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weak compared to the affinity in the presence of stabilizing anions (e.g., F ,

SO 4 2 -). 302
Heat induced changes on conformation also change binding behavior of proteins.
Upon heat treatment at 75C for 10 and 20 min, the binding affinity of /3-lg for
2-nonanone was reduced and the number of sites for binding was increased.303 This
was related to conformational changes and aggregation of /3-lg.

Measurement of Flavor Binding

Methods for the measurement of flavor binding have recently been reviewed by
Wilson.304 Flavor binding is usually determined by equilibrium measurements using
headspace analysis, membrane dialysis, and solvent extraction techniques.

4.4 Some Selected Processing Effects on the Functional

Properties of Major Milk Proteins
The functional properties of milk proteins depend on the molecular structure, and
consequently on every factor which may modify the molecular structure, including
the source of the milk, the type of protein (caseins and whey proteins), and the
processes used for the preparation or isolation of the milk proteins.29'305"307 Cheftel
and Lorient,17 Kinsella,14 Harper,308 and especially Schmidt et al?09 have suggested
that essentially every step in the processing of milk protein products is important,
either directly or indirectly, in determining the final functional properties of milk
proteins. Major processing steps that have been reported to affect the functional
properties of major milk proteins are given in Table 4.11. However, in many instances, the mechanisms(s) by which a processing step changes functionality is not
In this section, the effect on proteins and their functional properties of two processing effects (heat treatments and filtration processes) are briefly discussed.

4.4.1 Effects of Heat Treatments

Heat processing is generally considered to be one of the most important single factor
influencing functionality, more particularly, whey protein functionality.64'308"314
However, much of the effect of heat thermal treatment depends on the degree of the
treatment and on media conditions (pH, presence of ions such as Ca2 + ). Some of
the contradictory results could possibly be explained by differences in heat treatment
parameters (Lorient et al 1991).29 Effects on Caseins

Caseins in micellar form, and especially sodium casemates, are exceptionally thermostable; typically, milk withstands heating at 1400C at pH 6.7 for 20 minutes before
coagulation occurs and sodium caseinates withstands heating at 1400C for at least

Table 4.11


Effect on Functionality
Whey Proteins

Processing Variables
Thermal treatment
Milk pasteurization
Milk sterilization
Evaporation and concentration
Pretreatment before fractionation
Lipid removal
pH adjustment
Fractionation and isolation
Technique used
Miscellaneous factors (pumping, storage, etc.)
Cheese processing
Starter used
Coagulant used
Process modifications (cooking temperature,
calcium chloride, water washing, etc.)
Storage factors
Casein or whey storage conditions
Casein or whey protein product storage
Sanitation factors
Microbiological load
Antimicrobial agent added





















a: Direct protein conformation or denaturation effect,

b: Indirect protein effect or effect on compositional factors
+ : Variable has an effect; : Variable has no effect.
Adapted from Refs. 9, 64, 308, 309, 312.

60 minutes.312 The remarkable stability of caseins at high temperatures is principally

due to the low levels of secondary and tertiary structures.
From a physicochemical point of view, heating or cooling milk above or below
physiological temperature causes a shift in the calcium phosphate equilibrium which
affects some properties of milk, especially rennet coagulability. On cooling, colloidal
calcium phosphate (CCP) dissolves, and some casein, especially /3-casein, dissociates from the micelles,315'316 contributing to the increase in the rennet coagulation
time (RCT) of milk observed during cold storage. Conversely, on heating, the soluble
/3-casein reassociates with the micelles and the RCT is reduced.312 Furthermore, heat
treatments in the range of 80-150C, such as preheating of milk, in-container sterilization, and UHT processes, induce changes in caseins such as (1) dephosphory-


Protein Type or Structure



Covalent bond formation

Micellar structure

Hydration changes

Whey proteins

Disulfide interchange

lation, (2) proteolysis, (3) covalent bond formation, and (4) changes in casein micellar structures, etc. (Table 4.12) which differ only in rate and not in nature.312
1. Casein is completely dephosphorylated in 5 h at 1200C and approximately
50% dephosphorylation occurs within 1 h.317 Milk concentration increases the rate
of dephosphorylation; preheating has no effect on the rate of dephosphorylation of
unconcentrated milk but reduces the rate for concentrated milk.318 Dephosphorylation, which reduces protein charge, might be expected to affect the heat stability of
milk but its specific contribution has not been quantified.313
2. Although the nature of the proteolysis products formed on heating has not
been studied in detail,312 some authors have reported the appearance of glycopeptides
in milk heated at temperatures >50C, 319 and of peptides similar to the glycomacropeptide after a treatment at 1200C for 20 minutes.320 Furthermore, formation
of nonprotein nitrogen from milk proteins at temperatures >100C is almost linear
with time; 10 to 20% of total nitrogen is solubilized after 5 h at 1200C317 or 60
minutes at 135C.321
3. During heat treatment of proteins, reactions can occur between reactive side
chains of some amino acids, such as Iysine and cysteine, and other amino acid
residues, carbohydrates, or lipids. The browning that occurs when milk is heated at
temperatures > 1000C is a consequence of the Maillard reaction between the carbonyl
group of lactose and the e-amino group of lysine.
4. Heating milk causes a number of changes in casein micelles such as the aggregation of casein micelles during UHT sterilization.322""324 This increase in casein
micelle size probably results from the combined effects of the heat denaturation of
whey proteins and their deposition onto micellar surfaces and from the increase in
micellar calcium which may lead to calcium bridges between micelles.324 The increase in micelle size during heating is also accompanied by a large increase in the
number of very small particles.325'326 These particles may be formed by the breaking
up of casein micelles327"329 due to the removal of colloidal calcium by soluble citrate.
The citrate is normally neutralized by soluble calcium but calcium phosphate precipitates when the milk is heated. Finally, at normal pH, milk coagulation occurs at
14O0C after about 20 minutes. The heat stability of milk, which is considerable

economic importance, is influenced by many compositional factors as well as processing effects.313-330-331 In the case of pH, Rose 332 ' 333 showed that the heat coagulation time-pH profile of most milks (type A) showed a maximum at approximately
6.7 and a minimum at 6.9. The pH effect in milk coagulation is a function of
K-casein concentration on micelle surfaces and the /3-lg concentration in the milk
serum. The minimum appears to be due to the dissociation of K-casein from the
casein micelles at pH >6.9 while the maximum is related to the presence of /3-lg.
Some milk samples from individual cows fail to show minimum and maximum
points on the curve, but instead coagulation time increases as the pH increases from
6.2 to 7.4: such milk is referred to as "type B " . Tessier and Rose 334 eliminated the
minimum in the curve of type A milk by adding K-casein, thus converting it to type
B. They also converted type B milk to type A by salting out some K-casein or by
adding /3-lg. Effects on Whey Proteins

Heating globular proteins causes them to unfold and this unfolding is accompanied
by an endothermal heat effect (heat uptake). This effect may be observed by differential scanning calorimetry as a function of temperature or time.335 Table 4.12
presents the denaturation characteristics of some whey proteins.
1. /3-lactoglobulin. With a denaturation temperature of 78C, /3-lg is the most
stable of the serum proteins. A second thermal change appears near 14O0C caused
by the breakdown of disulphide bonds and additional unfolding of the molecule.335
The heat denaturation of /3-lg is pH dependent. After an acidic heat treatment (pH
2.5,900C, 10 to 15 minutes), /3-lg is still soluble. Two molecular species are present:
one (60%) is soluble at pH 4.5 and is identical to native protein; the other (40%),
insoluble at pH 4.5, has been irreversibly denatured but without aggregation, probably due to the electrostatic repulsions at this pH.336-337 Heating at pH 4.5 (70 to
85C, 15 to 30 minutes) resulted in a denatured /3-lg insoluble throughout the pH
range. Proteins are aggregated due to the formation of intermolecular disulphide
bonds. Heat treatments at neutral pH have also been examined. At 800C, pH 6.8 to
7.5, /3-lg is partially denatured without aggregation and loss of solubility. It seems
that thiol groups, unmasked and activated at pH >6.8, initiate intramolecular disulfide rearrangements that stabilize the molecule.335
2. a-lactalbumin. With a denaturation temperature of 62C, a-la is the least stable
whey protein, but requires the most heat per gram for unfolding. It has long been
assumed that a-la. was the most stable serum protein due to the reversibility of the
heat denaturation at pH 6. Recent studies have clearly shown that the reversible
denaturation of a-la is due to calcium ion dissociation and reassociation from the
protein338 which is a calcium metalloprotein. Solubility studies on purified whey
proteins as a function of pH and temperature showed that a-la is insoluble from pH
3.5 to 5. A solubility minimum is attained at pH 4.2 which corresponds to the
isoelectric point of a-la.339 The partial, reversible thermal denaturation of a-la and
its effect on the solubility of the protein at reduced pH values has been exploited in
the development of a process for whey protein fractionation.340-341

A large variety of heat treatments have been studied to increase the utilization of
whey proteins17'23'26'342"344 as well as the impact of heat treatments inherent to the
processing of milk such as pasteurization. Indeed, even mild heat treatments such
as standard pasteurization have been shown to affect the functionality of whey protein concentrates.345-346 Morr345 reported that pasteurization (72C for 15 seconds)
of cheese whey increased the foaming of a cheese whey concentrate at both pH 4.5
and pH 9.0, whereas the pasteurization of acid whey decreased the foaming of an
acid whey protein concentrate. Mangino et ai346 studying these same products,
found that the binding of alkanes by whey protein concentrates was increased by the
pasteurization of both types of whey.
Lorient et al.29 have studied the emulsifying and foaming properties of purified
a-la and /3-lg as a function of heat treatment and pH. The two proteins show improved emulsifying activity when heated at 700C for 30 minutes at acid or neutral
pH; the activity of /3-lg is always higher. When heated at 900C for 60 minutes,
emulsifying activity is only improved at acid pH. As for foaming properties, the
combined effects of pH and heat treatment appear to be different for the two proteins;
a positive effect when heated at basic, neutral or isoelectric pH for /3-lg, and an
negative effect a-la (especially at pH 2). Conversely, the foaming properties of
a-la are improved at pH 2-5.

4.4.2 Membrane Separation Processes

New developments in membrane separation processes and their application in the
dairy industry have opened up new possibilities both for the production and utilization of milk protein ingredients. The use of classical isolation methods such as
precipitation with acid, heat or chemicals, and isoelectric coagulation, affect the
native state of milk proteins and thus their functional properties. Conversely, the use
of membrane processes for separation or concentration is based on differences in the
physical characteristics of milk components such as their molecular weight. As a
consequence, the native state of the proteins is not altered.347'348
Membrane separation processes are generally divided into four categories according to the molecular size of the retained solutes. Fig. 4.10348 shows schematically
the spectrum of particle sizes encountered in various dairy systems in relation to
alternate filtration-based separation processes available to the dairy industry. Information on recent engineering advances involving these processes may be found
elsewhere.349"352 For the purpose of this monograph, the following names and meanings as defined by Jelen348 are used.
Microfiltration (MF) being more specifically used to remove large particles such
as casein fines, microorganisms, or microbial spores, fat globules, somatic cells,
phopholipoprotein particles, etc. (Fig. 4.10) from whey or milk is not treated in the
following section. However, recent information on the influence of operating parameters, and applications of MF in the dairy industry may be found in Olesen and
Jensen,353 Pedersen,354 and Pearce et al.355

Particle Size
Approx. Molecular
Weight (D)

io !

Approx. Flux
Approx. Operating
Pressure (Bar)

Relative size of
milk systems

io' 3



io 3
















Whey Protein Aggregates, Cheese Fines


Yeasts, Molds

Fat Globules

Casein Micelles




510 5

Whey Proteins


Process for

io- !

Traditional Filtration


Figure 4.10 Spectrum of application of membrane separation processes in the dairy industry.
(Adapted from Ref. 348.) Reverse Osmosis (RO)

In reverse osmosis (RO), a purified liquid is separated from the feed solution, which
contains solutes (usually low molecular weight salts) or other liquids. The use of
RO is increasing in the dairy industry for many reasons. First, the concentration of
food process356 streams to 10 to 25% total solids can, in some cases, be accomplished
at lower cost with RO than with evaporation. Second, low temperature concentration
by RO minimizes loss of volatile flavor components and adverse changes in heatsensitive food components. RO can also be used to treat effluent streams to produce
reusable water.
Fouling is a major problem for the RO of whey. Calcium salts, especially calcium
phosphate, are primary foulants.357'358 Whey pretreatments (acidification, heat treatment) to remove or reduce the effects of calcium salts have been studied to improve
performance. However, as explained in a preceding section, the effect of these treatments on whey functionality must be considered. NanoMtration (NF)

The main emerging applications for the dairy industry of NF is for the partial demineralization of whey-like materials.359"360 Since NF is used mainly for the removal of mineral ions that contribute to the osmotic pressure in dairy systems,361*362
the operating pressure reported for some of the experimental uses is lower than the
pressures used in RO. Ultrafiltration (UF)

The traditional application of UF is for the separation and fractionation of individual
milk proteins from lactose and minerals. There are many other industrial uses, consistent with the size exclusion specificity of the process, including the standardization
of milk protein content,363 the production of milk concentrates (casein, casemates,
coprecipitates, etc.),347 or the production of cheese.358'364"369 Information on various
recent applications of UF in the dairy industry may be found elsewhere.347-363'369-370
In the subsequent sections only some classical examples on the use of this process
for protein concentration and the resulting functional properties are dealt with.
1. Ultrafiltration of milk. The composition of ultrafiltered whole or skim milk
retentate as a function of the concentration factor varies in the following ways:
increase in the content of total solids, fat (for whole milk), and protein, and decrease
in the lactose content. Depending on the degree of concentration, there is a corresponding variability in the composition of the concentrate. Distribution of the individual nitrogen fractions is modified during UF. The proportions of casein and whey
protein increase with the concentration factor due to the corresponding decrease in
all the other nitrogen fractions (NPN). Green et al?lx reported that with an increasing
concentration factor the proportion of casein in the micellar form decreases to a
small extent (from 98.8 to 86.1% of total casein). This phenomenon may be due to
an increased interaction with fat in the more concentrated milk. However, Shrilaorkul
et al.372 also noted a decrease in the average diameter of the casein micelles in
ultrafiltered skim milk (3X; 5X) and related it to the change in the composition of
casein and minerals, particularly calcium and phosphate. Casein micelle size distribution in milk is important as it is related to the stability of milk to heat and rennet
coagulation373 and affects the rheological properties of milk products.
Retentates resulting from the UF of milk display different properties from those
of the original milk. There is a change in flow properties (increased viscosity) with
the increasing content of solids. A problem associated with this high degree of
viscosity is that air bubbles in the retentate are not released quickly and may become
incorporated into the product giving a spongy texture.367 Concentration by UF 6X
causes formation of aggregates that do not break upon dilution even during prolonged
storage and can only be disrupted by homogenization at pressures in excess of 200
The heat stability of milk protein concentrates is also different, as they are more
susceptible to denaturation than whey proteins.375 With a heat treatment at 75C for
5 minutes of denaturation increases from 31% in skim milk to 64% in UF retentates
with a concentration factor of 4.4:1. 376 However, the soluble milk proteins resulting
from the UF of milk will usually keep their original functional properties to a large
extent and the functional properties of the concentrates may even be improved as a
result of the higher protein content.
2. Application of UF to cheesemaking. The main application of UF technology
in cheesemaking is for the standardization of protein content, especially for the
production of Camembert in France377 and UF Feta in Denmark.378 The application
of UF technology in cheesemaking is usually linked to the expectation of obtaining

an increased yield due to a better recovery of fat and protein. However, if in most
cases UF technology allows substantially better yields, in some cases there has been
no yield improvement over traditional cheesemaking.366 Apart from extra yield, UF
technology has other potential advantages compared to thermoseparation technology.
The UF process is simple, allows on accurately control total solid content, and is
less sensitive to pH variations.369
The important factor is the kind of cheese being made and the amount of syneresis
that must take place in the cheesemaking process after UF is complete. Cheesemaking parameters such as calcium and lactose concentration have to be considered when
UF milk is used. Cheeses made from precheese normally possess a stronger buffering
power than that associated with traditional cheese of the same type, making it more
difficult to attain the optimum low pH which controls texture, quality, and spoilage
UF can also be used to concentrate the milk to total protein concentration ratios
not exceeding 2:1, after which cheesemaking proceeds in the traditional manner. The
resulting cheeses usually satisfy existing standards of identity, but yield increases
are modest.
3. Ultrafiltration of whey. Whey is ultrafiltered to concentrate the native whey
proteins to obtain powders with varying protein content. Although whey protein
concentrates have been produced since 70, their full potential has not been realized
due to variations in functional properties.379"383 A recent survey of commercial whey
protein concentrates (WPC) and whey protein isolates (WPI), confirmed a high degree of variability in gross composition, individual protein composition, physicochemical properties, and flavor of WPC.385 A number of whey pretreatment methods
have been developed to improve UF membrane flux rates and increase overall recovery. Some pretreatments have led to real improvement such as (1) the clarification
procedure for acid and sweet wheys developed by de Wit et a/.379'384 involving the
precipitation of bacteria and lipids at pH 4.6; (2) microfiltration prior to UF to clarify
and remove the fouling components;386'387 and (3) delipidation by thermocalcic aggregation.341-388'389 Pretreatments are important because they can modify the protein
retention ratio and consequently the composition and the functional properties of the
WPC.389 WPC composition is also altered by the concentration factor reached during
the UF and the diafiltration step which lowers the lactose/protein and salt/protein
For whey protein concentrates produced by UF processes, pretreatment processes
induce protein/calcium interactions, and storage can induce changes in protein
conformation due to differences in the functionality of whey protein products.309
Mangino et at.346 found that ultrafiltration increased the hydrophobicity of the whey
protein concentrates as measured by alkane binding. Harris et al.390 reported that
ultrafiltration caused a slight increase in surface hydrophobicity.

4.5 Conclusion
Certain techniques that can be used to modify the functional properties of dairy
proteins such as cross-linking with transglutaminase, succinylation, phosphorylation,

amidation and esterification, thiolation, glycosylation, etc.,261-391 396 will not be discussed because, as far as we know, they have not gone beyond the experimental
Chemical treatments can be used to substantially modify the functional properties
of milk proteins.397 However, there is some doubt as to the negative effects on
nutritional value as well as to the presence of trace amounts of the chemicals remaining after the treatment which limits the use of chemically modified proteins for
the present.
The development of physical treatments for the concentration and separation of
milk proteins will allow the industrial-scale production of enriched protein fractions
that are relatively pure and that have specific nutritional properties. The physiological
or functional properties of certain sequences,5'6'396'398"403 and the infinite possibilities for generating new sequences by enzymatic hydrolysis makes it possible to
envisage significant advances in high value-added industries (parapharmaceutical,
cosmetic).7-404 The transformation of milk proteins into a wide range of food ingredients will allow the use of previously surplus protein, will meet the requirements
of the food industry in terms of functionally specific ingredients and will allow the
dairy industry to compete a better footing with other protein sources. Competition
from vegetable proteins has become very stiff, with proteins from vegetable sources
already in a dominant position for many food ingredients:26 it is primordial that the
dairy industry will be able to provide ingredients with superior functional properties
to once again become the principal source of ingredients for the food industry.405
Consequently, to optimize the use of milk protein as a food ingredient, more
research is still needed on:
1. Investigation of individual functional properties and factors affecting them;
2. Obtaining a better understanding of the manner in which protein/ingredient interactions affect the properties of foods that contain milk protein products;
3. Standardization of methods for testing functionality both in aqueous systems and
in model food systems, with more attention to standardization of model food
systems in the future; and
4. Processing-induced effects on functionality, with emphasis on fractionation, concentration, drying, and storage.

4.6 Acknowledgments
We would like to thank Dr. Michel Britten, Dr. Sylvie Gauthier, Dr. Yves Pouliot,
and Dr. Jean-Christophe Vuillemard for reading the manuscript and for their helpful
comments. Their excellent advice, however, was not always followed and we must,
therefore, accept full responsibility for any remaining errors and shortcomings. We
would also like to thank Mrs. Raymonde Gosselin for typing the manuscript and
Mr. Gene Bourgeau for editorial assistance. Finally, we also thank editors and authors who have given permission to copy tables and figures from published works.
Furthermore, although this chapter was a team effort, we would like to underline
more specifically that, under the supervision of Paul Paquin (Director of the Dairy

Sciences Research Center, Universite Laval, Quebec), Olivier Robin was responsible
for the section dealing with "Protein-Protein and Protein-Surface Interactions," and
Dr. Sylvie Turgeon for the section dealing with "Some Processing Effects."

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