Shriekers are in here, and
they will phase in and out of view. Blast them quickly as they appear.
Find the locked door (marked red on the map) and blast it with a missile
to gain entry. Turn into the morph ball, roll forward and bomb jump up
to the metal ledge. Roll to the left and continue through the next room
(you'll see a portal here) until you stop. Go through the hex door here
to find the bridge gate. Scan the console to extend a semi-circular
bridge around the large tree. Go around it and use your Light Beam on
the door to move on.
The next area is the Ruined Alcove. Wade through the shallow water
and continue to the light door. The next area is Forgotten Bridge. This
zone is home to a pair of nasty Grenchlers. Make sure you scan them,
and then get to the business of smiting them handily. You can't hurt
them anywhere but from behind, so the best way to beat them is to
lock on and use the B double-tap to strafe around them and pepper
them with cannon fire or missiles.
When the Grenchlers are dead, use the circular platforms that are
partially submerged in the water to space jump across and make it to a
far ledge. From here, head across the bent bridge that crosses to the
portal. Hit it with a Dark Beam to activate it and step through.
Once you're in the Dark, activate the beacon on the bridge, and move
through the Safe Zone across the bridge to a bomb slot on the other
side. This will rotate the bridge in this realm and that of the Light world.
Drop down to the lower level and shoot the large creature in the water
to flip it over (and create a handy Safe Zone). Leap to it and use it as a
stepping stool to get up to the opposite edge. Use the mushrooms
there to get up to the portal. Use the Light Beam on it and step through
to return to Light Aether.
Now that the bridge has been turned, you can get across to new areas.
However, first you'll have to survive two Dark Pirate Commandos. Use
your Dark Beam and missiles to make short work of them then get
across that newly-turned bridge. At the end of it you'll find a Missile
Drop into the water and look for the Sporb on the wall. Scan it and
return above. Turn into the morph ball and roll between the two
tubular lights and along the groove on the right wall (facing the water).
As you roll, the Sporb will attack. If it latches onto you, drop down and
kill it before moving on. As you roll left, you'll see a few stairs. Use
bomb jumps to get up them. When you plop-out of the chute, roll into
the nearby ball tunnel and out the other side. Drop into the watery
area below.
If you need to get back to the previous room, move to the piston on the
right side of the path. In ball form, roll into the chamber and ride it up
to another series of steps. There is another Sporb you'll need to deal
with here, so sort it out before continuing. Otherwise, just go through
the light door and shoot it to continue to the Great Bridge. Scan the
console near the ledge to activate the kinetic orb cannon on the other
side of the area.
Head over to the cannon and roll into a ball. The cannon will propel you
across the level to a bridge that leads across the area. Cross it and blast
the dark door on the other side. Turn into a ball and roll across the
bridge. As you move forward, you'll see a red-rimmed hole with smoke
coming out of it. Bomb it to gain an Energy Tank. Roll through the
apparatus to the right and go through the hex door to find yourself
back near the kinetic ball cannon. Repeat the process and head past the
hole you just bombed.
Continue to the dark door and blast through. You will emerge in the
Torvus Temple and have a nasty battle on your hands. First, two Aero
troopers and a regular Pirate will come at you. Drop them with charged
Dark Beam attacks. Once they go down, a skiff with four Pirates will
show up. Use the same tactics.
When all of the enemies die, the protective shield over the Super
Missile will fall away. Go grab it! Get on the elevator hologram and ride
it to the top of this area. Use a super missile on the green door (press
and hold A then press Y) to gain access to a rotating bomb slot room.
Bomb the slot to spin the room and proceed out to the Torvus Energy
Controller. Scan the green hologram to see a projection of A-Voq. He
will tell you that again you will need to collect Keys to enter the Dark
Temple. After healing you and granting the power to scan green
holograms, the image will fade. Make sure you scan the nearby
emerald for some Lore then head back to the Great Bridge.
Scan the green hologram door near the kinetic ball cannon and go
through the next hex door to find the Map. Go back to Torvus Temple
and scan the green hologram at the center of the area. This will drop
you down a level. Collect power-ups by shooting the vegetation then
scan the emerald hologram to drop the door. Move through to the
Underground Tunnel. At the beginning of this area, turn into the morph
ball and roll under the grate to secure a Missile Expansion.
Roll down the path and under a half-shut door to emerge into a watery
area. Take down the Sporbs here and go to the next room, scanning the
emerald hologram for some Lore. Go through the light door and into
Torvus Grove. As you move toward the far door, it will be sealed off and
two Pirate Commandos will drop in. Finish them off quickly with some
Dark Beam blasts and the door will become accessible again. Go
through it.
Scan the apparatus here to turn on the portal and step through to Dark
Continue Walkthrough...
Go through the door and into the Polluted Mire. Steer clear of the dank
water as you battle the Hunter Ing. Instead of trying to battle these
creatures straight up, shoot the Safe Zone beacons to energize those
zones when the Ing are near, and this will vaporize them.
Once the Ing is down, head to the lowest of the mushrooms (it's to the
right facing away from the door where you entered) and leap up the
various mushrooms as you make your way to the top of this area. When
you reach the ledge with a dark door on it, leap over there and head
inside to find a Save Location. Once you use it, head out the opposite
door to Dark Falls and go through the hex door to reach Dark Forgotten
Battle-through the creatures as you head down the left path and blast
through a light door. This will lead to a morph ball tunnel--the Dark
Arena Tunnel. As you roll through, the floor will collapse beneath you.
Roll to the left and bomb through the overhead blocks then bomb jump
up to rejoin the tunnel to the left. Emerge in the next room and drop to
the area below. Scoot through the tunnel ahead for a boss fight.
After this stage, the Guardian will change into a morph ball and begin
zipping around the room. It's a good idea to change to a ball (yourself)
at this point and avoid its attacks that way. Try to get it to hit into the
energy pillars in the arena, as these will cough up health when
destroyed. A good tactic is to stay up close to the beam to shield
yourself from the ball attack, which will also put you in a good position
to retrieve any health that arises.
When the Boost Guardian turns into a puddle during the fight, roll
around and plant bombs around the perimeter of the puddle to try to
make it revert to its original form. It will also spawn Inglets at this point,
so lay bombs next to them to end them quickly, and be sure to scoop
up any of the power-ups they leave.
When, the Boost Guardian returns to its normal form, repeat the
process. Remember... when there is a cut scene of the creature
reverting back to its main form, you will be standing up and facing it no
matter what form you were previously in. So don't press the X button!
After the boss falls, grab the Boost Ball and get out of here.
Go back to the half pipe in the previous room. Turn into the morph ball
and charge up using B. Push toward the side of the half-pipe and let the
boost go to gain momentum up the side of the curved surface, and roll
up the other side and boost. Your goal is the Dark Temple Key
imbedded in the left wall. Once you have it, roll up the right side to the
ledge and exit the room. On the way back, use the boost to get across
the collapsing blocks under the partial tunnel. Return to the save
location. Head back to the portal in Gloom Vista and activate it and step
through to the Light world
Once you're back in the world of light, move to the opposite end of
Torvus Grove and find the half-pipe. Use the boost ball to scoot up the
right side to the ledge above and move clockwise around the room until
you reach a dark door. Shoot it and step inside.
Follow the narrow path back past a waterfall area. Right before a dark
door, you'll encounter a new enemy--the Krocuss. Scan it and move
into the dark door. Inside, you'll find a spinner. Drop the enemy in the
room, scan the spinner for some Research and turn into morph ball
form. Roll into the spinner and use the boost ball power to drop the
nearby door.
Go through the opening you created into the Forgotten Bridge area and
go through the Ruined Alcove, Torvus Lagoon, and Temple Transport
Acces and ride the elevator up to the Temple Grounds.
You'll be back in the portal chamber. Don't use the portal, however.
Instead, drop to the floor below and head to the Meeting Grounds.
Once there, find the half-pipe and use your boost ball to get up to the
right side of the pipe. Go into the morph ball hole here and move
carefully. When the camera (view changes (to the side-view), you'll
notice a bunch of breakaway bricks to the right. Charge up your boost
and speed across the crumbling blocks to reach the other side.
Continue rolling, using bomb jumps to get to higher ledges on your
journey. Soon, you'll reach some tracks and continue to roll. When you
finally drop out of the tunnels, you'll find yourself in the Hall of
Honored Dead. The Seeker Launcher is at the center of the area, but it's
protected by a force field. In order to get at it, you'll need to use the
spinners around the perimeter in this order: purple, blue, yellow, red.
You'll have to boost three times per spinner in order to turn that
section of lock beige (and three more times if the wrong ring changes
color). The idea is to get the rings to turn beige from the outside in.
When all of the rings are beige, the temple will activate and give you
access to the launcher. Grab it. This missile launcher will allow you to
hit multiple targets with missiles or the same target with multiple
missiles. Press and hold Y to charge the Seeker. Move the targeting
reticule over targets to lock on. Now go to the locked purple door and
use your new Seeker on the locks surrounding the door.
Step into the tunnel and move down the Path of Honor back to the
Landing Site, scanning the corpse on the way back to collect some Lore.
Save and replenish yourself at your ship and move to the violet doors in
the ensuing passages. Through here you'll reach the Hive Transport
Area. Go down the elevator here and fight through to Hive Chamber A.
If you haven't already, kill the Dark Missile Trooper here to snag a
Missile Expansion.
Also be sure to stop by Hive Chamber B. Next to one morph ball hole is
another that can be cracked open with a morph ball bomb (again, if you
haven't already). Use it and roll inside to claim another Missile
Now that you have the expansions, backtrack to the Service Access via
the Landing Area (you'll need to hit the purple crystal with a Light Beam
to create a jumping platform to the higher ledge). In Service Access, go
through the morph ball hole in the lower portion of the room, roll
through the tunnels, use bomb jumps in the broken tunnels that follow
and blast the green locked door with a Super Missile barrage to regain
access to the Meeting Grounds. Track back to the Torvus Transport
Access and return to the Torvus Bog.
Once back in the Bog, make your way back to the Torvus Temple and
take the elevator down. See the circular portal on the wall? Hop up
there and turn into morph ball form to roll down to a Super Missile
door. Blast it and head through. Scan the console in the next room to
activate the elevator. Step on the hologram to take it down and go
through the hex door to get to the Hydro dynamo Station.
Use the platforms rotating around the central column to get up to the
locked door on the ledge above. Missile blast it to get to a Save
Location. After you've saved, step off the ledge and into the watery
area below. There is a large Blogg swimming around down there, so be
sure to scan it before disposing of it. If you fall all the way to the
bottom of the room, you can use the yellow-striped channels in the
wall to get up to ledges that will allow you to jump over to the central
platform. From here, head out across the narrow bridge that leads to a
console. Scan it (you have to scan it from behind, not from the main
platform). Doing so will unlock one of three locks and make a higher
platform appear. Head to the central platform and enter the kinetic ball
cannon. This will shoot you back up to the top of the room.
Drop back down into the water to the higher platform and jump over to
the purple locked door. Grab the Missile Expansion here and use the
seeker launcher on the door to unlock the door. Move through the
watery tunnel that follows and emerge into the Training Chamber. You
will see another short cut scene involving Dark Samus, but will not have
to fight her now.
Instead, splash down and deliver a missile to the maw of each of the
Bloggs here. Once they die, you'll be shown a nearby spinner. Roll
inside it and use boost to turn the floor so that the red neon portions
line up. Drop into the circular cutout on the floor and turn into morph
ball. Roll through the channel here to get to the other side of the room,
where you'll find a dark door.
Turn into the morph ball and roll to the bubbling current that leads up
to the next hole. From here, you'll be shot through tubes on a jet of
water. When you regain control, roll right until you reach tubes that let
you drift up. Keep heading right to get propelled on, eventually coming
to rest. Step through the next door to get to the Catacombs. Look on
the map and check to see where the dark door is. Drop into the water
and make your way in that direction, looking for a foothold to get to
the surface.
Before going through the door, be sure to scan the nearby corpse to
grab some Lore. Head through the dark door to move back through to
the Hydro-dynamo Station. When you emerge, scan the console to
unlock the second lock and move another platform. Save if you want to
and go back to the Training Chamber. Drop into the water, slay the
Bloggs there and use the spinner to line up the blue neon sections of
floor. As with the red, drop into the circular portion and roll in the
channel under the grating to get to the opposite side of the room.
Head-through the light door there.
Once inside, roll forward to the bubbles to go into the bomb slot, which
will shoot you through several watery tubes. When you regain control,
roll to the left until you reach a blue section of floor. Drop a bomb there
to get to the lower region then head left to get in the bomb slot. Drop
an explosive in there and the flow going through the tubes will change.
Float up and head to the left until you reach a tube that shoots you
over to dry land.
Through the next doorway is the Gathering Hall. Splashdown into the
murky water and shoot the spike-backed objects from below with the
Dark Beam to flip them over. Use the underwater platforms to get back
to dry land and head across the room. Drop under once more to flip the
other spiky platform, and be sure to scan the underwater hologram to
get some Lore. Now head all the way across the room and find the
bomb slot, hop up to it and drop a bomb to open an underwater gate.
Swim down there and go through. The passage leads to a portal. Shoot
it with the Dark Beam and step inside to go to the Dark world.
Continue Walkthrough...
You'll have to flip the spiky platforms over again when you return. Do
that and return to solid ground, heading over to the kinetic ball cannon
that is now usable. Roll into it to get shot to a light door at the top of
the room.
Continue down the next watery passage to re-emerge into the Hydro-
dynamo Station. Scan the console here to unlock the final bit. Drop to
the bottom of the area and go through the hex door there.
Go all the way down to the bottom of this area, taking the large steps
down until you reach another hex door. Go through that to enter the
Main Hydrochamber. Drop to the bottom of it and find the room
attached to it to gain the Gravity Boost. This will allow you to jump
underwater by pressing B. Holding B after pressing it twice will allow
you to slowly rise while in the water. Head-out the door to find yourself
in a boss fight.
Boss: Alpha Blogg
The Alpha Blogg can be a tricky kill, primarily because the fight requires
impeccable timing. Move to the opposite side of the arena and lock
onto the beast. Sometimes it will send jets of bubbles in your direction,
and you'll want to dodge those, or you'll be temporarily blinded.
What you want to do is charge up your weapon, and (wait for the Blogg
to charge.) Just as it's almost on top of you, release a Super Missile into
its maw to chew through a chunk of health quickly. As you're letting the
attack go-use (tap-B repeatedly and press to the right or left to scoot
out of the way. As the beast recovers, move to the other end of the
arena and repeat the process. If you run out of missile, a Dark Beam
(charged) will also work nicely.
When the fight concludes, find the circular fan hole in the wall and use
your new gravity boost to get up to it. From there jump up to the ledge
jutting out of the wall on the left. Finally, use the boost to get all the
way across the room and exit through the hex door there. It's a good
idea to backtrack to the Hydro-dynamo Station and use the-save
location there. Return to the Hydro-dynamo Shaft and find the rotating
pillar pictured below. Use the boost to get up on top of it and find a
portal. Hit it with a Dark Beam and step through.
When you arrive, you'll find a Dark Temple Key. Grab it and return to
the Light world.
Move to the bomb cannpn and morph ball jump to it and you'll be shot
into a series of tubes. Watch out for the pistons that come down as you
roll through to the left. When you come to rest, use a Dark Beam on the
door to get through to the Sacrificial Chamber. Kill or avoid the Hunter
Ing on your way to the opposite end of the room. Blast through the
light door there and get in the ball cannon.
When you arrive, roll to the left, falling through holes until you reach
the bottom of three pipes. Roll all the way to the left and bomb jump
up and to the left then one more time. Continue bomb jumping as you
work to the left and get to the tube there. This will propel you to a door
that leads to the Crypt.
Use a Dark Beam blast on the crystal straight ahead to drop the
forcefield and extend a number of platforms around the room. Blast
the Pirates in the room and begin space jumping between the
platforms, starting to the right. Some of the ledges move in and out, so
time your jumps accordingly. Your ultimate goal is the light door at the
top of the room. Once through there, use Light Beam blasts on the
Tentacles in the next hallway to make your way to Undertemple Shaft.
Drop down into the room and take out the Hunter Ing. Then use the
side ledges to jump to the center apparatus and get inside the kinetic
ball cannon there. This will rocket you to the top of the room. Jump
across to the locked door and use a missile to blast it open. Use the
Save Location inside.
Return to the platform that you ended up on when you were launched
by the ball cannon. Drop off of it to reach the level below and look for a
Safe Zone to drop into. From here, move inside the metal structure and
and use the bomb slot on the central pillar to turn the metal structure
and allow you access to a new door. Use the Ingsphere Caches in the
next corridor to plump up health and weapons and get ready for
another boss fight.
Be sure to scan the Grapple Guardian right off the bat to expose its
weakness--the single eye. The Guardian looks like a mega-Dark
Grenchler, and is vulnerable in the same location. Stay in the safety of
the white-lit pillar regions and shoot at the Guardian's eye. It doesn't
like that much, and will shoot a grapple beam at you.
When this happens, make sure you're standing behind one of the
pillars, as the beam will latch onto it. This will give you an opportunity
to run around behind the boss and use a Super Missile on its tail. Make
sure you don't linger too long, though. You don't want the nasty
bastard to swing around and get you with its snout. Keep repeating this
process, or use a more derring-do approach. You can also use charged-
up eye shots to stun the beast then quickly dash around behind and hit
it with Super Missiles. Whatever works for you.
When you whittle the boss down to about 1/8 of its health, the pillars
will explode and you'll be on your own with the tailless freak. The main
idea here is to avoid its attacks. Keep your distance. It will try to hit you
with the grapple beam, which will do a lot of damage. Avoid that and
stay on the move when it charges. Shoot it in the face with charged
beam shots until it comes to a stop. When it does, it will be
momentarily vulnerable. Shoot it quickly with whatever you can to
whittle down the remainder of its health. Doing so will yield the
Grapple Beam.
The room will drop, so make your way to the pile of ruins near the back,
climb up it and face the center of the room. From here, use the Grapple
Beam by pressing L and swing across to the far platform. Go through
the hex door to trace your path back to Undertemple Shaft. As you
emerge into the room, look right for a grapple point. Use it to get over
to the ledge with a light door on it.
Battle through tentacles in the next passage as you make your way to
the Crypt. Go to the bottom of the room and use the portal to head
back to the Light world.
Continue Walkthrough...
Head back to the Hydrodynamo Station and save. Take the elevator
attached to this chamber back up to find yourself in the lower section
of Torvus Temple. Look for the purple doorway grown over with woody
roots. Rol in there and use Seeker Missiles on the nodes surrounding
the door to unlock it. Scan the console in the next room to activate an
elevator that will take you to the Agon Wastes.
Light Aether: Agon Wastes
Use the Seeker Missiles on the door above and step through. Use the
map to navigate back to the Agon Temple. Go through the Transport
Center, Portal Terminal, Portal Access A, Mining Station A. and Temple
Access to get there.Upon entering the Temple, hang a left and find the
dark door and head through. Roll into the morph ball hole here and the
camera will switch to a side view.
Roll to the left, avoiding the enemies. You'll come to another purple
door... Seeker Missile it and go through to reach Mining Station B. Walk
down and scan the console in the sands to activate a kinetic ball
cannon. You'll need that to get back up to the higher ledge later. For
now, head across the area and activate the bomb slot to turn on a large
Once that's done, go inside the open doorway (it looks like ribs are
sticking out of the sand around it). You'll find another console at the
base of a halfpipe. Scan it to turn on another orb cannon. Roll into it
and scan the hologram on the ledge you land on to score some Lore.
Continue to find another bomb slot. Activate it quickly (you have to do
it quickly before the fan stops spinning--or you'll need to repeat the
previous step) and you will raise the fan and chip away a portion of
rock, exposing a new portal.
Once in the Dark world, roll through the crack near the downed
Luminoth. In the next room, jump up to a sandy ledge and follow the
Safe Zones up until you overlook the room you were just in. Look to the
left and shoot the light there to activate another Zone. Space jump over
to that ledge. Hop over one more ledge to the left and go through the
hex door to get to Dark Transit Station.
Roll through until you fall out of the tunnel and exit via the nearby hex
door. This will bring you to another portal. Activate it and go through to
the Light world.
In the Light world, move to the same tunnel you took across and boost
back across it until you reach a hex door. Go through to gain the Dark
Burst. This powerful attack uses 5 missiles! Using the Dark Beam, press
and hold A to charge, then press Y to fire.
Drop to the lower section of Mining Station B. Use the kinetic ball
cannon where you originally came into the area to get to the higher
ledge. Go back through the Mine Shaft, using bomb jumps as you work
your way to the right. Exit to the Temple then make your way through
Temple Access, Portlal Access A, Portal Terminal, and Transport Center.
Use the halfpipe there to get back to the elevator that will take you to
the Bog.
Return to the Great Bridge and double jump over to the ledge with the
light door and go through to reach the Abandoned Worksite. Look up to
find a grapple point and use the Grapple Beam to swing to the far
ledge. Once there, turn around and grapple again, swinging back to the
opposite ledge to get a Missile Expansion.
Swing back across the gap and go down the morph ball tunnel.
Continue on to Forgotten Bridge. Move to the center of the bridge, hop
up to the half-circle metal ledge and use that to leap through the
waterfall to the portal. Turn it dark and step through.
Back in the dark, head to the bridge and follow it to the green locked
door. Shoot it with a Super Missile to get through and head forward.
Use a Light Beam on the Liftvine Crystal (and scan it). This will raise it
out of the muck and provide a handy Safe Zone, to boot.
Get on it and jump to the higher ledge. Change into the morph ball and
roll into the tunnel. When you emerge, shoot the Liftvine below, jump
to it and leap to the far bank. Head through the hex door nearby to find
the room that contains the final key. Roll through the red tunnel to the
left out to a ledge. Use the grapple point to swing over and claim the
Dark Temple Key.
Once you have it, drop to the bottom of this area and go through the
dark door. Inside the Portal Chamber, turn into the morph ball and
bomb jump onto the metal ledge, roll through the next room. Before
going out the door to the Poisoned Bog, jump up the ledges nearby and
roll into morph ball form to get through the little notch in the wall.
Activate the portal below to transport momentarily to the Light world
to get a Missile Expansion. Return through the portal and proceed to
Poisoned Bog.
From here, go through the purple door using the seeker launcher and
find a Beam Ammo Expansion in Cache A. Go back to Venomous Pond
and through the red door to find a Save Location. Return to the
previous room and go through the light door to reach the Dark Torvus
Temple Access. Roll through the tunnel, bomb jumping when
necessary, until you reach another light door.
Through this is the Dark Torvus Temple. Go through the left hex door to
find an Ammo Station, which will fully replenish your weapons. Hop up
to the circular opening and follow the morph tunnel down to a green
door, where you'll locate a new Energy Tank. Once you have this stuff,
head to the center of the Temple. Your three Keys will be taken and it'll
be time for another boss battle.
Boss: Chykka
This boss fight goes in several stages, so be sure to scan each of them
and read what's going on to give yourself an edge in this battle. Begin
by targeting and shooting each of the nodes off of the coccoon. This will
send the Chykka Larva into the bilious water.
Larva: During the Larva segment of the fight, the creature will be
submerged much of the time. Use the radar to track where it is and hit
it with the Light Beam as it pokes up out of the murk. Make sure you
quickly eliminate the Dark Shredders who appear in the arena. Use
Dark Beam ammo on them to keep your Light Beam charged. When you
feel the controller rumble, the Larva is about to leap out of the water.
Use a charged Light shot as it surfaces (you can quickly lock on and let
'er rip), but be sure to double jump when it lands, or you'll take damage
from the purple splashback. Sometimes, the beast will plop onto the
side of the platform you're on and try to lash at you with its tongue.
This is your best opportunity to really mess it up. Hit the Larva with
charged Light and missile attacks. Repeat until this phase is over.
Adult: The next stage is against a flying insect form. Again, make sure
you scan it before actually commencing the battle. The idea here is to
stun the giant bug so you can circle around and knock its wings off. The
best way to do this is to lock on and shoot your regular beam rapidly.
When your see four circles appear behind the insect's wings, grapple
beam over to the next platform, lock on to one of the wings and hit it
with a missile barrage to knock it off. Repeat until all four fall off. To
play defense, watch out for when Chykka dips its tail into the slime.
When it does this, start grappling and swinging around the arena until it
stops slinging and spitting goo. Sometimes, the insect will fly at you.
Just avoid it and wait for it to return to a familiar position to resume the
Dark: Once you knock all four wings off of the Chykka, it will dip into the
purple mire and re-emerge as a Dark Chykka. Watch out for the initial
wave of muck that washes over the platform. As Dark Chykka, the boss'
tail will become engorged with Chyklings, which she will launch out into
the arena. Use Dark Beam ammo (or the Darkburst) to drop them and
score health and Light ammo. Use charged up Light Beam blasts on it to
whittle its health down quickly.
The Dark Chykka will still spit purple goo just like the last form, and will
also charge the platform you're on. Watch for it to hover and start
flapping its wings rapidly--that's the tell. Later in the fight, the
platforms will also start to sink, so you'll have to tool around with the
grapple beam until they reappear. If you don't kill the Dark form in your
first go-around, you'll have to duke it out with the Adult form again,
knocking its wings off one by one. When the Chykka finally drops into
the muck for good, you will earn the Dark Visor. Press right on the D-
Pad to activate it.
You will put the Dark Visor to use immediately when a number of
platforms appear then disappear. Switch on the visor and they will
appear red. Hop platform to platform until you reach the top of this
area. Go through the hex door and use the bomb slot to spin the room.
Exit and head to the Energy Controller. As usual, plug in and transfer
the energy to your arm cannon. Time to get back to the Torvus Energy
Controller in the Light world. To do this, head back to the Dark Torvus
Temple, take the elevator down and follow Dark Torvus Temple Access
to the Brooding Ground to Dark Forgotten Bridge. Use the portal there
to get back to the Light world.
Light Aether: Torvus Bog
Back in the Light realm, head through the Abandoned Worksite, Great
Bridge, Temple Access to the Torvus Temple. Ride the elevators up to
the bomb slot room, spin it and exit to the Torvus Energy Controller.
When the energy is restored, go back to the Torvus Temple, take the
elevator down and navigate through Temple Access, Great Bridge, and
Path of Roots. At Path of Roots, use your grapple beam to swing over to
a Missile Expansion. Drop into the water and go through the dark door
to get back to Torvus Lagoon. Go toward Temple Transport Access
underwater to find another Missile Expansion.
Once you have them, continue to Temple Transport Access and on to
the elevator that will carry you up to the Temple Grounds.
Head through the Path of Eyes and blow the cover off the green door to
reach a kinetic ball cannon. When you land after being shot, use the
grapple point nearby to swing over to an Energy Tank.
Return to the Path of Eyes and keep moving through to the Meeting
Grounds to Temple Transport C. Take the elevator up and find U-Mos in
the Great Temple.
Speak with U-Mos again and he'll tell you that only one temple remains,
and it's inside a fortress. Great... a temple inside a fortress! Once U-
Mos is done talking, head back down to the Temple Grounds.
In the Temple Sanctuary, scan the emerald door and go through the hex
door there. See where all of the red things are flowing? Go there to find
a Save Location. Turn into a morph ball in this room and use a bomb on
the rocky rubble to get below, where you'll find a Missile Expansion.
Once you have it, save and head for Temple Transport A and ride the
Head to the Sacred Bridge. Once there, roll into the ball cannon. On the
ledge above, turn around and activate the Dark Visor. A display of red
nodes will appear, so use the seeker launcher on them to open a
doorway to the GFMC Compound.
Slay the Pirates there then move to the emerald hologram door and
scan it to open a path to the Fortress Transport Access. Use super
missiles to take down the Turrets here (be sure to scan them, too). Scan
the violet hologram near the hex door to get some Lore for your
Logbook then move through the door. Scan the console in the next
room to activate the elevator. This will transport you to Sanctuary
Continue Walkthrough...
When the elevator comes to rest, go through the hex door and head to
the opposite end of the hall, dropping the Turrets there. Scan the
console nearby to open the next hallway. Use the spinner at the end of
the next corridor to open the door.
Through this passage is a bridge that leads to the fortress itself.
Between you and the front door is a tough battle with a gang of Pirates.
Use the crates for cover and work carefully down the bridge. Most of
the Pirates have laser shields, so make sure those are down before you
attack. Use the smaller crates to replenish your supplies as you go.
Once all the Pirates are dead, the door will be unlocked. Go inside and
scan then kill the Octopedes. Make sure you aren't too close when you
shoot them, as they tend to explode. Continue to the next hex door and
go through to Reactor Access. Switch to the Dark Visor and use it to find
the red nodes ahead. Use the seeker launcher to send a missile burst to
unlock a circular door. Scan the Rezbit that comes through. Shoot the
curious new creature with your Dark Beam when its shield is lowered. If
it nails you with its most powerful attack, it will actually knock your
systems offline, causing you to have to reboot (L+R+B).
When you're done with the Rezbit, hop up to the door that is now
accessible. Inside the Reactor Core, you'll encounter the first Quad, a
nasty robot who will try to turn into a top and spin into you, causing
lots of damage on impact. Before it turns into a top, lock on to its head
and hit it with a Super Missile. Once this happens, change to morph ball
form and boost into the top form. This will cause a red light to appear
beneath the Quad. Boost through it to take the thing down.
When it dies, head into the reactor and take down the Rezbits as you
climb the room, leaping between the red-rimmed platforms. Once you
get to the top, head through the hex door. Ahead, you'll see a
gyrosphere gone crazy.
Turn into ball form and roll into the opening to the left, which will take
you to a track that surrounds the gyrosphere. There are four bomb slots
on this track, and they need to be bombed in this order: orange, blue,
red and green. This will allow you to roll across the center channel.
Keep rolling until you reach a hex door and go through.
The next hall features more Quads. Take out the heads first, or they will
float away and take over the broken down bodies in the next section of
room. Once you defeat them, head to the next room and activate the
portal. Step through to go to the world of Dark.
Go through the near dark door and scan the Diligence Class Drone then
use the Dark Beam to take it down. In the next area, scan the Mechlops
beneath the glass floor. Roll under the floor and plant bombs in the
creature's path and it will suck them into its mouth and explode. Don't
get caught, though, or you'll get carried back to the ramp at the
Roll under the dividing wall and up the ramp on the other side.
Continue to the dark door and head through to Dynamo Access. In this
room, you'll see another gyro to the right. Next to this is a spot that
only a morph ball can fit into. Roll inside, bomb jump up and roll out to
a balcony that overlooks the powerful machinery. Keep rolling to
another hole in the wall.
In the next room is a bomb slot. Activate it and a grid of colored circles
will appear. The idea is to line them up in three rows: red on top, green
in the middle and blue on the bottom. To change their orientation,
shoot the white circles between the grids.When they're lined up, a new
bomb slot will activate. Bomb it to stop of the outer ring of the gyro. Be
sure to use the Save Location through the missile-locked door in this
Return to the previous room, hop out onto the gyro's outer ring and
follow it around to the opposite balcony. Roll through the morph ball
hole to a room with a spinner. Use the device to open a path to the
original room. Don't go there, though. Instead, scan the nearby console
to activate the elevator here. Ride it up a level and go through the hex
door to reach Temple Access. Drop to the area below and fight the
Quad, taking down the legs first, then the head. When you defeat it,
the hex door will unlock in this room.
The next room is the Sanctuary Temple. Drop to the bottom of this area
to encounter a couple of Dark Quads. Be sure to scan both parts of
them and take them down in the same way you do their light
counterparts. When they fall, climb the metal walkways, using the
grapple beam when necessary to get to the top. If you lost health
during the fight, explode the metal boxes on your way up. On the final
platform, you'll need to swing on one grapple then catch the next in
midair. Go through the hex door here and use the bomb slot to spin the
room and access the Sanctuary Energy Controller.
Outside on the Worker's Path, hop across two platforms to reach the
one that is slightly lower. Turn around and scan the node under the
nearest platform to activate a kinetic orb cannon. Go to that platform
and enter the cannon hologram to get launched across the map. Scan
the node here, too to activate another cannon. Jump to the next
platform and head through the hex door to find a morph ball tunnel.
Pause here and switch to the scan visor. Wait for the Spider Guardian
to show up and scan it as it trucks through the tunnels. This is your only
opportunity for a scan. Once you get it, roll into the tunnel. Time for a
boss battle.
This is a morph ball-only battle, so hopefully you've got mad skills with
Samus' spherical self. The idea here is to avoid the Spider Guardian,
who casts a huge electrical field as it moves through the maze. At the
same time, you have to find a way to injure it. The only way to do that
is to redirect it into the blue electrical pylons. To do this, you need to
activate the bomb slot (or slots in later stages). However, you can only
do that when the Guardian is green. To change its color, you will have
to bomb it. You must bomb the slot(s) while the boss is still green, and
if you don't it will revert to other colors, and you'll need to turn it back.
Stage 1
The best way to complete this first part is to bomb jump up the left
ledges quickly, staying all the way left to avoid the boss' electrical field.
Avoid the boss as you make your way all the way around to the right
and pause at the left edge of the platform directly above the blue pylon
(and near the bomb slot). As the boss approaches, lay a bomb, then roll
away to the right to avoid getting hit. Repeat this until the Guardian
turns green. Once he does, bomb jump up to the bomb slot. Plant a
bomb there to divert the path and force the boss through the pylon.
Stage 2
In this stage, you will drop into a half pipe. Use the boost to get up on
top of the platform on the right side of the halfpipe. As the boss is
midway down the left side of the turn nearest you, drop and lay some
bombs and he should move into them. Fall to the pipe below and wait
for the Guardian to pass then boost back to repeat the process. Or, if
the boss turns green, boost up the left side to the top platform, wait for
an opportune moment and bomb jump up to the slot and bomb it to
divert its path.
Stage 3
This is another halfpipe stage. Boost up to get on top of the maze and
wait at the edge of the gap in the platforms. As the boss approaches
from the left, drop between and lay bombs as you fall below. Turn it
green and return to the top, rolling down to the bomb slot. Jump up
and in and lay a bomb to divert the path yet again.
Stage 4
As you're rolling to face your destiny, explode the crates in the next
area to get some extra health. There are a total of three bomb slots in
this segment of the challenge, and it's the toughest one of all. For
starters, go all the way down to the bottom of the area and wait at the
gap between the platforms. Lay a bomb as the boss approaches, then
boost away. When it's stunned, boost through it and wait for it to come
back. Lay a bomb, boost through, etc. When the Guardian turns green,
bomb jump between the gap and roll to the first bomb slot. Make sure
the boss is on the right side of the arena when you do this, because if it
hits the gate when green, it will simply dissolve.
Once you have bombed the first slot, go back down to the bottom and
resume your bombing and boosting through the stunned boss. When it
turns green again, rush back to the first bomb slot, activate it, then
boost to the right across the gap, bomb jump up to the higher ledge,
roll to the right and bomb jump up to the next slot. Make sure the boss
hits the second pylon.
When the second one's been hit, return below and make the boss turn
green on the far right, boost all the way to the left and bomb the first
two slots. When you land from the second bombing, boost left across
the gap and up the slope to the third slot. Bomb the slot when the boss
is still green to divert the path. When it hits the third pylon, the fight
will conclude. Make your way up to the top of the arena and claim the
Spider Ball. Now that you have it, you can travel on the cross-hatched
tracks that run everywhere by pressing R.
Return to the arena and use the spider ball to get up to the top of the
area, where you'll find a Missile Expansion. Grab it and roll into the
morph ball tunnel and down to the room below. Head up the spider
ball track ahead and scan the Luminoth corpse there for some Lore. Go
through the hex door to Central Area Transport East. Go down the
elevator here. Once below, scan the cobalt hologram for some Lore. Go
up the spider tracks here to drop into the Hall of Combat Mastery.
Once there, spider ball up the nearby wall and bomb jump up and over
to the bomb slot. This will unlock the path to the right. Roll over there,
avoiding the jets of flame as you move right. In the next segment,
watch out for lasers slicing back and forth. They won't hurt you that
much if you run into them, but be careful nonetheless. The next section
of this deathtrap is a series of moving platforms that you must bomb
jump between. To make matters worse, two banks of lasers often cut
across the chamber, so you'll have to time your jumps to miss them.
The next bit forces you to traverse another moving platform room, but
this time you cannot touch the blue section of the floor, or you'll get
damaged. Bomb jump up the first platform, then bomb jump under the
second and use the spider ball to cling onto it. When you reach the left
side, drop down to the small platform and ride it to the left. Bomb jump
up to the spider ball track leading up. Follow it to the right and roll until
you reach another spider ball track, this one on the ceiling. Move across
it to another contraption on the other side of the room. Roll through it
to find a Missile Expansion.
Whew! Once you have that, go to the Minigyro Chamber and then to
the Reactor Core. Use the kinetic ball cannon on the floor to launch to
the central reactor. When you hit one of the spheres, stick to it and roll
up the spider tracks to a second sphere. Find the red node on it and
boost to go over to another sphere. Repeat this process, boosting from
sphere to sphere until you reach If you hit any electricity on the way up,
you'll get knocked off and have to start over.
Go outside and to the missile door nearby to find a Save Location.
Return to Reactor core and head around the center part of the room to
find a cobalt door. Scan it and go through the hex door to get the Map
for this area. Head through Reactor Access to the Sanctuary Entrance.
Here, you'll have another encounter with Dark Samus. She'll wreck the
bridge, so you'll have to find another way across.
Look for the spider track behind you and cling to it, following it to a
curlicue section of track. Boost to it, roll to to very tip of the curled
edge and use the boost to jump to the other side. Continue to roll back
to the other side of the chasm. Follow the path back to the elevator and
take it to the Temple Grounds.
Now it's time to navigate all the way back to Torvus Bog. Return to the
Great Temple and take Temple Transport C to the Meeting Grounds
and follow that through the Path of Eyes to Torvus Transport Acces
andd down to the Bog.
Continue Walkthrough...
Once you get to the Bog, head back to the Hydrodynamo Station. Go
Temple Transport Access, Torvus Lagoon, Portal Chamber, Great Bridge,
Temple Access, Torvus Temple. Use the red-lined morph ball tunnel to
roll to Underground Transport. Go through the Hydrodynamo Station
and fall to the bottom. Go through the hex door here to reach the Main
Hydrochamber. Once there, go through the open rectangular passage
and find the spider ball track. Roll up it to a portal, activate it and step
through to the Dark realm.
Step off the ledge in the Dark world to trigger a boss fight.
Now that you are used to the spider ball's powers, it's time to put your
skills to the test against a new boss. There are unconnected spider ball
tracks all over the walls, and you'll have to work all the way to the
outskirts of the arena in order to activate a series of bomb slots, four in
Throughout the battle, the boss will try to knock you off the wall by
tossing Power Bombs at you. Wait until they explode, and be sure to
roll away from them, as there is a significant blast radius when they go
off. There are also Inglets crawling all over the walls, so you'll have to
dodge those, too.
Use bombs to jump up a track, and release, then re-push the R button if
you need to drop a track. Start with the outer bomb slots first, then do
the inside ones for the easiest path through. Once you bomb all four
slots, the fight will conclude. If you need health, kill the Inglets at the
bottom of the area to score some.
Once the fight is over, get back on the spider ball track and head up to
the top of the arena, dropping onto the bridge and claiming the Power
Bomb. When you have it, continue to the yellow locked door and use a
Power Bomb on it to access a new area. Climb the stairs, using missiles
on the tentacles to shrink them back. Use a power bomb on the yellow
door to get through to the Undertemple Shaft. Go use the save location
there and continue to the light door (using the grapple beam) in the
Shaft and follow it to the Crypt. Use the portal there to return to the
When you arrive back in the Light world, you'll find yourself in the
watery Gathering Hall. Head straight forward and use a Power Bomb on
the cracked glass floor. This will partially drain the room. Put another
Power Bomb on the drain plug to finish draining the room.
When this is done, use the halfpipe that you've created to launch up to
a spider ball track. Follow it around to a rotating piece of track and
boost over to it. From here, boost to a bomb slot and activate it. Repeat
the process on the other side of the room to make the shield around
the Missile Expansion drop. Use the grapple beam to swing to the
platform nearby and hop up to claim the power-up.
Use the kinetic ball cannon to get back up to the light door and head
through then make your way back to Torvus Temple. From here, move
back to the Transport to Temple Grounds.
On your way through the Path of Eyes, look for the door at the hairpin
turn that leads to the Windchamber Gateway. If you've been following
this walkthrough, you will already have been through here to collect
some power-ups. Use the kinetic ball cannon to shoot yourself across
the gap, and be sure to snag the energy tank if you haven't already. Use
a power bomb to bust through the yellow door. Take down the Pirates
here and move to the portal on the right side of the area to go into the
Dark realm.
In the Dark realm, use the spinner nearby, turning the lock until it is
beige. Use the kinetic ball cannon to blast over to a platform where
you'll find another spinner. Again, use it to rotate one of the circular
locks on the column across the way. Keep moving around, making all of
the locks beige. When it's done, use your Seeker Missile on the purple
A short cut scene will play when the first missile barrage finds its target.
Now, repeat the same process with the spinners, this time turning all of
the locks blue. When that's done, target the nodes again and let fly
with a missile blast. Return to the Light realm.
When you get back, there will be grapple points where you lowered the
lock arms. Grapple over to the platform with a ball cannon on it and use
it to launch yourself up to grab the Sunburst. Like the Darkburst, this
uses energy plus five missiles.
Once you have the Sunburst, you'll have to battle some Dark Pirates in
order to unlock the doors. Once you defeat them, head through the hex
door opposite of where you came in and roll through the Windchamber
Tunnel to get back to the GFMC Compound. Use a Power Bomb on the
yellow door to get through. Head back to the Sanctuary Fortress.
Continue Walkthrough...
Walkthrough: Part Fourteen
Go back across the bridge using the spider ball track and re-enter the
Fortress. Make your way to the Reactor Access and be sure to scan the
Ingsmasher who now comes to life.
The Ingsmasher is quite a powerful foe. You'll want to use some heavy
firepower to take it down. When it first begins to move, hit it with a
Super Missile. If it springs up an energy shield, use a charged shot from
the opposite kind of beam to drop the shield, then set to work
attacking it again. If it charges, stay locked on and dash around it to hit
it from behind. Watch out for its ground pound attack. If it does that,
double jump to avoid the shock wave. If it bends over and starts
shooting electricity at you, simply strafe to avoid the blast.
There are two Ingsmashers to best in the first area. Once they fall, go
through the hex door to the Reactor Core. It isn't a bad idea to use the
save location to the right to get healed. Fight the Rezbits to get through
the Core and head to through the Minigyro Chamber and the Hall of
Combat Mastery (use the spider ball tracks to avoid a fight with the
Ingsmashers) to get to Central Area Transport East. Ride the elevator
up, head through Dynamo Works, Dynamo Access and on to the Main
Gyro Chamber.
Take the elevator up to the higher level of this room. Roll over to the
toppled canisters and use a Power Bomb to make a bomb slot appear.
Hop up and bomb it to bring up another colored dot puzzle. Arrange it
so that the lines go red, green and blue. This will make another bomb
slot available. Bomb it to cool down the second ring. Go back
downstairs and roll through the gap in the wall. Bomb jump and roll to
the previous room. Go around the outer ring of the gyro and follow the
path to Save Station B. Return to the gyro.
Walk out to the ring that surrounds it and look for the spider ball track
on the dormant second ring. Go up and over the contraption. On the
other side, boost into the cracked glass to bust through the window
and get to a locked yellow door. As you step through, you'll see Dark
Samus rip through a squad of Pirates. Use the nearby crates to stock up
on weapons then step into the next room and head through the hex
door to trigger a new boss fight.
When the fight begins, Dark Samus will activate the elevator you're
standing on, sending you both in motion as the fight commences. Be
sure to scan her right off the bat so you don't forget. This fight plays out
very similar to the other one, with a few new wrinkles.
Dark Samus is still fast, and will rip around the arena, so don't rely on
too many slow attacks. Always lock on and try to hit her with as many
Super Missiles or charged Light Beam shots as possible. The first leg of
the fight won't last long, so once you score a couple direct hits, prepare
for a couple new attacks.
For one, Samus will turn into a morph ball and whip around the room,
trying to boost and strike you. Use a charged shot to stop her in her
tracks. If she pauses and touches the ground, get back or you'll be
damaged by her force field. If she rises in the air, she'll turn into a ball
and try to drill you, or shoot electricty from here hands. Both of these
attacks can be dodged. If Dark Samus disappears, switch to the Dark
Visor to pick her up (she'll appear red).
Continue to avoid her attacks and launched charged shots and missile
barrages of your own to take her down. If you need health, there are
several crates around the edge of the room that will provide you a
When the fight concludes, walk outside to where Dark Samus fell and
turn left to find a narrow ledge. Walk along it to reach a portal and go
Activate the nearby Safe Zone and use the Ingworm Caches nearby to
replenish your health. Follow the ledge back to find a spider ball track.
Go up it to the platform above and drop. Roll over to the spinner here
and rotate the circular spider ball track. Roll up it and boost when you
get to the crimped edge. Jump across to the portal on the circular
platform to get to the Light world.
When you return, hop across to find the Echo Visor. Press down on the
D-Pad to activate it. Use the device to locate several soundwave icons.
Use charged shots to take down these targets. This will activate a
central elevator, taking you back down to the room where you battled
Dark Samus.
When you step back into Checkpoint Station, you'll see a message that
all doors are locked. Use the Echo Visor to see the obstruction then
target and shoot it. Return to the save location and save your game
then head through Dynamo Works and back to the elevator. Go
through the Hall of Combat Mastery and activate the portal at the other
end, stepping through to the Ing Hive.
Head to the spider ball track in the Culling Chamber. Roll up and around
until you reach a Dark Temple Key in an enclosure. Use a bomb to blast
through the barrier around the Key and drop in to grab it. Retreat to
the main room. Go back to the portal and go back to the world of Light.
Go back to the Reactor Core. On the same level as the hex door is a
yellow door. Use a Power Bomb to open it and step through to the
Transit Station. Blast the turret above and roll into the next room. Use a
Power Bomb on the cracked pane of glass here to access another
Portal Hopping
You'll meet your first Dark Ingsmasher here, so be sure to scan it. Head
through the area it bashes through and activate the portal here. Step
through and go through the morph ball hole once you reach the other
side. Go through the dark portal it leads to. Take the spider ball track up
to find yet another portal. Go to the Light side again.
Once there, roll up the spider ball track and over the room below to
reach a Power Bomb Expansion. Return across the spider tracks to get
to the hex door on the other side of the room.
You'll find yourself in Main Research. Make sure you scan the thing in
the central tube--the Caretaker Class Drone. Then take down the Quads
here and move to the glowing blue wall. Follow the spider ball tracks,
jumping and dropping between them and avoiding the mechanized
pieces that try to knock you off the wall. This series of tracks leads to a
Missile Expansion.
Move to the yellow door and use a Power Bomb to drop it. This leads
back to Torvus Transport Access. Don't go there now. Instead, scan the
nearby Lore. Switch to the Echo Visor and use it to locate three
soundwaves. Shoot each of them to open the locked door here. It will
give you access to yet another portal. Activate it and go through to the
Continue Walkthrough...
Drop the Hunter Ing and use your Echo Visor to take down the
soundwaves. There are three total, and once they are disabled, a door
will lower, exposing a console. Scan it to change something in the Light
world. Head to the bottom of the room (under the central cylinder) and
go through the portal there.
When you get back to the Light realm, you will have a mini-boss battle
on your hands.
Mini-Boss: Caretaker Class Drone
Inside the glass tube, roll up the spider ball track. At the top, bomb
jump to the circular spider track that leads around the tube. Robot
arms will appear and try to knock you off of the track. As they near you,
boost across to the other side of the arena. If you get knocked from
your track, bomb jump up to it as quickly as possible--keep your finger
on the R button throughout the fight, and you'll always be clingy.
To defeat the boss, boost across the center of the area to hit the red
piece of the robot appears. If you hit it, a health will appear. Be sure to
grab that as you jump back across. After you take down several red
pieces, a central piece will come down. Boost through it to pass each
phase of the battle. There are three phases total, and each time the
boss gets a little faster (and the spider ball tracks will be split into
smaller sections). When you beat the boss, head up the spider ball track
and follow the tunnel to a new hex door. Go through it to Central Area
Transport West.
When you arrive in the room, a tube will come down, locking out the
kinetic orb cannon. Use the Echo Visor to eliminate the guard and roll
into the cannon. It will pinball you up to the top of the shaft, where
you'll find some crates (which you should use if you need to refill your
Inside the Watch Station, take out the Rezbits from afar and hop onto
the rotating platform. As you get to the other side of the room, hop off
near the light door and scan the hologram for some Lore. Leap over to
the platform with spider ball tracks and bomb jump up to them. Roll to
the right and bomb jump up to the angled piece of spider ball track and
roll toward the center of the room. Drop off to the circular platform to
the kinetic ball cannon there.
The cannon will launch you to another spider ball track, so hold the R
button while airborne to cling to it. Roll right and use bomb jumps to
get to a moving track. As you reach a set of red bars, drop a bomb to a
track heading the other way. It's the same headed the other direction--
drop a bomb as you reach the red bars to go over to a small section of
track. Roll to the left and drop to a grid of tracks. Move to the bottom
left corner of it and drop to a track leading left. Use this to get to
another set of circular moving tracks and bomb jump at each set of red
bars to get to the Promised Land. Roll through the tunnels until you
reach one heading back (not to the right) and go back there to get a
Beam Expansion.
Head out of the tunnel to the right, repeat the whole process and get
back to the grid of spider ball tracks. Instead of heading down the
bottom left side, go down to the bottom right and roll back to the
bomb slot. Push up as you fall to enter it. This will unlock the portal
below. Drop to it and activate the portal to go to the Dark realm.
In the Dark, this room is called Aerial Training Site. Use the Dark Visor
to see and take down the Dark Pirates here. Once they fall, go through
the hex door to the right (you'll have to space jump up to it). In the next
area, Judgment Drop, target and eliminate all of the Dark Preed before
proceeding. Swing across the gap, transferring from grapple point to
grapple point. On the other side, land on the platform, and use another
nearby to get to the portal below. Go through to the Light realm.
Once there, hop to the platform and back above, going through the hex
door to Vault. Take down the Rezbits here and go across the bridge.
Behind the barricaded power-up is a bomb slot. Use it to activate a
portal under the door you came through. Scan the console to drop the
bridge down a level. Go across and return through to the Dark realm.
Dark Aether: Ing Hive
Be sure to scan the Dark War Wasp here then blast them all to clear a
path. Swing back to the central area using your grapple beam. On the
opposite platform, scan the gate to activate the portal and go back to
the Light.
Hop to the platform to the left and dispatch the Rezbits you encounter.
Leap over to a higher platform containing a spinner and spin the
platform you're on. Head across the floating discs to reach another one
in the left corner near the Fortress.
Once that one is done, backtrack and do the other side, using the
spinners at the corners. When all four have been activated, return to
the portal and go back through.
Once back in the dark, swing back across the level and go back through
the portal.
Go back across the bridge and find the bomb slot. Use it again to gain
access to the Screw Attack. Press B to jump, press B again to space
jump. Press B repeatedly after that to Screw Attack. Head back across
using your newfound power and go through the hex door to the Grand
Abyss. Use the Screw Attack to cross that large gap and move to Main
Research. Go back through the Dark portal here.
Continue Walkthrough...
Hop up to the ring around the central cylinder in this room and use it to
leap up to a ledge at the edge of the room. From here, jump up to the
corridor leading to the hex door. Through this is a wall that you can use
to wall jump up a shaft (make sure you scan the surface of the wall to
do some Research). Use the Screw Attack to launch at the wall then
press B as you hit the opposite wall to leap up higher. Repeat this all
the way up the shaft until you reach the top. Use the Ingworm Caches
at the top to replenish energy if you're running low.
Step through the next door to find a Dark Temple Key. Scan the nearby
console to drop the shield, kill the Pirates in the room and use the
Screw Attack to get to the opposite side of the room (toward the
portal). Use the wall jump in front of the portal to leap up to a Missile
Expansion. When you are done with that, head through the portal.
You'll arrive back in the Watch Station. Go through the light door here
to reach Watch Station Access. Scan the console on the ledge below to
drop a number of grapple points. Jump to the ledge below and snag the
Energy Tank there.
Use the grapple beam or Screw Attack to cross the gap and head
through the Light Door. Navigate back to Dynamo Works. Use the
portal there to return to the Dark realm.
When you go Dark, head through the light door and move to Hive
Dynamo Access. Kill the Warrior Ing here and activate the Echo Visor to
see the soundwaves. Shoot them to drop the door ahead and move
through it.
Head to the large sphere in the next room and stand on one of the
ledges. Turn into the ball and boost to the sphere, hanging on with the
spider ball. Navigate to a vertical spider ball track, watching out for
tentacles on the sphere. When you reach the bullseye, boost to a ring
(make sure you're holding down R). From this position, you will be able
to see the last Dark Temple Key.
Head back to the sphere and use it to boost across to various doors in
the room. Go through the very top door in the area and head through
Hive Gyro Access to a Hive Ammo Station. The red missile door leads to
a Save Location, so be sure to use that. After saving, go to the final
remaining door (the one with two red beacons of light) and head
through. Your Temple Keys will unlock the door leading to a boss fight.
Boss: Quadraxis
Make sure you get your scanning finger ready, because this boss takes a
lot of forms, and all of them need to be scanned. Quadraxis is basically
a beefed-up version of a Quad. A really beefed-up version that throws
everything imaginable at you.
The first part of this fight has you dodging attacks and trying to break
the big beast down to a more manageable size. It will try to shoot you
with lasers, step on you, shoot rockets and more. Most of these attacks
are fairly easy to dodge, but if you get locked on, switch to the morph
ball and boost away from danger. The same is true of the spin attack.
Try to boost away from it... It won't always work, but sometimes you'll
avoid damage.
To fight back, target the knees of the creature as they turn blue. Use
two Super Missiles to take down each kneecap, making the creature
walk all wonky. Continue taking out knees. If you need health power-
ups, switch to the ball form and boost through the red balls beneath
the boss' feet to make it rain power-ups.
When you finish blasting the knee caps off, the body will collapse at the
center of the arena, and the head will take off on its own. Make sure
you scan the head in this state and the body, then switch to the Echo
Visor. Target the antenna on the felled body and use it to stun the
head. When it's stunned, scan it then shoot the antennae on the actual
head to take it down. To pack extra punch, hit it with a Sunburst.
At this point, Quadraxis will summon some Quads into the arena. Kill
them quickly and turn your attention back to him. When you finally
knock the antennae off, the last stage of the fight will commence.
For this part of the battle, soften the head up with some Light Beam
blasts. When it slumps in the air, turn into the ball and head up the
spider ball tracks on the boss' legs. Wait for the boss to pass and boost
into it, holding R to attach to its head. Roll to the exposed nodes on
either side of the head an lay a bomb inside. Repeat the process until
the boss falls. For your trouble, you'll earn the Annihilator Beam.
Head to the door with small red squares lining it and use your new
beam to open it. Use the bomb slot in the next room to gain access to
the Hive Energy Controller. As always, go claim the energy. Return to
the previous room and go through another Annihilator door.
Scan the Ingstorm in this room and use the morph ball to boost through
it. You'll find yourself in the Aerial Transport Room after going through
the Annihilator door. Now that you have a new beam, hit the crystal
with it and scan that, then hit a beacon with it and scan that. Go
through the portal on the other side of the room to get to the Light
Go across the level and head to the Sentinel's Path. Defeat the
Mekenobites here and turn your attention to the puzzle at the midway
point of the area. Turn on your Echo Visor and hit the central lock on
the door to hear a series of tones. Now what you need to do is hit the
keys one by one to form the same sound. When the door opens, go
inside to get the Missile Expansion. When you have it, leave and head
through the Annihilator door. Make your way to Controller Access, spin
the room and emerge in the Sanctuary Energy Controller. Walk toward
the generator and you'll restore power.
Continue Walkthrough...
From the Sanctuary Energy Controller, head back to the Main Gyro
Chamber. Take the down elevator and step into the next room. Activate
the Echo Visor and switch to the Annihilator Beam. Target the center of
the locked door to hear a series of tones. Repeat the tune by hitting the
nearest soundwave beacon once, the far one once, and the middle one
twice. This will unlock the door, revealing a kinetic ball cannon.
Roll into the cannon to get launched up into the sphere, revealing a
Power Bomb Expansion. Once you have it, head through Dynamo
Works to the elevator in Control Area Transport East. Head to the Hall
of Combat Mastery. Once here, go toward the portal room. Drop a
Power Bomb in the glass hallway leading to the portal, shattering the
floor. Head through the hex door that you can now access.
When you back to the Wastes, it's a good idea to save if you haven't
recently. Power Bomb the yellow door and roll into the ensuing morph
ball hole. When you emerge in the Main Reactor, scan the Luminoth
corpse for some Lore. Roll down the spider ball track and go around the
corner to find another. Roll. up it and boost across to a moving cylinder.
Move around the spider ball track on the cylinder and boost to the next
one. Repeat this all the way across until you reach a Missile Expansion
under glass. Power Bomb it to grab the power-up.
Take the elevator up and follow the path to the dark door and move
through to Sand Processing (you can proceed to save from here if you
haven't already). Use the half-pipe in Sand processing to boost up to a
small tunnel (near the front of the room, where the turrets show up).
Roll back and bomb jump into the tunnel then continue to a room with
a bomb slot. Bomb it and you'll see the sand drain out of the previous
room, exposing a Missile Expansion. Go grab that.
Backtrack to the Main Reactor and go through the dark door to get to
the Command Center. Use the portal here to head to the Dark world.
In Dark Aether, go to the dark door on the higher platform and head
through Oasis Access, Dark Oasis and the Hall of Stairs. Use the save
station and continue on to Phazon Site. Here you will encounter several
Dark Tallon Metroids. Make sure you scan them then use a Light Beam
charge shot and then a missile to kill them quickly. When they're out of
your way, head to the middle platform and use the Screw Attack to
reach the Annihilator door at the side of the room. Go through the door
to find the Sonic Boom. Using the Annihilator Beam, press and hold A to
charge, then press Y to fire. Head back to the Dark Oasis and use the
portal there to go back to the Light.
Light Aether: Agon Wastes
You will appear back in the Main Reactor. Head to the hex door that
leads to Sand Processing. Go through here and continue to Bioenergy
Production. Here, take down the Dark Tallon Metroids and activate the
controls for the moveable platforms at the center of the room. Once
they're powered on, head to the other side of the room and drop all
three sections of the middle tower to make it possible to get to the
other side of the room.
Once you've done that, locate the spider ball track on the right side of
this area. Roll through the ducts, using the spider ball tracks to bridge
the gaps. Soon, you'll get to a set of tracks that wrap around some
curved platforms. Boost between them until you reach a track leading
across the room. Follow it until you can boost to another strip of spider
ball track. Finally, boost to the next ledge and grab the Missile
Expansion from the next room.
Head to the Biostorage Station. Upon arriving, scan the left panel for
some Lore. Continue to the main part of the room and scan the
Metroid Cocoons and the Infant Tallon Metroids that issue from them.
Head through the hex door on the right side of the room and continue
through to the Command Center, Command Center Access, Central
Mining Station, Central Access and on to Mining Station A.
Use the Echo Visor in thiss area to help you find three soundwave
devices to disable. This will cause the three large discs in this area to
move, and expose a power-up. Follow the ray of light emanating from
the side of the cavern to get to it. Use the Screw Attack to get over
there, and you'll score another Energy Tank. When you're done,
continue to the Transport to Temple Grounds. The hex door you need is
right under your current position.
Watch the cut scene with U-Mos. You have restored power to three of
the temples, but one remains--The Sky Temple. Before you head there,
though, you'll get one last suit, the Light Suit. There is a teleporter now
at the center of the Temple, but you can't use it for where you need to
go now. Return to Temple Grounds via Transport C.
You'll find yourself in Base Access. Drop from the narrow ledge and
battle Inglets and follow the path to a green door. Blast it with a Super
Missile and continue until you reach a halfpipe. Walk through it until
you see what looks like a massive temple. Use a Seeker Missile burst on
the door of it to recover a Missile Expansion.
Continue to the hex door tucked into a hidden path. Go through the
hex door and change to the morph ball to go to Shrine Access. When
you roll out into the room proper, scan the Corrupted Sentreyes that
are slicing up the room with their lasers. Use the Seeker Missile on the
purple door and head through to Gateway Access, blasting the
tentacles that cross your path.
In Defiled Shrine, kill the Warrior Ing then switch to your Dark Visor and
find the Flying Ing Cache. Hit it once, then scan it. Destroy it completely
and it will drop one of nine Sky Temple Keys. Once you have it, return
to Base Access and go back through to the Light world.
Continue Walkthrough...
You'll find yourself in the Plain of Dark Worship. Scan the Ingclaw here
and head across the area to find a Missile Expansion sitting alone in a
small nook.
Use your Seeker Missile on the purple door and move through it. Shoot
the Venom Weed in Lake Access and move to the Accursed Lake. Upon
arrival, scan the dormant Ingclaw. Once that's done, take down the
Hunter Ing here and plop into the water, making your way through the
murk to the opposite end of the level. Use the Dark Visor to see the
Flying Ing Cache and drop it to get another Sky Temple Key, your
Return to the portal and head back to Temple Grounds.
Head through the hex door on the right of the Temple Assembly Site,
heading to Dynamo Chamber. Use a Power Bomb on the gate that
blocks your path. Roll forward and drop another one on the cracked
section of wall to acquire a Power Bomb Expansion.
From here, use a Power Bomb on the next gate and continue to
Communication Area. Follow the path forward until you see a ledge to
the left. Use a Power Bomb on the glass bubble here. Drop inside to
score another Missile Expansion. Go through the Trooper Security
Station and Power Bomb the gate to get through to the GFMC
Use the Screw Attack to jump from the ledge over to the space ship. On
the far end of the ship is another Missile Expansion. Now that you have
the Light Suit, head back to Fortress Transport Acces and move to the
yellow beam of light. It will zap you to a room that contains an Energy
Return to the GFMC Compound, cross the Sacred Bridge and Follow it
to Sacred Path. Head to the portal here and return to the Dark realm.
Head through the hex door at the opposite end of Profane Path to
reach the Phazon Pit. Take down the Metroid then grapple across the
gap and head through the door to Phazon Grounds. Kill all the Metroids
here then activate the Dark Visor and leap on the platforms to get to
the Missile Expansion.
When you get it, head to the purple door and use seeker missiles to
drop the lock. Go through to Reliquary Access. Go through the light
door at the other end and step into Reliquary Grounds. Follow the path
up and over a bridge to get to another hex door. This leads to the Ing
Reliquary. Use the Dark Visor to light up your enemy and kill it to get
the third Sky Temple Key. Once you have it, return to the portal and
return to Light.
From the Sacred Path, where you return, head up Temple Transport A
and continue to the Great Temple. Use the teleporter here to head to
the Agon Wastes.
You will arrive at the Agon Energy Controller. Head through Controller
Access and Agon Temple and go through the dark door to get to the
Mine Shaft. Follow it through to Mining Station B. Use a Power Bomb
on the section of cracked rock (scan the area if you can't find it). Go
through the light door to find Storage A, where you'll get another
Missile Expansion.
Return to the kinetic ball cannon and shoot yourself across the abyss.
Go through the hex door and roll through Ventilation Area A to the
Main Reactor. Take the elevator up and follow the path to the dark
door. Continue to the Command Center. Go through the portal to the
Dark realm.
Go to Dark Oasis when you get to the Dark side. Use a Power Bomb on
the cracked wall near the door and plop into the dark water. Switch to
the Dark Visor and look for the Ing to kill. Doing so will yield the fourth
Sky Temple Key. Five to go.
Go to Doomed Entry and go through to the Feeding Pit. Go into the
murky water and explore to find the Power Bomb Expansion. Return to
Doomed Entry and hop up to the dark door to proceed. Go through to
the Battleground. Kill the Warrior Ing here and activate your Dark Visor.
This will show you several floating platforms.
Hop from one platform to another, across the room (if you fall off, go
back to Double Path and try again). Find the Flying Ing Cache once you
reach the other side and take it down to get the fifth Sky Temple Key.
Once you get it, blast open the green door and step through the door to
get to Warrior's Walk.
Power Bomb the weak section of floor above the Phazon in this room
and boost back to find a Missile Expansion. Keep moving through
Judgment Pit to Junction Site, where you will roll into a morph ball
tunnel. Roll to a spherical structure with a channel running through it.
Pop up to the spider ball track and roll up to the bomb slot. This will
rotate the structure, allowing you to gain access to the Missile
Expansion below.
Keep moving to the Duelling Range and go through the dark door here
to Ing Cache 4. There is a morph ball hole here (right as you step off the
first ledge) that willl access another Missile Expansion. Once you have
it, proceed through Save Station 2 through the Crossroads and on to
Portal Site. Use the portal there to head back to the Light realm.
Light Aether: Agon Wastes
Go through to the Transport Center. Here, boost up the low side of the
halfpipe. Head through the hex door and use the Transport to Torvus
Continue Walkthrough...
Return to the Torvus Grove and use the halfpipe to get up to the dark
door. Move through Grove Access to the Forgotten Bridge. From the
dark door, head slightly left to find a locked missile door. Blast through
it and continue to Plaza Access. Use bomb jumps to maneuver to the
bomb slots here and bomb them to change the path. Bomb jump to the
area above the second piece you rotated and head into the tunnel it
leads to. Outside, use the halfpipe to boost up to the Missile Expansion
on the right.
Return to Plaza Access and head for Torvus Plaza. Use the halfpipe here
to boost up to a spider ball track on the right side. Maneuver through
the first part of the puzzle, bomb jumping, dropping and rolling across
narrow platforms until you reach a section of rotating spider ball tracks.
Time your jumps to climb it and head over to the next one. To get past
this, jump to the first little square of track, then fall to the track below.
Roll right and hop up to the next square over. This will allow you to get
to the top of this part of the puzzle. Continue until you reach a kinetic
ball cannon and use it to shoot over to an Energy Tank.
Return to Forgotten Bridge and find the portal. Go through to the Dark.
Continue to the Poisoned Bog. Drop into the water and turn on the
Dark Visor to see the Flying Ing Cache. Explode it to get the sixth Sky
Temple Key. Go back through Putrid Alcove and into Dark Forgotten
Bridge. Use the portal there.
Right when you arrive, you will see two walls that will allow you to wall
jump up to a Missile Expansion.
After you get it, use the spider ball track in the outside room to get up
to the bridge, which you should follow up to the Undertemple Shaft.
Continue on to the Sacrificial Chamber. Use Power Bombs on the pieces
guarding the light and dark doors then head through the dark one. In
Undertransit Two, hop in the ball cannon to shoot yourself into the
tunnel. Avoid the pistons as you roll through then time a jump on the
final piston to get up to another cannon that will take you the rest of
the way.
When you get to the Dungeon, head underwater and scan the
Watchdrone you find there. Use the Light Beam on the beacon above it
and the drone will move away, revealing an opening in the wall. Roll
through it and repeat the process on the next drone you see.
In the next chamber, use the Dark Visor to see a Flying Ing Cache. Shoot
and destroy it to get the seventh Sky Temple Key. Go through
Undertransit One to the Crypt and head through the portal there to get
back to the Light.
In the Gathering Hall, find the Annihilator Beam door and go through to
Tunnel Transit South. Roll to the left and find a bomb slot. Use it to
change the current in the tunnel. Head up to the top of the area (using
multiple bomb jumps to get up the shafts of current). Activate the
second slot and drop back down under the wire cage. Go all the way to
the top, then far to the right to find the final bomb slot. Go back one
tunnel left and double jump here to claim the Missile Expansion.
Once you have it, head all the way left and exit to the Catacombs. Keep
going to the Training Chamber. If you haven't already, scan the Lore
here and scan the Dark Bloggs for some Creature info. When they are
dead, roll up the spider ball track and boost across to a semi-circular
track. Roll under it and boost over to the track. Bomb jump across the
spider tracks and head up until you see a rounded mass of tracks on the
ceiling. Head toward the statue and drop down to the platform below.
Hop up to the bomb slot and activate it then fall into the water and
claim the Missile Expansion that is revealed.
When you have it, roll up the spider ball track and power bomb the
yellow door to get to Fortress Transport Access. Head across the
rotating platforms to get to the opposite door and go up to elevator to
Sanctuary Fortress.
With your new missiles in hand, go to the Hall of Combat Mastery. Use
the portal there to slip back into the Dark.
Head into the nearby hex door to reach the Hazing Cliff. Be sure to scan
the Dark Diligence Drones here (Light Beam works best) and continue
to the tunnel to get another Missile Expansion.
Go through the Culling Chamber to Unseen Way and use the Screw
Attack to cross the gap, emerging in the Hive Reactor. Move to the
bottom floor and head to the yellow door, blasting it open with a Power
Bomb. In Hive Reactor Access, manually target the beacon at the center
of the room and nail it with a Light blast to take down the Night barbs.
As you move through the Entrance Defense Hall, be sure to scan the Ing
Larva Swarm there. Keep moving to Hive Entrance. Use the screw
attack to leap across the large abyss polluted with Preed. On the other
side of it, step into the yellow beam of light and you'll be transported
up higher. Use the Screw Attack again to return to the other side. There
is a Flying Ing Cache here... look for it with the Dark Visor and blast it to
gain the eighth Sky Temple Key.
If you want to save, go back to the Hive Reactor and head through the
red door to find a Save Location. The opposite room is Ing Cache 1, and
it contains an ammo station. Once you have the goodies, return to the
Culling Chamber. Go through the portal to head back to the Light.
Once in the Dark world, go through the hex door to reach Hive Dynamo
Works. Roll through the tunnel here to get to the main portion of the
room. Roll up the spider ball track near the door and use it to boost to
the floating sphere (hang on with R, of course).
From here, roll to the red node and boost to another sphere as it enters
your view. Use this to boost to another spider ball track on the wall to
get to another ledge. Turn on the Dark Visor and look for the Flying Ing
Cache. Drop it to claim the final Sky Temple Key. Return to the portal
and go back through to the lighter side of life.
From Base Access, go to the War Ritual Grounds and head through
Shrine Access to the Sky Temple Gateway. Head to the center of the
area to deliver the nine keys to their appropriate place. When this is
done, you will be able to access the Sky Temple through the yellow
beam at the center of the room.
When you reach the Sky Temple, use the Save Location at the top of
the room and proceed around to the hex door. Wall jump up to another
hex door and get ready for a major boss fight.
Stage One: In the first stage of this fight, the Emperor Ing will use its
tentacles to try to damage you. It will do this by sweeping them across
floor. Watch out... sometimes it will sweep around a couple times at
different levels, so always be watching. Double jump to avoid this
attack. If the tentacles glow purple while flinging around the room, the
best tactic is to shrink back near the wall. Be sure that you you don't
step on the Phazon that rings the room, or you'll take constant damage.
Often, the boss will gather all the tentacles together and create a ball of
energy, which it attempts to whip at you. If you can manage it, this is a
good opportunity to take out the tentacles with some missile blasts.
Don't stick around for the energy ball, though, as it will rock your health
bar good.
To drop the first form of the boss, target its tentacles with the
Annihilator Beam and use three or four shots per limb to take it out
(you can also use missiles). If you want to try to get them all at once,
drop into morph ball form when the tentacles sweep the floor and use
a Power Bomb. When all of the tentacles go inside, it's time to focus on
the giant eye that forms. You will have to target between the gap to do
any damage, so make sure you dash against the way it's turning to get a
good shot off. Try to hit this form with a Sonic Boom, or Super Missiles.
If these attacks are too slow, and you find yourself missing often, a
charged-up Light Beam also works nicely, and fires a lot faster.
The boss will only stay in the vulnerable state for a matter of seconds,
then it will revert to the tentacle form. Each time, the tentacles will
grow in number and be a little more vicious. In addition, a new portal
attack will be added to the mix. The best way to avoid this is simply to
lock on and back up. When you finally chisel this form's health down to
zero, the second stage will begin.
Roll around the surface of the boss and look for nodes that tentacles
appear from. Just as a tentacle is about to appear a couple bubbles of
Dark Ing will appear there, so lay multiple bombs in that area to take
them down. When you effectively explode a node, gas will emit from it.
Bombing all of them will slay this form.
As you move around the surface of the boss, puddles of Ing will chase
you around. Bomb them to yield power-ups and heal from the brutal
fight you just survived. You can leave one tentacle un-bombed and
collect stuff until you refill most of your supplies, then bomb the last
one when the gas appears imminent. Once the last tentacle goes down,
it's on the the final form.
Stage 3: The Mutated Emperor Ing looks like a large, nasty Warrior Ing.
Its heart is protected, so you need to make it a different color to
damage it. When fire appears in its mouth, shoot a Super Missile into
the craw to change it to a different color. When it turns dark, use Light
Beam to damage it. When it turns light, use Dark to damage. Or, if
you're having trouble scoring hits with Dark, resort to the Annihilator
Beam in quick bursts to loosen it up. Don't ever waste ammo when the
creature's mouth is closed.
Most of the defense in this stage is about dashing away from the
creature's attacks. It will create shafts of energy much like the Warrior
Ing and shoot those at you, and it's just a matter of sidestepping them.
When the beast charges, get on the move, either to the side or straight
under it. Quickly turn and lock again and be ready to dish the next
helping of pain. When the Emperor falls one fight remains.
However, first you need to get out. Use the platforms at the center of
the room and Screw Attack over to the hex door. Once through, drop
down the wall climb shaft and head to the teleporter in the next room.
When you arrive in the Temple, it's time for the final battle.
When Dark Samus switches forms, be sure to scan her. This time, she
will rise in the air and surround herself with a sphere of Phazon. At this
point, she will only be susceptible to Phazon herself. Dodge the Phazon
beam attacks she dishes out by dashing while locked on.
When she tosses up a rain of Phazon, charge up your Power Beam to
collect it. When the beam turns blue, let fly with a Phazon burst while
locked on. Repeat if more Phazon particles appear. When Dark Samus
drops to the ground, back up as she charges and hit her with Light
ammo or charged Power shots. Watch out for her slam attack... if you
get in the halo of that, you will receive damage. Follow the pattern, hit
her with as much Phazon as possible and persevere, and you'll win the
fight. Congratulations on beating Metroid Prime 2: Echoes!...
Power Suit Upgrades
Morph Ball Bomb: Light Aether, Agon Wastes. Beat the Bomb Guardian
to earn it.
Space Jump Boots: Dark Aether, Agon Wastes. Beat the Jump Guardian
to earn it.
Dark Beam: Light Aether, Agon Wastes. Beat Dark Samus to earn it.
Dark Suit: Dark Aether, Agon Wastes. Beat Amorbis to earn it.
Super Missile: Light Aether, Torvus Bog: Beat Pirates in Torvus Temple
to earn it.
Grapple Beam: Dark Aether, Torvus Bog: Beat Grapple Guardian to earn
Dark Burst: Light Aether, Agon Wastes: Find it in Mining Station B.
Dark Visor: Dark Aether, Torvus Bog: Beat Chykka to earn it.
Power Bomb: Dark Aether, Torvus Bog: Beat Power Bomb Guardian to
earn it.
Echo Visor: Light Aether, Sanctuary Temple: Beat Dark Samus 2 to earn
Annihilator Beam: Dark Aether, Ing Hive: Beat Quadraxis to earn it.
Light Suit: Light Aether, Great Temple: After restoring power to three
temples, visit U-Mos to get this suit.
Energy Tanks
5. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Transit Tunnel East: Use bomb slots in the
tubes to change the current, then use bomb jumps to get up to the
6. Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Mine Shaft: Bomb jump on top of the
cracked block and bomb jump one more time to a higher ledge to the
left. Boost left, hop up then boost left again to head inside a wall. Bomb
jump up and left, then go up once more. Continue left to fall down to
the Tank.
7. Dark Aether: Torvus Bog, Cache B: Open the green door in Dark
Torvus Temple to get it.
9. Light Aether: Sanctuary Fortress, Reactor Core: Use the orb cannon
to blast to the center sphere and hang on with the spider ball. Boost
using the red nodes on the spheres, avoiding the electric charges.
10. Light Aether: Sanctuary Fortress, Watch Station Access: Jump to the
ledge to get this power-up.
11. Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Mining Plaza: Use Echo Visor to find and
shoot three audiowaves. This will make a beam of lighht appear. Screw
Attack to the source of the light to earn the Tank.
12. Light Aether: Temple Grounds, Fortress Transport Access: Once you
have the Light Suit, go into the Light Beam here to be transported to
the Tank.
13. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Meditation Vista: Screw Attack over to the
platform and ride it to the power-up.
14. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Torvus Plaza: Boost up the halfpipe and
cling to the spiderball track above. Follow the tracks up to the Tank.
Missile Expansions
2. Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Sand Cache: Once you can open amber
doors, go to Mining Station A and scan that door. Head through the hex
door to get the Expansion.
3. Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Portal Access A: Use the ball cannon to
get to the other side of the room. Roll under the cannon contraption
there to find the expansion near a corpse.
5. Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Command Center: Roll under the floor
here and explore to find the Expansion.
10. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Underground Tunnel: Roll under the grate
near the door to claim it.
11. Light Aether: Temple Grounds, Hive Chamber A: After you talk to U-
Mos and return to this chamber, defeat the Dark Missile Trooper here
to gain the missiles.
12. Light Aether: Temple Grounds, Hive Chamber B: Next to the morph
ball hole is a capped tunnel. Bomb it to get inside. and get the
14. Dark Aether: Torvus Bog, Undertransit One: Roll as far left as you
can in the bottom tube of this area then bomb jump up to the top tube,
heading through the contraption in the middle. Roll all the way right in
the bottom tube. Bomb jump up to the next tube then jump once more
up and right to get the missiles.
16. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Abandoned Worksite: Once you have the
grapple beam, use it to grapple over to the power-up.
17. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Portal Chamber: Go to Portal Chamber in
Dark Aether. Jump up to the morph ball hole, roll through and ride the
piston down. Go through to the Light and grab the Expansion.
18. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Path of Roots: Once you have the grapple
beam, use it to swing over to the missiles on the ledge.
19. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Torvus Lagoon: You need Gravity Boost to
gain this power-up. Explore the underwater area to find the Expansion
floating above some Venom Weed.
20. Light Aether: Great Temple, Transport A Access: Next to the save
location. Roll back there and bomb the pile of rocks to get down to the
21. Light Aether: Sanctuary Fortress, Dynamo Works: Upon beating the
Spider Ball Guardian, use the spider ball tracks up. At the top of the
area, bomb jump up and to the left then roll to find the Missile
22. Light Aether: Sanctuary Fortress, Hall of Combat Mastery: Find the
spider ball tracks that head into a wall. Maneuver through lasers, fire,
moving platforms and nasty bomb jumps to reach the Expansion.
23. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Gathering Hall: Drop into the water and
use a Power Bomb to break the glass, and another to break the drain
cover. Once it's drained, boost up to the spider ball tracks and
maneuver to bomb slots on both sides of the room. When both are
activated, grapple over to a platform that leads to the goods.
24. Light Aether: Sanctuary Fortress, Main Research: Go to the spider
ball track on the blue wall. Wacth out for the moving parts that try to
knock you off the track as you roll and bomb jump to the top.
25. Light Aether: Sanctuary Fortress, Central Area Transport West: This
is a vertical maze. Head to the top of the room and drop down a level.
Change to the morph ball and enter the chute on the far left. Go right
twice to find the power-up.
26. Dark Aether: Aerial Training Site, Ing Hive: Near the portal is a wall-
jumping wall. Use it to get to the Expansion on the ledge above.
27. Light Aether: Sanctuary Fortress, Sentinel's Path: Hit the door with
the Annihilator Beam and listen to the sound it makes. Hit each of the
locks in the correct order to reproduce the tone and unlock the door.
28. Light Aether: Sanctuary Fortress, Temple Access: Use the Dark Visor
to see the nodes and hit them with the Seeker Missile. Once you
uncover an orb cannon, roll into it. Use the Echo Visor and disable the
audio then ride the cannon again to grab the goodies.
29. Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Ventilation Area A: Roll over to the
block to the right. Eliminate the enemy and get on top of the block then
bomb jump to get up to the higher level, where you can roll left and
gain the power-up.
30. Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Main Reactor: Follow the spider ball
track around the corner from where you enter the bottom part of the
room. When you get to the top portion, use the boost to get to the
rotating spider ball columns. When you get through this, drop a Power
Bomb on the glass at the end to earn the missiles.
31. Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Sand Processing: Boost up the right side
of the halfpipe and go through the tunnel. Scan the console in the next
room and activate the bomb slot to drain the sand out of the previous
room, exposing an Expansion.
32. Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Storage C. Raise the middle platforms
with the control panel in Bioenergy Production then find the spider ball
track nearby. Boost between the tracks and head to the center of the
room. From here, boost to the edge of the triangular platform and from
here, boost one last time to get to the ledge. Blast through the green
door to claim your prize.
33. Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Mining Station A: Find the cracked wall
with your scan visor and drop a Power Bomb next to that portion of
wall. Use the ball cannon to launch up to a spider ball track. Manuever
along it to get to the Expansion on the left.
34. Dark Aether: Sky Temple Grounds, War Ritual Grounds: Switch to
the Dark Visor and locate five red nodes. Use the Seeker Missile on
them to open a path to the Expansion.
35. Dark Aether: Sky Temple Grounds, Plain of Dark Worship: Sitting in
the open.
37. Light Aether: Temple Grounds, GFMC Compound: Use the Screw
Attack to get on top of the ship. You'll find the Expansion at the far end.
38. Dark Aether: Sky Temple Grounds, Phazon Grounds: Screw Attack
across the gap to get it.
40. Dark Aether: Agon Wastes, Warrior's Walk: Use a Power Bomb on
the floor and boost to the far end below... work quickly to avoid getting
hurt a lot by the Phazon.
41. Dark Aether: Agon Wastes, Junction Site: Hop up to the spider ball
track and follow it to a bomb slot. This will shift the room and provide
access to the Expansion.
43. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Torvus Grove: Switch to scan visor and
check out the tree. Drop Power Bombs next to the weak points to bring
the tree down and expose the power-up.
44. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Plaza Access: Activate both bomb slots in
the tunnels to allow access to the top tunnels. Use bomb jumps to get
to the top and claim your prize.
45. Dark Aether: Torvus Bog, Undertemple: After using the portal in
Main Hydrochamber, use the wall jump to get up to the expansion.
46. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Transit Tunnel South: Roll to the left and
find a bomb slot. Use it to change the current in the tunnel. Head up to
the top of the area (using multiple bomb jumps to get up the shafts of
current). Activate the second slot and drop back down under the wire
cage. Go all the way to the top, then far to the right to find the final
bomb slot. Go back one tunnel left and double jump here to claim the
47. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Training Chamber: Roll up the spider ball
track and boost across to a semi-circular track. Roll under it and boost
over to the track. Bomb jump across the spider tracks and head up until
you see a rounded mass of tracks on the ceiling. Head toward the
statue and drop down to the platform below. Hop up to the bomb slot
and activate it then fall into the water and grab the Expansion.
48. Light Aether: Sanctuary Fortress, Sanctuary Map Station: Use the
Light Suit to warp by stepping in the yellow shaft of light. This leads to
the Expansion.
49. Dark Aether: Ing Hive, Hazing Cliff: Kill the Dark Diligence Drones
and grab the Expansion from the tunnel behind them.
Beam Expansions
1. Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Central Mining Station: Man the turret
and blow up three generators in this area. Use the Pirate Skiff to space
jump up to the platforms. Follow the path back to a force field and use
the morph ball to scoot behind it to get the Expansion.
2. Dark Aether: Torvus Bog, Cache A: Head to Poisoned Bog and blast
the purple door with a Seeker Missile burst to uncover the power-up.
4. Dark Aether: Sky Temple Grounds, Profane Path: Use the Echo Visor
to find some audio locks. Shoot the main door with the Annilhilator
Beam. Hit the locks in the right order (to match the tone that the door
makes) in order to gain access to the Expansion.
2. Light Aether: Sanctuary Fortress, Transit Station: Break the glass with
a Power Bomb in this room. Go into the portal. Head past the Dark
Ingsmasher and go into the portal behind it. Go through the tunnel and
head to another portal then go across the spider ball track to reach
another portal. Go through and use more tracks to get to the
expansion. Whew!
3. Light Aether: Sanctuary Fortress, Main Gyro Chamber: Use the Echo
Visor and Annihilator Beam on the door. Once it's unlocked, go into the
orb cannon to get the Expansion.
5. Light Aether: Agon Wastes, Sandcanyon: Use the Screw Attack to get
to the central platform. Use a power bomb to collapse this contraption
and reveal an Expansion.
6. Dark Aether: Agon Wastes, Feeding Pit: Once you have the Light Suit,
go into the putrid water and explore to find the Expansion.
7. Dark Aether: Torvus Bog, Putrid Alcove: Go into the water and use a
Power Bomb on the weak wall. The Expansion is contained within.
8. Light Aether: Torvus Bog, Great Bridge: Find the pile of rocks on the
ledge and Power Bomb it to reveal a tunnel. Roll inside to get the
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