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Journal of Statistical Software


-1 0 -1
1 -1 0
0 -1 -1
-1 0 1
-1 -1 0
1 1 0

Variable codings ...

x1 ~ (Force - 20)/3
x2 ~ (Rate - 50)/10
x3 ~ Polish - 4
By default, the variable names are x1, x2, . . . and the experiment is randomized. If there
are 4 or 5 factors, the design is blocked by default (this is not possible for other numbers of
factors), and the blocks are randomized separately.
One of the most popular response-surface designs is the central-composite design (CCD), due
to Box and Wilson (1951). A simple example is the chemical-reaction experiment presented
in the preceding section. These designs allow for sequential augmentation, so that we may
first experiment with just one block suitable for fitting a first-order model, and then add more
block(s) if a second-order fit is needed. Typically, we generate the whole design at once, but
only actually run the parts that are needed.
The blocks in a CCD are of two typesone type, called a cube block, contains design
points from a two-level factorial or fractional factorial design, plus center points; the other
type, called a star block, contains axis points plus center points. In the following discussion,
the term design points refers to the non-center points in a block. The levels of the factors
are coded, so that the cube blocks contain design points with coordinate values all equal to
1, and center points at (0, 0, . . . , 0). The design points in the star blocks are at positions of
along each coordinate axis. The value of , and choices of replications of design points
and center points, are often selected based on considerations of rotatability (i.e., the variance
of the prediction depends only on the distance from the center) and orthogonality of blocks
(so that the coefficients of the fitted response-surface equation are not correlated with block
Table 1 displays the parameters of a CCD, along with the names used by the function
ccd.pick to be described shortly. Suppose that there are k variables to be varied. For
the cube blocks, we start with a given 2kp fractional factorial design (or full factorial, when
p = 0). We may either use this design as-is to define the design points in the cube block(s).
Alternatively, we may confound one or more effects with blocks to split this design into blks.c
smaller cube blocks, in which case each cube block contains 2kp /blks.c distinct design points.
The star blocks always contain all 2k distinct design pointstwo on each axis.
Once the designs are decided, we may, if we like, replicate them within blocks. We may also
replicate the center points. The names wbr.c and wbr.s (for within-block reps) refer to the
number of replicates of each design point within each cube block or star block, respectively.
Thus, each cube block has a total of n.c = wbr.c 2kp /blks.c design points, and each star
block contains wbr.s 2k design points. We may also replicate the center pointsn0.c times
in each cube block, n0.s times within each star block.
Finally, we may replicate the blocks themselves; the numbers of such between-block replica-

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